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6 août 2014 3 06 /08 /août /2014 07:35
From dawn till dusk: NZDF marks the beginning of the First World War centenary

5 août 2014 New Zealand Defence Force


The New Zealand Defence Force marked the centenary of the beginning of the First World War on the 4th August. The day’s events began at dawn with the laying of the wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. It was followed by a national ceremony at Parliament with distinguished speakers and guests, including the lowering of flags to half-mast and a 100-Gun Salute fired from Wellington’s waterfront. It is the first time in a hundred years since a salute of this magnitude had been fired - an emotional event for all personnel and onlookers involved. The day ended with the lowering of the flags at dusk.
Interviews and speeches by Rt Hon David Carter, LTCOL Andrew Shaw, and Mr Hewitt Humphrey.

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