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8 septembre 2014 1 08 /09 /septembre /2014 12:50
More defence cuts would be irresponsible

General Sir Peter Wall, the Chief of the General Staff, said a 'resurgent' Taliban and al-Qaeda could see combat troops being redeployed in Afghanistan - photo EMA


08 Sep 2014 By Con Coughlin


The head of the Army is retiring with a warning to the Government. He talks exclusively to Con Coughlin


In an Army career spanning 41 years, General Sir Peter Wall has seen his fair share of modern conflict. When he passed out from Sandhurst as a young officer in the Royal Engineers, the threats facing Britain ranged from the Cold War stand-off with Moscow to the bitter struggle with the IRA. Now, as he retires from a career that has seen him rise to the Army’s highest position as Chief of the General Staff, Sir Peter cannot help but reflect on the similar types of threats Britain faces today.


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