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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:20

US Army Plans to Cut 3 of 13 Aviation Brigades by 2019
The US Army plans on cutting three of its 13 combat aviation brigades by 2019. (US Army) Mar. 4, 2014 - By PAUL McLEARY – Defense news WASHINGTON — US Army officials said Tuesday that as part of its wide-ranging aviation restructuring, the service is...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America USA US Army Aviation Brigade Defence Défense Budget
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:20

Washington augmente son soutien militaire à la Pologne et aux pays baltes
05 mars 2014 Romandie.com (AFP) WASHINGTON - Les Etats-Unis ont décidé d'intensifier les entraînements aériens conjoints avec la Pologne et d'augmenter leur participation à la protection de l'espace aérien des pays baltes, a annoncé mercredi le secrétaire...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Europe & USA Lituanie Lettonie Estonie Pologne Air Force Defence Défense USA NATO - OTAN
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:55

Rallye sections au 17e régiment du génie parachutiste (17e RGP)
03/03/2014 ASP A. LAROCHE - Armée de Terre Du lundi 17 au vendredi 21 février, le 17e régiment du génie parachutiste a organisé un rallye des sections dans la région de Montauban. Cet exercice avait pour objectif d’évaluer et d’éprouver les savoir-faire...
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Published by RP Defense - dans France Defence Défense Armée de Terre 17RGP Génie Parachutiste Army
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:55

Safran recrute pour son nouveau site de R&T à Paris-Saclay (Yvelines)
centre RetT photo Thierry Mamberti Safran Paris, le 5 mars 2014 Safran Safran, leader mondial dans les domaines de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, de la Défense et de la Sécurité, va recruter 160 collaborateurs pour son nouveau centre de R&T et d’Innovation,...
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Published by RP Defense - dans France Defence Aerospace Industry Safran Défense Aéronautique Industrie
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:50

Spanish AF Marks 25,000 Eurofighter Hours
photo Geoffrey Lee March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com (Source: Spanish Ministry of Defence; issued March 4, 2014) (Issued in Spanish; unofficial translation by Defense-Aerospace.com) Twenty-Five Thousand Hours of Eurofighter in Air Force The Air Force’s...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Europe Spain Eurofighter Air Force Defence Aerospace Défense Aéronautique Industry Industrie
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:50

OEF : Entraînement de l’équipe de visite du « Jean Bart » à La Sude
05/03/2014 Sources : EMA Le 20 février 2014, la frégate antiaérienne « Jean Bart » a appareillé de Toulon pour un déploiement en océan Indien. Le bâtiment sera intégré à l’opération Enduring Freedom (OEF), dont le volet maritime vise à lutter contre les...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Africa & Maghreb Asia & Pacific Enduring Freedom France Marine Nationale NMIOTC NATO - OTAN
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:50

Army cleared to fly next-generation eye-in-the-sky
Army personnel operating the Watchkeeper unmanned aerial system [Picture: Crown copyright] 5 March 2014 Ministry of Defence and Defence Equipment and Support Watchkeeper, the Army's next-generation unmanned aerial system, has been cleared to begin military...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Europe UK British Army Watchkeeper Thales Defence Défense drones UAS
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:45

French frigate Nivose to visit Durban next week
05 March 2014 by defenceWeb The French frigate Nivose will visit Durban for four days next week, highlighting the bilateral maritime cooperation between South Africa and France. Nivose is a regular visitor to South Africa and recently took part in Exercise...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Africa & Maghreb South Africa France Navy Marine Nationale Defence Défense Exercise Oxide
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:40

EU and NATO committees meet jointly to discuss Ukraine
Brussels, 05 March 2014 ref 140305/02 The European Union's Political and Security Committee (PSC) and NATO's North Atlantic Council (NAC) held a joint informal meeting today to discuss the situation in Ukraine, ahead of the meeting of EU heads of State...
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Published by RP Defense - dans EU PSC NATO - OTAN Europe Ukraine Defence Défense
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35

DND Rebidding 155mm Howitzers
DND will acquire 12 units 155mm howitzer (photo : Rowielip) Mar. 5, 2014 Defense Studies Philippine gov't to purchase 12 howitzers MANILA (Xinhua) -- The Philippine government said Wednesday that it would acquire 12 units of 155-millimeter howitzers in...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific Philippine Army howitzer Artillery Defence Défense
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35

Et si DCNS revendait des sous-marins à l'Inde
Associé au chantier naval Mazagon Dock, DCNS a déjà vendu en 2005 à New Delhi six sous-marins Scorpène 03/03/2014 Michel Cabirol – laTribune.fr Le groupe naval et son partenaire indien Mazagon Dock vont transférer en mars le premier sous-marin Scorpène...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific India Navy Submarine France DCNS Mazagon Dock Scorpène Sous-Marin Défense
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35

Chinese CAIC Z-10 Attack Helicopter Crash
05/03/2014 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter A Chinese army attack helicopter crashed on 4 March 2013, hospitalising both its crew members but without causing fatalities. Operated by the People's Liberation Army Air Force, the...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific China Chine Z-10 Attack Helicopter Defence Défense CAIC
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35

Vietnam Upgraded P-18 Radar
P-18 long-range air surveillance radar (photo : kienthuc) Mar. 5, 2014 Defense Studies (Kienthuc.net.vn) - Army radar (Air Defense - Air Force) is leading projects to improve and upgrade the radar station P-18 planes of foreign technology. This information...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific Vietnam Defence Défense Radar P-18 Air Defense Air Force Army
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35

Y-20 Flight Tests Going Well, China Says
Flight-testing of China’s Y-20 four-engined strategic transport aircraft is progressing well, according to the PLA, and has already set new national records for flight testing. (PLA photo) March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com (Source: China Military Online;...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Asia & Pacific China Chine Y-20 Transport Aircraft Defence Aerospace Industry Défense
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:30

Crise sans précédent au sein du club des monarchies du Golfe
05 mars 2014 Romandie.com (AFP) RYAD - Une crise sans précédent a éclaté au sein du club des monarchies arabes du Golfe, dont trois membres, conduits par l'Arabie saoudite, ont décidé mercredi d'isoler le Qatar, accusé de soutenir activement la mouvance...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East GCC EAU Saudi Arabia Qatar Bahreïn Koweit Oman Défense Defence
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:30

Raids d'hélicoptères de l'armée syrienne au Liban près de la frontière
05 mars 2014 Romandie.com (AFP) BEYROUTH - Des hélicoptères de l'armée gouvernementale syrienne ont effectué mercredi plusieurs raids au Liban près d'Arsal, une ville frontalière sunnite qui affiche ses sympathies avec les rebelles en Syrie, ont indiqué...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East Syria Syrie Liban Lebanon Defence Défense Helicopter
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:30

Tsahal arrête un cargo d’armes en provenance d’Iran
mars 5, 2014 Tsahal Durant la journée (05/03/14), Tsahal a arrêté une tentative de contrebande d’un cargo rempli d’armes de pointe en provenance d’Iran et destiné aux organisations terroristes opérant dans la bande de Gaza. L’opération a été rendue possible...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Gulf & Middle East Israel Iran Defence Défense Navy
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20

CRS Reports on Littoral Combat Ship Program
March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com (Source: Congressional Research Service; dated February 25, 2014) Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress On February 24, 2014, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced that the...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America USA US Navy LCS Defence Défense Industry Industrie Congress
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20

Talon and Spirit
3/5/2014 Strategy Page A T-38 Talon flies in formation with the B-2 Spirit of South Carolina during a training mission over Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., Feb. 20, 2014. The B-2 Spirit is a multirole bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Photo - Video du jour North America USA T-38 Talon B-2 Spirit US Air Force Air Force
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20

US Navy Releases FY15 Budget Proposal
March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com (Source: US Navy; issued March 4, 2014) Department of the Navy Releases Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Proposal WASHINGTON --- The Department of the Navy released its proposed $148 billion budget for fiscal year 2015 (FY15),...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America USA US Navy Defence Défense Budget FY15
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20

US Air Force Releases FY15 Budget Request
March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com (Source: US Air Force; issued March 04, 2014) Air Force Presents FY 15 Budget Request WASHINGTON --- The Air Force presented its fiscal year 2015 President’s Budget request today, following similar briefings by the...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America USA US Air Force Defence Défense Budget FY15
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20

Missile Defense Agency FY15 Budget Overview
March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com (Source: Missile Defense Agency; issued March 4, 2014) Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Overview The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is requesting $7.459 billion in FY 2015 to develop and deploy interceptors,...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America USA MDA Missile Defense Agency FY15 Defence Défense Budget Missile
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20

US Army Releases FY15 Budget Request
March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com (Source: US Army; issued March 4, 2014) FY15 Army Budget Request Includes Small Pay Raise, 490K End Strength WASHINGTON --- Under the Army's fiscal year 2015 budget request, Soldiers will receive a 1 percent pay increase...
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Published by RP Defense - dans North America USA Army Defence Défense Budget FY15
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 16:55

Shoulder launched anti-tank missile market worth $3.2 billion by 2020
MMP - photo MBDA 05 March 2014 by defenceWeb The global market for shoulder-launched anti-tank missiles and rocket propelled grenades (RPGs) will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.03% to reach $3.2 billion by the end of 2020, according to a new...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Europe USA MANPADS Missile Defence Défense Rafael MBDA Raytheon Lockheed Martin
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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 16:50

La marine italienne reçoit sa 3è frégate FREMM
photo Fincantieri 4 mars 2014. Portail des Sous-Marins Deux mois après l’acceptation définitive de la frégate Virginio Fasan, la marine italienne a reçu la 3è frégate FREMM, baptisée Carlo MARGOTTINI. La cérémonie s’est déroulée au chantier naval Fincantieri...
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Published by RP Defense - dans Europe Italy Navy Défense Naval Industrie FREMM Fincantieri OCCAR Defence
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