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18 mars 2015 3 18 /03 /mars /2015 17:50
Modernization and Rationalization of Norway’s Defense


Mar 18, 2015 defense-aerospace.com


(Source: Norway Ministry of Defence; issued Mar 17, 2015)

(Issued in Norwegian only; unofficial translation by Defense-Aerospace.com)


Modernization and Rationalization of the Defense Sector


Defence Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide today received a report from McKinsey & Company Inc on the modernization and streamlining of selected staffs, support and administrative functions in the defense sector. The report was prepared on behalf of the Ministry of Defence.


The Armed Forces must increase their operational capabilities to meet new security situations. The purpose of further modernization and rationalization in the defense sector is to create the most efficient organization so that the resources released allow increased operational capability. Every penny allocated to the defense budget must create the greatest possible effect. One of the ways is to look carefully at an existing organization to find out whether it can work more efficiently and in a smarter way.


This involves ensuring that skills are properly developed and applied throughout the organization, adapting to new technology at all levels to take the necessary steps to get the most out of every defense dime awarded to the defense budget. This is also entirely in accordance with the recommendations of the productivity Commission.


The report contains measures that will be considered for implementation in the short and longer terms.


“We must ensure that defense gets the most operational capability for the money it receives. The Defense Ministry therefore commissioned McKinsey to look at the potential for modernization and streamlining of selected staffing, support, and management functions in the defense sector - in other words, the non-operational part of the sector,” says Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide.


We have well that others considering what options we have. This can help to ensure that we look at things with fresh eyes, she says.


In recent years, a number of modernization measures relating to staff, support and management in the sector have been taken, and it has systematically worked to improve efficiency for many years. If the remaining part of the plan is successful, the Armed Forces will have been able to reprioritize accumulated about 60 billion from lower to higher priority areas from 2002 to 2016.


“The restructuring that personnel the sector has gone through during the past 15 years is formidable. McKinsey has interviewed almost 100 people in this process, and tell me that they have been met with openness and a willingness to further improvement. This is admirable.


“McKinsey have pointed out a significant potential for further streamlining. We will now make a thorough assessment of the measures proposed, including further potential and concrete assumptions. The selected solutions must be our own, and ownership must be in the organization to have an effect. Employee organizations and agencies in the sector will obviously be invited to give their input in this process. This report will also be an important input to a new long-term plan,” says Eriksen Søreide.

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5 juin 2014 4 05 /06 /juin /2014 07:50
Une consultante McK secretaire d'état à la défense en Allemagne

26.05.2014 consultor.fr



Selon la presse allemande, Ursula von der Leyen, Ministre de la Défense va nommer Katrin Suder, 42 ans, responsable du bureau de Berlin de McKinsey et responsable en Allemagne de la practice secteur public, au poste de Secrétaire d'Etat à la Défense.

Il s'agit d'un choix fort de la Ministre, elle mise sur ses compétences en gestion de projet pour réorganiser et moderniser un ministère marqué par le scandale des drones inutilisables.



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Une consultante McK secretaire d'état à la défense en Allemagne

source mckinsey.com


Katrin leads [McKinsey] Public Sector Practice in Germany. An expert in strategy, business technology, and operations, she works extensively with public-sector institutions, software and IT services providers, and telecommunications companies. She directs the McKinsey Center for Government’s work on employment and labor markets and is a member of the leadership team of the European Telecommunications Practice.

Among recent examples of her work, Katrin provided extensive support on strategy, operational performance, and IT strategy for a major public-sector agency in Germany. She worked with the client to identify trends affecting the employment landscape and potential strategic reactions to these trends. She also helped the client define its target IT architecture, improve operations using lean techniques, establish risk-management and support structures (including governance, budgeting, and HR processes) for a series of large projects, and develop and implement a strategy to quantify and respond to the effects of the economic crisis.

Katrin also supports performance-improvement and transformation programs across industries. She recently helped an IT and telecom service provider redefine its corporate and business unit strategies, refocus its solution portfolio and go-to-market approach, set up and launch a cost-reduction program, and develop an internationalization strategy. For an international mobile operator, she helped translate strategic objectives into budget and technology objectives, build a decision-rights model, and implement a brand-led growth transformation program that focused on customer satisfaction, retention, channels, and pricing.

Katrin has a PhD in physics and a bachelor’s degree in German literature and theater studies from the University of Bochum in Germany, as well as a master’s degree in physics from RWTH Aachen University. In her spare time, she acts and directs as part of a small theater group.

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