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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 21:30
Inherent Resolve – Chammal sit rep 13 Oct.. – CJTF-OIR


October 13, 2015 by CJTF-OIR Release # 201510013-01


Military Strikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Syria and Iraq


SOUTHWEST ASIA- On Oct. 12, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted three strikes using bomber aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, fighter, attack, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.


The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:



• Near Al Hawl, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and two ISIL vehicles.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIL crude oil collection point.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIL crude oil collection point.



• Near Al Huwayjah, two strikes struck two separate tactical units and destroyed six ISIL bunkers and two ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Bayji, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Habbaniyah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL weapons cache.

• Near Mosul, one strike suppressed an ISIL heavy machine gun position.

• Near Ramadi, four strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed five ISIL fighting positions, six ISIL buildings, an ISIL sniper position, two separate ISIL command and control nodes, and denied ISIL access to terrain.

• Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL tactical vehicle, and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike suppressed an ISIL heavy machine gun position.


Strike assessments are based on initial reports. All aircraft returned to base safely.


The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, and the wider international community.


The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct operations. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Iraq include Australia, Canada, France, Jordan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Syria include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:30
« Quand Daech a attaqué, les avions américains ont survolé la zone, sans intervenir »


13/10/2015 Par valeursactuelles.com


Révélations. Mgr Hindo, archevêque syro-catholique d’Hassaké, au Nord-Est de la Syrie a répondu aux questions de l’agence de presse américaine CNS. Son point de vue est catégorique : la stratégie américaine en Syrie est « ambiguë ».


L’intervention russe est « positive » car « elle cible réellement Daech »

Au cours de cet entretien, relayé par le quotidien La Croix, l’archevêque est revenu sur les interventions américaine et russe et raconte ce qu’il a vu. Il témoigne. A son sens, l’intervention de la Russie en Syrie est « positive » car « elle cible réellement Daech ». Effectivement, il assure que les récentes frappes russes ont « démontré leur efficacité contre le groupe Daech » et auraient permis de faire battre en retraite l’organisation terroriste, vers le désert irakien. « Ils ont fui la région dans l’empressement, à bord d’environ 20 véhicules. Ils ont dû abandonner 20 autres voitures sur place. C’est le signe qu’ils ont vraiment dû battre en retraite », raconte-t-il.


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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 07:30
EU Council conclusions on Syria



  1. The conflict in Syria and the suffering of the Syrian people is showing no sign of abating. The scale of the tragedy, having killed 250,000 men, women and children, displaced 7.6 million inside the country and sent over 4 million fleeing into neighbouring and other countries, is now the world's largest humanitarian disaster, with no parallel in recent history. The EU, as the largest donor, has demonstrated its willingness and commitment to do what it can to alleviate the humanitarian consequences. As the crisis intensifies there is an increasingly urgent need to find a lasting solution that will end this conflict. Only a Syrian-led political process leading to a peaceful and inclusive transition, based on the principles of the Geneva communiqué of 30 June 2012, will bring back stability to Syria, enable peace and reconciliation and create the necessary environment for efficient counter terrorism efforts and maintain the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian State. There cannot be a lasting peace in Syria under the present leadership and until the legitimate grievances and aspirations of all components of the Syrian society are addressed.
  2. The EU's objective is to bring an end to the conflict and enable the Syrian people to live in peace in their own country. The international community has to unite around two complementary and interlinked tracks - a political one that aims to bring an end to the civil war by addressing all the root causes of the conflict and establish an inclusive political transition process that will restore peace to the country - and a security one to focus on the fight against the regional and global threat of Da'esh.
  3. The EU reiterates its full support to the UN-led efforts and the work of UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura to build this political track. The EU emphasizes the need to accelerate the work of the entire international community on the political track in the framework of the UN-led process. The EU is already actively contributing to the UN initiatives and will increase its diplomatic work in support of the UN-led efforts, including the UN Special Envoy's proposal for intra-Syrian working groups.
  4. We call on all Syrian parties to show a clear and concrete commitment to the UN-led process and to participate actively in the working groups. The EU underlines the urgency for the moderate political opposition and associated armed groups to unite behind a common approach in order to present an alternative to the Syrian people. These efforts must be inclusive involving women and civil society. The EU will sustain its support to the moderate opposition, including the SOC, and recalls that it is a vital element in fighting extremism and has a key role to play in the political transition.
  5. The EU will continue to put all of its political weight, actively and effectively, behind UN-led international efforts to find a political solution to the conflict, and calls on regional and international partners to do likewise. We urge all those with influence on the parties, including on the Syrian regime, to use this influence to encourage a constructive role in the process leading to a political transition and to end the cycle of violence. The EU will pro-actively engage with key regional actors such as , Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and international partners within the UN framework to build the conditions for a, peaceful and inclusive transition. In this context, the Council recalls its decision to task the HRVP to explore ways in which the EU could actively promote more constructive regional cooperation.
  6. The protection of civilians in Syria must be a priority for the international community. The EU condemns the excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks that the Syrian regime continues to commit against its own people. The Assad regime bears the greatest responsibility for the 250.000 deaths of the conflict and the millions of displaced people. The EU recalls that international humanitarian law applies to all parties, and human rights need to be fully respected. We call on all parties to stop all forms of indiscriminate shelling and bombardment against civilian areas and structures such as hospitals and schools and, in particular, on the Syrian regime to cease all aerial bombardments, including the use of barrel bombs in line with UNSC Resolution 2139 and the use of chemical weapons in line with UNSCR 2209. The systematic targeting of civilians by the regime has led to mass displacements and encouraged recruitment to and the flourishing of terrorist groups in Syria. This calls for urgent attention and action.

    The EU will reinforce its efforts to scale up the implementation of the UNSC Resolutions 2139, 2165 and 2191 to deliver cross-border and cross line assistance in order to help those Syrians most desperately in need.
  7. The EU strongly condemns the indiscriminate attacks, atrocities, killings, conflict-related sexual violence, abuses of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law which are perpetrated by Da'esh and other terrorist groups, against all civilians, including against Christians and other religious and ethnic groups. The EU supports international efforts and initiatives to address these issues. The EU condemns Da'esh's deliberate destruction of cultural heritage in Syria and Iraq, which amount to a war crime under international law.
  8. Those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria must be held accountable. The EU expresses its deepest concern about the findings of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria. The allegations of torture and executions based on the evidence presented by the Caesar report are also of great concern. The EU reiterates its call to the UN Security Council to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court.
  9. The EU supports the efforts of the Global Coalition to counter Da'esh in Syria and Iraq. As a consequence of its policies and actions, the Assad regime cannot be a partner in the fight against Dae'sh. Action against Da'esh needs to be closely coordinated among all partners, and needs clearly to target Da'esh, Jabhat al-Nusra, and the other UN-designated terrorist groups.
  10. The recent Russian military attacks that go beyond Dae'sh and other UN-designated terrorist groups, as well as on the moderate opposition, are of deep concern, and must cease immediately. So too must the Russian violations of the sovereign airspace of neighbouring countries.

    This military escalation risks prolonging the conflict, undermining a political process, aggravating the humanitarian situation and increasing radicalization. Our aim should be to de-escalate the conflict. The EU calls on Russia to focus its efforts on the common objective of achieving a political solution to the conflict. In this context it urges Russia to push for a reduction of violence and implementation of confidence-building measures by the Syrian Regime along the provisions of UNSC Resolution 2139.
  11. The EU will intensify humanitarian diplomacy and seek ways to improve access and protection as well as to promote humanitarian principles and local consensus on guidelines for the delivery of aid.
  12. The EU has substantially increased its financial efforts to support those who have fled the conflict, within and outside Syria, with new commitments to humanitarian aid and to longer-term work supporting the resilience of refugees in the neighbourhood. The EU and its Member states have already provided €4 billion for relief and recovery assistance to those affected by the conflict inside Syria and refugees and host communities in neighbouring countries. The EU and its Member States will continue to provide humanitarian assistance through the UN, ICRC and international NGOs. At the same time, the EU will increase its longer-term development and stabilization assistance, to these and other partners, including through the EU Regional Trust Fund recently established in response to the Syrian Crisis (the "Madad Fund") which has now been equipped with over €500 million in EU funding to be matched by efforts from EU Member States and other countries. The EU calls on other countries to sustain and increase their own contributions in response to the Syria crisis. The Council agreed specifically on the need to increase the level of cooperation and partnership with Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey to ensure equal access to shelter, education, health and livelihoods for refugees and their host communities with the support of additional EU assistance.
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12 octobre 2015 1 12 /10 /octobre /2015 16:30
(Archives / photo USAF)

(Archives / photo USAF)




Les Etats-Unis apportent leur aide à des rebelles engagés dans des combats contre le régime de Bachar Al-Assad et contre l'Etat islamique. L'armée américaine a ainsi parachuté, dimanche en Syrie, des munitions de petit calibre destinées à des rebelles du nord du pays, a annoncé un responsable de l'US Air Force, lundi 12 octobre, sous couvert d'anonymat. Une opération en réaction à l'intervention aérienne de Moscou favorable à l'armée syrienne, à laquelle Washington est hostile

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12 octobre 2015 1 12 /10 /octobre /2015 16:30
Inherent Resolve – Chammal sit rep 12 Oct. – CJTF-OIR


October 12, 2015 by CJTF-OIR Release # 201510012-01


Military Strikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Syria and Iraq


SOUTHWEST ASIA- On Oct. 11, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, fighter, attack, remotely piloted aircraft, and rocket artillery against ISIL targets.


The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:



• Near Al Hasakah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

• Near Washiya, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL tactical vehicle.



• Near Al Baghdadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Bayji, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed an ISIL fighting position, and denied ISIL access to terrain.

• Near Fallujah, one strike destroyed an ISIL anti-air artillery piece and an ISIL tactical vehicle.

• Near Kisik, one strike suppressed an ISIL heavy machine gun position.

• Near Mosul, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

• Near Ramadi, seven strikes struck four separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL mortar system, an ISIL trench, three separate ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, two ISIL front-end loaders, an ISIL building, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL tactical vehicle, an ISIL home-made explosives cache, denied ISIL access to terrain and wounded an ISIL fighter.

• Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit an destroyed and ISIL fighting position.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike struck and destroyed an ISIL tactical unit.

• Near Waleed, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.


Strike assessments are based on initial reports. All aircraft returned to base safely.


The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, and the wider international community.


The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct operations. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Iraq include Australia, Canada, France, Jordan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Syria include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S.

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12 octobre 2015 1 12 /10 /octobre /2015 11:30
(Aug. 28, 2015) - The Wasp class amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2) sails alongside the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) - photo US Navy

(Aug. 28, 2015) - The Wasp class amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2) sails alongside the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) - photo US Navy


11.10.2015 sputniknews.com


Les Etats-Unis ont retiré leur porte-avions Theodore Roosevelt du golfe Persique, provoquant les inquiétudes des analystes militaires américains sur fond de renforcement de la présence russe dans la région.


Selon la chaîne de télévision NBC News, le rappel du navire qui abrite à son bord 5.000 militaires et 65 avions de combat s'explique par la nécessité de réparations ainsi que par les coupes dans le budget de la défense des Etats-Unis. La chaîne souligne que la marine américaine sera ainsi privée de porte-avions dans le golfe Persique pour la première fois depuis 2007.


Certains experts américains ont exprimé leurs préoccupations suite au rappel du porte-avions, au moment où la Russie "renforçait sa présence" au Proche-Orient. Ainsi, le vice-amiral US à la retraite Peter Daly a déclaré à la chaîne NBC que l'absence de l'USS Theodore Roosevelt dans la région serait prise en compte par Moscou.


S'exprimant lors de débats du Comité des forces armées du Sénat américain, l'amiral John Richardson a pour sa part estimé que le retrait du navire portait un coup sérieux aux capacités des Etats-Unis dans la région.


Plus tôt, les médias ont rapportaient que les Etats-Unis avaient pris la décision de renoncer à leur programme d'entraînement d'opposants syriens modérés.

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10 octobre 2015 6 10 /10 /octobre /2015 11:30
USAF expands OIR mission in Turkey


DIYARBAKIR, Turkey, Oct. 8 (UPI)


The U.S. Air Force began staging small detachments of airmen and aircraft in Turkey to support personnel recovery missions in Syria and Iraq.

The U.S. Air Force has maintained a working relationship with its counterpart in Turkey, a NATO ally. U.S. Airmen stationed at the Diyarbakir Air Base, home to the Turkish air force's 8th Air Wing, are assigned to assist with the recovery of coalition personnel in the event they need assistance. The Airmen come from the 435th Contingency Response Group, part of the 435th Air Ground Operations Wing. Lt. Col. Ryan Barney, 435th CRG element commander, says the unit's mission is to "get in and out."

"The unique thing about this mission is the 435th CRG were the first troops on the ground; and we really depended on everyone and the defenders deployed with us for security as the building began," Barney said.

The unit arrived in August to begin building operating bases, and brought in some 680 tons of equipment.

"When the 435th CRG first arrived, there was nothing but a grassy field and a lot of boulders," Barney said. "By providing airfield ops, combat support and training, security, construction and mobile aircraft support, that field is now a 'bare base' and ready for the follow-on force to arrive."

The deployment comes as Turkish government officials grow more concerned with Russian operations in Syria, following recent violations of Turkish airspace. Russia continued its support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by initiating airstrikes, purportedly against the Islamic State, Sunni militants also identified as Daesh and by the acronyms ISIS and ISIL.

Tanju Bilgiç, spokesperson of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued a statement on the matter on Wednesday.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey strongly protested the violations of the Turkish airspace by the Russian Federation on 3 and 4 October 2015 to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ankara," the statement read.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg condemned the incursions, calling them "deliberate," a view shared by U.S. officials.

"I call on Russia to avoid escalating tensions with the alliance. Russia must de-conflict its military activities in Syria. I'm also concerned that Russia is not targeting [the Islamic State], but instead attacking the Syrian opposition and civilians."

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9 octobre 2015 5 09 /10 /octobre /2015 15:30
Testing for mustard gas exposure not needed for Canadian special forces in Iraq – Kurdish troops may have been exposed

The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) provides Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) with military training such as shooting, movement, communications, and mission planning, as well as employment of various weapons systems against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Photo: CANSOFCOM, DND


October 9, 2015 by David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen


A number of Iraqi Kurdish troops tested positive for exposure to mustard gas after battles this summer with the Islamic State group in northern Iraq, according to a Kurdish spokesman.


Blood samples from the Kurdish peshmerga fighters sent to a Baghdad lab revealed traces of mustard gas, the spokesman, Jabar Yawar told The Associated Press. The exposure took place during the battles along the front lines near the northern Iraqi towns of Makhmour and Gwer, he added.


Canada’s Department of National Defence, however, said there has not been a need to test Canadian special forces personnel operating with the peshmerga.


“Due to a number of factors including, personnel protection measures, training and proximity to the supposed area of impact, no formalized testing has been conducted of Canadian SOF Task Force personnel, as it was not deemed necessary,” Department of National Defence spokesman Dan Le Bouthillier explained to Defence Watch.


“As is standard practice, CANSOFCOM has conducted risk assessments of all possible threats against our task force personnel in Iraq and does understand that the potential exists for our members to come in contact with biological and chemical agents in the conduct of their advise and assist mandate,” he added. “As such, all CANSOF Task Force members have the appropriate training and protective equipment to safeguard against such scenarios.”


Hazhar Ismail, director of co-ordination and public relations for the Peshmerga Ministry in Irbil said at least 35 peshmerga soldiers tested positive for traces of mustard gas.


The Islamic State militants fired some 50 mortar rounds on Iraqi- Kurdish positions on Aug. 11. At least 37 of them exploded, releasing white smoke and a black liquid.


Yawar said forces from the U.S.-led coalition also took blood and soil samples and those also tested positive.


However, according to Army Col. Steven Warren, the spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq, “the field test was not conclusive.” He added that “testing will be done off-site in a gold-standard laboratory.”


“We continue to monitor reports of chemical weapon use closely and stress that any use of chemicals or biological material as a weapon would be further evidence of ISIL’s barbarity,” Warren added, using an acronym for the Islamic State group.

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9 octobre 2015 5 09 /10 /octobre /2015 10:30


09/10/2015 Sources : Etat-major des armées


Dans la nuit du 8 au 9 octobre 2015, les forces françaises de l’opération Chammal ont frappé au cœur du sanctuaire de Daech en Syrie – au Sud-Ouest de Raqqah. Deux Rafale de l’armée de l'Air engagés dans cette opération ont détruit un centre d’entraînement dédié aux opérations suicides.


Engagé depuis le golfe arabo-persique (GAP), le raid a duré près de six heures. Il s’agit d’une opération planifiée sur des sites préalablement identifiés lors des missions de renseignement réalisées depuis 1 mois.


Ces opérations sont conduites en coordination avec le Centre des opérations aériennes de la coalition (CAOC) situé à Al Udeïd au Qatar. Véritable « tour de contrôle » des opérations aériennes, ce centre dispose en permanence d’une image précise et exhaustive de l’espace dans lequel sont engagés les avions de la coalition.



Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal mobilise 900 militaires. Elle vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec la coalition, à assurer un appui aux forces irakiennes dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daech. Le dispositif français est actuellement structuré autour de douze avions de chasse de l’armée de l’Air (six Rafale, trois Mirage 2000D et trois Mirage 2000N), d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2, d’un avion de ravitaillement KC135 et de la frégate anti-aérienne Cassard. Des détachements d’instruction participent par ailleurs, en Irak, à la formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

Chammal : raid contre un centre d’entraînement de Daech en SyrieChammal : raid contre un centre d’entraînement de Daech en SyrieChammal : raid contre un centre d’entraînement de Daech en Syrie
Chammal : raid contre un centre d’entraînement de Daech en Syrie
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8 octobre 2015 4 08 /10 /octobre /2015 18:29
Inherent Resolve – Chammal sit rep 08 Oct.. – CJTF-OIR


October 8, 2015 by CJTF – OIR Release # 20151008-01


Military Strikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Syria and Iraq


SOUTHWEST ASIA- On Oct. 7, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes using fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, fighter, attack, fighter-attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.


The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:



• Near Al Hawl, two strikes destroyed an ISIL crude oil collection point and an ISIL oil pump.



• Near Bayji, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL tactical vehicle and three ISIL vehicles.

• Near Kirkuk, two strikes suppressed two ISIL mortar positions.

• Near Mosul, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL fighting position, and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

• Near Ramadi, five strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL buildings, two ISIL tunnels, four ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL mortar position, an ISIL sniper position, and six ISIL home-made explosive facilities.

• Near Sinjar, six strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed three separate ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device facilities, an ISIL heavy machine gun, two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL weapons cache, and two ISIL trench systems.

• Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.


Strike assessments are based on initial reports. All aircraft returned to base safely.


The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, and the wider international community.


The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct operations. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Iraq include Australia, Canada, France, Jordan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Syria include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S.

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7 octobre 2015 3 07 /10 /octobre /2015 20:30
Syrie: au moins un avion de la coalition re-routé pour éviter des avions russes


07 octobre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Washington - La coalition contre le groupe Etat islamique a dû re-router au moins un de ses avions au-dessus de la Syrie pour éviter qu'il ne s'approche trop près d'un avion russe, a déclaré mercredi un porte-parole du Pentagone.


Il y a eu au moins une fois une circonstance ou la coalition menée par les Etats-Unis a dû agir pour modifier la route de l'un de ses avions, a indiqué le capitaine de vaisseau Jeff Davis, un porte-parole du Pentagone.


Les avions russes bombardent la Syrie depuis une semaine. Le ministre de la Défense russe Sergueï Choïgou a affirmé que 112 cibles avaient été touchées depuis le début des frappes.


Les Russes ont par ailleurs utilisé mercredi pour la première fois des missiles tirés depuis des navires en mer Caspienne pour toucher la Syrie.


Depuis le 30 septembre, début des bombardements russes, la coalition a de son côté mené 43 frappes dans le pays, selon un décompte de l'AFP sur la base des communiqués quotidiens de la coalition.


Pressé de questions pour savoir combien de fois exactement la coalition avait dû re-router des avions, le porte-parole n'a pas voulu répondre.


Nous avons faire du re-routage d'avion, mais cela se produit des milliers de fois par jour dans le ciel américain pour des avions civils, a relativisé le porte-parole.


Revigorée par l'appui des bombardements russes, l'armée syrienne a lancé mercredi une vaste offensive terrestre dans le nord de la province de Hama, dans le centre du pays.

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7 octobre 2015 3 07 /10 /octobre /2015 16:30
Inherent Resolve – Chammal SITREP 07 Oct.. – CJTF-OIR


October 7, 2015 by CJTF-OIR Release # 20151007-01


Military Strikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Syria and Iraq


SOUTHWEST ASIA- On Oct. 6, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted three strikes using fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.


The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:



• Near Abu Kamal, three strikes struck two separate ISIL crude oil collection points.



• Near Habbaniya, one strike destroyed two ISIL rocket rails.

• Near Kirkuk, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL heavy machine guns and an ISIL fighting position.

• Near Kisik, three strikes suppressed two ISIL rocket positions, an ISIL mortar position, and an ISIL sniper position.

• Near Makhmur, one strike suppressed an ISIL heavy machine gun position.

• Near Mosul, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL heavy machine guns and three ISIL fighting positions and suppressed an ISIL rocket position and an ISIL mortar position.

• Near Ramadi, five strikes struck four separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, three ISIL weapons caches, two ISIL buildings, an ISIL bunker, and denied ISIL access to terrain.

• Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun and two ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike suppressed an ISIL rocket position.

• Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL trench, and an ISIL berm and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

• Near Tikrit, one strike destroyed four ISIL obstacles.


Strike assessments are based on initial reports. All aircraft returned to base safely.


The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, and the wider international community.


The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct operations. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Iraq include Australia, Canada, France, Jordan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Syria include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S.

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6 octobre 2015 2 06 /10 /octobre /2015 18:30
Inherent Resolve – Chammal sit rep 06 Oct.. – CJTF-OIR


October 6, 2015 by CJTF-OIR Release # 20151006-01


Military Strikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Syria and Iraq


SOUTHWEST ASIA- On Oct. 5, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes using bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, fighter, attack, fighter-attack, ground-attack, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.


The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:



• Near Al Hasakah, five strikes struck four separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), five ISIL buildings, and an ISIL checkpoint.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike struck an ISIL crude oil collection point.

• Near Manbij, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building.



• Near Al Huwayjah, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

• Near Habbaniyah, one strike destroyed an ISIL weapons cache.

• Near Mosul, one strike destroyed an ISIL tactical vehicle.

• Near Ramadi, nine strikes struck six separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL VBIED, four ISIL buildings, ten ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL excavator, two ISIL mortar positions, an ISIL IED compound, three ISIL homemade explosive (HME) facilities, an ISIL house borne improvised explosive device, an ISIL HME cache, and denied ISIL access to terrain.

• Near Sinjar, two strikes destroyed six ISIL bunkers.

• Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.


Strike assessments are based on initial reports. All aircraft returned to base safely.


The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, and the wider international community.


The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct operations. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Iraq include Australia, Canada, France, Jordan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Syria include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S.

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4 octobre 2015 7 04 /10 /octobre /2015 17:30
Inherent Resolve – Chammal sit rep 04 Oct.. – CJTF-OIR


October 4, 2015 by CJTF-OIR Release # 20151004-01


Military Strikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Syria and Iraq


SOUTHWEST ASIA- On Oct. 3, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted six strikes using fighter, bomber, ground-attack and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted ten strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, fighter, attack, and fighter-attack aircraft against ISIL targets.


The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:



• Near Al Hasakah, three strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL structures, two ISIL fighting positions, and an ISIL motorcycle.

• Near Ar Raqqah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

• Near Mar’a, one strike destroyed an ISIL excavator.

• Near Washiyah, one strike damaged an ISIL excavator.



• Near Al Baghdadi, one strike struck an ISIL pontoon bridge.

• Near Al Huwayjah, two strikes suppressed ISIL mortar fire and an ISIL mortar position.

• Near Fallujah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building, an ISIL heavy machine gun, and an ISIL RPG.

• Near Kirkuk, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL fighting position.

• Near Ramadi, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL VBIED, an ISIL tactical vehicle, six ISIL fighting positions, breached two ISIL obstacles, and denied ISIL access to terrain.

• Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a heavy machine gun and two ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL fighting positions.


Strike assessments are based on initial reports. All aircraft returned to base safely.


The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, and the wider international community.


The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct operations. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Iraq include Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Syria include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S.

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4 octobre 2015 7 04 /10 /octobre /2015 07:30
Hawaiian F-22 Raptors deploying to UAE to join air war on ISIS

03.10.2015 By David Cenciotti


Six Hawaii Air National Guard F-22 Raptors are enroute from Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, to Al Dhafra, UAE, to join the CENTCOM area of responsibility.

Once there, the aircraft will replace the U.S. Air Force Raptors already there for a 6-month rotational deployment that will see the aircraft take part in Operation Inherent Resolve in the airspaces of Iraq and Syria: although they can attack their own targets using Precision Guided Munitions (two 1,000-lb GBU-32 JDAMs or 8 GBU-39 small diameter bombs) while covering other aircraft in a typical swing role mission, the F-22 have proved to be useful in the air war against ISIS by making other aircraft more survivable, acting as electronic warfare enabled sensor-rich multi-role aircraft that provide “kinetic situational awareness” to other aircraft involved in the air strikes.


Read more

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3 octobre 2015 6 03 /10 /octobre /2015 13:29
photo US Dod - UK MoD - FR MoD

photo US Dod - UK MoD - FR MoD


October 3, 2015 by CJTF-OIR Release # 20151003-01


Military Strikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Syria and Iraq


SOUTHWEST ASIA- On Oct. 2, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted ten strikes using fighter, bomber, ground-attack and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, fighter, attack, fighter-attack, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.


The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:



• Near Al Hasakah, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL tactical vehicles, an ISIL headquarters building, an ISIL VBIED, an ISIL fighting position, and wounded an ISIL fighter.

• Near Kobani, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL headquarters building and wounded two ISIL fighters.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes struck an ISIL crude oil collection point.

• Near Al Hawl, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL vehicles and an ISIL bunker complex.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL vehicles and two ISIL tactical vehicles.



• Near Al Baghdadi, one strike struck two ISIL rocket rails.

• Near Al Huwayjah, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL fighting position, suppressed an ISIL mortar position and wounded three ISIL fighters.

• Near Bayji, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL weapons cache and an ISIL homemade explosive cache.

• Near Kirkuk, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit.

• Near Kisik, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

• Near Mosul, three strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three heavy machine guns and four ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Ramadi, six strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions, four ISIL buildings, an ISIL tunnel, an ISIL tactical vehicle, an ISIL sniper position, an ISIL bunker, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL vehicle, two ISIL obstacles and wounded two ISIL fighters.

• Near Sinjar, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three heavy machine guns and four ISIL fighting positions.


Strike assessments are based on initial reports. All aircraft returned to base safely.


The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, and the wider international community.


The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct operations. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Iraq include Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. Coalition nations which have conducted strikes in Syria include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S.

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1 octobre 2015 4 01 /10 /octobre /2015 16:30
photo UK MoD

photo UK MoD


1 October 2015 Ministry of Defence


Latest update

A series of air strikes by Royal Air Force aircraft have helped Iraqi troops maintain relentless pressure on the ISIL terrorist network over recent days. RAF Tornado GR4 and Reaper aircraft have flown daily armed reconnaissance missions as part of the coalition air campaign to support the Iraqi units fighting the terrorists in the front line.

On Sunday 27 September, an RAF Reaper on a surveillance mission over northern Iraq observed a number of armed terrorists as they moved between buildings in a pair of compounds and successfully attacked three terrorist positions, using Hellfire missiles.

On Tuesday 29 September, again in northern Iraq, a Reaper tracked a car carrying a number of ISIL extremists to a building, which was destroyed with a Hellfire. The Reaper was also able to support two other coalition air strikes in the immediate area, which destroyed a vehicle and a fighting position.

The following day, Wednesday 30 September, two Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri, supported by a Voyager refuelling tanker, provided close air support to Kurdish peshmerga advancing west of Kirkuk, who had come under fire from two ISIL heavy machine-gun positions. Both positions were successfully hit using Paveway IVs, removing the threat posed to the Kurdish troops.

Previous air strikes

1 September: A Reaper patrolling in western Iraq, where it spotted a vehicle check-point close to the Syrian border being used by the terrorists to prevent the movement of traffic. The Reaper’s crew conducted a successful strike with a Hellfire.

2 September: Another Reaper provided air support to Iraqi army units operating in western Iraq. The aircraft conducted four successful attacks on terrorist targets. With the ISIL in Ramadi increasingly cut-off and isolated by the Iraqi security forces, terrorists were spotted loading hundreds of mortar and rocket rounds onto a boat, which then attempted to smuggle the ammunition down the Euphrates river. A direct hit by one of the Reaper’s Hellfires sank the boat and its cargo.



The Reaper then destroyed three vehicles – two armoured trucks and a bull-dozer - using a pair of Hellfire missiles and a Paveway guided bomb, with significant secondary explosions confirming large quantities of explosives. Elsewhere in Iraq, a second Reaper successfully attacked a terrorist position with a Hellfire, whilst GR4s located an enemy engineering vehicle near Mosul, constructing a fortified position, and destroyed it with a Paveway.

3 September: A Reaper observed another load of mortar and rocket ammunition being prepared for transport and destroyed it with a Hellfire.

4 September: A Reaper patrol supported two coalition air strikes on terrorist positions, then conducted its own attack on an ISIL team armed with rocket-propelled grenades, after they had fired on Iraqi forces.

6 September: Two Tornado GR4s conducted four Paveway strikes on a series of machine-gun nests near Sinjar, neutralising the threat these presented to the Kurds.

7 September: A Reaper destroyed an ammunition truck, whilst the reconnaissance work of another Reaper discovered a large terrorist network of bunkers and trenches: our aircraft provided targeting support to three successful attacks by coalition fast and conducted five attacks with its own weapons. Near Bayji, a pair of Tornado GR4s flew close air support for Iraqi troops, and used Paveway IVs to destroy three buildings held by terrorist teams.

8 September: A Reaper patrolling over western Iraq discovered several large stockpiles of explosives close to the Euphrates River. It destroyed one of the stockpiles with its own Hellfire missile – a skiff waiting to transport the explosives was sunk in the blast - and helped coalition fast jets target three more. The Reaper’s crew also provided support to successful air strikes on a terrorist-held compound and a fighting position.

9 September: A Reaper used Hellfires to destroy two vehicles being prepared as car-bombs.

10 September: Another Reaper patrol identified a group of heavily armed ISIL fighters gathering in a building. Both the building and a vehicle used by the terrorists were destroyed with Hellfires, and the Reaper also assisted coalition aircraft in 13 successful attacks on further terrorist positions nearby. Elsewhere in the country, a second Reaper conducted two attacks on extremists attempting to attack Iraqi troops, whilst in northern Iraq, a pair of Tornado GR4s used a Paveway IV precision guided bomb to destroy a building from which the terrorists had been firing a heavy weapon at the Kurdish peshmerga.

11 September: A Reaper supported a Kurdish offensive operation to clear an ISIL-held village, in the course of which it engaged a defensive position with a Hellfire.

13 September: Again in northern Iraq, near to Sinjar, a Paveway from a Tornado mission destroyed a terrorist group, armed with rocket-propelled grenades.

14 September: The Tornado GR4s patrolling near Mosul, where they attacked a rocket-firing position, while a Reaper operating over Anbar province, struck a pair of terrorists who had been spotted preparing a booby-trap, then supported two further coalition air strikes in the area.

15 September: A Reaper assisted coalition strikes on ISIL rocket launchers in western Iraq, then used Hellfires to attack an ISIL team as they attempted to arm a “daisy-chain” of linked improvised explosive devices and a GBU-12 guided bomb against a hostile fighting position.

16 September: GR4s bombed two terrorist positions, including a heavy-machine gun, which were firing on Kurdish troops and in western Iraq a Reaper destroyed an engineering vehicle and a large car-bomb which ISIL were positioning to attempt to hold up Iraqi advances.

19 September: Tornado GR4s, supported by a Voyager air-to-air refuelling tanker, provided close air support to Kurdish peshmerga as they conducted offensive operations. Near Sinjar, the peshmerga came under fire from a heavy machine-gun positioned in a building. This was destroyed by our aircraft using a Paveway IV precision guided bomb. The GR4s then flew east to the area around Mosul, where another Kurdish unit was being engaged by a terrorist mortar team; this too was neutralised by a Paveway IV.

20 September: An RAF Reaper remotely piloted aircraft on patrol over western Iraq launched a Hellfire missile which destroyed a stockpile of explosives.

21 September: Another Reaper, operating over north-west Iraq, identified two vehicles carrying ISIL terrorists which were successfully tracked and destroyed with Hellfire missiles.

24 September: Tornado GR4s were again on patrol near Mosul when they were called upon to assist a Kurdish unit under fire from an ISIL mortar; the terrorist position was hit in a Paveway strike.

Details of previous airstrikes can be found here.

For more information see ISIL: UK government response page on GOV.UK

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30 septembre 2015 3 30 /09 /septembre /2015 23:30
Secretary Kerry Poses for a Photo With Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Before Their Meeting at UN Headquarters in New York City (Sept. 28, 2015) - photo US gov

Secretary Kerry Poses for a Photo With Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Before Their Meeting at UN Headquarters in New York City (Sept. 28, 2015) - photo US gov


01 octobre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Nations unies (Etats-Unis) - Les Etats-Unis et la Russie, qui effectuent chacun des frappes en Syrie, se sont mis d'accord pour organiser au plus vite une rencontre entre leurs militaires afin d'éviter tout incident entre leurs aviations, ont annoncé mercredi les chefs de la diplomatie des deux pays.


Nous sommes tombés d'accord sur le fait que les militaires devraient se mettre en contact très bientôt, a déclaré le Russe Sergueï Lavrov, tandis que l'Américain John Kerry confirmait la nécessité d'une discussion entre militaires, aussi vite que possible, peut-être même demain.


Les deux ministres s'exprimaient devant la presse à la sortie d'une réunion du Conseil de sécurité, quelques heures après les premiers bombardements russes en Syrie.


La réunion entre militaires des deux armées doit porter sur ce que M. Kerry a appelé en anglais la deconfliction.


Il s'agit d'éviter un incident militaire entre les avions russes et ceux de la coalition pilotée par les Etats-Unis et qui mène depuis un an des frappes contre les positions du groupe Etat islamique.


Le mot deconfliction peut se traduire en français par le fait que les parties prenantes à un conflit communiquent et échangent des informations pour éviter des incidents entre leurs aéronefs qui interviennent sur un même théâtre d'opération.

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30 septembre 2015 3 30 /09 /septembre /2015 23:30
photo EMA / Armée de l'Air

photo EMA / Armée de l'Air

30.09.2015 par RFI

Le premier raid français effectué dimanche en Syrie aurait coûté la mort à 30 jidhadistes, dont douze enfants soldats, affirme l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'homme, une ONG basée à Londres qui se base sur un réseau d'informateurs sur le terrain. L'information a ensuite été démentie par les autorités françaises, qui reconnaissent que le raid a eu lieu, mais qui réfutent le bilan présenté ce mercredi par l'OSDH.


C'est dimanche dernier que ce premier raid aérien français en Syrie a eu lieu, dans la province de Deir Ezzor. L'attaque a visé un camp d'entrainement du groupe jihadiste dans une ferme située près du village de Salkha, au nord de Boukamal et au sud de la ville d'al-Mayadeen, un fief de l'Etat islamique dans la province de Deir Ezzor, à l'est de la Syrie.

Selon les informations de l'OSDH et de son directeur Rami Abdel Rahmane, près de la moitié des combattants tués étaient des enfants soldats enrôlés par Daech.

« Nous avions annoncé dimanche dernier que des raids de la coalition avaient eu lieu sur la région de Deir Ezzor, mais nous ne connaissions pas l’identité des avions. Les autorités françaises ont depuis indiqué mener des frappes dans la même région. Nous confirmons, après vérifications, que le raid français a tué 30 jihadistes dont 12 enfants appartenant aux "Lionceaux du califat". Parmi les victimes se trouvent également des jihadistes originaires d'Afrique du Nord qui pourraient être de nationalité française ou européenne, et des jihadistes syriens et irakiens. »

Interrogé sur ce bilan, le porte-parole du gouvernement français l'a formellement démenti, remettant en cause la fiabilité des informations donnée par l'OSDH. De son côté, le ministère français de la Défense s'est refusé pour l'instant à tout commentaire ne confirmant que le lieu et la nature de la cible visée par le raid aérien.


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30 septembre 2015 3 30 /09 /septembre /2015 07:30
source almasdarnews.com

source almasdarnews.com


30.09.2015 Le Monde.fr


Les Etats-Unis font une « pause » dans la formation et l’équipement de rebelles syriens modérés, le temps d’une révision de ce programme, a annoncé le Pentagone mardi 29 septembre. Pour l’instant, seule une petite centaines de combattants a été formée, selon les chiffres du Pentagone, contre un objectif fixé à 5 000 par an.

« Nous avons fait une pause » dans l’acheminement des recrues vers les centres d’entrainement de Turquie et de Jordanie, a déclaré le porte-parole du Pentagone Peter Cook. Mais l’armée américaine « continue de recruter » de futurs candidats, dans l’optique d’une reprise prochaine des formations, a-t-il précisé, ajoutant que le programme continue pour ceux qui l’ont déjà commencé.

Ce programme de formation et d’équipement de rebelles syriens lancé au début de l’année par les Etats-Unis, doté de 500 millions de dollars, devait concerner environ 5 000 rebelles par an pour combattre en Syrie le groupe jihadiste Etat islamique (EI).

L’armée américaine a en outre reconnu que certains de ces combattants avaient remis la semaine dernière une partie de leur équipement et munitions au Front al-Nosra, la branche syrienne d’Al-Qaïda. Il s’agissait d’obtenir leur passage dans une zone contrôlé par celui-ci.

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30 septembre 2015 3 30 /09 /septembre /2015 03:30
photo EMA / Armée de l'Air

photo EMA / Armée de l'Air


30.09.2015 Romandie.com (ats)


Un raid aérien mené par l'aviation française a fait au moins 30 morts et de nombreux blessés dimanche dans un camp d'entraînement de l'Etat islamique (EI), rapporte mardi l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'homme (OSDH). Le camp était situé dans l'est de la Syrie.

Parmi les victimes figurent des membres des Lionceaux du califat, formé par des adolescents de 14 à 18 ans, a précisé Rami Abdelrahman, directeur de l'ONG basée à Londres et qui dispose d'un large réseau de médecins et de militants à travers la Syrie.

François Hollande avait annoncé dimanche que six appareils avaient détruit un camp d'entraînement de l'EI près de Deïr az Zour. Il s'agissait des premières frappes françaises en Syrie.


Nouvelle donne

M. Hollande n'avait alors pas exclu d'autres frappes dans les prochaines semaines, assurant que le raid en question n'avait pas fait de victimes civiles. L'attaque avait été menée grâce aux renseignements recueillis au cours de vols de reconnaissance au-dessus du pays et aux "informations fournies par la coalition".

M. Hollande avait invoqué "la légitime défense" pour expliquer ces frappes. La France, qui participe aux opérations de la coalition anti-EI en Irak, s'était jusqu'ici interdite d'intervenir en Syrie, par crainte de conforter le président Bachar al-Assad. Mais la crise des réfugiés et les menaces terroristes ont changé la donne.

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29 septembre 2015 2 29 /09 /septembre /2015 16:30
Syrie: Fabius accuse Moscou de parler beaucoup mais de ne pas frapper l'EI


29 septembre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Nations unies (Etats-Unis) - Le chef de la diplomatie française Laurent Fabius a critiqué mardi ceux qui parlent beaucoup mais qui n'ont pas engagé un avion dans la lutte contre les jihadistes de l'Etat islamique en Syrie, invitant Moscou à combattre l'EI concrètement plutôt que médiatiquement.


Il faut quand même regarder qui fait quoi. La communauté internationale tape Daech (acronyme arabe de l'EI). La France tape Daech. Les Russes, pour le moment, pas du tout. Si on est contre les terroristes, il n'est pas anormal de frapper les terroristes, a déclaré M. Fabius lors d'une conférence de presse à New York.


Cette charge intervient au lendemain du discours devant l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU du président russe Vladimir Poutine, qui a prôné une large coalition antiterroriste pour défaire les jihadistes de l'Etat islamique.


La Russie, qui n'exclut pas de futures frappes contre l'EI, a récemment renforcé son dispositif militaire dans un fief du régime sur la côte ouest de la Syrie.


Sur le fond, ce qui est important dans la lutte contre Daech ce n'est pas la frappe médiatique, c'est la frappe réelle. L'équation est assez simple: ceux qui sont contre Daech, c'est ceux qui frappent Daech, a encore insisté le ministre français.


La France fait partie de la coalition anti-EI pilotée par les Etats-Unis en Irak et en Syrie. Paris a opéré sa première frappe en Syrie dimanche, à la veille de l'ouverture de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU.

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29 septembre 2015 2 29 /09 /septembre /2015 16:30
photo Marine Nationale

photo Marine Nationale


29/09/2015 Sources : État-major des armée


Le 24 septembre 2015, franchissant le détroit d’Ormuz, la frégate anti-aérienne (FAA) Cassard est entrée dans le golfe Arabo-persique en et a rejoint le groupe aéronaval américain - Carrier Strike Group 12 (CSG12) – constitué autour du porte-avions USS Theodore Roosevelt.


Décollant du Theodore Roosevelt ou des bases aériennes de la coalition, les nombreux aéronefs de l’opération Inherent Resolve réalisent chaque jour des missions de combat en survolant les zones contrôlées par Daech en Irak et en Syrie. Cette activité très importante nécessite une coordination et un contrôle permanents. Grâce à ses radars et à ses systèmes de communication performants, le Cassard s’intègre dans cette organisation complexe. Sa mission consiste à prendre le commandement d’une zone de défense aérienne, au profit du Centre de coordination des opérations aériennes (CAOC) d’Al Udeid, situé au Qatar. En parallèle, il participe en tant qu’escorteur à la protection du porte-avions américain.


Pendant la première phase de son déploiement, le Cassard a été intégré au sein de la Combined Task Force 150. Le bâtiment français a ainsi participé à la sécurité et à la stabilité des espaces maritimes stratégiques en luttant contre le terrorisme international. Au cours de cette mission, le Cassarda croisé durant près de 6 semaines en mer Rouge et dans le golfe d’Aden.


Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammalmobilise 700 militaires. Elle vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un appui (aérien et formation) aux forces irakiennes dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daech. Le dispositif complet est actuellement composé de douze avions de chasse de l’armée de l’Air (six Rafale, trois Mirage2000D et trois Mirage2000N) et d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique2.

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20 septembre 2015 7 20 /09 /septembre /2015 14:30
Inherent Resolve – Chammal sit rep 20 sept. – CJTF-OIR

ARABIAN GULF (Sept. 17, 2015) - An F/A-18F Super Hornet, assigned to the Checkmates of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 211, launches from the flight deck aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71). Theodore Roosevelt is deployed in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations supporting Operation Inherent Resolve, strike operations in Iraq and Syria as directed, maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Anna Van Nuys/Released)


September 20, 2015 by CJTF-OIR - Release # 20150920


Military Airstrikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Iraq


SOUTHWEST ASIA – On Sept. 19, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq. Coalition military forces conducted 11 airstrikes coordinated with the government of Iraq using, strike, fighter-attack, bomber, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.


The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:



• Near Bayji, one airstrike resulted in terrain denied to ISIL fighters.

• Near Hit, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Kisik, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed an ISIL bunker.

• Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

• Near Ramadi, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL buildings.

• Near Sinjar, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun fighting position, an ISIL vehicle, and five ISIL bunkers.

• Near Tal Afar, one airstrike, struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.


Airstrike assessments are based on initial reports. All aircraft returned to base safely.


The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria and the wider international community.


The destruction of ISIL targets in Iraq further limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct operations. Coalition nations which have conducted airstrikes in Iraq include Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States.

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20 septembre 2015 7 20 /09 /septembre /2015 11:30
photo EMA / Armée de l'Air

photo EMA / Armée de l'Air


September 19, 2015 by CJTF-OIR - Release # 20150919


Military Airstrikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Syria and Iraq


SOUTHWEST ASIA – On Sep. 18, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five airstrike using fighter and ground-attack aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 12 airstrikes coordinated with the government of Iraq using, fighter, fighter-attack, bomber, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.


The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:



• Near Tal Abyad, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

• Near Al Hawl, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL bunkers.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL check point.

• Near Mar’a, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.



• Near Al Baghdadi, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

• Near Bayji, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed one vehicle.

• Near Haditha, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed an ISIL sniper position and two ISIL buildings.

• Near Kirkuk, one airstrike suppressed ISIL mortar fire.

• Near Kisik, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed ISIL mortars, an ISIL cache, an ISIL fighting position, and two ISIL vehicles.

• Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL fighting position and suppressed ISIL rocket fire.

• Near Ramadi, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL motorcycle

• Near Sinjar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed an ISIL light machine gun and four ISIL fighting positions and suppressed light machine gun fire.


Airstrike assessments are based on initial reports. All aircraft returned to base safely.


The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria and the wider international community.


The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the group's ability to project terror and conduct operations. Coalition nations which have conducted airstrikes in Iraq include Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States. Coalition nations which have conducted airstrikes in Syria include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and the U.S.

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