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12 janvier 2016 2 12 /01 /janvier /2016 12:25
RPA Falcão - photo Harpia Sistemas SA

RPA Falcão - photo Harpia Sistemas SA


11.01.2016 par Aerobuzz.fr


Embraer liquide la joint venture Harpia Sistemas SA qu’il avait créée en 2011 avec AEL Sistemas SA et Avibras Divisão Aérea e Naval SA, dans le but de développer un drone militaire destiné à l’armée brésilienne. Cette décision fait suite aux réductions budgétaires imposées par le Brésil confronté à une grave crise économique. Embraer s’engage à assurer une veille technologique de manière à pouvoir répondre aux besoins des forces armées brésiliennes le cas échéant.

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22 mars 2015 7 22 /03 /mars /2015 12:20
USAF funds sense-and-avoid technology development

The Air Force is funding development of sense-and-avoid systems for remotely piloted aircraft, such as this MQ-9 Reaper. USAF photo:Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson


WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, Ohio, March 20 By Richard Tomkins (UPI)


The U.S. Air Force has given funding to an Ohio company to research and develop electro-optical sensors for sense-and-avoid systems for airborne remotely piloted vehicles.


The U.S. Air Force reports it is providing nearly $1.5 million in SBIR funding for development and maturation of sense-and-avoid technology for remotely piloted aircraft.


The funding, through its Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer program, was given to Defense Research Associates Inc. of Ohio, whose research focuses on electro-optical sensors for detecting and tracking potential obstacles to remotely piloted vehicles in flight, The Air Force said.


The company's research is expected to uncover other technologies to improve SAA systems and prepare them for transition to engineering and manufacturing development and initial low-rate production.


"In addition to the SBIR funding, this program leverages more than $2 million in additional funding from the Airborne Sense and Avoid program, managed by the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base," the Air Force said. "These funds will help ensure the Phase II effort graduates into a Phase III program that successfully transitions its technologies into military or private sector."

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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 13:50
photo  EU2015LV

photo EU2015LV


March 6, 2015 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe; issued March 5, 2015)


ASD Welcomes EU Initiative On Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems


RIGA, Latvia --- On the occasion of the High Level Conference on civil Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems organised by the Latvian EU Presidency in Riga on 5-6 March 2015, the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Associations (ASD) welcome the intention of the EU Commission to move forward with a joint European action plan to open the (civil) Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) market.


“RPAS will be huge potential market of future aviation contributing to an estimated employment of 150 000 direct jobs in 2050 , innovation and growth in Europe. In the future, many applications could be developed both in terms of fixed wing aircraft and rotorcraft. Moreover, important technological spin offs could be created to improve efficiency and safety for manned aviation,” said Jan Pie, ASD Secretary General.


Speaking in the name of ASD, Mr Alberto Pietra, Business Development Director at Selex ES, delivered the keynote speech, highlighting the importance of making progress on the insertion of all categories of RPAS into controlled airspace without reducing safety and airspace capacity. Mr Pietra also drew the attention to the fact that Industry was prepared to play a leading role in terms of technology development provided that the right framework is put in place in terms of safety regulation and EU public funding for R&D. ASD in particular stressed the need for Industry to be fully involved in all safety rulemaking initiatives and the need to increase the amount of public funding for R&D beyond the funds currently allocated to SESAR 2020.


ASD represents the Aeronautics, Space, Security and Defence industries in Europe. Based in Brussels, the organisation’s membership today comprises 15 major European aerospace and defence companies and 27 member associations in 20 countries. These industries reach a turnover of 197.3 billion euros, invest 20 billion euros in R&D, employ more than 778,000 people and counts over 3000 companies, 80000 suppliers, many of which are SMEs.

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:20
Predator XP drone embarks on 40+ hour long-endurance flight


Feb 12, 2015 by defense-update.com

During the flight, the Predator XP RPA validated its long-endurance capability by flying at 10,000 feet for greater than 40 hours. Predator XP is currently in production, with the first production aircraft to be delivered in 2016. The UAE, considered to be one of the lead customers for this model is planning to buy 10 such aircraft.


General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA‑ASI), has recently completed the longest mission of a Predator Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). The flight performed by a company built launched on February 6 and landed on February 8, 2015 during a 40-plus hour flight conducted at GA-ASI’s Castle Dome Flight Operations Facility located at Yuma Proving Grounds, Ariz.

“This flight truly demonstrated the long- endurance capability of our latest RPA

During the flight, the Predator XP RPA validated its long-endurance capability by flying at 10,000 feet for greater than 40 hours. The RPA that flew the mission is a production representation aircraft designed and built on Internal Research and Development (IRAD) funds. Predator XP is currently in production, with the first production aircraft to be delivered in 2016. The UAE, considered to be one of the lead customers for this model is planning to buy 10 such aircraft.

“This flight was a landmark event for Predator XP in that it truly demonstrated the long- endurance capability of our latest RPA,” said Frank W. Pace, president, Aircraft Systems, GA-ASI. “In addition, it was a new company record for our aircraft.” Predator XP, an advanced derivative of the mission-proven MQ-1 Predator RPA that has accumulated over two million flight hours since 1994.

Predator XP is an updated version of the company’s flagship Predator RPA that has been licensed by the U.S. Government for sale to a broader customer base to include countries in the Middle East, North Africa, South America, and Asia. In October 2014  the U.S. Government has granted GA-ASI a ‘DSP-5′ export license allowing the company to offer Predator XP to the Government of India. The company is also discussing the potential sale with local industry.

Beyond its long endurance, the aircraft’s distinctive features include wingtip winglets and enhanced payload assembly under the nose. Advanced capabilities include a Satellite Communications (SATCOM) data link; Automatic Takeoff and Landing System (ATLS); a full-motion video camera (optical and infrared); GA-ASI’s Lynx   Multi-mode Radar with ground imaging (Synthetic Aperture Radar/ SAR), maritime surface search, and Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) modes; an Automatic Identification System (AIS) for maritime patrol; and triple-redundant avionics. Following the export restrictions imposed by the US government, unlike the Predator models used by the CIA and Air Force, or Gray Eagle used by the U.S. Army, Predator XP is not designed to carry weapons.

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27 janvier 2015 2 27 /01 /janvier /2015 13:20
Pneumatic Actuated Single Carriage (lightweight) - photo Exelis

Pneumatic Actuated Single Carriage (lightweight) - photo Exelis


AMITYVILLE, N.Y., Jan. 21, 2015 Exelis


Exelis (NYSE: XLS) recently received a follow-on contract valued at more than $27 million from General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. to continue producing and supplying the BRU-71/A ejector rack for the Predator® B/MQ-9 Reaper® Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) system.

Under the contract, Exelis will produce 619 BRU-71/A units for U.S. Government MQ-9s. The BRU-71/A is a pneumatic carriage and release system that uses compressed air rather than pyrotechnic cartridges to deploy payloads. The use of pneumatic technology reduces wear-and-tear and overall system maintenance and life-cycle costs.

“Unmanned and remotely piloted platforms are important to an increasingly wide range of missions,” said Pete Martin, vice president and general manager of the Exelis electronic attack and release systems business. “It is essential that the technologies they rely on, like our carriage and release systems, are designed to enhance their performance and endurance to support mission success into the future.”

Adaptable to a number of aircraft, the BRU-71/A delivers significant advanced benefits compared with previous-generation ejector racks. It is one-third the weight of existing racks in its class and offers ease of loading via independent, self-latching hooks. Additionally, it eliminates the use of pyrotechnic impulse cartridges and the resultant cleaning and maintenance actions and provides a high-reliability pneumatic in-flight lock.

This award is the third BRU-71/A follow-on production contract for Exelis. The first, for 208 units, was received in February 2011 and the second, for 520 units, was received in 2013. Deliveries of the latest batch will begin in October 2015 and will be completed in August 2016. Contract work is performed at the Exelis facility in Amityville, New York.

About Exelis
Exelis is a diversified, top-tier global aerospace, defense and information solutions company that leverages a 50-year legacy of deep customer knowledge and technical expertise to deliver affordable, mission-critical solutions for global customers. We are a leader in positioning and navigation, sensors, air traffic management solutions, image processing and distribution, communications and information systems, and focused on strategic growth in the areas of critical networks, ISR and analytics, electronic warfare and composite aerostructures. Headquartered in McLean, Va., Exelis employs approximately 10,000 people and generated 2013 sales of $4.8 billion. For more information, visit our website at www.exelisinc.com or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Predator and Reaper are registered trademarks of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.


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9 octobre 2014 4 09 /10 /octobre /2014 12:20
Unmanned-Aircraft Industry Divided Over New Name for Drones: Reports


MOSCOW, October 9 (RIA Novosti)


The unmanned aircraft industry rejects the term "drone" claiming it is technically inaccurate, however companies are divided on a new name for the devices, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

"We need another name for it, but I'm not sure what that new name should be," venture-capital executive Zack Porter was quoted as saying by WSJ.

According to the newspaper, unmanned-aircraft developers believe the term "drone" gives the devices a poor militaristic reputation. Alternative names include UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), UAS (unmanned aircraft system), RPA (remotely piloted aircraft), RPAS (unmanned aircraft system), or simply, robot. One patent attorney, John Mulcahy, has suggested the term "crone" for commercial drones.

Michael Toscano, chief executive for the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International said the term drone makes most people think "weaponized, hostile, large and autonomous," and prefers the name UAS since it encompasses the entire system, including "the technology on the ground with the human at the controls," according to The Wall Street Journal.

However, the former general counsel of the unmanned aircraft trade group, Ben Gielow rejected any name using the misleading term "unmanned" and stated, "We have to stop defining the technology by what it's not. They used to call the car a horseless carriage," the newspaper reported.

Some companies have settled on names for their devices, like Wasp, TigerShark, Predator and Reaper, while others have created names based on how many propellers they have. The US military is also divided on the matter with the Navy using UAV, the Coast Guard calling them UAS, and the Air Force calling them RPA. The Federal Aviation Administration and Congress have agreed upon the name of UAS for the devices in legislation and official documents.

There are others in the industry that are not opposed to the word, claiming more people are familiar with the term "drone" than any other name. According to data from Google Trends, searches for "drone" exceed any alternative names and has remained the most popular name for the devices since 2010.

The name "drone" was first coined in 1935 by the British Royal Navy who began using unmanned aircraft as aerial targets for shooting practice following developments in the United States. The United Kingdom named its device the Queen Bee which led to the Navy calling its targets "drones," the term for male bees. Evidence of the media using the term has been traced to 1946 when Popular Science reported on the devices.

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8 avril 2014 2 08 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
USAF Releases Outllook for Remotely-Piloted Aircraft



April 07, 2014 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: US Air Force; issue April 04, 2014)


Future Outlook Released for Remotely Piloted Aircraft


WASHINGTON --- Air Force leaders outlined what the next 25 years for remotely piloted aircraft will look like in the RPA Vector, published April 4.

“The RPA Vector is the Air Force’s vision for the next 25 years for remotely-piloted aircraft,” said Col. Kenneth Callahan, the RPA capabilities division director. “It shows the current state of the program, the great advances of where we have been and the vision of where we are going.”

The goal for the vector on the operational side is to continue the legacy Airmen created in the RPA field. The vector is also designed to expand upon leaps in technology and changes the Airmen have made through the early years of the program.

“The Airmen have made it all about supporting the men and women on the ground,” Callahan said. “I couldn’t be more proud of them for their own advances in technology to expand the program, making it a top platform.”

The document gives private corporations an outlook on the capabilities the Air Force wants to have in the future, ranging from creation of new RPAs to possibilities of automated refueling systems.

“There is so much more that can be done with RPAs,” said Col. Sean Harrington, an intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance command and control requirements chief. “Their roles (RPAs) within the Air Force are evolving. We have been able to modify RPAs as a plug-and-play capability while looking to expand those opportunities.”

In recent years, RPAs not only supported the warfighter on the ground, they also played a vital role in humanitarian missions around the world. They provided real time imagery and video after the earthquake that led to a tsunami in Japan in 2011 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, according to Callahan.

Then, most recently, during the California Rim Fire in August 2013, more than 160,000 acres of land were destroyed. Though this loss was significant, it was substantially decreased by the support of the California Air National Guard’s 163rd Reconnaissance Wing, with support from an MQ-1 Predator, a remotely piloted aircraft.

With this vector, technologies may be created to improve those capabilities while supporting different humanitarian efforts, allowing the Air Force to support natural disaster events more effectively and timely.

The future of the Air Force’s RPA programs will be continuously evolving, to allow the Air Force to be the leader in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.

“We already combine our air, space and cyber forces to maximize these enduring contributions, but the way we execute must continually evolve as we strive to increase our asymmetric advantage,” said Gen. Mark Welsh, the Air Force chief of staff. “Our Airmen's ability to rethink the battle while incorporating new technologies will improve the varied ways our Air Force accomplishes its missions.”

For more information and to view the remotely piloted aircraft vector (101 PDF pages) click here.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 07:20
General Atomics Demonstrates Advanced Cockpit Ground Control Station’s Capability to Fly Predator C

April 24, 2013. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


News release from General Atomics:


SAN DIEGO – 24 April 2013 – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA‑ASI), a leading manufacturer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), tactical reconnaissance radars, and electro-optic surveillance systems, today announced that it has successfully demonstrated its Advanced Cockpit Ground Control Station’s (GCS’) capability to fly Predator C Avenger®. The flight occurred November 15, 2012 at the company’s Gray Butte Flight Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif.


“This flight paired our most advanced GCS with our most advanced aircraft”, said Frank W. Pace, president, Aircraft Systems Group, GA-ASI. “Since 1994, our GCS have amassed over twomillion flight hours. The Advanced Cockpit is the next logical step in GCS progression. Our objective with this GCS is to fully satisfy customer interoperability requirements, enabling any GA-ASI RPA to be flown from the system.”


The goal of this Congressionally-directed, U.S. Air Force (USAF)-supported demonstration was to show that the Advanced Cockpit’s open systems software architecture adapts rapidly for other RPA operations. More than two years ago, the system successfully flew the MQ-1 Predator over a three-month period. In April 2012, the Advanced Cockpit flew the SARC-1 UAS under a jointly funded company effort with Strategic Simulation Solutions. This effort demonstrated the system’s ability to control third party RPA. This summer, the Advanced Cockpit is scheduled to fly Predator B/MQ-9 Reaper.


“Advanced Cockpit’s wrap-around visual display and multi-dimensional moving map dramatically increases situational awareness, while the integrated digital checklist decreases pilot workload,” said Jason McDermott, the test pilot who successfully handed off control of Avenger from GA-ASI’s legacy GCS to the Advanced Cockpit and controlled the flight during a 3-hour mission. “The combination of these unique features greatly increases the ease and simplicity of mission planning, reduces pilot workload, thereby increasing flight safety.”


GA-ASI’s Advanced Cockpit GCS is being designed in accordance with the U.S. Air Force’s Unmanned Aircraft System Command and Control Initiative to enable interoperability with all USAF RPA and the U.S. Department of Defense’s vision for GCS interoperability and commonality as outlined by the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Unmanned Control Segment Working Group.


The Advanced Cockpit GCS features intuitive interfaces designed to make hazardous situations easier to identify, enhancing safety and improving the pilot’s reaction time and decision-making processes. Its ergonomic human-machine interface significantly improves situational awareness and reduces workload so the pilot can more effectively and efficiently accomplish his or her mission.

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