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12 novembre 2012 1 12 /11 /novembre /2012 08:15

Indus def Canada source 45enord.ca


10/11/2012 fr.canoe.ca(Agence QMI)


MANILLE, Philippines - En visite officielle aux Philippines, le premier ministre Stephen Harper a annoncé samedi qu'un «protocole d'entente» avait été établi entre le Canada et les Philippines qui permettra, selon le gouvernement, «d'offrir de nouvelles possibilités aux entreprises canadiennes du secteur de la défense et de la sécurité».


En vertu de ce protocole d'entente, qui entre en vigueur immédiatement, des entreprises canadiennes spécialisées en équipements, systèmes et services liés à la défense pourront écouler leur marchandise et faire des affaires avec le ministère de la Défense nationale des Philippines.


«Le Canada et les Philippines continuent d'accroître leur collaboration sur les enjeux liés à la sécurité, a affirmé le premier ministre, dans un communiqué. Ce protocole d'entente permettra aux Philippines d'acquérir l'équipement et le savoir-faire nécessaires pour réaliser le programme de défense et de sécurité du gouvernement de leur pays.»


Le gouvernement du Canada, par l'entremise de la Corporation commerciale canadienne (CCC), garantira les modalités et conditions des contrats signés entre la CCC et les Philippines.


En 2011, le secteur de la défense et de la sécurité du Canada employait 109 000 Canadiens et générait plus de 12,6 milliards $ pour l'économie canadienne, dont un peu plus de la moitié provenaient des marchés internationaux.

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12 novembre 2012 1 12 /11 /novembre /2012 07:51

le-rafale photo source india-defence


05/11/2012 Frédéric GAYRAUD - Consultant PRADO CONSULTING - Conseil en stratégie & management


LE CERCLE. La vente de 126 Rafales par Dassault Aviation à l’Inde accompagne la diversification du plus gros conglomérat indien dans l’industrie aéronautique et de défense.


Au début de l’année 2012, le ministère indien de la Défense a annoncé le choix de l’avion Rafale de Dassault Aviation dans le cadre de l’appel d’offres MMRCA (Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft). Il s’agit en fait du lancement d’un round de négociation privilégiée et très délicate entre l’avionneur français et les autorités indiennes. L’appel d’offres MMRCA est estimé à 10 milliards d’euros pour la fourniture de 126 appareils. L’une des contraintes imposées sur ce contrat est une obligation d’offset à hauteur de 50 %.


Les industriels indiens de l’aéronautique vont donc bénéficier d’une manne de près de 5 Mds $ dans les années à venir. Au-delà de ce contrat, l'Inde est aujourd’hui le premier importateur mondial d'armement et compte investir près de 100 milliards de dollars dans les équipements de défense, dans les dix prochaines années.


L’industrie aéronautique de ce pays s’articule essentiellement autour du groupe public HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited). HAL n’est pas totalement en mesure d’aligner les capacités nécessaires à la construction d’un appareil tel que le Rafale. Dassault Aviation devra aussi prévoir un transfert de technologie vers d’autres sociétés indigènes.


Quinze jours après l’annonce du choix du Rafale, Dassault Aviation et le conglomérat indien Reliance Industries (RIL) ont annoncé un partenariat dans les domaines de la défense et de la sécurité, sans toutefois que les deux groupes n’en disent plus sur la portée de cet accord.


RIL est le premier groupe privé indien, il est présent dans le gaz, la pétrochimie, mais aussi les fibres textiles, la distribution ou les télécoms, mais pas l’aéronautique. Le Groupe Reliance réalise un chiffre d’affaires d’environ 70 milliards de dollars. Il est la première capitalisation à la bourse de Mumbai.


Son principal dirigeant est Mukesh Ambani, 9e fortune mondiale et fils du fondateur de RIL. Mukesh Ambani a un rêve, créer un Boieng indien, il a les moyens de son ambition et il pousse ses pions.


En 2011, il embauche celui qui sera le chef de sa division aéronautique : le Dr Vivek Lall, un expert reconnu du monde aéronautique. Vivek Lall a étudié aux États-Unis et travaillé pour la NASA, Raytheon et Boeing. Il était le principal dirigeant de Boeing en Asie du Sud, avant de rejoindre le groupe Reliance.


En février 2012, RIL annonce un partenariat avec Dassault Aviation.


Au début de l’été 2012, RIL a demandé auprès du ministère indien du Commerce et de l’Économie une licence industrielle pour produire des pièces d’aéronefs et développer des technologies aéronautiques. S’en est suivi la création de Reliance Aerospace Technologies et Reliance Homeland Security, dont Vivek Lall a été nommé CEO.


Le siège de la division aéronautique du Groupe Reliance est basé à Nashik, non loin de Mumbai. RIL projette de se doter d’autres établissements à travers le pays dans le but de créer un véritable pôle de construction aéronautique. RIL souhaite aussi fédérer des acteurs plus petits et les former pour produire des composants de meilleure qualité pour l’industrie aérienne.


M. Ambani envisage d’investir jusqu’à 1 Mds $ et embaucher près de 1 500 employés dans les années à venir dans sa division aéronautique.


Même si la trésorerie du groupe Reliance est importante. Il faut faire preuve d’une certaine audace pour se lancer dans une telle aventure. L’avenir nous dira si le groupe Reliance qui a connu plusieurs mues dans son histoire réussira ce pari sur le secteur aéronautique.

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10 novembre 2012 6 10 /11 /novembre /2012 17:45



JAKARTA, 9 novembre - RIA Novosti


La Biélorussie participe pour la première fois au Salon international de l'armement INDO Défense Expo&Forum qui se déroule à Jakarta, en Indonésie du 7 au 10 novembre.


"La Biélorusse s'introduit pour la première fois sur ce marché pour présenter ses sociétés dans les domaines qui pourraient intéresser les militaires indonésiens", a déclaré vendredi à RIA Novosti Alexandre Vernikovski, directeur de la société Beltechexport en charge du stand biélorusse à INDO Defence 2012.


D'une superficie de 90 m², le stand biélorusse à INDO Defence 2012 présente le lance-roquettes anti-char Skif-D, une maquette du drone H.U.S.K.Y., des viseurs pour les armes d'infanterie et des chars, des appareils de surveillance, des simulateurs et d'autres équipements, selon le site officiel de Beltechexport.


Prié de préciser les secteurs de l'industrie biélorusse qui sont représentés au salon, M.Vernikovski a déclaré: "Le domaine naval est le seul où nous ne présentons rien".


Minsk compte accéder au marché indonésien, mais aussi à celui de l'ensemble de la région Asie-Pacifique, selon lui.


"C'est une entrée collective sur le marché appelée à montrer que nous sommes intéressés par des projets à court terme, mais aussi que nous sommes prêts à rivaliser avec les sociétés les plus réputées, mêmes américaines et chinoises, à nous implanter sur le marché", a poursuivi le responsable.


"En deux jours, nous avons eu beaucoup de rencontres et nos discussions ont été un succès. Nous nous sommes mis d'accord sur une visite des représentants des forces armées indonésiennes en Biélorussie. Nous avons eu le plaisir d'accueillir le ministère indonésien de la Défense Purnomo Yusgiantoro à notre stand à deux reprises", a annoncé M.Vernikovski.


Organisé tous les deux ans, INDO Defence Expo&Forum est l'un des salons d'armement les plus importants dans la région Asie-Pacifique. La 5e édition du salon présente plus de 500 sociétés de 40 pays. Presque 16.000 délégués de 44 pays participent aux manifestations d'INDO Defence 2012.

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10 novembre 2012 6 10 /11 /novembre /2012 13:20

asia-pacific source harvard.edu


2012-11-09 cri


Le porte-parole du Pentagone, George Little, a déclaré jeudi que le secrétaire à la Défense Leon Panetta effectuera une visite la semaine prochaine dans la région Asie-Pacifique. Il se rendra successivement en Australie, en Thaïlande et au Cambodge.


Lors de sa première étape en Australie, le ministre organisera des réunions de négociation régulière interministérielles avec la partie australienne, accompagné de la secrétaire d'Etat Hillary Clinton, du chef d'état-major des armées Martin Dempsey et du chef du Commandement de la Pacifique Samuel Locklear. Les deux pays feront le bilan des expériences concernant le succès du stationnement successif de l'infanterie de marine et des troupes aériennes des Etats-Unis en Australie. Les deux parties vont discuter également des démarches à venir.


Ensuite, Leon Panetta partira pour la Thaïlande et le Cambodge. Il prendra part à la Conférence des ministres de la Défense des pays de l'ASEAN. Le secrétaire à la Défense y mettra l'accent sur l'importance du rôle de l'ASEAN dans le maintien de la stabilité régionale et exprimera le soutien américain envers la coopération de la défense de ces pays.


Selon le porte-parole, cette visite de Leon Panetta et de Hillary Clinton démontre que les américains sont résolus à transférer leur centre de gravité stratégique vers la région d'Asie-Pacifique.


La Maison blanche a aussi déclaré jeudi que le président Obama se rendra en visite en Thaïlande, au Myanmar et au Cambodge en novembre.

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10 novembre 2012 6 10 /11 /novembre /2012 10:57

le-rafale photo source india-defence


08/11/2012 Michel Cabirol – laTribune.fr


L'ambassadeur de l'Inde à Paris estime que le contrat des 126 Rafale entre New Delhi et Dassault Aviation sera signé dans "trois à quatre mois". Il a également annoncé la visite au tout début 2013 en Inde du chef de l'Etat, François Hollande.


Dans "trois à quatre mois"... C'est ce que l'ambassadeur indien à Paris, Rakesh Sood, a expliqué lundi à propos de la signature du contrat portant sur l'acquisition de 126 Rafale (Dassault Aviation) à des journalistes indiens, a relaté mardi l'agence de presse indienne "Trust of India". Un contrat évalué à un peu plus de 15 milliards d'euros (20 milliards de dollars). "L'accord est dans les étapes finales et, avec bon espoir, on devrait le conclure dans les 3 à 4 mois suivants," a-t-il précisé à des journalistes indiens membres de l'Association Maison d'Inde. Même si, a-t-il considéré, le calendrier de la négociation dans le cadre du programme M-MRCA (Medium Multi Rôle combat aircraft), baptisé par les Indiens "la mère de toutes les affaires" ("mother of all deals"), a été plus lent qu'espéré. Tout en expliquant que cette négociation était extrêmement complexe, Rakesh Sood a rappelé que l'armée de l'air indienne avait besoin du Rafale pour remplacer progressivement les MIG-21, dont la flotte datant de l'ère soviétique a vieilli.


Dassault Aviation a accepté les exigences indiennes


Et Dassault Aviation a semble-t-il joué le jeu. C'est ce qu'a précisé l'ambassadeur indien à Paris: "Alors qu'une clause rigoureuse a été fixée pour le transfert de technologie et les offset, Dassault Aviation les a acceptés" lors de la négociation entre Dassault Aviation et le Comité de négociation des contrats (CNM). Le prix du contrat Rafale n'a pas été divulgué, a rappelé l'agence de presse indienne. Sur les 126 avions de combat, Dassault Aviation livrera 18 appareils fabriqués en France et cédera une licence au groupe d'armement public, Hindustan Aeronautic Limited (HAL) pour assembler sur son site de Bangalore les 108 Rafale restants. Sans compter une seconde tranche à l'étude de 64 à 74 appareils supplémentaires.


François Hollande en Inde début 2013


L'ambassador Rakesh Sood a annoncé que le nouveau président français, François Hollande, effectuerait une visite en Inde au début de l'année prochaine. De son côté, le nouveau ministre des Affaires étrangères indiens, Salman Khurshid, serait bientôt à Paris pour une visite très courte. Les échanges commerciaux entre l'Inde et la France s'élèvent  environ à 8 milliards de dollars (6,2 milliards d'euros), ce qui était en-dessous des prévisions.


En France, certaines sources interrogées par La Tribune estiment que le calendrier évoqué par l'ambassadeur indien à Paris, qui est également celui de l'armée de l'air indienne, est ambitieux. Toutes espèrent que le contrat sera signé bien avant les élections législatives indiennes prévues en 2014. "Dassault Aviation a une fenêtre de tir jusqu'à fin juin 2013 pour conclure le contrat, après on entre dans une période de campagne où il est peu probable qu'un contrat d'une telle ampleur soit signé", explique-t-on à La Tribune. A suivre...

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7 novembre 2012 3 07 /11 /novembre /2012 12:35

Leopard 2 A5. Photo courtesy of Bundeswehr


Nov. 2, 2012 - By ALBRECHT MÜLLER Defense News


BONN — The Indonesian government is saying that it is buying Leopard 2 main battle tanks, Marder infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and support tanks from Germany. It expects the first shipment before the end of this year.


“All the political and administrative processes are complete, we are in the production phase,” Deputy Defense Secretary Sjafrie Sjamsuddin told dpa news agency in Jakarta on Oct. 30.


The tanks would be used vehicles and bought by an armament company, which modernizes the vehicles and resells them. Indonesia names Düsseldorf-based Rheinmetall as its contract partner. The deal is supposed be worth around 216 million euros ($280 million).


Rheinmetall already delivers the tank’s 120mm smoothbore gun, the fire control technology, the C4I systems and ammunition of the Leopard 2.


“Like we already did in the past, we will not comment publicly on possible customer relations,” a spokesman of the Düsseldorf-based company said when asked about any possible tank deals between his company and Indonesia.


“We are buying Leopard 2A4 and Leopard 2 Revolution models that are already modified and have new armaments,” Sjafrie told The Jakarta Post on Oct. 31: “We can use them as soon as they arrive.”


He said that the government was buying about 100 Leopard 2 MBTs, 50 Marder IFVs, seven supporting tanks — including bridge, recovery and ambulances — and tank transporters.


The MBT Revolution is a modular upgrade package, developed by Rheinmetall. It adapts the vehicles better to urban warfare situations and low-intensity conflicts with asymmetric threats.


What makes the story especially interesting is the fact that a representative of the German Ministry for Economics and Technology said on Oct. 29, “There is no request prior to export of Leopard tanks to remain in Indonesia.” In Germany all arms deals have to be approved by the Federal Security Council, which meets in closed session.


The story erupted on Oct. 29 after the announcement of the Indonesian Defense Ministry that it will sign an accordant memorandum of understanding with its German partner on Nov. 7 in Jakarta.


Indonesian Defense Ministry spokesman Hartind Asrin was reported by dpa Jakarta to have said, that his country would in the future produce the Leopards at the country’s weapons manufacturer PT. Pindad.


“The memorandum of understanding will stipulate the transfer of technology and the provision of spare parts,” he was quoted.


According to the ministry official, the German government would be aware of ongoing talks between German companies and Indonesia about buying Leopard tanks


“Basically, the signing of a memorandum of understanding between a company that wants to sell military equipment, and a foreign government, which wants to purchase military equipment, does not require permission from the federal government.”


As a source for future Indonesian tanks, Rheinmetall had already been mentioned on Sept. 13 in the online edition of The Jakarta Post. In the same story, it also reported the intention of the Southeast Asian country to buy 50 Marder 1A3 type infantry fighting vehicles and 10 supporting tanks from Germany.


If any such tank deal would materialize and be approved by the government, Indonesia would be the second Asian user of the Leopard 2 MBT after Singapore. Fifteen countries worldwide operate the tank in various versions. Besides Indonesia, the two Arab kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are reported to be interested in buying the German tank for their armies.

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6 novembre 2012 2 06 /11 /novembre /2012 12:45



2 novembre 2012 par Nicolas Laffont - 45enord.ca/


Après avoir dévoilé l’avion en septembre lors du passage du secrétaire à la Défense américain, la Chine vient de procéder au vol inaugural de son deuxième avion de chasse furtif. Plusieurs experts estiment qu’une étape importante vient d’être franchie pour l’industrie chinoise de l’aviation militaire, et notamment dans la conception et la fabrication.

C’est à 10h32, heure locale, qu’a décollé, mercredi 31 octobre, l’avion J-31 qui porte le numéro de série 31001. Il aurait atterri 11mn plus tard sur la piste de la Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, dans la province du Liaoning.


Le premier avion de chasse furtif de la Chine, le J-20, a été dévoilé au début de 2011, mais ne devrait pas entrer en service avant 2018. 

En comparaison avec le J-20, le J-31 est un chasseur de taille moyenne qui utilise des moteurs russes à poussée moyenne. Ces moteurs devraient toutefois être remplacés par des moteurs WS-13 fabriqués en Chine.


«Tout comme les chasseurs américains F-22 et F-35 de cinquième génération, le J-20 et J-31 se compléteront mutuellement lors d’opérations futures», a affirmé Bai Wei, ancien rédacteur en chef adjoint de l’hebdomadaire Aviation World.


Si peu de détails ont filtré quand à son utilisation, les premières images montrent une double roue à l’avant et deux grandes ailes à l’arrière ce qui indique une meilleure stabilité verticale et donc la possibilité d’opérer sur un porte-avions.


À la fin septembre, la Marine chinoise lançait officiellement son tout premier porte-avions: le Liaoning qui est long de 304 mètres, peut naviguer à une vitesse de 32 noeuds et peut embarquer un peu plus de 2 000 membres d’équipage.

Les deux avions de chasse font de la Chine, après les États-Unis, le deuxième pays à développer deux avions de combat de cinquième génération. «La Chine a besoin de deux chasseurs lourds, moins coûteux et plus petits pour défendre son vaste espace aérien», a déclaré M. Wei, ajoutant que le J-31 pourrait également viser le marché d’exportation.


« Il est encourageant de constater que la Corporation de l’industrie de l’aviation de Chine a développé les deux avions simultanément», a-t-il ajouté, précisant au passage qu’il y a eu un écart de neuf ans entre les premiers vols respectifs des chasseurs américains F-22 et F-35.


Bill Sweetman, du réputé magazine américain Aviation Week, a écrit sur son blogue que le J-31 est une variante du JSF (F-35), sans les contraintes imposées par les exigences de décollage court et atterrissage vertical du F-35, qui limitent le volume du compartiment réservé aux armes et la forme de tous les modèles F-35.


«Si vous vous demandiez à quoi ressemblerait un F-35 JSF sans ces contraintes, nous avons maintenant un exemple concret. Malheureusement… Il est chinois», écrit M. Sweetman.


À lire aussi:

Chine et Japon: la guerre des porte-avions >>

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6 novembre 2012 2 06 /11 /novembre /2012 12:40

Frégates du type Jiangkai II


November 1, 2012 China Military News


2012-11-01 — A new-type-warship formation of the North China Sea Fleet of the Navy of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) returned to its home port after accomplishing its high-sea practice and training in mid October of 2012. During the 20-day-and-night high-sea training, captains steered the new-type warships to conduct actual-combat drills on comprehensive defense, ship-submarine-airplane integrated confrontation and so on, in a bid to explore various tactics for high-sea operations.


“Captains of the new-type warships are all experienced in implementing high-sea missions,” said Yuan Yubai, commander of the formation and chief of staff of the North China Sea Fleet.


Wang Hongmin, captain of the “Fuzhou” guided missile destroyer, is a lucky fellow who has realized the dream of navigating new-type warships in high sea. In 2009, as the captain of the “Xuzhou” guided missile frigate, Wang Hongmin sailed to the Gulf of Aden for his first escorting mission. In November 2011, he went there for the second time on escorting missions, repelling pirates, escorting merchant ships and even sailing to the Mediterranean to escort the ships carrying Chinese citizens who were evacuated from Libya.


Zhou Zhicheng, captain of the “Ma’anshan” guided missile frigate, won fame among his foreign counterparts for his outstanding performance in the “Peace-11” joint military drill by navies of multiple countries. Later on, he completed three escorting missions and was praised for complete security support.


Wang Linjiang, captain of the “Wuhan” guided missile destroyer, surmounted key problems and made innovation during his escorting missions, substantially improving the response capability of the warship formation in anti-pirate deployment.


According to Fu Yaoquan, political commissar of a destroyer flotilla under the East China Sea Fleet, owning experience and ability in high-sea operations has become a prerequisite for selecting and appointing captains of new-type warships.

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6 novembre 2012 2 06 /11 /novembre /2012 12:35

asia-pacific source harvard.edu



November 1, 2012 China Military News


2012-10-31 — China’s military exchanges with other countries will see a small upsurge at the end of 2012.


The only exception is Japan, which is involved in a dispute with China over the Diaoyu Islands.


Experts said China can deepen understanding with other countries by increasing military exchanges and cooperation. They also urged Japan to correct its mistake on the Diaoyu Islands issue.


Increased military communication can also help China ease concerns from other countries who claim Beijing’s military is “not transparent enough”, said Ruan Zongze, vice-president of the China Institute of International Studies.


China attaches importance to military exchanges with other countries, and more such exchanges can deepen mutual understanding, he said.


The move shows China would like to take more responsibility in maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, said Su Hao, a global affairs professor at China Foreign Affairs University.


The first joint-exercise on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief involving China, Australia and New Zealand began on Monday.


Seven New Zealand Defense Force staff participated in the Exercise Cooperation Spirit 2012, which is being hosted by the Australian Defense Force from Monday to Thursday in the Australian coastal city of Brisbane and Enoggera Barracks, according to Xinhua.


The exercise aims to further develop relationships, interoperability and is focused on responses to humanitarian crisis.


Meanwhile, heads of defense universities and colleges from China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will meet in Beijing from Nov 4 to 8 under the framework of the 16th ASEAN Regional Forum.


The theme of the meeting is national security strategy in a changing world. It aims to strengthen communication among members of the ARF in the defense and security sectors, and promote military education exchanges between China and other countries, said Yang Yujun, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense.


In late November, China and the US will hold a joint drill on humanitarian rescue and disaster relief in Chengdu, Sichuan province, in Southwest China.


According to Yang, US Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus and a US military medicine delegation will visit China, while a workshop of senior officers from the People’s Liberation Army and a navy delegation will also visit the US.


The two countries will also hold the 13th defense consultation between defense ministries.


Meanwhile, China and Japan have shelved a plan to build a maritime liaison mechanism between their defense ministries.


Ruan said Japan is to blame for the stagnation of China-Japan defense talks, which will not be appropriate until Japan corrects its mistake.

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4 novembre 2012 7 04 /11 /novembre /2012 12:40



02.11.2012 by Shiv Aroor - Livefist


U.S. firm Textron Defense Systems has begun deliveries of 512 CBU-105 sensor fuzed munitions to India. The company began deliveries of the weapon system to the U.S. Air Force in September -- it is a foreign military sale (FMS) to India and therefore needs to be routed through the applicable U.S. service -- and will complete deliveries by the end of the year. Deliveries to the Indian Air Force by the U.S. Air Force are likely to begin early 2013.

A 2010 government to government contract worth $257.73-million was cleared after India expressed interest in the weapon in 2008. Textron began production for the Indian order in February 2011. The weapon is likely to be deployed from the IAF's Jaguar strike aircraft and Su-30MKI air dominance fighters.

As a result of treaties on cluster munitions that India and the US are not signatories to, India's interest in the CBU-105 has been perceived as controversial, though the Indian government has persistently committed to the use of such weapons only against military targets.
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3 novembre 2012 6 03 /11 /novembre /2012 12:55

USS Ohio (SSGN-726)


02.11.2012 Pacific Sentinel


The nuclear submarine USS Ohio was deployed to the Western Pacific last month as tension between China and Japan was escalating over the disputed Diaoyutai (Diaoyu or Senkaku) islands, reports our sister newspaper Want Daily.

The Ohio, equipped with Trident and Tomahawk missiles, stopped at Subic Bay in the Philippines on Oct. 4 and arrived at Busan in South Korea on Oct. 24. A report from the Moscow-based Voice of Russia said that the submarine was obviously in the region due to the dispute over the islands in the East China Sea, which were nationalized by Japan on Sept. 11 to outrage from China.

The US Pacific Command said the Ohio had conducted a number of missions to demonstrate the latest capabilities of the submarine fleet near the waters of South Korea.

Read the full story at Want China Times
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3 novembre 2012 6 03 /11 /novembre /2012 12:45



November 2, 2012. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


News release from Boeing:


Boeing [NYSE: BA] delivered the sixth Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) C-17 Globemaster III today at the company’s final assembly facility in Long Beach. The airlifter will be assigned to No. 36 Squadron at RAAF Base Amberley near Brisbane, where it will help meet increased demand for airlift to support military, humanitarian and peacekeeping operations.


“I am delighted to accept the sixth C-17 on behalf of the Royal Australian Air Force,” said RAAF Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown. “The C-17 is a capability that has improved Australia’s reach locally, regionally and globally. Individually, the aircraft is impressive – but as a fleet, it has fundamentally enhanced our strategic airlift agility to meet the Australian Defence Force Air Mobility requirements.”


The government of Australia announced its intent to buy a sixth airlifter during last year’s arrival ceremony for the RAAF’s fifth C-17. The contract was completed on June 6 and now Boeing has delivered the aircraft less than five months later, due to the strong cooperation among the Australian and U.S. governments working with the Boeing team.


“The C-17 symbolizes the strength and the enduring nature of the partnership between Boeing and the Commonwealth of Australia,” said Bob Ciesla, vice president, Airlift, and C-17 program manager. “We look forward to supporting the RAAF and this aircraft as we do the five other C-17s at Amberley.”


Boeing provides after-delivery support to the RAAF C-17 fleet as part of the C-17 Globemaster III Integrated Sustainment Program (GISP) Performance-Based Logistics agreement with the U.S. Air Force. The GISP “virtual fleet” arrangement provides the highest airlift mission-capable rate at one of the lowest costs per flying hour.


Boeing has delivered 248 C-17s worldwide, including 218 to the U.S. Air Force active duty, Guard and Reserve units. A total of 30 C-17s have been delivered to Australia, Canada, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the 12-member Strategic Airlift Capability initiative of NATO and Partnership for Peace nations. India has 10 C-17s on order for delivery in 2013 and 2014.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 18:10


EC725 helicopter


1 November 2012 airforce-technology.com


Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) helicopter pilots are set to start operating Eurocopter Malaysia's (ECM) newly developed EC225/EC725 full-flight simulator (FFS) from early 2013.


The simulator has successfully completed certification tests by the European Aviation Safety Agency and Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation, and is currently being assembled at the new Eurocopter Malaysia Simulation Centre (EMSC), located at Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Selangor.


The FFS training is designed to enhance helicopter safety by improving and maintaining the skill level of pilots and crew, while reducing customers' training costs, according to a statement by the company.


Eurocopter Malaysia president/chief executive officer Pierre Rossignol told Bernama News Agency that the country will serve as an ideal destination for the FFS establishment in Asia, in wake of impending deliveries of the RMAF's EC725 helicopters fleet.


"The simulator in Malaysia will be Eurocopter's 20th in the world and reflects the company's strong commitment to develop its support and services in Asia," Rossignol added.


The simulator is scheduled to provide operator training to both RMAF's and civilian pilots in the Asia Pacific.


A total of 12 EC725 Super Cougar helicopters were ordered by the RMAF in 2010 to help replace its Sikorsky-built S-61A-4 Nuri helicopter fleet, which is used for conducting search and rescue operations.


The first helicopter is expected to be handed over in December 2012, while the remaining deliveries are scheduled to complete by January 2014.


A derivative of Eurocopter's AS 532 Cougar, the EC725 is a long-range tactical transport helicopter designed for troop transport, casualty evacuation, combat search and rescue, maritime surveillance, humanitarian support, medical evacuation and shipborne missions.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 17:35



01.11.2012 Pacific Sentinel


Exercise Cooperation Spirit 2012, a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise involving the Australian Defence Force, People’s Liberation Army and New Zealand Defence Force, has concluded with the demonstration of Australia’s emergency medical capability.

Some 54 military personnel from the three nations participated in the exercise, which aimed to enhance cooperation and coordination between Australia, China and New Zealand in responding to natural disasters in the Asia Pacific.

The Commander of the 1st Division, Major General Stuart Smith, said the exercise was a practical example of the ability of the participating nations to work together to manage and respond to emergencies and disasters. 

“This exercise has demonstrated the deepening cooperation between Australia, China and New Zealand and has been a valuable opportunity to exchange lessons learned on an area of shared interest, medical support in emergencies, that has broader implications for the region.”

Major General Smith also highlighted the value of the exercise in building mutual understanding and trust between participants.

“Over the last few days, the Australian Defence Force personnel have built closer relationships and ties with their Chinese and New Zealand counterparts and we are now better positioned to coordinate and work side by side in response to future disasters in the region.”

The Commander of 7th Brigade, Brigadier Greg Bilton, said the Australian Army had been pleased to host medical specialists and staff from the People’s Liberation Army and  New Zealand for Exercise Cooperation Spirit 2012.

“Through Exercise Cooperation Spirit, the Australian Defence Force has shown that the spirit of cooperation exists between Australia, China and New Zealand in responding to major humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations in the region.”

Exercise Cooperation Spirit is one of several defence activities helping to mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and China in 2012.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 17:30

Australian C-130 Hercules


01.11.2012 Pacific Sentinel


A Royal Australian Air Force C-130H Hercules made a mammoth airborne delivery today, when it airdropped a 10-tonne John Deere bulldozer into a Defence site in northwest Sydney.

The John Deere 450J Bulldozer was airdropped into Londonderry Drop Zone as part of a trial to certify it as suitable for aerial delivery by Air Force transport aircraft.

This was the final heavy airdrop to be performed by a C-130H Hercules, as the fleet will retire later this year. Air Force will continue to conduct the airdrop role on the newer generation C-130J Hercules and C-17A Globemaster transports.

Extraction parachutes pulled the load backwards out of the Hercules cargo bay, at an altitude of 350 metres, before five 30-metre descent parachutes deployed and allowed the load to safely descend.

The total weight of the load, comprising the bulldozer, pallet, rigging and parachutes, was approximately 10,500kg. The bulldozer is used by Army’s Combat Engineer Regiments to clear areas, repair runways, and prepare drop zones.

Air Movements Training and Development Unit (AMTDU) – a joint Air Force and Army establishment at RAAF Base Richmond – has spent months planning the engineering requirements for safely delivering the load.

Commanding Officer of AMTDU, Wing Commander Carl Newman, said airdrops can place massive stresses on the load and aircraft alike.

“The objective is to ensure that airdrop of the load does not adversely impact the aircraft, and that the bulldozer is in working order after the airdrop,” Wing Commander Newman said.

“Even descending beneath five parachutes, the impact of this load hitting the ground would significantly damage most family cars or commercial trucks were they the cargo.

“Defence has worked with industry to design and deliver a bulldozer that is fit to handle the stresses involved in airdrop delivery.”

“The cooperation between Defence and industry in this case has been a great success and enabled us to bring this load to trial in a much shorter timeframe than many other complex loads,” Wing Commander Newman said.

On Friday, 30 November, Air Force will officially retire its remaining fleet of C-130H Hercules. The C-130J Hercules will continue to operate from RAAF Base Richmond, and will be joined by the smaller C-27J Spartan battlefield airlifter from 2015.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 14:46



Oct. 31, 2012 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI Defense News


NEW DELHI — Airbus has been selected as the preferred vendor over Russia’s Ilyushin to supply six aerial tankers for the Indian Air Force in a $1 billion tender, according to Indian Defence Ministry officials.


After the commercial bids were opened earlier this month, the base price of the Russian Il-78 tanker was quoted as lower than that of the A330, but when factoring in maintenance and fuel costs, the Airbus was the better value, said a Defence Ministry official. The official refused to provide the exact quotes of the bids, and said the Russian government-owned company had not yet been officially informed about the decision.


Russian diplomats confirmed they had not been informed of the Airbus selection.


Boeing withdrew from the competition in 2010, leaving only the A330 and Il-78 in competition. The tender in 2010 also was sent to EADS, Lockheed Martin and Antonov of Ukraine. Antonov did not qualify, and Lockheed and Boeing did not participate.


The Indian Air Force is using six Il-78 midair refuelers bought from Uzbekistan and plans to buy 12 additional tankers, which includes the six from Airbus.


Defence Ministry sources said it is not yet decided if a fresh tender will be opened to buy the remaining six or if a repeat order will be given to the winner to the current competition.


The current tender is itself a rebid of a 2006 tender in which the A330 finished behind the Il-78 tanker, but the Indian Air Force preferred the European tanker. When the matter was sent to India’s Finance Ministry, it said the lowest bidder should be the winner. The controversy led to the cancellation of the tender.


Defence Minister A.K. Antony wrote the Indian Parliament on Dec. 14, 2009, that the Finance Ministry had expressed reservations about the competition.


“The procurement proposal had been progressed in accordance with the Defence Procurement Procedure — 2006 and thereafter referred to the Ministry of Finance who has expressed certain reservations relating to the competitiveness of the bids and the reasonableness of the price,” Antony wrote.


The Indian Air Force plans to deploy the tankers at Panagarh Air Base in the eastern state of West Bengal to help increase the range of its Su-30MKI fighter jets, which would enable the Indian aircraft to penetrate deeply into China, an Air Force official said.


In addition to lower fuel costs, the Airbus tanker is optimized for high-altitude cruise and fitted with advance avionics, the IAF official said.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 13:10

800px-Akash SAM


Oct. 31, 2012 thehindubusinessline.com


Hyderabad - Top defence scientist and project director of Akash missile (surface to air missile) Ramprasad Ramakrishna Panyam died of a massive cardiac arrest.


An outstanding Scientist and Associate Director of Defence Research and Development Laboratory, Hyderabad, Panyam was 58. He is survived by wife Nalini Panyam and two children.


He was instrumental in establishing the solid integral ramjet rocket technology in India. His contribution to Akash missile resulted in placement of production orders from the Indian Army and Indian Air Force, said a release from the Hyderabad-based laboratory.


Akash is one of the missile which has gone into production. The Bharat Dynamics Ltd was given orders to the tune of over Rs 5,000 crore initially to produce the missile for the Indian defence forces. The public sector company is in the process of establishing production lines to meet the demand.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 13:05

Three Airbus Military A330 MRTTs fly in formation photo Air


01.11.2012 by Shiv Aroor - LIVEFIST


Reports in that EADS/Airbus has won the Indian Air Force's $1.3-billion tanker competition, with its A330 MRTT beating the Il-78M. While an official confirmation is still awaited, Defencenews reports that the A330 won on overall lifecycle, maintenance and fuel costs, but still fell behind on unit cost per aircraft -- like it did the last time. The competition was aborted in an earlier attempt after the Indian Ministry of Finance refused to accept the IAF's plea that the A330 would be a more economical aircraft to operate, even if the cost of the deal was markedly higher than the Russian bid. The cancellation had been a stinging blow to EADS.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 12:55



01.11.2012 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense


Depuis 1995, les Australiens externalisent une partie des missions de surveillance aéroportée des approches maritimes (38 000 km de côtes à surveiller!). Le contrat, baptisé Project Sentinel, avait alors été attribué à Surveillance Australia, une filiale de la firme britanniques Cobham. En 2006, le contrat Sentinel a été de nouveau attribué à Cobham.


Cobham vient d'annoncer (cliquer ici pour le communiqué de presse) que ce contrat vient d'être prolongé de deux ans, ce qui le mène jusqu'en 2021. A la clé: une rallonge de 163 millions de dollars australiens. L'Australian Customs and Border Protection Service va donc continuer à bénéficier des services des dix Dash 8: 6 Q200 et 4 Q300 équipés de radar SeaVue et de systèmes Wescam MX-15 EO (cliquer ici pour lire un article sur les équipements embarqués). Trois hélicoptères complètent la flotte: 1 Bell 412EP, 1  AS350B3 et 1  EC145.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 12:50



BEIJING, November 1 (RIA Novosti)


China successfully completed a test flight on Wednesday of its new fifth-generation J-31 jet fighter, according to the Huanqiu Shibao newspaper.


The flight represents a crucial step for the Chinese military, which has become only the third in the world – after the United States and Russia – to have developed a stealthy fifth-generation fighter aircraft.


The J-31 is a mid-sized combat jet with two Russian-made engines in its prototype development phase. Production models will have Chinese WS-13 engines, the newspaper said.


The Chinese are also developing the J-20 fighter jet, first tested in January 2011, which also features stealth technology.


The trials take place during a time of increased tension between China and its neighbors, particularly with Japan over the disputed Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands) in the East China Sea.

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31 octobre 2012 3 31 /10 /octobre /2012 22:01



November 01, 2012 By Gabe Collins and Andrew Erickson - http://thediplomat.com


The engine of China's naval rise has flown under the radar - until now.


China’s military shipyards now are surpassing Western European, Japanese, and Korean military shipbuilders in terms of both the types and numbers of ships they can build. If Beijing prioritizes progress, China’s military shipbuilding technical capabilities can likely become as good as Russia’s are now by 2020 and will near current U.S. shipbuilding technical proficiency levels by 2030. China is now mass producing at least six classes of modern diesel-electric submarines and surface warships, including the new Type 052C “Luyang II” and Type 052D “Luyang III” destroyers now in series production.


Eight key themes, listed sequentially below, characterize China’s rise as a world-class military shipbuilder. For reference, the companies building the warships are China State Shipbuilding Corporation (“CSSC”) and China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (“CSIC”).


1. China’s warship buildout thus far supports modernization and replacement, not rapid expansion


Over the past six years, China’s overall fleet of frontline combatants has expanded, but slowly, growing from 172 ships in 2005 to an estimated 221 vessels in 2012. However, the fleet has improved substantially in qualitative terms as newer ships and subs replace older ones. For instance, as Type 052 C/D Luyang-series destroyers, Type 054A Jiangkai II-series frigates, and Type 041 Yuan diesel-electric submarines have come into the fleet, they are allowing the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) to steadily retire obsolete platforms like Luda destroyers and Ming submarines.


2. Chinese military shipbuilders are catching up to Russian and U.S. Yards


China’s large state-backed military shipbuilders are approaching their Russian and U.S. peers in terms of the number of warships built. China’s large submarine and surface warship buildout will, in a decade, likely have it become second only to the U.S. in terms of total warships produced since 1990. More importantly, the ramp-up of China’s construction of large warships in recent years will mean the PLA Navy will likely be taking delivery of larger numbers of modern surface combatants and submarines annually than the U.S. Navy.


Measured in terms of warships commissioned since 1990, China is now number three globally and is rapidly gaining on Russia, the number two country. Most of Russia’s post-1990 military ship deliveries simply reflected yards “finishing up” Soviet-era projects.


Chinese yards, in contrast, have come on strong over the past decade, with a big push in submarine construction that began in 2002-03 and a strong pipeline of surface warship deliveries that continues to gain steam to this very day. Chinese military shipyards—in particular the Changxing Island and Hudong Zhonghua yards near Shanghai—are humming with activity, and over the next 2-3 years, China is likely to commission enough large warships to put it second only to the U.S. in terms of large warships built and delivered since 1990.


3. China’s military shipbuilders are using modular mass production techniques


CSSC’s Jiangnan Shipyard is using modular construction methods to build Type 052-series destroyers. Modular construction involves building the ship in “blocks.” This maximizes a shipyard’s productive potential and also provides greater latitude for modifying designs and customizing ships. Modular construction also gives yards the flexibility to either build centers of expertise within the yard or outsource the production of certain components and then import them to the yard for final assembly.


CSSC’s Hudong Zhonghua shipyard also appears to be using modular construction techniques for the Type 071 LPD. The yard has now constructed four of the vessels, two of which are in service and two of which are in the trial/outfitting stage. They have also been able to fabricate the Type 071 hulls faster, with a time gap of nearly four years between the first and second vessels, but only 10 months between vessels two and three, and four months between vessels three and four.


4. China’s military shipyards appear to be sharing design and production information across company lines


Historically, CSIC built all Chinese submarines, but the current production run of Type 041 Yuan-class advanced diesel electric subs has seen at least two boats being built in CSSC’s Jiangnan yard. This suggests submarine construction expertise is growing outside of CSIC. However, there are no indications thus far that CSSC is doing submarine design work, which could mean that Beijing is making the companies and their design institutes share submarine design and construction information. Likewise, the new Type 056 corvette is being built in both CSSC and CSIC shipyards, suggesting that a standardized design and production approach is being shared by both companies.


5. China’s military shipbuilders will be able to indigenously build aircraft carriers


China’s first aircraft carrier, Liaoning, which entered service on  September 25th of this year, started as an empty hull and gave CSIC valuable experience in effectively creating an aircraft carrier from the keel up. China has a total of seven shipyards with sufficiently large berths to assemble a carrier hull (three hundred meters or more), and the yards are basically equally dispersed between CSSC and CSIC. These yards are located in Dalian (CSIC), Qingdao (CSIC), Huludao (CSIC), Shanghai (CSSC), and Guangzhou (CSSC).


CSIC Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry complex near Huludao (where China builds its nuclear submarines) is a top candidate due to its large, covered building sheds where carrier parts could be fabricated in modular fashion and out of the view of satellite surveillance. The company says it has the “largest indoor seven-step” ship construction facilities in China. This facility, together with CSSC’s large new Changxing Island yard, and CSIC’s Dalian yard—which fitted out the carrier Liaoning that just entered PLAN service—are the three leading candidates to build China’s indigenous carriers.


6. China will retain a military shipbuilding cost advantage


We project that for at least the next five years, Chinese shipbuilders will have a substantial labor cost advantage over their counterparts in South Korea, Japan, and the U.S. CSSC’s Jiangnan shipyard can likely deliver a Type 052C destroyer for 24% less than it costs Korea’s Hyundai heavy Industries to produce a KDX-III destroyer. Likewise, according to disclosures in the July 2011 issue of Shipborne Weapons, Wuchang shipyard can produce a late model diesel electric sub such as the Type 041 for roughly 47% less than it would cost South Korea’s DSME to make a Type 209 submarine. The lower labor cost in China likely serves as a core driver. This may help explain the larger Chinese cost advantage in building submarines, since advanced submarines can require substantially larger number of man-hours to build than surface ships do.


7. China’s neighbors feel increasingly compelled to augment their naval forces in response to Chinese warship production


South Korea has decided to expand its procurement of advanced diesel-electric submarines to include nine KSS-III 3,000-ton submarines by 2020 and nine 1,800-ton subs by 2018. This acquisition will basically double the size of the country’s current sub force and substantially enhance its capabilities, since the biggest boats in the fleet are currently 1,800-ton vessels. South Korea has also elected to double its Aegis destroyer purchases over the next decade.


Similarly, Vietnam’s maritime friction with China and fear of the PLAN’s growing power is making Hanoi into one of the Russian defense industry’s star customers. Vietnam has ordered six Kilo-class diesel submarines from Russia and is likely to take delivery of its first Kilo by the end of 2012. Hanoi is also adding advanced Russian anti-ship missiles and stealthy Gepard-class missile armed patrol boats to its naval force.


8. China now has the potential to become a significant exporter of diesel submarines and smaller surface warships


China’s shipbuilders are becoming increasingly competitive in terms of the ratio of cost to combat power they can deliver. For instance, the July 2011 issue of Shipborne Weapons reports that China will supply 6 potentially Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP)-equipped submarines to Pakistan for as little as 1/3 the unit price at which European shipyards would be able to supply comparable boats.


With the advent of the Type 041 Yuan-class diesel sub and Type 056 corvette, China now has two platforms for which it is already capable of series production and for which the unit costs are likely to drop significantly in coming years. The export version of Russia’s Steregushiy-class corvette, called Tigr, currently stands at around U.S. $150 million per vessel. As China’s Type 056 production run continues to expand, it would not be a surprise to eventually see the PLAN’s unit cost end up in the U.S. $110-120 million per vessel cost range, which would make the Type 056 a serious export competitor to the Tigr and other smaller Russian warships.




China’s naval shipbuilding industry has advanced to the point that it can series produce modern diesel submarines, landing platform docks (LPDs), destroyers, frigates, corvettes, and fast attack craft, albeit with some imported components for a number of key systems. The ongoing series production of Type 041 SSKs, Type 071 LPDs, Type 052 destroyers, and Type 056 corvettes strongly suggests that China’s military shipbuilders have rapidly assimilated commercial innovations such as modular construction.


Chinese naval shipbuilding faces several challenges moving forward. Most notably, six major questions remain:


1. Does Beijing have the political will to continue devoting substantial and growing resources to naval modernization?


2. Can China achieve requisite technical advances in weapons systems, propulsion, and military electronics?


3. Can China master the technologies needed to build nuclear submarines capable of surviving in a conflict with U.S. and Russian boats?


4. Can it build an aircraft carrier with catapults that would allow it to maximize the strike and air combat capabilities of the J-15 fighter it is likely to carry?


5. Will the Chinese leadership be willing to invest political and financial capital in establishing intensive and realistic training for the PLAN and provide diplomatic support for establishment of sustained access to facilities in key areas such as the Indian Ocean region?


6. Will continued weakness in the global ship market prompt Beijing to capitalize on the availability of shipyard space to further increase the pace of military shipbuilding?


China’s military shipbuilders are showing that they can meet Beijing’s current call for warships and could produce more if given the mandate and the resources. The U.S. strategic rebalancing toward the Asia-Pacific will need more than rhetoric if it is to remain credible in the face of China’s potential to rapidly produce modern warships.


The Pentagon should consider adjusting the U.S. Navy’s ship acquisition programs in response. As Chinese warships become better, the numbers ratio between the PLAN and U.S. Navy combatants will become increasingly important.  Given that shipbuilding is an industry where lead times can be many years, now is the time for Washington to begin responding to China’s warship production improvements and prepare strategically for further naval advances that Beijing is likely to unveil over the next 2-3 years.

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31 octobre 2012 3 31 /10 /octobre /2012 21:38


About 100 tanks and 40 eight- and six-wheel APC
arrived in Sihanoukville port
(photo : KIMedia)

31.10.2012 defense studies


Scores of tanks and armoured personnel carriers arrived at the port in Sihanoukville yesterday, marking one of the biggest shipments of military vehicles in recent history.

A source in Preah Sihanouk province who asked not to be named told the Post that the ship in question arrived yesterday morning, with “some 100 tanks and about 40 eight- and six-wheel amoured personnel carriers,” he said.

Last night, Sihanoukville Autonomous Port director Lou Kim Chhun confirmed the shipment, but declined to comment on numbers or countries of origin, saying: “For the details I think you can ask customs officials.”

In September 2010, in the middle of a border dispute with Thailand, Cambodia purchased 94 tanks from an Eastern European country widely thought to be Ukraine. The same year, China donated some 250 vehicles to the Cambodian military.

Defense officials could be reached for comment.

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31 octobre 2012 3 31 /10 /octobre /2012 21:04



31/10/2012 Sources : EMA


Suite au déploiement des forces débuté le 21 octobre, les neuf pays engagés dans l’exercice Croix du Sud 2012, sont passés à l’action. Depuis leur zone d’opération, dans le Nord de la Grande Terre, à 500 km de Nouméa, les militaires ont entamé la phase finale de l’exercice qui consiste au volet humanitaire de la mission.


Cet exercice de niveau opératif, international et interarmées, a pour but de conduire une opération d’assistance humanitaire et d’évacuation de ressortissants. Le volet humanitaire a débuté avec la livraison par avion CASA, aux abords de Poum, d’une station de traitement d’eau confiée par la Croix Rouge, l’acheminement du fret collecté par le Secours Catholique sur l’île de Bélep par le BATRAL Jacques Cartier et le largage de petits colis près de Koumac.


La force a été simultanément engagée dans une mission d’évacuation (RESEVAC) de 200 ressortissants par vecteurs terrestres, aériens et maritimes, sur l’ensemble de la zone d’opération. Les militaires ont été confrontés à des manifestants en situation de grande détresse ou à des groupes de milices hostiles, notamment à proximité de Koumac, où les troupes au sol ont été contraintes de conduire une action offensive pour désengager des ressortissants. En mer, les bâtiments de la force ont été harcelés par des embarcations de type go-fast et ont intercepté un navire de pêche soupçonné de trafic d’armes au profit de la force adverse.




Le retrait du dispositif a débuté le 25 octobre, une fois l’ensemble des ressortissants évacués. Cette année, la chaîne complète d’évacuation humanitaire a été mise en œuvre. Celle-ci a débuté avec la prise en compte initiale des réfugiés, au plus près de la zone dangereuse, dans un centre de regroupement armé par la composante terrestre et le groupement de soutien de la base de défense (GSBdD). Après l’évacuation par air en zone amie, les ressortissants ont été admis au centre d’accueil et de regroupement (dispositif CARe). Ce dispositif s’inscrit dans le cadre du plan ORSEC soutien des populations et était composé, pour l’occasion, d’un module de traitement administratif et d’un centre d’hébergement d’urgence montés et gérés par le haut-commissariat de la République, la Croix Rouge et des organisations internationales (notamment Australian Aid).




L’édition 2012 de l’exercice Croix du Sud a été un véritable succès, contribuant au renforcement de la position française dans le Pacifique. Illustration de cette réussite, aux côtés des acteurs traditionnels (Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Papouasie, Vanuatu, Tonga), des forces américaines d’Hawaï et d’Okinawa, des militaires britanniques déployés au Brunei, des Canadiens, mais aussi des observateurs Japonais étaient présents. Plus de 1500 personnes ont participé à cet exercice, si l’on compte les organismes gouvernementaux et les ONG.




Croix du Sud est l’exercice de référence régional en termes de projection de force et de conduite simultanée de deux types d’opération, militaire (RESEVAC) et humanitaire avec la mise en œuvre de l’accord FRANZ. Au niveau national, cet entraînement a confirmé la cohérence de la réorganisation des forces de souveraineté selon une logique de théâtre. Les forces armées en Nouvelle-Calédonie (FANC) et les forces armées en Polynésie française (FAPF), qui forment le « théâtre » Pacifique, agissent de manière complémentaire. Les FANC constituent le point d’appui central du « théâtre » avec un dispositif interarmées et les moyens de projection associés. Les FAPF quant à elles constituent un dispositif interarmées à dominante maritime


Les délégations présentes ont confirmé leur intérêt à participer au prochain exercice prévu en 2014.

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31 octobre 2012 3 31 /10 /octobre /2012 17:00

Boeing E-737 Peace Eye


Oct 31, 2012 ASDNews Source : The Boeing Company


    Airborne surveillance and battle management capability delivered 5 weeks ahead of schedule in partnership with local industry


Boeing [NYSE: BA] on Oct. 24 delivered the fourth and final 737 Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft to the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF), demonstrating the continuing success of the company's partnerships with local industry.


"We delivered five weeks ahead of schedule thanks to the hard work, focus and close collaboration among the ROKAF, Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration, Boeing and our in-country suppliers," said Rick Heerdt, Boeing vice president of Airborne Surveillance, Command and Control.


Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) modified and supported testing of three of the four 737-based Peace Eye aircraft at its facility in Sacheon.


"Throughout the program, KAI demonstrated its outstanding technical capability and modification experience in delivering this powerful airborne surveillance and battle management capability that enhances the security of the Korean peninsula," Heerdt said.


Other Korean companies that made key contributions to the AEW&C program include:


    Korean Air Aerospace Division: technical services, spares and related parts-handling services

    LIG Nex1: networking and training

    Samsung Thales: mission crew training.

    Boeing Training Services Korea: flight crew training

    Huneed Technologies: ground-based datalinks communications system.


The AEW&C team has delivered all ground support segments for mission crew training, mission support and system maintenance to ROKAF Base Gimhae, the Peace Eye fleet's main operating base.


Boeing is providing on-site technical support, training and spare parts as part of an interim support program. This allows seamless support of the Peace Eye fleet as it transitions to a through-life support program.


Boeing also has delivered six AEW&C aircraft to Australia. Four other AEW&C aircraft are in production for Turkey.


The 737 AEW&C aircraft is designed to provide airborne battle management capability with an advanced multirole electronically scanned radar and 10 state-of-the-art mission crew consoles that are able to track airborne and maritime targets simultaneously. The mission crew can direct offensive and defensive forces while maintaining continuous surveillance of the operational area.

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31 octobre 2012 3 31 /10 /octobre /2012 16:50



Oct 31, 2012 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Australian Department of Defense; issued Oct. 31, 2012)


Legislation A Boost to Australia’s Defence Industry


Australia’s Defence Industry will be better placed to trade with the United States in Defence goods, services and technology with the passage through Parliament today of the Defence Trade Controls Bill.


The Bill implements the Australia-US Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty and strengthens Australia’s export controls to bring them into line with international best practice.


The Treaty was signed in 2007. In September 2010, the US Senate recommended that the Treaty be ratified.


The Treaty will improve the structure for two-way trade between Australia and the US in Defence goods, services and technology without the need for individual export permits. This will be achieved by establishing an Approved Community of Government facilities and private companies in both countries.


The Treaty will mean: reduced delivery time for new Defence projects; improved sustainment by permitting transfers within the Approved Community without further US approvals; improved business opportunities by permitting Australian and US companies to share technical data without permit, and greater opportunities for Australian companies to participate in US contracts.


Eliminating identified gaps in Australia’s export control system will align Australia with the accepted best practice of the export control regimes that Australia belongs to, and contribute to international efforts to prevent proliferation.


The strengthened export controls relate to those Defence and strategic goods that already require a Defence permit if exported from Australia in physical form due to the risk they pose to international security and weapons proliferation.


The legislation introduces a permit system for the electronic supply (such as by email or fax) of technology to a person overseas that would enable them to develop, produce or use these goods. This includes technology that could be used to make Weapons of Mass Destruction such as chemical, biological, nuclear and other weapons. Brokering the supply of these goods and technology will also require a permit.


A draft Bill was released for public consultation in July 2011. The Bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on 2 November and passed the House on 21 November 2011.


In August this year, the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee asked Defence to enter into further consultations with the academic and research sectors to consider concerns raised by them. The Government appointed Dr Alex Zelinsky, the Chief Defence Scientist, and Mr Ken Peacock to lead this further consultation.


Australia’s Chief Scientist, Professor Ian Chubb, conducted an additional Roundtable process that included University, research and Government agency representatives. The Roundtable achieved broad support for a way forward, which was welcomed by the Government.


The legislation reflects in full the outcomes of the Chief Scientist’s Roundtable, including:

--a two year transition period

--the appointment of a Steering Group to advise Government on the implementation of legislation. Chaired by Australia’s Chief Scientist, it will include representatives from industry, universities and the research sector


The Steering Group will oversee a Pilot Program which will monitor the effects of strengthened export controls on industry and the academic and research sectors during the Bill’s transition period.


The Steering Group will provide six-monthly reports to the Minister for Defence and the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research. The Steering Group will be able to make recommendations on whether Australia’s export control arrangements are not more restrictive than US regulations in relation to University activities.


The Bill will no longer include domestic controls. This means that permits will not be required to supply controlled technology to foreign persons in Australia.


The legislation is good for Defence industry, strengthens Australia’s export controls for sensitive defence technology and ensures Australia’s innovative University and research sector retains its competitive edge.

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