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3 juin 2013 1 03 /06 /juin /2013 11:35
Afghanistan: une rallonge de 150 millions de dollars pour la location d'avions

03.06.2013 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense


Trois sociétés US se sont vu accorder une rallonge totale de près de 150 millions de dollars pour un an (du 1er juin 2013 au 31 mai 2014) dans le cadre de la fourniture d'avions (et des personnels et de toutes les prestations périphériques) pour le compte de l'US Transportation Command. Les avis en anglais figurent en fin de ce post.


Pour l'année à venir, la part d'AAR Airlift Group s'élève à 98 millions de dollars, celle de Berry Aviation à 30 et celle d'Evergreen à 24,5. Cette extension porte la valeur cumulée de ce contrat à 493,3 millions de dollars (respectivement 307,6, 106,8 et 78,9 millions de dollars).


Il s'agit de fournir des appareils pour le transport des personnels et du fret sur le théâtre afghan. Ce contrat peut encore être reconduit une année (2014-2015).


Les avis:

AAR Airlift Group Inc., Palm Bay, Fla., is being awarded a $97,946,397 option year modification (0001/0002) on an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract (HTC711-10-D-R016 ) for fixed wing aircraft, personnel, equipment, tools, material, maintenance and supervision necessary to perform passenger and cargo air transportation services. Total cumulative face value of the contract is $307,603,230. This modification adds the third option of the basic contract with four option periods. Work will be performed in Afghanistan, and the option will start June 1, 2013, to be completed by May 31, 2014. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2013 Army Operations and Maintenance funds, and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were seven proposals received. The contracting activity in U.S. Transportation Command, Directorate of Acquisition, Scott Air Force Base, Ill.

Berry Aviation Inc., San Marcos, Texas, is being awarded a $29,933,251 option year modification (0002) on an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract (HTC711-10-D-R018) for fixed wing aircraft, personnel, equipment, tools, material, maintenance and supervision necessary to perform passenger and cargo air transportation services. Total cumulative face value of the contract is $106,882,869. This modification adds the third option of the basic contract with four option periods. Work will be performed in Afghanistan, and the option will start June 1, 2013, to be completed by May 31, 2014. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2013 Army Operations and Maintenance funds, and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were seven proposals received. The contracting activity is U. S. Transportation Command, Directorate of Acquisition, Scott Air Force Base, Ill.

Evergreen Helicopters of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska, is being awarded a $24,482,759 option-year modification (0001/0002) on an indefinite-delivery/indefinite quantity contract (HTC711-10-D-R017) for fixed wing aircraft, personnel, equipment, tools, material, maintenance and supervision necessary to perform passenger and cargo air transportation services. The total cumulative face value of the contract is $78,904,939. This modification adds the third option of the basic contract with four option periods, and the option will start June 1, 2013, to be completed by May 31, 2014. Work will be performed in Afghanistan. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2013 Army Operations and Maintenance funds, and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were seven proposals received. The contracting activity is U.S. Transportation Command, Directorate of Acquisition, Scott Air Force Base, Ill.

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