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9 décembre 2015 3 09 /12 /décembre /2015 08:20
Future USS Zumwalt underway for the first time conducting at-sea tests and trials in the Atlantic Ocean

The future USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) is underway for the first time conducting at-sea tests and trials in the Atlantic Ocean Dec. 7, 2015. The multimission ship will provide independent forward presence and deterrence, support special operations forces, and operate as an integral part of joint and combined expeditionary forces. U.S. Navy photo courtesy of General Dynamics Bath Iron Works

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 17:20
Deployable Instrument Landing System (D-ILS) - photo Thales

Deployable Instrument Landing System (D-ILS) - photo Thales


FAIRFAX, Va., Nov. 12, 2015 /PRNewswire


General Dynamics Mission Systems' radios will provide the communications for the new U.S. Air Force Deployable Instrument Landing System (D-ILS). The system, built by Thales, will give pilots the precision guidance they need to land at locations where the existing air traffic control system is unavailable or where no infrastructure exists, including temporary airfields in austere, isolated locations. The D-ILS will use the General Dynamics CM-300/350 V2 air traffic control (ATC) radios along with the Fortress ES2440 High-capacity Mesh Point wireless backhaul radios.

"The General Dynamics Mission Systems radios offer an integrated solution with commercial off-the-shelf products, delivering significant cost savings in bringing this new Air Force capability into service," said Mike DiBiase, a vice president of General Dynamics Mission Systems.

The Thales D-ILS system will provide pilots with precise landing instructions during final approach in low-visibility or low-ceiling weather conditions. The system will also provide the Air Force with a highly deployable system for rapid set-up, activation and relocation during Air Force tactical and restoral-of-service operations.

The General Dynamics Mission Systems CM-300/350 V2 radios are the first VoIP UHF and VHF radios approved by the FAA for ground-to-air communications. The radios are being installed in airport control towers, FAA regional centers and training facilities nationwide.

General Dynamics Mission Systems' Fortress wireless technology is currently used in military operations where vehicles, deployed assets, sensor devices and soldiers are operating in large outdoor areas and allows these distributed assets to connect to the network without the considerations and constraints of traditional wired networks.


General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) combined the resources of Advanced Information Systems and C4 Systems as "General Dynamics Mission Systems" on January 1, 2015. For more information about General Dynamics Mission Systems, please visit gdmissionsystems.com and follow us on Twitter @GDMS.

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4 novembre 2015 3 04 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
Compte tenu de l'évolution récente en Europe orientale, les investissements dans les véhicules blindés devraient demeurer une priorité absolue des gouvernements


LONDRES, November 3, 2015 /PRNewswire/


La 15e Conférence internationale annuelle consacrée aux véhicules blindés a eu lieu en janvier dernier au stade Twickenham (Royaume-Uni). Organisé par Defence IQ, ce rassemblement a été l'occasion de discuter des défis relatifs aux capacités, au savoir-faire et à la gestion de projets auxquels est confrontée la communauté mondiale des véhicules blindés, ainsi que d'interagir avec ses clients et la chaîne logistique pour faire avancer les programmes de modernisation et de développement.

À cette occasion, la problématique de l'Europe orientale a été soulignée dans les discours inauguraux donnés par Philip Dunne, ministre britannique de la Défense chargé de l'équipement, du soutien et de la technologie et par le lieutenant- général Michael Williamson, Premier sous-secrétaire d'État adjoint de l'armée pour l'acquisition, la logistique et la technologie, ministère américain de la Défense.

Philip Dunne a également fait remarquer que « dans le contexte actuel de confrontation à une myriade de menaces, nos forces armées seront appelées à toujours répondre présent. La nécessité impérieuse de maintenir une flotte de bataille est une tâche aussi difficile que jamais ». Philip Dunne a aussi annoncé en exclusivité la signature d'un contrat d'une valeur de 30 millions de livres avec la division européenne Systèmes terrestres de General Dynamics visant l'entretien et le soutien technique des véhicules blindés Mastiff et Ridgeback.

Le débat du secteur G5 a été un autre moment fort de la conférence de cette année et a réuni des dirigeants issus des principaux équipementiers, notamment Nexter Systems, Textron Systems, BAE Systems Hägglunds, Milspray et Ruag. Les discussions ont porté sur divers sujets, dont les tendances actuelles en matière de conception et leur concrétisation lors de programmes futurs, l'utilisation des moteurs hybrides et les directives actuelles concernant les exigences des forces armées et des gouvernements.  

Outre des personnalités politiques et militaires, la conférence comptait également sur la participation d'universitaires et de dirigeants techniques qui ont présenté leurs recherches permettant de mieux comprendre les avancées et les évolutions futures dans le domaine . Le professeur Bryn James, responsable des Sciences des blindages et de la protection chez DSTL, a indiqué que malgré le souhait des fabricants et des utilisateurs finals d'obtenir « l'unobtainium », il est persuadé que les technologies de pointe deviennent de plus en plus accessibles à l'heure actuelle. « Nous ne demandons plus l'impossible », ce qui fait que « dans les deux ou trois prochaines années, nous pourrions très bien assister à l'introduction du blindage électrique et des systèmes de protection active ». Ces technologies sont au stade de recherche-développement depuis des années et leur utilisation opérationnelle pourrait bientôt devenir une réalité. Il a également souligné l'importance de la robustesse et des blindages ainsi que la nécessité de les réparer sur le théâtre des opérations. Morgan Advanced Materials a également présenté ses récentes avancées en balistique, alors que IBD Deisenroth Engineering a fait part de ses recherches de pointe, notamment la phase initiale de développement des blindages au graphène. DSM Dyneema a pour sa part présenté dans les détails ses blindages en polyéthylène très appréciés et ses projets.


Voici la liste des intervenants de prestige à l'International Armoured Vehicles 2015 :

  • Major-général Robert Talbot-Rice, Responsables des programmes de véhicules blindés, DE&S
  • Brigadier général Charles Beaudouin, directeur de la STAT (Section technique de l'Armée de Terre française)
  • Lieutenant- colonel Piotr Kosinski, Spécialiste principal Inspection des forces terrestres, commandant général des forces armées polonaises
  • Brigadier général Harold Lucho Avendano, comité technique d'évaluation (CETO), armée péruvienne
  • Colonel German Schell O'Kuinghttons, armée chilienne
  • Major- général Payenda Mohammad Nazim, Inspecteur général, ministère afghan de la Défense
  • Brigadier général Enam Nazar, Commandant de la force de frappe mobile blindée, armée nationale afghane

Nous tenons également à féliciter les lauréats des International Armoured Vehicles XV Awards remis par les partenaires média du secteur :

  • Textron Systems COMMANDO® pour la meilleure plateforme véhicule
  • Morgan CAMAC® pour sa technologie de protection du personnel
  • Identificateur des menaces de Microflown AVISA pour le produit international le plus novateur
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16 octobre 2015 5 16 /10 /octobre /2015 11:20
3-D model of NASSCO's Expeditionary Base Mobile ship. Image courtesy of NASSCO

3-D model of NASSCO's Expeditionary Base Mobile ship. Image courtesy of NASSCO


SAN DIEGO, Oct. 15 By Ryan Maass (UPI)


General Dynamics NASSCO has begun construction of the second Expeditionary Base Mobile ship for the U.S. Navy. When completed, the ship will be 784 feet long, with a 52,000 square-foot flight deck. The ship will be equipped with fuel and equipment storage, repair spaces, mission planning spaces, and magazines. It will be able to accommodate up to 250 personnel, and support MH-60 and MH-53 helicopters, with an upgrade to support MV-22 tilt rotor aircraft.

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8 octobre 2015 4 08 /10 /octobre /2015 16:20
Un VBL, lors de l’exercice LION MISTRAL, en juin 2014. (Archives/Nicolas Laffont/45eNord.ca)

Un VBL, lors de l’exercice LION MISTRAL, en juin 2014. (Archives/Nicolas Laffont/45eNord.ca)


7 octobre 2015 par Nicolas Laffont – 45eNord.ca


Attaqué il y a plusieurs jours lors du débat des chefs à Radio-Canada sur la vente de 14 milliards $ en équipement militaire à l’Arabie Saoudite, le Premier ministre sortant Stephen Harper avait déclaré que malgré les nombreuses atteintes aux Droits de l’Homme dans le pays, «nous devons avoir le commerce et nous devons créer des emplois pour nos travailleurs ici».


Lors d’une récente interview accordée à une radio de London, en Ontario, Stephen Harper en a remis une couche en déclarant que les véhicules vendus à l’Arabie Saoudite ne sont pas de l’armement.

«Soyons clairs que ce contrat n’est pas un contrat d’armement» a ainsi déclaré le chef conservateur. «C’est en fait pour des véhicules de transport militaires».

Or, la vente en question concerne des véhicules blindés légers de General Dynamics. Si les véhicules servent au transport de troupes, il est bien évidemment équipé de systèmes d’armes.

Selon Jane’s, l’Arabie saoudite a déjà une flotte de plus de 1.400 véhicules blindés légers achetés auprès de General Dynamics Land Systems – Canada. Ils ont été produits dans une variété de versions: certains sont conçus comme des ambulances blindées tandis que d’autres sont équipés de canons de 25 mm ou 90mm. D’autres versions ont des mortiers de 120 mm.


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6 octobre 2015 2 06 /10 /octobre /2015 07:20
First Lady Michelle Obama to Christen Submarine Illinois on Saturday, Oct. 10


GROTON, Conn., Oct. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire


First Lady Michelle Obama joins General Dynamics Electric Boat in christening Illinois (SSN-786), the U.S. Navy's newest and most advanced nuclear attack submarine, at a ceremony here Saturday, Oct. 10, at 11 a.m. Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).


First Lady Michelle Obama is the ship's sponsor and participated in the keel laying of the Illinois in 2014. The christening's principal speaker is Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus.

The submarine Illinois is the 13th ship of the Virginia class, the first U.S. Navy combatants designed for the post-Cold War era. Unobtrusive, non-provocative and connected with land, air, sea and space-based assets, Illinois and the other Virginia-class submarines are equipped to wage multi-dimensional warfare around the globe, providing the U.S. Navy with continued dominance in coastal waters or the open ocean.

With its construction partner Newport News Shipbuilding, Electric Boat has delivered 12 Virginia-class submarines; another nine are under construction.

A live video and audio webcast of the Illinois christening will be accessible online at: www.ebchristenings.com. Webcast coverage will begin Saturday at 10:30 a.m. EDT; the ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. and conclude at approximately 12:15 p.m. The program will be available for on-demand replay for one week, beginning at approximately 2:30 p.m. EDT on Saturday.

Attendance is by invitation only.

More information about the christening is available at www.ebchristenings.com. More information about General Dynamics Electric Boat is available at www.gdeb.com.

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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 17:20
DDG 1000 on the Kennebec (20 Feb 2015) - photo General Dynamics Bath Iron Works

DDG 1000 on the Kennebec (20 Feb 2015) - photo General Dynamics Bath Iron Works


March 10, 2015 By Christopher P. Cavas – Defense News


WASHINGTON — Problems with the complex technology being installed in the new destroyers of the Zumwalt class have forced the Navy and shipbuilder General Dynamics Bath Iron Works to delay delivery of the first two ships, the US Navy said Monday night.


The Zumwalt (DDG 1000) had been scheduled to be delivered to the Navy this summer, but that has dropped back to November. Delivery of the second ship, Michael Monsoor (DDG 1001), production of which is about a year behind Zumwalt, has also been pushed back a few months in 2016, to November of that year.


Work on the third and last ship in the class, Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG 1002), has not been affected, and that ship is still scheduled for delivery in December 2018.


"The schedule delay is due primarily to the challenges encountered with completing installation, integration and testing of the highly unique, leading edge technology designed into this first-of-class warship," Cmdr. Thurraya Kent, spokeswoman for the Navy's acquisition directorate, said in a statement.


The three ships are all under construction at GD's shipyard in Bath, Maine. Zumwalt was launched last October and is 94 percent complete, Kent said, and the ship is expected to begin engineering sea trials later this year. Monsoor is scheduled for launch this year as well.


Bath also builds Aegis destroyers of the DDG 51 Arleigh Burke class. Completion delays with Zumwalt and Monsoor could affect Aegis destroyer production, Kent indicated.


"Navy and General Dynamics Bath Iron Works continue to work together in evaluating schedule impacts for all ships under construction in Bath, Maine, which also includes ships under construction for the Aegis Class Destroyer Program," Kent said in the statement. "Both the Navy and BIW are committed to collectively managing risks and controlling costs to deliver both DDG 1000 and DDG 51-class ships to the fleet in the most efficient manner possible."


The DDG 1000 design features an innovative, integrated power system able to switch electrical power between propulsion, sensor and weapon systems, along with a new combat system and numerous technical innovations. The Pentagon's Office of Test and Evaluation did not discuss the DDG 1000 in its latest report on selected acquisition programs, issued in January, and in its report a year earlier did not discuss any major technical problems with the ships' construction.

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5 mars 2015 4 05 /03 /mars /2015 17:20
Soldier's Network Update: Stryker Brigades Receive GD-Built WIN-T Increment 2


Mar 3, 2015 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics


WIN-T Increment 2 helps commanders break away from fixed command posts, allowing them to stay close to their soldiers even in remote and isolated environments.


The U.S. Army is fielding the General Dynamics-built Warfighter Information Network – Tactical (WIN-T) Increment 2 to the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division (2/2 SBCT) at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., and the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss, Texas. The WIN-T Increment 2 secure communications network backbone is also fielded to 12 infantry Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) and four division headquarters.

"Fielding WIN-T Increment 2 to Army Stryker Brigades closes the communications gap between fast moving SBCTs and 'boots on the ground' soldiers," said Chris Marzilli, president of General Dynamics Mission Systems. "The highly mobile and operationally simplified Increment 2 allows soldiers to quickly and simultaneously address multiple missions in any environment, across the mission field or between continents."


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9 février 2015 1 09 /02 /février /2015 12:20



6 February 2015 naval-technology.com


The US Navy is set to christen the third mobile landing platform (MLP) ship on 7 February at the General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) shipyard.


USNS Lewis B. Puller is named in honour of lieutenant general Lewis "Chesty" Puller, who was awarded five navy crosses.


The vessel, which is the first MLP afloat forward staging base (AFSB) variant for the navy, is designed to support special operations including airborne mine countermeasures (AMCM), humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, amphibious and other combat missions.

"Upon being commissioned, it scheduled for deployment to the Gulf theatre to replace USS Ponce."


The 837ft-long MLP ships can cruise at a maximum speed of 15k and have a range of 9500nm. They can accommodate a crew of 34 from military sealift command and weigh 60,000t.


USNS Lewis B. Puller completed launch and float-off at the NASSCO yard last year and will undergo sea trials before being delivered later this year.


Upon being commissioned, it scheduled for deployment to the Gulf theatre to replace USS Ponce, which is the current temporary AFSB operating in the region.


With a capacity to accommodate 250 personnel and a large helicopter flight deck, the MLP AFSB is a capable and affordable asset for the navy and US Marine Corps.


NASSCO started construction of USNS Lewis B. Puller in February 2014 and in March a $128.5m contract was awarded for detail design and construction efforts to transform it to an AFSB variant.

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9 janvier 2015 5 09 /01 /janvier /2015 12:20
GD-Built WIN-T Increment 2 SNE Supports US Army Field Artillery Operations


Jan 8, 2015 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics Corporation


During the recent Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) Increment 2 Development Test 2, a U.S. Army field artillery team found that the WIN-T Soldier Network Extension (SNE) significantly increased their communications reach and improved their call-for-fire response time. The SNE supported call-for-fire mission 'threads' during the Development Test 2 and Network Integration Evaluation 15.1 that took place in October and November at Fort Bliss, Texas, and White Sands Missile Range, N.M.


Prior to the SNE, forward observers and fire support officers relied on legacy line-of-site (LOS) radios to transmit calls for fire and counter fire at the far-edges of a mission area. During the tests, soldiers with the 4th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery Regiment (4/27), 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, used the SNE's satellite communications capability to accomplish their mission.


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3 octobre 2014 5 03 /10 /octobre /2014 11:20
GD to support submarine modernisation programme for US and Australian navies



3 October 2014 naval-technology.com


General Dynamics (GD) Advanced Information Systems (AIS) has signed two contract modifications to offer continued support to the AN / BYG-1 combat control system, which is integrated on submarines deployed by the US Navy and Royal Australian Navy.


Work under the contract forms part of the AN / BYG-1 modernisation programme for the tactical control systems (TCS) and weapons control systems (WCS).


As part of the $50m agreement, the company will provide fleet operators and commanders of both navies with a common operational representation that bolsters real-time intelligence and enhances situational awareness.

"GD has been working with the US and Australian navies on the AN / BYG-1 upgrade programme since 2003."


GD AIS Integrated Platform Solutions line of business vice-president and general manager Mike Eagan said: "We are dedicated to helping the US and Royal Australian Navies advance their mission with cost-effective, innovative, agile and reliable solutions.


"By introducing our open architecture framework into these legacy systems, we can quickly insert relevant technologies onto the submarine's open platforms to meet the fast-changing mission needs of today's fleet."


Using the open architecture framework, the advanced capabilities developed by commercial, defence and academic units can be rapidly integrated on a yearly or two-year basis.


Furthermore, the common processing baseline across all submarines also improves the self-governing, yet parallel, development and certification of the TCS and WCS.


GD has been working with the US and Australian navies on the AN / BYG-1 upgrade programme since 2003.


The AN / BYG-1 common processing baseline has also been developed and installed across domestic and international submarine classes, ranging from the US Navy's Los Angeles, Seawolf, Virginia and SSGN-class submarines to the Royal Australian Navy's Collins-class submarines.

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8 septembre 2014 1 08 /09 /septembre /2014 16:50
le FRES SV (crédits General Dynamics)

le FRES SV (crédits General Dynamics)


4 septembre, 2014 Guillaume Belan


A la veille du sommet de l’OTAN qui va se dérouler à Newport, près de Cardiff, le Ministère britannique de la Défense vient de passer commande auprès de General Dynamics pour 589 véhicules blindés Scout SV (Specialist Vehicle), un énorme contrat d’un montant de 4,4 milliards d’euros. Les livraisons à la British Army doivent intervenir entre 2017 et 2024. Cette commande est la concrétisation et marque le lancement de la production du futur blindé britannique chenillé. Il fait suite à la sélection en 2010 de GD qui s’est vu accorder le contrat de développement pour ce nouveau véhicule dans le cadre du programme de modernisation de l’armée terre britannique FRES (Future Rapid Effect System). Le Scout SV est le futur char médian de la cavalerie britannique. Il s’agit d’une plateforme blindée qui sera dérivée en plusieurs configurations: poste de commandement, reconnaissance, ambulance, dépanneur, véhicule du génie… Il s’agit en quelques sorte de l’EBRC britannique. 245 de ces véhicules Scout SV seront armés de la tourelle de 40 mm CTAI (JV entre BAe et Nexter). Ce contrat marque donc le lancement de la production du nouveau calibre téléscopé franco-britannique, qui armera également l’EBRC (Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance au Combat) français, successeur des chars ERC90 Sagaie et AMX10RC, qui doit être lancé bientôt. Les munitions seront réalisées par BAe pour le Scout et Nexter pour l’EBRC.


Le futur blindé de combat britannique enfin lancé

Pour mémoire le programme FRES est l’équivalent britannique du programme français Scorpion et concerne près de 4000 véhicules de différents types. Le MoD souhaite également un véhicule blindé de combat d’infanterie (FRES UV), pour lequel, le VBCI français est en lice..

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14 août 2014 4 14 /08 /août /2014 11:20
Report: Pentagon Made Hasty LCS Fleet Cut to 32


August 13, 2014 by Kris Osborn


A new Congressional report suggests the Pentagon may face further scrutiny over its direction to issue no new contracts for the controversial Littoral Combat Ship program beyond 32 ships.

The August report questions whether the Pentagon did the proper analysis before making the decision to truncate the Navy’s planned buy of 52 ships down to 32.

The LCS vessels are currently being procured under a 2010, 10-ship deal with each of the two contractors — the Lockheed design is a steel semi-planing monohull and the General Dynamics/Austal USA design is an all-aluminum trimaran hull.

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11 août 2014 1 11 /08 /août /2014 07:50
La BNS ne lâche pas l'industrie de l'armement


10 août 2014 20minutes.ch


Contrairement à ses déclarations d'intention, la Banque nationale suisse détient toujours des participations auprès de fabricants d'armes controversés.


La Banque nationale suisse (BNS) détient toujours des actions dans plusieurs entreprises de défense américaines d'une valeur supérieure à 250 millions de francs, rapporte l'hebdomadaire Schweiz am Sonntag.

Dans son rapport annuel 2013, la BNS avait pourtant annoncé ne plus vouloir miser dans des titres controversés liés à l'armement. «La Banque nationale a décidé en 2013 de ne plus investir dans des actions d'entreprises qui produisent des armes interdites à l'échelle internationale», avait-elle énoncé. Depuis, la BNS a confirmé, durant le premier semestre de l'année, ses participations dans les entreprises américaines de défense Honeywell International et Lockheed, en les renforçant même à 66 millions de francs, respectivement 43 millions de francs. Les deux sociétés sont notamment accusées par des organisations des droits de l'homme, mais aussi par l'Etat norvégien, de fabriquer des armes nucléaires.

Les participations de la BNS dans Raytheon et General Dynamics sont encore plus controversées. Les deux firmes sont toutes les deux suspectées d'être impliquées dans la fabrication de munition. La Banque nationale n'a pas voulu s'exprimer sur ces participations. Elle affirme se baser sur des analyses de titres effectuées par des institutions bien établies. Elle se serait néanmoins quand même séparée de participations au sein de la firme Textron active dans la fabrication de munition.

Les actions des sociétés actives dans l'armement ont la cote ces derniers mois avec la hausse du nombre de conflits militaires et les incertitudes géopolitiques.

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 11:20
Submarine North Dakota Completes 1st Voyage


Aug 7, 2014 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics Corporation


The nation's newest and most advanced nuclear-powered attack submarine, North Dakota (SSN-784), returned to the General Dynamics Electric Boat shipyard Tuesday following the successful completion of its first voyage in open seas, called alpha sea trials. North Dakota is the 11th ship of the Virginia Class, the most capable class of attack submarines ever built. Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).


North Dakota's alpha sea trials included a range of submarine and propulsion-plant operations, submerging for the first time, and high-speed runs on and below the surface to demonstrate that the ship's propulsion plant is fully mission-capable.


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14 avril 2014 1 14 /04 /avril /2014 16:50
NRP Corte Real - photo US Navy

NRP Corte Real - photo US Navy


Upgrades will significantly improve Portugal's ability to detect and localize potential threats on or under the surface of the water


OTTAWA, Ontario, April 14, 2014 /CNW


General Dynamics Canada is installing an adjunct processing system on three VASCO DA GAMA-class frigates of the Portuguese Navy. Designed by General Dynamics Canada, the ECLIPSE adjunct processor provides the in-service AN/SQS-510 sonar systems with enhanced operational capability to detect submarines and torpedoes.

"General Dynamics Canada has a 40-year history of providing and supporting underwater systems and components to navies around the world. As the original designer and manufacturer of the AN/SQS-510 hull-mounted sonar system, we are pleased to bring new capabilities to this valuable and trusted system," says David Ibbetson, vice president, General Dynamics C4 Systems International.

The ECLIPSE processing system will work in parallel with the AN/SQS-510, leveraging the data collected from the existing sonar system. The addition of the ECLIPSE processing system will significantly improve the ability to detect and characterize echoes and sounds transmitted through the water to determine location and physical characteristics of potential threats.

In addition, ECLIPSE provides new ways of displaying the processed sonar information, with greater detail in a simplified format that allows operators to detect contacts earlier, and with more clarity than before. The information is displayed on new, state-of-the-art high-resolution flat panel monitors. The system also provides enhanced capabilities for training as well as record and replay of acoustic data. All of these improvements are installed without enlarging the footprint or weight of the system in the ship, or increasing the number of sonar operators.

The AN/SQS-510 medium-frequency hull-mounted sonar is currently in service on all twelve Royal Canadian Navy HALIFAX-class patrol frigates and three IROQUOIS-class destroyers. The system is also in use in ships of the Portuguese and Bulgarian navies.

General Dynamics Canada is part of General Dynamics C4 Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD). For information about General Dynamics Canada please go to www.gdcanada.com.

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8 avril 2014 2 08 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
US Army Rejects GD's Vehicle Protest; Company Mulls Further Action

General Dynamics will have to decide whether to pursue a more formal protest regarding the fairness of the Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle program. (US Army)


Apr. 7, 2014 - By PAUL MCLEARY – Defense News


WASHINGTON — The April 4 rejection by US Army Materiel Command of a General Dynamics Land Systems protest disputing the fairness of the Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) competition puts the ball squarely back into GD’s court, which has the option of lodging a more formal protest with the Government Accountability Office — a move that would halt all work on the program for weeks or even months.


On Feb. 14, GD filed a protest contending “the AMPV solicitation provides a competitive advantage” to competitor BAE Systems, since BAE “has years of Army test and performance data” on the M113 personnel carrier, which the competition has been launched to replace.


“In our view, the AMPV procurement process is not consistent with the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984, requiring a “full and open competition,” the company said in a statement.


These statements could indicate the company will file a protest with the GAO during the 10-day window that began when the initial protest was denied on April 4.


At issue is the fact that the Army wants competitors to incorporate parts from the Bradley fighting vehicle and the M113 in their AMPV designs, both of which are made by BAE. General Dynamics contends that it doesn’t have all of the relevant historical information on those parts to fully compete. The company has long said that it would submit a version of its eight-wheeled Stryker vehicle, of which the Army currently fields nine full brigades and a smaller Special Operations contingent.


BAE launched its own salvo on Friday afternoon, saying that it “is pleased” at the decision and that “cost savings, political expediency and business reasons do not justify putting soldiers’ lives at risk. The Army has had this solicitation in the works for two years and has adjusted requirements based on industry feedback to accommodate the broadest number of competitive offerings possible.”


On April 3, 10 members of Congress wrote a letter to the Pentagon’s top weapons tester, Frank Kendall, urging the Army to rewrite the five-month-old request for proposals. The lawmakers wrote that the Army should rework the program with a view toward “allowing for a mixed fleet of both track and wheeled vehicles” to meet the requirements for the competition.


In other words, the Army should split up the buy for 3,000 AMPVs between Stryker and Bradley variants.


The lawmakers also outlined the core reason for GD’s protests: the dearth of new ground vehicle programs in the Army’s near-term future.


“Given the intensely restrictive budget requirement the Army faces, the AMPV might be the only new vehicle entering the fleet for decades,” they wrote.


Rep. Ralph Hall, R-Texas, who represents the district that houses the Red River Army Depot — and its 4,500 jobs — which performs a great deal of work on Bradleys, issued a statement on Friday applauding the decision.


“No current vehicles meet the survivability, mobility, and reliability upgrades outlined in the Army’s competitive bid,” he wrote. The program “cannot be delayed a year or more by rehashing the multi-year bidding process.”


On March 4, Hall sent a letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel pitching BAE’s AMPV bid as good for the local economy, saying that “if BAE Systems is awarded the contract, jobs will be protected at Red River Army Depot and additional jobs could be added.”

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26 mars 2014 3 26 /03 /mars /2014 13:20
GD to provide network communications element for additional GPS III satellites


26 March 2014 airforce-technology.com


General Dynamics (GD) subsidiary General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems has been awarded a contract to provide network communications element (NCE) for additional US Air Force's (USAF) Global Positioning System (GPS) III satellites.


Awarded by Lockheed Martin, the $26m contract provides the company with funding to complete the NCE for fifth and sixth GPS III space vehicles (SV05 and SV06).


General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance vice-president and general manager Kirstan Rock said the company brings more than a half-century of experience in the spacecraft communications and navigation domain to the GPS III programme.


"We look forward to continuing working with Lockheed Martin to deliver high-quality, reliable and affordable solutions to the air force to advance their mission," Rock said.


GD is already under contract with Lockheed to produce the NCE for SV01 to SV04 satellites, as well as for the procurement of long lead material for the second set comprising SV05 to SV08.


The NCE components provide a range of communications functions for the GPS III satellites, including the ground-to-space command and control channel, the space-to-space inter-satellite channel, as well as the command and telemetry communications channels within each satellite.

"The $26m contract provides the company with funding to complete the NCE for fifth and sixth GPS III space vehicles."


GD has already delivered NCE components for SV01 and SV02, while the NCEs for SV03 and SV04 are scheduled to be handed over to Lockheed by June 2014.


Delivery schedule for the latest contract remains undisclosed.


Under development by Lockheed-led team, the GPS III is a next-generation communication satellite designed to replace the existing GPS constellation used by the military and civilian customers to offer navigational information across the globe.


Capable of delivering enhanced accuracy, navigation and timing services, and anti-jamming power, the satellites feature enhancements that extend its service life by 25% than the GPS block, and carry a new L1C civil signal that ensures interoperability with other international global navigation satellite systems.

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19 mars 2014 3 19 /03 /mars /2014 08:20
US Navy Awards GD $129 M for Mobile Landing Platform 3 Afloat Forward Staging Base



Mar 17, 2014 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics Corporation


The U.S. Navy has awarded General Dynamics NASSCO a $128.5 million contract for the detail design and construction of the Mobile Landing Platform (MLP) 3 Afloat Forward Staging Base (AFSB).  NASSCO is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).


Under the terms of the contract, NASSCO will provide the detail design and construction efforts to convert the MLP 3 to an AFSB variant. The work will be performed at NASSCO's San Diego shipyard and scheduled to be completed by October 2015.


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13 mars 2014 4 13 /03 /mars /2014 12:20
General Dynamics delivers second mobile landing platform to US Navy

US Navy's second mobile landing platform, USNS John Glenn (MLP 2), underway off the California coast. Photo: courtesy of US Navy.


13 March 2014 naval-technology.com


General Dynamics NASSCO has successfully delivered the second mobile landing platform (MLP) ship, USNS John Glenn (MLP 2), to the US Navy.


The second MLP ship has been named to honour the former US Marine Corps pilot and US senator John Herschel Glenn, who is also the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth.


General Dynamics NASSCO president Fred Harris said: "We are delivering this ship with the quality, innovation and capability needed to support the future missions of the nation's fleet and uniformed men and women around the world."


The 785ft-long MLP is a new class of auxiliary vessel being designed for the US Navy to serve as a floating base for amphibious operations and a transfer point between large ships and small landing craft.


Powered by a twin-screw diesel electric propulsion system integrating four MAN/B&W medium-speed diesel engines, the new MLP ships will enter service with three maritime prepositioning force (MPF) squadrons to support a wide range of missions including humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, amphibious and other combat missions.


The third ship of the class, MLP 3, is currently under construction by NASSCO and will be configured as an afloat forward staging base (AFSB).


MLP 3 is expected to be delivered to the US Navy in the second quarter of 2015.

"MLP 3 is expected to be delivered to the US Navy in the second quarter of 2015."


Separately, the US Navy has placed orders with General Dynamics for maintenance and modernisation of the Virginia-class attack submarine, USS Minnesota (SSN-783).


Under the $57m contract, the company will perform a post-shakedown availability, which consists of maintenance work, repairs, alternations and testing to ensure the submarine is operating at full technical capacity.


Scheduled to be completed in February 2015, work under the contract will be conducted at the Electric Boat shipyard in Groton, US.

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12 mars 2014 3 12 /03 /mars /2014 13:20
US Navy Awards GD $57 M for USS Minnesota Maintenance and Modernization



Mar 11, 2014 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics Corporation


The U.S. Navy has awarded Electric Boat a $57.2 million contract to prepare and perform maintenance work on the USS Minnesota (SSN-783), a Virginia-class attack submarine. Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).


Under the terms of the contract, Electric Boat will perform a post-shakedown availability on the Minnesota, which consists of maintenance work, repairs, alternations and testing to ensure the submarine is operating at full technical capacity. The work will take place at the Electric Boat shipyard in Groton and involve up to 600 employees at its peak. The work is scheduled for completion in February 2015.

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8 janvier 2014 3 08 /01 /janvier /2014 08:20
BAE's US Group Names New CEO

Jerry DeMuro, a longtime executive at General Dynamics, will become the new chief executive of BAE's US subsidiary beginning Feb. 1, the company announced Jan. 7.


Jan. 7, 2014 - By ZACHARY FRYER-BIGGS – Defense News


WASHINGTON — Jerry DeMuro, a longtime executive at General Dynamics (GD), will become the new chief executive of the US subsidiary of Britain’s BAE Systems beginning Feb. 1, the company announced Tuesday.


DeMuro, who had been running GD’s Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) Group before leaving in early 2013 after a rocky 2012, will succeed Linda Hudson, who announced her impending retirement in August.


Hudson, who had run BAE’s US business since 2009, was one of the only women in a senior leadership position at a defense company until the recent elevation of several executives now running top firms.


Her replacement is moving from a division at GD that had a rough start to 2013. The company announced last January that it ran a multibillion-dollar loss in 2012, though much of that figure was derived from an accounting technique that measures theoretical value, and GD’s executives placed much of the blame on poor performance at IS&T.


“IS&T has experienced continued top line pressure, resulting from slow defense spending in their markets and margin compression due to mix shift, and cost performance,” company Chief Financial Officer L. Hugh Redd said during a January earnings call.


DeMuro stepped down from his position at GD less than a month later.


IS&T had seen slightly better results in 2013, with a 1.8 percent increase in revenue through the third quarter, the most recent financial results announced by the company.


Before joining GD, DeMuro had been an acquisition official at the US Defense Department.


“Jerry is a proven global business leader who possesses the relationships and stature to ensure our customers’ challenges are understood and met,” said Ian King, CEO of BAE Systems’ UK parent. “His experience successfully running complex businesses known for developing cutting-edge technology for diverse international, commercial and government customers will greatly benefit BAE Systems Inc., as it evolves its strategic focus toward expanding international and commercial business opportunities.”


The company said that Hudson would remain an adviser to the company until the end of May.

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15 décembre 2013 7 15 /12 /décembre /2013 12:20
photo EMA

photo EMA


13 décembre 2013 Murray Brewster - La Presse Canadienne


Le gouvernement Harper a accordé un contrat de 74 millions $ pour des abris de l'armée au toit rigide à une entreprise d'Ottawa, mais demeure silencieux sur l'avenir du programme longuement attendu de véhicules blindés de 2 milliards $.


L'entente originale pour ces abris avait été annoncée en 2009 dans le cadre d'un programme de logistique, mais la ministre fédérale des Travaux publics, Diane Finley, a affirmé que le gouvernement avait décidé d'en commander 99 de plus - à être utilisés comme postes de commande sur le terrain et aires de travail - que les 895 faisant partie du premier contrat.


Mme Finley n'a pas voulu s'avancer sur ce qui pourrait advenir du projet distinct et controversé d'achat de 108 véhicules de combat rapproché, destinés à accompagner sur les champs de bataille les chars d'assaut Leopard 2 A6 et A4.


Des soumissions de trois groupes - Nexter, BAE Systems et General Dynamics Land Systems - viennent à échéance le 23 décembre.


Le doute plane sur le sort du programme depuis des mois, après que l'armée a dit craindre de manquer de fonds pour la formation, l'exploitation et la maintenance de la nouvelle série de véhicules en ces temps de budgets serrés.


Mme Finley n'a pas non plus voulu dire si le gouvernement avait l'intention de laisser les soumissions venir à échéance, ce qui éliminerait de fait le programme pour la deuxième fois.


«Nous continuons de travailler avec le ministère de la Défense dans cette affaire», a-t-elle dit vendredi.


Un autre contrat d'approvisionnement militaire passé aux oubliettes représenterait une nouvelle tache politique pour les conservateurs, qui peinent à compléter une longue liste d'achats d'équipement militaire.


En plus de l'incertitude entourant les véhicules blindés, la Défense nationale et les Travaux publics ont annulé, puis relancé en 2012 un programme visant à acheter 1500 camions pour l'armée.


L'industrie de la défense serait en colère si le programme de véhicules de combat tombait à l'eau, d'autant plus que chaque fournisseur a déboursé plusieurs millions de dollars pour participer à l'appel d'offres. Les compagnies ont dû fournir des véhicules à des fins de tests.


Mais un budget de la Défense en baisse, et en particulier des coupes dans la formation et dans les services d'approvisionnement, a poussé l'armée à réévaluer la possibilité d'obtenir de nouveaux véhicules.


Entre autres choses, la Défense craint de devoir construire de nouveaux bâtiments pour abriter les véhicules spécialisés de 36 tonnes, qui ont été conçus pendant la guerre en Afghanistan comme un ajout nécessaire afin de protéger les troupes contre des bombes artisanales de plus en plus puissantes.

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10 décembre 2013 2 10 /12 /décembre /2013 18:20
CP-140 Aurora Maritime Patrol Aircraft - photo RCAF

CP-140 Aurora Maritime Patrol Aircraft - photo RCAF


OTTAWA, Ontario, Dec. 10, 2013 /CNW


Portability supports replay and analysis of recorded acoustic data immediately following maritime patrol missions, anywhere in the world.


General Dynamics Canada has delivered the first of three deployable fast-time analysis systems for the CP-140 Aurora Maritime Patrol Aircraft. The portable system, designed to fit through the crew door of the CP-140 aircraft, can be deployed with the aircraft for missions away from the main operating base in Canada and allows ground crews immediate access to post-flight analysis of critical acoustic data, confirming and classifying targets.


"Wherever in the world Canada's Aurora is called to action, crews can easily transport this system and allow ground crews to replay and analyze recorded acoustic information as soon as the aircraft lands," said David Ibbetson, vice president, General Dynamics C4 Systems International. "This time-critical access to recorded acoustic data supports command-level decision making as target identities are confirmed, classified and characterized in the field. The replay capability, at speeds more than eight times faster than normal, enables mission reconstruction and debriefing as well as providing the opportunity for onsite crew training immediately following missions."


In Canada the system is referred to as the Deployable Modular VME Acoustic Signal Processor (MVASP) Post Processing and Archiving System or D-MPPAS; it makes up part of the ground equipment for the Aurora Incremental Modernization Program (AIMP). Internationally, the system will be sold under the name Acoustic Replay & Intelligence Exploitation System, or ARIES.


General Dynamics Canada is the prime integrator of the Aurora mission system and provides integrated hardware and software systems that enable the aircraft's capabilities in a variety of roles, including search and rescue, airborne command and control, surface and sub-surface maritime, overland and coastal surveillance operations. General Dynamics Canada is also providing ground support equipment, including a software integration lab, pre- and post-mission analysis tools, and training facilities, as well as long-term in-service support (ISS).


General Dynamics Canada is part of General Dynamics C4 Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD). For information about General Dynamics Canada please go to www.gdcanada.com.


SOURCE General Dynamics Canada

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5 décembre 2013 4 05 /12 /décembre /2013 17:20
US Army Awards GD $28 M for Engineering Development for Stryker Modernization



Dec 4, 2013 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics Corporation


The U.S. Army TACOM Contracting Command recently awarded General Dynamics Land Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD ), a $28 million contract for research, development and testing in preparation for the Stryker Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) upgrade program.


The Stryker ECP upgrade program is an engineering-development effort focused on integrating a group of system improvements into a single upgrade program for the Stryker eight-wheeled vehicle.  The objective of this research-and-development effort is to prepare Stryker vehicles to accept additional Army-directed requirements in the future without impacting current vehicle performance.  There is no production work associated with this award.


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