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3 décembre 2015 4 03 /12 /décembre /2015 17:30
German Bundeswehr to Deploy Surveillance Tornado Jets to Syria

While the UK has finally decided to deploy Tornado and Typhoon fighters to carry out air strikes in Syria, Germany is expected to only send Tornado reconnaissance variants but no offensive aircraft. (GE Mod photo)

December 3, 2015 defense-aerospace.com
(Source: Deutsche Welle German Radio; issued December 3, 2015)

The German military is expected to strengthen the alliance against the 'Islamic State' (IS) with six Tornado jets for surveillance missions. Up to 1,200 German soldiers are also be deployed for a year.

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) said that a combination of airstrikes and "local ground troops" was the most promising strategy in the fight against the self-declared "Islamic State" (IS).

The role of the six Tornado fighter jets to be sent by Germany is to provide more information on Syria. A refueling aircraft is also to be deployed, in addition to a warship, which will be sent to protect a French aircraft carrier.

No cooperation with Assad troops

In order to move forward on the issue of ground troops, however, von der Leyen said "one of the first aims must first be for the 1,200 armed groups in Syria to reach a ceasefire," adding that it was important to find forces in the region that were ready to go fight.

The defense minister stressed, however, that there would be no cooperation with troops under the command of Syrian President Bashar al- Assad.
Sign to France and Syria

According to von der Leyen, the aim of the military, which would be deployed in January, is to combat and curb IS, destroy their options to retreat and prevent militants from carrying out further terrorist attacks.

Germany's parliament, the Bundestag, is set to approve the mandate on Friday.
In light of November's Paris attacks, von der Leyen said Germany's military action should also be a clear signal to France and "to the people in Syria," that Germany is determined to join the fight against IS.

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3 juin 2015 3 03 /06 /juin /2015 16:30
photo Saudi Air Force

photo Saudi Air Force


May 31, 2015: Strategy Page


As Saudi Arabia carries out the longest air campaign (against Yemen) in its history it was noted that the Saudis were sending up to fifty British made Typhoon and Tornado fighter-bombers a day on combat missions. The Saudis have 80 Tornados and 48 Typhoons with another 72 Typhoons on order. In contrast Britain has 125 Typhoons and 98 Tornados. Because of budget cuts and the resulting shortages of spare parts and maintenance personnel Britain could not put as many Typhoons and Tornados into action as Saudi Arabia. This is another example of how just having a lot of combat aircraft can be misleading. If you cannot afford to keep them flying your air force becomes much less capable than it appears.


For Britain this is nothing new. Since the late 1990s Britain's RAF (Royal Air Force) has had to deal with year after year of budget cuts. By 2011 the years of cutting corners because of shrinking budgets reached the point where a lack of spare parts for the new Eurofighter Typhoon limited the amount of time pilots could spend in the air. This, in turn, led to only eight pilots being certified as qualified to perform ground attack duties in the Eurofighter. While the Eurofighter is mainly an air-superiority ("fighter") aircraft, there is very little call for that sort of thing at the moment. Ground attack, on the other hand, was very much in demand during 2011 when NATO agreed to provide support for Libyan rebels. Now the RAF now finds that the Saudi Air Force has more pilots capable of flying bombing missions than Britain and can put more combat aircraft into the air than the RAF.


The two decades of cuts had already led to cancellations of orders for new aircraft. In 2009 Germany and Britain both decided to cut back on the number of Typhoons they would buy. Thus the final 37 Typhoons Germany agreed to buy for its Luftwaffe (air force) were instead offered for export. Germany would have preferred to just cancel the final 37 aircraft but this would have resulted in over a billion dollars in cancellation fees. But the export option will hurt the Typhoons project as Germany will sell their 37 aircraft for whatever they can get, thus denying the Typhoons (Eurofighter) consortium export sales.


At the same time Britain decided to not take all of its third batch of 88 Typhoon fighters. This cost Britain $2 billion in increased maintenance costs and penalties. Britain did take 40 of the fighters from the third batch and resold another 24 to Saudi Arabia. In effect, Britain was pulling out of the Eurofighter program, and cancelling 16 of the aircraft it was to have received from the third batch. The British government believed that 184 Typhoons would be sufficient and that it could not afford any more than that. That was optimistic and Britain ended up with 125 mew Typhoons and 80 older Tornados that will be retired by the end of the decade. The new American F-35 is supposed to replace the Tornados and some of the older Typhoons. Britain wanted buy 138 F-35s but it looks like 80 is a more realistic, or optimistic number.


Originally, Britain planned to buy 232 Typhoons. Germany was to get 180, Italy 121, and Spain 87. Most of those orders shrank in the 1990s. There are currently 430 Typhoon in service, after entering service in 2003. There are over a hundred still on order but total production will probably not be much more than 600.


Development of the Eurofighter began in the 1980s, and the first flight took place in 1994. Each aircraft costs over $170 million, including development costs. The Typhoon is a somewhat stealthy multi-role fighter. It is fast, maneuverable, and carries a lot of weapons. It also can be used for ground attack missions. This 23 ton aircraft will be the principal fighter in the air forces of Britain, Spain, Germany, and Italy. The Typhoon is closer in capability to the F-15, than the F-22, and is competing with the F-35 for many export sales. The Typhoon was purchased by Saudi Arabia mainly to provide protection from Iran.

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27 mai 2015 3 27 /05 /mai /2015 17:30
RAF Strike on ISIL 19 May


26 mai 2015 by Defence HQ


A Reaper identified a series of fortified positions; it successfully attacked one bunker with a Hellfire missile, then helped direct three attacks by the Tornado GR4s, which used Paveway IV precision guided bombs to destroy an artillery position and two other bunkers.

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27 mai 2015 3 27 /05 /mai /2015 17:30
 RAF Strike on ISIL 21 May

26 mai 2015 by Defence HQ


RAF Tornados attack an ISIL weapons store in a tunnel and in the course of this strike, a camouflaged position nearby was spotted by the aircrew, confirmed as hostile, and was also bombed.

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28 mars 2015 6 28 /03 /mars /2015 12:50
Holloman - Impressionen

26 mars 2015 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 03/2015 15E10507


Auf der Holloman Air Force Base findet die Waffensystemausbildung auf dem Tornado statt. Neun Monate lang lernen die jungen Piloten und Waffensystemoffiziere, das Kampfflugzeug zu beherrschen. Die Trainingsmöglichkeiten in New Mexico sind ideal: der militärische Flugraum ist so groß wie Thüringen und auch das Wetter ist meistens perfekt, denn in Holloman scheint an 300 Tagen im Jahr die Sonne.

Musik: "Tactical Invasion" (Concors) / Universal


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27 mars 2015 5 27 /03 /mars /2015 08:20
Brimstone Missile- Rapid SALVO Fire

26 mars 2015 MBDA Inc


MBDA Dual Mode Brimstone Missile Salvo Fire from Tornado GR4 and stationary platform against swarming boats or fast in-shore attack craft (FIAC)

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17 mars 2015 2 17 /03 /mars /2015 17:20
Holloman - Fluggerätmechaniker am Tornado

17 mars 2015 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 03/2015 15E10504


Wenn es auf der Holloman Air Force Base um Testläufe, Reparaturen und Instandsetzung von Triebwerken geht, ist der Fluggerätmechaniker gefragt. Er sorgt dafür, dass die Flugzeuge in New Mexico mit einsatzbereiten Triebwerken abheben. Der Fachmann am Triebwerk muss gewissenhaft und präzise arbeiten, denn er trägt die Verantwortung für Mensch und Maschine.


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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 17:20
Nachtschicht der Tornado-Techniker in Holloman (USA)

12 mars 2015 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 15E10503 03/2015


Ohne sie hebt in Holloman kein Tornado ab: Die 350 Soldaten der Technischen Gruppe bilden den größten Anteil der 500 Soldaten, die beim Fliegerischen Ausbildungszentrum der Luftwaffe in New Mexico / USA stationiert sind. Die Technische Gruppe ist für Wartung und Instandsetzung der Kampfflugzeuge zuständig sowie für die Versorgung mit Ersatzteilen. Sie sorgt dafür, dass jeden Tag einsatzklare Kampfflugzeuge für Ausbildungsflüge zur Verfügung stehen.


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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 08:20
Holloman - Crew Solo Flight

10 mars 2015 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 15E10502 03/2015


Premiere für eine Tornado-Besatzung in Holloman / New Mexico: Beim „Crew Solo Flight“ fliegen junge Flugschüler zum ersten Mal als Pilot und Waffensystemoffizier den Tornado. Bei diesem Flug haben der Pilot und sein Backseater erstmals ganz allein die Verantwortung für das Kampfflugzeug. Ein großer Schritt für die beiden im Rahmen der Waffensystemausbildung auf dem Tornado in den USA.

Musik: Adrenaline Crash von Brian New & George Young (Universal Music)


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5 mars 2015 4 05 /03 /mars /2015 12:20
Simulator-Training in Holloman

5 mars 2015 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 15E10508 03/2015


Regelmäßig heben die Tornado-Flugschüler in Holloman / New Mexico mit ihren Fluglehrern zu Übungsflügen ab. Parallel erfolgt aber auch die Ausbildung im Simulator, in dem die Missionen vorbereitet werden. Für die Ausbildung ist der Simulator unverzichtbar: Er ist kostengünstiger und bietet die Möglichkeit, z.B. Notverfahren gefahrlos zu üben.

Auch die Bestückung der Kampfjets wird regelmäßt trainiert. Wir waren für euch bei einer Load Competition in Holloman dabei.

Musik: No Speed Limit / Universal Music


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30 janvier 2015 5 30 /01 /janvier /2015 12:30
Update: air strikes in Iraq (UK MoD)


29 January 2015 Ministry of Defence


British forces have continued to conduct air operations to assist the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIL.


Royal Air Force (RAF) aircraft continue to take action against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists in Iraq.

As part of the international coalition’s efforts to support the Iraqi government in its fight against ISlL, RAF Tornado GR4s last night conducted an armed reconnaissance patrol over north-west Iraq, where the Kurdish peshmerga continue to press ISIL hard with a series of successful offensives.

Near Baa’j, the Tornados investigated a reported ISIL checkpoint, which was being used to prevent the local civilian population from being able to move freely.

The checkpoint, which included a guard room and an equipment storage area, was destroyed with Paveway IV precision guided bombs.

Nearby, the GR4 patrol also located an ISIL armoured personnel carrier, and successfully attacked it with a Brimstone missile.

The Tornados, based at RAF Akrotiri, were as usual supported by a Voyager air-to-air refuelling tanker, and continue to operate alongside Reaper remotely piloted aircraft.

The RAF contribution to the coalition air campaign has also now been strengthened by a Sentry surveillance and command aircraft, while a British military training team continues to work in northern Iraq, teaching infantry and first aid skills to the peshmerga volunteers.

Previous air strikes


25 January: a Reaper was once again on patrol over northern Iraq on Sunday, providing top cover to the peshmerga as they consolidated their latest successful offensive against ISIL. One Hellfire was used to attack an armoured personnel carrier, then a further 2 missiles were used against 2 ISIL positions near by.

23 January: another Reaper flew on Friday morning to support the Iraqi army in the west of the country and observed ISIL fighters loading rockets into a truck. The vehicle was kept under close observation and then was successfully attacked with a Hellfire. A further attack was then conducted as the terrorists attempted to salvage equipment from the damaged truck.

22 January: an RAF Reaper, patrolling over northern Iraq, assisted Kurdish peshmerga who were under fire from a group of terrorists with a heavily armed pick-up truck. The vehicle was destroyed by a Hellfire missile.

21 January: early on Wednesday, a pair of Tornado GR4s flew in support of Kurdish troops, a Brimstone missile struck a heavily-armed ISIL truck and a Paveway IV guided bomb was used to target a terrorist observation post. Initial reports indicate both attacks were a success. On Wednesday evening, a Reaper provided further surveillance for the peshmerga, and in a series of engagements used Hellfires to attack a number terrorist vehicles and a fighting position.

20 January: RAF aircraft have been on hand to assist the latest Kurdish offensive operation; a Reaper was able to conduct a successful precision attack with a Hellfire missile on a terrorist group.

19 January: RAF Tornado GR4s were active in the early hours of Monday morning, flying armed reconnaissance in western Iraq, close to the Syrian border. An armoured personnel carrier was identified near Al Qaim and hit by a Brimstone missile. Continuing their patrol to the north east, the GR4s caught another group of ISIL vehicles attacked with a Paveway IV bomb. Meanwhile, British Army advisers continue to provide training and mentoring to the Iraqi security forces, particularly the Kurdish peshmerga in northern Iraq.

18 January: Reapers continued to provide support to the Iraqi army on Sunday – in the afternoon a Hellfire was used to strike a heavy machine-gun position that threatened Iraqi soldiers nearby, then during the night a further 3 missiles were used to target a large terrorist group as they began an attack on an Iraqi position.

16 January: Friday saw another Tornado patrol supporting the Iraqi army in its operations near Bayji. Three positions were identified and were struck simultaneously with Paveways. A fourth Paveway was used shortly afterwards against a further ISIL position near by. That evening, an RAF Reaper, operating elsewhere in Iraq, identified another group of terrorists who had just attacked an Iraqi unit and conducted 2 successful attacks with Hellfire missiles.

13 January: a pair of Tornado GR4s flew a reconnaissance mission ahead of Kurdish forces as they continued to strengthen security in the area east of Mount Sinjar, from which ISIL – or Da’ish as they are known to the Iraqi and Syrian people they abuse – was driven out in December. The aircraft spotted the terrorists constructing a fortified position; a Paveway IV precision guided bomb successfully destroyed the vehicle they were using.

9 January: late at night, 2 RAF Tornado GR4s, on an armed reconnaissance mission in northern Iraq, were summoned to assist the Kurdish peshmerga. Da’ish terrorists, who have lost a significant amount of territory to the peshmerga recently, were attempting to mount a local attack on a Kurdish unit. The GR4s delivered 4 precision strikes using Paveway IV guided bombs to disrupt the attack.

8 January: in the evening a Reaper remotely piloted air system (RPAS) worked in close conjunction with other coalition aircraft to provide air support to Iraqi troops in Anbar province, western Iraq. The RAF Reaper provided targeting assistance to the fast jets in strikes against ISIL positions, and conducted a successful attack using its own Hellfire missiles.

6 January: At the request of the Iraqi government, British forces took further action against ISIL terrorist targets.

5 January: Reaper and Tornado missions were also flown in the morning. Tornados again patrolled the Al Qaim area, where they destroyed an ISIL excavator vehicle, used to construct fortified positions, with a Brimstone, while a Reaper, scouting ahead of Iraqi troops, spotted an armoured vehicle being moved by ISIL on a heavy equipment transporter. A Hellfire missile scored a direct hit on the armoured vehicle, another Hellfire destroyed the transporter itself, and a third missile struck an ISIL position nearby.

4 January: an RAF Reaper, working in support of Iraqi army units, identified an ISIL vehicle and engaged it with a Hellfire missile. Shortly afterwards, the Reaper discovered an ISIL position close by, and attacked this with another Hellfire.

2 January: in the early hours a RAF Tornado GR4 armed reconnaissance patrol located an ISIL armoured personnel carrier to the east of Al Qaim, and conducted a successful strike with a Brimstone missile. Later in the day, a coalition surveillance aircraft observed ISIL positions concealed within woods north-west of Ramadi and another Tornado mounted an attack with 2 Paveway IV precision guided bombs.

Details of previous airstrikes can be found here.

For more information see ISIL: UK government response page on GOV.UK

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18 janvier 2015 7 18 /01 /janvier /2015 12:50
Typhoon - F-35 - Tornado photo UK MoD

Typhoon - F-35 - Tornado photo UK MoD


January 14, 2015 A guest post from AndyC - Think Defence


January 9th 2015 is an historic day for the Royal Air Force as it marks the first increase in the number of frontline combat squadrons since the mid-1980’s.


In a dangerous world where putting ‘boots on the ground’ is increasingly politically difficult the RAF is inevitably thrust to the front row of the UK’s force projection.

The increased assertiveness of Russia has led to the return of their aircraft to probing our air space as well as the need for a higher presence in Eastern Europe, especially in the Baltic States.

The success of IS in Iraq and Syria has led to the deployment of Tornados to Cyprus while the Afghanistan mission has finally drawn to a close.

All of these commitments have put strain on the RAF when it has fewer fast jet squadrons than at any time in its history. No amount of training or having the latest equipment can always make up for the stretch caused by multiple commitments occurring at the same time.

The question we face is: does the RAF have enough aircraft to do all the things the government and the international situation require of it?


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13 janvier 2015 2 13 /01 /janvier /2015 16:30
RAF Reaper and Tornados have provided further air support to the Iraqi military against ISIL in Iraq

13 January 2015 Ministry of Defence

British forces have continued to conduct air operations to assist the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIL.

The terrorist organisation ISIL, known to its Iraqi and Syrian victims as Da’ish, has suffered further losses thanks to Royal Air Force (RAF) air strikes conducted in recent days.

On the evening of Thursday 8 January, a Reaper remotely piloted air system (RPAS) worked in close conjunction with other coalition aircraft to provide air support to Iraqi troops in Anbar province, western Iraq.

The RAF Reaper provided targeting assistance to the fast jets in strikes against ISIL positions, and conducted a successful attack using its own Hellfire missiles.

Late on Friday night, 2 RAF Tornado GR4s, on an armed reconnaissance mission in northern Iraq, were summoned to assist the Kurdish peshmerga.

Da’ish terrorists, who have lost a significant amount of territory to the peshmerga recently, were attempting to mount a local attack on a Kurdish unit.

The GR4s delivered 4 precision strikes using Paveway IV guided bombs to disrupt the attack.

In the early hours of Tuesday 13 January, an RAF Reaper was once again providing air support to the peshmerga in the north of Iraq when an ISIL vehicle was identified being used to reopen a terrorist communications route previously damaged by an attack.

The RPAS hit the vehicle with Hellfire missiles and initial analysis suggests that the vehicle was successfully destroyed.

6 January: At the request of the Iraqi government, British forces took further action against ISIL terrorist targets.

5 January: Reaper and Tornado missions were also flown in the morning. Tornados again patrolled the Al Qaim area, where they destroyed an ISIL excavator vehicle, used to construct fortified positions, with a Brimstone, while a Reaper, scouting ahead of Iraqi troops, spotted an armoured vehicle being moved by ISIL on a heavy equipment transporter. A Hellfire missile scored a direct hit on the armoured vehicle, another Hellfire destroyed the transporter itself, and a third missile struck an ISIL position nearby.

4 January: an RAF Reaper, working in support of Iraqi army units, identified an ISIL vehicle and engaged it with a Hellfire missile. Shortly afterwards, the Reaper discovered an ISIL position close by, and attacked this with another Hellfire.

2 January: in the early hours a RAF Tornado GR4 armed reconnaissance patrol located an ISIL armoured personnel carrier to the east of Al Qaim, and conducted a successful strike with a Brimstone missile. Later in the day, a coalition surveillance aircraft observed ISIL positions concealed within woods north-west of Ramadi and another Tornado mounted an attack with 2 Paveway IV precision guided bombs.

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4 décembre 2014 4 04 /12 /décembre /2014 13:30
Air strikes in Iraq - updated: 3 Dec. 2014(UK MoD)


3 December 2014 Ministry of Defence


British forces have continued to conduct air operations to assist the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIL



Royal Air Force aircraft struck a large concentration of ISIL vehicles last night as the UK continued its work as part of an international coalition in the fight against terrorism.

Two RAF Tornado GR4s were tasked to investigate reported ISIL activity near Fallujah. A group of ISIL vehicles, including armed pick-up trucks and lorries, was identified and, having confirmed that there were no civilians or friendly forces in close proximity, the jets dropped a cluster of Paveway IV precision guided bombs on the vehicle group. A single truck appeared to survive the initial strike, but was accounted for by a Brimstone missile.

A Reaper remotely piloted aircraft also saw action over Iraq, attacking an ISIL vehicle with a Hellfire missile.

Combined with the targeted military action in northern Iraq, a British Army training team continues to provide infantry training to Kurdish peshmerga.

1 December - A Tornado GR4 patrol investigated a reported ISIL compound near Tal Afar in north-western Iraq and found a group of armoured personnel carriers. These were successfully attacked using Brimstone missiles. A further pair of Tornado GR4s came to the support of Iraqi forces engaged in a major firefight with ISIL near Tikrit. Two terrorist positions were identified and the precision of the Brimstone missile system allowed both targets to be engaged without risk to friendly forces. Meanwhile, an RAF Reaper remotely piloted aircraft on a separate patrol was able to attack 3 ISIL positions with Hellfire missiles. Another Reaper conducted a reconnaissance patrol in northern Iraq. Two ISIL positions and a vehicle were located by the Reaper’s crew, allowing coalition fast jets to conduct strikes on each in turn. The Reaper then identified a further ISIL position and engaged it with 1 of its own Hellfire missiles.

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17 novembre 2014 1 17 /11 /novembre /2014 13:30
Air strikes in Iraq (updated: 17 Nov. 2014)


Last updated: 17 November 2014 , Ministry of Defence


British forces have continued to conduct air operations to assist the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIL.


Royal Air Force (RAF) Tornados and Reapers, operating as part of the international coalition in support of the Iraqi Government, have conducted further strikes against ISIL.


On Thursday evening, Kurdish peshmerga reported coming under fire from a dug-in machine-gun position. An RAF Reaper remotely piloted air system succeeded in locating the ISIL position, and attacked it with a Hellfire missile. The crew operating the Reaper then identified further ISIL positions, allowing another coalition aircraft to conduct an attack.


Before the end of its patrol, the Reaper crew used another Hellfire to engage an ISIL checkpoint set up to control a road.


Elsewhere in Iraq, another Reaper, investigating reported ISIL activity in response to advancing Iraqi forces, identified terrorists boarding a truck. Despite the vehicle moving off at high speed, the Reaper crew were able to hit it with a Hellfire.


And on Saturday night, Tornado GR4s conducted an armed reconnaissance patrol over western and northern Iraq, supported by a Voyager refuelling tanker. In the western desert, they were tasked to strike an ISIL communications vehicle, which coalition forces had previously identified. A single Brimstone missile was used to conduct an attack.


Later in the patrol, the Tornados were called north to the Mosul area to support Kurdish peshmerga who were under fire from ISIL heavy weapons. Paveway precision guided bombs were used to hit a mortar and firing positions, as well as a bulldozer which the terrorists were using to construct defences against the peshmerga’s advance.


In northern Iraq, a British army team continues to provide training to the peshmerga as part of a wider programme of training and assistance provided by the international community to both the Iraqi and Kurdish armed forces.


RAF transport aircraft provide logistic support, having delivered numerous deliveries of humanitarian aid and military equipment from both the UK and on behalf of other Coalition partners.


13 November - last night a RAF Reaper RPAS was involved in a coalition air strike in the Kirkuk region. The Reaper had been tasked to conduct reconnaissance in an area where Iraqi forces had encountered ISIL fighters. The operators were able to use the Reaper’s advanced systems to identify a number of ISIL positions, enabling another coalition aircraft to attack a command post, bunker, observation post and 2 armed pick-up trucks. They then identified a further 3 positions, and, having carefully checked the area, conducted attacks using the Reaper’s own Hellfire missiles. Initial analysis indicates that the attacks were successful. Other RAF aircraft also continue to fly missions over Iraq, including Tornado GR4s in the armed reconnaissance role, and surveillance, tanker and transport aircraft. A British Army team remains in Erbil, providing training assistance requested by the Kurdish peshmerga.


10 November - saw the first air strike by a RAF Reaper RPAS. A series of coalition missions were conducted near Bayji, north of Baghdad, where ISIL terrorists were laying improvised explosive devices. The Reaper, using procedures identical to those of manned aircraft, successfully attacked the terrorists using a Hellfire missile. In addition, 2 RAF Tornado GR4s used a Brimstone missile to successfully destroy a shipping container used by the terrorists to store equipment near Al Anbar, west of Baghdad.

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17 novembre 2014 1 17 /11 /novembre /2014 12:30
RAF Tornado strike against an ISIL vehicle

17 nov. 2014 Defence HQ


Tornado GR4s conducted an armed reconnaissance patrol over western and northern Iraq this weekend. In the western desert, they were tasked to strike an ISIL communications vehicle, which Coalition forces had previously identified. A single Brimstone missile was used to conduct an attack.

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15 novembre 2014 6 15 /11 /novembre /2014 23:30
Italy To Send 4 Tornados for Recon in Iraq

Italy will send four Tornado aircraft to Iraq to serve in a reconnaissance role.


Nov. 14, 2014 - By TOM KINGTON – Defense News


ROME — Italy will send four Tornado aircraft to join coalition operations against the Islamic State in Iraq, a Defense Ministry spokesman said on Friday.


The aircraft, which will be based at Ahmed Al Jaber air base in Kuwait, will be used for reconnaissance missions only, he added.


In a letter sent to the Italian parliament, Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti said the aircraft would be accompanied by 135 support staff.


Pinotti said Italy was also dispatching to Iraq a number of Folgore 80mm anti-tank weapons previously used by the Italian Army.


In October, Italy said it would send a 767 tanker aircraft and two unarmed Predator drones to assist operations against fighters in Iraq, as well as 280 instructors.


Italy also sent a loaded C-130J to Baghdad, for shipment to Erbil, on Sept. 12. On board was a collection of arms worth €1.9 million (US $2.4 million), including 100 MG 42/59 machine guns and 100 12.7 Browning machine guns, plus munitions taken from Italian military stocks.


But there were also 2,000 RPG munitions and 400,000 machine gun rounds taken from a collection of arms and munitions seized in 1994 from a vessel allegedly defying a blockade to ship arms to Serbian fighters during the Balkan wars

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12 novembre 2014 3 12 /11 /novembre /2014 08:35
British Tornadoes final take-off from Afghanistan

11 nov. 2014 NATO


British Tornadoes have taken off from Afghanistan for the last time. Tornado jets from 31 Squadron left Kandahar Air Field earlier today. The Squadron’s history in Afghanistan dates back to 1919 when its planes were involved in the Third Anglo-Afghan War.

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11 novembre 2014 2 11 /11 /novembre /2014 20:35
Royal Air Force Tornados leave Afghanistan

11 nov. 2014 Royal Air Force


Royal Air Force Tornado aircraft, operated by 31 Squadron, depart Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, following the end of UK fast jet operations in the country. Since 2009, Tornados have flown more than 33,500 hours supporting Afghan and ISAF forces.

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3 octobre 2014 5 03 /10 /octobre /2014 07:50
RAF Tornado squadron saved from the scrap heap to bomb Isil


02 Oct 2014 By Matthew Holehouse, Political Correspondent, at RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus


David Cameron announces that No 2 squadron, comprising 16 Tornados, will no longer be disbanded in March as it will help with airstrikes in Iraq


AN RAF Tornado squadron that was due to be disbanded has been reprieved for a year in order to bomb Isil, David Cameron announced on Thursday night as he thanked British pilots for their bravery and sacrifice.

In a surprise visit to RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus, Mr Cameron said the public must "never forget" the risks taken British aircrews whose actions in Iraq "make Britain safer".

Two more Tornado GR4 jets have been dispatched to join six British planes taking part in bombing raids and reconnaissance missions over Iraq under Operation Shader, Mr Cameron said.


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30 septembre 2014 2 30 /09 /septembre /2014 19:30
RAF jets strike first IS targets in Iraq


30 September 2014 BBC News


RAF jets have attacked a "heavy weapon position" and an armed pick-up truck in Iraq, the Ministry of Defence has said. In the first attacks since Parliament approved military action on Friday, two "precision strikes" were launched and both were "successful", the MoD said.


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30 septembre 2014 2 30 /09 /septembre /2014 18:30
photo UK MoD

photo UK MoD


30 septembre 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Londres - La Grande-Bretagne a mené ses premières frappes aériennes en Irak contre les positions du groupe Etat Islamique (EI), a annoncé mardi le ministre de la Défense Michael Fallon.


Deux chasseurs-bombardiers Tornado ont détruit un poste d'artillerie et un véhicule équipé d'une mitrailleuse lourde, a indiqué le ministère de la Défense.


Ces deux frappes ciblées ont été un succès, a ajouté le ministère, qui n'a pas précisé quand les raids ont eu lieu, ni leur localisation exacte.


Les deux avions de combat étaient en mission de reconnaissance lorsqu'on leur a demandé de venir appuyer des troupes kurdes prises pour cible par les jihadistes de l'EI dans le nord-ouest de l'Irak.


Ces frappes sont les premières depuis que le Royaume-Uni s'est rallié vendredi à la coalition militaire internationale après l'adoption par le Parlement d'une motion du gouvernement autorisant le recours aux raids aériens en Irak.


Six Tornado de la Royal Air Force, basés à Chypre, étaient engagés depuis plusieurs semaines déjà en Irak pour des missions de surveillance.


Depuis vendredi, ils ont effectué plusieurs sorties, équipés de bombes à guidage laser et de missiles, mais sans ouvrir le feu.

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14 août 2014 4 14 /08 /août /2014 12:50
40 Jahre Erstflug Tornado

14 août 2014 Redaktion der Bundeswehr 08/14 14E24701


Jubiläum für den Tornado: Vor genau 40 Jahren, am 14. August 1974, hatte der Tornado seinen Erstflug. Das Mehrzweckkampfflugzeug war von Deutschland, Großbritannien und Italien konzipiert worden. Seit seiner Indienststellung fliegt der Tornado in den Streitkräften dieser drei Länder. Außerdem ist der Tornado bei der Luftwaffe Saudi-Arabiens im Einsatz. Durch stetige Modernisierungen ist sichergestellt, dass der Tornado bis über das Jahr 2025 hinaus eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben wahrnehmen kann.

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13 août 2014 3 13 /08 /août /2014 21:50
a RAF Tornado from RAF Marham arrives at RAF Akrotiri Cyprus - photo UK MoD

a RAF Tornado from RAF Marham arrives at RAF Akrotiri Cyprus - photo UK MoD


Aug. 13, 2014 - By ANDREW CHUTER – Defense News


LONDON — Britain will be part of an international mission to rescue Yazidi refugees stranded in northern Iraq, Prime Minister David Cameron said Wednesday.


“Detailed plans” were being pieced together to get the operation underway, Cameron said after chairing a meeting of the British Government’s Cobra crisis committee meeting.


“We need a plan to get these people off that mountain and get them to a place of safety, and I can confirm that detailed plans are now being put in place and are underway, and that Britain will play a role in delivering that,” he said.


News an international effort was being organized to rescue thousands of Yazidis trapped by Islamic State (IS) jihadists comes as French President Francois Hollande announced they would start supplying arms within hours to Iraqi Kurds fighting the militants.


“For several days, France has had the necessary measures in place to support the operational capabilities of the forces fighting IS,” the statement from Hollande’s office said.


France had already been delivering humanitarian aid for several days.


The US is conducting airstrikes against Islamic State militants in the region as well as supplying arms to Kurdish forces and aid to refugees.


Tuesday Washington announced it was sending 130 military advisers to northern Iraq.


Britain has been ramping up its basing of military assets in the region over the last few hours but continues to stress that the helicopters, strike aircraft and transport aircraft involved remain part of a humanitarian mission.


The Royal Air Force is already conducting airdrops of water and other essentials from Hercules C-130s based in the region.


A small number of Tornado GR4 strike aircraft equipped with Rafael Litening III reconnaissance and targeting pods has also deployed to the British base at Akrotiri, Cyprus, to aid the RAF airdrop mission with surveillance capabilities.


The British have also announced they are forward-basing a small number of Boeing Chinook helicopters in the region. Media reports here say four of the heavy-lift helicopters have been dispatched.


The MoD has not detailed what role the helicopters will play. The aircraft departed their base at Odiham, southern England, Wednesday, enroute to the region

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13 août 2014 3 13 /08 /août /2014 16:30
Irak: ciel menaçant pour les djihadistes, après les Américains, les GR4 Tornado britanniques


12 août 2014 par Jacques N. Godbout – 45eNord.ca


Les djihadistes de l’État islamique n’aimeront ce qu’ils vont voir dans le ciel d’Irak: après les chasseurs américains F/A-18 et F-15E, les Britanniques vont à leur tour déployer des chasseurs GR4 Tornado dans le nord de l’Irak pour soutenir la mission d’assistance humanitaire en cours dans le pays.


Les chasseurs Tornado vont bientôt quitter la base aérienne Royal Air Force (RAF) Marham, dans le Norfolk, et s’envoler pour l’Irak, où l’équipage d’un avion de transport RAF C-130 équipage avaient dû récemment renoncer à un deuxième parachutage de secours destinés aux civils pris au piège sur le Mont Sinjar pour des raisons de sécurité. sur les préoccupations pour la sécurité des civils pris au piège sur le mont Sinjar.


Un porte-parole de Downing Street a déclaré que le Royaume-Uni s’est engagé à poursuivre le largage de l’aide humanitaire dans les prochains jours et était à la recherche d’une solution à long terme qui permettra de fournir en toute sécurité de l’aide aux civils.


«Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous avons décidé de pré-positionner un petit nombre de chasseurs Tornado dans la région afin qu’ils puissent, si nécessaire, utiliser leur excellente capacité de surveillance», nous permettant de mieux connaître le nombre et la position exact des civils sur le mont Sinjar.

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