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9 février 2015 1 09 /02 /février /2015 08:35
Le porte-avions chinois "Liaoning" pourrait bientôt avoir un frère jumeau

Le porte-avions chinois "Liaoning" pourrait bientôt avoir un frère jumeau


03/02/2015 Sébastien Falletti correspondant en Asie - Le Point.fr


La bourde d'un élu local de Changzhou a confirmé ce que craignaient les États-Unis : la Chine a bien entrepris la construction d'un second navire de guerre.


Même dans l'empire rouge, les secrets d'État peinent à rester sous le boisseau. L'espace de quelques heures, une entreprise de la province du Jiangsu a éventé un secret de Polichinelle, emporté par la ferveur d'une campagne d'autopromotion. "Shangshang Cable Group, le leader dans son domaine en Chine et numéro dix mondial, a remporté avec succès un appel d'offres pour le deuxième porte-avions chinois", a claironné samedi le site officiel de la ville de Changzhou, sur son site Weibo, le Twitter chinois. Un nouveau succès du "made in Changzhou", immédiatement repris par le journal local du soir, dithyrambique. "En Chine, les médias locaux ont pour mission de promouvoir les gouvernements provinciaux", explique au Point.fr une journaliste, sous le couvert de l'anonymat. Problème, ce projet de porte-aéronefs est nié en bloc par l'Armée populaire de libération (APL). Branle-bas de combat, en quelques heures, le post mettant en cause la sécurité nationale est effacé à la demande express des militaires.

Trop tard ! La presse internationale et nationale relaye l'information. Cette nouvelle indiscrétion confirme les soupçons des services de renseignements occidentaux. La Chine a bien mis en chantier, sans doute à Dalian, un frère jumeau du Liaoning, son seul porte-avions en opération depuis 2012. En réalité, le mystérieux navire, dont la construction pourrait durer six ans, sera le premier véritable porte-aéronefs conçu et fabriqué par l'empire du Milieu. Car le Liaoning est d'origine soviétique et sa carcasse fut vendue par l'Ukraine en 1998 à Pékin, qui l'a remis à niveau. Symbole spectaculaire des nouvelles ambitions maritimes chinoises face aux États-Unis, le mastodonte de 60 000 tonnes est en fait avant tout un navire d'entraînement pour familiariser les marins chinois à la guerre en haute mer, jugent les experts.


"Combat du siècle"


Puissance continentale avant tout, la deuxième économie mondiale met les bouchées doubles pour tenter de combler son retard au large. En effet, sa marine "n'est pas à la hauteur de sa puissance économique", juge le quotidien nationaliste Global Times, justifiant ce nouvel investissement. Elle traîne derrière celle du Royaume-Uni ou même de l'Inde, qui sont dotés chacun de deux porte-aéronefs, souligne le journal proche du parti.

L'APL compte se doter non pas de deux mais de quatre porte-avions à terme, a laissé entendre Wang Min, le chef du parti de la province du Liaoning, l'an passé. Des affirmations jamais confirmées par le régime, mais qui nourrissent l'inquiétude des États-Unis, qui dénoncent "l'opacité" de la croissance à deux chiffres du budget militaire chinois. Avec en ligne de mire les îles Senkaku, contrôlées par le Japon et réclamées par la Chine sous le nom de Diaoyu. Ainsi que les îles Spratly, en mer de Chine du Sud, disputées par plusieurs pays d'Asie du Sud-Est, soutenus en sous-main par Washington. Pourtant, l'US Navy peut voir venir, puisqu'elle peut aligner officiellement dix porte-avions sans compter une nouvelle classe "America" de navires d'assaut "amphibies" capables d'embarquer des chasseurs de combat. Avec un budget militaire toujours trois fois plus lourd que celui de Pékin, selon le Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri), le Pentagone a de la marge pour préparer le "combat du siècle" dans le Pacifique.

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8 février 2015 7 08 /02 /février /2015 20:35
La marine chinoise devrait à terme compter quatre porte-avions


03.02.2015 Source: le Quotidien du Peuple en ligne


Selon un communiqué publié le 31 janvier par le gouvernement municipal de Changzhou sur son microblog, une entreprise de câblage électrique de la ville a remporté l'appel d'offre pour l'équipement d'un deuxième porte-avions. Cao Weidong, expert militaire, a déclaré lors d'une interview avec CCTV, que dans l'avenir la Chine devrait posséder quatre porte-avions effectuant des tâches en alternance, et dont le déplacement approprié se situe entre 60 000 et 80 000 tonnes, la marine chinoise n'ayant pas besoin de construire des navires de 100 000 tonnes ou plus comme les États-Unis.


Le message, publié le 31 au matin par le Bureau d'information du gouvernement populaire municipal de Changzhou sur son compte officiel Weibo, a présenté les perspectives industrielles de Changzhou en 2015, signalant qu'une entreprise locale de câblage électrique a été retenue pour l'équipement d'un deuxième porte-avions. Plus tard dans la journée, le journal « Changzhou Evening News » a également publié un article intitulé « avions, trains à grande vitesse, porte-avions, le ‘Made in Changzhou est partout' ». Cependant, le 1er février, quand on consultait à nouveau le compte Weibo de la municipalité de Changzhou, on pouvait constater que le communiqué publié la veille avait été supprimé. De même, sur la version électronique du « Changzhou Evening News » publiée le 31 janvier, l'article en question évoquant le porte-avions n'était plus consultable.


Le développement militaire de la Chine, en particulier la construction de porte-avions a toujours été un sujet extrêmement sensible pour les médias étrangers, qui n'ont naturellement pas manqué d'être attirés par ce message, qui a immédiatement été interprété comme la première fois qu'un organisme officiel chinois diffuse la nouvelle de la construction d'un deuxième porte-avions. Pour l'heure, cependant, le Ministère chinois de la défense, la marine chinoise et les autres ministères n'ont apporté aucune réponse à ce message ni fait de commentaires.


À l'heure actuelle, le Liaoning, le seul porte-avions chinois, est en service depuis plus de deux ans. Depuis septembre 2012, le Liaoning a procédé à toute une série d'expériences scientifiques et de missions d'entrainement, parvenant à des percées majeures. En mai 2013, la première unité aérienne sur porte-avions de la marine chinoise a été officiellement constituée, et elle a accompli à la fin de la même année les premiers exercices conjoints d'un groupe de combat aéronaval. Et en 2014, le Liaoning est revenu à son port d'attache, Dalian, pour y subir une période de révision de quatre mois.


Certains médias estiment qu'au plan international, l'utilisation de porte-avions obéit généralement au principe des « trois tiers » : « une mission, un entrainement, une réparation ». Pour un grand pays comme la Chine, un seul porte-avions n'est absolument pas suffisant. Les responsables chinois ne se sont jamais exprimés sur un deuxième porte-avions, mais le 29 août 2013, Yang Yujun, porte-parole du Ministère de la défense, a déclaré lors d'une conférence de presse régulière du ministère que si le Liaoning est le premier porte-avions de la marine chinoise, il ne sera absolument pas le seul.


D'après Cao Weidong, dans la poursuite par la Chine d'une politique de défense nationale défensive, la construction de quatre porte-avions semble la plus appropriée. Du fait que généralement les porte-avions respectent la trilogie entrainement, maintenance et missions, un chiffre de quatre porte-avions, deux affectés au Sud, deux au Nord, alternant les tâches, peut permettre d'assurer une meilleure rotation. De même, le déplacement de ce genre de navire est d'une extrême importance pour assurer ses capacités de combat ; des porte-avions de 60 000 tonnes peuvent transporter de 30 à 40 avions de combat, tandis que ceux de 100 000 tonnes ou peuvent en recevoir de 70 à 80. Du point de vue des besoins actuels de la marine chinoise, la construction de bâtiments de 60 000 à 80 000 tonnes est la plus appropriée. Il n'y a nul besoin de construire des porte-avions de 100 000 tonnes ou plus comme les États-Unis.

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4 février 2015 3 04 /02 /février /2015 12:35
Air Defense: China Gets The Russian Long Arm


January 24, 2015: Strategy Page


Russia recently revealed that it had sold China six battalions of its new S-400 anti-aircraft missile system. Each battalion will cost $500 million and includes training as well as spare parts and additional missiles. Each S-400 battalion has eight launchers, each with two missiles, plus a control center and radar and 16 missiles available as reloads. All equipment is mobile. S-400 is also known as the S-300PMU-3, SA-21 or Triumf and was renamed S-400 because it turned out to be far more than just another upgrade of the S-300 and was considered sufficiently different to warrant a name upgrade. Russia deployed its first S-400 battalion in 2010, around Moscow.


The S-400 is similar to the U.S. Patriot and pays particular attention to electronic countermeasures that the Americans might have, or be developing. The missiles are also physically larger and have longer range as well as being very expensive. Russia began seeking export sales in 2011. The S-400 missiles weigh 1.8 tons each and are 8.4 meters (26 feet) long and about 50cm (20 inches) in diameter. The missiles have a range of some 400 kilometers, and can hit targets as high as 31,000 meters (100,000 feet). The missile has a 145.5 kg (320 pound) warhead. The target acquisition radar has a range of 700 kilometers. The missiles are built to last for 15 years before needing refurbishment.


The S-400 has over twice the range of the U.S. Patriot, weighs twice as much and claims the ability to detect stealthy aircraft. The S-400 also has an anti-missile capability, which is limited to shorter range (3,500 kilometers) ballistic missiles that are within 60 kilometers of an S-400 launcher. That would mean a warhead coming in at about 5,000 meters a second (the longer the range of a ballistic missile, the higher its re-entry speed.)


The S-400 system actually has two types of missiles, one of them being smaller, with a shorter range (120 kilometers). These are deployed four to a launcher, like all other S-300 systems. The larger missile actually has two versions, one with a range of 250 kilometers and a more expensive one with a range of 400 kilometers. The S-400 has no combat experience, but U.S. intelligence believes that the tests these systems have undergone indicate it is a capable air defense weapon. Just how capable won't be known until it actually gets used in combat.


Russia plans to buy up to 200 launchers (each with two or four missiles) by 2015, and phase out the older S-300 and S-200 systems. This would mean deploying at least 18 battalions by 2017 and 56 by 2020 (or organized into 28 battalions containing two battalions each).  China plans to deploy its first S-400 battalion opposite Taiwan. That one battalion can cover all Taiwanese air space. The next battalions will be deployed to deal with Japan, South Korea and Vietnam.

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4 février 2015 3 04 /02 /février /2015 12:35
Information Warfare: China Preps For Cybergeddon


January 21, 2015: Strategy Page


An American government official, Xiafen Chen, was arrested in October and charged with supplying China with classified data about American dams. This is part of a Chinese effort to collect detailed data on American infrastructure and other economic targets to support preparations for Internet based attacks on these facilities in wartime, or anytime. Xiafen Chen and her husband moved to the U.S. from China in 1992 and later became American citizens. The FBI found emails in which Xiafen Chen discusses the data she took from U.S. government databases and passed to senior Chinese officials.


The U.S. government has been aware of this Internet threat for over a decade and has been trying to develop a way to respond to a serious Cyber War attack, one in which the attacker does not reveal who they are. The data the Chinese received from Xiafen Chen could be used for such an attack.


Back in 2010 American officials created lists of the types of kind of attacks that would qualify as an "act of war", and thus deserving of a violent response. That was easy enough if there was substantial physical damage from the attack. This was the case in Iran during 2010 after the Stuxnet worm got finished with their uranium enrichment centrifuges. Similar damage could be done to electrical power systems, water and sanitation utilities and some kinds of industrial facilities (steel making, chemical, refineries, and so on.)


The big problem is not proving some malignant software was inserted in a facility and did damage. The big problem is proving who did it. While you can trace an attack, you can also, as the attacker, leave a false trail to another location (in another country). What the Americans are apparently trying to do is establish criteria for "network forensics" (investigating an attack and tracing where who came from where for what purpose) that will be widely accepted. At present, there are no such generally accepted criteria for proving who carried out a Cyber War attack.


The United States is apparently seeking to establish a method of identifying those who make these attacks and obtain international recognition of that guilt, so that America can then deliver some kind of retribution. This may involve nuclear weapons, but that would be a last resort. There are many other punishments that can be used, from diplomatic, economic, and up through non-nuclear military actions. Meanwhile, the United States is hustling, at least as far as press releases go, to improve American defenses against Cyber War class attacks. Catching Chinese spies and finding out what kind of data they were dealing in helps with this.


Meanwhile there is growing resistance to calls for more government regulations and mandates meant to protect America from this Internet based aggression. Civilian organizations fear that the government intervention will hurt network security. Worse, it's difficult to get a rational discussion going on the subject, not with all the fear mongering by the mass media and government officials, plus defense contractors looking for more money.


For example, the FBI (which is responsible for detecting and investigating Internet based crime) has been issuing increasingly scary warnings that America is becoming ever more vulnerable to "cybergeddon" (a massive attack via the Internet that would cripple the economy, government and military.) The FBI admits that it has a hard time getting more money for their Internet security efforts. And a major reason is that the threat is largely invisible. A picture of a nuclear bomb going off, or of enemy tanks and warships ready to attack, makes a much more effective impression on the politicians who dole out the money. The NSA (National Security Agency) actually gets a lot of money for this work, but their effort is largely classified and no press releases are involved.


The FBI also wants to get the Department of Defense Internet defense operations more involved in national level defense against network based attacks. But the four services have a hard time agreeing to coordinate their efforts to defend military use of the Internet when under massive hacker attack. Thus the FBI plea for help sort of falls on distracted ears. But a growing number of politicians, and headline hungry journalists, are seeking to change that. The problem is, no one is exactly sure of how to do that.


While the politicians are eager to "do something," there is little consensus on exactly what the something should be, and to what degree the government should be involved. For example, Internet technology changes far more quickly than new laws can be passed to adapt and keep up. Companies fear that government interference will drive their operating costs up, while providing little, or no, protection from Cyber War attacks.


A big problem is that there hasn't been a proper, all-out Cyber War yet. There have been lots of skirmishes, but nothing approaching what a no-holds-bared battle, via the Internet, would be. What would the first Cyber War be like? Let's be blunt, no one really knows. But based on the cyber weapons that are known to exist, and the ones that are theoretically possible, one can come up with a rough idea.


First, there are three kinds of Cyber War possible. Right now, we have limited stealth operations (LSO), as Chinese, Russian, and others, use Cyber War techniques to support espionage efforts. China is the biggest practitioner, or at least they have been caught most often. But getting caught carrying out Cyber War operations does not mean you have any human prisoners, just a pile of computer forensics. The Chinese simply deny everything and carry on.


Next comes Cyber War only (CWO). This is open use of a full range of Cyber War weapons. No one has admitted doing this yet, and it's potentially less dangerous than firing missiles and unleashing tank divisions. It is believed that Russia indulged in this in 2007, when Estonia infuriated the Russians by moving a World War II statue memorializing the Soviet "liberation" of Estonia (which didn't want to be liberated by the Soviet Union.) Russia denied responsibility for the massive Cyber War assaults on Estonia, which nearly shut down the nation's Internet infrastructure. Estonia accused Russia of being responsible, and tried to invoke the NATO mutual-defense pact. NATO Cyber War experts went to Estonia, and shortly thereafter the attacks stopped. Apparently Russia got the message that this sort of thing could escalate into something more conventional, and deadly. This sort of thing is being cited by the United States as a reason for coming up with "this is war" criteria. Russia again used such tactics against Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014-15.


Then we have Cyber War in support of a conventional war. Technically, we have had this sort of thing for decades. It has been called "electronic warfare" and has been around since World War II. But the development of the Internet into a major part of the planet's commercial infrastructure, takes "electronic warfare" to a whole other level. Cyber War goes after strategic targets, not just the electronic weapons and communications of the combat forces.


A successful Cyber War depends on two things; means and vulnerability. The "means" are the people, tools and cyber weapons available to the attacker. The vulnerability is the extent to which the enemy economy and military use the Internet and networks in general. We don't know who has what Cyber War capabilities exactly, although China and the U.S. have openly organized Cyber War units, and both nations have lots of skilled Internet experts.


Vulnerability is another matter. The United States is the most exposed to Cyber War attack because, as a nation, Americans use the Internet more than any other country. That's the bad news. The good news is that if an attacker ever tried to launch a Cyber War by assaulting the U.S., it could backfire. This risk has to be kept in mind when considering what a Cyber War might do. Recall military history. The Pearl Harbor attack in 1941 actually backfired on the Japanese, by enraging Americans and unleashing a bloodthirsty response that left Japan in ruins. The lesson of the original Pearl Harbor is, if you're going to hit someone this way, better make it count. If your opponent is bigger than you, and gets back up, you could be in some serious trouble.


The big problem with Cyber War is that there has not been a lot of experience with it. Without that, no one is really sure what will happen when someone attempts to use it at maximum strength. But unlike nuclear weapons, there is far less inhibition about going all-out with Cyber War weapons. That is the biggest danger. Cyber War is a weapon of growing might, and little restraint by those who wield it. Things are going to get a lot worse.

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4 février 2015 3 04 /02 /février /2015 08:35
Armor: New Chinese Light Tank


January 26, 2015: Strategy Page


The Chinese like to develop a lot of specialized armored vehicles, in part to deal with the very different climates and geography found throughout their vast country. Thus they have a lot of amphibious armored vehicles as well as models equipped to handle marshy ground or deep snow. The latest specialized vehicle is a light tank designed to be more effective in Tibet and nearby provinces with a lot of rough, mountainous terrain. This would include the mountainous jungles on Vietnamese border.


The new tank (nicknamed the ZTQ) replaces the 21 ton Type 62 (WZ131Type 62 (WZ131) that entered service in the 1960s and some are still used as a light reconnaissance tank. The Type 62 looked like a scaled down Russian T-55 (or Chinese clone the Type 59) with much thinner armor (35mm/1.4 inches in the front). This provided protection from most artillery fragments as well as most machine-guns. The Type 62 had a four man crew and an 85mm gun. Over 1,500 were built before production ceased in 1989. There were stories in Chinese media during 2013 indicating that the Type 62 was being retired and some officers were not happy with that.


First seen in 2010, it is believed that the ZTQ entered service in 2014. The tank appears to have a 105mm or 125mm gun, improved armor protection and running gear that is more efficient and easier to maintain. The ZTQ is probably heavier, as in 30 tons or more. Armor design has advanced greatly since the 1960s as have artillery and heavy machine-guns. A closer examination of the ZTQ would probably reveal an armored vehicle with modern armor and other protection. So far China has released very little data on the new light tank. The vehicle is known because cell phone photos have been taken as many of them were shipped to Tibet on railroad flat cars or moved around on tank transporters for tests in different parts of the country. The turrets were often covered with netting to conceal details, although a few other photos have appeared with a clear (but not as detailed) view of the turret. It is of modern design and appears to be equipped with sensors. There appears to be modular armor (reactive or other lightweight types) for parts of the vehicle. Overall the vehicle is most definitely a modern design and the Chinese will probably eventually offer it for export. At that point the details will be revealed.


In 2006 it was believed that the recently introduced ZBD 97 amphibious tank would replace the Type 62. The ZBD 97 is armed with a 30mm autocannon and a 100mm gun/missile launcher in a small turret, plus several 7.62mm machine-guns. The fire control system includes a night sight. The crew of three is accompanied by seven infantrymen (or additional fuel and ammo) in the rear. While the ZBD 97 could replace the Type 62 in some respects, it was basically a scaled up IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle.) The ZBD 97 used license built components of the Russian BMP 3 in a Chinese designed amphibious infantry fighting vehicle chassis.  ZBD 97 was popular with the Chinese marines, but the army wanted a new light tanks. Now they have one.

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4 février 2015 3 04 /02 /février /2015 08:35
Surface Forces: China Perfects A New 30mm Anti-Missile Defense


January 13, 2015: Strategy Page


The Chinese Type 1130 multibarrel autocannon has been confirmed as the final production version of what was previously called the Type 1030. The 1130 has 11 barrels (one more than the 1030) and two magazines carrying over 1280 rounds of ammo. That is enough to engage over 40 targets before needing a reload. Top rate of fire is 10,000 rounds a minute (166 per second). This robotic weapon is radar controlled and, when turned on, automatically fires at incoming targets while under software control. It is similar in function to the U.S. Phalanx. The 1130 has five times more ammo ready-to-fire than the 1030 along with many refinements added during years of development. Because of its size, weight and large power requirements the Type 1130 is only installed on carriers and large destroyers.


This new weapon was first spotted in 2011 when the new Chinese aircraft carrier, the Liaoning (formerly Varyag) was seen with at least two of the then-new “Type 1030” automatic cannon systems. The Type 1030 appeared to be an upgraded (to ten barrels) model of the older Type 730 (seven barrel) and Type 630 (six barrel), close-in anti-missile automatic cannon. All fire 30mm shells at incoming anti-ship missiles, aircraft or anything else deemed a danger to the ship. The 1030 turned out to be still in development and the final version was the 1130.


Also seen on the Liaoning in 2011 were four 18 cell launcher for FL-3000N anti-missile missiles. The FL-3000N is similar to the American RAM anti-missile missile system, except that they come in 24 missile and 18 missile launchers and are less accurate. FL-3000N was only introduced in 2008, and uses smaller missiles than RAM. The FL-3000N missiles have a max range of nine kilometers (about half that for very fast incoming missiles). The 120mm, two meter long missiles use a similar guidance system to RAM, but are not as agile in flight.


Missiles are increasingly preferred over cannon for short range anti-missile defense. Thus over the last decade, the U.S. Navy Phalanx 20mm autocannon anti-missile system has been more frequently replaced by SeaRAM. What's interesting about this is that SeaRAM is basically the Phalanx system, with the 20mm gun replaced with a box of eleven RAM (RIM-116 "Rolling Air Frame") missiles. The Phalanx was developed in the 1970s, and entered service in 1977 (about the same time as the original Russian Type 630).


RAM was developed in the 1980s, and didn't enter service until 1993. RAM has a longer range (7.5 kilometers) than the Phalanx (2-3 kilometers, or 3.5 kilometers for the 30mm weapons) and was originally designed to be aimed using the ship's fire control systems. Phalanx, on the other hand, has its own radar and fire control system and, once turned on, will automatically fire at any incoming missiles. The latest Type 630/730/1130 operate the same way. This is necessary, as some anti-ship missiles travel at over a 500 meters a second. With SeaRAM, you've got a little more time, and can knock down the incoming missile farther from the ship. This is important, because it was feared that a large, very fast anti-ship missile (which the Russians prefer, and sell to foreigners), even when shot up by Phalanx, might still end up having parts of it slam into the target ship. Since SeaRAM has eleven missiles ready to fire, it can also engage several targets at once, something the Phalanx could not do.


The RAM missiles are 127mm in diameter, three meters (9.3 feet) long and weigh 73.6 kg (162 pounds) each. The terminal guidance system is heat seeking. Basically, it uses the rocket motor and warhead from the Sidewinder air-to-air missile, and the guidance system from the Stinger shoulder fired anti-aircraft missile. SeaRAM missiles cost about $450,000 each, which is probably at least 50 percent more than the FL-3000N missiles. SeaRAM is meant to provide protection for combat support ships that normally have no defenses, or at least no combat radars and fire control system. The new LCS will use the SeaRAM as well.


Like most modern carriers, the only weapons carried are anti-missile systems like Type 1130 and FL-3000N, plus some heavy machine-guns (which are often kept inside the ship, and mounted outside only when needed.) However, Russian practice was been to sometimes install long range anti-ship missiles as well. China may also do this with Shi Lang.

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21 janvier 2015 3 21 /01 /janvier /2015 18:35
People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) anti-submarine warfare (ASW) Z-18F Helicopter.

People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) anti-submarine warfare (ASW) Z-18F Helicopter.


January 15, 2015 defenseworld.net


China recently tested a Z-18A helicopter which can be used as an anti submarine warfare, military heavy lift and as a troop and VIP carrier.

According to China Military Online China recently tested it on the Tibetan plateau at an altitude of 8000 meters.

The report said that the Z-18A helicopter is meant to transport the AH-4 155 mm light artillery system developed by the China North Industries Corporation which weighs around 4 tons.


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21 janvier 2015 3 21 /01 /janvier /2015 12:50
Chinesischer Marineverband zu Gast in Hamburg


21 janv. 2015 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 01/15 15B12201


Zum ersten Mal ist ein chinesischer Marineverband zu Gast in Hamburg. Am Montag machten drei Schiffe der chinesischen Marine am Hafen der Freien und Hansestadt fest. Die Schiffe sind auf Einladung der deutschen Marine und der Stadt Hamburg zu Gast. Ein Besuch der der gegenseitigen Pflege freundschaftlicher Beziehungen und der internationalen Völkerverständigung dient.


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21 janvier 2015 3 21 /01 /janvier /2015 08:45
A PLA Navy escort task force makes a stop in Walvis Bay on June 11. 2014

A PLA Navy escort task force makes a stop in Walvis Bay on June 11. 2014


Windhoek, 20 jan 2015 Marine et Océans (AFP)


La Namibie et la Chine discutent de l'installation d'une base navale chinoise dans ce pays d'Afrique australe, a rapporté mardi le quotidien The Namibian, provoquant des démentis immédiats de Pékin et Windhoek.


Le journal cite une lettre confidentielle de l'ambassadeur de Namibie à Pékin envoyée à son ministère, indiquant qu'une délégation chinoise se rendrait prochainement à Windhoek pour des discussions "sur la suite à donner au projet d'une base navale à Walvis Bay" (ouest), le principal port namibien.


Dans sa lettre adressée le 22 décembre à la secrétaire permanente du ministère namibien des Affaires étrangères Selma Ashipala-Musavyi, l'ambassadeur Ringo Abed fait état d'une réunion avec Geng Yansheng, un responsable du ministère chinois de la Défense.


L'ambassadeur y ajoute que la délégation chinoise doit comprendre du personnel technique et des architectes chargés d'une étude de faisabilité, selon The Namibian.


Le ministère chinois de la Défense a assuré à l'AFP que "l'échange entre les responsables de la Défense chinois et des fonctionnaires de l'ambassade de Namibie tels que rapporté par The Namibian est une pure fabrication".


"Je ne sais rien à propos de la base navale, je vais devoir suivre cela et mener une enquête pour en savoir plus", a renchéri la ministre namibienne des Affaires étrangères Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah.


Selon la lettre de l'ambassadeur, une présence navale chinoise dissuaderait les pêcheurs illégaux dans les eaux namibiennes, note The Namibian.


"D'autres considérations pour la base navale seraient qu'elle puisse servir à former la marine namibienne, non seulement pour être prête au combat mais aussi pour des tâches civiles", ajoute-t-elle.


C'est la deuxième fois en deux mois que la Chine, qui est de plus en plus présente en Namibie, dément vouloir installer une base navale à Walvis Bay.

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21 janvier 2015 3 21 /01 /janvier /2015 08:35
Chinese Navy commissions new Huanggang missile destroyer

"The new destroyer is equipped with 32 HQ-16 radar-guided, surface-to-air missiles."


19 January 2015 naval-technology.com


The Chinese Navy has commissioned a new 4,000t Huanggang guided-missile destroyer at Zhoushan Port in Zhejiang province.


The latest Huanggang-class Type 054A multirole frigate is claimed to be capable of attacking vessels and submarines, and will improve the medium-to-high altitude air defence potential of the army's East Sea Fleet.


Huanggang-class vessels have long-range detection and air defence capabilities, as well as a full displacement of more than 4,000t, Xinhua reported.


The new destroyer is equipped with 32 HQ-16 radar-guided, surface-to-air missiles and eight YJ-83 eagle strike, infrared and radar-guided, anti-ship missiles, which are capable of supersonic travel.


Towed-radar array sonar enhances submarine detection, with the systems tracked several kilometres behind a vessel, away from its own noise sources.


A Type 1130 close-in weapon system, which consists of 11 30mm calibre guns that have a potential fire of between 9,000 to 11,000 rounds per minute, has been installed.


The frigate's anti-submarine capabilities reportedly surpass that of China's Type 052C and Type 052D destroyers.

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21 janvier 2015 3 21 /01 /janvier /2015 08:35
Révélations sur la construction du premier porte-avions chinois


Pékin, 20 jan 2015 Marine et Océans (AFP)


Le premier porte-avions chinois n'a pas été construit à partir d'une coque vide vendue en 1998 par l'Ukraine, comme l'a toujours affirmé Pékin, mais à partir d'un bâtiment déjà équipé de moteurs, acheté grâce à un intermédiaire jamais remboursé, a divulgué un journal de Hong Kong.


Admis au service actif en septembre 2012, le "Liaoning" est devenu le navire-amiral incarnant les ambitions maritimes de l'armée chinoise. Il a connu un long chantier de rénovation dans le port de Dalian (nord-est), dans l'opacité la plus totale.


Dans une grande enquête publiée de dimanche à mardi, le journal South China Morning Post livre des révélations sur les manoeuvres en coulisse qui ont permis à la Chine de s'approprier ce navire, à l'origine baptisé "Varyag" et commandé par la marine soviétique.


Sa construction, débutée en 1985 sur un chantier naval ukrainien, avait été interrompue après la chute de l'URSS en 1991. Dès 1992, la Chine a discrètement envoyé une délégation visiter le navire inachevé.


Le quotidien, basé à Hong Kong a interviewé Xu Zengping, ancien capitaine d'une équipe de basket-ball de l'Armée populaire de libération devenu homme d'affaires, qui fut secrètement chargé d'acheter le porte-avions, grâce à une société écran, au prétexte d'en faire un casino flottant à Macao.


"Quand l'ingénieur-en-chef du chantier naval (ukrainien) m'a conduit dans la salle des machines, j'y ai trouvé quatre moteurs flambant neufs et soigneusement lubrifiés", a relaté au South China Morning Post le businessman chinois.


Pékin a toujours affirmé avoir acquis une coque blindée, dépourvue d'électronique, de moteur et d'hélice.


En mars 1998, M. Xu a acheté aux enchères le bâtiment pour 20 millions de dollars.


Le remorquage du Varyag de l'Ukraine vers la Chine a tenu de l'odyssée. La Turquie s'opposa durant de longs mois à son passage dans ses détroits et, à deux reprises, l'immense bateau s'est retrouvé à la dérive à la suite de la rupture des câbles de traction. Il n'arriva à son port chinois qu'en mars 2002, après plus de 600 jours de mer.


M. Xu affirme que l'opération totale lui a finalement coûté 120 millions de dollars, une somme que Pékin ne lui a jamais remboursée.


La finalité militaire du navire de 300 mètres de long, de la classe du porte-avions "Amiral Kouznetsov", devint ensuite évidente.


Selon Xu Zengping, les turbines d'origine de l'ex-Varyag, rebaptisé Liaoning, ont été rénovées et modernisées.


Interrogé mardi, le ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères a indiqué ne "pas être au courant" des révélations du South China Morning Post.


La Chine, qui veut parvenir à terme à rivaliser avec la puissante US Navy, travaille à l'édification de groupes aéronavals autour de plusieurs porte-avions, un programme phare de centaines de milliards d'euros.

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21 janvier 2015 3 21 /01 /janvier /2015 08:35
 Cybersécurité : la Chine prend ses bonnes résolutions pour 2015

20.01.2015 Amélie Guiot-Zimmermann - bulletins-electroniques.com

Avec ses 632 millions d'internautes, dont 242 millions d'utilisateurs du e-commerce, la Chine est une cible de choix pour les hackers et autres cyber mercenaires de plus en plus nombreux à sévir sur la toile. A l'heure du big data, de l'internet des objets ou des réseaux sociaux, les failles se multiplient et la bataille se fait de plus en plus féroce dans le cyber espace. Une menace que le gouvernement chinois a décidé de placer au coeur de sa stratégie pour 2015, dans un contexte où le numérique occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans la conduite politique, économique ou militaire du pays.

Des hackers sur tous les fronts

Le formidable essor des technologies de l'information et de la communication que connaît la Chine ouvre de toutes nouvelles perspectives aux pirates modernes. Leur nouvelle cible favorite : les smartphones sous système Android, avec 295.000 nouveaux programmes malveillants découverts entre le 1er novembre 2013 et le 31 octobre 2014. La Chine est particulièrement affectée avec 45,7% des utilisateurs de terminaux mobiles piratés au cours de cette période.
Avec un chiffre d'affaire de 300 milliards de dollars et un taux de pénétration de 6,3% (contre 5% aux Etats-Unis), le e-commerce représente le deuxième terrain de prédilection des hackers. Fin 2012, près d'un tiers des 200 millions d'acheteurs en ligne chinois avaient été victimes d'escroqueries ou de transactions frauduleuses sur des sites de vente en ligne. Plus globalement, le Norton Report 2013 classe la Chine deuxième dans la liste des pays les plus touchés par la cyber criminalité, avec 77% de ses internautes victimes de cyber agressions et une perte nette évaluée à près de 37 milliards de dollars.

Une cyber répression de plus en plus stricte
Ces chiffres ont justifié la mise en place par le gouvernement chinois de cellules de cyber défense actives sur tout le territoire. Cependant et contrairement au reste du monde, leur action se focalise au moins autant sur la circulation des informations à l'échelle nationale que sur les grandes opérations de hacking internationales. Car les internautes chinois sont nombreux à tenter de contourner la "Grande Muraille électronique" mise en place par les autorités depuis le début des années 2000. En réponse, les campagnes et opérations gouvernementales se multiplient, à l'image de "Brise de Printemps" en 2012 qui a débouché sur l'arrestation de plus de 1.000 suspects.
A son arrivée au pouvoir en 2013, le président chinois Xi Jinping fait de la cyber sécurité l'un de ses principaux chevaux de bataille : "Des efforts concertés doivent être déployés afin de contrôler Internet en matière de technologie, de contenu, de sécurité et de criminalité" a-t-il indiqué lors du 18e Comité Central du Parti Communiste Chinois. Discours immédiatement suivi par le lancement d'une une vaste campagne de "nettoyage" d'internet en avril 2013 et l'arrestation de près de 30.000 personnes pour pornographie et paris clandestins.
Loin d'oublier ses bonnes résolutions, le président compte accélérer le rythme des réformes en 2015 pour faire de la Chine une "cyber puissance internationale" (voir le discours du président à l'occasion de la 1ere session du groupe de travail sur la sécurité sur Internet et l'informatisation).

La cybersécurité : une source de tension dans les relations internationales
Les cyber tensions de plus en plus nombreuses sur la scène internationale risquent cependant de la freiner dans ses ambitions. En effet, la Chine est soupçonnée d'être impliquée dans plusieurs attaques de grande ampleur au cours des dernières années, et considérée comme une menace grandissante par les autres acteurs du cyber espace. Sérieusement écornée par la parution du rapport Mendiant * en 2010, accusant l'armée chinoise de cyberespionnage à l'encontre d'entreprises américaines, sa réputation a encore souffert de nouvelles accusations de piratage fin 2014 : piratage de l'i-Cloud d'Apple, attaques contre l'exploitant des centrales nucléaires sud-coréennes, et tout récemment, complicité dans le hacking des studios Sony Pictures.
En 2015, la Chine devra donc principalement jouer la carte de l'apaisement pour obtenir le soutien et la collaboration internationale dont elle a besoin pour renforcer son influence dans le cyber espace.


Sources :

- http://redirectix.bulletins-electroniques.com/qhiEI
- http://redirectix.bulletins-electroniques.com/K95Yq
- http://redirectix.bulletins-electroniques.com/v9FWT

Unit - source BBC

Unit - source BBC

Note RP Defense :: voir aussi

- Cybersécurité et cyberdéfense de la Chine

- * Mandiant report 60-page study

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18 janvier 2015 7 18 /01 /janvier /2015 20:35
photo USAF

photo USAF

recent report by the Guangzhou-based Southern Weekly on investments to outfit and equip Chinese soldiers in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has sparked controversy both within China and abroad—revealing sharp fissures in China’s ballooning defense budget. With a total defense budget estimated at $132 billion in 2014 and 2.28 million active duty soldiers on payroll, the PLA allocates a mere $1,523 (9,460 yuan) in outfitting each soldier, roughly one-thirteenth the value of the average deploying U.S. serviceman’s personal gear. At a time when the combat-readiness of China’s armed forces is already widely debated, costs of the basic infantrymen kit highlight critical shortcomings of the Chinese military.


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13 janvier 2015 2 13 /01 /janvier /2015 17:45
Les casques bleus chinois prennent l'avion pour l'Afrique: un AN-124 de Maximus Air

13.01.2015 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense

Les premiers soldats chinois du bataillon d'infanterie destiné à la mission onusienne au Soudan du Sud ont quitté la Chine. Quelques photos officielles, relayées par le blog China Defense, montrent 24 de ces soldats et leurs équipements chargés, le 8 janvier, dans un AN-124 de Maximus Air.

Cette société est installée aux EAU et elle dispose de 8 gros porteurs (1 AN-124, 2 IL-76 et 5 A-300).

Sur cette mission chinoise et ses moyens, voir mon précédent post  du 30 décembre ici.

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12 janvier 2015 1 12 /01 /janvier /2015 12:35
China Downplays Capabilities of New Type-055 Guided Missile Destroyer


January 12th, 2015 defencetalk.com


The U.S. media recently reported that the new type-055 guided missile destroyer of the Navy of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLAN) and the U.S. Aegis warship are on a par with each other in terms of power and strength and that the type-055 destroyer is one of the five weapons China might use to change rules of the game in the future.


However, Yin Zhuo, a Chinese military expert, said in an interview that the so-called type-055 destroyer is not the world’s largest guided missile destroyer and speculation that it will change the rules of the game is just an exaggeration.


Previously, U.S. media reported that the PLAN’s type-055 destroyer has a displacement of 10,000 tons and can carry 128 anti-ship cruise missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and ship-to-ground attack cruise missiles. It can be even equipped with electromagnetic guns and laser weapons. The type-055 destroyer is able to carry out in-depth strikes through cruise missiles and also protect its taskforce through the control of airspace.


The U.S. media even believed that judging from its huge volume, strong arm system and advanced sensing equipment, the type-055 destroyer will meet or exceed the capability of “Aegis” destroyer which is current deployed by the U.S. and its allies in the Pacific.


Yin Zhuo said that the type-055 destroyer is not the world’s largest destroyer. In terms of tonnage, although the type-055 has a lot of advantages over the type-052C and the type-052D, it is certainly not the largest destroyer in the world.


Currently, the displacement of Russia’s Modern-class destroyer and Udaloy-class destroyer has reached 8,000 to 9,000 tons. The displacement of Japan’s Atago-class destroyer is over 9,000 tons and the U.S. DDG-1000 destroyer has a displacement of 12,000 tons.


The Type 055 destroyer can in no way change the rules of the game in the future.


Yin argued that “the interpretation of the type-055 new missile destroyer by Western media was excessive. Since the World War II, the emergence of nuclear weapons transformed conventional war into nuclear war; the emergence of the aircraft carrier has shifted the leading role in water battle from fleet to aviation personnel. These two forms of weapons have changed the war significantly. At present, relying solely on the destroyer could not change the rules of war. Even the DDG-1000 destroyer of the U.S. cannot change that.”


Some Western media reported that the type-055 destroyer might have some new operational capabilities and it has the ability to attack air, land and other ships. These are important to improving the capability of the PLAN.


Yin Zhuo believed that the type-055 destroyer is equivalent to the U.S. Arleigh Burke-class destroyer or Japan’s Atago-class destroyer. The type-055 destroyer is equipped with digital phased radar, similar to the U.S. and Japanese destroyers at the technical level. Meanwhile, the type-055 destroyer has large tonnage and thus can carry more weapons. If the Western media is correct, its payload will be about one hundred pieces.


Yin Zhuo also expressed that the type-055 destroyer might welcome a new power system. If the warship is equipped with new-concept weapons, a whole dynamic electric power system commanded by computers will be introduced. Because launching new-concept weapons including laser weapons and electromagnetic guns requires enormous energy within a short period of time. Using digital all-electric propulsion will be a revolutionary change for the PLAN.

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7 janvier 2015 3 07 /01 /janvier /2015 17:35
Z-10 anti-tank and air-to-air Attack helicopter.

Z-10 anti-tank and air-to-air Attack helicopter.


2015-01-07 wantchinatimes.com


China's reported decision to present Pakistan three Z-10 attack helicopters as a "gift" this year has raised suspicions of ulterior motives, says Duowei News, a US-based Chinese political news outlet.


Citing unconfirmed Russian media reports, Duowei claims that although Pakistan had shown an interest purchasing the Z-10s, which are designed by Russia's Kamov Design Bureau under contract from Beijing, China decided to give the helicopters to its "closest friend" for free.


The Z-10s, designed primarily for anti-tank missions with secondary air-to-air capabilities, will reportedly be added to the Pakistan Army aviation fleet and be deployed in the ongoing fight against terrorism in the country. The helicopter is said to be capable of targeting the enemy in the air or on the ground with a range of 3-4 kilometers without appearing on radar.


Some military experts have cast doubt on the effectiveness of the Z-10 on counterterrorism operations, saying that its WZ-9 operation engine has relatively low power as well as a smaller payload and weaker defensive capabilities in comparison to other attack helicopters.


Even if the reports of the gift are true, Duowei said, the new Z-10 helicopters will only enhance Pakistan's position against India, which is about to pair its domestically produced light combat helicopters with newly imported AH-64 Apache attack helicopters manufactured by Boeing. Though there is still a sizable gap between the power systems of Z-10s and Apaches, the Chinese aircraft's body design and weapon system configurations are comparable to the world's most advanced attack helicopters, especially because of the excellent performance of its TY-90 air-to-air missiles.


For China, the "gift" to Pakistan could serve as a gift for the givers as well, as it might allow the PLA to see how the Z-10s perform in actual combat situations, providing valuable data for further research and development, Duowei said. China may have already been collecting information on its domestically produced weaponry acquired by Pakistan in recent years, including the MBT-3000 tank, the JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft and the F-22P general purpose frigate. The decision to make the Z-10s a gift instead of selling them could therefore stem from Pakistan's limited defense budget and China's relatively robust arms industry, Duowei added.

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7 janvier 2015 3 07 /01 /janvier /2015 12:30
Turkey’s Defense industry committee expected to discuss long-range missile project


Jan. 6, 2015 hurriyetdailynews.com

Turkey’s Defense Industry Executive Committee is expected to discuss a long-range anti-missile deal at its first 2015 meeting on Jan. 7 under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.
The main topic of the meeting will be the long-range air and anti-missile deal for which negotiations are continuing with China, the United States and Europe.

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5 janvier 2015 1 05 /01 /janvier /2015 08:35
Greece Just Sold Its Giant Zubr-Class Hovercraft To China


The Chinese Navy has put their money where their mouth is when it comes to their interest in the world's largest hovercraft. They have already bought two giant Zubr Class hovercraft from Ukraine, and are building two in China. Apparently four of these mammoths are not enough in the short-term, as China has now purchased Greece's entire inventory of Zubr Class hovercraft outright.

The story of the Soviet-era Zubr Class, how Greece, a NATO country, ended up buying them in the first place and how and why China got their hands on the design is a pretty amazing story, one you can read all about here. But what is most eye opening is that Greece is selling China a unique 'access' capability, one that could have a large impact on other NATO friendly countries in the Pacific region.


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18 décembre 2014 4 18 /12 /décembre /2014 12:45
La Chine fournira du matériel militaire à la Guinée-Bissau


17-12-2014 French.china.org.cn


La Chine va offrir des équipements militaires à la Guinée-Bissau d'une valeur d'environ quatre millions de dollars, selon un protocole d'entente signé mardi par l'ambassadeur de Chine en Guinée-Bissau Wang Hua et le Secrétaire d'État de l'ordre public Domenico Sanca.


La nature et la quantité des équipements seront définies par les deux parties dans un protocole qui sera signé plus tard, précise-t-on de source officielle.


"Cette aide vise à réduire les difficultés existant dans les casernes", a expliqué l'ambassadeur de Chine.

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18 décembre 2014 4 18 /12 /décembre /2014 12:35
Manille va renforcer son équipement militaire


17/12/2014 Par LeFigaro.fr (Reuters)


Les Philippines ont l'intention d'acheter deux frégates, deux hélicoptères et trois vedettes pour renforcer leur présence militaire en mer de Chine méridionale, théâtre de tensions territoriales avec Pékin, a annoncé aujourd'hui un responsable de la marine philippine. La Chine revendique la quasi-totalité de cette zone maritime qui recèlerait d'importantes réserves d'hydrocarbures, y compris les îles et ilots qui s'y trouvent, également convoités par les Philippines, Bruneï, la Malaisie, le Viêtnam et Taiwan.


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16 décembre 2014 2 16 /12 /décembre /2014 08:35
15P High-maneuverability 105mm howitzer Fire Assault Vehicle at AirShow China 2014 in Zhuhai, China. - photo Army Recognition

15P High-maneuverability 105mm howitzer Fire Assault Vehicle at AirShow China 2014 in Zhuhai, China. - photo Army Recognition

December 15, 2014: Strategy Page

Chinese firms are now offering combat versions of some of their commercial trucks. A recent example is the Type 15P, which is an armored (against rifle and light machine-gun fire as well as shell fragments) version of the popular SX2110 4x4 three axle all-terrain truck. This seven ton vehicle has 280 HP engine and can carry up to five tons. The Type 15P is configured as an “assault” vehicle and is armed with a 105mm howitzer that has a max range of 11 kilometers but is meant for direct fire (at targets the Type 15P crew can see) using high explosive or anti-tank (HEAT) shells. There is also a 12.7mm machine-gun and eight smoke grenade launchers.

China has already been producing a lot of armored and heavily armed vehicles based on the American hummer. In the 1990s China tried Russian and European designs in their search for a new tactical truck (similar to the American hummer), they finally settled on a hummer clone of their own. China still uses the Russian and German designs for most of its tactical vehicles but it is also buying a growing number of locally made hummer clones. These have been widely adopted by the military in the last decade, and a civilian version has been popular with commercial firms operating in remote areas, especially outside of China.

China got their hands on an American hummer (M998 HMMWV) in 1988 as a gift from the manufacturer. Initially Chinese military officials felt the hummer was too expensive. But the performance of the hummer in the 1991 Gulf War, plus the growing presence of the American civilian version of the hummer (especially those brought in by oil companies for use in remote areas), changed minds. By 2003, two Chinese companies were producing hummer clones and the Chinese Army adopted one of them as the EQ2050. By 2012 an armored version (the EQ2058) was developed.

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15 décembre 2014 1 15 /12 /décembre /2014 12:35
Third test of WU-14 confirmed by Chinese defense ministry


2014-12-14 wantchinatimes.com


A spokesperson of the Chinese defense ministry confirmed the People's Liberation Army's third test of the WU-14 hypersonic sonic strike vehicle on Dec. 10, Bill Gertz, the senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon said in a recent article.

During the press conference, the spokesperson said China routinely conducts scientific experiments inside its borders. He said that the exercise involving the WU-14 was not carried out with any country in mind as a potential target. The confirmation was later reported by Chinese state media. Gertz said it is unusual for China to confirm the test of its hypersonic glide vehicle because it normally keeps the development of its nuclear weapons under wraps.

The WU-14 was designed for the Second Artillery Corps. Chinese state-run news said, the third test of PLA's ultra-high speed vehicle took place on Dec. 2 after two earlier tests on Jan. 9 and Aug. 7. It was a routine exercise according to the Chinese government. Believing that the WU-14 is intended to deliver nuclear weapons, the Pentagon has expressed anxieties over the tests, according to John Tkacik, a China affairs specialist.

In addition to nuclear warheads, the WU-14 can also be used to conduct conventional strikes against important targets such as aircraft carriers according to US officials. The third test of the WU-14 suggests that China is now focusing its resources on the development of hypersonic weapon systems. It has been described by a congressional report of the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission as a core component of China next-generation precision strike, no weapon can be used to intercept it once the vehicle is fired.

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15 décembre 2014 1 15 /12 /décembre /2014 08:45
USS Sterett (DDG 104) and Chinese frigate steaming in Gulf of Aden

14 déc. 2014 US Navy


GULF OF ADEN (Dec. 12, 2014) - The guided-missile destroyer USS Sterett (DDG 104), left, transits alongside the Jiangkai II CNS Yun Chang (FFG571), right, during U.S. - China Counter-Piracy Exercise 15. Sterett is deployed as part of the Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group and is supporting Operation Inherent Resolve conducting maritime security operations, strike operations in Iraq and Syria as directed and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. (U.S. Navy video/Released)

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15 décembre 2014 1 15 /12 /décembre /2014 08:45
Chinese Harbin Z-9E helicopter practices landing aboard the U.S. Navy's  USS Sterett


14 déc. 2014 US Navy


GULF OF ADEN (Dec. 12, 2014) - A Chinese Harbin Z-9E helicopter practices landing aboard the U.S. Navy's guided-missile destroyer USS Sterett (DDG 104). Sterett and ships from the Chinese People's Liberation Army (Navy) PLA(N) commenced a bilateral counter-piracy exercise, U.S.-China Counter-Piracy Exercise 15, in the Gulf of Aden and the Horn of Africa. Aiming to promote partnership, strength and presence, the exercise includes combined visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) operations, communication exchanges, and various other aspects of naval operations. This exercise represents a long-standing united front toward counter-piracy operations shared by these two world powers. (U.S. Navy video/Released)


Z-9E helicopter

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12 décembre 2014 5 12 /12 /décembre /2014 12:35
La Chine teste un missile hypersonique


TOKYO, 12 décembre - RIA Novosti


Le ministère chinois de la Défense a confirmé avoir testé avec succès un missile hypersonique WU14, annonce vendredi le journal japonais Yomiuri.


"La tenue d'essais scientifiques et techniques sur le territoire chinois est un phénomène courant, ces essais ne visant aucun pays et aucun site concret", indique le ministère chinois.


Selon le journal japonais, ce missile serait capable de déjouer les systèmes de défense américains. Il s'agit du troisième test de ce missile, le premier s'étant déroulé en janvier et le deuxième en août 2014.


Le WU14 est un missile hypersonique capable d'atteindre Mach 10, soit 12.000 kilomètres/heure.

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