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15 mai 2014 4 15 /05 /mai /2014 12:30
Atalante : Exercice « Kanjar Hadd »



15/05/2014 Sources : EMA


Du 5 au 8 mai 2014, la frégate de surveillance (FS) Floréal, engagée dans l’opération de lutte contre la piraterie Atalante, a participé à l’exercice Kanjar Hadd, dans le cadre de la coopération bilatérale franco-omanaise.


Mené à l’initiative du Sultanat d’Oman, cet exercice annuel multilatéral a réuni, pour sa 19e édition, les marines française, omanaise, américaine et anglaise autours de nombreuses manœuvres imposant un rythme soutenus aux participants. Treize bâtiments militaires, et une quinzaine d’aéronefs (hélicoptères, patrouille maritime dont un ATL2 français et chasseurs, dont des Rafale français d’Abu Dahbi) ont participé à des manœuvres opérationnelles intenses et complexes relevant, entre autres, de la lutte anti-aérienne, de la guerre des mines, de la lutte au-dessus de la surface, ou encore de la navigation de groupe.


La proximité et le grand nombre de bâtiments impliqués ont mis les équipages à l’épreuve de jour comme de nuit. Le Floréal a ainsi pu démontere sa capacité à mener des actions de combat de haute intensité au sein d’une force multinationale.


A l’issue de cet exercice,  le Floréal et son équipage ont réintégré la Task Force 465 Atalante.


La frégate française est engagée depuis le 18 avril 2014 dans l’opération européenne de lutte contre la piraterie, contribuant ainsi à la dissuasion, à la prévention et à la répression des actes de piraterie dans l’océan Indien et le golfe d’Aden.

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31 janvier 2014 5 31 /01 /janvier /2014 18:45
10 millions d'euros économisés avec la réduction de la participation française dans Atalante

31.12.2013 par Philippe Chapleau – Lignes de Défense


Baisse des actes de piraterie et recherches d'économies... La conséquence est logique: la France devrait alléger sa participation à l’opération européenne Atalante de lutte contre la piraterie au large des côtes somaliennes. Opération qui devrait se prolonger au-delà de décembre 2014 puisque la situation reste précaire dans l'océan Indien et que la menace n'est pas éradiquée.

Le ministre de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, en a fait l’annonce le 14 janvier lors d’une audition à l’Assemblée nationale, expliquant que "si notre participation à l’opération Atalante est réduite, c’est parce que d’autres pays s’associeront à la lutte contre la piraterie dans cette zone, à commencer par le Japon".

"Il faudra en revanche renforcer la protection maritime dans le golfe de Guinée. Certains États riverains doivent nous y aider", a toutefois précisé le ministre de la Défense.

JYLD a précisé, deux jours plus tard, cette fois devant les députés de la commission des Finances, que cet allégement permettra d’économiser 10 millions d’euros sur le budget des opérations extérieures (opex). Il n'a pas en revanche précisé le montant d'éventuels surcoûts en cas d'implication accrue dans le golfe de Guinée.

Actuellement, Atalante mobilise cinq navires et 1 200 hommes. Le contre-amiral français Hervé Bléjean en assure le commandement à la mer à bord du transport de chalands de débarquement Siroco. Le 18 janvier 2014, le TCD Siroco a intercepté un boutre indien piraté à la sortie du golfe d’Aden, à quelque 75 km des côtés omanaises. À son bord, l’équipe de visite a procédé à l’arrestation de cinq présumés pirates qui retenaient onze membres d’équipage d’origine indienne.

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3 décembre 2013 2 03 /12 /décembre /2013 17:45
Latest news from EUNAVFOR

02.12.2013 EUNAVFOR

Hollywood Movie Captain Phillips Premieres On Board EU Naval Force Flagship HNLMS Johan de Witt

The recently released Hollywood movie, Captain Phillips, held its Dutch premiere in a very special way. At the same time as the film was being shown in the Tuschinski theatre in Amsterdam, the movie was also being screened on the flight deck of the EU Naval Force flagship, HNLMS Johan de Witt during their during logistics visit to Muscat, Oman.

EU Naval Force Warship ESPS Meteoro Hosts Seychelles Coast Guard During Port Visit

During their recent logistical visit to the Seychelles, Spanish Ocean Patrol Vessel (OPV), ESPS Meteoro, held a number of very productive meetings with the Seychelles Coast Guard. On the 25th of October, ESPS Meteoro was visited by 18 members of the Seychelles Coast Guard, in conduct Local Maritime Capacity Building (LMCB). After a tour on the ship and several briefings about the characteristics and capabilities of the Spanish patrol vessel, the crews exchanged experiences and talked about capacity building in the Seychelles.

EU Naval Force Ship RFA Lyme Bay Conducts Friendly Approach With Local Seafarers

RFA Lyme Bay has carried out the first of six friendly approaches in the Gulf of Aden. It was the first friendly approach carried out by a UK Royal Fleet Auxiliary Bay Class ship, as part of European Union Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta. The ship’s boat team interacted with the local seafarers to gather information on fishing activities and the ‘pattern of life’ to sea.

EU Naval Force Officer Joins Flying Mission With NATO’s Counter Piracy Patrol Aircraft

On 13th of October the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta Liaison Officer (LNO) for Seychelles and Mauritius, Lieutenant Commander Billy Adams Royal Navy, boarded NATO’s Danish counter piracy maritime patrol aircraft for a reconnaissance mission off the coast of Somalia.

EU NAVFOR Force Commander Visits ITS Libeccio At Sea

On Sunday, 3 November, EUNAVFOR Force Commander, Commodore Peter Lenselink and members of his staff, visited the Italian warship, ITS Libeccio.

EU Naval Force: Piracy Continues – EU Warship Prevents Suspect Pirates Going To Sea And A Merchant Ship is Attacked by Pirates In The Indian Ocean

Just a few weeks after the Operation Commander of the EU Naval Force, Rear Admiral Bob Tarrant, issued another warning about the on-going piracy threat, there have been two more piracy related incidents off the Somali coast.

The first incident happened on Tuesday 5 November, when EU Naval Force German frigate, FGS Niedersachsen prevented 10 suspect pirates from getting far out to sea. The second incident happened yesterday, Wednesday 6 November, at sea 460 miles south east of Mogadishu, when a merchant ship had to repel an attack from 5 armed suspect pirates.

Lithuanian Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment Remain At The Top Of Their Game

The Lithuanian Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment (AVPD), deployed with the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta since August 2013, is tasked with the protection of the World Food Programme (WFP) ship MV Caroline Scan.

RFA Lyme Bay Maintaining Operational Capability By Training On Board

Onboard RFA Lyme Bay, which is part of European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta, the Boarding teams from the Fleet Contingency Troop and K Company 43 Commando Royal Marines have taken advantage of the Lynx MK 8 that embarked from RFA Fort Austin to practice fast roping techniques.

EU Naval Force Flagship Hosts Contact Group On Piracy Off The Coast Of Somalia

On Monday, 11 November 2013, the EU Naval Force Operation Atalanta Flagship, HNLMS Johan de Witt, has hosted the Contact Group of Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) during the Counter Piracy Week in the port of Djibouti. Government representatives from all over the world took the opportunity to see how the EU Naval Force and other counter piracy forces are contributing to the fight against piracy.

Marines Of HNLMS Johan De Witt Execute Para Jump On Water Exercise

On Tuesday November 12, marines of the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps, embarked on the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atlanta flagship, HNLMS Johan de Witt, have executed a parachute jump exercise in the Gulf of Aden. The marines are part of the Enhanced Boarding Element of HNLMS Johan de Witt and are able to carry out boarding operations in case of a counter piracy operation.

ITS Libeccio Provides Medical Assistance At Sea

The Italian Frigate ITS Libeccio, which is currently deployed with the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta, has provided medical assistance to a dhow in need of help near the Horn of Africa.


European Union Delivers Vehicles And Training For Somaliland Coast Guard

During the past week, two European Union missions, EUCAP Nestor and EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta, have worked together on two operations for the benefit of the Somaliland Coast Guard.

EU Naval Force Ships HNLMS Johan De Witt And RFA Lyme Bay Participate In Cutlass Express Maritime Exercise Off Djibouti

HNLMS Johan de Witt and RFA Lyme Bay have participated in the US led international exercise ‘Cutlass Express’.

The exercise, which was held in several operational areas in the waters off East Africa, is a maritime exercise, designed to improve cooperation, tactical expertise and information sharing practices among participating nations in order to increase maritime safety and security in the region.

UK Ship RFA Lyme Bay Heads For Home Having Completed Counter Piracy Operations With EU Naval Force Somalia

UK Royal Fleet Auxiliary, RFA Lyme Bay is heading for home having completed a 32 day tour of duty with Operation Atalanta – the European Union’s counter piracy operation off the coast of Somalia.

EU Naval Force Italian Ship ITS Libeccio Refuelled At Sea By US Auxiliary Ship USNS Arctic

In the early morning of Tuesday 19 November, EU Naval Force warship ITS Libeccio carried out a replenishment at sea (RAS) with the American auxiliary ship, USNS Arctic.

EU Naval Force Strengthens EU – Chinese Counter Piracy Relations On board Chinese Navy Flagship In Gulf Of Aden

On Friday 22 November 2013 a delegation from EU Naval Force’s flagship HNLMS Johan de Witt visited the Chinese Force Commander and his staff on board the Chinese flagship CNS Jing Gang Shan in the Gulf of Aden. The visit was an opportunity to discuss counter piracy operations.

EU Naval Force Warship ESPS Meteoro Conducts Search And Rescue Exercise At Sea

During the evening of November 22, a search and rescue exercise was conducted by ESPS Meteoro and her embarked helicopter. The exercise was part of an intensive air-sea training programme. During the exercise, two qualified rescue divers from the embarked air wing simulated two men who had been washed overboard. The Spanish warship’s SH-60B helicopter was quickly launched and ‘rescued’ them from the sea using a rescue hook.

Last Replenishment At Sea In Atalanta Operation For ESPS Meteoro

On Thursday 28 November EU Naval Force warship, ESPS Meteoro made its ninth and last replenishment at sea (RAS) with the logistic American ship USNS Joshua Humphries.

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