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17 septembre 2014 3 17 /09 /septembre /2014 16:50
Counter-IED experts complete “European Guardian” exercise in Vienna

A two-week European exercise focused on manual neutralisation of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) has finished in Vienna.


From 1 to 12 September 2014, fourteen Counter-IED experts from Austria, Germany, Italy, Ireland, and Sweden took part in an intensive Manual Neutralisation Exercise at the Austrian Army’s Logistics School in Vienna. The exercise was organised by Austria as lead nation in close cooperation with the European Defence Agency (EDA).

Manual neutralisation refers to situations where a trained operator has to manually defuse an improvised explosive device. This occurs when it is not possible to tackle the device remotely, for example when the device is attached to a hostage or with chemical or even radiological material. It is one of the most mentally and technically challenging jobs performed by anyone in the armed forces, requiring high-level skills and training.

The aim of the exercise was to give participants the chance to use and develop  these skills in a highly demanding, multinational environment. Over the two-week period, they were given a series of different and increasingly complex scenarios and devices to deal with. One operator from Ireland, who participated in the exercise, commented, “for most of us, this is only one element of our jobs, thankfully we do not encounter devices like this every day. Training like this is vital, to ensure that we are as sharp and up-to-date as possible when we do encounter a complex device or hostage situation.”

The Austrian officer in charge, explained the advantages of running the course at a European level, “obviously one important element is cost. By pooling demand from different countries with similar needs, we can afford to do more than we would be able to do individually. However, another important part is bringing together operatives from across Europe, learning from each other, and developing a European network of manual neutralisation experts”, he said.


Manual Neutralisation Techniques Courses and Exercises

The course is part of the EDA’s Manual Neutralisation Techniques Courses and Exercises programme. It is the second event to be held under the programme in Austria this year, after the completion of the first European Manual Neutralisation Training Course in May. Both the course and exercise made use of specially designed manual neutralisation kits for defusing improvised explosive devices. These kits were purchased by EDA and given to the Austrian Armed Forces to be stored at the logistics school, however they are available on request for operational use by all participating EDA Member States.


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18 février 2014 2 18 /02 /février /2014 17:30
Nucléaire iranien: début des négociations à Vienne sur un accord définitif



18 février 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


VIENNE - L'Iran et les grandes puissances ont entamé mardi à Vienne des négociations en vue de régler définitivement leur conflit sur le programme nucléaire de Téhéran, ont annoncé la délégation américaine et le porte-parole de l'Union européenne.


La réunion, la première d'une série dont le cadre et les échéances restent à définir, est présidée par le chef de la diplomatie européenne, Catherine Ashton, a précisé son porte-parole, Michael Mann.


Les négociations sont menées par de hauts responsables des pays du groupe des 5+1 (Etat-Unis, Chine, Russie, France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne).


Le ministre iranien des Affaires étrangères, Mohammad Javad Zarif, est également présent à Vienne l'occasion de cette réunion, qui doit durer trois jours.


A l'issue d'un dîner de travail avec Mme Ashton lundi, il avait affirmé être dans la capitale autrichienne avec la volonté politique d'aboutir à un accord.


Le 24 novembre à Genève, l'Iran avait conclu avec le groupe des 5+1 un accord intérimaire de six mois prévoyant un gel de certaines activités nucléaires sensibles en échange de la levée d'une petite partie des sanctions qui étranglent l'économie du pays.


L'objectif est désormais de transformer ce plan d'action en un accord global garantissant sans l'ombre d'un doute la nature pacifique du programme nucléaire iranien.

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