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10 novembre 2014 1 10 /11 /novembre /2014 17:45
Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on latest attacks in Libya


Brussels , 10/11/2014 - Statement by HR/VP ref 141110_01


"The series of explosions that went off in the city of Sahatta, yesterday where UNSRSG Bernardino Leon was meeting key Libyan interlocutors are heinous acts and can only prevent Libya from reaching a peaceful settlement to the conflict.

These attacks undermine the dialogue process.  In the interest of the Libyan people, I call upon all parties to refrain from such destructive acts and to participate in the UN led dialogue process.

The European Union continues to believe that dialogue, in whatever shape or form, remains crucial and that the solution of the crisis requires a political settlement. We fully back the efforts of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Bernardino Leon and I reaffirm EU's commitment to work alongside the UN".

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