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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:40
Canadian Forces Cancels Meetings And Exercises With Russian Military


March 5, 2014. David Pugliese Defence Watch


Canadian military cooperation with Russia is over.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Tuesday that joint activities, ranging from meetings to exercises, are being cancelled. That is because of Russia’s activities in the Ukraine.


“I have this morning directed that, effective immediately, all planned bilateral activities between the Canadian Armed Forces and the military of the Russian Federation be suspended,” Harper said Tuesday.


“This includes exercises, such as NORAD’s Exercise Vigilant Eagle, and scheduled meetings,” he said.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 08:20
Ukraine: le Canada suspend sa coopération militaire avec la Russie


MOSCOU, 5 mars - RIA Novosti


Le premier ministre canadien Stephen Harper a annoncé mardi avoir suspendu toute coopération militaire entre le Canada et la Russie, rapportent les médias occidentaux.

"Ce matin, j'ai demandé que toutes les activités bilatérales prévues entre les Forces armées canadiennes et celles de la Fédération russe soient suspendues immédiatement",  lit-on dans une déclaration diffusée par le service de presse gouvernemental.

Selon M.Harper, cette mesure concerne les exercices militaires, dont Vigilant Eagle de NORAD, ainsi que "toutes les rencontres".

"La situation en Ukraine demeure pour nous une grave préoccupation et nous sommes à revoir nos relations avec le gouvernement du président Poutine en conséquence", a indiqué le premier ministre canadien.

Lundi, le porte-parole du Pentagone John Kirbey a fait savoir que Washington suspendait également sa coopération avec les militaires russes en raison de la situation autour de l'Ukraine.

Le 1er mars, le Sénat russe a autorisé le recours à la force miliaire en Ukraine "en raison de la situation extraordinaire dans ce pays, de la menace pesant sur la vie des citoyens russes et des effectifs du contingent militaire russe qui sont déployés dans la république autonome ukrainienne de Crimée conformément à un accord bilatéral".

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2 décembre 2013 1 02 /12 /décembre /2013 08:20
Photo DND

Photo DND


December 1, 2013. David Pugliese - Defence Watch




Members of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and their Russian Federation Air Force counterparts met in Moscow last week to review the lessons learned from Vigilant Eagle 13, held earlier this year, and to start planning for Vigilant Eagle 14.


Last year’s live-fly Vigilant Eagle 13 exercise took place August 27 to 28 in Anchorage, Alaska, and Anadyr, Russia. It involved Russian, Canadian and American military personnel and aircraft, operating from command centers in Russia and the United States.

The Vigilant Eagle 14 exercise will be a “command post exercise” (CPX) involving a more complex scenario, to be developed in the coming months.


“It is crucial to meet in person to discuss the successful execution of Vigilant Eagle 13 in order to improve and build on the lessons learned for the next exercise,” said Mr. Joe Bonnet, director of joint training and exercises for NORAD and U.S. Northern Command. “This conference in Moscow is also a great opportunity to share and discuss different ideas and scenarios for Vigilant Eagle 14.


“As we continue to work with the Russian Federation Air Force and its professional members, we are creating lasting bonds and partnerships extremely valuable for the security of our three nations.”


Working in partnership with the United States’ Federal Aviation Agency and its Russian counterpart, the Vigilant Eagle exercise series focuses on national procedures for monitoring a situation, and the cooperative hand-off of a hijacked aircraft from one nation to the other while exchanging air track information. All players focus on coordinating their response to the incident.


The United States-Russian Federation Armed Forces Military Cooperation Work Plan is the basis that allows the Russian Federation and NORAD personnel to conduct Vigilant Eagle conferences and execution.

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 07:20
US, Russian Fighters in “Hijack” Exercise

A CC-150 Polaris Airbus from 437 Squadron in Trenton provides air-to-air refueling to CF-18 Hornet fighter aircraft from 409 Squadron on their transit from Cold Lake, Alberta to Elmendorf, Alaska in preparation for Exercise VIGILANT EAGLE 13 on August 25, 2013.
Photo: Cpl Vicky Lefrancois, DAirPA


August 27, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: U.S Department of Defense; issued August 26, 2013)


Vigilant Eagle Continues Closer U.S.-Russian Cooperation


WASHINGTON --- Beginning tomorrow, fighter jets from the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the Russian air force will scramble to track and intercept “hijacked” aircraft during an air defense exercise viewed as a steppingstone toward closer military-to-military cooperation in additional areas.


Vigilant Eagle 13 kicked off today, with scenarios that present the United States, Canada and Russia with a common enemy: terrorist hijackers, Joseph Bonnet, director of joint training and exercises for NORAD and U.S. Northern Command, said during a telephone interview with American Forces Press Service.


The exercise is the fifth in a series, based on a 2003 agreement between the sitting U.S. and Russian presidents to strengthen the two militaries’ relationship and their ability to work together. The threat of international hijackers served as a foundation to help advance that effort, resulting in an exercise program that addresses a recognized threat, Bonnet explained.


Vigilant Eagle began in 2008 as a command post exercise. At Russia’s request, it now alternates between CPXs that test out principles and procedures in a computer-based setting and “live-fly” exercises that apply those principles and procedures the following year.


This year’s exercise is the third in the series to incorporate actual aircraft, Bonnet reported. A Russian Tupolev and a commercial aircraft contracted by the United States will simulate commercial airliners seized by terrorists. The U.S. Air Force’s Airborne Warning and Control System and Russia’s A-50 Beriev will serve as command-and-control platforms.


Live fighter jets -- Canadian CF-18 Hornets and Russian Sukhois -- will track, identify, intercept and follow the hijacked aircraft, and both Canada and Russia will conduct air-to-air refueling operations. The Canadian air force has been integral to past Vigilant Eagle exercises, but is contributing aircraft for the first time this year, Bonnet said.


In addition, the Federal Aviation Administration and its Russian equivalent are participating.


The scenario involves two “hijacked” commercial aircraft that challenge participants on the ground and in the sky to provide a coordinated response, Bonnet explained. The first flight, to originate tomorrow from Anchorage, Alaska, will travel into Russian airspace. The following day, a Russian aircraft will take off from Anadyr, Russia, toward U.S. airspace.


When the aircraft fail to respond to communications, NORAD, the U.S.-Canada command that safeguards U.S. skies under Operation Noble Eagle, and the Russian air force will move into action. Both will launch or divert fighter jets to investigate and follow the suspect aircraft headed toward each other’s airspace. At that point, they will hand off the missions to each other to complete.


Working together in Anchorage and Anadyr and at the NORAD headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo., participants will cooperate in escort and handoff procedures using two distinct communications, command-and-control and air traffic control systems, Bonnet said.


Vigilant Eagle has become more ambitious and valuable with each iteration, Bonnet said, noting that this year’s exercise will be no different.


“This is the culmination of everything that has gone on in previous exercises, and we expect it to continue to mature,” he said. “Like us, the Russian Federation air force is eager to expand the scope and complexity of the exercise, and to look into other areas,” such as related search-and-rescue and airfield operations.


Bonnet called continuation of Vigilant Eagle, particularly at a time when budget costs have caused the cancellation of many other exercises, a success in itself. With fewer than 100 people directly involved from the United States, Vigilant Eagle offers tremendous “bang for the buck,” he said.


“This is a small, relatively inexpensive exercise with a huge payoff,” he said. “It doesn’t cost any of the countries a lot of money, but it is building things that have immediate value for all of them. When you have procedures and a means of communicating information between both sides, that has a lot of value.”


Another big success, Bonnet said, is that the exercise has transcended leadership changes both in the United States and in Russia, as well as recent political tensions between them.


Both countries recognize the importance of continued cooperation to keep their international borders safe, he said.


“It is one of the biggest single areas where the Russian Federation, U.S. and Canada can truly cooperate,” he said. “All three countries share a common objective in thwarting, combating and cooperating against terrorism.”


As their militaries work together to confront terrorist hijackers, Bonnet said, they are laying the foundation for future cooperation in other areas.


“What we are trying to do is continually build and expand the exercise and use this as a basis for moving the relationship forward,” he said. “That, to me, is the biggest value of Vigilant Eagle.”

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