Edition 8 - June 2016 source EU Defence Agency
General information
Aggregated defence data 2014 and 2015 (estimated) are now available: The EDA collects defence data on an annual basis. The Ministries of Defence of the Agency’s 27 Member States provide the data. EDA acts as the custodian of the data and publishes the aggregated figures.
Places to be: workshops, events, exhibitions …
EU Defence Test and Evaluation Base Plenary Group– prepares TECD 2017 in Vienna: The next DTEB PG meeting will take place 23rd June in Wiener Neustadt, Vienna, Austria (back to back with a European Land Robotic Trial). The DTEB PG prepares the call for contributions for the Test & Evaluation Community Days Conference 2017 (TECD 2017). This call and information about the Conference will be published on EDA Website.
EDA in cooperation with The European Commission (EC), and the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) is organizing a workshop on opportunities in the field of critical electronic components on June 28, 2016. The objective is to find areas of cooperation and to pave the way for increased opportunities for dual-use research in the future. Registration is now available
News about Innovation
4th ENNSA Ammunition Safety Workshop in Switzerland: The primary objective of the event, which took place at the Armasuisse Test Centre in Thun, was for ammunition safety experts to discuss results from a European ammunition safety test (Round Robin Test) and to provide an overview of the military test centre capabilities. First test results of the Round Robin Test demonstrated the importance and added value of EU T&E networking.
Defence Research & Technology conference report available now: The Netherlands EU Presidency, with EDA, published a report summarizing the main findings of the 25/26 April conference on “Setting priorities for R&T in Europe to prepare the future together”. The conference saw 150 participants discussing emerging & critical technologies, innovation in defence as well as strategic agenda setting for R&T in Europe
Hot spot on specific Industry issues
Industrial analysis of opportunities derived from the collaborative database (CODABA) in the area of Field Camp Solutions (FCS): the executive summary of the study commissioned by EDA is now available on the EDA website.
Industrial analysis of CDP priority actions in the field of Protection of Forces in theatre (C-IED and C-CBRNE (explosives) capabilities in Operations): the executive summary of the study commissioned by EDA is now available on the EDA website.
Industrial analysis of opportunities derived from the Collaborative Database (CODABA) in the field of Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) equipment: the executive summary of the study commissioned by EDA is now available on the EDA website.
Request for Industry viewpoint
EDA Study on REACH and CLP impact on the Defence Sector: Contractor consultation with industry launched, with deadline for inputs: 30 June 2016. Individual industry and associations are encouraged to actively participate to the survey.
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