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28 octobre 2015 3 28 /10 /octobre /2015 12:20
SNC finishing development on pilot vision system


SPARKS, Nev. (October 23, 2015) - by Sierra Nevada Corporation


Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) has been awarded a task order for the next phase of development for its Degraded Visual Environment Pilotage System (DVEPS). The indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract with the United States Special Operations Command Technology Applications Contracting Office was initially awarded in 2013 to increase the safety of military aircrews worldwide.

SNC’s DVE Pilotage System will allow pilots to safely operate in degraded visual environments such as brownout, smoke, sand, snow, rain and fog conditions through the use of a multi-sensor, see-through imaging system that provides real-time, high-resolution fused imagery of the terrain and obstacles. This multi-aircraft, game-changing technology will increase aircrew situational awareness of obstacles throughout all phases of flight including people, power lines, ditches, mountains, rocks and other obstacles, reducing loss of life and equipment.

SNC was competitively selected for the third phase task order following a successful airborne test of its DVEPS program at the Yuma Proving Grounds in Arizona in June 2015. This airborne test demonstrated SNC’s ability to fuse multi-sensor data into real-time, high-fidelity imagery during operations in DVE conditions. The final contract phase includes Integrated System Development/Demonstration, Low-Rate Production and Qualification testing. The effort will begin in fiscal year 2016 with Developmental Flight Testing, leading to a Milestone C decision followed by Low-Rate Initial Production to support Qualification and Operational Testing.

“It is a great honor to have been selected for the third phase of this important life-saving and mission enabling program that will provide agile, flexible and economical technology to our country’s military.” said Greg Cox, corporate vice president for SNC’s Communication, Navigation and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management business area  “DVEPS combines unmatched performance in a reduced Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) envelope, creating a superior system that was unavailable at the start of the program. We look forward to finalizing this phase of the contract, leading to a Full-Rate Production decision in fiscal year 2017/2018.”


About Sierra Nevada Corporation
Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), headquartered in Sparks, Nevada, delivers technology and teams designed to connect and protect, through innovative solutions in aircraft, aerospace, electronics, cyber and avionics. With a track record of success spanning five decades, SNC has been honored as one of America’s fastest-growing private companies, “The Top Woman-owned Federal Contractor in the U.S.,” and among “The World’s Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Space.” SNC operates under the leadership of President Eren Ozmen and CEO Fatih Ozmen, with a workforce of more than 3,000 personnel in 33 locations in 18 states and business divisions in England, Germany and Turkey.

For more information on SNC visit http://www.sncorp.com/ and follow us at Facebook/Sierra Nevada Corporation. Sierra Nevada Corporation and SNC are trademarks of Sierra Nevada Corporation.

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22 janvier 2015 4 22 /01 /janvier /2015 08:20
Air Force Warrior Games Team 2015

21 janv. 2015 US Air Force


The Warrior Games are an adaptive sports competition featuring more than 200 wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans competing in seven sports (archery, cycling, shooting, sitting volleyball, swimming, track and field and wheelchair basketball). Athletes represent the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Special Operations.


Air Force Warrior Games Team 2015 : Facebook Page


2014 Warrior Games : Facebook Page

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10 décembre 2014 3 10 /12 /décembre /2014 12:20
Les forces spéciales de l'US Army réorganisées: création du 1st Special Forces Command


06.12.2014 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense


Le site War is boring a publié un post (lire ici) sur le tout nouveau US Army 1st Special Forces Command (SFC). Un commandement qui a été mis en place le 30 septembre.

Quelques précisions. Ce 1st SFC dépendra de l'US Army Special Operations Command qui dépend lui même de l'US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Voici l'organigramme tiré d'un document officiel:



Les forces spéciales de l'US Army réorganisées: création du 1st Special Forces Command

Le nouveau commandement va amalgamer 7 bataillons issus des Special Forces Groupe (5 d'active et 2 de la garde nationale), la 95e Civil Affairs Brigade, la 528e Sustainment Brigade, et le Military Information Support Operations Command (spécialisé dans les psyops et créé en août 2011, il comprend les 4e et 8e Military Information Support Operations Groups et le 3e Military Information Support Operation Battalion). Soit quelque 16 700 hommes et femmes spécialisés dans la "guerre hybride".


Les forces spéciales de l'US Army réorganisées: création du 1st Special Forces Command

La montée en puissance a donc débuté et le nouveau commandement sera totalement opérationnel en juillet 2015.

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28 novembre 2013 4 28 /11 /novembre /2013 20:45
En RCA, les forces spéciales US voleront avec AAR Airlift Group

28.11.2013 par P. Chapleau Lignes de Défense

J'avais signalé, il y a deux mois, un appel d'offres US pour la fourniture d'hélicoptères de transport au profit des forces spéciales US déployées en RCA dans le cadre de la lutte contre la LRA et la capture de Jospek Koni. Cliquer ici pour lire mon post.

En attendant le résultat de cet appel d'offres (dans la version initiale de ce post, j'ai confondu deux appels d'offres. Sorry), en voici un autre publié jeudi soir par le Pentagone qui a attribué le contrat (sans montant) à AAR Airlift Group dont on verra bientôt les avions ("fixed wings") dans le sud-est de la RCA au départ d'Entebbe (Ouganda). L'appel d'offres date du 11 juillet 2013. Cliquer ici pour accéder aux documents qui détaille cet appel d'offres.


AAR Airlift Group, Inc., Palm Bay, Fla., is being awarded an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity, fixed-price with economic price adjustment contract for dedicated fixed wing services in the Central Africa Region (Uganda, Central Africa Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan). Performance is from Dec. 28, 2013 to Oct. 27, 2015. Funds will be obligated on individual task orders and are Army operations & maintenance funds. This contract was a competitive acquisition, and four proposals were received. The contracting activity is the U.S. Transportation Command Directorate of Acquisition, Scott Air Force Base, Ill., (HTC711-14-D-R026).


A noter que le contrat de AAR avec la Navy (valeur: 15 millions de dollars) a été prolongé d'un an (cliquer ici pour lire le communiqué de presse).

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6 octobre 2013 7 06 /10 /octobre /2013 12:17
Les États-Unis capturent un des chefs d'al-Qaida

06/10/2013 Par lefigaro.fr

Abou Anas al-Libi, recherché depuis quinze ans pour son rôle dans les attentats de 1998 contre des ambassades américaines au Kenya et en Tanzanie, a été capturé en Libye. Les forces spéciales américaines ont également mené un raid contre les Chebab en Somalie.


Quinze ans que les États-Unis souhaitaient sa capture. Abou Anas al-Libi, un des leaders présumés d'al-Qaida, est depuis samedi soir entre les mains de Washington. L'homme de 49 ans, accusé d'être responsable des attentats meurtriers de 1998 contre les ambassades américaines en Tanzanie et au Kenya, a été arrêté en Libye lors d'un raid des forces spéciales mené en plein jour à Tripoli.

«Les Etats-Unis d'Amérique ne cesseront jamais leurs efforts pour que les responsables d'actes de terrorisme rendent des comptes», a déclaré dimanche le secrétaire d'Etat John Kerry


224 morts en 1998

Abou Anas al-Libi, de son vrai nom Nazih Abdul Hamed al-Raghie, était membre du Groupe islamique de combat libyen (Gicl) avant de rallier le réseau d'al-Qaida. Durant des années, il s'est battu pour renverser le régime de Mouammar Kadhafi afin d'instaurer en Libye un État islamiste radical. Le Groupe islamique de combat libyen était dirigé depuis l'Asie centrale par un des tout premiers lieutenant d'Oussama Ben laden, Abou Laith al-Libi.

Abou Anas al-Libi a fini par rejoindre la mouvance al-Qaida, et aurait joué un rôle central dans les attentats du 7 août 1998. Ce jour là, une voiture piégée devant l'ambassade américaine à Nairobi avait fait 213 morts, dont seuls 44 travaillaient à l'ambassade. Simultanément, un camion-citerne piégé avait explosé devant l'ambassade américaine à Dar es-Salaam, en Tanzanie, tuant 11 passants.



La tête d'Abou Anas al-Libi était mise à prix depuis 15 ans: le FBI offrait 5 millions de dollars pour sa capture. L'opération qui a permis sa capture s'est faite avec l'accord du gouvernement libyen. L'homme est détenu «dans un endroit sûr à l'extérieur de la Libye», et devrait rapidement être transféré aux Etats-Unis pour y être jugé.


Opération contre les Chebab

24 heures plus tôt, dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, les forces spéciales américaines se sont également attaquées à une base chebab en Somalie. Le résultat de cette opération, visant à mettre la main sur un leader chebab très recherché, est flou. L'homme n'a pas été capturé, mais aurait pu être tué lors des combats. «Les militaires américains ont pris toutes les précautions nécessaires pour évier des pertes civiles dans cette opération et se sont retirés après avoir infligé quelques pertes aux shebab», a déclaré un porte-parole américain.

Les chebab, eux, avaient annoncé dès samedi matin qu'ils avaient été attaqués par des forces occidentales, «mais on leur a infligé une leçon et ils ont échoué», ont-ils affirmé. «L'opération ratée a été menée par des Blancs», qui ont accosté à bord de «deux petits bateaux partis d'une plus grande embarcation en mer (...) Un garde shebab a été tué, mais les renforts sont arrivés rapidement et les étrangers ont fui», a raconté à l'AFP le porte-parole chebab, Abdulaziz Abu Musab.

«J'ai été réveillé par le bruit d'un hélicoptère tournant autour du quartier et quelques minutes plus tard, des coups de feu ont éclaté et duré près de 10 minutes», a raconté un témoin sous couvert d'anonymat. «Je ne sais pas exactement ce qui s'est passé, mais c'était une attaque organisée visant une maison où se trouvaient des commandants shebab». «Ce matin, on ne peut pas s'approcher du lieu de l'attaque, des shebab lourdement armés ont bouclé la zone», a indiqué un autre habitant.

Cette attaque américaine intervient deux semaines après la sanglante prise d'otages du centre commercial Westgate de Nairobi, au Kenya, revendiquée par les Chebab.

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
CRS Looks at U.S. Special Operations Forces

September 24, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Congressional Research Service; issued Sept. 18, 2013)


U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF): Background and Issues for Congress

Special Operations Forces (SOF) play a significant role in U.S. military operations, and the Administration has given U.S. SOF greater responsibility for planning and conducting worldwide counterterrorism operations.

U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has about 67,000 active duty, National Guard, and reserve personnel from all four services and Department of Defense (DOD) civilians assigned to its headquarters, its four components, and one sub-unified command.

In February 2013, based on a request from USSOCOM and the concurrence of Geographic and Functional Combatant Commanders and Military Service Chiefs and Secretaries, the Secretary of Defense reassigned the Theater Special Operations Commands (TSOCs) to USSOCOM. This means that USSOCOM now has the responsibility to organize, train, and equip TSOCs as it previously had for all assigned SOF units. While USSOCOM is now responsible for the organizing, training, and equipping of TSOCs, the Geographic Combatant Commands will continue to have operational control over the TSOCs.

The current Unified Command Plan (UCP) stipulates USSOCOM is responsible only for synchronizing planning for global operations to combat terrorist networks. This limits its ability to conduct activities designed to deter emerging threats, build relationships with foreign militaries, and potentially develop greater access to foreign militaries. USSOCOM is proposing changes that would, in addition to its current responsibilities, include the responsibility for deploying and, when directed, employing SOF globally with the approval of the Geographic Combatant Command.

In March 2013, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel directed a DOD-wide Strategic Choices Management Review (SCMR). SCMR proposals include a possible reduction of USSOCOM and Service Component Headquarters by as much as 20%, a reduction in headquarters intelligence staff and capabilities, and possible reductions to SOF force structure.

USSOCOM’s FY2014 budget request was $7.483 billion for Operations and Maintenance; $373.693 million for Research, Development, Test, & Evaluation; $1.614 billion for Procurement; and $441.528 million for Military Construction funding. These totals reflect both base budget and Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) requests.

The House and Senate versions of the FY2014 National Defense Authorization Act recommended selected cuts in Operations and Maintenance funding, including limitations on spending for selected proposed family support programs, Regional SOF Coordination Centers, and the USSOCOM National Capitol Region.

The House and Senate Defense Appropriations bills also recommended cuts to the Operations and Maintenance budget request and had similar limitations on family support programs, Regional SOF Coordination Centers, USSOCOM National Capitol Region as well as expressed concern “regarding the quality of the operation and maintenance budget justification submitted by the Special Operations Command (SOCOM).”

Potential issues for Congress include U.S. SOF, the SCMR, and the upcoming 2014 QDR and the Global SOF Network and related concerns about its necessity and how certain aspects of this network will be developed in a highly resource-constrained budgetary environment. This report will be updated.

Click here for the full report (27 PDF pages) hosted on the website of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS).

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12 juin 2013 3 12 /06 /juin /2013 18:20
Adm. William McRaven commander of U.S. Special Operations Command (photo USAF)

Adm. William McRaven commander of U.S. Special Operations Command (photo USAF)

Jun. 12, 2013 - By PAUL McLEARY – Defense News


WASHINGTON — In September, America’s top special operator plans to sit down with US geographic combatant commanders to finally lay out plans for what he has been calling the “global SOF network.”


“We’re going to lay that out in a very visual fashion” for the commanders, said Adm. William McRaven, head of US Special Operations Command. He made his remarks during a luncheon wrapping up a two-day “Positioning Special Operations Forces [SOF] for Global Challenges” conference convened by the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis here.


The goal of the network is to more directly link deployed special operations forces (SOF) — which conduct operations under the command of the geographic commanders, not SOCOM — to one another to share information and intelligence.


But the plan is not without its detractors, including powerful voices on Capitol Hill.


Right now, SOCOM merely recruits, trains and equips special operations forces, and McRaven has no operational control over his units once they deploy.

Admiral: Global Special Operations 'Network' To Be Unveiled This Fall

The admiral’s plan will not give him any ability to control SOF in the field — that power stays with the combatant commanders — but it will allow him to help SOF commanders push intelligence to one another, while facilitating their interactions with other US government agencies and with international SOF partners.


The September meetings will allow McRaven to fully lay out his plan to commanders, which he said is critical in setting up his more ambitious vision to create the global SOF network.


“I need to get the military buy-in first, and then very quickly we move to the interagency, and then very quickly we move to our partners and our allies to make sure that everybody understands, at least from a global SOF network perspective, what the intent is,” he said.


As his team starts patching together the disparate SOF units spread around the world, McRaven said he plans to cut back on the amount of travel he does in order to stay at his Tampa headquarters and act as “master of ceremonies” and bring any interagency or foreign ally into the fold who wants to be a part of the network.


“The reason I want to do that is to be able to pump energy into the network to kind of force the network to talk to each other,” he said.


McRaven estimated that he spends about 70 percent of his time on the road, but come October wants to flip that to 30 percent.


This network also has a hardware component to it; it’s not just about personal relationships, McRaven said.

Admiral: Global Special Operations 'Network' To Be Unveiled This Fall

“It is also about command and control and communications. There is an infrastructure that makes this network hum,” he said. “Right now, some of that works very well, but across the globe, it works episodically, and it works episodically because we haven’t engaged it to the level we need to engage it.”


While the idea is moving full speed ahead on the SOCOM side, congressional appropriators are a little more wary of the idea.


The House Armed Services Committee’s markup of the fiscal 2014 defense authorization bill gutted the $10 million SOCOM request to establish a Washington office, in addition to slashing the $15 million requested to create regional SOF coordination centers (RSCCs) to make the network operational.


Two RSCCs are envisioned for SOF in US Pacific and Southern Commands. The Pacific center would be “a hub for multilateral engagement” for education and training activities that would “link a multinational network of over 1,000 partners ready to cooperate” with the US, budget documents state.


The other office would be in Colombia, with the Colombian government leading the effort in setting up “a multinational education venue with an operation/inter-agency focus designed to strengthen relations, build trust and foster cooperation among regional allies in the Western Hemisphere to better counter threats to regional security and stability.”


Speaking at the luncheon, House Armed Services Committee chairman Rep. Buck McKeon, R-Calif., explained the cut by saying that “we have limited resources, and some people don’t understand what he’s trying to do where he can build up commands … so all the money we’re trying to put into readiness. We have a big concern about readiness.


“We’re just at the start of the process,” McKeon said, adding that “there’ll be time to make changes as we move forward.”

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 07:20
MH-60L helicopter

MH-60L helicopter


24 April 2013 army-technology.com


Alliant Techsystems (ATK) has been awarded a contract for the supply of a low-cost, lightweight, precision-guided missile for evaluations by the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), as part of the Defense Acquisition Challenge (DAC) programme.


Under the terms of the $3.2m contract, ATK will deliver its guided advanced tactical rocket (GATR) and precision-guided rocket launcher (PGRL) for both environmental and operational evaluation on the USSOCOM's MH-60L/M rotary-wing platforms.


ATK Armament Systems vice-president and general manager Dan Olson said: "Our ongoing investment and expertise in precision strike weapons, including the GATR system, provide a mature capability that fulfils the requirements of our military customers using innovative approaches that minimise integration costs."


Manufactured in collaboration with Elbit Systems, the GATR is a 70mm precision system designed for air-to-ground and ground-to-ground missions against soft, lightly armoured, stationary, moving and manoeuvring targets, and for military operations in urban terrain.


Incorporating a semi-active laser seeker similar to the one used in combat-proven joint direct attack munition (JDAM), the system enables pilots to lock-on targets before launch to ensure engagement of only the target of interest, with minimum collateral damage and at reduced operational costs.


Compatible with the existing 2.75in rocket-launcher hardware, the system features a digitally fused M282 multi-purpose warhead that is programmed from cockpits to provide super quick, point detonating fusing to defeat soft targets or delayed fusing for hardened targets penetration.


Available in three, seven and 19-tube versions, GATR is launched from PGRL digital launcher, and supports seamless integration into all fixed and rotary-wing platforms using existing digital and analogue fire control systems to offer digital stores management for all loaded weapons.


The DAC programme seeks validation of GATR and PGRL's desired operational and ballistic performance, while deployed from USSOCOM's airborne platforms.

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