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2 septembre 2014 2 02 /09 /septembre /2014 12:50
La République tchèque et la Slovaquie créeront un système commun de défense aérienne


01.09.2014 Par La Voix de la Russie


La République tchèque et la Slovaquie se sont entendues de créer un système commun de défense de l'espace aérien des deux républiques. Une déclaration appropriée a été signé à Bratislava par les secrétaires d'Etat des ministères de la Défense Daniel Kostoval et Milos Koterec.


Le troisième signataire de la déclaration est le secrétaire d'Etat du ministère suédois de la Défense Carl von der Esch. Sa participation tient au fait que le document prévoit les négociations avec le gouvernement de Suède sur la location éventuelle par les forces aériennes de Slovaquie, à l'exemple de leurs collègues tchèques, des chasseurs supersoniques Jas 39 Gripen, ainsi que la participation des spécialistes suédois à l'adaptation pour ces avions de l'infrastructure des forces aériennes slovaques.

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14 août 2014 4 14 /08 /août /2014 07:35
THOMAS signs contract to assist with upgrade for Australian submarine control system
13.08.2014 Pacific Sentinel
Sydney, Australia – Thomas Global Systems announced that it has signed a contract with Saab Australia Pty Ltd to provide technical support and electronic manufacturing of key components for the Integrated Ship Control Management and Monitoring System (ISCMMS) upgrade on the Royal Australian Navy’s Collins Class submarines.
Saab was awarded the ISCMMS project by ASC Pty Ltd (formerly Australian Submarine Corporation) in November 2013 and the project will last until 2016 as the Collins fleet is upgraded to more advanced capabilities.
Thomas is providing the remote steering console components and other critical electronic control modules for two of the fleets six submarines, from June 2014 until early 2015.
Thomas CEO, Angus Hutchinson, said - “We are pleased to again be partnering with Saab, this time on the important Collins ISCMMS upgrade program.  This is a great example of Australian industry working together to provide world-class support for our critical defence assets.  Thomas Global Systems is honoured to continue its support of the Royal Australian Navy’s Collins fleet.”
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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 13:40
Un navire-école russe interdit d'entrée dans un port suédois


MOSCOU, 12 août - RIA Novosti


Le plus grand navire-école au monde, le quatre-mâts russe Sedov, a été interdit d'entrée dans le porte suédois de Trelleborg (sud), a annoncé mardi à RIA Novosti Nikolaï Portounov, vice-recteur de l'Université technique d'Etat de Mourmansk.


"Le navire a été interdit d'entrée dans le porte de Trelleborg sans explication. Nous sommes en train d'examiner la situation. Pour le moment nous ignorons les raisons", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence.


Il a précisé que l'entrée du quatre-mâts dans ce port était programmée à l'initiative du maire de Trelleborg. A l'heure actuelle, le navire-école Sedov est en route pour le port polonais de Gdynia (nord).


M.Portounov a expliqué que ce cas n'était pas sans précédent et qu'un autre port suédois avait déjà refusé d'accueillir le voilier.


Le périple du navire se poursuit depuis près de quatre mois. Durant cette période, le voilier a visité une dizaine de pays et pris part à des régates internationales.

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11 août 2014 1 11 /08 /août /2014 16:35
Australia To Renew Ground-based Air Defense Capability

Saab sees its upgraded RBS-70NG missile system as part of a possible solution to the Australian requirement. (Saab)


Jul. 27, 2014 - By NIGEL PITTAWAY – Defense News


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA — Australia plans to include a replacement for its Saab RBS-70 very-short-range air defense missile system in its next Defence Capability Plan.


The Australian Army uses the RBS-70 system, along with the Lockheed Martin PSTAR-ER radar, to fulfill its ground-based air defense (GBAD) requirements, but an Australian Defence Force (ADF) spokesperson confirmed the combination was not considered adequate to defeat future threats.


“It is a dated, line-of-sight system missile that provides very-short-range GBAD and lacks the sensors, range and performance to protect against the likely threats of today’s helicopters, UAVs, stand-off aerial weapons, cruise missiles and rockets, artillery, mortars,” the spokesperson said.


The ADF is developing future ground-based air and missile defense requirements and examining options in the marketplace.


The new system will be acquired under the ongoing Project Land 17 Phase 7B, but has yet to gain much traction.


“The system is planned to provide the Joint Force with persistent defense against advanced threats including aircraft, helicopters,” the spokesperson said. “Land 19 Phase 7B is planned to have wide utility across many types of defense operations, not just application in conventional warlike operations.”


The Australian government will give first pass approval in fiscal 2016-2017, which the ADF says will allow time to initiate formal market solicitation. Acquisition is estimated to be between AUS $500 million (US $469 million) and AUS $1 billion.


Government approval for acquisition would be sought in fiscal 2017-2018.


Army initial operational capability is planned for fiscal 2020 to 2021.


“Land 19 Phase 7B will enhance or replace the existing GBAD system to allow it to function as a complete ground-based force protection system,” the ADF spokesperson said. “In a traditional combat setting it is planned to perform its core functions of airspace surveillance and identification, target tracking, target interception and destruction to provide an enhanced level of protection against current and emerging threats.”


The spokesperson said the project is modeled after the National Advanced surface-to-air missile system used by a number of European nations, and also by the US National Guard in defense of Washington.


“The US chose a ground-based system as the other options of continuous air combat patrols or permanently stationed air-warfare ships were more expensive, manpower-intensive and less persistent,” a spokesman for the project office said. “It was due to this system maturity and broad user group that it was selected as an exemplar to allow the early development work to progress.”


In 2012, the Australian Army took delivery of three Saab Giraffe agile multibeam (GAMB) radar systems under an urgent acquisition process to provide its base at Tarin Kot in Afghanistan with a counter-rocket, artillery and mortar capability.


Since the Australian withdrawal of most of its forces from Afghanistan, the two operational GAMB radars have been returned to Australia (the third had been retained locally for training) but do not have a clear role in domestic operations.


Saab Australia sees the Giraffe AMB, together with its upgraded RBS-70NG missile system, as a possible solution to the Australian requirement.


The missiles used by the RBS-70NG are identical to those in the earlier system already in use with the Army and comprise the third-generation Mk.2, with an effective range of 7 kilometers at heights up to 4,000 meters; and the fourth-generation Bolide round, capable of knocking down targets at distances up to 8 kilometers and altitudes up to 5,000 meters.


The company says the major change is to the sight, which has an integrated thermal imager, an auto-tracking system to improve aiming and guidance, automatic after-action video capability, and 3D visual cueing. This feature receives data from the surveillance radar, allowing the operator to find the target without actually seeing it first.


Saab officials claim that during recent comparative trials in India, RBS-70NG operators were getting their shot away before their competitors systems had even acquired the target.


The RBS-70NG also incorporates an identify friend or foe interrogator system as standard equipment while Saab works to integrate it with land vehicles, delivering a tactical, mobile GBAD system.


The company is proposing to upgrade Australia’s GAMB radars, including provision of a Link 16 datalink, and swap out the RBS-70 launchers for the upgraded equipment at what it claims is a modest cost.


The company has also integrated other missile systems with GAMB, including Raytheon’s I-Hawk and Diehl’s IRIS-T.


“We think it will be attractive to the ADF because Australia is already an RBS-70 user,” explained Jessica Rylander, an engineer with Saab’s Dynamics branch. “And the difference from an operator’s perspective is the increased” kill probability, she said.


The RBS-70NG sight enhances the capability of the Bolide missile by reducing tracking noise, increasing maneuverability and improving performance against small targets at maximum range, according to Saab.


“The RBS-70NG and Giraffe AMB solution is designed to address targets such as small UAVs, cruise missiles and helicopters in the 2025 space,” added Mat Jones, Saab Asia-Pacific business development manager.


“We are investing a lot of time, effort and money into GBAD, to ensure the architecture is future-proofed. The RBS-70NG/GAMB combination could provide a step change in capability, within the existing budget,” said Jones.


But much will depend on the final specifications mandated by Land 19/7B when the Defence Capability Plan is made public next year.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:50
BAE Systems Receives Award for 2P Ammunition

57Mk3 Naval BAE Systems’ new 2P ammunition was developed based on its proven 3P ammunition, pictured here.


7 August 2014 BAE Systems


BAE Systems has received an order from the Swedish FMV to produce and deliver 9,000 rounds of 2P ammunition for the Swedish Armed Forces.


The programmable 2P ammunition is based on the proven and effective programmable 3P ammunition. It was developed to meet customer requirements identified during international missions to allow for operation at shorter distances with minimum collateral damage. The 2P ammunition can be programmed in different function modes providing optimized effect against a wide range of targets.


“This order further demonstrates that BAE Systems is trusted to develop and provide new, high-tech products to meet customer requirements,” says Lena Gillström, managing director of Weapon Systems, Sweden at BAE Systems. “With the 2P ammunition, we have a new member in our product portfolio.”


Development of the 2P ammunition began in January 2013, and was done in cooperation between BAE Systems, FMV and the Swedish Armed Forces.


Deliveries will begin in June 2015 and continue through February 2016. Production and final assembly will take place in Karlskoga, Sweden.


BAE Systems’ new 2P ammunition was developed based on its proven 3P ammunition, pictured above.

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4 août 2014 1 04 /08 /août /2014 10:50
Saab completes acquisition of former TKMS AB, now Saab Kockums


04.08.2014 Saab Group

Saab has completed the acquisition of the Swedish shipyard Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems AB (TKMS AB formerly Kockums). The acquisition strengthens Saab's position as a comprehensive supplier of naval military systems. 

“For Saab Singapore this means that we will welcome the former TKMS AB employees here in Singapore to the family,” says Andes Dahl, Head of Saab Singapore.

Former TKMS AB, now Saab Kockums, will become a business unit within Saab's business area Security and Defence Solutions. Saab expects that operations will continue to be carried out in Singapore, besides the primary sites in Malmö, Karlskrona and Muskö. Saab flags were raised outside the Karlskrona shipyard and the Saab Kockums office in Malmö, Sweden to mark the acquisition.

"The acquisition is in line with our strategy to expand our offering and strengthen Saab's position in the market for naval systems. Kockums has a unique offering and a strong local presence in Sweden concerning submarines and warships. The acquisition makes us a complete supplier of naval military systems. We also see good potential to expand the company's current market position through opportunities in the export market," says Håkan Buskhe, President and CEO of Saab. 

The cost of the acquisition, which is financed by existing funds, amounted to MSEK 340. The impact of the transaction on Saab's results for 2014 is not considered to be significant.

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18 juillet 2014 5 18 /07 /juillet /2014 07:50
Saab va proposer un avion de patrouille maritime à la Grande-Bretagne

Coïncidence troublante, Saab a baptisé son avion patrouille maritime du même nom qu'un célèbre avion-torpilleur fabriqué par Fairey - photo Saab


17/07/2014 par François Julian – Air & Comos


Le premier client du Saab 2000 converti en avion de patrouille maritime (MPA pour Maritime Patrol Aircraft) pourrait bien être la Grande Bretagne. C'est tout du moins ce qu'espère le constructeur suédois qui a présenté durant le salon de Farnborough un concept baptisé «  Swordfish  », basé sur le Saab 2000. Le Saab 340, dont le Saab 2000 est dérivé, a déjà fait l'objet de conversion en avion de guet aérien (EriEye) ou de surveillance mairitime (MSA). Cette conversion de Saab 2000 sera cette fois spécifiquement destinée à des missions de luttes anti-navire et anti-sous-marine.


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16 juillet 2014 3 16 /07 /juillet /2014 16:50
Saab and ETPS sign new multi-year agreement for continued Gripen training


16 July 2014 Saab Group


Defence and security company Saab and the Empire Test Pilots’ School (ETPS), operated by QinetiQ, have strengthened their unique test pilot training partnership with the signature of a new multi-year cooperative agreement. Saab will support ETPS flight operations with the Gripen D fighter over a four-year period, from 2015 to 2018.


ETPS and Saab have signed a new, multi-year framework agreement for the provision and use of Gripen D fast-jet aircraft and associated requirements, for the ETPS fixed-wing European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) compliant Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer courses. The original agreement has been in place since 1999 and, under the terms of the new framework, Saab will support ETPS from 2015 until 2018. Ongoing Gripen activity for 2014 is already covered by the existing agreement between the two organisations.


Earlier this year ETPS transitioned from Gripen B to Gripen D which provides access to a very advanced fast jet platform with a unique systems testing capability. The use of this smart fighter aircraft is cemented in the new framework agreement and underlines the long-term commitment by ETPS to the Gripen platform.


“Since 1999 Gripen has trained more than 70 test pilots and provided more than 800 hours for the ETPS. Saab has a record of 100 per cent on-time delivery with a jet that is totally reliable. The relationship between Saab and the ETPS is something really unique. This new framework agreement streamlines our future work together, and affirms the commitment both sides have to our relationship. I see it as an important link between companies, and between countries, says”, Håkan Buskhe, Saab’s President and CEO.


“Professional flight test training delivered by ETPS is an important part of the Long Term Partnering Agreement with the UK MoD. ETPS provides a global customer base with world-class flight test training that underpins the increasingly complex nature of air test and evaluation”, says Leo Quinn, CEO of QinetiQ Group.


ETPS has been training test pilots and flight test engineers with Gripen since 1999. The Gripen aircraft gives students invaluable experience with an advanced, agile, fly-by-wire aircraft for handling and evaluation purposes. Flight operations are conducted at Saab’s Flight Test Department in Linköping, with ETPS instructor pilots flying under Saab supervision. Campaigns typically last for one week in May and four to five weeks in August and September. Saab provides


ETPS with supervisory pilots, the Gripen aircraft, logistics, ground support and facilities. Additional Saab SK 60 aircraft are also provided to act as radar targets for training.

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11 juillet 2014 5 11 /07 /juillet /2014 16:25
Gripen-NG and Gripen-D

Gripen-NG and Gripen-D


11 July 2014 Saab Group


Embraer and Saab have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to partner in joint programme management for the F-X2 Project, pursuant to the selection of the Gripen NG as Brazil’s next generation fighter jet. Under this agreement, Embraer will perform a leading role in the overall programme performance as well as undertake an extensive share of work in the production and delivery of both the single and two-seat versions of the state-of-the-art Gripen NG aircraft for the Brazilian Air Force.


Embraer will coordinate all development and production activities in Brazil on behalf of Saab and, in addition to its own extensive work packages, will participate in systems development, integration, flight tests, final assembly and deliveries.


Furthermore, Embraer and Saab will be jointly responsible for the complete development of the two-seat version of the Gripen NG, at the same time that a strategic partnership for future global promotion and marketing of both single and two-seat versions is being discussed between the two companies.


“Embraer and Saab both have a long tradition in the defense market and will now work together to provide high-quality and affordable solutions for Gripen NG customers. This agreement will strengthen the ties between the defense industries of Brazil and Sweden,” says Jackson Schneider, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security.


“We are happy to announce this partnership with Embraer. Not only do we share experience in the defense and aeronautical markets, but both organisations have a clear dedication to customer satisfaction. Through this partnership we will secure an excellent result for the Brazilian Air Force and we will establish solid ground for success with future business opportunities and customers,” says Saab’s President and CEO Håkan Buskhe.


“In addition to re-equipping the Brazilian Air Force, the F-X2 project is meant to stimulate Brazil´s defense industrial base. This partnership between Embraer and Saab will be of great importance to Brazil, because, besides participating in the development, we will be able to autonomously maintain our fleet. Embraer, as a high tech manufacturer of commercial jets, and Saab, with its tradition in the development of fighter aircraft, are complementary businesses that certainly enjoy great gains with this agreement”, says Lieutenant-Brigadier Juniti-Saito, Commander of the Brazilian Air Force.


The Gripen NG is a true multi-role fighter aircraft, based on the proven Gripen C/D platform. It is built to adapt to all of the changing threats and operational requirements that modern air forces face. Gripen’s combination of very advanced operational capabilities with moderate through-life costs make the fighter absolutely unique on the world market.


The agreement will be implemented following a successful conclusion of the ongoing discussions between Saab and Brazil relating to the finalization of F-X2 contracts. These talks are proceeding as planned and it is hoped to reach a positive outcome by the end of 2014

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7 juillet 2014 1 07 /07 /juillet /2014 07:50
METEOR firing from Gripen photo Saab

METEOR firing from Gripen photo Saab


7 July 2014 Saab


Defence and security company Saab and FMV have concluded missile integration firings with Gripen and the MBDA Meteor BVRAAM (Beyond Visual-Range Air-to-Air Missile). These latest firings, conducted earlier this year, further verified missile integration with Gripen and validated seeker performance and missile range. This was the last major trials task required to clear the new missile for operational service on the Gripen C/D multi-role fighter. Full Meteor capability will be delivered as part of Gripen’s latest MS20 (Materiel System 20) combat systems update for the Swedish Air Force. Once MS20 has been cleared for service Sweden, and Gripen, will have the world’s first and only functional Meteor BVRAAM capability.


In March 2014 Gripen conducted two airborne launches with MBDA’s ramjet-powered, Meteor very long-range air-to-air missile. These were the final Meteor launches before the missile is cleared for operational service with Gripen. The shots were carried out over consecutive days, on 12 and 13 March, at FMV’s Vidsel Test Range in northern Sweden. Saab performed the trials in cooperation with its customer, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV), along with the Meteor supplier team which includes the missile prime contractor MBDA (and Saab).


Two Meteors were fired at remotely-controlled targets. The tests demonstrated missile safe separation from the aircraft and datalink functions between the aircraft and missile. The tests also validated missile performance for the customer, FMV.


Saab’s previous successful Meteor trials in Sweden had already provided software verification of the Meteor system integration. The March 2014 trials completed the full integration programme for Gripen C/D and MS20. The March firings added significant additional data to Saab’s experience in using the missile with an operational combat aircraft, experience that is unrivalled after years of development and integration trials with the Meteor.


The March 2014 trials parameters included firings at both low and high altitude and at speed while the launch aircraft was manoeuvring, as well as demonstrating a long engagement range, engagement of manoeuvring targets, aircraft/missile datalink functionality and missile seeker performance.


Since March Saab has supported further Gripen/Meteor trials work in support of the final MS20 standard, including flight qualities testing and carefree handling validation. Delivery of the final MS20 to FMV, and subsequent operational test and evaluation, will be completed by the end of this year.


“For Saab Aeronautics it has been a privilege to work together with the Meteor team during the development programme. The integration of this capability for the Swedish Air Force is a first for this kind of BVR missile. Sweden now has a head start in developing strategies to use this capability in air combat”, says Tobias Andersson, Project Manager for the Meteor integration, Saab.


Sweden is working with France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK to develop and field the Meteor BVRAAM, with MBDA acting as the programme’s prime contractor. The Meteor is a highly advanced, long-range and agile air-to-air weapon that is uniquely designed to counter the most sophisticated airborne threats of the 21st century. Full Meteor integration will be delivered to the Swedish Air Force as part of the MS20 systems update. When MS20 enters service in 2015 Gripen will be the first platform with an operationally effective Meteor capability. At that point Meteor capability also becomes available for other Gripen users. Sweden has signed a contract for delivery of serially-produced Meteor missiles in addition to the integration missiles that were used during trials.

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4 juillet 2014 5 04 /07 /juillet /2014 07:50
Saab Receives Order from FMV for underwater weapon system


Jul 3, 2014 ASDNews Source : Saab AB


Defence and security company Saab has received an order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) regarding design plans for a New Lightweight Torpedo (NLT). The order refers to the period 2014-2015 and amounts to the value of MSEK 43. The order is part of the Letter of Intent regarding the Swedish armed forces’ underwater capability which was announced on June 9, 2014.


Saab has received an order from FMV regarding design plans for a New Lightweight Torpedo. This is the first step in developing a new lightweight torpedo. Final delivery of this order will be during 2015.


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2 juillet 2014 3 02 /07 /juillet /2014 11:50
Sweden and NATO: getting closer?


1st July 2014  – by Oscar Jonsson * - europeangeostrategy.org


Sweden has been described as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s (NATO) number one partner, and is known for carrying a heavier defence burden than many Allied nations. In 2002, Sweden officially gave up public claims to neutrality in favour of being ‘alliance free’, and in 2009 Sweden issued a declaration of solidarity to its neighbours who, except for Finland, are all NATO members. Furthermore, back in 2004, Sweden started transforming its Armed Forces to provide shell-defence capabilities with the rationale of being part of an alliance.


Despite these moves, the legacy and self-perception of Sweden as a neutral state persists. It is for this reason that Sweden has preferred to focus on the development of the European Union’s (EU) Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). CSDP is a different animal to NATO, and more amenable to the interests of a neutral state. Think how CSDP is couched within the Comprehensive Approach, and therefore within a policy paradigm that emphasises non-military approaches to security (aid, trade, etc.). While Sweden has taken a lead role in pushing the EU Battlegroup concept, and has put its weight behind the whole CSDP project, disagreements over the Chad mission, French re-integration into the military structures of NATO and the hesitancy over the Libya intervention has effectively killed the Policy.


It has taken Sweden a long time to come to terms with the ‘death’ of the CSDP, but it is slowly doing so. This partly explains why Sweden has pushed for regional cooperation through Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO); such regional arrangements are becoming the norm in Europe. Nonetheless, NORDEFCO is an unsatisfactory solution even though its members share a similar political culture and it could reduce materiel and training costs. The truth is that two important members of NORDEFCO –Norway and Denmark –are NATO members, and there is still a lack of unity between the members: observe how Norway opted for the United States’(US) F-35 over Sweden’s Gripen fighter.


Sweden is stuck in a ‘no mans land’with a major discrepancy between its security policy (which stipulates non-alliance) and its defence policy (which stipulates alliance). Sweden’s security policy is explicitly based on giving and receiving help from others in a time of crisis, but it is utterly unclear who would help Sweden in a given crisis. Given the status of the CSDP and NORDEFCO a major question needs asking: why is Sweden not a NATO member?


Sweden’s NATO debate


There are a number of strong arguments keeping Sweden out of NATO. Firstly, it is argued that at present Sweden has more influence over the US because it is not a member of the Alliance. Owing to Sweden’s contributions to international missions, its defence industry and its intelligence cooperation with the US vis-à-vis Russia, it is claimed that Sweden gets more attention from the US than it ever would as a NATO member. If Sweden were to join NATO, runs the argument, it would rather be subjected to complaints of under-spending rather than applause for its current contributions.


The second argument against Swedish NATO membership is that the Alliance can never be a substitute for the proper functioning of the Swedish Armed Forces. Given the vast finance problems within the Swedish Armed Forces, there is a big risk that NATO might hinder their development if Sweden were to join NATO too soon. At least, that is how it has certainly been sold in public debates. This is important because, as the crisis in Ukraine has showed us, when a crisis starts, you have what you have where you have it. And if you are going to receive support, it will take a while, even if you have prepared for such a crisis. In short, Sweden still needs to rely on its own forces especially considering that, as it is now, a Swedish capacity for territorial defence is lacking.


Thirdly, public support is often cited as a major means barring Sweden’s NATO accession. While support for Swedish membership has been increasing it still lies at around 30%. Interestingly, in the only poll made after the Ukraine crisis, support for NATO actually decreased.


Fourthly, and related to the issue of public opinion, is the position of the political parties. The biggest party of the ruling coalition, the Moderates, have listed three prerequisites regarding Sweden’s potential NATO membership. These prerequisites are: 1) it needs to be done with the support of the Swedish Social Democrats; 2) Finland must also join NATO; and, 3) there must be public support. These are all very reasonable arguments, but they all have problems attached to them.


Illogical arguments keeping Sweden out of NATO


It is, however, possible to refute logically, to a certain degree, all the arguments against Sweden’s membership of NATO. Firstly, seeking consensus with the Social Democrats is good, but the notion of Swedish neutrality is still embedded in the party’s image. For the Social Democrats to accept membership, they would need to re-write their history and image. So it would be difficult to join with them, but joining without their support would entail a fragile membership. The first prerequisite would therefore be difficult.


However, the second condition –Finland’s NATO membership –can be refuted. Indeed, Finland has so far investigated NATO membership three times and the country already has a strong territorial defence. This makes the issue of membership much more pressing in Sweden, whose defence forces are already transformed to be a part of an alliance and cannot perform credible territorial defence. Finland’s NATO membership should not pose an absolute hindrance to Sweden’s own accession.


The third condition – public support – cannot be seen as authoritative yet because the question has not been tried publicly. Public support is inconsistent and polls show that the public is not overwhelmingly pro-NATO, but the crux of the matter is that no one has driven the question. Rather, the Moderates, who are pro-NATO, want to silence the question because supporting membership would be politically costly. Yet the public opinion argument would not have been tested until the ministers stand up and tell the people of their conviction that NATO is best for the country.


Furthermore, it is illogical to argue that NATO, as an alliance based on the doctrine of nuclear deterrence, would hinder Sweden’s work for disarmament and peace. This has not hindered Norway playing a role in peace and disarmament, even though it is a NATO member. Other arguments that hold that NATO would force Sweden to spend 2% of GDP on defence are also wide of the mark. While there is undoubted pressure to spend more within NATO, most members of the Alliance do not presently meet the 2% threshold.


Finally, some believe that NATO would force Sweden to deploy troops to conflicts in which Sweden has no national interest. Decisions about deployment are taken by consensus in NATO, and not all members deploy troops to each and every NATO mission. Indeed, while it is true that there is more pressure as a NATO member to contribute to the Alliance, Sweden is already involved in a number of missions anyway. For example, Sweden joined the intervention in Libya in 2011 when only 15 out of 28 NATO members actually participated. Additionally, last spring Sweden contributed troops to NATO’s Response Force (NRF) and the country has played a role in the Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan.


Sweden should join NATO


Sweden should join NATO but only if it does not lead to a further operational loss for the Swedish Armed Forces. Indeed, NATO would add three important factors to Sweden’s security and defence: 1) Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty (1949) would strengthen Sweden’s political deterrence and security; 2) it would allow Sweden to deepen cooperation with NATO and allow it to contribute to the development of the Alliance; and 3) membership would allow Sweden to undertake the military planning and exercises that our defence policy is built upon.


These are important considerations for a country like Sweden. The country is no longer ‘neutral’ and it has given a declaration of solidarity to its neighbours and to all EU member states, 90% of which are NATO members. It is an inescapable fact that the security of Sweden, particularly in the present context with Russia’s annexation of Crimea, is dependent on the strength of the country’s partners and institutions. While it will be challenging to convince all of Sweden that NATO membership is in the best interests of the country, being without NATO seems increasingly impotent in providing for Sweden’s security needs.


* Oscar Jonsson is a PhD-Candidate at the Department of War Studies King's College London. He has held positions in the Swedish Armed Forces and the EU Institute for Security Studies. He writes here in a personal capacity.

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1 juillet 2014 2 01 /07 /juillet /2014 11:50
ThyssenKrupp contraint de céder ses sous-marins suédois à Saab

Stockholm soupçonne le groupe allemand d’avoir racheté en 2005 les chantiers navals Kockums, ex-fleuron de la construction navale du royaume, dans l’unique but d’éliminer un concurrent - Peter Neumann/Thyssen Krupp


30/06 Bruno Trevidic - lesechos.fr


Sous la pression de Stockholm, le conglomérat allemand a vendu au groupe suédois Saab ses chantiers de construction de sous-marins en Suède.


En Suède aussi, on ne plaisante pas avec le patriotisme économique, comme l’a constaté à ses dépens ThyssenKrupp. Sous la pression du gouvernement suédois, le conglomérat allemand a dû se résoudre, dimanche soir, à vendre son chantier de construction de sous-marins en Suède au suédois Saab, pour 340 millions de couronnes suédoises. Soit seulement 37 millions d’euros pour une activité qui a généré 1,7 milliard de couronnes (185 millions d’euros) sur le dernier exercice 2012-2013 et un résultat d’exploitation de 34 millions de couronnes.


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1 juillet 2014 2 01 /07 /juillet /2014 06:50
Le MGA s’entretient avec la ministre de la défense suédois


30/06/2014 Sources : EMA


Le 26 juin 2014, le Général d’armée aérienne Gratien Maire, major-général des armées (MGA), a reçu la ministre suédoise de la défense, madame Karin Enström.


Le général Maire a conduit cet entretien au nom du CEMA qui effectuait un déplacement en Afrique. A cette occasion, le MGA et madame Enström ont plus particulièrement évoqué la coopération militaire franco-suédoise dans le cadre d’engagements conjoints au sein de l’OTAN et de l’UE. En outre, les deux autorités sont revenues sur la montée en puissance du prochain Groupement Tactique de l’Union Européenne (GTUE), dont la Suède sera nation-cadre au premier semestre 2015. En cas de déploiement, ce GTUE opérerait depuis le Mont-Valérien.


Le général Maire et madame Enström ont ensuite fait le point sur les grands enjeux sécuritaires actuels, notamment la crise ukrainienne et la situation centrafricaine, avant d’évoquer la région du Sahel, qui constitue un sujet d’intérêt partagé. A l’occasion de cette rencontre et dans un contexte budgétaire communément contraints, les deux autorités ont pu échanger sur les réformes engagées dans le cadre du projet « cap 2020 ».


Enfin, le MGA et madame Enström ont salué les récentes coopérations opérationnelles franco-suédoises. Ils ont ainsi souligné l’engagement des forces suédoises qui, avec leur C17, ont soutenu les militaires français lors du déclenchement de l’opération Serval. Les deux autorités ont également évoqué le déploiement, début 2015, de 250 militaires suédois en RCA dans le cadre de la future MINUSMA.

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26 juin 2014 4 26 /06 /juin /2014 10:38
photos 1er Régiment d’Artillerie

photos 1er Régiment d’Artillerie


26.06.2014 1er Régiment d’Artillerie


Dans le cadre des essais pilotés par la STAT pour l'entrée en service du LRU, la 1ère batterie du 1er RA a tiré à VIDSEL (Nord Suède) 6 roquettes M31 guidées GPS. Devant le chef de corps du Royal et 2 officiers généraux, carton plein et précision métrique vérifiée. Un pas primordial est franchi. Prochaine étape : contrôles opérationnels à Canjuers en septembre 2014 et ensuite...

photos 1er Régiment d’Artilleriephotos 1er Régiment d’Artillerie
photos 1er Régiment d’Artilleriephotos 1er Régiment d’Artillerie
photos 1er Régiment d’Artilleriephotos 1er Régiment d’Artillerie
photos 1er Régiment d’Artilleriephotos 1er Régiment d’Artillerie

photos 1er Régiment d’Artillerie

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25 juin 2014 3 25 /06 /juin /2014 07:30
Le VAB Mk3 en essais (crédits G Belan)

Le VAB Mk3 en essais (crédits G Belan)



23 juin, 2014 Guillaume Belan (FOB)


Dévoilé il y a tout juste deux ans (relire les articles de FOB ici et encore là), le dernier VAB (Véhicule de l’Avant Blindé) de Renault Trucks Defense (RTD) pourrait trouver son premier client cette année. C’est en tout cas ce qu’espère l’industriel français. Deux prospects existent aujourd’hui au Moyen Orient : Liban et Égypte. L’Arabie Saoudite a en effet décidé en décembre dernier durant une visite de François Hollande dans le royaume wahhabite, d’accorder plus de 2 milliard d’euros (3 milliards de dollars) pour l’acquisition d’armements français, afin de renforcer l’armée libanaise légitime face à l’axe Hezbollah, Iran et Syrie. Les propositions françaises vont être bientôt envoyées au Liban et doivent être avalisées par l’Arabie, sachant qu’il ne faut pas non plus froisser les israéliens (le VBCI aurait pour cette raison été rayé de la liste). Dans cette liste qui comprend hélicoptères, navires ou canon d’artillerie Caesar, se trouverait une centaine de VAB Mk3. Des camions Kerax ou Sherpa pourraient également être concernés. RTD aurait été particulièrement sollicité durant le salon Eurosatory sur ce sujet…


Le second prospect sérieux concernerait l’Égypte. L’armée égyptienne serait intéressée par plusieurs centaines de VAB Mk3. Un véhicule va bientôt partir de France pour débuter les essais à l’automne. L’Égypte souhaiterait disposer d’une version amphibie, qui est en développement chez RTD et devrait être disponible dès la fin de cette année.


Pour ces deux prospects, différentes versions du VAB Mk3 seront probablement choisies: transport de troupes, PC, munis d’une tourelle (du 7,62 mm jusqu’à du 20 voire 30 mm…) etc.


Enfin, fort du réseau de son actionnaire Volvo, RTD va également proposer le VAB Mk3 sous les couleurs de sa marque américaine Mack, afin (et à l’instar du Sherpa) de pouvoir bénéficier de la procédure américaine FMS (Foreign Military Sales).

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22 juin 2014 7 22 /06 /juin /2014 11:45
Sangaris : journée de désarmement volontaire à Bangui


19/06/2014 Sources : EMA


Le 8 juin 2014, pour marquer sa volonté de restaurer l’autorité de l’Etat centrafricain et en application des mesures de confiance, la chef d’état de transition (CET), Madame Catherine Samba-Panza, a appelé la population à déposer ses armes en circulation dans les mairies d'arrondissements de Bangui.


Sécurisés par les forces de sécurité intérieures et la MISCA, des points de collecte ont été installés dans tous les arrondissements de Bangui. La force Sangaris, renforcée par un groupe EOD (explosive Ordnance Disposal) finlandais de l’EUFOR, a appuyé cette opération en effectuant la récupération finale de l’armement. Cette action conjointe a démontré la bonne coordination entre l’ensemble des acteurs sécuritaires centrafricains et la communauté internationale, agissant pour le rétablissement d’un niveau de sécurité minimal.


A l’issue de la journée, les forces internationales ont acheminé une centaine de grenades anti-personnel, un stock important de munitions de RPG et des milliers de cartouches. La collecte s’est déroulée sans incident et l’ensemble de l’armement saisi a été entreposé sur le site de M’Poko en attendant l’inventaire et le rapport d’expertise des spécialistes des Nations Unies.


Environ 2000 militaires français sont actuellement déployés dans l’opération Sangaris, aux côtés des 5800 hommes de la MISCA. Lancée le 5 décembre 2013 par le Président de la République, l’opération Sangaris vise à rétablir une sécurité minimale en République Centrafricaine et à faciliter la montée en puissance de la MISCA, ainsi que son déploiement opérationnel.

Sangaris : journée de désarmement volontaire à BanguiSangaris : journée de désarmement volontaire à Bangui
Sangaris : journée de désarmement volontaire à Bangui
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17 juin 2014 2 17 /06 /juin /2014 11:50
New capabilities for Saab's AT4 family



Jun 16, 2014 ASDNews Source : Saab AB


Defence and security company Saab is developing significant new capabilities for its AT4 family of disposable shoulder-launched weapons systems. The enhanced weapons will deliver extended range (ER) and improved high explosive (HE) effects. This enables the soldier to defeat enemy targets with much greater flexibility and in many more scenarios. The update further confirms Saab’s leading position as a supplier of modern ground combat weapon systems.


Building on the modularity of the 84-mm calibre system applied to both the AT4 and Carl-Gustaf weapons, the new capabilities allow a soldier to engage and defeat more types of enemy targets, over longer distances and in more complex environments.


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16 juin 2014 1 16 /06 /juin /2014 09:50
"Renault Trucks Défense ne cherche plus de rapprochement avec Nexter", selon Stefano Chmielewski


16.06.2014 par Hassan Meddah - Usine Nouvelle

Développement dans la maintenance du matériel militaire, diversification dans les véhicules de sécurité, rapprochement abandoné avec Nexter…Stefano Chmielewski, président de Volvo Government Sales et patron de Renault Trucks Defense précise ses objectifs alors que s'ouvre le salon international de la Défense, Eurosatory, ce lundi 16 juin.


L'Usine Nouvelle - Comment la baisse des budgets de défense a-t-elle un impact sur Renault Trucks Défense ?


Stefano Chmielewski - Renault Trucks Défense ne communique pas sur son chiffre d’affaires. Cependant nous avons révisé de manière pragmatique nos plans de croissance. Le groupe ne peut pas croître de 30% par an comme c’était le cas jusqu’en 2012. En 2013, notre production qui a augmenté de 35% sera écoulée entre 2013 et 2014. L’objectif est de consolider notre présence en France et augmenter notre présence en Afrique d'au moins 10% par an sur les prochaines années.


Le ministre de la Défense Jean-Yves Le Drian devrait annoncer le programme Scorpion de modernisation de l’armée de Terre d’ici juillet. Qu’en attendez-vous ?

L’armée française reconnait notre expertise aussi bien dans le domaine de la chaine cinématique que dans le service de révision et de réparation. Nous sommes comme tous les autres industriels maintenant : nous attendons les commandes. C’est d’autant plus stratégique que la référence française reste clé pour réussir à l’export. La première question que nous posent les armées étrangères c’est : "est ce que l'armée française utilise votre produit ?".

Cela ne nous empêche pas d’innover par ailleurs et de renforcer notre gamme de produits. Nous avons développé le Sherpa 3 (véhicule tactique et blindés légers 4x4, ndlr) sur fonds propres, sans aucun financement étatique. Le nouveau VAB Mk3 est un cousin proche du fameux VAB largement déployé par l’armée française mais grandement amélioré en termes de protections et d’architecture électronique. Une dizaine de pays se sont déjà montrés intéressés.


Après les acquisitions des fabricants Panhard et Acmat, souhaitez-vous toujours un rapprochement avec Nexter ?

Nous avons essayé par le passé de nous rapprocher de Nexter plusieurs fois. Sans succès de toute évidence. Sincèrement je ne suis plus intéressé pour une telle opération. Nous n’avons pas l’expertise dans les armes et les munitions qui serait nécessaire pour faire un partage industriel équilibré avec Nexter.

Nous avions vu dans la consolidation de l’industrie de l’armement terrestre une bonne opportunité pour être l’acteur de la première étape d’une consolidation européenne. Mais les obstacles sont nombreux, comme la privatisation au préalable de Nexter. L’alternative pour nous est de nous développer au-delà de la chaine cinématique et notamment dans les protections, le blindage et les véhicules légers non chenillés.


Suite de l'entretien

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12 juin 2014 4 12 /06 /juin /2014 16:50
Saab Signs Contract with Ireland for RBS 70 Upgrade


Jun 11, 2014 ASDNews Source : Saab AB


Defence and security company Saab has signed a contract with the Irish Defence Forces to provide upgrades to Ireland’s RBS 70 air defence missile systems. The order has a value of approximately SEK 40 million and includes deliveries of improved firing units, new simulators, night vision equipment and associated weapons support.


Ireland has requested updates to its RBS 70 systems. This recently-signed contract provides for new operator training simulators, upgraded fire units to support the BORC night-capable sight and the latest Bolide missile, new external power supplies plus a four-year support agreement. The Irish order underlines the continuous enhancement of RBS 70 system capabilities.


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2 juin 2014 1 02 /06 /juin /2014 11:50
La Suède pacifiste, grande exportatrice d'armement


29.05.2014 Tom Scanoe.caullivan - canoe.ca


LINKÖPING - Pays pacifiste s'il en est, la Suède ne craint pas pour ses exportations d'armements après le refus exprimé récemment par les électeurs suisses au projet d'achat d'avions de combats Saab pour l'armée de la Confédération helvétique.

Dans l'usine Saab de Linköping, sous le regard attentif du chef opérateur Lars Ydreskog, les techniciens peaufinent la nouvelle chaîne d'assemblage de la prochaine génération des avions de chasse Gripen.

La Suède a déjà commandé 60 exemplaires de cette pièce maîtresse de l'industrie militaire suédoise.

Cet avion est conçu pour faire concurrence aux meilleurs appareils russes, explique M. Ydreskog à l'AFP. L'appareil est doté d'un système d'interconnexion unique permettant aux avions de communiquer et de se répartir les tâches de détection, brouillage électronique ou de tirs.

«C'est ce travail stratégique que le Brésil et la Suisse ont remarqué», note-t-il. Brasilia a choisi le Gripen face au Rafale du français Dassault-aviation et au F/A-18 Super Hornet de l'américain Boeing. Le gouvernement suisse qui avait opté pour le suédois a dû renoncer après le non de ses électeurs.

La Suède est le troisième plus gros exportateur d'armes au monde par habitant, derrière Israël et la Russie.

Avec la fin de la guerre froide, les budgets militaires ont reculé mais la Suède a vu ses exportations d'armes tripler dans les années 2000. En 2013, Saab et 60 autres entreprises d'armement, y compris Bofors et BAE Sytems, ont vendu des armes suédoises à 55 pays pour 11,9 milliards de couronnes (1,9 milliard $).

Parmi ces clients des régimes sont pointés du doigt pour leurs violations des droits de l'homme, comme l'Arabie Saoudite, les Émirats Arabes Unis ou le Pakistan.


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19 mai 2014 1 19 /05 /mai /2014 16:50
La presse romande souligne l'échec d'Ueli Maurer


19.05.2014 Romandie.com (ats)


Le ministre de la défense Ueli Maurer reçoit une avalanche de critiques dans la presse romande au lendemain du "non" à l'acquisition du Gripen. Les journaux, qui pointent son attitude maladroite lors de la campagne, dévoilent aussi certains mécanismes ayant influencé le vote des Suisses.


L'échec du Gripen est d'abord celui du conseiller fédéral Ueli Maurer, qui "a multiplié les couacs" dans le dossier d'acquisition des nouveaux avions de combat, soulignent "L'Express", "L'Impartial" et le "Journal du Jura". Le ministre pourrait d'ailleurs en tirer les conséquences l’an prochain après les élections fédérales, ajoutent ces quotidiens.


Même constat du côté de "24 heures", qui juge une remise en question d'ordre général nécessaire pour le ministre de la Défense. Ueli Maurer a été "inconséquent" durant toute la campagne, changeant de stratégie "comme de paire de chaussettes" et "traitant un sujet sérieux avec la désinvolture d'un clown triste".


Les journaux lémaniques s'interrogent aussi sur l'impact du détournement d'avion sur Genève en février dans le rejet de dimanche. Selon "La Tribune de Genève", l'armée, incapable de réagir, s'est ridiculisée dans cet épisode et Ueli Maurer ne s'est pas montré très convaincant par la suite en dénonçant maladroitement les coupes dans le budget militaire.


De l'avis de "La Liberté" également, la campagne en faveur du nouvel avion joue un rôle important dans le rejet de dimanche. Elle "a volé bas, avec des arguments d’un autre temps" susceptibles de ne séduire que dans la Suisse profonde.


L'échec du Gripen s'explique aussi en partie par le climat politique: les cantons qui ont refusé l’initiative de l’UDC "contre l’immigration de masse" ont rejeté le financement de l’avion, ce qui n'est pas forcément une coïncidence. "Des citoyens n’ont pas résisté au petit plaisir jouissif de jeter un obus dans le jardin de l’UDC", souligne le quotidien fribourgeois.


Pour "Le Temps", dire que la campagne a été mauvaise ne va tout simplement "pas assez loin": il s'agit d'un vote du peuple contre Ueli Maurer, personnellement, "une manière, après le 9 février (et l'acceptation de l'initiative de l'UDC contre l'immigration de masse), de se venger de ses conceptions simplistes".


Mais le "non" de dimanche, c'est aussi "le vote d'une Suisse confortable, qui se sent en sécurité, abritée - paradoxalement - derrière le parapluie militaire des pays voisins et de l'Otan", relève le quotidien. L'achat du Gripen n'aurait eu de sens qu'en l'insérant dans une défense européenne plus large, une dimension jamais évoquée par Ueli Maurer, car elle "lui fait horreur".


"Il n’est pas certain" que les maladresses de campagne d'Ueli Maurer expliquent à elles seules ce vote populaire, retient également "L'Agefi". Bien des adeptes d’une défense nationale forte et dissuasive ont toujours plus de doutes sur l’affectation des investissements à consentir, poursuit le quotidien économique. Car "les Suisses ne raisonnent plus en termes de guerre totale".

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18 mai 2014 7 18 /05 /mai /2014 19:50
Gripen : la claque des citoyens helvétiques au suédois Saab


18/05 Par Alain Ruello


Par 53,4 % des voix, les Suisses ont rejeté le projet d’achat de 22 exemplaires de l’avion de combat Gripen du suédois Saab pour 3,1 milliards de francs suisses.


La vente d’un avion de combat n’est jamais un long fleuve tranquille. Le suédois Saab vient d’en faire l’amère expérience : par 53,4 % des voix, les citoyens helvétiques ont dit non à l’achat, pour 3,1 milliards de francs suisses, de 22 exemplaires de son Gripen-E de nouvelle génération. Ueli Maurer, le très contesté ministre de la défense, a eu beau assurer qu’il n’y avait pas de plan B au remplacement des 54 vieux F-5 Tiger, rien n’y a fait.

Le verdict n’est qu’une demi surprise, tant ce projet était contesté, et pas uniquement par la Gauche et les Verts. Les opposants au projet n’ont eu de cesse d’affirmer que la Suisse a bien d’autres priorités, sociales notamment, et que les Gripen coûteraient bien plus qu’annoncé. Les 32 F-18 de Boeing encore en service pour de nombreuses années suffiront bien pour la défense aérienne du pays, ont-ils martelé.

La votation de dimanche marque le nième épisode d’un feuilleton qui a démarré en 2007. Cette année là, le conseil fédéral a décidé de remplacer la flotte de Tiger, menacée d’obsolescence car en service depuis 1976. Deux ans plus tard, et à peine élu, Ueli Maurer a fait part de ses doutes sur la capacité pour son pays de financer un tel investissement. A telle enseigne que le projet a été repoussé en 2010. Engageant un bras de fer avec le gouvernement, le Parlement a alors imposé un achat rapide.


Pas de nouvel appel d’offres

Bien que n’existant que sur le papier, le Gripen-E de nouvelle génération s’est imposé fin 2011 face au Rafale de Dassault et à l’Eurofighter du trio Bae Systems-Airbus Group-Finmeccanica. A peine la décision connue, une polémique est née sur les performances de l’appareil suédois, non seulement inférieures à celles de ses concurrents, mais surtout insuffisantes pour répondre au cahier des charge de l’armée de l’air suisse (police de l’air essentiellement).

Malgré cette polémique, le gouvernement a poursuivi ses négociations avec Saab. Le financement devait être assuré par une ponction sur des crédits régulier de l’armée, selon l’AFP. C’était sans compter une initiative populaire qui a remporté assez de soutiens pour imposer la votation. Mi-février, l’épisode tragi-comique du détournement d’un avion de ligne d’Ethiopian Airlines, qui a révélé que l’armée de l’air Suisse ne décollait que pendant les heures de bureaux, n’a pas permis aux défenseurs du projet d’imposer leur point de vue.

Avec le non des citoyens, la Suisse ne devrait pas relancer d’appel d’offres avant plusieurs années. Dassault n’a donc aucune chance de revenir dans la course. Pour que son futur Gripen voit le jour, Saab peut encore compter sur le Brésil qui finalise l’acquisition de 36 exemplaires pour 4,5 milliards de dollars. L’achat par Stockholm de 60 exemplaires de l’appareil en dépend.

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15 avril 2014 2 15 /04 /avril /2014 11:35
photo Australian Navy

photo Australian Navy

15.04.2014 Defense Studies

SWEDISH defence giant Saab is making a bold, secret play for a slice of Australia’s $30 billion future submarine project.

As Federal Government placed all options for the navy’s future submarine back on the table this week, News Corp Australia can reveal that Saab and the Swedish Government have been engaged in secret talks with the Defence Department about the design of the new boats.

A Swedish delegation travelled to Canberra in March for first round talks.

Sweden has along history in submarines but it moved away from the business about 15 years ago when its shipbuilder Kockums — the company that designed the Collins Class submarine — was sold to German company Thyssen Krupp MS (TKMS).

The Swedish Government last month cancelled a deal with Kockums to buy its future submarine and since then it has contracted Saab to examine options for the nation’s sub-surface fleet.

One option is buying the submarine builder back from TKMS and possibly expanding operations in Australia.

Saab has hired almost 100 submarine experts from Kockums during the past month and its spokesman Anders Carp hinted that the hi-tech defence company could make a bid for Adelaide based submarine maker ASC if an when it came up for sale.

“We are impressed with the company,” Mr Carp said.

When asked if Saab might buy the company and build the Swedish submarines in Adelaide he did not rule it out and he added that 80 per cent of the company’s popular Gripen fighter jet was built elsewhere.

He said discussions between Saab and Australia had involved the design of the vessel and not the combat management systems. Australia favours an American combat system.

Saab already has crucial safety systems installed in the Collins Class fleet.

Mr Carp said the option for an evolved Collins Class vessel would be the most cost effective solution for Australia.

Saab executives met with government staffers on the sidelines of this week’s ASPI submarine conference in Canberra.

Defence Minister David Johnston told the conference that all options were on the table as the government developed its first Defence White Paper for release early next year.

He said the favoured option was to build the boats in Adelaide but “not at any cost”.

Options also include a possible partnership with the world’s biggest and most capable diesel-electric submarines the 4200-tonne Japanese Soryu Class boat.

Discussions with the Japanese are well advanced, but Senator Johnston refused to elaborate saying they were “commercial-in-confidence”.

There is strong interest in the Swedish designed Stirling engine and its air independent propulsion system that allows the vessel to remain submerged for long periods of time.

The biggest drawback with a diesel-electric boat compared with a nuclear vessel is the need to “snorkel” for air to feed the diesels that recharge the batteries.

The advantage of conventional powered vessels is their silence and that they can operate in shallower waters than nuclear submarines.


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14 avril 2014 1 14 /04 /avril /2014 16:50
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG and Saab AB signed a non-binding MoU



04/14/2014 By VMSB - defesaglobal


ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG and Saab AB signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerning the sale of the Sweden based shipyard ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AB to Saab AB.


The negotiations between Saab AB and ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AB are at an early stage and more information will follow.


The MoU is in line with Saab’s ambition to expand its activities in the naval area and meets the needs of Sweden for an industrial solution regarding design, production and maintenance of submarines and warships.

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