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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 07:20
Wyle receives U.S. Army task order

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Aug. 27 (UPI)


Wyle says it will conduct sustainment engineering and logistical analyses for ground combat systems and vehicles for the U.S. Army.


The U.S. engineering company said the work will be done under a new $39.9 million task order award from the Defense Technical Information Center's Reliability Information Analysis Center.


The support work will specifically be performed for the Program Executive Office for Combat Support and Combat Service Support and the Program Executive Office for Ground Combat Systems, both of which are part of the U.S. Army's Tank Automotive Command Life Cycle Management Command.


The task order involves detailed quantitative investigations and analyses of maintenance practices, as well as logistics structured reliability and maintainability engineering to enhance sustainability initiatives.


Included will be engineering analyses to support the development, integration, sustainment, and demilitarization of ground combat systems, combat service support systems, tactical wheeled vehicles and force projection equipment.


Information on the task order's timeline and other contractual details were not disclosed.

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