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17 mai 2017 3 17 /05 /mai /2017 07:50
Union Européenne : Conseil des Affaires Etrangères (Défense) le 18 mai 2017


16.05.2017 Conseil de l'Union européenne


Le Conseil, présidé par Mme Federica Mogherini, haute représentante de l'Union pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité, débutera à 10 heures. Les ministres de la défense feront d'abord le point sur la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie globale de l'UE dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la défense et devraient adopter des conclusions.


Ils examineront les progrès réalisés dans la mise en oeuvre des décisions en matière de sécurité et de défense arrêtées au sein du Conseil des affaires étrangères en mars. Celles-ci comprennent la future mise en place d'une capacité militaire de planification et de conduite (MPCC) établie à Bruxelles, pour appuyer les missions militaires PSDC à mandat non exécutif, la possibilité d'instituer une coopération structurée permanente (PESCO) et d'introduire un examen annuel coordonné en matière de défense (CARD) piloté par les États membres, le renforcement des outils de réaction rapide de l'UE, y compris les groupements tactiques de l'UE et l'adoption d'une approche plus stratégique à l'égard des partenariats en matière de PSDC. Les ministres devraient également se pencher sur la mise en oeuvre du plan d'action européen de la défense, à la suite d'une présentation faite par Mme Bienkowska, membre de la Commission.


Le Conseil abordera également la question de la coopération entre l'UE et l'OTAN. Le Secrétaire général de l'OTAN, M. Jens Stoltenberg, participera à ce débat.


Au cours du déjeuner, les ministres débattront de la lutte contre le terrorisme avec les ministres de l'intérieur. Le déjeuner sera co-présidé par la Haute Représentante et Carmelo Abela, Ministre des affaires intérieures et de la sécurité nationale.


La session du Conseil sera précédée par une réunion du comité directeur de l'Agence européenne de défense (AED).

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25 janvier 2016 1 25 /01 /janvier /2016 11:50
Le Parlement européen va revoir la clause de défense mutuelle


22/01/2016 L'Orient-Le Jour


Le Parlement européen veut améliorer la mise en œuvre de la clause de défense mutuelle, sollicitée pour la première fois dans l'histoire de l'UE par la France après les attentats de Paris, selon une résolution adoptée hier à Strasbourg. Le Parlement demande ainsi au Conseil et aux États membres « d'élaborer et d'adopter au plus vite un cadre politique » pour la mise en œuvre de l'article 42-7 des traités européens, qui prévoit une clause de solidarité en cas d'agression contre un pays de l'UE.

Les eurodéputés regrettent l'absence de modalités pratiques et de lignes directrices qui permettraient « d'assurer une réponse efficace lorsqu'un État membre invoque la clause de défense mutuelle », ce qui a provoqué une gestion « ad hoc » de la situation lorsque la procédure a été utilisée par la France. Le Parlement « est profondément convaincu que toutes les actions nationales, bilatérales et multilatérales entreprises à la suite de l'activation de l'article (...) devraient être notifiées au Conseil et simultanément rendues publiques ».

Selon les eurodéputés, la décision de la France doit « servir de catalyseur » à un débat plus approfondi sur la politique de sécurité et de défense de l'UE. L'Union « a besoin d'un quartier général civil et militaire permanent aux niveaux stratégique et opérationnel », estiment les parlementaires qui se prononcent pour doter l'UE de moyens autonomes de défense.

Au cours d'un débat sur le sujet, qui s'est tenu mercredi soir à Strasbourg, entre les députés et la chef de la diplomatie européenne Federica Mogherini, cette dernière a écarté toute intervention de l'entité européenne en Syrie. La France n'a pas demandé d'assistance militaire, mais une aide – logistique ou autre – sur ses théâtres d'intervention à l'étranger.

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9 décembre 2015 3 09 /12 /décembre /2015 08:50
EDA and Ukraine sign administrative arrangement

Picture credit: The European Union; From left to right: Mr Stepan POLTORAK, Minister of Defence of Ukraine; Ms Federica MOGHERINI, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; Mr Jorge DOMECQ, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency.


Brussels - 07 December, 2015 by European Defence Agency


Federica Mogherini, in her capacity as Head of the European Defence Agency, and Stepan Poltorak, Minister of Defence of Ukraine signed today an Administrative Arrangement between the EDA and the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence.


The conclusion of the Administrative Arrangement follows a mandate provided by the EDA Steering Board on 3 December 2015. The European Council approved the Administrative Arrangement on 30 November 2015.

The Administrative Arrangement formalises the relationship between EDA and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, enabling Ukraine’s potential participation in EDA’s military-technological projects and programmes. Cooperative areas remain to be further defined but initial identified areas are standardisation, training, logistics and Single European Sky.


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16 novembre 2015 1 16 /11 /novembre /2015 13:50
Les Européens réunis à Bruxelles appellent à l'unité contre le terrorisme


16 novembre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Bruxelles - Les pays européens et des responsables de l'UE ont lancé lundi des appels à l'unité pour combattre le terrorisme après les attentats meurtriers de Paris, lors d'une réunion des 28 ministres des Affaires étrangères réunis à Bruxelles.


Ils veulent nous diviser, nous sommes encore plus unis, a lancé la chef de la diplomatie européenne, Federica Mogherini, à son arrivée lundi à un conseil des Affaires étrangères, réunissant des ministres des Etats membres.


Mme Mogherini a notamment appelé les Européens à unir leurs forces, à partager de l'information, un agenda politique, et à faire converger leurs efforts diplomatiques, économiques, et parfois militaires, face à la menace terroriste.


Ce n'est pas une attaque contre un seul pays, ce n'est pas une attaque seulement contre l'Europe, c'est une attaque contre la civilisation, a-t-elle souligné avant la réunion européenne largement consacrée au dossier syrien.


De son côté, le secrétaire d'Etat français aux Affaires européennes, Harlem Désir, a également souligné que si c'est la France qui a été attaquée, c'est toute l'Europe qui a été touchée.


Nous avons été frappés ensemble, nous répondrons ensemble et nous vaincrons ensemble le terrorisme et l'armée terroriste de Daech (acronyme de l'Etat islamique), a-t-il insisté, appelant à prendre des décisions dans le domaine notamment de la coopération judiciaire et policière contre le terrorisme.


Il a notamment cité la nécessité d'établir un fichier européen des passagers aériens (PNR) et de discuter de la possibilité de renforcer les contrôles aux frontières.


Le ministre belge des Affaires étrangères, Didier Reynders, a estimé qu'il fallait partager de plus en plus de renseignements entre pays. Nous avons une très bonne coopération avec les autorités françaises, s'est-il félicité.


L'Europe doit être solidaire en ce moment, a estimé le commissaire européen Johannes Hahn. Nous ne devons pas faire actuellement l'amalgame entre notre problème migratoire et ces attaques terroristes violentes, a-t-il ajouté.


Il faut se garder en Europe de faire l'amalgame entre terrorisme et migration, a également insisté le ministre luxembourgeois des Affaires étrangères, Jean Asselborn, dont le pays préside le Conseil de l'UE.


Il y a un ennemi commun, c'est Daech, a-t-il ajouté, assurant qu'il n'y aurait aucune dissonnance en ce qui concerne l'apport de l'UE dans cette lutte.


Le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères, Frank-Walter Steinmeier a estimé qu'il était du devoir des Européens d'être aux côtés de la France.


Il faut chercher des solutions pour résoudre enfin le conflit clé, la guerre civile en Syrie qui entre dans sa cinquième année, a-t-il dit, espérant qu'une dynamique de négociation ait été enclenchée au niveau international sur ce dossier.


Il faut être plus efficaces et en finir avec cette barbarie qui est probablement la barbarie la plus grave que l'humanité ait connue depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, a déclaré le ministre espagnol José Manuel Garcia Margallo.

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14 octobre 2015 3 14 /10 /octobre /2015 06:50
HR/VP Mogherini kicks off public outreach on EU Global Strategy


12/10/2015 Ref: EU15-431EN


Summary: 12 October 2015, Brussels - High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini gave a keynote address on the need for an EU Global Strategy on foreign and security policy to guide the European Union’s external action in years to come.


Speaking to a crowd of policy makers, analysts and academics, as well as members of the security, defence and foreign policy communities at the Royal Brussels Academy of Science in Brussels, the High Representative stressed:

"In a world that is more connected, conflictual and more complex, strategy matters to provide us with a sense of direction; to help us navigate choppy waters; to be proactive in the protection and pursuit of our interests (…) We need to define where we can, where we must and where  we want to make a difference.”

According to the High Representative, in a world that is increasingly connected, contested and complex the Union should be guided by three central principles:

First, engagement with the outside world. "Closure is not an option for our Union" she said. "Building walls, physical or psychological cannot protect us ... turning inwards will only make us more vulnerable... Closure also means missing out on the opportunities that our global links present. Be it in terms of trade, human mobility or technology."

Mogherini also called for responsibility in addressing conflict, in particular by working with local and regional partners on addressing root causes and finding long term solutions to crises.

Finally, she stressed the need to develop strong partnerships to tackle joint challenges collectively and with a joint sense of ownership.  

The speech was delivered in the context of a two day conference organised by the European Union Institute for Security Studies to inaugurate the public consultation and outreach phase that will accompany the preparations of a Global Strategy for the European Union in the coming months.

During the conference experts and policy makers discussed different dimensions of the strategy from long term implications of current challenges in Europe's extended neighbourhood, to priorities for the Union’s Foreign, Security and Defence Policy, and the basic elements of effective strategy making.

In her speech High Representative Mogherini underlined the crucial role of an inclusive process: "Foreign policy does not only affect all of us. We also all have a role in shaping it. This is why we are gathering as many voices as possible to feed into the debate. Your ideas are crucial input to this debate”, she said.

Mogherini also stressed the important role of a strategy in helping the Union reach out to its citizens: "More people are beginning to care about what happens elsewhere. Think of the events in recent months and weeks: it is perfectly clear that ’out there’ often has a direct impact on the ’right here’” A Global strategy „opens a chance to show that Europe matters to its citizens. That our foreign policy is connected to our citizens’ needs, to their own priorities … I want a strategy that responds to the ideas, the fears and dreams of European citizens, especially the young.”

Find out more about the EU Global Strategy on the official website and join the debate on Twitter #EUGlobalStrategy.


To read the full speech click here.

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12 octobre 2015 1 12 /10 /octobre /2015 10:50
photo Russia MoD

photo Russia MoD


12 octobre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Luxembourg - L'intervention en Syrie de la Russie, qui soutient le régime du président Bachar al-Assad sur le plan militaire et politique, change la donne, a estimé lundi la chef de la diplomatie européenne, Federica Mogherini.


C'est certainement quelque chose qui change la donne (...) Cela a des aspects préoccupants,, a dit Mme Mogherini en arrivant à une réunion de ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'Union européenne à Luxembourg.


Elle a précisé que la situation en Syrie serait amplement discutée pendant la réunion, notamment en ce qui concerne les violations de l'espace aérien turc par des avions russes.


Les interventions dans le conflit doivent être coordonnées, sinon cela risque d'être extrêmement dangereux non seulement d'un point de vue politique, mais surtout d'un point de vue militaire, a ajouté Mme Mogherini.


Elle a appelé la Russie à clairement cibler Daech (acronyme arabe du groupe jihadiste Etat islamique) et d'autres groupes terroristes ainsi définis par l'ONU en Syrie.


Moscou affirme que les raids de son aviation sont dirigés contre le groupe Etat islamique mais les Occidentaux l'accusent de viser surtout par ses frappes aériennes des groupes de l'opposition modérée et le front Al-Nosra, la branche d'al-Qaïda en Syrie.


Nous avons une base commune, les Etats-Unis, la Russie, nous tous, a-t-elle insisté en référence aux travaux de l'ONU pour pousser à une transition politique en Syrie, un processus aujourd'hui au point mort.


Certains pays européens poussent de plus en plus ouvertement pour une négociation avec le président syrien Bachar al-Assad, une perspective rejetée avec force par la France et le Royaume-Uni.


Les ministres devraient appeler à une transition inclusive et pacifique à l'issue de leur réunion, sans dire si celle-ci inclut M. Assad. En même temps, ils estiment qu'il ne peut y avoir une paix durable en Syrie sous le leadership actuel, selon le texte qui doit être publié à la mi-journée, dont l'AFP a pu obtenir une copie.


Tous ceux qui ont un rôle dans la crise et dans la transition (doivent se mettre) à table, et l'issue de la transition doit être définie ensemble avec la communauté internationale, les acteurs régionaux, mais avant tout par tous les Syriens, a déclaré Mme Mogherini.


La Coalition de l'opposition syrienne en exil a indiqué dimanche qu'elle ne participerait pas aux discussions préliminaires proposées par l'ONU pour préparer des négociations de paix, en raison notamment des frappes aériennes que la Russie mène en Syrie.

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28 septembre 2015 1 28 /09 /septembre /2015 19:50
EUNAVFOR Med: EU agrees to start the active phase of the operation against human smugglers and to rename it "Operation Sophia"


Following the political guidance provided by the defence and foreign affairs ministers at their informal meetings on 3 and 5 September, EU Ambassadors within the Political and Security Committee agreed to start the first step of the second phase of the operation as of 7 October 2015 and approved the corresponding rules of engagement.

The EU naval operation against human smugglers in the Mediterranean will be able to board, search, seize and divert vessels suspected of being used for human smuggling or trafficking on the high seas, in line with international law.

The Political and Security Committee also agreed that EUNAVFOR Med should be renamed "Sophia" after the name given to the baby born on the ship of the operation which rescued her mother on 22 August 2015 off the coast of Libya.




"Today's decision takes the EU naval operation from its intelligence-gathering phase to its operational and active phase against human smugglers on the high seas. The European Union has proven its capacity to act in a swift and united manner. We are also united in our diplomatic efforts to find both a political solution to the crises in Syria and Libya, and, in partnership with the countries of origin and transit of the migration flows, to support the economic and social development of these countries." - Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

The new name of the operation will be formally adopted by the Council at the earliest opportunity.

The decision by the Political and Security Committee to launch the first step of phase 2 of the operation follows an assessment by the Council on 14 September that the conditions to move to this stage have been met.

The Operation Commander Rear Admiral Credendino has judged the transition possible as member states provided the assets needed for this more active phase in the force generation conference of 16 September 2015.

The operation is aimed at disrupting the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Mediterranean and to prevent the further loss of life at sea. It is part of a wider EU comprehensive approach to migration, tackling both the symptoms and root causes such as conflict, poverty, climate change and persecution.


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26 juillet 2015 7 26 /07 /juillet /2015 11:50
Federica Mogherini appoints new chairmen for EDA Steering Boards

Brussels - 13 July, 2015 by EU Defence Agency

Federica Mogherini, Head of the European Defence Agency, appoints three new chairmen for the EDA Steering Boards in National Armaments Directors, Capability Directors and R&T Directors compositions.


Following consultations, the three new chairs are:

  • National Armaments Directors: Deputy Minister Daniel Koštoval (CZ), with effect from 1 September 2015;
  • Capability Directors: Lt Gen Erhard Bühler (DE), with effect from 1 January 2016;
  • R&T Directors: Dr Bryan Wells (UK), also from 1 January 2016.

“I first want to thank the outgoing chairs for their outstanding contribution to the work of the Agency”, said Jorge Domecq. “At the same time, I am confident that the professional experience and personal qualities of our incoming chairs will make them excellent chairmen. The Steering Boards at the level of National Armaments Directors, R&T Directors and Capability Directors provide important decision-making forums. The Agency is at the service of its Member States: their input is vital to planning cooperative defence projects.”


Deputy Minister Daniel Koštoval started his career in Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1996. Between 1998 and 2002 he worked at NATO in Brussels before moving to Moscow and Washington. In October 2011 he became first Director of the Security Policy Department and then Director General of the Section of Non-European Countries at the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was appointed First Deputy Minister of Defence in April 2013 and State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence in February 2014. He has held his current position as Deputy Minister – Head of the Defence Policy and Strategy Division at the Ministry of Defence since January 2015.


Lieutenant General Erhard Bühler joined the German Federal Armed Forces in 1976. Between 1984 and 2006 he held command positions within the armed forces as well as senior posts at the German Ministry of Defence before becoming Deputy Chief of Staff V in 2006. In 2013, he was appointed Commander of the NATO Joint Warfare Centre in Stavanger. He has held his current position of Director Defence Plans & Policy and Head of the Directorate General for Planning in the Federal Ministry of Defence in Bonn since August 2014. Lieutenant General Bühler also served in two combat missions. In 2004 he deployed to Prizren as Commander of the 9th German Kosovo Force Contingent and from 2010 to 2011 he served as NATO Commander KFOR in Pristina.


Dr Bryan Wells joined the UK Ministry of Defence in 1988. He served as Assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Defence 1989-1992, and has held a range of other posts, including NATO and European Defence Policy 1997-1999, and Counter-Proliferation and Arms Control 2002-2008. During 1999-2002 he was on secondment to the Department of Justice. Dr Wells joined UK Defence Science and Technology in 2008. His responsibilities include the provision of strategic policy advice on all aspects of the Ministry’s science and technology programme.


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24 juillet 2015 5 24 /07 /juillet /2015 10:50
photo EDA

photo EDA

Brussels 23 July, 2015 - by EU Defence Agency

High Representative and Head of the European Defence Agency Federica Mogherini paid her first visit to the EDA yesterday. She met with the Agency’s Management Board before giving an address to the staff.


During her visit to EDA, the High Representative was briefed on EDA activities including maritime surveillance, prioritisation and funding of research & technology, and support to CSDP operations.

Today I was able to see first-hand some of the really important work you do. I am happy and proud to see how you are tackling the many challenges of European defence. In the current security environment, I want defence cooperation to be the rule, not the exception”, Federica Mogherini stressed in front of the European Defence Agency’s staff. “The EDA is providing the necessary impetus and means to make this a reality. Your collective role is vital. We are here for results and concrete achievements – and I know you deliver”, she added.


More information

  • European External Action Service website
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18 juin 2015 4 18 /06 /juin /2015 10:50
photo EDA

photo EDA


Brussels - 18 May, 2015 European Defence Agency

Defence Ministers today formalised their contribution in view of the European Council at the Steering Board of the European Defence Agency (EDA). It complements the contributions from the High Representative /Head of Agency Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Bieńkowska. Among others, Ministers agreed on analysing the implications of hybrid warfare for European defence capability development, on further incentivising defence cooperation including the Preparatory Action on CSDP-related research, on a SME Action Plan, on potential basic principles, objectives and actions for a Security of Supply regime as well as future priorities of the Agency. 


Capability development

During today’s meeting, Defence Ministers welcomed the progress achieved in the implementation of the 2013 European Council Conclusions. The four capability programmes on Air-to-Air Refuelling, Cyber Defence, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems and Governmental Satellite Communications endorsed by the European Council in 2013 are making good progress in line with their roadmaps. 

Cooperative programmes are important for enhancing capabilities in Europe, but also for clarifying priorities for industry. Defence Ministers agreed that potential additional priority capability areas could be investigated using the Agency’s Capability Development Plan, an assessment of cooperative opportunities derived from the Collaborative Database (CODABA) and EU wider policies. 

The Agency was also tasked to conduct an analysis of the implications of hybrid warfare for European defence capability development in light of the changed security environment to the East and South. The analysis might form part of wider efforts, co-ordinated by the External Action Service and also including the Commission, to analyse the impact of hybrid warfare on the European security environment and to identify, and recommend improvements to existing EU tools and instruments that are best suited to counter this threat.


Incentives for defence cooperation

While Member States spent 26% of their defence equipment budget in collaborative procurement in 2011, this ratio was 16% in 2013. There is a need to spend better on defence, and to do more together. 

Defence Ministers today confirmed the need for  EDA to work on  non-market distorting fiscal and financial measures to further incentivise defence cooperation. Tangible progress has been achieved on VAT exemption for ad hoc projects in EDA, with the support of the Commission and the Belgian authorities. Three pilot cases currently benefit from VAT exemption. Formalisation of this VAT exemption is pending the currently ongoing review of the EDA Council Decision.

EDA is investigating with Member States financial engineering mechanisms in support of defence cooperation, including a potential European investment fund for defence, for example to improve the availability of funds and the synchronisation of budgets allocated to cooperative programmes. This fund could be part of the pooled procurement mechanism. In addition, EDA has initiated contacts with the European Investment Bank to investigate potential financial support to the industrial sector and cooperative programmes of a dual-use nature.

In November 2014 the EDA proposed and Member States approved a Policy Framework for long-term and systematic cooperation. Its objective is to provide a coherent basis for defence cooperation in Europe, from priority-setting through in-service support to disposal/decommissioning.


Preparatory Action on CSDP-related research

There is a need to halt the continuing decline in investment of defence R&T and maintain competence in areas of critical technologies. The Preparatory Action on CSDP-related research, and its potential follow-on action in the next Multiannual Financial Framework, could provide fresh impetus. Ministers of Defence supported the progress achieved towards the development of the Preparatory Action by the European Defence Agency and the European Commission in close cooperation with the Member States.  They endorsed consolidated views pushing for a defence-oriented and CSDP-related Preparatory Action. The European Council in June 2015 is expected to provide further guidance. 


SME Action Plan

Defence Ministers furthermore agreed on revised guidelines for facilitating access to the defence market for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), supporting the implementation of the  Agency’s SME Action Plan. SMEs are considered to be the backbone of the EU economy in terms of jobs creation, growth and innovation. The role of SMEs in the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) has gradually increased over time, partly as a result of greater outsourcing. The non-binding guidelines were prepared in close cooperation with the Member States and the European Commission. They contain recommendations dedicated to access to supply chain, access to finance, support to innovation, competitiveness and industrial performance, and security of supply aspects. 


Security of Supply

Security of Supply arrangements are indispensable for the sustainment of operations, the development of long-term planning and cooperation, and the functioning of the internal market for defence. The December 2013 European Council called on the Commission to develop with Member States and in cooperation with the High Representative and the EDA a roadmap for a comprehensive EU-wide Security of Supply regime, which takes account of the globalised nature of critical supply chains. Due to the significance and multi-dimensional nature of the Security of Supply and taking into account experience gained from its work and activities, the EDA has together with its Member States identified potential basic principles and objectives of such a  regime as well as actions that could be taken at the intergovernmental level. Proposed actions include establishing specific measures to ensure access  to critical capabilities and technologies, e.g. through an early-warning or prioritisation mechanism, developing a mechanism to address concrete short term shortfalls, promoting cross-border cooperation, and bringing the supply and demand side closer together, for example through user-clubs.


Future priorities of EDA 

Ministers of Defence today endorsed the future priorities of the EDA including three core activities to further strengthen defence cooperation: support the development of capabilities and military cooperation; stimulate defence R&T to prepare the capabilities of tomorrow and support the EDTIB; and ensure that the interests and specificities of defence are taken into account in wider EU policies.

Under the authority of Federica Mogherini, the Head of the Agency, EDA is a key instrument for supporting and facilitating defence cooperation in Europe. EDA’s strength is that it is Member State-owned and -driven. To date, EDA has managed around 150 R&T projects with a total aggregate budget of almost €500m. 


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30 avril 2015 4 30 /04 /avril /2015 16:50
The European Union's External Action CFSP basics


27 April 2015 EUISS


Produced for the occasion of the EUISS conference with HR/VP Mogherini in April 2015, the leaflet goes back to basics on the EU’s external action.

Infographics and illustrations, as well as a glossary of terms and relevant actors, present facts and figures about the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), as well as its broader external action activities – in an easily accessible manner.


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30 avril 2015 4 30 /04 /avril /2015 16:50
Opening speech by HRVP Mogherini at the 4th EU Symposium on security and defence cooperation between the EU and the US

29/4/2015 EU source: European Union Ref: EU15-191EN

Summary: 29 April 2015, Washington, DC - Opening speech by High Representative and Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the 4th EU Symposium on security and defence cooperation between the European Union and the United States


- Check against delivery -


  • (…)The global security environment is changing dramatically. We are talking about big pictures, but it's about people's life(…).
  • (…)Now finally as Europeans we are increasing our efforts to tackle the humanitarian crisis we are facing. As we do that, though, we must also tackle the causes of migrations. Including the conflicts in Europe’s neighbourhood.



  • Since assuming my functions, 6 months ago, I have stressed the need to work on a stronger Europe when it comes to security and defence matters. Getting at least some integrated defence capacities is something we cannot do without. (…)
  • It is to draw a clearer picture of this more connected, contested and complex world, that I have launched in the EU a Strategic Review, a process of reflection on the implications of the evolving international security environment and the role that EU can and must play in it. (…)
  • (…)This is intended to be a first step in the process that might culminate in a new EU external strategy. This first step will be completed by the end of June, and will provide the basis for further decisions by the EU on how better to prepare for and act upon the challenges to peace and prosperity that we face on both sides of the Atlantic. (…)



  • (…) Over the years the EU has gained significant experience and can deploy its missions on many different scenarios. (…) Ultimately, we believe that the best approach is to enable our partners in Africa to handle crisis management with minimal outside intervention. Yesterday the Commission adopted a Communication based on my proposal to enable the EU to "train and equip" forces of local partners. Since they will bear the brunt of crisis management, they deserve our strongest support. (…)
  • (…)As we expand our ambitions, we also need to fill our defence capability gaps. At a time of reduced public spending, states seek ways to engage in pooling and sharing of capacities and resources, especially at the high-end capabilities. This can end up providing Europe with a good opportunity to reshape its defence spending. (…)
  • The European Parliament reminds us that the cost of "non-Europe" in defence amounts to some €26bn per year, an enormous amount of money. And even more: 70% of European citizens support more integration in defence. For us, that is a call to action, and we want to fill this gap. (…)



  • (…)The United States and the EU are reliable partners on security and defence. Our commitment as Europeans is to move further in this direction.
  • (…)One of the promising strands of our cooperation has been increased military-to-military interaction. We must further step up information-sharing and collaboration between US and EU's military and civilian planners at all levels. We cannot afford to be duplicating efforts. (…)
  • (…)The same applies to transatlantic cooperation on intelligence. Countering violent extremism and stopping foreign fighters has become an all-hands-on-deck job. We can only succeed if we join forces. (…)



  • (…)Our work to strengthen our capabilities through CSDP goes hand in hand with deepening ties with NATO. Hybrid, non-linear risks have put a premium on enhanced cooperation and contingency planning. And indeed the EU is strengthening its cooperation with the Alliance; we have developed an excellent working relationship. (…)

Read the full speech [75 KB]

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30 avril 2015 4 30 /04 /avril /2015 10:20
EDA Chief Executive addresses CSDP symposium in Washington


Washington - 29 April, 2015 by European Defence Agency


Along with Head of the European Defence Agency and HR/VP Federica Mogherini, EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq travelled to Washington on 29 April to attend the 4th Annual Transatlantic Symposium on the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).


Bringing together senior EU and US military and civilian leaders, the event provided a forum to discuss the role of CSDP and transatlantic cooperation in addressing challenges such as hybrid warfare, crisis management in Africa, maritime security and global security.


Transatlantic cooperation

After an opening address given by Federica Mogherini, EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq took part in a panel discussion focused on the reinforcement of the transatlantic security cooperation. There he shared views with Maciej Popowski, Deputy Secretary General, European External Action Service; and Jim Townsend, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Policy, as well as with the rest of the audience.

It is important that we maintain a sound working relationship with NATO”, Jorge Domecq stressed during the conference. “In the current security environment we will need to further enhance this link by avoiding unnecessary duplications and reinforcing the EU’s ability to act as a security provider with the right set of capabilities and a strong and balanced defence industry”, he explained.


Constant interaction

We have to keep in mind that each EU Member State can only rely on a single set of forces to achieve EU and NATO ambitions”, the EDA Chief Executive added. “Thanks to constant interaction between EDA and NATO experts, we have already established transatlantic links that could be further developed in the years to come”.

Jorge Domecq also took advantage of this trip to the United States to meet with Department of Defense officials.


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26 mars 2015 4 26 /03 /mars /2015 13:50
Statement of the HR/VP Federica Mogherini on the situation in Yemen


Brussels, 26/03/2015 source EEAS ref 150326_02_en


The latest events in Yemen have dramatically worsened the already fragile situation in the country and risk having serious regional consequences.


The advance of Houthi forces and of military units loyal to ex-President Saleh towards Aden yesterday, as well as the aerial targeting of President Hadi's compound, were unacceptable steps towards escalating an already polarized situation, and triggered today's Saudi-led airstrikes.


I'm convinced that military action is not a solution.


Only a broad political consensus through negotiations can provide a sustainable solution, restore peace, and preserve the unity and territorial integrity of Yemen. Otherwise, the ability of extremist and terrorist groups to take advantage of the situation is likely to increase dramatically.


The Yemeni civilian population, already affected by dire living conditions, are the first victims of the current military escalation.


At this critical juncture all regional actors should act responsibly and constructively, to create as a matter of urgency the conditions for a return to negotiations. The EU reiterates its support to all efforts currently undertaken to this effect, in particular those of the UN and of regional actors.

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5 mars 2015 4 05 /03 /mars /2015 17:50
Federica Mogherini HR of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the Commission

Federica Mogherini HR of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the Commission


05-03-2015 Par RFI


La Commission européenne décide de lancer la refonte de sa politique de voisinage, c'est-à-dire la façon dont elle gère ses relations avec ses voisins, qu'il s'agisse des anciennes Républiques soviétiques situées à l'est ou des pays du pourtour méditerranéen. Depuis dix ans, la situation a considérablement changé avec des conflits aux portes de l'Europe. Pour Federica Mogherini, la nouvelle chef de la diplomatie de l'UE, l'ancienne approche ne suffit plus.


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27 février 2015 5 27 /02 /février /2015 15:50
Jorge Domecq in the UK for cooperation talks


London - 25 February, 2015 European Defence Agency


EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq visited the United Kingdom on 24 February 2015 to exchange views on the upcoming European Council in June.


The visit allowed Jorge Domecq to meet with Julian Brazier, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for Reserves, as well as senior Ministry of Defence and Foreign and Commonwealth Office officials ahead of the June 2015 European Council where Heads of State and Government will again put the spotlight on defence, eighteen months after the December 2013 Council.

Mr. Domecq also accompanied High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini for a meeting with Secretary of State for Defence Michael Fallon.


A lean Agency

“I want to stress that we are a lean organisation whose mission is to support Member States’ efforts to improve capabilities in a pragmatic and flexible manner”, the EDA Chief Executive said during his visit. “Therefore we need to exploit all available instruments and synergies with partners such as NATO, OCCAR or the European Commission”, he underlined.


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16 février 2015 1 16 /02 /février /2015 17:45
Statement by HR/VP Federica Mogherini on the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya


16/02/2015 EEAS


"The EU stands in solidarity with the people and the government of Egypt in the wake of the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians. I convey my heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of those massacred by terrorists in Libya.


I will meet Foreign Minister Sameh Shouky in Washington later this week and I will convey to him personally my condolences. We will also discuss the challenges ahead together with other leaders of the region and US Secretary of State John Kerry.


This act of terror is also a stark reminder of the plight of civilians in Libya – whether they are Libyans or migrants and whatever their faith.

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 05:50
Schengen Area as of 1 july 2013

Schengen Area as of 1 july 2013


13.02.2015 Par Jean-Pierre Stroobants (Bruxelles, bureau européen) - Le Monde.fr


S’il n’y avait eu les négociations sur la guerre en Ukraine et la résurgence de la crise grecque, c’est le dossier de la lutte contre le terrorisme qui aurait essentiellement occupé les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement réunis jeudi 12 février à Bruxelles. Il s’agissait initialement, lors de ce sommet informel, de publier une déclaration commune rappelant « les valeurs, la liberté et la tolérance des Européens, ainsi que leur unité », comme le soulignait une source diplomatique française.


Le texte publié jeudi rappelle dès lors les grands principes et fixe des objectifs : une meilleure détection et une meilleure identification des terroristes ; une lutte accrue contre le financement des réseaux ; une politique de prévention censée endiguer la radicalisation — notamment sur Internet — ; une meilleure coordination des actions locales et nationales dans les prisons et les écoles ; des contacts accrus avec les pays tiers du Moyen-Orient, d’Afrique du Nord, du Sahel ou des Balkans, etc.

Au-delà des principes, des problèmes politiques concrets étaient posés. La France insistait notamment sur la nécessité de permettre le contrôle « systématique » de toutes les personnes entrant ou sortant de l’espace européen sans passeport de Schengen, ressortissants de pays tiers ou de l’Union. Paris demande en conséquence une révision du code Schengen, même si celui-ci permet déjà des contrôles renforcés dans certaines situations. La Commission est réticente, craignant une remise en cause du principe de la liberté de circulation et estimant que les dispositions actuelles sont suffisantes.



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10 février 2015 2 10 /02 /février /2015 08:50
Factsheet on EU Intelligence Analyses Center (INTCEN)

5/2/2015 Ref: EU15-064EN

Summary: 5 February 2015, Brussels - The EU Intelligence Analysis Centre (EU INTCEN) is the exclusive civilian intelligence function of the European Union, providing indepth analysis for EU decision makers. Its analytical products are based on intelligence from the EU Member States' intelligence and security services.


EU INTCEN's mission is to provide intelligence analyses, early warning and situational awareness to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Ms Federica Mogherini and to the European External Action Service (EEAS).

The Centre does this by monitoring and assessing international events, focusing particularly on sensitive geographical areas, terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other global threats. EU INTCEN also offers its services to the various EU decision making bodies in the fields of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and counterterrorism (CT), as well as to the Member States. EU INTCEN is not an operational agency and does not have any collection capability. The operational level of intelligence is the member states’ responsibility. EU INTCEN only deals with strategic analysis.



The creation of the EU INTCEN - or the EU Situation Centre (EU SITCEN) as it was called until 2012 - is intimately linked to the establishment of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) and the creation of the post of High Representative in 1999. The development of the ESDP crisis management capabilities, and deployment of both civilian and military missions, made it clear that a broader intelligence analysis structure was needed. The events of 11 September 2001 and the increasing threats of global terrorism also emphasised the need of timely and accurate intelligence analysis to support EU policy making.

In 2002, EU SITCEN was established in the Council General Secretariat, directly attached to the office of the High Representative, Dr Javier Solana. The same year, staff from Member States' intelligence services were seconded to EU SITCEN. In 2005, EU SITCEN was reinforced by the arrival of a team of counter-terrorist experts seconded from Member States’ security services. This enabled EU SITCEN to provide the Council with strategic terrorism threat assessments based on intelligence from national services.

In 2007, the EU SITCEN reinforced its collaboration with the EU Military Staff (EUMS) Intelligence Directorate by concluding a functional arrangement, the so-called Single Intelligence Analysis Capacity (SIAC). All intelligence assessments issued to Member States are joint products prepared under SIAC. With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 December 2009, EU SITCEN came under the authority of the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission. On 1 January 2011, the EU SITCEN was transferred to the European External Action Service (EEAS). Following organisational changes in the EEAS in March 2012, the EU SITCEN was renamed into EU Intelligence Analysis Centre (EU INTCEN).


Main functions and tasks

  •  Provide exclusive information that is not available overtly or provided elsewhere to the High Representative/Vice President and the PSC, based on contributions from Member States' intelligence and security services;
  •  Provide assessments and briefings and a range of products based on intelligence and open sources to the High Representative/Vice President and to the EEAS, to the various EU decision making bodies in the fields of CSFP/CSDP and CT, as well as to the Member States;
  •  Act as a single entry point in the EU for classified information coming from Member States' civilian intelligence and security services;
  •  Support and assist the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission in the exercise of their respective functions in the area of external relations.


Sources, products and services

EU INTCEN's analytical products are based on information provided by Member States’ security and intelligence services, open sources (media, websites, blogs etc.), diplomatic reporting, consular warden networks, international organisations, NGOs, CSDP missions and operations, EU Satellite Centre, visits and field trips.

EU INTCEN offers its customers the following products:

  • Intelligence assessments: Long-term strategic papers, mainly based on intelligence.
  • Intelligence reports: Follow-up of a crisis or an event, or a thematic paper focusing on a specific topic of current interest.
  • Intelligence summaries: Focusing on current important events with a short intelligence based analysis.
  • Threat assessments: Focusing on risks for EU personnel in a given country.

In addition to these products, EU INTCEN gives ad-hoc briefings, e.g. to the HR/VP, EU Special Representatives, various Council bodies and the European Parliament.



The EU INTCEN is a Directorate of the EEAS, reporting directly to the High Representative. It is composed of two Divisions: The Analysis Division and the General and External Relations Division.



The majority of EU INTCEN staff are EU officials and temporary agents. Furthermore a number of national experts from the security and intelligence services of the EU Member States are seconded to EU INTCEN.



The EU INTCEN does not have its own budget. All expenditure is paid from the EEAS budget. The needs for staff and budget are assessed in the same way and through the same procedures as for other EEAS departments. The EEAS budget is broken down and managed for the headquarters as a whole by nature of expenditure (e.g. staff, buildings, information and communication technologies) and not by department.


Legal basis

The EU INTCEN (EU Intelligence Analysis Centre) is the successor of the EU Situation Centre (EU SITCEN), which is mentioned in Article 4, paragraph 3, sub (a), third indent of the Council Decision (2010/427/EU) of 26 July 2010 on establishing the organisation and functioning of the European External Action Service. The reference to the EU SITCEN in the Council Decision serves as legal basis for EU INTCEN, which took over the intelligence and analytical tasks of EU SITCEN.


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3 février 2015 2 03 /02 /février /2015 15:50
Jorge Domecq à l’OSCE (crédit ministère espagnol de la défense)

Jorge Domecq à l’OSCE (crédit ministère espagnol de la défense)


Brussels - 02 February, 2015 European Defence Agency


Jorge Domecq today officially starts his term as Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA). Mr Domecq, a senior Spanish diplomat, was appointed in January by the High Representative / Vice President and EDA Head of Agency Federica Mogherini.


“It is an honour and privilege for me to take over the position of Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency as we enter into its second decade. European defence cooperation gained momentum in recent years but there is still a lot to be done. I will continue establishing EDA as a reliable agency at the service of Member States and will further foster cooperation with other EU institutions and external partners, notably NATO”, says Jorge Domecq upon taking up his duties.



Until his appointment, Jorge Domecq was Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Prior to that, he served as Ambassador of Spain to the Republic of the Philippines. Since the start of his diplomatic career in 1985, Jorge Domecq has held several positions with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he acted as Director General for United Nations, Global Affairs and Human Rights, as well as Director General for Multilateral Affairs. Prior to that, he also acted as Director of the Private Office of the NATO Secretary General and as Diplomatic Adviser to the Spanish Minister of Defence.


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28 janvier 2015 3 28 /01 /janvier /2015 08:50
Statement by HR/VP Mogherini on air accident in Spain


26/1/2015 EU source: European Union - Ref: EU15-504EN


Summary: 26 January 2015, Brussels - Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on air accident in Spain


I was sad to learn of the crash of a Greek fighter jet at the Los Llanos base in Spain participating in a NATO exercise programme, which has caused many casualties.


I express my deep condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives and wish a speedy recovery to those injured.


I also express my condolences to NATO and to the nations of those who died.

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20 janvier 2015 2 20 /01 /janvier /2015 18:50
Les Européens comptent travailler avec les pays arabes pour contrer le terrorisme


20.01.2014 par 45eNord.ca (AFP)


Les Européens ont appelé lundi à plus de coopération avec les pays arabes dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, alors que l’Europe était en état d’alerte après les attentats de Paris et le monde musulman en ébullition contre les caricatures de Mahomet.


« Nous préparons des projets spécifiques à lancer dans les prochaines semaines avec des pays précis pour accroître le niveau de coopération en matière de contreterrorisme », a déclaré la chef de la diplomatie européenne, Federica Mogherini en citant « la Turquie, l’Égypte, le Yémen, l’Algérie, les pays du Golfe ».

L’UE a aussi décidé une meilleure coordination en matière d’échange d’informations et de renseignement, à la fois à l’intérieur de l’UE mais aussi avec d’autres pays. Mme Mogherini a à cet égard mentionné la Turquie, l’Égypte, des pays du Golfe, l’Afrique du Nord, mais aussi l’Afrique et l’Asie.

Elle a indiqué qu’elle ferait deux actions concrètes immédiates : la mise en place d’attachés de sécurité dans toutes les délégations de l’UE dans les pays pertinents afin d’entretenir des contacts réguliers entre professionnels de la sécurité et du contreterrorisme, et l’amélioration de la communication avec les populations arabophones, au sein de l’UE et avec la communauté arabe dans le monde.

Mme Mogherini a évoqué une prochaine conférence internationale à Bruxelles sur les moyens d’assécher le financement des réseaux terroristes.

Sur le plan intérieur européen, les 28 ont appelé le Parlement européen à relancer le travail sur le PNR, le projet de registre européen des passagers dans le transport aérien, que les élus européens bloquent depuis 2011, réclamant des garanties sur la protection des données personnelles.

« Il faut qu’on renforce notre façon de coopérer (…) avec les pays arabes », avait affirmé la chef de la diplomatie européenne, Federica Mogherini, avant la réunion des 28 ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’UE à laquelle était convié le secrétaire général de la Ligue arabe, Nabil al-Arabi.

« Les attaques terroristes ciblent surtout les musulmans dans le monde, il nous faut donc une alliance, un dialogue pour faire face ensemble », avait-t-elle expliqué. « On va discuter aujourd’hui des relations d’échange plus denses aussi avec les États musulmans dans le monde », avait rnchéri pour sa part le ministre allemand, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.


Le monde musulman en ébullition

Mais la pression est forte dans de nombreux pays musulmans. Des centaines de milliers de personnes ont manifesté lundi à Grozny, capitale de la Tchétchénie, contre la publication d’une nouvelle caricature du prophète Mahomet dans Charlie Hebdo, cible de l’attentat meurtrier du 7 janvier. Des islamistes radicaux ont défilé à Gaza, brûlant le drapeau français et menaçant de s’en prendre aux Français.

De nombreuses manifestations avaient déjà eu lieu ce week-end dans des pays musulmans. Au Niger, de violentes émeutes ont fait dix morts.

La lutte contre le terrorisme n’est pas seulement « une question militaire ou sécuritaire », a estimé à Bruxelles M. al-Arabi, affirmant qu’il fallait la livrer « au niveau intellectuel, culturel, médiatique, religieux ». « C’est cela que nous tentons ».

Certains ministres, comme le luxembourgeois Jean Asselborn, ont reconnu que cette coopération euro-arabe ne devait toutefois « pas » se faire « aux dépens de la démocratie ».

La coopération en matière de renseignement, le renforcement des contrôles aux frontières de l’espace Schengen, la lutte contre le trafic d’armes ou la création d’un registre commun des passagers aériens (PNR) sont devenus une priorité des dirigeants européens après les attentats meurtriers de Paris et la vaste opération anti-jihadistes en fin de semaine dernière en Belgique.

Ces questions seront discutées par les ministres compétents, ceux de l’Intérieur, le 29 janvier à Riga, et surtout par les chefs d’État et de gouvernement le 12 février, lors d’un sommet consacré à la lutte contre le terrorisme et les « combattants étrangers » européens de retour de Syrie ou d’Irak.


L’Europe en alerte

Plusieurs chefs de la diplomatie de l’UE participeront aussi jeudi à Londres à une rencontre organisée conjointement par le Royaume-Uni et les Etats-Unis entre pays membres de la coalition contre le groupe Etat islamique (EI) en Syrie et en Irak.

L’Europe est en alerte. En Allemagne, le manifestation hebdomadaire du mouvement anti-islam Pegida a été annulée à Dresde (est) en raison de menaces de mort proférées par l’EI contre l’un des organisateurs. Lundi dernier, 25.000 personnes, un record, avaient défilé dans la capitale de la Saxe.

En France, neuf personnes soupçonnées d’avoir pu apporter un soutien logistique à Amédy Coulibaly, en armes et véhicules notamment, sont en garde à vue jusqu’à mardi soir. Coulibaly avait tué une policière près de Paris puis quatre personnes juives dans une supérette casher dans l’est de Paris le 9 janvier.

Un Algérien de 33 ans arrêté samedi à Athènes et soupçonné d’avoir un lien avec la cellule jihadiste démantelée en Belgique devait être présenté lundi au parquet en vue de son éventuelle extradition, demandée par Bruxelles.

Mais le chef et pourvoyeur de fonds de la cellule belge qui projetait des attentats contre des policiers est toujours en fuite. Il s’agirait d’Abdelhamid Abaaoud, un Belge d’origine marocaine de 27 ans qui a combattu dans les rangs de l’EI en Syrie, selon les médias belges.

Dès samedi, l’armée a commencé à surveiller certains sites sensibles à Bruxelles et à Anvers, notamment des ambassades et lieux juifs. La police britannique a conseillé à ses agents d’être prudents et a « pris des mesures autour des bâtiments ».

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19 janvier 2015 1 19 /01 /janvier /2015 17:45
EU establishes mission to advise armed forces in the Central African Republic


19/01/2015 Press release 17/15 / Foreign affairs & international relations


The Council has established the EU Military Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUMAM RCA). It sets out to support the Central African authorities in preparing a reform of the security sector, especially with respect to the management of the CAR armed forces (FACA). The new mission will follow the EU military operation in the CAR (EUFOR RCA), which contributes to security in the capital Bangui until 15 March 2015.


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, said: "The European Union is fully committed to support CAR's return to stability. This new mission will play a critical role in strengthening the security sector. EUMAM will advise on the reforms necessary to make the CAR armed forces a more multi-ethnic, professional and republican army."


EU experts will advise on how to manage the military forces as well as on the preparation of a future systemic reform of the FACA. In addition, they will provide expertise on the conditions for a training programme for the army. Based on a gradual approach, the mission could also conduct limited non-operational training.


The mission is set to last 12 months, starting from the moment of reaching Full Operational Capability. EUMAM's headquarters will be located in Bangui. Brigadier General Dominique Laugel from France has been appointed EU Mission Commander for a team of up to 60 staff. The budget for the preparation phase and the first year of the mission is estimated at €7.9 million.


A separate Council decision is required to launch EUMAM's activities.

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19 janvier 2015 1 19 /01 /janvier /2015 08:50
La lutte antiterroriste au menu des ministres européens des Affaires étrangères


19 janvier 2015 Libération.fr (AFP)


Réunis à Bruxelles ce lundi, ils aborderont notamment les questions de la lutte contre le trafic d'armes et de la coopération en matière de renseignement.


Les ministres européens des Affaires étrangères se retrouvent lundi pour marquer leur détermination à améliorer la coopération dans la lutte contre le terrorisme après les attentats de Paris, mais aussi débattre de la Russie, avec laquelle les relations n’ont jamais été aussi dégradées.


La coopération en matière de renseignement, dans la lutte contre le trafic d’armes ou pour créer un registre commun des passagers aériens, est devenue une priorité des dirigeants européens après les attentats de Paris, qui ont fait 17 morts, et la vaste opération anti-jihadistes en fin de semaine dernière en Belgique pour déjouer des attaques contre la police.


La réunion de lundi doit permettre aux Européens d’afficher leur détermination à agir rapidement, avant une réunion des ministres de l’Intérieur à Riga le 28 janvier et surtout un sommet de chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement européens le 12 février consacré à la lutte contre le terrorisme et les «combattants étrangers» européens de retour de Syrie ou d’Irak.


Preuve de la mobilisation internationale, plusieurs chefs de la diplomatie de l’UE participeront aussi jeudi à Londres à une rencontre organisée conjointement par le Royaume-Uni et les Etats-Unis entre pays membres de la coalition contre les jihadistes de l’Etat islamique (EI) qui sévissent en Irak et en Syrie.


Entre ministres de l’UE, la discussion de lundi risque d’être en outre très animée sur le principal point à l’agenda: les relations avec Moscou. Celles-ci n’ont jamais été aussi mauvaises depuis la fin de la Guerre froide en raison de l’annexion de la Crimée par la Russie, accusée en outre de soutenir les rebelles dans l’est de l’Ukraine.


Les 28 sont très divisés, entre plusieurs pays de l’Est qui ont subi le joug soviétique et sont partisans d’une grande sévérité, et ceux qui plaident pour la reprise du dialogue avec Moscou, voire une levée des sanctions, notamment certains pays dont les économies sont très liées à la Russie.


Coopération sur la Syrie et l’EI


Pour la nouvelle chef de la diplomatie européenne, Federica Mogherini, accusée par certains d’être trop conciliante avec la Russie, l’exercice est délicat. Un document de travail demandant aux ministres de réfléchir à une «approche plus proactive afin d’amener la Russie à un changement de politique» a circulé la semaine dernière.


Le document de travail suggère quelques domaines pour un «réengagement sélectif et graduel» avec Moscou, au premier rang desquels la coopération en matière de politique étrangère, notamment sur la Syrie et la lutte contre l’EI, mais aussi la Libye et les négociations nucléaires avec l’Iran.


Il insiste sur le fait que des avancées dans le dialogue avec la Russie «ne signifieraient pas un retour à une situation normale» et devraient être «étroitement liées» à la mise en œuvre complète des accords de paix de Minsk signés en septembre. Ceux-ci, qui prévoyaient un cessez-le-feu, sont actuellement au point mort alors que la situation dans l’Est de l’Ukraine se détériore à nouveau, avec notamment l’offensive contre l’aéroport de Donetsk.


Le texte envisage surtout une «différenciation» entre les sanctions liées à la Crimée, qui «devraient être maintenues aussi longtemps que l’annexion se poursuit», et celles visant «la déstabilisation de l’est de l’Ukraine», en tendant clairement la main à Moscou si les armes se taisent dans le Donbass, où le conflit a fait plus de 4 800 morts depuis avril. «L’UE devrait être prête à réviser à la baisse ces sanctions dès que la Russie met en oeuvre les accords de Minsk», estime le document.


L’UE a imposé des sanctions économiques limitées après l’annexion de la Crimée en mars. Celles liées à la situation dans l’est de l’Ukraine sont beaucoup plus lourdes et sont considérées comme en partie responsables de la chute du rouble et de la grave crise économique qui frappe actuellement la Russie.


Ces hypothèses de travail ont ulcéré certains Etats membres. Céder maintenant «risquerait d’envoyer le mauvais signal (...) Poutine serait récompensé pour son comportement», a commenté un diplomate. «Il n’est pas possible de découpler les relations UE-Russie de ce qui se passe en Ukraine», a abondé un autre.


Le débat ne fera que commencer lundi. La Russie sera au coeur d’un sommet des dirigeants européens en mars, aux enjeux encore bien plus lourds: ils devront décider du renouvellement des différents trains de sanctions imposées par l’UE depuis le début de la crise ukrainienne.

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18 janvier 2015 7 18 /01 /janvier /2015 08:50
Jorge Domecq (credits Spain MoD)

Jorge Domecq (credits Spain MoD)


09/01/2015 EEAS ref 150109_02_en


Today [9 jan 15], the High Representative / Vice President and Head of the European Defence Agency Federica Mogherini appointed Jorge Domecq as the next EDA Chief Executive, as a result of a selection process which started last December.


Jorge Domecq, a senior Spanish diplomat, is the current Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Prior to that, he served as Ambassador of Spain to the Republic of the Philippines.

Since the start of his diplomatic career in 1985, Jorge Domecq has held several positions with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he acted as Director General for United Nations, Global Affairs and Human Rights, as well as Director General for Multilateral Affairs. Prior to that, he also acted as Director of the Private Office of the NATO Secretary General and as Diplomatic Adviser to the Spanish Minister of Defence.


Jorge Domecq will take up his new functions on 1st February 2015.


“The diplomatic experience of Jorge Domecq as well as his knowledge of the European security and defence environment make him highly suitable for this position. He will help steer the European Defence Agency ahead of the June 2015 European Council and make an important contribution to the many challenges faced by Member States in the field of defence cooperation”, Federica Mogherini said.


The European Defence Agency is currently involved in major capability development projects in various domains such as air-to-air refuelling, remotely piloted aircraft systems, satellite communications and cyber defence. It also supports cooperation between Member States more broadly in areas such as standardisation, certification, research & technology and industrial issues.


“I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Claude-France Arnould for her work as EDA Chief Executive over the past four years. During that period we have witnessed increased European defence cooperation in several domains, of which the recent development to move forward with a fleet of air-to-air refuelling aircraft is only one of many examples.” added Federica Mogherini.

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