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6 décembre 2013 5 06 /12 /décembre /2013 08:50
Morgan, Ricardo and Ultra form partnership for UK's Mastiff vehicle contract


12/05/2013 Defence IQ Press


Morgan Advanced Materials, Ricardo and Ultra Electronics have formed an exclusive partnership to bid for the continued support and upgrade of the UK Ministry of Defence’s Mastiff, Ridgback and Wolfhound fleet of Protected Patrol Vehicles.


Morgan Advanced Materials’ Composites and Defence Systems business (formerly NP Aerospace) is the acting as the prime contractor in the contract. It has designed, developed and integrated UK-specific, specialised armour protection and electronic systems into the entire Mastiff family of vehicles from base platforms purchased from the US. Morgan also implemented and operated the spares support processes, including configuration management, stocking and supply chain management, which kept the fleets running during combat operations.


Ricardo is an automotive engineering specialist and was responsible for the initial design, development and engineering of the Foxhound vehicles, manufacturing all 376 units ordered to date. Ricardo was prime contractor on the Vixen and RWMIK+ upgrade programmes and has also undertaken a project for the Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (DSTL) to identify improvements to the fuel efficiency of Mastiff vehicles.


“Ricardo is extremely pleased to be joining forces with Morgan and Ultra in what represents a highly effective and all-British partnership, drawing together world-class engineering capabilities and extensive experience in military vehicle design, development, manufacture and overhaul,” said Ricardo UK managing director Martin Fausset.


Ultra Electronics has pioneered vehicle information and power systems and has worked on behalf of customers including the MoD, US Department of Defense and other Tier 1 suppliers into the defence sector. Ultra is currently under contract to provide multiple electronic systems for the Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme and Scout SV development. It is the only Tier 2 supplier involved in all aspects of Generic Vehicle Systems Architecture (GVSA), Generic Soldier Architecture (GSA) and Generic Base Architecture (GBA).


The MoD will shortly award contracts for Post Design Service, Coherence and future upgrade work. Morgan will lead the group and is bidding as prime contractor.

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11 septembre 2013 3 11 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
More than 1,000 vehicles return from Afghanistan

Jackal and Coyote vehicles waiting to be unloaded at Marchwood (Picture Corporal Lu Scott, UK MoD)


9 September 2013 Ministry of Defence and Defence Equipment and Support


The delivery of nearly 100 vehicles to the UK from Afghanistan today brings the total number redeployed from theatre to more than 1,000.


94 vehicles were unloaded earlier today, Monday 9 September, at Marchwood Sea Mounting Centre near Southampton after transit from a port in the Middle East.

The protected patrol vehicles on board the ‘roll-on, roll-off’ ferry included 18 Mastiffs, each weighing more than 26 tonnes, and more than 30 Jackal vehicles.

British armoured vehicles are either being flown from Camp Bastion in Helmand province or in some cases moved overland through Pakistan to a sea port, before being loaded onto a ferry.

The ferry then spends over 4 weeks at sea navigating through the Gulf of Oman, along the coast of Yemen, across the Red Sea and through the Suez Canal, before sailing through the Mediterranean, past Gibraltar, and finally turning for UK shores.

Vehicles being returned to the UK from Afghanistan
Vehicles being returned to the UK from Afghanistan arriving at Marchwood [Picture: Shane Wilkinson, Crown copyright]

So far more than 1,080 vehicles and pieces of major equipment have been redeployed to the UK from Afghanistan, alongside 1,570 containers of materiel.

Under current plans, around 3,345 vehicles or items of equipment and around 5,500 containers of materiel will be returned by the conclusion of the British combat mission in Afghanistan at the end of 2014.

The vehicles returned to the UK today will next travel to the Herrick exchange point facility at Warminster where mechanics will work to bring them up to standard ready to issue to units for future use.

Unloading vehicles being returned to the UK from Afghanistan
Unloading vehicles being returned to the UK from Afghanistan at Marchwood [Picture: Shane Wilkinson, Crown copyright]

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said:

Having deployed thousands of vehicles and pieces of equipment to Afghanistan over the last 12 years we are making good progress in bringing them home as we near the end of combat operations in December 2014. A huge amount of work goes into returning our equipment and vehicles from Helmand, so I’m pleased with the progress we have made so far.

The redeployment of equipment from Afghanistan is a major logistical challenge, but I am confident military planners are up to the task and we are on schedule to bring home the vast array of equipment we have deployed there. Our troops will be resourced properly to the end of operations, and the drawdown of equipment will not compromise our mission in Afghanistan.

We can only achieve this redeployment because of the successful transition of security control from British forces to Afghan forces, which are increasingly capable and professional. These forces have stepped up in the fight against the insurgency throughout this summer and now lead on security throughout the country.

Mastiff and Wolfhound armoured vehicles
Mastiff and Wolfhound armoured vehicles waiting to be unloaded at Marchwood [Picture: Corporal Lu Scott, Crown copyright]

The Marchwood Sea Mounting Centre is the sole ‘Army’ port in the UK and was built up in 1943 to ferry equipment and personnel to the Normandy beaches the following year during the Second World War.

The 289-acre site, which incorporates 3 main jetties, is operated by 17 Port and Maritime Regiment Royal Logistic Corps, who load and discharge Service and civilian shipping in support of military administration, exercises and operations.

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25 juin 2012 1 25 /06 /juin /2012 16:35



25 June 2012 army-technology.com


General Dynamics UK has received a contract from the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) to supply the first systems information exploitation / health and usage monitoring system (SIE/HUMS) to the British Army.


Under the £4m deal, the company will install the systems in a total of 578 vehicles, including six protected patrol vehicle (PPV) variants in the operational training fleet to help enhance their availability and operations.


Armoured vehicles to be equipped with SIE/HUMS include the Mastiff, Ridgback, Husky, Jackal, Coyote and Wolfhound.


According to GD, the selection was based on the cost-effectiveness of the solution and also took into consideration the company's previous work, which included integration of more than 15,000 vehicles from the British Army's fleet.


The SIE/HUMS system is designed to enable operators and fleet managers to optimise vehicle use and minimise maintenance by providing accurate performance data, obtained through monitoring of onboard systems.

"The SIE/HUMS system is designed to enable operators and fleet managers to optimise vehicle use and minimise maintenance by providing accurate performance data, obtained through monitoring of onboard systems."


Data gathered will also help the personnel to enhance fleet availability, which will deliver an improved army vehicle fleet-management capability, in addition to allowing conditioned-based maintenance where lightly-used vehicles receive less work, which will eventually reduce maintenance costs.


The data collected and analysed by the system will range from engine management-system data, such as oil and water temperature, speed, distance travelled, and performance, to information about shocks and vibration, excessive vehicle speed or high fuel consumption.


Once the data is collected, operators conduct a statistical time-based analysis to identify potential problems; as more information is gathered, prognostics will also allow for better preventative maintenance practices, which contribute to increasing fleet availability.


The system is designed to be generic vehicle architecture (GVA) compliant and can plug-and-play with other GVA devices to improve onboard capabilities, as well as being modified through software configuration to record data as required.

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16 mai 2012 3 16 /05 /mai /2012 16:50
Les Britanniques envisagent de transférer 1 200 véhicules aux Afghans


16.05.2012 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense



Selon le MailOnline, l'armée britannique a décidé de ne pas rapatrier plus d'un millier de véhicules et blindés légers lors de son retrait d'Afghanistan en 2014. L'armée britannique déploie actuellement quelque 1 900 véhicules dans le sud du pays; sur ce nombre, 700 seulement (Ridgeback, Mastiff et Foxhound) seraient rapatriés au Royaume-Uni, le reste étant transféré aux forces afghanes.


La décision concerne des centaines de Land Rover blindées, des Jackal, Wolfhound, Warthog (photo ci-dessus). Selon le MailOnline, 132 Snatch Land Rovers et 198 Vector seraient aussi rétrocédés aux Afghans. Valeur du parc cédé: près de deux milliards (et non millions) de livres sterling.


On se demande si les Afghans apprécieront ce genre de don. Si tous les contingents isafiens font de même, l'armée afghane va hériter d'une panoplie dépareillée de véhicules. Futur casse-tête de mécanos en panne de pièces de rechange!

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15 mai 2012 2 15 /05 /mai /2012 16:50
British Army to donate £1bn of military vehicles to Afghan forces

The British Army's Snatch 2 Land Rovers during Operation Telic in Iraq


15 May 2012 army-technology.com


The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) is planning to donate armoured vehicles worth an estimated £1bn to the Afghan National Army (ANA) following the withdrawal of UK troops by the end of 2014.


Senior military officials were quoted by the Daily Mail as saying that a preliminary analysis has identified more than 1,200 protected trucks and personnel carriers, which are likely to be passed over to the ANA rather than transported back to Britain.


The MoD has listed only 700 vehicles for recovery, which primarily includes the latest and most heavily protected vehicles, such as the Mastiffs, Ridgebacks, Foxhounds, as well as a number of Jackal armoured vehicles.


The Foreign Office, which oversees operational policy in Afghanistan, has ordered that 'significant equipment' should be passed to the Afghanistan army and police so they can maintain security when UK troops leave the nation.


The British Army currently has more than 1,900 protected vehicles in southern Afghanistan, and the overall cost of equipment to be passed to the ANA is expected to reach £2bn.


The vehicles being donated include a number of Wolfhound personnel carriers, some first generation Jackals, a weapons-mounted armoured patrol vehicle and a small number of heavily-protected Warthog all-terrain vehicles.


A total of 132 upgraded Snatch Land Rovers will also be handed over, along with 198 Vector armoured personnel carriers to the ANA and police, which mostly operate in a fleet of pick-up trucks.


The British Army has also handed over a number of basic vehicles to the Iraqi Army and police, including 400 armoured Land Rovers, which had been used in Northern Ireland.

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