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11 décembre 2014 4 11 /12 /décembre /2014 07:50
  EDA signs Security Arrangement with OCCAR


Bonn - 09 December, 2014 European Defence Agency


European Defence Agency (EDA) Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould and Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'ARmement (OCCAR) Director Tim Rowntree have signed a Security Arrangement between their respective organisations on 8 December 2014. The event took place at OCCAR headquarters in Bonn, in the margins of the biannual meeting of the chiefs of the two partners organisations.


In 2012, EDA and OCCAR signed an administrative arrangement that established the framework of their partnership in the fied of European defence capabilities development and armaments cooperation.

The EDA-OCCAR Security Arrangement complements this Administrative Arrangement as well as the Security Agreement between the European Union and OCCAR. It details the protection and exchange of classified information. The overall aim is to facilitate and further develop cooperation opportunities between the two organizations.


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EDA and OCCAR build links, seeking efficiencies through cooperation

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17 mars 2014 1 17 /03 /mars /2014 11:50
Visite du directeur de l'OCCAr : DCNS se met à l'heure européenne


17/03/2014 DCNS


Le directeur de l'Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement (OCCAr), Tim Rowntree, s'est rendu, mardi 18 février, sur le site DCNS de Lorient où sont construites les frégates multi-missions FREMM.


Il a visité les installations industrielles et pu apprécier, à bord, l'avancement de la construction de la frégate multi-missions FREMM Normandie, deuxième de la série commandée par la Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) pour le compte de la Marine nationale, actuellement en phase d'essais. L'OCCAr est l'agence contractante du programme FREMM au nom de la France et de l'Italie.


Lors de cette visite, le directeur de l'OCCAr a pu constater que le programme FREMM, constitué de onze frégates pour la Marine nationale, se déroule conformément au calendrier prévu. Une telle réussite résulte non seulement du savoir-faire des équipes de DCNS mais aussi d'une étroite collaboration entre l'OCCAr, la Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA) et la Marine nationale.


A bord de la frégate Normandie, la délégation composée de membres de l'OCCAr et de la DGA a visité le Central Opérations, centre névralgique du navire d'où est piloté le système de combat grâce au logiciel SETIS®, conçu et développé par DCNS. Ce logiciel figure parmi les plus complexes actuellement développés dans le secteur de la défense.


Le programme FREMM

Les frégates FREMM ont des capacités exceptionnelles pour faire face à toutes les menaces aériennes, sous-marines et de surface, y compris lorsqu'elles surviennent simultanément. Le niveau d'automatisation des FREMM est sans précédent et sans équivalent pour un navire militaire. Grâce aux logiciels développés par DCNS, le navire requiert un équipage d'une centaine de marins seulement. Cela représente une réduction de 60% par rapport aux frégates de génération précédente actuellement en service dans la marine nationale.


Outre les onze frégates construites dans le cadre du programme FREMM et destinées à la Marine nationale, une frégate supplémentaire, réalisée pour le compte de la Marine Royale Marocaine, a été livrée le 30 janvier 2014.


Le site DCNS de Lorient

Le site DCNS de Lorient est le plus important employeur industriel du Morbihan. Il réalise pour la Marine nationale les frégates FREMM et assure l'intégration de l'ensemble des systèmes et équipements ainsi que les essais à quai et en mer.


DCNS a significativement investi pour faire de son outil industriel l'un des plus modernes d'Europe. Ces investissements bénéficient au Groupe ainsi qu'à l'ensemble de ses sous-traitants. La charge de travail générée par la production des FREMM se répartit en effet pour moitié entre DCNS et ses sous-traitants.


Pour rappel

L'OCCAr, Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement, est une organisation internationale dont la direction est installée à Bonn. Elle a pour coeur de métier la gestion des programmes d'équipements de défense en coopération qui lui sont confiés par les Etats membres. L'OCCAr assure, entre autres, la maitrise d'ouvrage des frégates multi-missions destinées à la France et à l'Italie. Voir http://www.occar.int/.

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22 février 2014 6 22 /02 /février /2014 22:50
OCCAR Director visits EATC Commander

January 2014 OCCAR


On 23 January 2014, the OCCAR Director, Tim Rowntree, visited the Commander of the European Air Transport Command (EATC), Major General Pascal Valentin, at his premises in Eindhoven (NL).

The meeting was held in order to address common fields of interest in the air transport domain. EATC presented its current set up and status and potential future developments while OCCAR-EA briefed on the status of the A400M programme. The first A400M aircraft has been delivered in August 2013 to the French user and has recently been on Operation in Mali. The aircraft will be a major European capability in terms of strategic and tactical air transport. In the future, some user states will provide A400M aircraft under operational control of EATC, allowing a coordinated multinational use of this key capability.

Thus discussions mainly concentrated on the preparation of the use of A400M aircraft. OCCAR-EA briefed on its outline global support strategy, which is currently being developed together with the A400M Participating States. This strategy is based on five key enablers: Common configuration control, common maintenance and repair organisation, a shared logistic support service, common enhancement clearances and the maximum use of the civil certification basis. EATC presented their preparations for the future operation of the A400M and the A400M interoperability framework, which were fully in line with the OCCAR-EA support strategy, making it clear that there was a very closely aligned strategic vision for the aircraft between the two organisations.

Both parties agreed to continue their fruitful exchange on a regular basis.

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22 février 2014 6 22 /02 /février /2014 21:50
Speech: Tim Rowntree, OCCAR Director, UK Defence Forum on 5 February 2014


February, 2014  OCCAR


OCCAR Director Tim Rowntree was invited by UK Defence Forum, a high level non-partisan, non-profit organisation informing the UK Defence Policy debate, to join their recent meeting in London and speak to them. His speech was accompanied by a speech of Mrs Claude-France Arnould, the Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA).

Mr Rowntree addressed four main topics. He firstly introduced OCCAR in general as a modern programme management organisation which was created with a strong vision to improve armaments cooperation in Europe.

Secondly, Mr Rowntree elaborated on the urgency to seek new opportunities to cooperate. Future capabilities and the respective modern European equipment will only be made available when the upfront technological investment is done in cooperation. And European industry will only be able to obtain its competencies and deliver world class capabilities if they are stimulated and challenged by some bigger armament programmes. Important cost savings for the European states can be achieved by cooperation, especially if also a common In-Service Support is implemented.

As a third point Mr Rowntree emphasised the need to avoid national variants of defence equipment. In fact most of the national variants still address the same requirement but strongly increase the cost of the programme. It thus requires strong top-down leadership to challenge evolving considerations of national variants and to ensure interoperability and cost savings to the maximum extent.

Finally he tackled the question whether armaments cooperation can really work effectively. Key to effective cooperation is certainly a proper cooperation model which avoids unnecessary programme interruptions, costly work share requirements, duplication of programme management work and unclear management processes. Recent examples like the A400M programme have shown that if these factors are avoided a world class capability can be successfully delivered in a cost effective manner.
European states need to keep in mind what they can achieve when they work together and that they now need to act with confidence and vision in order to shape major future armament programmes to be delivered at the time needed.

A lively questions and answers session followed the speeches and closed the event.

The full speech can be viewed below: Speech Defence Forum (150kB)



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