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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 07:20
F22 raptor photo USAF

F22 raptor photo USAF

May 30 by Dave Majumdar - FG


Washington DC - The US Air Force says it will consolidate depot maintenance for the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor at the Ogden Air Logistics Complex at Hill AFB, Utah. Currently, depot maintenance for the stealthy fifth-generation fighter is split between Ogden and a Lockheed plant in Palmdale, California.


"The facts show this will be a great efficiency for the F-22 programme and the warfighter," says Lt Gen CD Moore, commander of the USAF lifecycle management center. "It will allow us to more quickly maintain the F-22, keeping this vital front-line fighter ready to meet any challenge, while at the same time allow us to strengthen the robust and capable Palmdale workforce on other critical programmes within the local area."


The USAF says it has conducted a "comprehensive business case analysis" that shows consolidating of all F-22 work at Ogden would substantially reduce costs. The service projects a minimum cost savings of over $16 million per year.


The USAF will implement a 31-month incremental transition plan to complete the F-22 depot maintenance consolidation at Ogden.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 23:30
Deux A400M seront présents au Bourget

Le 30/05/2013  Par François Julian - air-cosmos.com


C'est confirmé : il y aura deux A400M au salon du Bourget. L'avion d'essais MSN 006 (indicatif "Grizzly 5") réalisera les démonstrations en vol, tandis que MSN 8 – le deuxième exemplaire de série, destiné à l'armée de l'Air – sera présent sur l'exposition statique.


Domingo Ureña-Raso, le patron d'Airbus Military, a aussi confirmé que la livraison du MSN 7 (premier exemplaire de série) à l'armée de l'Air aurait lieu fin juin ou début juillet. Une cérémonie devrait être organisée sur la base d'Orléans.


Pour l'heure, l'avion est phase d'acceptation par la DGA, et vole régulièrement dessus à Séville. Ce n'est qu'à l'issue de cette phase qu'il pourra être remis à l'armée de l'Air.


Le MSN 8, qui a récemment réalisé ses premiers essais moteur, devrait voler la semaine prochaine. Il sera livré à l'armée de l'Air dans le courant de l'été.


A ce jour, ce sont 15 pilotes, 10 chefs de soute et 70 mécaniciens qui ont été qualifiés par Airbus Military sur la machine. Parmi eux se trouvent deux équipages de l'armée de l'Air.


Par ailleurs, Airbus Military va mobiliser aujourd'hui l'un des exemplaires d'essais pour des vols de démonstration à Séville avec la presse aéronautique internationale.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 18:40
La Lybie veut la reprise des contrats d'armements avec la Russie (Rostec)

AMMAN, 30 mai - RIA Novosti


Un représentant des nouvelles autorités libyennes s'est adressé aux dirigeants de Russie avec une proposition de renouvellement des contrats d'achat d'armements de fabrication russe, a annoncé jeudi à Amman le chef du holding russe de hautes technologies Rostec Sergueï Tchemezov.

"Le représentant des nouvelles autorités libyennes m'a demandé de transmettre une lettre à notre président. Ils (les Libyens, ndlr) voudraient faire des acquisitions et enverront sans doute une délégation (à Moscou, ndlr). On en discutera", a dit M.Tchemezov.

Le patron de Rostec a déclaré que le représentant libyen l'avait contacté lors d'une cérémonie d'inauguration en Jordanie d'une usine d'assemblage de lance-roquettes russes RPG-32 Hashim.

Selon M.Tchemezov, ce n'est pas la première fois que les Libyens abordent ce sujet.

"Ils nous ont déjà demandé de rétablir, si possible, les contrats suspendus (…). Il n'y a pas eu toutefois en attendant de négociations concrètes", a-t-il conclu.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 18:30
Matériels militaires russes pour l'Irak: Moscou lance la réalisation du contrat

AMMAN, 30 mai - RIA Novosti


La Russie a lancé la production de matériels militaires, principalement d'hélicoptères, destinés à l'Irak, conformément à un contrat de quatre milliards de dollars signé en 2012, a annoncé jeudi à Amman le président du holding russe de hautes technologies Rostec Sergueï Tchemezov.

"Le contrat que nous avons signé avec l'Irak est entré en vigueur, nous avons lancé la production. Le contrat signé pendant une visite du chef du gouvernement irakien Nouri al-Maliki à Moscou porte surtout sur la livraison d'hélicoptères, son montant dépasse quatre milliards de dollars", a indiqué M.Tchemezov devant les journalistes.

Selon les informations précédentes, l'Irak et la Russie ont signé un accord sur l'achat d'armes russes pour 4,3 milliards de dollars en octobre 2012. Aucune information officielle sur les modalités du contrat n'a été communiquée. Selon le directeur du Centre russe d'analyse du commerce mondial d'armes, Igor Korotchenko, il s'agit du plus gros contrat signé par Moscou en 2012.




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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:55
TTH90 helicopters for the French Army (NHI photo)

TTH90 helicopters for the French Army (NHI photo)



May 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com


PARIS --- The French defense ministry has ordered a follow-on batch of 34 NH90 helicopters, a contract estimated to be worth just under 1 billion euros.

A French Ministry of Defense official, who requested anonymity, confirmed the award May 30, but declined further comment. Neither NH Industries, the prime contractor for the NH90 program, nor Eurocopter, its largest shareholder and manufacturer of the TTH90 battlefield variant, were available to comment. The award was originally reported May 29 by the French website LaTribune.

The order, initially due to be awarded in 2010, was announced as “imminent” in January 2012 by then defense minister Gérard Longuet when he took delivery of the first French army NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopter (TTH) in its final operational configuration from Eurocopter.

At the time, Longuet told defense-aerospace.com that the helicopters, in TTH tactical transport configuration for the French army, would each cost about 20 million euros, which with spares and support would increase the contract’s value to over 800 million euros.

France has already ordered 34 TTH90 army versions and 27 NFH90 navy versions, and according to its newly-published defense white paper plans a total of 113 medium helicopters.




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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:50
Kongsberg Wins New Order In Croatia

May 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Kongsberg; issued May 29, 2013)


Kongsberg Signs New Order In Croatia


The value of this new contract is just over 100 MNOK.


Kongsberg signed a new Contract today with ÐURO ÐAKOVIĆ Specijalna vozila d.d. for an order of additional Protector Remote Weapon Stations for the Croatian Army.


These Protector Remote Weapon Stations will be installed on the AMV platform that is license produced by ÐURO ÐAKOVIĆ Specijalna vozila d.d.


The value of this new contract is just over 100 MNOK.

Kongsberg Wins New Order In Croatia
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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:35


May 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: The Korea Times; published May 30, 2013)


Bidding for $7.5 Bil. Fighter Program Set to Start


The bidding process for the $7.5 billion next-generation fighter procurement project will kick off at the start of June instead of midway through the month, the Defense Acquisition and Procurement Agency (DAPA) said Thursday.


“We plan to let bidders tender offers about a week earlier,” a DAPA official said.


The change in schedule aims at purchasing a high-end fleet of 60 multi-role fighter jets within budget constraints.


In order to replace Korean Air Force’s aging F-4s and F-5s with high-tech combat aircraft, Boeing’s F-15 Silent Eagle, Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS)’s Eurofighter Tranche 3 are competing to secure the contract.


There is speculation that the bid price will go beyond DAPA’s budget and so the accelerated schedule will enable the procurement office to purchase the aircraft at reasonable price without a hitch.


“Our first goal is to buy 60 fighter jets within the budget. As we are scheduled to make the final selection by the end of June, we may not have enough time for negotiations if we start receiving offers from mid-June,” the official said.


“In addition, an earlier schedule will quiet criticism on the most-expensive procurement deal in our history.”


He added that DAPA had already informed the bidders of the schedule change.


The DAPA official also said that those involved in negotiations may not be able to make a decision on some clauses and will need to consult with head office, which will take time.


In order to secure the sale of 60 fighter jets, the three defense firms are throwing around “sweet deals” if they win the contract.


Eurofighter said that it will investment 2 trillion won in Korea’s indigenous fighter program, or the KF-X program, while Lockheed Martin said it will help Korea Aerospace Industries’ (KAI) T-50 be selected for the U.S. Air Force’s trainer procurement project.


Boeing promised to establish an avionics maintenance, repair and overhaul facility in Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang Province, which will be its first such facility in Asia.


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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:20
Bradley A3 Photo BAE Systems

Bradley A3 Photo BAE Systems

May 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: BAE Systems; issued May 29, 2013)


Bradley Industrial Base Shutdown Threatens Skilled Workforce


Jeff Adams of AMZ Manufacturing in York, Pa. is frank about the consequences of the U.S. Army’s current funding plan that calls for the Bradley Industrial Base to shut down for at least three years starting in 2014.


Not only would “a Bradley Industrial Base shutdown leave us without unique-to-industry skillsets,” said Adams, but those skills “take years to train and perfect”.


AMZ Manufacturing’s well-trained and highly skilled workers provide product finishing for parts that go into the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. The company is also one of nearly 600 large, medium and small businesses that comprise the Bradley Industrial Base, a production and supply chain network, which works with the U.S. government to maintain the readiness of four of the five Armored Brigade Combat vehicles used by the U.S. Army. These supplier companies would be hit hard by the shutdown of the Bradley production line and would lose unique industrial capabilities and skilled labor.


“It takes up to three years to train a fully skilled employee,” stated Adams, whose company employs 63 workers. “If we lose those skills now, we will not be able to quickly restore them when needed.”


In February, then Secretary of Defense Panetta expressed concern about the need to protect the industrial base in the U.S. to ensure the nation has the skills needed in case of a national emergency, saying “the last damn thing we need if we face a crisis is to somehow contract out that responsibility to another country.”


Will Donnellan of the First Electronics Corporation in Boston, Mass. reinforced Secretary Panetta’s concerns, saying “A shutdown of the Bradley Industrial Base would severally limit the ability for our company to support expedited programs in the future due to the reduction of our skilled manufacturing force. The accelerated start of the Bradley upgrade work would not only buy the supply base time, it would buy the Army readiness.”


Founded in 1955, the First Electronics Corporation is a family-owned business that employees more than 85 workers in the Boston area and specializes in the production of custom military cable assemblies for the Bradley.


“If the Bradley line was to shut down we would still exist as a business, but on a lesser scale,” said Donnellan. “We would most likely lose our ability to support Bradley production in the future, without a significant amount of time to reacquire the specialized skills and resources needed.”


As an alternative to a Bradley line shutdown, BAE Systems and the supplier base companies urge that Congress direct the Army to accelerate the start of required upgrades to 93 Bradleys currently scheduled for fiscal year 2015 and 2016. Using funding approved for these conversions will enable the Army to more quickly meet its needs for fully modernized vehicles while supporting the combat vehicle industrial base and ensuring the readiness of the U.S. armed forces.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
Finnish Orbiter UAS deliveries take off

28 May 2013 by  Arie Egozi – FG


Tel Aviv - Deliveries of the Orbiter 2 mini unmanned air system (UAS) to Finland are under way.


The Finnish defence ministry in 2012 selected the Aeronautics Defense Systems design to meet its operational needs. Its contract includes 52 systems, with each comprising four air vehicles and a ground control station.


The Orbiter 2 has a 3m (9.8ft) wingspan and a 1m long fuselage. With a 10kg (22lb) maximum take-off weight, it offers an endurance of 3.5h.


According to Dany Eshchar, Aeronautics' deputy chief executive for marketing and sales, 20 systems will be supplied by the end of the year.

Finnish Orbiter UAS deliveries take off

The firm also reveals that Finland is showing interest in the company's larger Orbiter 3, which has an endurance of 7-8h. It is equipped with a 3kg payload, but this will soon be replaced by a more advanced cooled electro-optical/infrared sensor that will produce better quality images.


Suitable for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance duties, the Orbiter 3 is launched from a catapult and recovered using a parachute and airbag.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
Saab Wins Order for Underwater Vehicle

May 30, 2013 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Saab AB; issued May 30, 2013)


Saab Receives Order for the Underwater Vehicle System AUV62


Defence and security company Saab has signed a contract on delivery of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle systems, AUV62, in training configuration. The order has a total value of MSEK 148 and system deliveries will take place during 2014.


The order comprises the supply of AUV62, the latest version of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in a configuration as training target for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) training.


“The AUV62 is a competent and advanced system that will enhance and strengthen the customer’s underwater capabilities. We are of course very satisfied to have been able to secure yet another order for the system,” says Görgen Johansson, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Area Dynamics.


The AUV62 is an advanced and highly modern Autonomous Underwater Vehicle available in several different configurations and already selected by a number of customers.


Equipped with an acoustic payload it is an advanced and capable system for cost-efficient training of a navy’s ASW forces. The AUV62 is an artificial acoustic target that mimics a submarine in a way that is compatible with any torpedo- and sonar system on the market today. The AUV62 system fully replaces the use of a submarine in the role as a manoeuvring training target.


Equipped with a Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) payload it is an efficient system for mine search, reconnaissance and seabed mapping. With the AUV62 Saab offers a state-of-the-art Autonomous Underwater System for demanding customers investing in the future.


The industry’s nature is such that depending on circumstances concerning the product and customer, information regarding the customer will not be announced.



Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
Airbus Military launches C295W aircraft with enhanced performance

30/5/2013 Airbus Military


New series available in 2014 features winglets and uprated engines as standard.


Airbus Military today announces the launch of a new series of its best-selling C295 medium transport and surveillance aircraft – the C295W.


Featuring winglets and uprated engines as standard, the new model will provide operators with enhanced performance in all flight phases but is particularly aimed at those operating at  “hot and high“ airfields where payload increases in excess of 1,000kg are promised.


In intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) roles such as airborne early warning (AEW) the enhancements will increase endurance by 30-60min and permit an operating altitude up to 2,000ft higher than now.


The new features will also provide an overall reduction in fuel consumption of around 4% depending on configuration and conditions.


The C295W, assembled in Seville, Spain, is being offered to the market from now on and will be the standard version of the aircraft in all versions from the fourth quarter of 2014. Certification is expected in 2Q14.


Airbus Military is committing to the C295W following flight-trials with winglets fitted to its company development aircraft which showed positive results for a weight penalty of only around 90kg.


The engines are the Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127 turboprops which power all versions of the C295. New procedures recently certified by Canada and Spain permit operation in the climb and cruise phases at higher power settings at the discretion of the operator. As well as improved hot and high performance, the procedure improves operation over very high terrain such as the Andes or Himalaya mountains with only a minor influence on maintenance cost.


Airbus Military Head of Programmes, Light & Medium, and Derivatives, Rafael Tentor said: “The C295 has consistently been the market leader in all sectors in which it is offered. By investing in continuous development of the aircraft we are committed to maintaining its leadership through the introduction of substantial operating benefits. We very much look forward to discussing the C295W with existing and prospective customers.”


About C295


The new generation C295 is the ideal aircraft for defence and civic mission to the benefit of society, such as humanitarian actions, maritime patrol, and environmental surveillance missions, amongst others. Thanks to its robustness and reliability, and with simple systems, this medium sized tactical airlifter provides wide versatility and flexibility, necessary for personnel, troop and bulky/palletized cargo transportation, casualty evacuation, communication and logistic duties or certified air-dropping capabilities. Its mix of dual technology civil/military equipment ensure success on demanding tactical mission, growth potential for future equipment as well as compatibility with the latest civil airspace environment. The C295 is part of Airbus Military’s family of light and medium airlifters which also include the smaller NC212i and CN235 platforms.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
Kraken Delivers Synthetic Aperture Sonar to DSTO Australia

May 30, 2013 ASDNews Source : Kraken Sonar Systems Inc


Kraken Sonar Systems Inc. announced today that the sea acceptance testing of its AquaPix® Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar (InSAS) with Australia’s Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) was a success.  The AquaPix® system was integrated and tested onboard DSTO’s REMUS 600 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV).


DSTO is a national leader in safeguarding Australia by delivering valued scientific advice and innovative technology solutions for the country's defence and national security.


Thanks to the excellent cooperation with DSTO; the InSAS/AUV system integration, dockside testing and sea trials were completed in less than two weeks. Dockside tests were carried out in the shallow waters surrounding the HMAS Waterhen naval base in Sydney harbour, while deeper water tests were conducted from HMAS Creswell in Jervis Bay.


“We are extremely satisfied with the results from our sea acceptance testing with DSTO,” said Karl Kenny, President and CEO of Kraken. “AquaPix® met all expectations in terms of performance as well as the program delivery schedule and budget. Synthetic Aperture Sonar technology is a true breakthrough and will radically improve the efficiency and accuracy of seabed imaging for both military and commercial applications.”


AquaPix® provides higher resolution seafloor imagery at significantly longer ranges than conventional sonar. This is done by replacing traditional sonar hardware with sophisticated signal processing software. The principle of Synthetic Aperture Sonar is that the transducer array is “synthesized” in software by the coherent recombination of many sonar pings overlapping an area of interest.


Synthetic Aperture Sonar provides image quality unmatched by conventional sonars and is a key technology whenever high resolution is required. Kraken’s AquaPix® generates ultra-high resolution seabed imagery (3 cm) out to a range of 250m from each side of an underwater vehicle (500m swath).  In addition, AquaPix® simultaneously delivers high quality 3D bathymetric digital terrain seabed data that exceeds the demanding standards for today’s hydrographic surveys.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
Israel Offers India Hybrid Maritime Surveillance

May 30, 2013 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Israel Homeland Security; posted May 25, 2013)


Joint Israeli Solution for Indian Maritime Security Problems


Elbit Systems Ltd. has teamed with Windward to offer integrated maritime solutions for the Indian authorities. The joint solution combines Windward’s innovative satellite-based maritime analytics system, MarInt, with Elbit Systems’ wide range of solutions for maritime domain awareness, including Hermes 900 maritime patrol Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).


The cooperation between the two companies addresses the specific needs of India and its vast and complex maritime arena.


The cooperation makes available a unique system adapted for very large maritime area monitoring, providing authorities with powerful means to control India’s waters.


MarInt, Windward’s proprietary satellite-based maritime analytics system, maps the global maritime activity in unprecedented details, based on data collected from various sources, such as commercial satellites, open-source databases and other sensors. Covering any area of interest, regardless of the distance from shore, MarInt delivers maritime domain awareness over littoral or blue water areas, for Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) monitoring, fishery control, regional traffic analysis or port traffic management. After the routine maritime patterns are observed and learned, the system performs deep behavior analysis on every vessel spotted in the designated area of interest, in order to detect anomalous and suspicious behavior.


The Maritime Hermes 900 is a new configuration of Elbit Systems’ largest UAS, adapted for maritime operations, carrying selectable mission payload of up to 350 kg., including maritime surveillance radar, Automatic Identification System (AIS), an electro-optical multi-sensor payload and electronic surveillance systems. It has the endurance to cover vast ocean areas, redundant line-of-sight and satellite communications links and radio relay, enabling operators to talk to local vessels while flying patrols over remote sea areas at extended ranges from shore.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:30
RPG-32 Hashim

RPG-32 Hashim

MOSCOU, 30 mai - RIA Novosti


Une usine d'assemblage de lance-roquettes russes RPG-32 Hashim a été inaugurée jeudi en Jordanie en présence du roi Abdallah II de Jordanie et du président du holding russe de hautes technologies Rostec Sergueï Tchemezov.


"Le royaume lance la production des premiers lance-roquettes anti-char portatifs en calibre multiple au monde. RPG-32 est l'une des meilleurs armes de pointe capable de détruire la plupart des chars existants, ainsi que d'autres cibles militaires", a indiqué M.Tchemezov pendant la cérémonie d'inauguration.


L'usine d'assemblage et de test des lance-roquettes RPG-32 Hashim est située à 20 km au nord-est d'Amman. La Jordanie a construit et équipé ce site, alors que l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements (Rosoboronexport) est chargée de livrer des éléments de lance-roquettes et de contrôler le travail des spécialistes jordaniens.


Conçu par le Groupe de recherche et de production russe Bazalt, une filiale de Rostec, RPG-32 est un lance-roquette portable qui tire des projectiles de 72,5mm et de 105 mm.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 12:55
Afghanistan - poste de tir Milan Mars 2012 photo MinDef Fr

Afghanistan - poste de tir Milan Mars 2012 photo MinDef Fr

28/05/2013 Par Jean Guisnel Défense ouverte Le Point.fr


Le successeur du Milan est au centre d'une bataille. La France choisira-t-elle le Javelin américain, ou le MMP de MBDA, filiale d'EADS ?


Dans la période de relative disette budgétaire ouverte pour la défense, les industriels se battent bec et ongles pour les rares nouveautés qui s'annoncent. C'est ainsi que l'armée de terre, qui doit prochainement engager le remplacement de ses missiles antichars Milan, se voit proposer deux engins concurrents. Le premier, dit MMP (pour missile moyenne portée), est en cours de développement par l'industriel fabricant du Milan, MBDA, qui n'est autre que la filiale "missiles tactiques" d'EADS. Logiquement, si les règles classiques d'achat national étaient respectées, ce contrat de 400 millions pour la livraison des engins ne devrait pas échapper à MBDA. La partie française de cette entreprise est considérée comme un élément structurant de la BIDF (Base industrielle et de défense française). Sauf que...


"Sur étagère"


Voici quelques années, les soldats français opérant en Afghanistan avaient critiqué l'actuel Milan, qui ne possède pas la capacité "tire et oublie" qui permet au tireur de s'abriter après le départ du coup. Les Français avaient alors acheté "sur étagère" 260 missiles et 76 postes de tir proposés par le consortium américain Lockheed-Martin/Raytheon. Mais il faut maintenant passer à la suite. Après 2014, le Milan sera rangé au magasin des armes déclassées. En juin 2009, le délégué général pour l'armement Laurent Collet-Billon avait eu des mots cruels pour MBDA : "Si nous devons attendre des mois, voire des années, avec tous les ­risques liés au développement [d'une nouvelle arme], ce n'est pas possible. On peut aider notre industrie, mais pas sans répondre aux besoins."


Washington à la manoeuvre



Washington propose son missile antichars à l'armée française

Alors que les discussions sur la loi de programmation militaire sont bien engagées, avec le parage des budgets qui va avec, les États-Unis reviennent à la charge. Des décisions sur le futur missile antichar de l'armée française sont attendues le mois prochain lors d'un comité ministériel d'investissement, et Washington veut voir le nouveau modèle du Javelin emporter le marché, en expliquant au gouvernement français que ce programme permettrait une économie budgétaire de 100 millions d'euros. L'ambassade américaine à Paris soutient activement les industriels, faisant valoir que l'US Army entend moderniser le Javelin pour qu'il demeure en service jusqu'en 2050. Ces performances accrues porteraient notamment sur une augmentation de la portée et de la précision.


"Homme dans la boucle"


Du côté des Français, on estime que le Javelin pèche sur un point majeur : il ne peut pas être guidé jusqu'à sa cible. Cette capacité, dite "homme dans la boucle", est permise par une fibre optique qui relie le missile au poste de tir, cette méthode empêchant tout brouillage. Jusqu'à la dernière seconde, le tireur peut donc dévier l'engin de sa cible initiale, notamment pour éviter un obstacle surgi à la dernière seconde. De source proche de l'industriel américain, on fait valoir qu'une solution à ce problème est intégrée à l'offre, qui pourrait associer finalement la double capacité "tire et oublie" et "homme dans la boucle". Comment donc ? Mais tout simplement en proposant une association à MBDA, qui pourrait apporter au Javelin modernisé sa compétence en matière de filoguidage.


Double capacité


Chez MBDA, on ne commente pas. On fait par ailleurs valoir de source française bien informée que le projet de l'industriel intègre la double capacité "tire et oublie" et "homme dans la boucle", qu'il a bénéficié d'un contrat de "réduction de risques" de 20 millions d'euros, que Sagem est associé à ce programme pour le poste de tir, et que tout se passe conformément au calendrier prévu avec de possibles livraisons des premiers missiles en 2017. Au sein des gigantesques marchés industriels qui se discutent autour de la loi de programmation militaire, il s'agit d'un contrat mineur. Mais il est visiblement décisif pour les industries concernées.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 12:20
RQ-11B Raven small Unmanned Aircraft System photo US Army

RQ-11B Raven small Unmanned Aircraft System photo US Army

.May 30, 2013: Strategy Page


With combat operations winding down in Afghanistan, the U.S. Army is cutting back on purchases of its popular  Raven micro-UAV. In the last decade the U.S. has bought most of the 19,000 Ravens produced. But now those purchases are fading to zero. Last year the army bought 1,134, this year it was 234 and next year it is zero. The reason why the army has bought so many Ravens is because this tiny (two kg/3.3 pound) rapidly wears out in combat. The Raven is made of Kevlar, the same material used in helmets and protective vests, but there are many ways for one to be lost in combat. On paper a Raven can survive about 200 landings before it can no longer be used. That’s in peacetime operations. In a combat zone few Ravens make it past fifty or so landings. While some Ravens have been shot down, the most common cause of loss is a problem with the communications link (as the aircraft flies out of range or behind something that interrupts the signal) or a software/hardware failure on the aircraft. Combat losses have been high, as nearly 20,000 have been built and most of those have been lost on the battlefield.


With much less combat expected in the next few years, the army is cutting orders for new Ravens and, in effect, living off existing stocks (over 5,000 Ravens) and resuming purchases only if a lot of troops are sent into combat. Raven, in effect, is being treated like ammunition, with much needed in peacetime than in wartime.


Despite the high loss rate the Raven is popular with combat and non-combat troops alike. In part this is because the army has developed better training methods, which enables operators to get more out of Raven more quickly. Combat troops use it for finding and tracking the enemy, while non-combat troops use it for security (guarding bases or convoys). In both cases troops have come to use the Raven for more than just getting a look over the hill or around the corner. The distinctive noise of a Raven overhead is very unpopular with the enemy below and is often used to scare the enemy away or make him move to where he can be more easily spotted.


The current model, the Raven B (RQ-11B), was introduced six years ago, a year after the original Raven entered service in large numbers. This UAV is inexpensive ($35,000 each). The Raven is battery powered (and largely silent unless flown close to the ground). It carries a color day vidcam or a two color infrared night camera. It can also carry a laser designator and a new gimbaled camera is being bought. The cameras broadcast real time video back to the operator, who controls the Raven via a handheld controller, which uses a hood to shield the display from direct sunlight (thus allowing the operator to clearly see what is on the ground). The Raven can go as fast as 95 kilometers an hour but usually cruises at between 40 and 50 kilometers an hour. It can go as far as 15 kilometers from its controller and usually flies a pre-programmed route, using GPS for navigation.


From the very beginning the Raven changed the way troops fight. With the bird's eye view of the battlefield, commanders can move their troops more quickly, confident that they won't be ambushed and often with certain knowledge of where the unseen enemy is. The big advantage with Raven is that it’s simple, reliable, and it just works. The UAV can be quickly taken apart and put into a backpack. It takes off by having the operator start the motor and then throwing it. This can be done from a moving vehicle and the Raven is a popular recon tool for convoys. It lands by coming in low and then turning the motor off. Special Forces troops like to use it at night because the enemy can’t see it and often can’t hear it either.

Puma unmanned aerial vehicle-launch

Puma unmanned aerial vehicle-launch

Last year the U.S. Army began using the larger (5.9 kg) Puma AE UAVs. Adopting Puma is part of an army effort to find micro-UAVs that are more effective than current models and just as easy to use. The Puma, a 5.9 kg (13 pound) UAV with a 2.6 meter (8.5 feet) wingspan and a range of 15 kilometers from the operator, has proved to be the next big (or micro) thing the army was looking for. Combat commanders quickly realized how useful Puma is and wanted more, as quickly as possible. This is not surprising as SOCOM (Special Operations Command) has been using Puma since 2008.


The army wants to equip each infantry company with a Puma system. That would mean 18 Puma AE UAVs per brigade and nearly 400 for the entire army. These larger UAVs have been most useful in route clearance (scouting ahead to spot ambushes, roadside bombs, landslides, washouts, or whatever). The larger Puma is particularly useful in Afghanistan, which is windier than Iraq and thus more difficult for the tiny Raven to operate.


Top speed for Puma is 87 kilometers an hour and cruising speed is 37-50 kilometers an hour. Max altitude is 3,800 meters (12,500 feet). Puma has a better vidcam (providing tilt, pan, and zoom) than the smaller Raven and that provides steadier and more detailed pictures. Because it is larger than Raven, and three times as heavy, Puma is much steadier in bad weather. Both Puma and Raven are battery powered.


Puma has been around for a decade but never got purchased in large quantities by anyone. The latest model uses a lot of proven tech from the Raven (both UAVs are made by the same company). Like the Raven, Puma is hand launched and can be quickly snapped together or apart. Another version, using a fuel cell, has been tested and was able to stay in the air for nine hours at a time. There is also a naval version that floats and is built to withstand exposure to salt water.


Each combat brigade is now supposed to have 35 mini-UAV systems (each with three UAVs, most of them Raven but at least ten of these systems are to be Pumas). That means that each combat brigade now has its own air force of over a hundred reconnaissance aircraft.


The army currently has nearly 7,000 UAVs. Over 6,000 are micro-UAVs like the Raven and Puma. These tiny (under six kg/13.2 pound) reconnaissance aircraft have become very popular with the troops, anyone of which can become an operator after a few hours of training. These tiny UAVs are a radical new military aircraft technology that took air recon to a new level. That level is low, a few hundred meters off the ground. The army has nearly 1,798 Raven and 325 Puma UAV systems in use by ground troops. A complete system (controller, spare parts, and three UAVs) costs $250,000 for the Raven and over $400,000 for Puma. These tiny aircraft have changed how the troops fight and greatly reduced army dependence on the air force for air reconnaissance. The lightweight, hand launched Raven UAV can only stay airborne about an hour per sortie, but troops have found that this is enough time to do all sorts of useful work, even when there's no fighting going on. This is most of the time. The heavier Puma can stay up for 120 minutes.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
OSI Of Vancouver Signs Contract With Daewoo To Provide Submarine Systems

May 29, 2013. David Pugliese Defence Watch


May 29, 2013 - Vancouver, BC, Canada - OSI Maritime Systems (OSI) is pleased to announce the signing of a contract with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), South Korea.  As part of the program, DSME will build three Type 209 diesel submarines (SSK) for the Indonesian Navy.  Under the terms of the agreement, OSI will deliver three Integrating Navigation and Tactical Systems, including ECPINS-W Sub software.  ECPINS-W Sub is the most advanced navigation software in the world specifically designed for the unique requirements of subsurface navigation.


About OSI


OSI Maritime Systems is a leading provider of integrated navigation and tactical solutions designed for naval and maritime security operations. The company develops and delivers integrated bridge systems for warships, integrated dived navigation systems for submarines and C2 systems for small craft. OSI currently has 16 naval customers from around the world with over 500 warships and submarines operating with its world leading integrated navigation and tactical solutions.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
BMP-2 Sarath infantry combat vehicle of the Indian Army. Photo cell105 SuperTank17

BMP-2 Sarath infantry combat vehicle of the Indian Army. Photo cell105 SuperTank17

May. 29, 2013 By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI – Defense News


NEW DELHI — The Indian Defence Ministry has reissued a tender to buy 100 armored personnel carriers (APCs), slightly easing the requirements from 2009’s failed tender.


A Defence Ministry source said the qualitative requirements laid out in 2009 were “tough,” and sought to mix the best systems available on the market. The vendor also was reequired to make a special prototype of the APC to compete. None of the vendors could meet the qualitative requirements for the APCs in the earlier tender.


The requirements have been diluted slightly relating to the mobility of the vehicles, and the tender has again been issued to the same vendors involved in 2009: General Dynamics in the US, Rosoboronexport of Russia, Ukrainexport of Ukraine, Poland’s Bumar, Finmec­canica of Italy, BAE Systems of the UK and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann of Germany.


An Indian Army official said the vehicle procurement process is slow and the allocated budget has been nearly stagnant for the last three years.


The budget allocation for military vehicles for 2013-14 is only 20.8 billion rupees (US $377 million), compared with 22.6 billion rupees in 2012-13 and an actual spend of 23.5 billion rupees in 2011-’12.


To meet its APC requirements, the Army is using about 2,000 Russian BMP-1 and BMP-2 multipurpose armored vehicles, equipped with anti-tank missiles and other weapons.


Along with the purchase of 100 APCs, the global tender includes buying 60,668 armor piercing rounds, 91,004 high-explosive rounds for the 25-40mm cannon, 886,436 rounds of the 7.62 coaxial machine gun and 84,100 rounds for the 25mm-40mm anti-grenade launcher.


The requirements stipulate that the wheeled APCs be able to fire on the move, have good speed on the road and cross country, and have the ability to protect against mines, improvised explosive devices, small arms, grenades and artillery splinters.


The vehicle must be able to be armed with a machine gun, cannon and automatic grenade launcher.


In addition, the vehicle must have modern, secure communications, amphibious capability and the ability to cross obstacles.


The Army wants the cannon to be able to fire at targets, including helicopters, at a distance of 2,500 meters.


This month, India tapped a consortium of two domestic companies to supply the Army with 100 Tatra trucks, breaking a monopoly held by a Czech Republic-based firm.


Domestic companies Ashok Leyland and Larsen & Toubro formed the winning consortium, which beat another consortium composed of Tata Motors and Tata Power SED.


The bid by Czech firm Tatra Czech, filed jointly with state-owned Bharat Earth Movers, failed at the trial stage.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
LCA Tejas photo India MoD

LCA Tejas photo India MoD

30.05.2013 Pacific Sentinel
The Defence Minister Shri AK Antony today expressed optimism that the country’s indigenously developed fighter aircraft- LCA TEJAS- will get Final Operational Clearance of the Indian Air Force by the end of next year. Speaking at the Annual Awards Functions of DRDO here, he said, all stakeholders including the DRDO, IAF and HAL must put their energy together in a focused manner to achieve this objective. 
Shri Antony said countries that depend on imported arsenals cannot become great nation. Shri Antony said we continue to be the largest importer of Defence equipment. The share of indigenous content in Defence procurement is low. “Our experience has been that foreign vendors are reluctant to part with critical technologies. There are delays in the supply of essential spares. There are exorbitant price increases. The Services too realize that we cannot be eternally dependent on foreign equipment and platforms”, he said. 
Referring to the expansions of domestic defence industry, Shri Antony said this has to be achieved through public and private sector initiatives. He said there is ample scope for joint ventures also. “All the stakeholders in the defence sector- DRDO, Armed Forces and the industry must work in tandem and develop trust and confidence in each other’s capabilities.” Cautioning against time and cost over runs in projects Shri Antony said Indian Companies must compete with global players in developing state- of- the art technologies of acceptable commercial parameters and must meet customer satisfaction. 


The Minister complimented DRDO for their magnificent achievements in 2012. He referred to the first flight of Agni-V, two successful tests of our Ballistic Missile Defence programme in February and November 2012, first flight of LCA Navy, establishment of a cyber-forensics laboratory, initiation of production of NBC systems, ToT for composite armour for helicopters and investment casting of aero engine components and said these are just some of the many accomplishments. 
He, however, asked the scientists not to be complacent. “The DRDO must keep its focus trained on the areas of core competence and not fritter away its energy and resources. In today’s world of cut-throat competition, the choice is very clear-‘perform, or perish’. From designing stage to the stage of final production, timelines must be strictly adhered to and satisfaction of the end user is the litmus test of achievement”, he said. 
He said, the security environment in our neighbourhood; civil strife and turmoil in the Middle East; terrorism and threats to cyber security; piracy; illegal seabed mining in Indian Ocean and space-based threats present complex challenges to our defence capabilities. These require both conventional, as well as latest technological responses. 
Expressing happiness the Minister said, it is heartening to note that a large number of major systems are under production and the cumulative production value of all the DRDO developed systems has crossed Rs. 1,55,000 crore. ‘I am sure in the coming years, this figure will go even higher. DRDO must make relentless efforts to accelerate the pace of self- reliance’, he further said. 
The function was attended among others by the Minister of State for Defence, Shri Jitendra Singh, Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral DK Joshi and Director General DRDO Dr. VK Saraswat. 
On the occasion, Shri Antony gave away DRDO Awards to several scientists, technologists and DRDO laboratories in fourteen categories for their outstanding contributions in different areas. 
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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
C295 MPA photo Airbus Military

C295 MPA photo Airbus Military

29/05/2013 par Jacques N. Godbout – 45eNord.ca


La division militaire d’Airbus s’associe avec la société canadienne Discovery Air, avec laquelle elle avait déjà signé un protocole d’entente l’an dernier, pour préparer et présenter une soumission pour le futur avion canadien de recherche et sauvetage.


La Défense nationale a entrepris un projet visant l’achat de nouveaux aéronefs de recherche et sauvetage. Les nouveaux appareils remplaceront les avions Hercules et Buffalo qui mènent actuellement les opérations de recherche et sauvetage au Canada.Ce projet demeure hautement prioritaire.


Il en est encore à la phase de définition, mais devrait passer à la phase de mise en œuvre lors de l’attribution du contrat en 2014-2015. Les entreprises se préparent donc au départ de la course pour bientôt et se positionnent pour avoir le plus de chances d’êtres vainqueurs.


Aujourd’hui à Ottawa, au CANSEC 2013, le salon de l’industrie de la Défense, auquel assistait 45eNord.ca, le vice-président d’Airbus, division militaire, Antonio Rodriguez-Barberan et le président de la société canadienne Discovery Air, président, Paul Bouchard, de Discovery Air Defence Services, ont donc annoncé avoir signé un accord de partenariat pour offrir conjointement un projet au programme canadien d’avion de recherche et sauvetage.


Tout en annonçant ce partenariat avec une société canadienne, le vice-président d’Airbus, division militaire, a mis l’accent sur les qualités de l’avion de son entreprise.


Les qualités du C295


Antonio R. Barberan d’Airbus a déclaré à ce propos: «Nous sommes extrêmement heureux de cette entente. Discovery Air est le partenaire parfait pour Airbus Military et la solution canadienne idéale pour le programme d’avion de recherche et sauvetage. Le C295 est le leader mondial en termes de missions de patrouille, de recherche et de sauvetage maritimes et connexes pour les avions militaires bimoteurs avec 121 avions vendus dans 17 pays. En outre, il présente les plus faibles coûts de cycle de vie de sa catégorie, et par rapport aux concurrents et pourraient permettre au Canada d’épargner Canada jusqu’à 1 milliard de dollars canadiens en coûts de carburant à lui seul pendant la vie de l’appareil ».


Airbus affirme que son C-295 est le seul bimoteur en compétition capable de fonctionner dans les conditions difficiles de l’Atlantique Nord et de décoller et d’atterrir malgré des tempêtes où les vents atteignent jusqu’à 50 noeuds.


Il excelle déjà, souligne son fabricant, dans les opérations par temps froid et les opérations quotidiennes au nord du cercle polaire arctique avec la Force aérienne finnoise.


Le C295 offre, précise encore Airbus, des capteurs entièrement intégrés et le système de mission optimisé le sauvetage de l’ASAR.


Même si l’appel d’offres du Canada n’a pas encore été lancé, la société Airbus est sûre que le C295 sera conforme à tous les critères.


Outre Discovery Air, les partenaires d’Airbus sont Pratt & Whitney Canada, CAE, L-3 Wescam et Vector Aerospace.


Pour sa part, Paul Bouchard, président de Discovery Air Defence Services, s’est déclaré ravi «de pouvoir offrir cette solution conjointement avec Airbus Military pour les Forces canadiennes. Nous sommes très enthousiastes à propos de l’avion C295, une plate-forme de recherche et sauvetage fiable et éprouvée qui a été vendue partout dans le monde avec plus de 120 000 heures de vol à son actif».


«Nous croyons», a poursuivi Paul Bouchard, «que l’Aviation royale canadienne peut augmenter le niveau de service offert aux Canadiens en réduisant les temps de réponse dans une région du Canada qui est en augmentation en termes d’activité et d’importance [et sera, avec le C295] en excellente position pour répondre aux incidents qui ne manqueront pas d’être en augmentation dans l’Arctique au cours des 20 prochaines années.»


À lire aussi:

Nouvel avion de recherche & sauvetage, les TCA pressent le gouvernement d’agir >>

Nouvel avion de recherche & sauvetage: achetez Canadien dit un rapport! >>

Recherche et sauvetage au Canada: Airbus Military et Discovery Air s’associent >>

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
LAV III H Technology Demonstrator

LAV III H Technology Demonstrator

May 30, 2013 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics Corporation


General Dynamics Land Systems is leading an effort to develop the first North American combat vehicle with a fully integrated Active Protection System (APS). The company recently concluded a successful Critical Design Review of its APS project. The next major step is to validate a fully integrated APS on a Light Armored Vehicle III (LAVIII) demonstrator, scheduled for later this year.


Active Protection Systems enhance crew protection, survivability and situational awareness against advanced man-portable weapons by intercepting and defeating threats before they reach the vehicle. It is the only technology capable of defeating certain threats without significantly sacrificing vehicle mobility and transportability.


"General Dynamics Land Systems has more than 20 years of experience with APS technology integration and development and we are actively engaged in industry studies, research and development," said Sonya Sepahban, Land Systems senior vice president, engineering, development and technology. "We will continue to leverage our world-class systems engineering and unique survivability expertise, coupled with broad knowledge of APS technologies, to implement this capability on a variety of platforms for our customers."


The General Dynamics-led team will demonstrate APS technology readiness and integration efficiencies, and reduce the time it takes to bring this lifesaving survivability technology to customers. General Dynamics is funding the effort and is providing program leadership and execution, along with system design authority, supplier management, integrated design, hardware build and integration and test management support.

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29 mai 2013 3 29 /05 /mai /2013 16:20
Upgraded Alvin submersible aboard the R/V Atlantis. Photo Tom Kleindinst, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Upgraded Alvin submersible aboard the R/V Atlantis. Photo Tom Kleindinst, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

29 May 2013 naval-technology.com


The US Navy's manned deep-ocean research submersible, Alvin, has successfully completed a $41m phase one modernisation programme and set sail off to Astoria, Oregon, to undergo trials.


Following completion of the major refit programme, the submersible was loaded onto the enhanced Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)operated Thomas G Thompson-class oceanographic research vessel, R/V Atlantis (T-AGOR-25), to transfer to Astoria.


Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and WHOI, upgrades to the system included installation of titanium personnel sphere, which has been designed to improve observations and collaboration in selecting sampling sites for pilot and scientists.


Additional phase one upgrades to the submersible involved integration of new syntactic foam, providing buoyancy and improved command and control system.


To improve visibility and provide overlapping fields of view, five viewports have been fitted to the system, in addition to installation of new lighting and high-definition imaging systems as part of the overhaul programme.


Launched in 1964, Alvin is the longest-operating submersible operated by the WHOI and has been designed to benefit the entire ocean science community for the US.


Capable of accommodating two scientists and a pilot, Alvin submersible features six reversible thrusters to hover, manoeuvre in rugged topography, or rest on the sea floor.


Improvements to the R/V Atlantis vessel included A-frame, used to launch and recover the sub, as well as modifications to the hangar where the sub is stored when not in use.


Alvin submersible is scheduled to undergo navy certification process in September 2013, off Monterey, California, making a series of progressively deeper dives.


After the completion of certification process, the submersible will undergo science verification cruise in November to validate its scientific systems and is expected to enter service in December 2013.

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29 mai 2013 3 29 /05 /mai /2013 11:50
 System to outfit Air Force's F-16s - photo USAF

System to outfit Air Force's F-16s - photo USAF

May 29, 2013 ASDNews Source : BAE Systems PLC



The nation’s fighting forces need secure and reliable line-of- sight identification to distinguish friend from foe during missions, and BAE Systems is answering the call. The company has been awarded a $34 million contract to provide the U.S. Air Force with its Mode 5 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) system, used to identify and track military aircraft.


“The system allows the warfighter to rapidly differentiate between friendly and potentially hostile forces well beyond a pilot’s visual range,” said Sal Costa, product line director for Identification & Processing Solutions at   BAE Systems.


The system, which was developed as an enhancement to older, less capable IFF technology, increases identification capability through the use of secure message and data transmission formats. Its improvements include increased security and enhanced algorithms, as well as upgraded key management, interoperability, and supportability.


Used to reduce fratricide for U.S. and allied forces since World War II, IFF technology is an electronic questions-and-answer system composed of interrogators that ask questions and transponders that provide responses. Under this contract, BAE Systems will provide its enhanced AN/APX-125 Mode 5 Combined Interrogator Transponders to the Air Force and the European Participating Air Force partners. BAE Systems was the first Department of Defense contractor to receive National Security Agency Mode 5 certification, which is required for use on military platforms.


Work on the contract is expected to be completed by 2015.

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29 mai 2013 3 29 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
CANSEC 2013 Includes 287 Exhibiting Companies And 647 Booths

May 28, 2013. By David Pugliese - Defence Watch


Representatives from more than 280 defence and aerospace companies will gather in Ottawa to promote their products and services at a time when military budgets are being tightened and equipment programs are facing delays.


The annual CANSEC military equipment trade show will take place Wednesday and Thursday at the Ernst & Young Centre (formerly the CE Centre) near Ottawa’s airport. The show is sold out of exhibition space, with 287 companies setting up 647 booths to highlight their weapon systems and military and security products, say CANSEC organizers.


Tim Page, president of the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI), the organization that runs CANSEC, said the show has grown in size and importance over the years. “It’s become a show that corporate leadership pays attention to,” he explained. “You have the leaders of the defence contracting world who are making it a must do show.”


The show attracts around 10,000 visitors annually but attendance is restricted to members of the military, government employees, CADSI members and industry contractors.


“From a general perspective the exhibits should be expected to parallel where government spending on defence is anticipated to go,” said Page.


The Conservative government has promised to spend tens of billions of dollars over the coming decades re-equipping the Canadian Forces. The long list of projects includes the purchase of new fleets of supply ships, arctic/offshore patrol vessels, a replacement for the navy’s Halifax-class frigates as well as the acquisition of fighter aircraft, drones and search and rescue planes.


At the same time, however, the military is facing some budget cutbacks and equipment projects have been slowed to save money.


Still, CANSEC exhibitors say it is important for them to be seen and heard at the show.


“CANSEC is a great opportunity for us to interact with customers, industry partners and media, update them on the status of our major projects and showcase our products, services and new technologies,” said David Ibbetson, the Ottawa-based general manager for General Dynamics Canada.


Other firms highlight their existing contracts with the Canadian government. Textron Systems Canada Inc. will put on display at CANSEC the tactical armoured patrol vehicle it has built for the Canadian army. The contract for the acquisition of the vehicles, known by its military acronym TAPV, is worth a little more than $600 million.


“CANSEC is an opportunity for Textron Systems Canada to display the COMMANDO Elite, which was selected as Canada’s Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle last year, and provide show attendees with an update on how we are progressing with test vehicle production and delivery,” explained Neil Rutter, General Manager of Textron Systems Canada.


The company will also exhibit other vehicles as well as unmanned aerial vehicles.


CANSEC will also highlight the dogfight between companies who are hoping to sell the Conservative government a new fighter aircraft. Lockheed Martin is hoping Canada will purchase its F-35 stealth fighter, which it will promote heavily at the trade show. But other aircraft firms such as Boeing will also be pushing their aircraft as a replacement for the CF-18.


Boeing is promoting its Super Hornet at CANSEC 2013 while the French-built Rafale fighter will be highlighted at the booth of the Ottawa-based Thales Canada. If Canada were to select the Rafale, Thales Canada would play a key role in supporting that contract. “There are real possibilities here because of the increasing cost of F-35,” said Conrad Bellehumeur,  vice president of external relations for Thales Canada. “And you don’t need a stealth aircraft for continental and domestic defence.”


The purchase of a new search and rescue aircraft for the RCAF is also producing a similar battle between companies.


Airbus Military will be highlighting its C295 aircraft while Alenia is offering the C-27J.


Alenia has teamed up with Canadian partners, General Dynamics Canada, Provincial Aerospace and DRS Canada.


Airbus Military has joined forces with Discovery Air as its primary Canadian partner.


The British Columbia-based Viking Air wants to sell the government a new generation Buffalo aircraft for search and rescue, although it hasn’t yet built such a plane.


Boeing and Textron are once again going to highlight the V-22 Osprey at CANSEC for the search and rescue project. The firms believe that the aircraft which can fly like a plane but also, when needed, hover like a helicopter, would meet Canada’s search and rescue needs.

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29 mai 2013 3 29 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
Washington piqué au vif par le cyberespionnage chinois

29/05/2013 Par Laure Mandeville – LeFigaro.fr


Quelques jours avant la rencontre entre Obama et son nouvel homologue chinois, le Pentagone a confirmé mardi que des pirates installés en Chine avaient réussi à pénétrer des systèmes américains dans lesquels étaient stockés les plans d'armements nouveaux et sensibles.

Gros embarras et grosse préoccupation sur le front sino-américain. Une semaine avant la rencontre de Barack Obama avec le nouveau président chinois Xi Jinping en Californie pour une mise à plat de la relation Washington-Pékin, le Pentagone a confirmé ce mardi que des pirates informatiques installés en Chine avaient réussi à pénétrer des systèmes américains dans lesquels étaient stockés les plans de plus de trente types d'armements nouveaux et sensibles. Ces intrusions s'inscrivent dans le cadre d'une vaste campagne d'espionnage menée depuis plusieurs années par Pékin contre les industries de la défense et les agences du gouvernement américain, ont précisé des responsables du ministère de la Défense à Washington. Si la participation du gouvernement chinois n'est pas directement prouvée, les experts affirment que ces opérations d'espionnage ont doté la Chine d'un accès à des technologies avancées qui pourraient accélérer la montée en puissance de ses propres systèmes et priver l'Amérique de son avantage militaire lors d'un conflit potentiel.


La nouvelle de ces vols informatiques devrait donc jeter un froid sur l'entrevue entre les dirigeants des deux premières puissances du monde, alors que la Maison-Blanche vient tout juste d'exprimer ses espoirs d'une relation plus personnelle et plus fructueuse entre Barack Obama et Xi Jinping, personnalité supposée plus ouverte que son prédécesseur. La porte-parole du Conseil de sécurité nationale américain, Caitlin Hayden, a précisé que la sécurité informatique et la cybercriminalité seraient au menu des entretiens, au milieu d'autres sujets sensibles, comme la Corée du Nord, la stabilité de l'Asie et le changement climatique. La position des États-Unis n'est pas si facile à défendre, les Américains ayant eux-mêmes mené des cyberattaques contre l'Iran. Une réalité que les Chinois pourraient s'amuser à leur rappeler.


«25 années de recherche et développement économisés»


Selon le Washington Post qui a été le premier média à faire état d'un rapport confidentiel du Defense Science Board sur le cyberespionnage, les pirates ont eu accès, entre autres trouvailles, aux plans du système de missiles Patriot, du système de radar ultramoderne Aegis, du chasseur F-18 ou de l'hélicoptère Black Hawk. Le programme de développement du chasseur F-35, le plus coûteux de l'histoire du Pentagone, a également été piraté, a précisé le quotidien.


«Nous maintenons une confiance totale dans nos systèmes d'armes», a réagi le porte-parole du l'administration du Pentagone George Little, selon qui les intrusions des hackers chinois n'ont entrainé «aucune érosion» des capacités militaires. Il a toutefois ajouté que le ministère de la défense prenait désormais la menace de la cybercriminalité très au sérieux. En janvier, le Defense Science Board avait conclu que les forces armées américaines n'étaient pas préparées à l'éventualité de cyberattaques d'envergure. Il avait averti que le cyberespionnage et le cybersabotage pourraient gravement affecter l'action des forces américaines.


Selon l'expert des questions de cyberdéfense, James Lewis, chercheur au Centre pour les études stratégiques et internationales (CSIS), la prise de conscience du danger représenté par le piratage informatique a été très lente en Amérique, où les grands groupes technologiques ont longtemps privilégié la liberté de la toile au détriment de la sécurité. «Entre 1999 et 2009, les portes étaient ouvertes pour l'espionnage chinois», a expliqué Lewis à l'AFP. Les responsables du Pentagone ne cachent pas leur frustration face à la légèreté dont ont fait preuve ces industriels de la défense, qui ne se rendent compte du pillage de leurs plans que lorsqu'ils sont prévenus par le FBI. «Cela représente des milliards de dollars d'avantages au combat pour la Chine, ils ont économisé 25 années de recherche et développement ; c'est de la folie!», a confié, frustré, un officiel, au New York Times. L'idée est de forcer désormais les industriels américains à faire de la sécurité de leurs systèmes informatiques une priorité absolue, pour stopper l'hémorragie des secrets et des droits de propriété.


Les gouvernants chinois nient officiellement toute implication dans ces opérations de cyberespionnage, soulignant à quel point il est difficile de remonter la trace des hackers. Mais qui est dupe?

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