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13 février 2018 2 13 /02 /février /2018 12:50
Tiger HAD-E Attack Helicopter from Spanish Armed Forces photo Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra

Tiger HAD-E Attack Helicopter from Spanish Armed Forces photo Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra

18.02.13 Thales Group


The Spanish Army Aviation (FAMET – Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra) and the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) who have been involved in different UN-peacekeeping missions and are currently deployed in Mali with Tiger helicopters, are increasing their capabilities with Thales’s rockets to meet their ambitions. The Logistic Support Command of the Army (MALE) of Spain and the German Procurement Agency have just awarded Thales for a batch of respectively 1,000 and 10,000 70mm/2.75” rockets to complete the weapon systems of their Tiger HAD-E and their UH Tiger. Deliveries are expected on a very short term base.

10,000 Thales practice rockets for Germany


Produced by Thales in Belgium (Herstal), the 70mm/2.75” rockets offer a high level of safety and efficiency recognised by their worldwide customers on both helicopters and combat fixed wing aircraft. The aim of this contract with the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (http://www.baainbw.de) is to deliver practice rockets to meet the increased demand for training of the German Armed Forces. The rocket will feature a modified rocket motor FZ90 MOD.4 with reduced debris.


First 70mm/2.75” Rockets contract for Spain

Thales 70mm/2.75” rocket system is part of the weapon system installed on the Spanish Tiger fitted with four light weight composite rocket pods, two of 19 tubes (FZ225) combined with two of 7 tubes (FZ233), able to carry a mixed loading of practice and high explosive warhead. On their HAP configuration Tigers, FAMET have used in operation the Thales Induction Rocket System since 2009. Complementarily, with this first batch of Thales 70mm/2.75 rocket, FAMET will now operate on their HAD Tigers the best version of the 70mm NATO standard rocket, which is also in service in German and Australian armies.


Through these new contracts, Thales confirms and strengthens its presence within the Tiger community all over the world. All forces equipped by Tiger helicopters – Spanish, French, German and Australian – are using Thales’s rockets systems solutions, in induction version or in 2.75/70mm.


About Thales

Thales is a global technology leader for the Aerospace, Transport, Defence and Security markets. With 64,000 employees in 56 countries, Thales reported sales of €14.9 billion in 2016. With over 25,000 engineers and researchers, Thales has a unique capability to design and deploy equipment, systems and services to meet the most complex security requirements. Its exceptional international footprint allows it to work closely with its customers all over the world

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7 septembre 2016 3 07 /09 /septembre /2016 12:55
H145M, Tiger & H225M Caracal in action

7 sept. 2016 by Airbus HC


H145M, Tiger & H225M Caracal in action

The H225M Caracal is a heavy, modern and combat-proven platform able to perform the widest range of missions from special operations to combat search and rescue, tactical transport, medical evacuation as well as a large spectrum of maritime missions.

The Tiger is designed to perform armed reconnaissance, air or ground escort, air-to-air combat, ground firing support, destruction and anti-tank warfare, day or night and in adverse conditions.

Certified in 2015, the H145M is the latest member of the Airbus Helicopters 4-ton-class twin-engine rotorcraft product range – with built-in mission capability and flexibility, especially in high-and-hot operating conditions. In its military version, this economical and versatile helicopter covers the entire spectrum of military missions, from light utility to light attack.

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9 septembre 2014 2 09 /09 /septembre /2014 11:35
Thales boosts Australian Tiger helicopter simulator


September 5, 2014 Thales Group


Thales has successfully delivered a significant upgrade to the Australian Tiger helicopter simulator.


The improvements to the Full Flight Mission Simulator’s (FFMS) Visual Display System (VDS) mean the Australian Tiger simulator now has the highest levels of ‘out of the window’ realism of any Tiger FFMS in the world.


Working closely with prime contractor Airbus Group Australia Pacific and Australian Army Aviation, Thales successfully completed the complex upgrade of the dual-dome simulator ahead of schedule in order to minimise simulator downtime.


The latest generation BARCO F35 projectors and a new PC-based Image Generators were both added and seamlessly integrated into the existing host computers and visual display platform, providing the crews with 240-degrees vertical by 85-degrees horizontal field of view.

In the final stage of the upgrade, the FFMS passed its Recurrent Fidelity Check, which is required to maintain CASA FSD-1 Level 5 (Level D equivalent) accreditation. This is the highest achievable level, and allows the Australian Army to conduct cost-effective training in the safety of the simulator.

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9 septembre 2014 2 09 /09 /septembre /2014 10:50
Tigerschießen über Südfrankreich

9 sept. 2014 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 09/2014 14E12101


Ein Kampfhubschrauber TIGER fliegt über die spärlich bewaldeten Hänge. Plötzlich, links und rechts eines Weges, klappen Ziele auf. Innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen reagiert die Besatzung. Der TIGER senkt die Nase und zieht nach unten. Kurze Feuerstöße sind zu hören. Dann über Funk die Meldung: „Treffer! Alle Ziele bekämpft.“
Die Besatzungen, die hier den Kampfeinsatz ihres High-Tech-Hubschraubers üben, sind keine Anfänger. Sie alle haben bereits viel Flug- und auch taktische Erfahrung auf dem Panzerabwehrhubschrauber BO-105, kurz PAH gesammelt. Doch dieses Flugmuster wird durch den Kampfhubschrauber TIGER ersetzt und nun müssen auch die „alten Hasen“ nochmal umschulen. Am Deutsch-Französischen Heeresfliegerausbildungszentrum TIGER in Le Luc wird dafür der Grundstein gelegt.


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7 septembre 2014 7 07 /09 /septembre /2014 18:55
EC725 Caracal and Tiger : Hostage rescue mission

5 sept. 2014 Airbus HC


French Army demonstration

EC725 Caracal & Tiger in tandem

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4 juillet 2014 5 04 /07 /juillet /2014 11:50
Miniserie Quick Reaction Force - Der Tiger im scharfen Schuss


04.07.2014 Bundeswehr


In der Folge 1 der Miniserie begleiten wir die QRF bei einem Übungsschießen mit dem deutschen UH Tiger unter Einsatzbedingungen.

Der operative Einsatz des Tigers in Nord-Afghanistan ist seit Juni 2014 beendet. Wir zeigen somit die letzten Bilder des Tigers im scharfen Schuss.

Das Schießen findet auf einem Luft-Bodenschießplatz außerhalb von Masar-e Scharif statt. Dabei bekämpfen die Hubschrauberbesatzun­gen nach Anweisungen des Forward Air Controllers und der Close Combat Attack Controller Übungsziele aus ausgesonderten Seecontainern und Spinden.


Quelle:Zentralredaktion der Bundeswehr 07/14 14E20201



1) High Risk Operation Light - Mix Chevalier 783015

2) High Risk Operation Light - Mix Chevalier 783014

3) High Risk Operation Chevalier 777037

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24 juin 2014 2 24 /06 /juin /2014 16:50
Suisse : Le sort des vieux Tiger encore en suspens


24.06.2014 Romandie.com ( ats )


Le sort des vieux avions de combat Tiger que devaient remplacer les Gripen reste encore ouvert. Le ministre de la défense Ueli Maurer va encore attendre avant de s'en débarrasser, a-t-il fait savoir devant la commission de la politique de sécurité du National.


Avant de trancher, le conseiller fédéral va présenter son projet réforme de l'armée, qu'il va revoir après le rejet des Gripen par le peuple le 18 mai. Il devrait aussi éclaircir la question d'une adaptation technique des Tiger, comme l'a fait le Brésil.


Certains ont évoqué cette piste pour assurer assez d'avions à l'armée après la votation sur le Gripen. La question n'a pas été abordée en commission, a précisé son président Thomas Hurter (UDC/SH) devant la presse. Mais elle pourrait revenir sur le tapis à la fin de l'année.


La commission veut aussi connaÎtre la stratégie d'Ueli Maurer en matière d'aviation militaire. En attendant, elle propose au plénum, par 20 voix contre 3, de ne pas donner son blanc seing à la mise hors service des 54 Tiger et 258 chars ainsi de 96 chars Léopard et 162 obusiers blindés M109.


Elle avance aussi, à l'instar du Conseil des Etats, des raisons formelles. Selon la loi actuelle, il n'appartient en effet pas au Parlement mais au Département fédéral de la défense de prendre de telles décisions.


Programme d'armement accepté


Le programme d'armement 2014, devisé à 771 millions, n'a quant à lui pas donné de souci à la commission, qui l'a avalisé par 18 voix contre 1. Une proposition de non-entrée en matière, visant un moratoire après le refus du Gripen, a été rejetée par 22 voix contre 1.


Le poste le plus important du programme (440 millions) est destiné à l'achat de 3200 voitures combi 4x4 Mercedes à 5 portes. Une minorité (15 voix contre 6) souhaite un montant moins élevé pour ce poste. Par 16 voix contre 3, la commission soutient l'acquisition de douze véhicules porteurs et de pose de ponts pour 179 millions.


Un crédit de 120 millions servira à l'achat de matériel informatique pour un centre de calcul qui sera intégrée dans le Réseau national de conduite. Enfin, le Conseil fédéral a demandé 32 millions pour 106 simulateurs de tir au laser.

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17 mars 2014 1 17 /03 /mars /2014 11:50
NSPA, OCCAR sign A400M service level agreement


17 March 2014 airforce-technology.com


The Nato Support Agency (NSPA) and the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR) have signed a service level agreement (SLA) for the A400M Atlas next-generation military transport aircraft.


Signed after several years of preparatory and negotiation work with OCCAR and the participating states, the SLA also represents an additional key milestone in the agency's expanded cooperation with OCCAR.


Specifically, the A400M and NH-90/TIGER Programme (LN) will provide electronic materiel support services, namely acquisition of A400M spares in electronic and automated manner over the next four years.


The services are expected to be the same as those currently provided to OCCAR for the Tiger and the NH-90 helicopters.


Designated as a tactical airlifter with strategic capabilities, the A400M can also be configured to perform long-range cargo and troop transport, medical evacuation (MEDEVAC), and aerial refuelling and electronic surveillance missions.


Capable of carrying more than 100 fully equipped troops or a 30t payload, the aircraft features a six-wheel, high-flotation main landing gear, and short soft-field landing and takeoff capability, enabling troop and equipment transportation to Mali or Afghanistan.


Currently operational with the French Air Force, the four-EuroProp TP400-D6 turboprop engines powered aircraft has also been ordered by Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Spain, Turkey and the UK.


The airlifter has recently completed the first phase of airdrop trials flying over the Fonsorbes drop zone near Toulouse, in south-western France, marking the completion of one of the most significant elements of its continuing military flight-test programme.

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