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12 mars 2015 4 12 /03 /mars /2015 08:40
NATO Allies and partners discuss Ukraine crisis


11 Mar. 2015 by NATO


Ambassadors of NATO Allies and twenty-two partners met in the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council on Wednesday (11 March 2015) for an exchange of views on the current situation in Ukraine. Chaired by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the session was convened at the request of Ukraine.


The meeting, attended by Russia’s Ambassador to NATO,  took place almost one year after the illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea by Russia, which NATO Allies do not recognise.


Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) nations expressed deep concern over the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine, urging Russia to withdraw its forces and its support for the separatists. All members of the EAPC agreed that the full implementation of the Minsk agreement is the only path to a lasting and peaceful solution. Secretary General Stoltenberg stressed that the ceasefire remains fragile and sporadic violations continue. He said that all parties should fully implement the Minsk agreement in good faith, including Russia, whose support for the separatists has further fuelled the conflict. As a first step, he called for a "withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of contact in a transparent and verifiable manner", with full access to the OSCE monitors.


Allies and other EAPC participants also condemned Russia’s illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea, and called on Moscow to reverse course.


The NATO Secretary General said that "the stability of the entire Euro-Atlantic region have been undermined, as have the values of national sovereignty and peaceful conflict resolution, values which all members of the EAPC have committed to uphold". Mr. Stoltenberg underlined that the Basic Document of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council contains a joint pledge to promote peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area. He called on all EAPC members to respect this fundamental commitment.

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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 17:50
Strategic military situation in the Black Sea Basin


11-03-2015 - SEDE


The Subcommittee will consider the draft report on the strategic military situation in the Black Sea Basin following the illegal annexation by Russia (Rapporteur: Ioan Mircea PAŞCU, S&D).

When: 16 March 2015


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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
Arrivée de blindés américains en Lettonie - photo US DoD

Arrivée de blindés américains en Lettonie - photo US DoD


10 mars, 2015 Pierre Brassart (FOB)


Après une trêve de plus de 20 ans, assiste-t-on à un renouveau de la Guerre froide ? Pendant près de 50 ans, entre la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la chute de l’URSS, l’OTAN et l’URSS se sont fait face en Europe, l’arme au pied, tout en luttant directement l’un contre l’autre sur des champs de batailles éloignés et via des armées tierces. Ce fut le cas en Corée, au Viet Nam bien sûr, mais aussi en Afrique, au Moyen-Orient, en Asie Centrale, etc…


Avec la chute du mur de Berlin ainsi que celle du communisme soviétique, on a pensé que la paix et la démocratie allait se répandre sur le monde. Erreur… Aujourd’hui, si l’URSS a cessé d’exister, la Russie est bel et bien sortie de sa torpeur et a repris sa place de grande nation. La guerre de Géorgie  en 2008 a été une première claque pour l’Europe et les USA.  La Russie ne compte pas laisser l’alliance atlantique s’étendre sans réagir.


En 2013, l’Ukraine s’enflamme. Poutine, fin stratège, sait qu’il ne peut intervenir ouvertement. C’est ainsi que l’on a vu des troupes en uniforme, sans signe distinctif, s’emparer des points clés en Crimée, région stratégique pour la Russie. Le fait que ces soldats étaient russes ne faisait aucun doute, mais cette ruse a permis à Poutine de rattacher la Crimée sans que, concrètement, personne n’intervienne. L’affaire aurait pu s’arrêter là, si les provinces orientales et russophones d’Ukraine ne s’étaient pas soulevé à leur tour, entrainant le pays dans une guerre civile longue et sanglante qui n’est pas prêt de s’arrêter. Mais la Russie ayant joué une fois la carte des « troupes inconnues », elle se doit de faire profil bas. C’est ainsi que les séparatistes ukrainiens recevront, comme par magie, suffisamment d’équipement que pour tenir en échec l’armée ukrainienne. Les pays occidentaux se sentiront également menacé par les vols de provocation menés par l’armée de l’air et par l’aéronavale russe. (Mais quand même pas au point de revoir à la hausse leur budget militaire, ou au moins, à la baisse les coupes qui frappe ces derniers dans toute l’Europe).


Mais l’OTAN ne compte pas laisser Poutine faire ce qu’il entend. Si la Russie s’est réveillé, l’OTAN, États-Unis en tête, compte bien lui montrer qu’il y a des limites à ne pas franchir.  L’Ukraine va devenir le nouveau champ de bataille des anciens adversaires russe et américain.


Lancée en 2014, l’opération Atlantic Resolve, menée par les États-Unis, a pour but de démontrer la résolution américaine à contribuer à la sécurité collective des membres de l’OTAN. Ainsi, depuis plusieurs mois, les Américains multiplient les exercices avec les membres orientaux de l’alliance (pays baltes, Pologne), et n’hésitent pas à fournir un soutien à l’Ukraine. D’autres pays de l’OTAN se joignent au mouvement. Le Royaume –Uni va fournir des conseillers à l’armée ukrainienne, la France parle de déployer des Leclerc et des VBCI en Pologne.


Si les pays européens sont encore un peu frileux à l’idée de déployer un grand nombre de troupes et de véhicules, les Américains n’ont pas peur d’envoyer des brigades entières en Europe de l’Est. Après le 2 Cavalry Regiment (monté sur blindés Stryker), c’est au tour de la 1ère brigade blindé de la 3ème division d’infanterie américaine à se déployer en Lettonie. 3000 hommes et plus de 750 véhicules (y compris des chars de combat Abrams et des véhicules de combat d’infanterie Bradley) viennent prendre leur tour de garde à quelques kilomètres de la frontière russe et permettre aux armées baltes de poursuivre leur entrainement.


Maintenant que la Guerre froide est relancée, quels seront les prochains pions que les protagonistes avanceront ?

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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 08:40
Russian Navy new Ka-52K Hokum B Naval Attack Helicopter Conducted its First Test Flight


March 10, 2015 by navyrecognition.com


MOSCOW, -- Pictures have emerged on Russian social networks showing the first test flight of the new Ka-52K Naval Attack helicopter. Based on the Ka-52 "Alligator" the K version has been specifically modified for the Russian Navy to operate the helicopters from the Mistral class LHDs.

Intended originally to be deployed from the two Mistral class LHDs built in France, it is not clear what the Russian Navy will do if the two amphibious vessels are not delivered.


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10 mars 2015 2 10 /03 /mars /2015 12:40
Tu-95MS - Tu-160 - Tu22M3 - PAK-DA

Tu-95MS - Tu-160 - Tu22M3 - PAK-DA


03/09/2015 Dr James Bosbotinis - DefenceIQ


Russia’s Long Range Aviation Command (LRA) has assumed an increasingly prominent role in recent years, commencing with the resumption of regular bomber patrols in August 2007, and particularly through the course of 2014/2015, as Russia’s resurgence has adopted a distinctly more muscular tone amid deteriorating relations with the West. The LRA is increasing both its tempo and scope of operations: the latter highlighted by the declared intent to expand patrols to new regions, including the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico; in addition, Russian long-range bombers have been observed conducting armed patrols. Most significantly, the LRA is intended to form a core component of a wider conventional strategic deterrent capability. Russia’s interest in developing conventional long-range strike systems is a facet of its on-going military reform efforts whereby it is seeking to enhance the effectiveness of the Russian Armed Forces, especially in terms of its ability to conduct extensive, precise strikes against an adversary’s critical strategic economic and military objectives.


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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 18:35
Rafale at Aero India 2015 photo Shruti Pushkarna

Rafale at Aero India 2015 photo Shruti Pushkarna


March 9, 2015 Defense News


Now that Paris has shelved plans to deliver two helicopter assault ships to Russia, Moscow is working overtime to convince India to dump plans to buy French fighters and instead buy a new Sukhoi jet.


In 2012, New Delhi tapped Dassault's Rafale as its next fighter, with plans to acquire 126 of the twin-engine jets for $12 billion. At the time, Indian officials said the French jet would help them reduce their reliance on Russian equipment (India also flies French Mirage 2000 jets as part of a longstanding policy to avoid exclusive dependence on Moscow for military hardware).


By choosing Rafale, India also gains access to cutting-edge technology to advance its aerospace and defense industries.


But talks have stalled over price and who would bear responsibility for Rafales license-produced in India by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.


Russia is irked that its once-close ally has invested tens of billions of dollars on American transports, helicopters and maritime patrol planes and now is about to buy French jets.


At the recent IDEX trade show in Abu Dhabi, Rostec CEO Sergey Chemezov announced that Russia and India had inked a deal to co-develop a new version of Sukhoi's Su-35. Indian officials, however, say Russia has pitched the jet, but have not yet agreed to move forward on the project.


The Su-35 is a formidable aircraft and an improvement over India's Su-30s, but the Rafale is superior as a system, with greater mission capability and reliability. And its technology is more likely to serve as a foundation for a more competitive Indian defense and aerospace industry.


The entire rationale behind the Rafale deal wasn't to get the least expensive fighter to meet India's needs, but the aircraft that would best satisfy the nation's long-range military needs as well as its industrial interests.

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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 13:55
BPC Sébastopol (photo F. Dubray)

BPC Sébastopol (photo F. Dubray)


09.03.2015 sputniknews.com


Les essais en mer du second navire de classe Mistral (baptisé Sébastopol, ndlr) construit par la France pour la Russie débuteront la semaine prochaine en l’absence de marins russes, a annoncé un porte-parole des chantiers navals DCNS.


"Les premiers essais en mer sont prévus pour la semaine prochaine entre le 16 et le 20 mars. La date exacte de départ du navire des docks dépend des conditions météo", a indiqué le porte-parole cité par les médias.


Selon lui, aucun représentant du ministère russe de la Défense ne prendra part aux essais en mer.


Le premier des deux porte-hélicoptères commandés par la Russie devait être livré en novembre 2014. Cependant, les autorités françaises ont reporté sa livraison pour une durée indéterminée en réponse à la position de Moscou sur les hostilités dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine.


Début octobre 2014, le premier navire de classe Mistral, baptisé Vladivostok a terminé ses essais en mer avec un équipage russe à bord.


Près de 400 marins russes étaient arrivés à Saint-Nazaire fin juin 2014 à bord du navire russe Smolny. Pendant deux mois, ils ont suivi des cours de formation. Les marins étaient logés à bord de leur navire et étaient autorisés, s'ils n'étaient pas de service, à visiter la ville et à prendre part à des visites organisées.

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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 12:50
Commission Chief Juncker Calls for EU Army


March 8, 2015 Defense News (AFP)


BERLIN — European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker on Sunday called for the creation of an EU army in the wake of rising tensions with Russia.


Juncker said the force could help counter new threats beyond the bloc's borders and defend European "values," in an interview with Germany's Welt am Sonntag newspaper.


"You would not create a European army to use it immediately," he was quoted as saying.


"But a common army among the Europeans would convey to Russia that we are serious about defending the values of the European Union."


He said a joint EU force would also lead to more efficient spending on military equipment and drive further integration of the bloc's 28 member states.


"Such an army would help us design a common foreign and security policy," the former Luxembourg prime minister said, but added that the force should not challenge NATO's defense role.


"Europe's image has suffered dramatically and also in terms of foreign policy, we don't seem to be taken entirely seriously."


The proposal was likely to rile opponents of deeper EU integration such as Britain but has won some support from Germany.


Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen said last month that she was confident that "perhaps not my children but my grandchildren will have a United States of Europe" with its own military, news agency DPA reported.


Welt am Sonntag quoted the head of the German parliament's foreign policy committee, Norbert Roettgen, as saying that an EU army "is a European vision whose time has come".


The newspaper said that former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana would present a report on Monday in Brussels entitled "More Union in European Defence" calling for a new European security strategy including military capability to intervene beyond EU borders.

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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 12:40
Attrition: The Grinding In Ukraine


March 9, 2015: Strategy Page


At the end of 2014 the world’s air forces possessed nearly 52,000 aircraft (fixed wing and helicopters). That’s down (because of accidents or retirement) about .8 percent from 2013. About 38 percent of those losses are from one country; Ukraine. In late 2014 Ukraine had about 400 military aircraft but 44 percent were lost to battle damage, capture or accidents in 2014 during the ongoing combat with Russian backed rebels and Russian troops.


Some Ukrainian aircraft were found to be unfit for service after having been neglected for too many years. Thus Ukraine lost about half its military aircraft in one year. Surface- to-air missiles took down 21 Ukrainian aircraft and one was shot down by an air-to-air missile fired by a Russian jet that was still in Russian air space. Other Ukrainian aircraft (helicopters) were lost to heavy machine-gun fire. At the moment the Ukrainian Air Force only has about 60 combat jets available and about as many helicopters. Russia has bullied Western nations into not providing weapons for Ukraine and thus is able to grind down the Ukrainians eventually.

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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 11:50
photo European Parliament

photo European Parliament


Défense "L'image de l'Europe a souffert de façon dramatique. En termes de politique étrangère, il semble que nous ne soyons pas vraiment pris au sérieux", regrette Jean-Claude Juncker.


08/03/2015 latribune.fr (AFP)


Pour le président de la Commission européenne, cela permettrait de renforcer la légitimité de l'UE notamment vis-à-vis de la Russie au sujet de l'Ukraine.


L'Europe doit se donner les moyens d'être prise au sérieux. C'est dans cette perspective que le président de la Commission européenne, Jean-Claude Juncker, a appelé dimanche à la création d'une armée de l'UE, au vu notamment des relations de plus en plus tendues avec la Russie sur le sujet de l'Ukraine.

Une telle force permettrait non seulement de faire face aux nouvelles menaces aux frontières de l'Union européenne, mais aussi de défendre les "valeurs" de l'UE, a-t-il déclaré dans une interview publiée dimanche par le journal allemand Welt am Sonntag.

"On ne créerait pas une armée européenne pour l'utiliser immédiatement. Mais une armée commune à tous les Européens ferait comprendre à la Russie que nous sommes sérieux quand il s'agit de défendre les valeurs de l'Union européenne", a-t-il expliqué.


Crise de légitimité

"L'image de l'Europe a souffert de façon dramatique. En termes de politique étrangère, il semble que nous ne soyons pas vraiment pris au sérieux", regrette le président de la Commission.

"Une telle armée nous aiderait à mettre au point une politique étrangère et de sécurité commune", estime-t-il, tout en soulignant qu'il ne s'agirait de remettre en cause le rôle de l'Otan. Une force commune aux 28 pays de l'UE permettrait aussi selon lui de rationaliser les dépenses militaires et de favoriser l'intégration militaire de ces pays.


La ministre allemande de la Défense favorable à l'idée

La proposition a déjà trouvé un certain soutien en Allemagne. La ministre allemande de la Défense, Ursula von der Leyen,  a réagi en affirmant dans un communiqué:

"Notre avenir, en tant qu'Européens, passera un jour par une armée européenne".

Elle a néanmoins précisé que ce ne serait "pas à court terme".

Le mois dernier déjà, la ministre avait déclaré qu'elle était sûre que "peut-être pas (ses) enfants, mais en tout cas (ses) petits-enfants connaîtr(aient) des Etats-Unis d'Europe", avec leur propre armée, selon l'agence allemande DPA.


La Grande-Bretagne opposée à une plus grande intégration européenne

Le Welt am Sonntag citait également dimanche le chef de la commission parlementaire allemande de politique étrangère, Norbert Roettgen, pour qui l'idée d'une armée de l'UE serait "une vision européenne dont le temps est venu". Toujours selon le journal, l'ancien secrétaire général de l'Otan Javier Solana devait présenter lundi à Bruxelles un rapport sur une nouvelle stratégie de défense européenne appelant à une plus grande capacité militaire à intervenir au-delà des frontières de l'UE.

L'idée risque en revanche de ne pas être du goût de ceux qui sont opposés à une plus grande intégration européenne, à commencer par la Grande-Bretagne.

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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 11:50
Create an EU army to keep back the Russians, Jean-Claude Juncker suggests


08 Mar 2015 By Ben Riley-Smith, Political Correspondent - The Telegraph


European Commission president says pooling Europe's defence resources could help send a message to Vladimir Putin


A European Union army should be created to help defend the continent from Russian aggression, the European Commission president has suggested. Jean-Claude Juncker said pooling the defence resources of the 28 EU nations could help send a message to Vladimir Putin that its borders would be protected. However the move was panned by the UK Independence Party who warned the move would be a "tragedy for the UK". The comments came during an interview Mr Juncker gave with Welt am Sonntag, a German news magazine. "Such an army would help us to build a common foreign and national security policy, and to collectively take on Europe's responsibilities in the world,” Mr Junker said.


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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 08:30
Yemen: A Nation Divided


March 8, 2015: Strategy Page


The Shia rebels have declare themselves the legitimate rulers of Yemen, but they only control about a third of it. Shia militiamen occupy nearly half the country but in central Yemen the majority Sunnis are resisting with demonstrations and armed violence. The last elected leaders have set up a new capital in the southern port of Aden. There are now frequent attacks against Shia rebels in Baida, Marib, Ibb and Hadramout provinces. The Shia rebels are now trying to obtain aid, investment and diplomatic support from Russia and China, two countries that have long supported Iran. Over 80 percent of the 77 million people living in the Arabian Peninsula are Sunni and they are heavily armed and, at the moment, violently opposed to Shia Iran (the de facto head of Shia Islam). Over 80 percent of all Moslems are Sunni and the most holy shrines for all Moslems are in Saudi Arabia under the control of a very Sunni monarchy. The Yemeni Shia are aware of this which is why so many of them back making a peace deal with the Yemeni Sunnis and accepting as much as they can get. While the Sunni government in Aden is willing to talk, they are also asking for military assistance from the GCC. Many foreign embassies that had left the capital have now reopened in Aden. The U.S. “embassy” for Yemen is now being run out of the American consulate in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea port of Jeddah. Arab and Western nations are mobilizing economic support for the Aden government.


All this Shia success comes from the fact that the Shia rebels from the north allied themselves with former president Ali Abdullah Saleh (who is from a small Shia tribe near the capital) who was forced out in 2012 and refused to leave the country. Saleh supported (secretly at first but now openly) the Shia rebels and now he has called on military officers who were close to him (many of the senior ones were) to get their troops to join the Shia. Many of the Sunni troops refused or simply deserted. With many army bases undermanned Shia rebels have, pro-Hadi tribesmen and AQAP have been scrambling to take as many bases (and the weapons and other supplies they hold) as they can before all have new, and more determined, owners. Saleh’s successor (Hadi) proved unable to reassemble the coalition Saleh relied on for decades to run the country. Then again, when the Arab Spring came along in 2011 the Saleh coalition showed its age and crumbled.


The northern Shia have been fighting for years to get back the autonomy they enjoyed for generations. When Saleh was in power, he fought this autonomy movement. Now that Saleh is out of power, he backs his fellow Shia to get, many believe, Saleh back in power. There are still many Yemenis who have a grudge against the government formed after the civil war that ended, sort of, in 1994. That war was caused by the fact that, when the British left Yemen in 1967, their former colony in Aden became one of two countries called Yemen. The two parts of Yemen finally united in 1990, but a civil war in 1994 was needed to seal the deal. That fix didn't really take, and the north and south kept pulling apart. This comes back to the fact that Yemen has always been a region, not a country. Like most of the rest of the Persian Gulf and Horn of Africa region, the normal form of government, until the last century or so, were wealthier coastal city states, nervously coexisting with interior tribes that got by on herding or farming (or a little of both). This whole "nation" idea is still looked on with some suspicion by many in the region. This is why the most common forms of government are the more familiar ones of antiquity (kingdom, emirate or modern variation in the form of a hereditary dictatorship.)


Many southerners feel they got shortchanged by the 1990 unification deal, and were harshly put down in 1994 when they rebelled. The southern separatists were always disunited and unable mount a strong resistance to government control. The government kept the peace by paying off enough southern dissidents to prevent another civil war. The Shia tribes up north have been demanding more autonomy for decades, and the Sunni tribes up there oppose that for obvious reasons. For centuries the Shia tribes of the north were largely autonomous but in the 1960s that officially ended. The reality was that many of the Shia tribesmen continued to act like they still had their traditional violence and the national government ignored that as much as they could. The Shia violence got worse after 2004 and escalated further when most Yemenis joined the Arab Spring movement in 2011 and removed a long-time government headed by a northern Shia. While the north has several entirely Shia tribes, Sunnis and Shia had lived together peacefully throughout Yemen for centuries and usually used the same mosques (some led by Shia clergy, most by Sunnis). That tradition was now being attacked by Yemeni Sunnis who are using violence or threats of violence to drive Shia from mosques throughout the country. This is a widely unpopular move, but the Sunni Islamic radicals are on a Mission From God not a popularity contest. The Sunni radicals also accuse Yemeni Shia of being agents for Iran which was for a long time only true in a few instances. Until recently the Shia tribes renounced any Iranian connection because they were caught between a Sunni majority to the south and a Sunni (and very anti-Iran) Saudi Arabia to the north. Just across the border there are related Shia tribes in Saudi Arabia, who have long since learned to keep quiet and enjoy the slice of Saudi oil wealth they receive from the government. Moreover the Saudi Shia are a smaller fraction of the population and separated, not concentrated as the Yemeni Shia are. In Yemen Shia are about a third of the 24 million population and most of them live in the north.


 It is unclear when the military and the Sunni tribes will succeed in resisting and defeating the growing Shia power. This is far from a sure thing since needs a new coalition to run the country because the one that existed until September 2014 ceased to function long before president Hadi was forced out in January 2015. Once the Shia rebels occupied the capital in late 2014 and then a growing number of cities and provinces to the south it was obvious the Shia would have a lot to say about the next government. Now the Shia claim they are the government and Iranians worry that this will turn into another expensive foreign obligation (like Hezbollah and the military aid efforts in Iraq and Syria, not to mention financial aid to Hamas in Gaza and several similar entanglements). All this military foreign aid is unpopular with most Iranians who would rather see the money spent at home. Iran officially has nothing to do with what is going on in Yemen but Arabs know that the “victory” in Yemen is being celebrated in the streets of Iran (at least in conversation) and increasingly in Iranian media as well. This is humiliating for the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council, the Arab oil states in the Persian Gulf) members and Sunnis in general. Iran has not directly intervened (but is suspected of supplying the Yemen Shia with cash and advice). Now Iran is officially an ally and supporter of the new Shia government. The Sunni hope and the Shia nightmare is military intervention by the Saudis, but that’s not the Saudi style. The Saudis don’t want to see their armed forces tied down in Yemen, not when Iran remains a major, and growing, threat. Then there is the ISIL threat in Syria and Iraq (and, to a lesser extent, inside Saudi Arabia itself). There is no easy way out of this mess for anyone. The customary way these things are settled in Arabia is by making deals. The Yemeni Shia have made it clear that Iran is their friend and expect help from that direction. Most Yemeni Shia don’t want the religious fanaticism of Iran but are willing to accept aid from Iran and work to make Sunni majority Yemen a “friend“ of Iran (much like the Shia minority has done in Lebanon and Syria). The Saudis and GCC are very hostile to this sort of thing but reluctant to go to war over it. That may change now that the Yemeni Shia rebels have officially declared themselves the rulers of Yemen even though they control only the capital and the north (about a third of the country).


And then there’s the oil. Revenue from oil exports in 2014 was $1.67 billion. That’s down from $2.66 billion in 2013.  Falling oil prices and pipeline attacks by angry tribesmen cost Yemen a billion dollars in lost oil income in 2014. Normally Yemen produces 270,000 barrels of oil a day and most of it is exported (accounting, with natural gas, 90 percent of export income). The 320 kilometer long pipeline extends from oil fields in Marib province to the Red Sea export terminal. Such attacks cost the government a billion dollars in lost revenue in 2013. Tribesmen loyal to deposed president Saleh are often blamed. President Hadi caused some bad feeling in Marib when he cut cash payments going to pro-Saleh tribal leaders and instead gave it to those he trusted more. The tribesmen who lost out responded in the traditional way, by attacking the assets of those they saw as responsible; namely the oil fields and pipelines. AQAP has been popular in Marib because the Islamic terrorists will hire local tribesmen and promise a larger share of gas and oil income for the local tribes once AQAP takes control of the country.


Marib is where local Sunni tribes have assembled a large force of gunmen to defend or destroy those valuable oil and gas facilities. Worse yet tribal leaders say that if the Shia enter Marib this will mean the shutdown of energy supplies to key power plants that keep the lights on in most of the country. In January tribal leaders called for up to thirty thousand armed tribesmen to gather in Marib to fight the Shia rebels. This buildup was not completed as the Shia rebels quietly agreed to maintain the November peace deal. Back then three of the most powerful tribes in Marib province united and worked out a peace deal with the approaching Shia rebels. In essence the deal guaranteed the safety of Shia in Marib and in return the Shia rebels would not try to enter Marib and take over. The three tribes in Marib are powerful and have a reputation for being determined fighters. The Shia rebels are still nearby but are less likely to advance now that Marib is the assembly point for anti-Shia tribesmen. To further complicate matters tribal leaders in what is locally known as the “Sheba region” (Marib, Baida and Jawf provinces) have apparently united, despite the many feuds and disagreements among them. The Shia are seen as a common threat. Recently the Sunni tribes of Marib closed the border with Baida province, which is largely controlled by Shia rebels.


March 1, 2015: For the first time since 1990 a direct flight from Iran landed in Yemen. The transport was carrying medical supplies and arrived in the capital at the same time that Arab countries were moving their embassies south to the port city of Aden, which is not yet under control of the Shia rebels who have been advancing south since 2014. On February 21st the elected president (Hadi) of Yemen fled the capital and, in effect, moved the government to Aden. At the moment the Shia rebels have control of northern Yemen but the Sunni majority, in the form of the armed Sunni tribes, are preventing a Shia advance any farther south. Meanwhile Iran announced that it will now carry out regular (14 flights a week) service between Iran and the Yemeni capital. Iranians have been warned that Sunni Islamic terrorists (ISIL and al Qaeda) are very active in Yemen and will be seeking to kill or kidnap Iranian visitors.


March 7, 2015: The Defense Minister of the elected government fled house arrest in the capital and is believed headed for the new capital in Aden. The Defense Minister was arrested by Shia rebels on February 6th when the rebels took complete control of the capital. In Aden the last elected president (Hadi) declared Aden the national capital and that the traditional capital (Sanna) an occupied (by Shia rebels) city. Hadi declared that five of the countries six regions had pledged allegiance to the Aden government and support for armed opposition to the Shia rebels. There are now frequent attacks against Shia rebels in Baida, Marib, Ibb and Hadramout provinces. Shia living in southern Yemen have held pro-Shia demonstrations, which are not interfered with. The anti-Shia demonstrators often face gunfire and sometimes arrest (which the Sunnis call kidnapping, which is what is sometimes turns into because a large payment is demanded for the release of these demonstrators).

In the south (Ibb province) Shia rebels used gunfire to disperse an anti-Shia protest in the provincial capital. There were casualties among the demonstrators and some were arrested by the Shia.


March 6, 2015: A second air freight flight from Iran landed at the airport outside Sanna. Both of these transports were said to contain “humanitarian cargo.” Yemeni Shia envoys in Iran asked Iran to set up cultural centers and a museum of Persian art in Yemen.


March 5, 2015:  An Iranian diplomat captured by AQAP (Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) Islamic terrorists in Yemen in 2013 arrived back in Iran. He was freed by Iranian commandos who now operate openly in Sanna. The Yemeni rebels denied that Iranian commandos are in Yemen.


March 3, 2015: In the south (Baida province) two AQAP attacks on Shia rebels left three Islamic terrorists and twelve Shia dead. In February the Shia rebels took control of much of Baida province.


March 2, 2015: A Saudi diplomat held by AQAP was freed by the unspecified actions of the Saudi intelligence services. Back in August 2012 the captive was to be released after everyone had agreed on a $10 million ransom. But at the last minute al Qaeda leaders changed their mind and demanded $20 million. At that point negotiations stalled. The Saudi diplomat was kidnapped last March. AQAP needed cash to keep its terror campaign going and the Saudis decided to explore other options to get their diplomat back.


March 1, 2015: An Iranian commercial flight from Iran landed at the airport outside Sanna. This was the first Iranian aircraft to land in Yemen since 1990.


February 28, 2015: In Yemen the Shia rebels in control of the capital and most of the north signed an agreement with Iran to enable, for the first time, commercial air traffic between the two countries.  At the same time the Shia rebels withdrew from UN sponsored talks over the future of Yemen until a location for the talks outside Yemen could be found and agreed on. In the south (Lahj province) Shia rebels fired on an army convoy and wounded nine soldiers. This was believed another attempt to kidnap some soldiers to hold as hostages in an effort to get the army to turn over a nearby army base to Shia control. Elsewhere in the south (Shabwa province) three Islamic terrorists were killed by missiles from an American UAV. This is the fifth such attack in February. These attacks have left at least a fifteen Islamic terrorists and at least one civilian (a 12 year old boy travelling with one of the Islamic terrorists) dead.


February 27, 2015: In the south (Lahj province) AQAP ambushed an army truck at night and killed four soldiers.


February 26, 2015: The Shia rebel leader openly blamed Saudi Arabia for all the chaos in Yemen. The Saudis have been involved but not nearly as much as Yemeni Sunnis (and Arabian Sunnis in general) would prefer. The Saudis are slow to act but when they do move it is usually with great impact and resolve (as with their current efforts to keep the world oil price low to hurt Iran and Russia).


February 25, 2015: In the south (Lahj province) AQAP gunmen shot dead an intelligence colonel. Later in the day two AQAP men were shot dead in a separate incident. 

Shia rebels took control of an army base in the capital and a coast guard base on the Red Sea coast. Soldiers resisted at the army based but surrendered after six hours of fighting and at least ten dead. There was less fighting and no casualties at the coast guard base.

The UN declared that it backed the elected government of president of Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi was the only legitimate national government in Yemen. The Shia rebels ignored this.


February 24, 2015: In Sanna Shia rebels began arresting many Sunni politicians, especially those associated with the last elected government. The arrests are also the result of many Sunni politicians to join a new Shia controlled “unity government.” Meanwhile there are several anti-Shia demonstrations in Sanna each week. Elsewhere in Sanna a French female employee of the World Bank was kidnapped. Western government have been warning their citizens to stay out of Yemen in general and Sanna in particular.


February 23, 2015: In the south president Hadi held a meeting with the governors of most provinces.

Egypt closed its embassy in Sanna. Elsewhere in the city a bomb exploded outside a military facility that had been taken over by the Shia rebels.


February 21, 2015: President Hadi fled house arrest in Sanna and made his way to the southern port city of Aden.


February 18, 2015: In the south (Hadramout province) Sunni tribesmen attacked a convoy supplying an army base near an oil field, sparking a battle that left eight soldiers and a number of attackers dead. In nearby Baida province a bomb killed one Shia rebel and wounded three others. Further south in Aden gunmen killed an army intelligence officer.


February 17, 2015: Three Russian ground attack jet aircraft were delivered to the Shia controlled port of Al Hudaydah. These were bought from Belarus.

In Sanna Shia rebel leaders fired one of their top commanders for failing to settle a long-standing dispute he had with other senior leaders. This is the result of growing disputes within the Shia rebel leadership over whether to seek gaining control of the entire country or negotiating a compromise with the Sunni majority.

In the south (Hadramout province) two gunmen shot dead a police colonel.


February 16, 2015: In Yemen the Shia rebels officially claimed to be the only legitimate government of the country. This new Shia Yemeni president was not elected but the Yemeni rebels control the capital and most of the north so they can get away with this. The rebels say they will eventually take the largest city in the country, the port of Aden in the south. That will require defeating a larger number of very angry and heavily armed Sunni tribesmen and some of the armed forces.

In the south (Lahj province) AQAP gunmen shot dead two soldiers. Further south in Aden soldiers and tribal gunmen loyal to president Hadi seized control of government buildings and began setting up checkpoints. There was some fighting with soldiers working for an officer who had pledged loyalty to the Shia rebels.

Japan shut down its embassy in Sanna.


February 15, 2015: The UN demanded that the Shia rebels return control of the capital and the government to the elected officials. The Shia ignored this, pointing out that Hadi won an election in which he was the only candidate and that most Shia boycotted.


February 14, 2015: In the south (Baida province) fighting between Shia rebels and Sunni tribesmen left at least 26 dead.

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7 mars 2015 6 07 /03 /mars /2015 17:40
The guided missile cruiser Varyag (L) and the Varshavyanka class diesel submarine (photo Vitaliy Ankov RIA Novosti)

The guided missile cruiser Varyag (L) and the Varshavyanka class diesel submarine (photo Vitaliy Ankov RIA Novosti)


March 03, 2015 RT.com


Russia and Egypt have agreed to hold a joint naval drill in the Mediterranean and to carry out joint anti-terrorist exercises, Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement following talks between ministers of the two countries.

On Tuesday, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and his Egyptian counterpart Sedki Sobhi agreed to sign a deal on military cooperation between the two countries. The agreement will “determine the vector of our military cooperation for years to come,” said Shoigu following the talks.

“The parties agreed to continue the practice of inviting Egyptian military to Russian exercises in the capacity of observers, and also to hold a naval exercise in the Mediterranean this year and an anti-terrorist exercise of rapid reaction forces,” Russia’s Defense ministry said in a statement.


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5 mars 2015 4 05 /03 /mars /2015 08:40
ASW ship (BOD) of the Northern Fleet Vice-Admiral Kulakov in the port of Limassol Republic of Cyprus (Oct 2014)

ASW ship (BOD) of the Northern Fleet Vice-Admiral Kulakov in the port of Limassol Republic of Cyprus (Oct 2014)


27 Février 2015 rusnavyintelligence.com


Le président russe Vladimir Poutine et son homologue chypriote Nicos Anastsasiades se sont rencontrés à Moscou le 25 février. A l'occasion de la visite du chef d'Etat chypriote, une série d'accords bilatéraux ont été signés, dont un portant sur la coopération navale entre la Russie et Chypre.


A l'occasion de la visite de Nicos Anastasiades, la Russie et Chypre ont signé 9 accords de coopération, dont l'un portant sur le domaine militaire. Autant l'affirmer tout de suite : il n'y avait pas, il n'y a pas, et en vertu de cet accord, il n'y aura pas de base navale russe à Chypre.


L'accord russo-chypriote signé le 25 février dernier à Moscou vient formaliser une pratique qui a lieu depuis quelques années - le séjour de navires de guerres russes dans le port chypriote de Limassol - en lui fournissant un cadre légal bilatéral. La consolidation du volet naval de la coopération militaire entre la Russie et Chypre vient compléter les facilités aériennes déjà obtenues par Moscou en janvier 2014. L'armée de l'air russe avait en effet reçu l'année dernière le droit d'utiliser la base aérienne Andreas Papandreou, située près de Paphos, en cas de situation de crise et d'urgence humanitaire. Toutefois, les discussions portant sur des facilités d'accès au port de Limassol pour les navires russes opérant en Méditerranée sont à l'oeuvres depuis le début des années 2010, et ont pris une tournure particulière depuis le début de la crise syrienne en 2011. Le sujet avait notamment fait l'objet de discussions entre les autorités chypriotes et le ministre russe de la Défense Sergei Shoigu en mai 2013, puis encore avec le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Sergei Lavrov, en juin 2013.


En vertu de l'accord signé à Moscou le 25 février dernier, les navires russes menant des opérations de lutte anti-terroriste et de lutte contre la piraterie disposeront d'un accès facilité aux infrastructures de Limassol, notamment en matière de ravitaillement (eau, carburant). La partie chypriote a pour sa part obtenue des contreparties : Moscou a accepté de restructurer un prêt de €2,5 milliards octroyés en 2011. Chypre a vu le taux d'intérêt annuel passé de 4,5% à 2,5% avec un rééchelonnement du remboursement pour la période 2018-2021.


Il ne s'agit donc en aucun cas d'une base navale au sens où la Russie n'a pas obtenu dans le cadre de cet accord la jouissance d'une emprise terrestre et maritime, avec des quais, des entrepôts, des infrastructures de maintenance pour les navires, des voies ferrées et un aérodromes. Les installations de la marine russe à Tartous, pourtant déjà modestes, sont pourtant bien plus significatives que cette facilité navale accordée par Nicosie. Enfin, la présence militaire russe à Chypre devrait rester sporadique et très limitée en comparaison des 4 500 militaires britanniques stationnées sur la base aérienne de Akrotiri, et des 43 000 soldats turcs déployés sur la partie nord de l'île. D'ailleurs, plus que les Européens et les Américains, se sont probablement les Turcs qui observent avec méfiance la consolidation de l'empreinte stratégique russe en Méditerranée orientale et à Chypre. Nicosie cherche en effet à sécuriser un appui supplémentaire dans son bras de fer avec Ankara autour de la question de l'exploitation des ressources gazières offshore situées au large de l'île. Jusqu'à présent, Moscou a joué de la diplomatie de la canonnière dans cette partie de la Méditerranée afin de dissuader son partenaire turc d'aller trop loin dans les intimidations vis-à-vis de Nicosie.


Quelle est la portée de cet accord ?


L'accord russo-chypriote du 25 février fournit un cadre légal à la coopération entre les deux pays en matière navale. Il permet en outre à la Russie de ne pas mettre 'tous les oeufs dans le même panier' dans la mesure où l'avenir de son point d'appui logistique à Tartous reste incertain compte tenu de la situation en Syrie (même si le rapport de force sur le terrain semble évoluer en faveur de Damas, ce qui ne semblait pas être le cas il y a quelques mois). Les travaux visant à mettre les installations russes de Tartous à niveau afin d'y créer une base navale à l'horizon 2020 sont d'ailleurs gelés depuis le début de la crise syrienne. Par ailleurs, cet accord est signé alors que cette année, la Russie devrait officialiser la création d'un détachement naval méditerranéen. Là aussi, la réactivation d'une task force méditerranéenne russe vient fournir un cadre formel à une présence navale grandissante et continue de la Russie en Méditerranée orientale depuis le début des années 2010. Chypre se trouve à mi chemin entre les Détroits turcs et la canal de Suez, sur la route qui mène de la mer Noire à l'océan Indien, via la mer Rouge. Il s'agit également d'un point d'appui intéressant pour les navires russes en provenance de la Baltique ou de la flotte du Nord et qui ont fait route depuis leur port d'attache vers le bassin Méditerranéen via l'Atlantique.


La signature de cet accord s'inscrit toutefois dans un double contexte : celui de la recherche par la Russie de points d'appui militaires en Méditerranée orientale, et celui de la crise ukrainienne. Moscou aurait cherché à disposer de facilités aériennes et navales dans les Balkans, notamment au Monténégro, où le port de Bar aurait fait l'objet de discussions plus ou moins formelles entre Russes et Monténégrins. En revanche, Moscou a obtenu dès 2011 le droit d'utiliser la base serbe de Nis où elle a ouvert un 'centre humanitaire'. Nicosie appartient par ailleurs aux groupes de pays européens qui, dans le contexte des évènements en Ukraine, sont hostiles à un accroissement des sanctions contre Moscou et plaident au contraire pour leur rapide levée. Dans ce contexte, cet accord représente un point marqué par le Kremlin dans son opposition à Bruxelles et un coup supplémentaire porté au consensus européen vis-à-vis de la crise ukrainienne. Chypre, comme la Grèce, la Hongrie, l'Autriche, la république Tchèque, entre autres, seront en effet amener à se prononcer dès le mois de mars sur la reconduction ou non des sanctions de l'Union européenne pesant portant sur des personnalités russes et pro-russes, avant de voter en juillet sur la reconduction des sanctions économiques.


Au-delà des avantages pratiques conférés aux navires russes opérant en Méditerranée, cet accord prépare le terrain à la formalisation prévue cette année du détachement naval russe dans le bassin méditerranée, et représente par ailleurs un gain diplomatique pour Moscou dans le contexte de la crise ukrainienne.

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5 mars 2015 4 05 /03 /mars /2015 07:40
Des milliers de soldats russes dans l’est de l’Ukraine, selon Washington


4 mars 2015 45eNord.ca (AFP)


La secrétaire d’Etat adjointe accuse les Russes de « financer, alimenter commander et contrôler la guerre »


Les Etats-Unis ont affirmé mercredi que des milliers et des milliers de soldats russes et leurs équipements militaires étaient présents dans l’est de l’Ukraine en appui aux séparatistes pro-Moscou qui se battent contre les forces de Kiev.


Je dirais que ce sont des milliers et des milliers, a répondu la secrétaire d’Etat adjointe pour l’Europe, Victoria Nuland, interrogée par une commission du Congrès américain sur le nombre de troupes russes qui seraient actuellement dans l’Est ukrainien rebelle.


Depuis décembre, la Russie a transféré des centaines de matériels militaires, y compris des chars, des véhicules blindés (…) de l’artillerie lourde. L’armée russe a sa propre structure de commandement dans l’est de l’Ukraine, qui va des officiers-généraux à des officiers moins gradés, a encore détaillé Mme Nuland.


Elle a toutefois refusé d’en dire plus sur le nombre de troupes russes qui seraient dans l’est de l’Ukraine, invoquant le fait que son audition devant la commission des Affaires étrangères de la Chambre des représentants n’était pas à huis clos, mais classée non confidentielle.


Comme le président (américain Barack Obama) l’a dit il y a peu de temps, ils (les Russes) financent la guerre, l’alimentent, la commandent et la contrôlent, a encore accusé la plus haute responsable de la diplomatie américaine pour l’Europe, une diplomate très en pointe sur le conflit ukrainien et les accusations d’implication militaire de Moscou.


Mardi, Barack Obama, François Hollande et Angela Merkel avaient promis une réaction forte de l’Occident en cas de rupture majeure du cessez-le-feu dans l’est rebelle pro-russe de l’Ukraine et appelé à renforcer le rôle de l’OSCE pour surveiller cette trêve.

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4 mars 2015 3 04 /03 /mars /2015 19:40
Les BPC russes à Saint Nazaire - photo F. Dubray - Ouest-France

Les BPC russes à Saint Nazaire - photo F. Dubray - Ouest-France


3 Mars 2015 rusnavyintelligence.com


Tandis que la livraison du premier BPC russe, le Vladivostok, reste suspendue à une amélioration sensible de la situation en Ukraine orientale, le second BPC en cours de construction au chantier naval STX de Saint-Nazaire, le Sébastopol, se prépare pour ses premiers essais en mer.


Le BPC Sébastopol devrait réaliser son premier cycle d'essais en mer entre le 16 et le 22 mars prochain, avec un objectif de livraison fixé à octobre 2015. Le 12 février dernier - jour de la signature de l'accord de Minsk 2 par les chefs d'Etat et Premiers ministre du "format Normandie" - le Sébastopol, qui est achevé à 96%, a été immatriculé pour la première fois sur le système d'identification automatique AIS comme un navire battant pavillon français.


L'équipage russe du Vladivostok est, pour sa part, revenu à Cronstadt le 2 mars après des congés. Les marins russes avaient en effet été formés à manœuvrer le BPC en France, entre juin et décembre 2014, avant de rentrer à Saint-Pétersbourg à bord du navire école Smolny. Le second équipage, celui du Sébastopol, reste pour le moment à la base navale de Vladivostok.


Rappelons que la construction des infrastructures destinées à accueillir les BPC se poursuit à Bolchoï Kamen, près de Vladivostok. Selon différentes sources, l'immobilisation du premier BPC coûterait entre €2,5 millions est €5 millions par mois en frais de port, de gardiennage, de maintenance et de carburant, une somme déboursée par DCNS ou par l'Etat. Enfin, il convient de rappeler que dans l'hypothèse d'une livraison des Mistrals, ces derniers passeraient entre un an et un an et demi à Saint-Pétersbourg où ils devraient recevoir leur armement, puis effectuer de nouveaux essais, avant d'entrer dans le cycle opérationnel.


Sources : flotprom, lenta, flot.com.

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3 mars 2015 2 03 /03 /mars /2015 18:40
The United States Will Fund Equipment Purchases And Training For The Ukrainian Army

The aid for Ukraine will not probably include lethal weapons, such as depicted Javelin ATGM. Photo: SOI-East Combat Camera/Lance Cpl. Andrew Kuppers/US DoD.


03 March, 2015 defence24.pl


The United States will allocate USD 120 million in order to realize a training programme for the Ukrainian soldiers, along with a programme purchases of armament for Ukraine.


Geoffrey Payatt, US Ambassador in Ukraine stated this fact in his interview for the Ukrainian “Inter” TV station. According to Payatt, the money will be allocated to train the soldiers and procure equipment for them – but not the lethal weapons.


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3 mars 2015 2 03 /03 /mars /2015 17:35
Vietnam Received Geographic Information System for the Missile Complex "Bastion"


03.03.2015 by Maki Catama - aseanmildef.com


HANOI, --  Russia has delivered Vietnam Geographic Information System (GIS) "Horizon" for coastal missile complex "Bastion" said Tass source in the military-technical cooperation.

"We have carried out the supply of "Horizon" to our Vietnamese partners. This system is designed for coastal missile complex "Bastion" and onshore exploration air and surface surveillance" Monolith-B "- a spokesman said.

"Horizon" designed by Automatic Apparatus Research Institute, Semenikhina (included in the combined instrument-making corporation of the State Corporation "Rostec"). This system was first presented to the public at the exhibition MILEX-2014. The site Corporation reported that "Horizon" has unique capabilities for speed, quality of information displayed and processing very large volumes of map data. In corporations argue that such a display quality nobody else has not yet reached.

Complex "Bastion" is equipped with anti-ship missiles "Yakhont" and is designed to destroy various surface ships, both single and in the composition of airborne compounds percussion groups and convoys. In addition, it can also affect ground targets. Intelligence systems "Monolith-B" horizon designed to detect and track air and sea targets.

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3 mars 2015 2 03 /03 /mars /2015 13:40
Ukraine : rôle renforcé de l'OSCE sur la ligne de front


03.03.2015 Le Monde.fr (AFP,Reuters)


Le cessez-le-feu a de nouveau été violé dans l'est de l'Ukraine, où trois soldats gouvernementaux ont été tués, et neuf autres, blessés, au cours des dernières vingt-quatre heures, a-t-on appris mardi 3 mars de source militaire ukrainienne.


L'Ukraine a affirmé mardi 3 mars avoir obtenu l'accord de l'Allemagne, de la France et de la Russie pour renforcer le rôle de l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE), afin que cette dernière puisse déployer des observateurs sur les points chauds de la ligne de front, dans l'est de l'Ukraine, où des violations de la trêve ont été constatées.

Cet accord a été obtenu lors d'une conversation téléphonique entre Angela Merkel, François Hollande, Vladimir Poutine et Petro Porochenko, a assuré la présidence ukrainienne dans un communiqué diffusé dans la nuit de lundi à mardi. « Les interlocuteurs ont soutenu la proposition ukrainienne de déployer des observateurs de l'OSCE dans tous les endroits où le cessez-le-feu est violé, en commençant par dix localités » des régions de Donetsk et de Lougansk, dont une partie est sous contrôle des séparatistes prorusses, selon la même source.


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1 mars 2015 7 01 /03 /mars /2015 12:40
Vogue la galère (bis): le BPC Sebastopol en essais à la mer à la mi-mars.

28.02.2015 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense

Le second navire de type Mistral, fabriqué par STX dans le cadre du contrat signé avec la Russie en 2011, va prendre la mer pour la première fois, mi-mars (probablement pendant la semaine du 16 au 22).

La construction du BPC Sébastopol (photo F. Dubray) est désormais très avancée, à hauteur de 96 %. Reste à savoir ce qu’il adviendra de ce porte-hélicoptères. Il doit théoriquement être remis à Moscou à l’automne 2015, mais le premier des deux BPC, le Vladivostok, qui devait partir en novembre dernier, est toujours à quai à Saint-Nazaire, François Hollande ayant suspendu sa livraison du fait de la crise ukrainienne.

Une délégation russe sera-t-elle à bord aux côtés des équipes STX et de DCNS ? La question reste pour l'heure sans réponse. On se souviendra que les marins russes ont repris la route de la Russie.

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28 février 2015 6 28 /02 /février /2015 16:40
Russian jets to hold drills over Barents sea


Feb 26, 2015 Spacewar.com (AFP)


Moscow - Russia's airforce started exercises that will involve jets striking back against a "supposed enemy" over the Barents Sea that borders Norway, the military said Thursday.


Pilots will "practise repelling a massive air strike by a supposed enemy during exercises in the air space of the Barents Sea," the defence ministry said on its website.


Two teams of Russian MiG-31 supersonic jets based in the Perm region are participating in the drill, and will fly to the Barents Sea to repel the supposed attack using air-to-air missiles.


Drills will last until March 6, the ministry said.


The exercises come as some NATO countries express growing concern about Russian military presence, including Russian planes skirting or violating the national airspace of neighbouring countries.


Norwegian airforce in December filmed what it said was a "near miss" with a Russian fighter jet in international airspace north of Norway and complained to Moscow.


Norway and Russia both border the Barents Sea near the Arctic Ocean.

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26 février 2015 4 26 /02 /février /2015 19:40
L’Ukraine a annoncé le début du retrait de ses armes lourdes dans l’Est


26 février 2015 45eNord.ca (AFP)


L’Ukraine a annoncé jeudi le début du retrait de ses armes lourdes de la ligne de front dans l’Est séparatiste prorusse, dans le cadre des derniers accords de paix signés à Minsk, selon un communiqué de l’état-major de l’armée.


En conformité avec les accords de Minsk du 12 février, l’Ukraine commence le retrait des canons de 100 millimètres de la ligne de démarcation, a indiqué l’état-major.


C’est un premier pas vers le retrait des armes lourdes qui va se faire sous la surveillance de l’OSCE, l’Organisation pour la coopération et la sécurité en Europe, selon la même source.


L’armée prévient cependant qu’elle est prête à revoir le calendrier du retrait en cas de tentatives d’assaut de la part des rebelles prorusses.


Le cessez-le-feu instauré à partir du 15 février semble enfin tenir ces derniers derniers jours dans l’Est séparatiste de l’Ukraine, où le conflit a fait plus de 5.800 morts en dix mois.

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26 février 2015 4 26 /02 /février /2015 18:50
Des blindés américains près de la frontière russe, lors d’un défilé en Estonie


24 février 2015 45eNord.ca (AFP)


Deux blindés de combat Stryker américains participant à des manœuvres de l’Otan en Estonie ont marqué les esprits par leur présence dans un défilé militaire mardi à Narva, tout près de la frontière russe, alors que les relations entre Moscou et les Occidentaux se sont dégradées avec la crise ukrainienne.


Une centaine de soldats de pays de l’Otan, Britanniques, néerlandais, espagnols, lettons et lituaniens ont également défilé dans la neige aux côtés d’environ 1300 militaires estoniens, pour marquer l’anniversaire de l’indépendance de l’Estonie, une ancienne république soviétique désormais membre de l’Union européenne et de l’Otan.

La parade annuelle a pris un relief particulier cette année dans le contexte des craintes suscitées dans les pays baltes par l’engagement dont est accusée la Russie dans le conflit ukrainien.

L’Otan a réagi à ces craintes en envoyant des avions de chasse dans les pays baltes et en y organisant plusieurs exercices militaires.

L’Histoire nous a appris que si nous ne nous défendons pas nous-mêmes, personne d’autre ne le fera, a toutefois déclaré lors du défilé le général Riho Teras, chef d’état-major estonien.

Les habitants venus voir le défilé, dont beaucoup ne parlaient pas estonien, paraissaient cependant faire peu de cas des craintes d’ingérence russe.

La population russophone est fortement majoritaire dans la région de Narva.

La Lituanie voisine a de son côté l’intention de rétablir temporairement le service militaire obligatoire en raison de l’actuel environnement géopolitique, a annoncé mardi la présidente de cet autre État balte, Dalia Grybauskaite.

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26 février 2015 4 26 /02 /février /2015 17:40
Kondor-E 1 - NPO Mashinostroyeniya

Kondor-E 1 - NPO Mashinostroyeniya


26 February 2015 by Kim Helfrich - defenceWeb


Another apparent revelation by the Al Jazeera/Guardian Spy Cables has led long-time spy satellite seeker after the truth, David Maynier, to ask whether the State Security Agency (SSA) was collecting intelligence on a Defence Intelligence satellite surveillance programme.


Maynier, who heads up the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) party’s defence portfolio in Parliament and is also deputy shadow minister in intelligence matters, said the most recent release of information by the Al Jazeera investigative unit showed alleged “extensive co-operation” between Russia and South Africa on a secret satellite surveillance programme.


“A South African Secret Service, now State Security Agency (Foreign Branch), ‘Intelligence Information Report’ dated August 28, 2012, and classified ‘Top Secret’ reveals significant new information on strategic co-operation between Russia and South Africa.


“The SSA’s information report reveals for the first time: that Russia and South Africa were co-operating on a secret satellite surveillance programme, codenamed Project Condor; that the satellite surveillance programme was to be used for strategic military purposes; that the satellite surveillance programme would eventually culminate in the launch of a satellite by Russia on behalf of South Africa; that the aim was eventually to integrate the Russian and South African satellite surveillance programmes to provide wider coverage; and that 30 Russian technicians were working on the satellite surveillance programme in South Africa.


“Until now there has been no information about ‘Project Condor’ in the public domain,” he said adding the satellite launch reference “almost certainly” refers to Defence Intelligence’s R1.4 billion Kondor-E synthetic aperture radar satellite, “launched on or about December 19 last year under the codename Project Flute”.


“Bizarrely, it appears SSA could have been collecting intelligence about a Defence Intelligence satellite surveillance programme.


“We cannot confirm all the information in the report is accurate but it certainly suggests co-operation between Russia and South Africa on the satellite surveillance programme appears to have been more advanced and carried out on a larger scale, than previously thought,” Maynier said.

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26 février 2015 4 26 /02 /février /2015 17:40
Ukraine: sous la pression occidentale, le cessez-le-feu semble tenir


26-02-2015 Par RFI


Le cessez-le-feu semble enfin tenir dans l'Est séparatiste pro-russe de l'Ukraine après que la pression occidentale s'est encore accrue sur la Russie, accusée par les Etats-Unis de « mentir » sur son rôle dans le conflit qui a fait 5 800 morts en dix mois.


Pas question pour les Occidentaux que Marioupol finisse comme Debaltseve. Si les séparatistes pro-russes ne respectent pas le cessez-le-feu et attaquent le port ukrainien, il y aura de nouvelles sanctions européennes contre la Russie. Laurent Fabius, le ministre français des Affaires étrangères, a été clair : « les choses seraient complètement bouleversées, y compris en termes de sanctions. »


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