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21 juillet 2011 4 21 /07 /juillet /2011 05:30

Défense : les militaires du futur
20/07/2011 Par Xavier Sidaner - acteurspublics.com Prospective Confrontées à de profondes restructurations, les armées poursuivent leur mutation pour tenir compte des objectifs du livre blanc. Acteurs publics imagine, après Bercy et la Culture, ce que...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 20:00

Prahaar Debut Launch Tomorrow (India)
Impression ©Livefist July 20, 2011 by Shiv Aroor- Livefist There have been indications that the Prahaar will be visibly similar to the Indian endo-atmospheric interceptor missile, though this is not confirmed. The team is ready for the missile's first...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 19:35

Russia seeks to sell stealth jets to Korea
07-20-2011 By Lee Tae-hoon - koreatimes.co.kr Russia has decided to enter Korea’s advanced jet acquisition project, which would be the biggest arms-procurement deal ever in the country, a defense official said Wednesday. “Russian aircraft manufacturer...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 19:25

Optronique & Défense évolue !
20 juillet 2011 par Optro & Défense Optronique & Défense a montré sa viabilité au cours du temps, sur ce segment de niche qu’est l’optronique de défense. Au rythme moyen d’un article par semaine depuis 2009, les articles d’analyse sur les acteurs de l’optronique...
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Published by RP Defense - dans France
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 19:20

UK and France come together for first Industry Day
Royal Navy frigate HMS Monmouth and French frigate FS La Fayette conduct maritime security operations in the Gulf [Picture: Leading Airman (Photographer) Stuart Hill, Crown Copyright/MOD 2009] 20 Jul 11 UK MoD - An Equipment and Logistics news article...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 19:15

Euro Hawk takes off on German delivery flight
Photo Northrop Grumman 20/07/11 By Craig Hoyle SOURCE:Flightglobal.com Germany’s first Euro Hawk unmanned air vehicle is en route to Europe, having made a delayed departure from Edwards AFB in California at around 11:50 local time on 20 July. The Northrop...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 19:10

Additional RAF Tornado jets arrive in Italy
Two of the four additional RAF Tornado GR4 jets make their approach into Gioia del Colle air base in southern Italy [Picture: Corporal Pete Devine, Crown Copyright/MOD 2011] 20 Jul 11 UK MoD - A Military Operations news article Four Royal Air Force Tornado...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 19:05

Britain receives final Warthog
photo army.mod.uk LONDON, July 20 (UPI) ST Kinetics of Singapore and Thales UK have delivered the final Warthog vehicle to Britain under a $241.5 million urgent operational contract. The vehicle delivered to the Ministry of Defense was a troop-carrying...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 19:00

Turkish armored vehicle exports soar
Otokar's Cobra APC supports a large array of mission-specific modifications and has become a huge export success for Turkey. Jul 20 2011 TRDEFENCE SpaceWar Turkish exports of armored vehicles are expanding, including purchases by the United States for...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 17:25

UK and French Defence Industry Groups in New Tie-Up Deal
July 20, 2011 defpro.com The trade associations representing the defence industries in the UK (A|D|S) and France (Conseil des Industriels de Défense Français or CIDEF) have today (Wednesday) signed a Memorandum of Understanding that seeks to further increase...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 17:20

Les USA et 2 pays d'Asie manifestent officiellement leur intérêt pour le système antimissile Iron Dome.
photo RP Defense 20 juillet 2011 Par Maxime Perez (Tel-Aviv) - IsraëlValley Selon des sources IsraelValley, trois pays, au rang desquels figurent les Etats-Unis sont engagés dans des négociations avancées en vue de l’acquisition du système antimissile...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 17:15

U.S. Army Selects Oshkosh Defense to Recapitalize Heavy Tactical Vehicles
OSHKOSH, Wis. (July 20, 2011) — Oshkosh Defense Oshkosh Defense, a division of Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK), will recapitalize 160 trucks from the U.S. Army’s Family of Heavy Tactical Vehicles (FHTV) fleet, including Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 17:10

Chinese and Belorussian airborne troops conclude first joint exercise
July 20, 2011 defpro.com BEIJING | Chinese and Belorussian airborne troops concluded their first joint training drills earlier this month, the Chinese Defense Ministry said on Tuesday, acording to Xinhua. The 83-strong Chinese special task force arrived...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 17:05

Extra $1 Billion Overrun Estimated For F-35
Photo: Lockheed Martin Jul 20, 2011 By Amy Butler aerospace daily and defense report The Pentagon estimates that the first three production lots of the F-35 are exceeding cost projections by up to 15%, nearly $1 billion, most of which will be paid for...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 17:00

Libye : 2.500 cibles détruites par l'aviation française
source AiréCosmos - photo DGA 20.07.2011 GS - Air&Cosmos Le ministère de la défense dresse un premier bilan des frappes, quatre mois après le début de l'offensive. Quatre mois après le lancement de l'opération "Harmattan" le 19 mars dernier, le ministre...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Africa & Maghreb
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 16:55

Les Emirats, meilleure chance pour le Rafale selon Longuet
photo Armée de l'Air 20/07/2011 AEROCONTACT Les Emirats arabes unis (EAU) constituent aujourd'hui la meilleure chance pour la France de conclure à court terme un contrat d'exportation d'avions Rafale, a estimé mercredi le ministre de la Défense, Gérard...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 16:50

L'armée russe sera dotée de drones russes (état-major)
SAINT-PETERSBOURG, 20 juillet - RIA Novosti Les forces armées russes seront dotées de drones de fabrication nationale, a annoncé mercredi aux journalistes le chef de l'Etat-major général, Nikolaï Makarov. Fin juin, un haut responsable du complexe militaro-industriel...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 16:45

Spain’s First BAM Ship Completes Sea Trials
July 19, 2011 defense-aerospace.com (Source: Navantia; issued July 19, 2011) (Issued in Spanish only; unofficial translation by defense-aerospace.com) “Meteoro,” the Spanish navy’s first Buque de Acción Marítima (BAM) amphibious action ship has successfully...
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 16:40

Russian military to introduce 'virtual battlefield' training by 2013
ST. PETERSBURG, July 20 (RIA Novosti) The Russian military intends to move towards "virtual battlefield" military training by 2013, Chief of the General Staff Gen. Nikolai Makarov said on Wednesday. He said the news system would be "comparable and in...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Russia & former USSR
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 16:35

Gripen support contracts top R125m
20 July 2011 by Leon Engelbrecht - defenseWeb A new extension for an existing contract for further on demand support services for the engines of the Saab Gripen advanced light fighter aircraft awarded last week have taken the value of known ancillary...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Africa & Maghreb
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 16:30

Indian naval fighter could have first flight by November
photo by Shiv Aroor - Livefist 20/07/11 By Greg Waldron SOURCE:Flight International A two-seat prototype of a naval version of the Aeronautical Development Agency's (ADA) Tejas Mk I aircraft could have its first flight within the next three months. The...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 12:55

Drones : Gérard Longuet pourrait trancher ce soir
Drone Harfang - photo Sirpa Air 20/07/2011 Alain Ruello – LesEchos.fr Le ministre de la Défense réunit un conseil d'investissement. En attendant le drone de future génération franco-britannique, il a le choix entre trois solutions : General Atomics, EADS,...
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Published by RP Defense - dans France
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 12:55

Cérémonie aux morts à Kaboul - 17 juillet 2011
Aéroport de Kaboul : cérémonie d'adieu par ministeredeladefense
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 12:50

Pakistan Navy inducts guided missile frigate
Jul 20, 2011 brahmand.com ISLAMABAD (PTI): Pakistan's Navy has inducted a guided missile frigate provided by the US into its fleet, besides commissioning two small tanker-cum-utility ships. The frigate PNS Alamgir and the small tanker-cum-utility ships...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific
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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 12:45

Army Develops New Ways to Test, Identify Biological Agents
photo Centers for Disease Control, United States Jul 20, 2011 By Edgewood Chemical Biological Center - ASDNews Source : US Army Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. - The Army is advancing science in new ways. Scientists as the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological...
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