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27 septembre 2011 2 27 /09 /septembre /2011 07:00



26/09/2011 Sources : © Marine nationale


La France accueille du 26 au 29 septembre 2011 la réunion plénière annuelle du Forum des gardes-côtes de l’Atlantique. Elle sera accompagnée d’un entraînement majeur intitulé «Guardex».


Le Forum des gardes-côtes de l’Atlantique Nord (en anglais, NACGF North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum) a été créé en 2007 à l’initiative du Canada pour permettre dans tous les domaines intéressant les services de garde-côtes, l’échange de bonnes pratiques et d’analyses et la mise en place de coopérations internationales dédiées.


Il réunit 20 pays riverains de l’Atlantique nord : Allemagne, Belgique, Canada, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, États-Unis, Finlande, France, Irlande, Islande, Lettonie, Lituanie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume Uni, Fédération de Russie, Suède.


La présidence est tournante. La France assure cette fonction pour 2011. C’est le Secrétaire général de la mer Jean-François Tallec qui en exerce la présidence au nom du pays.


Comme responsable de la fonction garde-côtes, le Secrétaire général de la mer représente à la conférence plénière l’ensemble des administrations françaises agissant en mer et définit, tout au long de l’année, les positions françaises à développer dans chacun des groupes de travail.


Chaque année, un thème est choisi par la pays qui préside le forum. Cette année, les services de gardes-côtes travaillent sur le thème de la sécurité et de la sûreté des navires transportant un nombre important de passagers. Ce sera également le thème de l’exercice Guardex.

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26 septembre 2011 1 26 /09 /septembre /2011 11:50



26 septembre 2011 par Daniel Favre / INFO-AVIATION


Le 19 septembre, le président roumain Traian Basescu a déclaré que son pays ne pouvait se permettre d’acheter des chasseurs F-16, sans une solution de financement à long terme (source: actmedia).


Ce n’est pas la première fois que la Roumanie renonce à s’équiper de F-16. En juin 2010, le gouvernement roumain avait déjà jeté l’éponge pour acheter des F-16 d’occasion. La facture est en effet estimée à 300 millions de dollars par an pour les 5 à 6 prochaines années.


« En tant que membre de l’OTAN, la Roumanie doit opérer 48 avions de combat compatibles avec l’équipement de l’Alliance Atlantique Nord. Peu importe qu’il s’agisse de F-16, de Rafale ou de Saab, l’essentiel est de trouver une solution de financement « , a déclaré la président Basescu.


Ces F-16 A/B seraient destinés à remplacer les MiG-21 roumains qui arrivent en fin de vie. Mais il se pourrait fort que la Roumanie conserve encore quelques années sa flotte de MiG Lancer (photo) dont les performances équivalent d’ailleurs les premières versions du F-16.


Le chef de l’Etat roumain a ajouté que les États-Unis avait proposé un projet de financement régional où plusieurs membres de l’OTAN, comme la Bulgarie, la Croatie, et éventuellement la Hongrie, qui seraient regroupés dans un consortium pour co-financer l’achat d’avions F-16.


La Bulgarie se serait déjà vu proposé un plan de financement américain pour l’achat de 8 à 12 chasseurs F-16. L’ambassadeur américain Mark Gitenstein a ajouté que l’option d’un financement régional impliquerait de nouveaux avions et l’extension de la production de Lockheed Martin.


Ce projet d’un « pool » des pays de l’Est est dans l’intérêt de l’Amérique, car il permettrait de prolonger la production du F-16, et de faire monter le prix de l’avion

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26 septembre 2011 1 26 /09 /septembre /2011 07:30



Le bâtiment d'essais et de mesures Monge



26/09/2011 MER et MARINE


Depuis Brest, le bâtiment d'essais et de mesures Monge a participé à la poursuite du satellite UARS, qui s'est écrasé sur terre samedi matin. L'intervention du navire français avait pour objectif de valider les estimations réalisées par la NASA quant au point de chute de ce satellite de 6 tonnes, mis en orbite en 1991. Une première poursuite a été effectuée par le Monge dans la nuit du 21 au 22 septembre et deux autres poursuites sont intervenues la nuit suivante et vendredi matin. Les données acquises par les radars du BEM ont permis au CNES de recaler au plus juste la zone de point de chute avec des résultats identiques à ceux de la NASA. Celle-ci a confirmé ce week-end que UARS s'était bien écrasé sur terre samedi matin, mais on ignorait encore, hier, où exactement les débris étaient tombés. Selon les experts du centre des opérations spatiales de la base californienne de Vanderberg, UARS s'est disloqué au dessus de l'océan Pacifique. Hier, aucun dégât n'était rapporté, laissant penser que les débris sont tombés dans des zones inhabitées, très probablement en mer.


Un BEM pour la dissuasion nucléaire et la surveillance de l'espace

L'intervention du Monge dans la poursuite de UARS met en lumière une mission méconnue du bâtiment. Mis en service en 1992 pour remplacer l'ancien Henri Poincaré, le BEM a pour mission principale de contribuer à la crédibilité de la dissuasion française en participant aux essais en vol de tir de missiles balistiques effectués par les sous-marins nucléaires lanceurs d'engins (SNLE). Mais le Monge sert également à la surveillance de l'espace. En liaison avec le CNES, qui exerce une veille spatiale permanente, le Monge est alerté quand un débris spatial risque de percuter un satellite d'intérêt national. Le Monge poursuit alors, avec ses grandes antennes, le débris et affine sa trajectoire de manière à ce que le CNES évalue le risque et au besoin prévient l'opérateur du satellite pour le déplacer. Le Monge est également activé lors de la retombée d'un objet spatial présentant un risque pour les populations. Cette mission est réalisée aussi bien en mer qu'à quai. C'est ainsi que le BEM a été activé par le Centre d'Orbitographie Opérationnelle (COO) du CNES pour poursuivre le satellite UARS, une mission qu'il a réalisé depuis sa base de Brest.


Un moyen unique et très précieux

Construit par les chantiers de Saint-Nazaire, le Monge est le plus grand bâtiment de la marine française après le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle. Long de 225.6 mètres pour une largeur de 24.8 mètres, le BEM affiche un déplacement de 21.040 tonnes à pleine charge. Capable d'atteindre la vitesse de 16 noeuds, il présente une autonomie considérable, soit 15.000 milles à 15 noeuds ou 23.000 milles à 9 noeuds (il peut rester 60 jours en opérations sans ravitaillement).

Pour mener à bien le suivi missiles balistiques lors des tirs d'essais et la poursuite des débris spatiaux, le navire, qui est unique en Europe, dispose d'imposants moyens. Ses superstructures supportent, notamment, trois radars de trajectographie et d'analyse (deux Armor de 47 tonnes chacun avec une antenne de 10 mètres de diamètre, ainsi qu'un Normandie de 62 tonnes avec antenne de 14 mètres de diamètre), six antennes de télémesure recueillant les données émises par les missiles, une station optique munie d'une tourelle optronique réalisant des observations dans le visible et l'infrarouge, une station météo/aérologie mesurant les caractéristiques aérologiques de la zone de rentrée, ainsi qu'une une station de télé-neutralisation permettant la destruction du missile le cas échéant. Le Monge est aussi équipé du système LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) doté de six lasers permettant de caractériser l'atmosphère (densité, température et humidité) jusqu'à 100 kilomètres d'altitude.

Armé par un équipage de 115 hommes et un groupement essais mesures composé de 78 personnels de la Marine nationale et de la Direction Générale de l'Armement, le Monge peut embarquer deux hélicoptères lourds et dispose d'un armement léger (canons de 20mm et mitrailleuses de 12.7mm).

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26 septembre 2011 1 26 /09 /septembre /2011 06:00


photo Radomil


September 24, 2011: STRATEGY PAGE


Poland has been replacing its Cold War era MiG-29s with F-16s. Currently Poland has 48 F-16s and 32 MiG-29s in service, and those remaining MiG-29s are in serious need of upgrading. There is not a lot of money available to upgrade aircraft. So as a compromise, 16 of the MiG-29s will undergo a basic upgrade. At a cost of about $3 million per aircraft, the MiGs will get new electronics, including jam-resistant GPS and fire control computers. The upgraded MiG-29s will remain in service until 2030, and will probably undergo another upgrade before that date. The second MiG-29 squadron, that did not get the upgrade, will probably be retired in the next five years.


Poland is in the midst of upgrading its forces. The defense budget went up 7.1 percent this year, to $8.9 billion. This will mark a decade of setting the defense budget at 1.95 percent of GDP. In that time, Poland has been spending heavily to bring its forces up to NATO standards, helped along by a robust economy. The upgrade was accomplished by spending more on procuring Western weapons and equipment (new and used) and cutting personnel strength and the use of conscription. Large quantities of Cold War era gear (most of Russian manufacture or design) was discarded or sold.


A decade ago, the military had 185,000 troops and depended a lot on conscripts who were in for only a year. Now troop strength is down to 100,000 and, as of last year, conscription is gone. Civilian defense employees were also cut. The personnel cuts, and over 70 base closings, saved over a billion dollars a year. Also useful was the retirement of old Soviet era equipment, which was very expensive to maintain. This was especially the case with Russian warplanes, like the MiG-29. That is one reason Poland is replacing most of them with F-16s. Newly obtained, second hand, Leopard 2A4 tanks provide Poland with a more powerful tank than anything the Russians have. Most Polish tanks are still Polish made upgrades of the T-72 (the PT-91). Most Polish forces are up to NATO standards, and all will be by the end of the decade. This is immensely reassuring to Poles, who have been threatened by their Russian neighbor for centuries.

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23 septembre 2011 5 23 /09 /septembre /2011 16:45



September 23, 2011 defpro.com


The U.S. Department of Defense announced today that it will return several facilities to the German government. These are: the Oberweis Annex warehouse; three communication sites at Pruem Air Station, Hahn Communication Station and ARFT radio relay station; Hochspeyer ammunition storage facility; and Bitburg Storage Annex No.2 (French Kaserne).


These closures are part of U.S. European Command’s continued effort to remove non-enduring sites, bases and installations from its real-property inventory.


There are no personnel changes associated with these facilities and their return will have no impact on U.S. Air Forces in Europe operations in Europe. The United States plans to return the facilities to the host nation now through 2015.


Cost savings per site are as follows:


• Oberweis Annex warehouse: approximately $1.24 million

• Pruem Air Station communication sites, Hahn Communication Station and ARFT radio relay station: approximately $560,000

• Hochspeyer ammunition storage facility: approximately $52,000

• Bitburg Storage Annex No.2 (French Kaserne): approximately $1.5 million


As with all stationing actions, the United States has coordinated with host-nation officials prior to this public announcement.

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23 septembre 2011 5 23 /09 /septembre /2011 16:30


File image: Guiana Space Center.


Sep 23, 2011 Los Angeles AFB CA (AFNS) SpaceWar.com


The U.S. Air Force Commercially Hosted Infrared Payload was successfully launched Wednesday from the Guiana Space Center, Kourou, French Guiana. CHIRP, a hosted payload aboard a commercial communications satellite, was carried into a geosynchronous orbit by an Ariane V rocket.


"We overcame many challenges on the way to [Wednesday's] launch," said Col. Scott Beidleman, Space and Missile Systems Center's Development Planning Director.


"This effort is unique because the CHIRP launch marks not only the first-ever commercially hosted payload for the Air Force, but also the first ever wide field-of-view infrared staring payload in space. I commend the CHIRP government and contractor teams for their dedication to mission success."


CHIRP is a technology maturation and risk reduction experiment to collect real-world data, investigate spacecraft-sensor interactions and sensor behavior in the space environment, explore operational issues relevant to these sensors, and evaluate long-term suitability of commercially hosted payloads.


CHIRP will first power on approximately 30 days after launch, with on-orbit experiments to follow.


CHIRP technology is applicable to missile warning/defense, technical intelligence, and battlespace awareness missions.


The CHIRP team is a government-industry collaboration led by the Air Force's Space and Missile System Center Development Planning Directorate. CHIRP is a pathfinder for both WFOV IR staring technologies and commercially hosted payloads.

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23 septembre 2011 5 23 /09 /septembre /2011 12:55



Hélicoptères Apache sur le HMS Illustrious

crédits : ROYAL NAVY


23/09/2011 MER et MARINE


Ancien porte-aéronefs transformé en porte-hélicoptères à l'issue d'une refonte de plus de 40 millions d'euros, le HMS Illustrious, après 18 mois de travaux à Rosyth, est en pleine phase de remontée en puissance. Cet été, le bâtiment a accueilli des Apache de l'Army Air Corps. Le HMS Illustrious se rôde ainsi à la mise en oeuvre d'hélicoptères de combat, préalable indispensable avant qu'il remplace, dans les prochains mois, le HMS Ocean. Ce porte-hélicoptères, actuellement déployé en Libye, où ses Apache interviennent contre les forces du colonel Kadhafi, doit en effet entrer prochainement en grand carénage.

Long de 209 mètres pour un déplacement de 22.000 tonnes en charge, le HMS Illustrious, dernier survivant des trois unités de la classe Invincible, est entré en service en 1982. Capable d'embarquer une grosse vingtaine d'hélicoptères, il doit naviguer jusqu'à la mise en service du nouveau porte-avions britannique, le HMS Queen Elisabeth, dont la livraison est prévue en 2016 (ce bâtiment servira uniquement de porte-hélicoptères, son sistership, livrable en 2020, étant équipé de catapultes pour la mise en oeuvre d'avions F-35 C).

Le HMS Illustrious lorsqu'il embarquait des Harrier (© : ROYAL NAVY)

Le HMS Illustrious, ici avec des hélicoptères Merlin (© : ROYAL NAVY)
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23 septembre 2011 5 23 /09 /septembre /2011 06:20





ATK of Minnesota has received a $37 million contract to provide lightweight 30mm ammunition to Britain's Ministry of Defense.


The order includes M788 TP target practice training rounds and the M789 High Explosive Dual Purpose tactical round. Both rounds will support Britain's fleet of AH-64 Apache Helicopters.


These two rounds make up ATK's family of LW30mm ammunition and were developed and fielded for the M230 automatic cannon and the AH-64 attack helicopter.


The M789 HEDP round provides the accuracy and armor penetration capabilities necessary to effectively defeat today's threats and the cost-effective, ballisticly matched M788 training rounds enable improved warfighter performance around the globe, the company said.


ATK said it has produced more than 14 million LW30mm rounds since 1977.


"Lightweight 30mm ammunition provides superior multi-role, multi-target defeat capabilities," said Dan Olson, vice president and general manager, ATK Integrated Weapons Systems.


"Our M789 rounds are currently in use supporting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we are proud to provide U.S. and allied forces worldwide with the medium-caliber munitions necessary to prevail in mission-critical scenarios."


ATK's Integrated Weapon Systems Division in Mesa, Ariz., was awarded the contract. Production of the LW30mm rounds will take place at the company's facilities in Rocket Center, W.Va., and Radford, Va.


Deliveries to Britain scheduled to begin early next year.

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22 septembre 2011 4 22 /09 /septembre /2011 16:50


source kongsberg.com


22/09/11 By Stephen Trimble SOURCE:Flight International


Norway's Kongsberg has warned that the country needs a commitment from the US government within six months to integrate a national-specific missile on the Lockheed Martin F-35, or it could withdraw from the programme.


So far, Norway has received no assurance that the Kongsberg joint strike missile (JSM) will be integrated as part of the Block 4 software update on the F-35 in 2019.


The absence of such a commitment could prompt the Norwegian parliament to reject an expected request early next year from the nation's defence ministry to buy the first four F-35s, in order to launch training activities in 2016.


"That is what I think is the critical issue [for the parliament's decision]", said Bjorne Bjune, Kongsberg vice president of business development, speaking at the Air Force Association's annual convention in Washington DC on 20 September. "That decision needs to be forthcoming."


Integrating the JSM as the Norwegian F-35's primary surface-to-air missile system killer is considered an absolute requirement by Oslo, Bjune said. Norway has already invested $1 billion to adapt the naval strike missile into the air-launched JSM, and is planning to spend a further $200 million.


Norway wants the US Department of Defense to spend $20 million to integrate the JSM on the F-35 Block 4, with Norway to contribute an equal amount.


Tom Burbage, Lockheed's executive vice president for the F-35, said that the JSM integration decision must be made by a committee of operational advisers to the F-35 joint programme office.


But Bjune said that the committee's decision-making process will be too slow to support the Norwegian parliament's vote next year.


Kongsberg and the Norwegian government want the office of the US secretary of defence to commit to the JSM integration, ahead of the committee's process.


If the missile is approved, Kongsberg plans to launch flight tests of the JSM in 2015 and 2016, Bjune added.

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22 septembre 2011 4 22 /09 /septembre /2011 11:50



22 septembre 2011 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Les pilotes français effectuant des missions d’attaque en Libye contre les troupes pro-Kadhafi n’utilisent pas les images précises et les renseignements fournis par les avions américains de intelligence surveillance, selon des déclarations faites mercredi par des pilotes français participant à ces sorties.


Depuis le premier jour des frappes aériennes en Libye, les pilotes français cherchent à identifier positivement sur « qui ou quoi » ils tirent, a expliqué un pilote français devant des industriels et des pilotes assistant à une conférence à Londres. « Le pilote dans son cockpit est entièrement seul ».


Lorsqu’on lui a demandé pourquoi les forces françaises ne profitaient par des images fournies par les moyens aériens de surveillance (drones et avions), les pilotes ont répondu que cela prenaient trop de temps pour se coordonner avec le commandement de l’OTAN du Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC), en Italie du Nord. Les pilotes préfèrent s’appuyer sur leur propre pod de reconnaissance. Les pilotes ont aussi indiqué qu’ils n’utilisaient pas les images des drone Predator pour identifier leur cible, expliquant qu’il fallait trop de temps pour que ce type d’images soit autorisée par le CAOC.


Les pilotes français ont aussi indiqué qu’ils préféraient l’imagerie de leurs propres pods parce qu’il y avait des matrices intégrées de ciblage. En général, ils envoient un avion de reconnaissance, prennent les photos, identifient les cibles et envoient un avion attaquer la cible, le tout en moins de 5 heures.


Les pilotes français ont insisté sur l’inquiétude permanente d’éviter des frappes aériennes sur des civils et ont dit la difficulté d’identifier positivement les cibles au sol sans l’aide de contrôleurs au sol expérimentés. Aucun pays de l’OTAN n’a engagé de troupes au sol en Libye.


Le département américain de la défense a refusé de faire des commentaires sur les déclarations des pilotes de la marine nationale ou sur les frappes aériennes françaises en Libye.


Ces déclarations sont en totale contradiction avec celles faites par le général Stéphane Abrial, qui avait déclaré que « Nous n’aurions pas pu atteindre un tel niveau d’efficacité en Libye sans la participation importante des Etats-Unis. » Le général a précisé que cela s’appliquait en particulier à l’identification des cibles.


Référence : AOL (Etats-Unis)

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22 septembre 2011 4 22 /09 /septembre /2011 06:35



21/09/2011 Armée de l’air


Du 1er au 22 septembre 2011,  40 aviateurs participent à l ’exercice "Bold Quest", organisé à camp  Lejeune, sur une base des Marines, aux États-Unis.


" Bold Quest"  est un exercice annuel axé sur la mise en service opérationnelle et l’interopérabilité des outils d’identification des combattants débarqués dans le but d’éviter les tirs fratricides, appelée Blue Force Traking selon les normes de l’Otan. Ainsi, l’intérêt pour les spécialistes de l’appui aérien est de s’entraîner dans un cadre interallié. En plus des États-Unis et de la France, onze autres pays y prennent part, à l’instar du Canada, de l’Allemagne, de la Norvège ou encore de l’Italie.


Parmi les aviateurs mobilisés, les commandos parachutistes de l’air (CPA n°10) ont acheminé avec eux deux véhicules P4. À partir de scénarios opérationnels réalistes, ils sont en mesure de travailler l’identification air-sol. Au cours des missions de Close Air Support  (CAS – appui aérien rapproché), les aviateurs mettent en pratique des moyens spécifiquement dédiés à la désignation laser.



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21 septembre 2011 3 21 /09 /septembre /2011 06:10


photo baesystems.com


ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 20 (UPI)


BAE Systems received a $9 million contract from the U.S. Army to produce and deliver nine second-generation International Light Armored Vehicles.


The ILAV is a 4x4 v-shaped hull, mine-protected vehicle used in several countries to fulfill a variety of roles.


Under the foreign military sales contract, BAE Systems will provide six ILAV Explosive Ordnance Disposal variants and three ILAV Interrogator Arm variants. The company will also supply repair parts for the fleet of Interrogator Arm variants.


The name of the country to receive the vehicles wasn't disclosed.


BAE said work on the contract began in August and is anticipated to be complete next May. A significant portion of the work will be performed by Force Protection Industries Inc. and Spartan Chassis. Work will also be performed at BAE Systems' facilities in Aiken, S.C., and York, Pa.


Since 2006, more than 700 ILAVs have been produced and delivered to the United States and foreign allies.

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20 septembre 2011 2 20 /09 /septembre /2011 17:40



September 20, 2011 SHEPARD GROUP Source: Saab


Defence and security company Saab and its American subsidiary Saab Sensis Corporation has been awarded contracts for supply of the multi-role naval surveillance radar Sea Giraffe AMB as part of the US Navy's Littoral Combat Ship Program.


Saab Sensis manages the US Baseline of Sea Giraffe AMB and will provide US based program management hardware and software adaptations, system integration, testing, and total lifecycle support to General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems in support of the LCS program.


As the platform system engineering agent, General Dynamics is responsible for the design, integration and testing of the ship's combat and seaframe control systems. The General Dynamics combat and seaframe control systems are based on an open architecture computing infrastructure, known as OPEN CI.


"This is an important break-through for our naval radar system in the US and we are very proud to have been selected to be part of the LCS team. The selection of Saab to provide our Sea Giraffe AMB to the newest and most modern ships in service with the US Navy is a testament to the capabilities of our system as well as Saab as a radar supplier," says Micael Johansson, Senior Vice President and Head of Saab's business area Electronic Defence Systems.


The Sea Giraffe AMB (Agile Multi-Beam) 3D naval surveillance radar provides medium-range, multi-mission capability including 3D surveillance of simultaneous air and surface targets and weapons. The Sea Giraffe also provides the proven, mature capabilities for periscope detection and splash spotting. Advanced signal processing allows the system to repeatedly demonstrate highly reliable detection of very small targets such as sea skimmers, anti-ship and anti-radiation missiles, small UAVs, mortars and swarming small craft.


The system is suitable for all typical naval environments including littoral and blue-water operations. Current Sea Giraffe customers include the Swedish, Polish, Canadian, Australian, and United Arab Emirates navies, among others.

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20 septembre 2011 2 20 /09 /septembre /2011 17:00



September 20th, 2011 MDAA


An SM-3 missile is launched from a U.S. Navy Aegis-class destroyer. Raytheon has ambitions to sell SM-3s to European countries for ballistic missile defense. (Photo: Raytheon)


Raytheon has proposed that 10 European warships be equipped with the company’s standard SM-3 missile, so that the burden of providing a missile defense shield over Europe can be shared more equally among the NATO countries. The alliance has crafted a Phased Adaptive Approach (PAA) to extending the shield, so that it covers the entire European continent. But the U.S. is providing the only system that can currently perform the exo-atmospheric interception of incoming missiles required to defend an entire region. That system is the Aegis onboard U.S. Navy warships, which fires the SM-3 Block 1A.


Wes Kramer, vice president for air and missile defense, said that Raytheon had invested its own funds over the past 18 months to add an X-band datalink to the SM-3’s existing S-band datalink. This enables guidance of the SM-3 by the Smart-L or Active Phased Array Radars (APARs) carried by the 10 European warships–three German F124 frigates, three Danish patrol vessels and four Dutch ADCF frigates.


The SM-3 missile fits in the Mk41 launchers that are carried by all these warships, Kramer said. He noted that a further 15 European warships are capable of ballistic missile defense. They are the five Spanish Aegis destroyers, six British Type 45 destroyers, and four Horizon-class frigates operated by France and Italy (two each). European missile house MBDA has ambitions to equip at least the Horizon and Type 45 warships with a ballistic missile defense capability, by adapting the Aster missiles that they already carry.


Kramer said that the SM-3 is the most widely tested exo-atmospheric kill vehicle, despite a recent failed flight of the latest Block 1B. This version is slated for ground-based deployment in Romania from 2015 in the second phase of the PAA. The company has invested in a new factory at Huntsville that can produce up to eight SM-3s per month. Kramer said that in addition to Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Spain, Australia and Korea are also interested in acquiring the SM-3.


SOURCE: Aviation International News

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20 septembre 2011 2 20 /09 /septembre /2011 16:45

European Defence Agency


September 19, 2011 By Ben Birnbaum - The Washington Times


Then-Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates‘ recent appeal for Europe to shoulder more of the West’s defense burden was an important “wake-up call” for European nations, as they weigh draconian defense-budget cuts, the chief of the European Defense Agency said Monday.


Claude-France Arnould told The Washington Times that “everything was correct” in Mr. Gates‘ June speech.


Original article

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20 septembre 2011 2 20 /09 /septembre /2011 12:15


BAE Systems Hawk AJTS – photo BAE Systems


20 septembre 2011 par Nicolas Perron / aeroweb-fr.net

L’entreprise britannique BAE Systems s’est allié à l’américaine Northrop Grumman pour l’appel d’offre T-X de l’USAF visant à remplacer les 450 appareils d’entraînement T-38 Talon.

BAE agira à titre de maître d’œuvre et Northrop Grumman comme partenaire de fabrication. L’appareil proposé sera le Hawk AJTS (Advanced Jet Training System). Évidemment, afin de rencontrer les demandes du gouvernement américain, les avions seront assemblés aux États-Unis à un endroit qui n’a pas été annoncé.


«La vaste expérience de Northrop Grumman en tant que fabricant du T-38 Talon couplée à notre expertise de formation fera du Hawk AJTS - déjà une offre formidable – un candidat des plus compétitif dans ce marché », a déclaré Larry Prior, vice-président exécutif de BAE Systems. 


« L’équipe BAE Systems/Northrop-Grumman appliquera son expertise tirées de décennies de formation d’équipages et de fabrication aérospatiale à ce projet, permettant à l’USAF de réussir dans leurs missions essentielles », a déclaré Thomas E. Vice, vice-président de Northrop Grumman. Il a ajouté: « Nous sommes dans cette compétition pour gagner ».

Northrop T-38 Talonhttp://www.aeroweb-fr.net/medias/bae-systems-hawk-ajts-1


Plus de 900 BAE Hawk ont été vendu depuis l’introduction de l’appareil en 1976. 18 clients utilisent le Hawk tel que le Canada, la US Navy, le Royaume-Uni et l’Australie.


Au moins trois autres candidats potentiels ont démontrés leur intérêt pour cette appel d’offre : le duo Lockheed Martin et Korean Aerospace Industrie avec le T-50, Alenia Aeronautica, qui recherche un partenaire américain, avec son M-346 et finalement Boeing, qui a montré de l’intérêt pour développer un tout nouvel appareil sans toutefois annoncé quoi que ce soit d’officiel.


À terme, l’USAF pourrait commander jusqu’à 350 exemplaires du nouvel appareil d’entraînement sélectionné.


Voici les spécifications du BAE Hawk AJTS :

  • Équipage : 1 élève et 1 instructeur
  • Longueur : 12,43 m
  • Envergure : 9,94 m
  • Hauteur : 3,98 m
  • Poids à vide : 4480 kg
  • Charge utile : 3000 kg
  • Poids maximal au décollage : 9100 kg
  • Motorisation : 1 x Rolls-Royce Adour Mk 951 de 6500 lb de poussée
  • Vitesse maximale : Mach 0,84 (1028 km/h)
  • Autonomie : 1360 nm (2520 km)
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19 septembre 2011 1 19 /09 /septembre /2011 18:30


photo BAE Systems


19 Sep 2011 | Ref. 185/2011 BAE Systems, Inc


ARLINGTON, Virginia — BAE Systems, Inc. and Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) today announced an exclusive strategic partnership to compete in the U.S. Air Force’s “T-X” program for the replacement of the aging T-38 trainer with BAE Systems’ Hawk Advanced Jet Training System (AJTS).  BAE Systems, Inc. will prime this pursuit and Northrop Grumman will serve as the manufacturing partner for the new Hawk aircraft.


BAE Systems, Inc. and Northrop Grumman plan to offer the Hawk  AJTS, uniquely tailored to meet the needs of the U.S. Air Force, manufactured in the United States, with the involvement of a strong U.S. supply chain.


“Northrop Grumman’s extensive background as the original equipment manufacturer of the T-38 Talon coupled with the company’s training expertise will make the Hawk AJTS – already a formidable offering – that much more competitive in this procurement,” said Larry Prior, Executive Vice President, Service Sectors, BAE Systems, Inc.  “We are delighted to have Northrop Grumman as our partner.”


“The BAE Systems-Northrop Grumman team will apply its expertise and lessons learned from decades of aircrew training and aerospace manufacturing to this project, enabling the U.S. Air Force to succeed in every possible way in their critical missions," said Thomas E. Vice, corporate vice president and president of Northrop Grumman Technical Services. He added: “We are in this competition to win.”


The Hawk AJTS effectively integrates live and synthetic air and ground based elements to successfully train pilots for 5th generation fighters such as the F-35 Lightning II and the F-22 Raptor. It is the world’s only fully-integrated off-the-shelf system in service today, ready now to train U.S. Air Force combat pilots.


More than just an aircraft, the Hawk AJTS teaches student pilots how to address the critical flow of information, learn to interpret it correctly and make the right decisions to maintain operational advantage. This proven, low-cost, low-risk 5th generation training system consists of three critical components to provide cost-effective training to prepare fighter and bomber pilots:



• A flexible, adaptable Enterprise Learning Architecture (ELA);


• A Ground Based Training System (GBTS) that delivers the right skills through a blended live/virtual environment; and


• A proven aircraft that can adapt, evolve and deliver the live element of training to meet end-user requirements by cost-effectively emulating front line platforms with no new maintenance skills.


Over 900 Hawk aircraft have been sold or are on order to date, and the aircraft is currently helping produce highly trained pilots all around the world. The Hawk is the future lead-in trainer for the F-35 for the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps, the UK, Canada, and Australia. With 18 customers worldwide, the Hawk aircraft has active production lines around the world.  USAF Hawks will be built in the United States.

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19 septembre 2011 1 19 /09 /septembre /2011 17:45


source Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria


September 19, 2011 defpro.com


"For the first time Bulgaria has hosted Multinational Special Operations Forces Exercise in which participate European NATO member states and partner states," said Bulgarian Defence Minister Anu Anguelov after the demonstrations on the VIP day of the Jackal Stone 2011 Multinational Special Operations Forces Exercise at Novo Selo training range.


The exercise takes place in the period September 6th – 30th on the territories of three states – Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine simultaneously and is coordinated by U.S. Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR).


"The exercise allows us to enhance interaction and improve the results of the units' preparation," emphasized Minister Anguelov.


The performance of the Bulgarian Special Forces was commended by Mr. Boyko Borisov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria who followed the demonstrations together with Minister Anguelov and H.E. James Warlick, Ambassador of the USA to Bulgaria.


Pursuant to the scenario, the joint Bulgarian-American groups apprehended weapons trafficker and a leader of a terrorist organization. They demonstrated activities on seizing and search of a building, taking biometric data for individual identification and blockage of moving motorcade.

The Special Forces performed "fast rope" airborne landing from Air Force Cougar helicopters where the aircraft hovered in close proximity to the target. The helicopters enabled the troops from air and demonstrated medical evacuation of a wounded in the course of action personnel.


The Exercise was also attended by Mr. Dobroslav Dimitrov, Chair of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Policy and Defence, Mrs. Avgustina Tsvetkova, Deputy Minister of Defence, Vice Admiral Minko Kavaldzhiev, Deputy Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Atanas Samandov, Commander of Joint Force Command, Major General Michael S. Repass, Commander of SOCEUR, Army and Air Force Commanders Major General Stefan Vasilev and Major General Konstantin Popov, General Plamen Lilov, Commander of 68 Special Forces Brigade, Mr. Marin Kavrakov and Mrs. Tanya Dimitrova, Sliven and Yambol District Governors, defence attaches, representatives of municipalities, etc.


For the first time Bulgarian military units have participated in the Joint Jackal Stone 2011 Multinational Special Operations Forces Exercise. Jackal Stone Exercise takes place in the period September 6th – 30th on the territories of three states – Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine simultaneously. More than 1500 Special Operations Forces troops from nine states – Bulgaria, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, the USA, Croatia, Ukraine and Hungary take part in it. Jackal Stone-2011 is coordinated by U.S. Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR). Chief of the Multinational Joint Special Operations Forces Component Command HQ is Colonel Yavor Mateev, head of the Bulgarian MoD "Joint Facilities" department.

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19 septembre 2011 1 19 /09 /septembre /2011 17:40


BAE Systems’ International Light Armored Vehicle


19 Sep 2011 | Ref. 186/2011 BAE Systems


ARLINGTON, Virginia – BAE Systems recently received a $9 million contract from U.S. Army TACOM to produce and deliver nine 2nd generation International Light Armored Vehicles (ILAV).  The ILAV is a 4x4 v-shaped hull, mine protected vehicle used in several countries to fulfill a variety of roles.


Under this foreign military sales contract, BAE Systems will provide six ILAV Explosive Ordnance Disposal variants and three ILAV Interrogator Arm variants.  The company will also supply repair parts for the fleet of Interrogator Arm variants.


Work on this contract began in August and is anticipated to be complete in May 2012.  A significant portion of the work will be performed by Force Protection Industries, Inc. and Spartan Chassis.  Work will also be performed at BAE Systems’ facilities in Aiken, S.C. and York, Pa.


Since 2006, more than 700 ILAVs have been produced and delivered to U.S. and foreign allies.  The ILAV has five variants which include: International Light Armored Vehicle (base vehicle), Interrogator Arm, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Joint Surrogate Vehicle and MRAP Training.

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19 septembre 2011 1 19 /09 /septembre /2011 11:45


U.S. Defense Department's first F-35 Lightning II arrives at Eglin AFB.

(Photo: U.S. Air Force, Samuel King Jr)


September 19, 2011 defpro.com

(Unofficial translation of the Norwegian press release by defense-aerospace.com)


OSLO | The difficult economic situation in the United States makes this autumn's budget deliberations closely monitored from the Norwegian side. The House of Representatives has recently finalized the budget for 2012 and sent the proposal to the Senate. So far, there have not been any major cuts in the proposal for next year's defense budget, but one cannot ignore the fact that the budget process in the Senate, which is now ongoing, may result in the F-35 program being affected.


“From the Norwegian side, the ongoing budget process in the United States is followed continuously. Considering the financial situation in which the United States now finds itself, it is important to note that there may also be adjustments in programs that affect us,” says State Secretary of Defence Roger Ingebrigtsen.


“We are therefore in constant contact and dialogue with U.S. authorities at different levels, so we should be well informed. For the four training aircraft whose acquisition was decided in the spring, we have taken into account a possible adjustment of the purchasing and production plans in our uncertainty analysis,” continues Ingebrigtsen.


During the ongoing budget process in the Senate, it appears that one of the committees has proposed reducing funding for the F-35 program. The proposal means that the planned increase in production rate of F-35 will be postponed by two years.


This proposal from the committee is now being taken forward in the budget process and the final decision must be awaited before we know what the 2012 budget for F-35 is.


A decision in line with this proposal could result in a shift of the U.S. procurement plans.


The Norwegian F-35 program has been prepared for such delays, and they also have been taken into account in our cost calculations. But only when the budget is finalized, it can a thorough analysis be done of what a possible shift of the U.S. procurement plan entails. Such analysis is routinely performed by the Norwegian F-35 program when any such changes occur.


The Ministry's analysis of the situation in the United States suggests that there is strong political and military support for the F-35 program. Statements from senior politicians in Congress confirms this, and that the administration and military leaders have repeatedly stated that there are no alternatives to the F-35.


The Defense Ministry continues to follow developments in the budget process in the U.S. and looks continuously at the consequences that a possible cut in the F-35 program from the American side can have for Norwegian participation in the program.


However, there is still considerable uncertainty around the finalization of the U.S. budget and where any cuts are going to be taken.

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19 septembre 2011 1 19 /09 /septembre /2011 06:35


A Polish MiG-29 in company with a USAF F-16

photo US Air Force.


September 18, 2011. David Pugliese- Defence Watch


The Polish government recently signed a contract to modernize 16 of its MiG-29 fighter jets, according to Defense News.  The deal with Polish defence firm Wojskowe Zaklady Lotnicze 2 (WZL2) will upgrade 13 single-seat fighters and three MiG-29UB-12 training variants at a cost of $44.5 million. The upgrades will centre on new avionics, mission computers, data bus systems and GPS modules which will make the Polish Air Force’s MiG-29s more interoperable with its fleet of F-16s, according to DN. WZL2 said it would source the actual systems from U.S. companies, but did not name them specifically.

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19 septembre 2011 1 19 /09 /septembre /2011 05:35



18 Sep 2011 DefenseNews AFP


BUCHAREST - Romania cannot afford to purchase second-hand F-16 combat aircraft unless granted a long-term financing plan, Romanian president Traian Basescu said on Sept. 18.


"We have no money and we cannot commit ourselves to such a contract without a long-term financing scheme," Basescu said during an interview on private TV channel ProTV.


"There is no pressure from the U.S. to buy aircraft, but on joining NATO we committed ourselves to equipping the armed forces with 48 fighter jets compatible with the Alliance's," he added.


Romania had announced in March 2010 its decision to purchase 24 F-16 aircraft currently used by the U.S. air forces, at a cost of 1.3 billion dollars(1.1 billion euros), in order to replace its ageing, Soviet-made MiG Lancerjets.


The announcement triggered criticism from European groups Eurofighter and Saab, which stressed authorities should have issued a call for tenders. But a few months later, struggling with a deep economic crisis, the government announced it would not be able to finance the buy in 2010.


The American ambassador to Romania, Mark Gitenstein, this week said that a regional plan involving the purchase of new F-16 also by Croatia and Bulgaria was "in the works" in order to reduce costs. Maybe even the Hungarians and the Czechs might be interested, he said.


"Then you have a flow of orders that makes it easier to keep the assembly line open and reduces the cost per airplane," he said.

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18 septembre 2011 7 18 /09 /septembre /2011 17:55



Sept 14, 2011 Spacewar.com - (AFP)


Washington - A senior US State Department official on Wednesday hailed NATO's air strike campaign in Libya as a "model" for future cooperation between European members of the military alliance and the US.


The operation in Libya was "in many ways a model on how the United States can lead the way that allows allies to support," Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Philip Gordon said at an event in Washington.


"What is new about Libya is the approach that the United States would do an initial phase that only the United States could do, and then that Europeans were playing a leading role in certain aspects," he said.


Britain and France spearheaded the air war to protect civilians from Moamer Kadhafi's forces in Libya, launching the first salvos under a coalition led by the United States on March 19.


But with the United States bogged down in Afghanistan, US President Barack Obama handed command of Libya operations to NATO on March 31.


At the outset, Obama called on NATO to take action and deployed "very unique capabilities no one else could deploy," Gordon said.


"Once the United States had done its job by suppressing the air defences in Libya, we saw the strike missions carried out in the lead by other allies," he said -- evidence that "it is possible to successfully conduct a NATO operation" without the US taking center stage.

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18 septembre 2011 7 18 /09 /septembre /2011 17:20


source FlightGlobal


September 16, 2011 Tony Osborne, SHEPARD GROUP


London - Lockheed Martin has revealed a possible solution to an expected Royal Navy requirement for helicopter-based airborne early warning system for its future aircraft carriers.


Currently the Fleet Air Arm operates a fleet of Sea King ASaC7 helicopters equipped with the Thales Searchwater radar system which provides airborne early warning and also an element of GMTI capability which has proved extremely useful for the coalition forces in Afghanistan. The aircraft have also recently been heavily tasked on Operation Ellamy in support of NATO operations in Libya.


Because the Sea King expected to exit service in 2016, before the new Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft is operational, work is underway to find a new methods of delivering helicopter-borne early warning capability.


Lockheed Martin are proposing a podded system which could be fitted onto the side of a Merlin helicopter. Inside the pod is a active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar which could be integrated into the mission consoles in the back of the upgraded Merlin Mk2 - work which is currently being undertaken by Lockheed Martin under the Merlin Capability Sustainment Programme (MCSP). Lockheed Martin says the benefits of the system include a 'low cost ownership as dedicated aircraft are not required.'


The pod also includes ESM sensors and the pods are expected to weigh around 280 kg. It's not clear how many pods would be fitted as a standard mission fit, but one pod on each side of the aircraft would give the radar operators 360 degrees of coverage.


AgustaWestland and Thales have also suggested using the Merlin as an AEW platform but this would require dedicated Merlins for the task, as the idea involves transferring the Searchwater radars and associated electronics out of the Sea King and into the Merlin with the radar retracting down under the tail boom where the rear ramp would be.

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18 septembre 2011 7 18 /09 /septembre /2011 12:15



SAMLESBURY, England, Sept. 16 (UPI)


A titanium manufacturing machine that brings new precision in the making of components for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has been introduced by BAE Systems-UK.


The machine, known as a StarragHeckert BTP5000, is able to produce titanium components more than 3 yards long to tolerances that equate to one-third the thickness of a human hair.


The components are used in the manufacture of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the rear section of which is built at Samlesbury, England, by BAE Systems before shipment to Lockheed Martin in the United States.


The precise tolerances delivered by the new machine ensure that the outer shape of the F-35 matches exacting standards needed to manufacture an aircraft that meets required stealth capability.


The machine features twin spindles and is capable of machining two parts at the same time. At peak rate production, aircraft sets will be produced at a rate of one a day.


The initial concept for the machine came from a discussion between BAE Systems and StarragHeckert machine tools, BAE Systems said.

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