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8 mars 2015 7 08 /03 /mars /2015 17:35
Turkmenistan and NATO hold forum on regional peace and stability


06 Mar. 2015 by NATO


Experts from five Central Asian states and Afghanistan gathered in Ashgabat for a NATO-sponsored regional conference on “Peace and Stability in Central Asia and Afghanistan: A View from Neutral Turkmenistan” on 2 and 3 March 2015.


This high-level event, organised jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the office of the NATO Liaison Officer in Central Asia, was unprecedented in the history of Turkmenistan's partnership with the Alliance.


It was the fourth in a series of NATO-sponsored events marking the 20th anniversary of the Partnership for Peace programme in the Central Asian partner states. Moreover, it was included in Turkmenistan's official programme of events celebrating the "Year of Neutrality and Peace" on the 20th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution recognising the country's neutrality.


Turkmenistan's Deputy Foreign Minister Berdyniyaz Myatiev opened the event, while the NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, James Appathurai, addressed participants by video link from NATO Headquarters.


Turkmen participants included officials and experts from a wide range of institutions, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior, Prosecutor-General's Office, the Institute of State and Law under the President of Turkmenistan, the Institute of International Relations and the International University of Humanities.


Experts from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and the United States, and representatives of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, the United Nations Development Programme, the European Union, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, also spoke at the event.


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21 janvier 2015 3 21 /01 /janvier /2015 08:35
L'Asie centrale, nouvelle terre de recrutement de l'Etat islamique

20.01.2014 Laurent Marchand - Tout un monde

Dans un rapport publié ce mardi 20 janvier, l’International Crisis Group s’alarme de la capacité croissante de l’EI d’attirer des ressortissants des pays d’Asie centrale dans ses rangs. L’organisation indépendante appelle les gouvernements des pays concernés - Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Turkménistan, Tadjikistan et Ouzbékistan – à développer des réponses à la fois sécuritaires et sociales pour contrer ce phénomène.

"Entre 2.000 et 4.000 citoyens d'Asie Centrale ont rejoint ces trois dernières années les territoires contrôlés par l'EI", dans un contexte de corruption et de mauvaise gouvernance généralisées dans les cinq pays d'Asie centrale -- --, précise le rapport.

"Il est aujourd'hui plus facile pour l'EI de recruter en Asie Centrale qu'en Afghanistan ou au Pakistan", s'inquiète ainsi Deirdre Tynan, responsable de la région pour l'ICG, tandis que le rapport estime que seule la distance entre la Syrie et l'Asie Centrale explique qu'aucune attaque majeure n'y ait encore eu lieu.

"Tous pensent que le califat islamique pourrait être une alternative sérieuse à la vie post-soviétique", note le rapport. Car "dans ces cinq pays, la religion remplit un vide créé par le manque de gouvernance et l'insécurité sociale".

L'Ouzbékistan, terre d'origine du Mouvement islamique d'Ouzbékistan (MIO) lié à Al-Qaïda, serait particulièrement exposé à la menace terroriste d'après l'ICG, qui estime que le nombre d'Ouzbeks ethniques ayant rejoint la Syrie pourrait excéder les 2.500.

Lire le rapport en anglais : ICI

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11 septembre 2014 4 11 /09 /septembre /2014 16:45
Sale of sniper rifles to Turkmenistan questioned


10 September 2014 by defenceWeb


South African arms sales, this time of 50 sniper rifles valued at more than R5 million, to “the repressive regime” in Turkmenistan has been questioned in Parliament.


The questioner is DA shadow defence and military veterans minister, David Maynier, who was responded to the second quarterly report of this year issued by the National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC).


According to legislation the NCACC, chaired by Jeff Radebe, now Minister in the Presidency with responsibility for planning, performance, monitoring, evaluation and administration, and previously Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, must “avoid transfers of conventional arms to governments that systemically violate or suppress human rights and fundamental freedoms”.


In support of the NCACC having transgressed in the Turkmenistan sale, Maynier quoted from Human Rights Watch’s 2014 World Report.


“Turkmenistan remains one of the world’s most repressive countries. The country is virtually closed to independent scrutiny, media and religious freedoms are subject to draconian restrictions and human rights defenders and other activists face constant threat of government reprisal. The government continues to use imprisonment as a tool for political retaliation,” the report states.


Maynier pointed out the latest known sniper rifle sale, which does not specify the rifle type or manufacturer, is not the first time the NCACC has transgressed in approving sales to “repressive” states.


“In 2010 the NCACC authorised the sales of about 100 sniper rifles and more than 50 000 rounds of ammunition to Libya,”


Other sales he finds questionable in the latest NCACC report include 13 armoured combat vehicles, valued at over R44 million, to Equatorial Guinea; and a pair of airborne observation systems, valued at more than R16,6 million, to the Russian Federation.


He will ask for a full-blown investigation of all three sales.


In total the South African defence industry sold R1,7 billion worth of product in the second quarter of this year. The revenue earned is markedly down from the R2,8 billion reported for the same period last year.


Biggest buyer of South African defence expertise was Sweden at R555 million, followed by Thailand on R501 million.


The trade in conventional arms and the rendering of foreign military assistance is regulated by the NCACC, which reports to Parliament, as well as the Directorate Conventional Arms Control (DCAC). South African arms traders are required to be registered with the DCAC. Permits are required for weapons development and manufacturing, marketing, contracting, exporting, importing or transferring of conventional arms. This includes; weapons, munitions, vessels designed for war, articles of war, and related systems, components, technologies, dual-use goods or services.

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