27.05.2014 NATO Communications Team
Unified Vision 2014 (UV14) is NATO’s biggest ever trial of Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR), comprising satellites, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, naval vessels, ground sensors and human intelligence from 18 NATO Allies.
UV14 is taking place in Norway from 18-28 May and aims to test NATO’s ability to gather information and fuse intelligence from multiple sources – from space, in the air, on land and at sea – at different stages of a crisis. In the scenario, the crisis is initially local and then it gradually escalates into a full-blown international conflict. All the while, different ISR capabilities are expected to perform in testing situations, stretching their ability to function properly in complex environments.
To learn more, please have a look at the UV14 infographic, feature and video stories and photos linked below:
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