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10 décembre 2012 1 10 /12 /décembre /2012 16:35

North Korea rocket


07/12/2012 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


Armed forces from two continents are closing in on North Korea ahead of its forthcoming rocket launch, scheduled for later this month.


The North Korean rocket firing - apparently a satellite launching mission - could take place any time between 10 December and 22 December. In advance of this, a US Navy warship fleet is being repositioned to gain what US military officials term ‘the best situational awareness'.


Meantime, the Japanese Air Self-Defense Forces now has MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile launchers deployed in Tokyo, Okinawa and other sites, pointed towards North Korean soil.


In addition, there are three Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force warships currently positioned in the Sea of Japan. Each of these warships is fitted with the Aegis BMD (Ballistic Missile Defense) system, designed to be launched to counter incoming ballistic missiles.


North Korean officials are adamant that the rocket launch is a peaceful exercise but, elsewhere, there's growing concern that it's linked to North Korea's long-suspected nuclear weapons development programme. "This is a very dangerous situation and we do not support those actions by North Korea", Lieutenant General Salvatore Angelella - the commander of Japanese-based US forces - commented yesterday, adding: "We are monitoring the situation closely."


North Korean Rocket Launch


Other nations have also taken steps to prepare for the North Korean rocket launch. For example, South Korea has its armed forces on high alert, while the Philippines has urged North Korea "to reconsider its planned launch and abide by these resolutions, which call for the abandonment of its ballistic missile programme in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner."


In general, there's a growing wave of concern over Asia-Pacific security going downhill after the North Korean rocket's been launched and, right now, much of the rest of the world is closely watching the situation.


To date, North Korea hasn't carried out a successful three-stage rocket launch, having tried to do so four times over the past 14 years. Most recently, the Unha-3 rocket experienced an unsuccessful launch earlier this year.


Armed Forces International will revisit this topic in upcoming news coverage.

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10 décembre 2012 1 10 /12 /décembre /2012 12:35



10 décembre 2012 Romandie.com (AFP)


SEOUL - La Corée du Nord a élargi lundi d'une semaine la fenêtre de tir de sa fusée le temps de remédier à un problème technique sur le premier étage du lanceur, et redit sa détermination à faire décoller l'engin avant la fin de l'année malgré les condamnations internationales.


Le régime communiste affirme vouloir mettre sur orbite un satellite civil d'observation terrestre mais une partie de la communauté internationale dénonce un nouvel essai de missile balistique que lui interdisent les sanctions votées par le Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu en 2006 et 2009.


Après l'explosion en vol d'un lanceur en avril, précédée de deux échecs, le Nord entend prendre de vitesse son voisin du Sud qui reste toujours à la porte du club fermé des puissances spatiales, et manifester à Washington et ses alliés son indifférence face aux menaces.


La Commission nord-coréenne pour la technologie spatiale a annoncé lundi que le lancement de la fusée Unha-3 prévu initialement entre le 10 et le 22 décembre aurait finalement lieu entre le 10 et le 29 décembre, selon un communiqué diffusé par l'Agence de presse centrale (KCNA).


Les scientifiques et les techniciens nord-coréens poursuivent les préparations de la mission mais ils ont détecté une défaillance technique dans le module de contrôle moteur du premier étage de la fusée (...) et décidé d'élargir la période de lancement, a-t-elle précisé.


Le quotidien sud-coréen Chosun Ilbo avait révélé quelques heures plus tôt que les techniciens nord-coréens s'affairaient autour de l'engin en raison d'une anomalie identifiée sur le troisième étage.


Réputé pour sa couverture de la Corée du Nord, un des pays les plus fermés de la planète, le journal s'appuyait sur de nouvelles images satellite et des sources au gouvernement sud-coréen.


Le Japon a fait savoir que sauf ajournement, l'élargissement de la fenêtre de tir ne changeait rien.


Nous avons pris toutes les mesures possibles de vigilance et d'observation, a déclaré à la presse le Premier ministre Yoshihiko Noda.


Nous ne pensons pas que la situation ait changé au point de modifier notre position. Nous maintiendrons (notre dispositif actuel) sauf si la Corée du Nord fait une annonce officielle sur un report du tir, a de son côté déclaré le ministre de la Défense Satoshi Morimoto.


En prévision du lancement, l'archipel a mis en batterie des missiles sol-air Patriot PAC 3 à Tokyo et sur l'île d'Okinawa (sud) et dépêché trois destroyers équipés de missiles d'interception SM-3.


Le Chosun Ilbo croit par ailleurs savoir que des experts iraniens étaient sur le site de lancement de la fusée pour assister leurs collègues nord-coréens.


Il semble que le lien entre la Corée du Nord et l'Iran en matière de (développement de) missiles, qui remonte aux années 80, est plus étendu que supposé jusqu'à présent, indique le quotidien, citant une source gouvernementale sud-coréenne.


Début décembre, l'agence japonaise Kyodo citait une source diplomatique occidentale affirmant que l'Iran avait envoyé du personnel militaire en Corée du Nord depuis octobre, afin de renforcer leur coopération dans le domaine des missiles et du nucléaire.


Téhéran et Pyongyang, soupçonnés de poursuivre un programme nucléaire à visée militaire, sont tous deux sous le coup de sanctions internationales.


Des responsables américains estiment que l'Iran a acquis auprès de la Corée du Nord du matériel pour mettre au point des missiles balistiques, selon des câbles diplomatiques américains de 2010.

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10 décembre 2012 1 10 /12 /décembre /2012 11:35

North Korea rocket


10 décembre Romandie.com (AFP)


SEOUL - La Corée du Nord s'active à remplacer les pièces défectueuses de sa fusée, afin de pouvoir l'envoyer dans les airs aussitôt que possible, et est aidée dans ses préparatifs par des experts iraniens, affirme lundi la presse sud-coréenne.


Pyongyang avait annoncé dimanche retarder le lancement de la fusée, prévu initialement entre le 10 et le 22 décembre, en raison de problèmes techniques.


Mais le quotidien Chosun Ilbo s'appuie lundi sur de nouvelles images satellite pour signaler que la pièce défectueuse est en train d'être remplacée.


On a vu un nouveau troisième étage de la fusée à trois étages Unha-3 être transporté dimanche après-midi d'une usine (...) vers la station de lancement, indique le quotidien, citant une source du gouvernement sud-coréen.


L'agence sud-coréenne Yonhap cite une autre source gouvernementale, selon laquelle une pièce détachée d'une nature non précisée était transportée. Nous devons analyser pour voir s'il s'agit du troisième étage de la fusée, ou d'autres parties, a déclaré cette source.


Le Chosun Ilbo, réputé pour sa couverture de la Corée du Nord, un des pays les plus fermés de la planète, indique également qu'un groupe d'experts iraniens est actuellement sur le site de lancement pour aider aux préparatifs.


Une voiture (...) a été aperçue effectuant les trajets entre la station de lancement et des logements à proximité. Il semble qu'elle transportait des experts iraniens, indique le quotidien, citant là aussi une source gouvernementale sud-coréenne.


Il semble que le lien entre la Corée du Nord et l'Iran en matière de (développement de) missiles, qui remonte aux années 80, est plus étendu que supposé jusqu'à présent, a ajouté cette source, sous couvert de l'anonymat.


Selon le quotidien, les experts ont été invités par Pyongyang, après l'échec du lancement d'une fusée par le Nord en avril dernier.


Début décembre, l'agence japonaise Kyodo citait une source diplomatique occidentale affirmant que l'Iran avait envoyé du personnel militaire en Corée du Nord depuis octobre, afin de renforcer leur coopération dans le domaine des missiles et du nucléaire.


Téhéran et Pyongyang sont tous deux sous le coup de sanctions internationales, car soupçonnés de poursuivre un programme nucléaire à visée militaire. Les deux pays nourrissent également une forte animosité envers les Etats-Unis.


Des responsables américains estiment que l'Iran a acquis auprès de la Corée du Nord du matériel pour mettre au point des missiles balistiques, selon des câbles diplomatiques américains de 2010.


Pyongyang a annoncé le prochain tir d'une fusée pour mettre sur orbite un satellite civil, un projet condamné par une large partie de la communauté internationale, qui y voit un nouvel essai de missile balistique, interdit par les sanctions de l'ONU.


Dimanche, le Nord a indiqué que le tir, initialement prévu pour les prochains jours, était repoussé, en raison de problèmes techniques.


L'Iran est soupçonné par les grandes puissances de chercher à fabriquer l'arme atomique sous couvert de son programme nucléaire civil, condamné par six résolutions du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU dont quatre assorties de sanctions.


Téhéran a toujours vigoureusement rejeté ces accusations.

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6 décembre 2012 4 06 /12 /décembre /2012 08:35

CH-47F Chinook photo Boeing source FG


Dec. 5, 2012 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Indian Ministry of Defence; issued Dec. 5, 2012)


Purchase of Fifteen Chinook Heavy-Lift Helicopters


In the proposal initiated by Indian Air Force (IAF) for the procurement of 15 Heavy Lift Helicopters, M/s Boeing with Chinook helicopter has emerged as the L1 Vendor. The cost of the contract would depend upon outcome of the contract negotiation with the L1 vendor, which has not yet concluded.


The Field Evaluation Trials for these helicopters conducted by the Indian Air Force have found them to be compliant with all the stated Air Staff Qualitative Requirements (ASQRs). Divulging further details in this regard may not be in the interest of national security.


This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shrimati Jaya Bachchan in Rajya Sabha today.


(EDITOR’S NOTE: Although Boeing’s victory was first reported by PTI on Oct. 29, it was questioned last week by Russian’s arms export agency, Rosonboroneksport. The above ministerial statement is the first official confirmation of Boeing’s selection.)


Postponement of Purchase of 197 LUHs


The Ministry has not deferred its decision of purchasing of 197 Light Utility Helicopters (LUHs) and the procurement case is under examination.


The Defence Procurement Procedure lays down stringent guidelines to effect utmost probity and transparency in procurement transactions.


It is not a fact that these helicopters were to be purchased from Government of Italy. In the context of an allegation against one service officer, as appearing in the media, information has been sought from the Government of Italy.


This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shrimati Bimla Kashy ap Sood in Rajya Sabha today.

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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 22:16


Research may improve camouflage for military vehicles
This image has been digitally manipulated.
(photo : Aus DoD)

05.12.2012 Defense Studies

Defence researchers are examining new materials to improve camouflage protection for military vehicles.
Chief Defence Scientist Alex Zelinsky says a research program is focusing on developing electrochromic materials that change colour when different voltages are applied.

“Camouflage works very well against specific backgrounds, but the Australian Defence Force deploys its vehicles in a wide variety of operational areas,” Dr Zelinsky said.

“The same background can look very different, depending on the time of day, the weather and the time of year. A camouflage scheme that works effectively in one instance may be ineffective in another. We want to develop something that provides an extra level of protection for our men and women who are deployed.”

Experimentation at the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) has included work with electro-active polymers and commercial materials such as ‘SPD-Smart Glass’ film.

SPD glass is a type of film containing randomly oriented microscopic particles which align to let light pass through when electrical voltage is applied but block light when no voltage is present.

Research is now progressing through collaboration with the University of South Australia, where DSTO is co-funding a PhD in electrochromic research.

The research aims to develop electrochromic materials that can be packaged in a robust, field-ready way to assist the ADF with adaptive camouflage systems.

(Aus DoD)

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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 20:20



Dec 5, 2012 deccanherald.com (PTI)


New Delhi - Nearly 700 scientists have resigned from India's premier military research body DRDO in little less than six years from 2007, Defence Minister A K Antony said today.


In a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha on resignation of scientists from Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO), Antony said a total of 637 scientists resigned during 2007-2011 and 50 scientists up to October 31 this year.


Scientists who had resigned have either cited personal or domestic reasoms for leaving DRDO, Antony said.


However, it is assumed that increased opportunities or incentives available in other organisations and industries is the main reason of such resignation, he added.


On incentives taken as corrective measures to restrict resignation of scientists from DRDO, Antony said excellent infrastructure facilities have been created at work places and residential complexes and two additional increments have been given on promotion to each grade.


To another question, Antony said DRDO is a subordinate organisation under Defence Ministry and does not enjoy any special powers or autonomy because of its strategic nature of work.


Asked whether DRDO enjoys a huge amount of autonomy because of its strategic nature of work, he said, "DRDO is a subordinate organisation under the Department of Defence( R&D) in Defence Ministry and is governed by central government rules and regulations.

"Therefore, DRDO as an organisation does not enjoy any special powers or autonomy because of its strategic nature of work."


Revised delegation of financial powers of Director General of DRDO was carried out in 2010 to address a long standing requirement and was done after due process and deliberation, he said.


"The process of exercise of these powers has been further rationalised and a corrigendum has been issued by Department of Defence (R&D) on November 21, 2012 as a partial modification to the earlier financial powers," the minister added.

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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 19:20

MH-60R Sikorsky


Dec 4, 2012 ASDNews Source : CAE


Today at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), CAE announced it has won a series of military contracts valued at more than C$70 million. They include a contract from the United States Navy to develop two MH-60R tactical operational flight trainers (TOFTs) for the Royal Australian Navy under a foreign military sale program, a contract from the Australian Defence Force to provide King Air 350 simulator services, and a contract from the Royal New Zealand Air Force to provide C-130 training.


"CAE has a long history of providing the Australian Defence Forces with world-class flight simulators and training services, and we are pleased our MH-60R training systems will play a role in preparing the aircrews who will operate Australia's next-generation multi-role naval helicopter," said Gene Colabatistto, Group President, Military Products, Training and Services, CAE. "Our strong position on programs that have long-service lives ahead of them, such as the MH-60R helicopter, will continue to drive opportunities for CAE's comprehensive portfolio of simulation-based products and services. In addition, our established presence in Asia and the Pacific will provide for growth opportunities as these regions become more important to defence customers worldwide."


US Navy/Royal Australian Navy

CAE was awarded a contract to develop two MH-60R tactical operational flight trainers (TOFTs) for the Royal Australian Navy under the United States foreign military sale (FMS) program. CAE USA will be the prime contractor responsible for the design and manufacture of two MH-60R TOFTs that will be delivered in 2015 to HMAS Albatross, located near Nowra in New South Wales and home of the Royal Australian Navy's Fleet Air Arm.


The MH-60R TOFTs include both a full-motion operational flight trainer (OFT) that will be used to train Royal Australian Navy MH-60R pilots and co-pilots as well as a weapons tactics trainer (WTT) to be used for training rear-crew sensor operators in the MH-60R Seahawk helicopter. The MH-60R operational flight trainers for the Royal Australian Navy will include the CAE True electric motion system, motion seats, 220-degree by 60-degree Barco visual display, and the CAE Medallion-6000 image generator. The MH-60R OFT and WTT can be operated as standalone training devices, or networked to become an MH-60R tactical operational flight trainer to provide a total aircrew mission training system. The MH-60R TOFTs for the Royal Australian Navy are based on the MH-60R TOFTs that CAE is delivering to the U.S. Navy.


CAE Australia will support CAE USA in the development of the Royal Australian Navy's MH-60R TOFTs by customizing and leveraging Australian-specific common databases (CDB) already developed by CAE Australia for other programs in Australia.


The Commonwealth of Australia selected the U.S. Navy's MH-60R Seahawk helicopter as their new multi-role naval combat helicopter last year to fulfill the Australian Defence Force's AIR 9000 Phase 8 requirement. Australia is acquiring a fleet of 24 MH-60R Seahawk helicopters via the U.S. Government's FMS program. This is the first-ever procurement of the U.S. Navy's most advanced anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare helicopter outside the United States. The U.S. Navy is supported by Team Seahawk, which consists of MH-60R airframe manufacturer Sikorsky Aircraft, mission systems integrator Lockheed Martin, engine manufacturer GE, sensor supplier Raytheon Corp., and training supplier CAE.


Royal Australian Air Force

CAE has signed a contract with the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to provide Hawker Beechcraft King Air 350 training until 2018. CAE will deploy a CAE 5000 Series full-flight simulator (FFS) representing the King Air 350 with Proline II configuration to a training facility in Sale, Victoria. Under terms of the contract, CAE will provide simulator services for Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and Royal Australian Navy (RAN) King Air 350 aircrew who train on the aircraft for a range of missions, including tactical support, maritime surveillance and light transport.


"The simulator services provided by CAE will play a key role in the cost-effective training of RAAF pilots, air combat officers and RAN aviation warfare officers," said GPCAPT Gregory Hoffmann, Officer Commanding Training Aircraft Systems Program Office (TASPO).


The CAE 5000 Series King Air 350 FFS will be qualified to Level D, the highest certification for flight simulators, by Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). The King Air 350 simulator services will support the RAAF's No. 32 Squadron at RAAF Base East Sale, as well as the School of Aviation Warfare (SAW). This will be the second King Air 350 FFS that CAE has deployed in Australia, following the inauguration in July this year of a King Air 350 ProLine 21 FFS in Melbourne. CAE has commenced delivery of training services to the RAAF's No. 38 Squadron using this simulator.



CAE has signed an agreement with the Netherlands Ministry of Defence (NLMoD) to market and sell third-party training services on a CAE-built C-130 Level D full-mission simulator. The C-130 full-mission simulator, which CAE delivered for the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) in 2010, is currently housed at CAE's Amsterdam Training Centre in Hoofdorp. In addition, CAE has signed a contract with the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) to provide comprehensive C-130 training. The RNZAF C-130 aircrews will receive simulator instruction from CAE at the Amsterdam Training Centre, including training on the RNLAF C-130 simulator that closely matches the configuration of the RNZAF's upgraded fleet of C-130H aircraft. The RNZAF also trains in-country on a CAE-built C-130H flight training device, which CAE delivered to the RNZAF base in Auckland under the C-130 Life Extension Program (LEP) and is currently upgrading for the RNZAF.

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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 19:20

RF-7800H radio photo harris


Dec 4, 2012 ASDNews Source : Harris Corporation


Harris Corporation, an international communications and information technology company, has received a $7 million order to deliver Falcon® tactical radios to a nation in Central Asia. The radios will provide interoperable communications to support the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.


The Asian country is acquiring radios from across the Falcon portfolio, including the Falcon III® RF-7800S Secure Person Radio (SPR™), RF-7800M Multiband Networking Radio, Falcon II® RF-5800M handheld and RF-5800H manpack radios. These radios will address battalion requirements for high-frequency, wideband and multiband communications.


"This order highlights the global strength of the Harris Falcon portfolio and our significant investments in tactical radio systems," said Brendan O'Connell, president, international business, Harris RF Communications. "This nation previously standardized on Harris equipment and is continuing its transition to our most advanced Falcon III® products. This is a clear vote of confidence in the reliability and effectiveness of the family of Harris Falcon Tactical radios."


The SPR is a lightweight, secure soldier radio platform that offers full-duplex voice, multiple talk-group capabilities and data rates up to 256 Kbps. The SPR allows simultaneous communication for voice, data and even video with unlimited listeners over a range of more than two kilometers.


The RF-7800M Multiband Networking Radio has been providing a vehicular-based wideband networking solution to the armed forces of more than 30 countries since 2007. The radio establishes a wideband backbone architecture for delivering secure voice and high-speed networked data services, including the use of common applications, across all levels of the battlefield.


The RF-5800H delivers highly reliable and secure beyond-line-of-site terrestrial communications to the most demanding environments, such as mountains or urban areas. The RF-5800M-HH is an advanced, multiband, multimission handheld radio that provides reliable tactical communications through secure voice and data capabilities.

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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 18:20

North Korea rocket


TOKYO, 5 décembre - RIA Novosti


Un exercice d'alerte aérienne s'est déroulé mercredi sur l'île d'Ishigaki (sud du Japon), la région du pays la plus rapprochée de la trajectoire éventuelle du lanceur nord-coréen censé placer sur orbite un satellite d'observation de la Terre.


Le Japon a testé mercredi le système national d'alerte aux catastrophes naturelles et aux situations d'urgence J-alert. Dix secondes après avoir reçu le signal d'alarme en provenant de Tokyo, l'administration d'Ishigaki a annoncé un exercice d'alerte aérienne à l'aide de haut-parleurs installés dans les rues.


La Corée du nord a déclaré qu'elle s'apprêtait à lancer une fusée porteuse d'un satellite entre le 10 et le 22 décembre. Le Japon et ses alliés occidentaux estiment qu'il s'agit du tir dissimulé d'un missile balistique. Bien que les étages consommés ne doivent pas tomber sur le territoire japonais, il existe néanmoins un risque d'accidents susceptibles de faire dévier la trajectoire de la fusée.


Lundi dernier, les dispositifs de la DCA, les troupes radiotechniques et les unités de missiles sol-air déployés dans l'Extrême-Orient russe ont également été mis en état d'alerte afin de parer à toute éventualité.

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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 18:20


An Indian Army Searcher UAV taking off - photo StratPost


December 4, 2012 Saurabh Joshi - stratpost.com


Reservist Colonel Eli Alfassi has earlier served as Israeli military attaché in India as well as the head of the Israeli Ministry of Defense delegation to India.


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has appointed a new corporate vice president to look after its India operations.


Reservist Colonel Eli Alfassi’s appointment was approved for the position by the IAI board, said a statement issued by the company on Tuesday.


Alfassi has had a long association with India, having been the Israel Defense Force (IDF) military attaché here, as well as the head of the Israeli Ministry of Defense delegation to India. He has also served a five year-tenure as head of IAI’s delegation to India.


The company said it has ‘set itself ambitious goals in the face of challenging competition from leading nations and international companies operating in India’, which ‘has led to a need for management focus so as to create a synergy in IAI’s activities and leverage the company’s technologies’ in ‘this target country’.


The company has supplied India with its Phalcon system for the Indian Air Force (IAF) IL-76 AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) aircraft. India also operates a variety of IAI-built UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) including the Heron, Searcher and the explosive warhead-carrying Harpy UAV. The Indian Air Force (IAF) is also planning to induct the Kamikaze-action Harop UAV.


Before his decade-long tenure with IAI, Alfassi served as commander of an ‘armored brigade and battalion’ as well as the head of ‘planning administration in the IDF’s operations division’, according to the statement, which also said, “IAI’s president and CEO recommended Eli Alfassi’s nomination as Corporate VP based on his extensive and proven experience of eight years in leading the activities related to India, and his outstanding managerial capabilities in IAI and in the IDF.”


An alumnus of IDF’s National Security Studies Center and Command and Staff College, Alfassi also holds a Bachelor’s degree in history from Tel Aviv University and a Master’s degree in political science and national security from the University of Haifa.

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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 17:10



December 04, 2012 rediff.com (PTI)


The United States on Tuesday agreed to step up efforts to provide defence equipment needed by Pakistan to maintain security along its border with war-torn Afghanistan and to continue discussions on the provision of military aid to Islamabad .


The decisions were made during the two-day meeting of the US-Pakistan Defence Consultative Group, which concluded in the Defence Ministry in Rawalpindi on Tuesday.


This was the first meeting of the DCG since May 2011, when ties between the two sides were hit by the unilateral American military raid that killed Osama bin Laden [ Images ] in Abbottabad.


A joint statement issued after the talks said: "Recognising the enduring security requirements on both sides of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, the two delegations agreed to cooperate on a prioritised set of Pakistan's defence requirements which will inform follow-on consultations on security assistance."


Pakistan has projected a requirement for military hardware needed for ongoing anti-terrorism operations along the Afghan border.


Another meeting of officials from both sides is expected to be held early next year in the US to discuss the supply of the equipment, official sources told PTI.


The joint statement further said: "The US and Pakistan also discussed the importance of the Coalition Support Fund and Security Assistance Programs, and agreed to continued consultations on the way forward."


The US had held up military aid to Pakistan, including payments from the Coalition Support Fund to reimburse Islamabad for its expenses on the war against terror, after bilateral ties plunged to an all-time low last year.


The Pakistani delegation at the meeting of the DCG was led by Defence Secretary Lt Gen (retired) Asif Yasin Malik while the US side was headed by Under Secretary of Defence for Policy James N Miller.


"Both delegations welcomed the resumption of bilateral security cooperation and agreed that relations between the two countries should be based on the principles of strategic desirability, political sustainability, trust, and mutual respect," the joint statement said.


The two sides further "acknowledged that bilateral counterterrorism cooperation has been critical to weakening violent extremists and underscores the importance of continuing cooperation to complete the defeat of Al Qaeda and its affiliates in the region".


They also "affirmed their mutual commitment to a strong defence relationship which they stressed should focus on achieving common objectives".


The DCG is the main forum between Pakistan and the US for coordinating defence policy to strengthening cooperation to support each country's security interests.


During the plenary session the participants shared their respective assessments of the bilateral relationship, discussed each side's strategic priorities, and agreed on areas for future defence cooperation.


The Pakistani side "provided an update on its military campaign along its western border" with Afghanistan and the US side made a briefing on the International Security Assistance Force's activities in Afghanistan, including efforts to give a leading role in security matters to Afghan forces.


In light of the cross-border NATO air strike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November 2011, both sides appreciated the efforts by their militaries to improve operational coordination.


They two sides also reviewed the "numerous challenges facing regional security".


The two countries said they are committed to continue working together to implement a "framework for defence cooperation based on areas of convergence" to promote peace and stability in the region.

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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 08:05



Dec 4, 2012 Spacewxar.com (AFP)


Beijing - A Chinese fighter jet crashed in a southern Chinese city Tuesday, sparking a fire that injured at least four people, reports said.


The Jian-7 fighter plane belonging to the Chinese air force crashed Tuesday morning in Shantou city, Guangdong province, China Central Television said, citing local firefighters at the scene.


The pilot reportedly ejected safely from the plane but Shantou city government said four people on the ground were injured and three were hospitalised.


Photos from the scene posted on web portal Sina.com showed a dislodged wing of the jet next to a burning building as thick smoke billowed from the crash site.


The Jian-7 is a Chinese-built version of the Russian MiG-21, which was first introduced in the 1950s.

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 13:59


EC725 medium helicopter (photo : NS Shah, Bernama)

03.12.2012 Defense Studies
SUBANG JAYA: Malaysia will become Asia-Pacific's training hub for helicopter pilots and crew, with the setting up of a regional simulator centre here in January 2013.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the simulator centre, which is a joint venture by the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) and Boustead Heavy Industry Corporation, would act as a training centre for EC225/725 copters as well as a helicopter maintenance, repair and overhaul centre.

"Southeast Asia's helicopter market is one of the fastest growing and Malaysia is well placed to meet demands for this dynamic growth through comprehensive cooperation projects with various companies," said Dr Ahmad Zahid.
The minister was at the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah airport where he received the first two of 12 EC725 medium-lift helicopters for the Royal Malaysian Air Force.

The 12 helicopters, with a price tag of RM2.3bil, will be used for search and rescue operations, troop transport and utility missions.

He said the copters, by the French Eurocopter Group, would compliment and eventually replace the 20 aging Sikorsky S-61A-4 Nuri helicopters bought in 1968.

(The Star)

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 13:15

Multi-Role EC725 Helicopter


Dec 4, 2012 ASDNews Source : Eurocopter


The initial two Eurocopter EC725 helicopters for the Royal Malaysian Air Force were formally presented today during a ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, with the first unit being delivered on time and the second unit coming three months ahead of schedule.


Malaysia is to receive a total of 12 EC725s through 2014, creating a highly capable fleet of rotorcraft for search & rescue and utility missions.


“Our EC725s will significantly improve the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s capabilities and ensure its helicopter inventory is modern, mission-ready and reliable,” said Defense Minister Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.


The no. 1 EC725 was first unveiled to Malaysia in December 2011 via a live video broadcast from Eurocopter’s Marignane, France headquarters – organized just after its rollout from the production line. It was beamed to Malaysia’s Langkawi Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition, for an audience that included Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. One year later, the first helicopter arrived in Malaysia on schedule, along with Eurocopter’s handover of the second EC725 three months in advance of the contractual delivery schedule.


“This delivery milestone is the result of the collective effort and great co-operation between the teams from Royal Malaysian Air Force and Eurocopter working towards a common goal,” highlighted Olivier Lambert, Eurocopter’s Senior Vice President for Sales and Customer Relations. “We are committed to ensure the successful delivery of the remaining orders, and stand ready to provide for all of Malaysia’s future mission needs.”


In supporting the deliveries of Malaysia’s EC725s and enhancing Eurocopter’s in-country support and services activities, the Eurocopter Malaysia subsidiary will double its capabilities by moving from its main facility in Subang to a new, expanded site within the Malaysian International Aerospace Center in early 2013.


Additionally, Eurocopter is executing a series of strategic cooperation projects that will include the participation of local industry in ensuring full support for this important delivery and the expansion of Malaysia’s helicopter market. This includes the integration of the country’s industry into its global supply chain, the creation of joint ventures with local companies to establish an in-country MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) facility, as well as the development of a regional full-flight simulation center. The full-flight simulation center will be used for training Royal Malaysian Air Force crews and made available for other military and civilian operators of the medium-lift EC725/EC225 helicopter family in the Asia Pacific region.


All of these cooperative projects are aligned with Malaysia’s vision and objective in strengthening Malaysian strategic aeronautical skills and capabilities through strategic partnerships, which also include specific attention in education through the development of aeronautical training capabilities in association with Malaysian Universities.


“Meeting excellence in our delivery and industrial promises for Malaysia is a top priority for Eurocopter,” explained Pierre Rossignol, President and CEO of the Eurocopter Malaysia subsidiary. “As promised ten years ago, we continue our journey towards expansion and look forward to more decades of growth and excellence in the new facility, ensuring full support to all our Malaysian customers while creating new jobs and contributing to the local economy.”

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 12:45

asia-pacific source harvard.edu


TOKYO, 04 déc 2012 marine-oceans.com  (AFP)


Un navire gouvernemental chinois est brièvement entré mardi dans les eaux territoriales d'îles administrées par le Japon en mer de Chine orientale, ont annoncé les garde-côtes nippons.


Vers midi heure locale (03H00 GMT), ce bateau de surveillance maritime est entré dix minutes dans la zone de 12 milles nautiques (22 km) entourant Minamikojima, une des îles de la chaîne des Senkaku revendiquées avec force par Pékin sous le nom de Diaoyu.


Des navires officiels chinois croisent depuis plus de deux mois dans les eaux territoriales ou les environs de ces îles situées à quelque 200 km à l'est des côtes de Taïwan, qui les revendique également, et à 400 km à l'ouest de l'île d'Okinawa (sud du Japon).


Le différend territorial autour de cet archipel inhabité, dont les fonds marins environnants pourraient renfermer des hydrocarbures, s'est envenimé en septembre après la nationalisation d'une partie de ces îles par le Japon.


D'importantes manifestations antinippones, émaillées de violence contre des intérêt japonais, ont eu lieu à la mi-septembre dans des dizaines de villes chinoises, avant que Pékin n'y mette le holà.


La Chine et le Japon, respectivement deuxième et troisième puissances économiques mondiales, sont d'importants partenaires mais ce conflit territorial pèse sur les échanges commerciaux et les investissements entre les deux pays.

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 12:40

Scorpene-class attack submarine. (Photo DCNS)


December 4, 2012 Saurabh Joshi - stratpost.com


Naval Materials Research Laboratory (NMRL) is developing an AIP Plug for the fifth and sixth Scorpene submarines, which would be installed on them only if the development is completed within the schedule of the construction of the two submarines.


There is uncertainty over the possibility of Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) being installed in the last two of the six Scorpene submarines being built at Mazagon Dock Limited in Mumbai.


Indian Navy chief, Admiral D.K. Joshi told reporters at the annual Navy Day press conference on Monday that the task of indigenous development of an AIP Plug for the fifth and sixth Scorpene submarines has been given to the Naval Materials Research Laboratory (NMRL) of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and would be installed on them only if the development is completed within the schedule of the construction of the two submarines.


“AIP plugs for the fifth and sixth of (Project) 75 are under consideration. DMRL (sic, actually NMRL) has been tasked to develop that. It is doing so. What is to be seen is whether the DMRL timeline Matches the delayed production timelines of (Project) 75. In case this comes online in conformity with the fifth and sixth ones they will be put into place, but if for some reason they are not ready at that point in time we would not delay the production timelines.”


The last of the Indian Scorpenes is expected to be delivered by September, 2018.


The French manufacturer of the Scorpene class of submarines, DCNS, had earlier offered to install its own AIP Plug on the the two Indian Scorpene submarines.


Air Independent Propulsion is an auxiliary system for increasing the endurance of the boat’s sub-surface operability. The DCNS system, known as MESMA (Module d’Energie Sous-Marine Autonome), is based on the combustion of stored oxygen and ethanol to augment battery-powered propulsion.


Joshi also said the NMRL development of the AIP Plug could be utilized for the second line of submarines to be constructed under the Project 75 (India) program. “This would become an option for any of the subsequent indigenous options,” he said, confirming, “The next line will have an AIP plug.”


Joshi said the he expected progress on Project 75 (India). “In so far as the second line (submarines) RFP is concerned, it’ll be out very soon. DAC (Defense Acquisitions Council) approval has already been accorded for it.”

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 12:20

AH-64D photo US Army


04 December 2012 Pacific Sentinel.


NEW DELHI (PTI): Weeks after it was sanctioned combat air wing by the Government, the Indian Army is seeking transfer of attack helicopters from the Indian Air Force at the earliest.

"We are sending a proposal to the Defence Ministry for capability enhancement in our aviation wing for absorbing the attack helicopters in our fleet," Army Chief Gen Bikram Singh told PTI here.

He said the officials concerned have also been told to develop philosophies for using the attack choppers in different roles in the different parts of the country.

The Army Chief did not give details but sources said the proposal would include transfer of attack helicopters from the Air Force as also the soon-to-be-procured US-made Apache choppers.

Read the full story at Brahmand
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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 12:15


Le général Mercier à bord du nouvel aéronef

singapourien le M346


04/12/2012 Armée de l'air


Le 15 novembre 2012, le général Denis Mercier, chef d’état-major de l’armée de l’air (CEMAA) s’est rendu sur la base aérienne 120 de Cazaux, et plus précisément à l’escadron d’instruction de la Republic of Singapour Air Force (RSAF).


La visite du CEMAA français coïncidait avec l’arrivée du nouvel aéronef de formation singapourien, le M346. Une cérémonie était organisée pour l’occasion en présence du Major General MG Chee Meng, chef d’état-major de la RSAF.



Le général Denis Mercier et le Major General MG Chee Meng

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 12:05



December 4, 2012 Saurabh Joshi - stratpost.com


"ONGC Videsh is engaged in three (oil and gas) blocks in the maritime zone of a country (Vietnam) in that area. The Indian Navy has a mandate to secure our country's interests in the maritime domain wherever there is a requirement, which we will execute," said Admiral D.K. Joshi.


Oil blocks operated by ONGC Videsh Limited in the South China Sea


India’s Navy chief, Admiral D.K. Joshi, on Monday indicated a hardened stance towards the increasingly belligerent attitude adopted by China and its navy over jurisdiction over the South China Sea, saying the Indian Navy was prepared to protect oilfields of the Indian ONGC. While calling the modernization of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) ‘truly impressive’ and a ‘major, major concern for us’, he said, “When the requirement is there – for example in situations where our country’s interests are involved ONGC, ONGC Videsh etc, we will be required to go there and we are prepared for that.”

Now are we preparing for it, are we having exercises of that nature? The short answer is yes.”

Referring to the three oil blocks that India’s state oil and gas exploration company, ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation), was exploring in the South China Sea, Joshi said, “Our country has economic interests in that area. ONGC Videsh is engaged in three (oil and gas) blocks in the maritime zone of a country (Vietnam) in that area. Production has already started in one of those three blocks. And as I’ve said before, the Indian Navy has a mandate to secure our country’s interests in the maritime domain wherever there is a requirement, which we will execute.”

If the navy were not to protect the nation’s sovereign interests then what are we there for?”

Admiral Joshi outlined emphasized freedom of navigation to be a priority interest for India in the ‘complex’ situation in the South China Sea at the annual press conference held to mark the Navy Day on Tuesday.


“We would like the international regime under UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea) to remain uninterrupted over there. Freedom of navigation is not stand-alone – it is a derivative. The maritime zones outlined in the international regime – what are territorial waters, what is an exclusive economic zone – these should be followed on the basis of international norms. So freedom of navigation over there is our primary concern and it’s a concern for the whole world, not just us.”


Authorities in China’s Hainan island recently announced an assumption of the right to board and search foreign vessels illegally entering what they consider to be Chinese waters. Countries littoral to the South China Sea have protested the move.


Referring to the Indian Navy’s rules of engagement in the event of a challenge from the PLAN in South China Sea, Joshi said, “We do not hope and expect that a situation would come where an issue of engagement comes into play. Secondly rules of engagement are constant. They are not – they do not change from one area to the other.”

And in essence, it is wherever your right of self-defense – if it is impeded into there are certain options provided.”

China had recently sparked a row with neighboring countries with which it has disputes over land or maritime borders when it began issuing new passports with maps that marked disputed territory as its own. In India’s case, it had marked the Aksai Chin region, which it occupies, and the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh as part of its own territory. India has since responded by stamping visas on Chinese passports with an map outlining the official territory of India.

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 12:00

India Navy


04/12/2012 Mer et Marine


La situation au large du Viet-Nam ne cesse de s’envenimer. Alors qu’un différend territorial sur des zones maritimes au sous-sol riche en ressources d’hydrocarbures oppose déjà la Chine à ses voisins philippins malaisiens et vietnamiens, l’Inde vient d’annoncer l’envoi de bâtiments de guerre dans la zone. L’Inde n’a pas de revendication territoriale dans la zone, en revanche, elle a des intérêts économiques, via l’entreprise d’Etat ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corp) dans le champ de gaz de Nam Con Son, au large de la côte sud du Viet-Nam.


La marine indienne annonce la tenue prochaine d’exercices dans cette zone, ce qui ne manque d’inquiéter les observateurs internationaux, qui craignent déjà les frictions entre les deux nations, dont les marines sont en pleine expansion.


La Chine a récemment annoncé qu’à compter du 1er janvier prochain,  la police montera à bord et prendra le contrôle de tout navire entrant « illégalement dans les eaux de la province de Hainan », correspondant à une des zones disputées

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 08:50



December 3, 2012 by Ritu Sharma - defenceeXpress


2013 end is the new delivery date for the much delayed Russian-built aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov. In his address ahead of the Navy Day on December 4, Admiral DK Joshi said that the warship should be in the Indian Navy's flotilla.


"Amongst the overseas projects, there has been a delay in the delivery of Vikramaditya, which has sailed for more than 100 days in the recent past and completed a majority of her equipment and aviation trials. The revised schedule envisages the delivery of the ship in the last quarter of 2013," Admiral Joshi said.

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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 08:30

INS Teg-Successfully-Finishes-Sea-Trials


04 December 2012 by Sudhi Ranjan Sen, – Pacific Sentinel


New Delhi: The Indian Navy is practicing to operate in the South China Sea to protect the country's economic assets. 

Speaking to reporters in New Delhi, Admiral D.K. Joshi said, "Where our country's interests are involved, we will protect them and we will intervene." 

The Eastern Naval Command - which looks at India's eastern sea board and is likely to play a key role when the Navy is deployed in South China Sea - is also being strengthened. 

China, which put its first aircraft carrier into service in September, has been locked in a series of disputes over strategic islands in the region, including with Vietnam and the Philippines over territory in the South China Sea.

The decision to use the Indian Navy in the region comes days after Chinese state media announced that the southern Hainan province, which administers the South China Sea, approved laws giving its police the right to search vessels that pass through the waters.

Read the full story at NDTV
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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 08:00



04 December 2012 By Alexis Romero – Pacific Sentinel.


MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines has lost an opportunity to acquire 10 attack helicopters from France, a defense official said recently.

Department of National Defense (DND) spokesman Peter Galvez said the 10 attack helicopters initially offered by a French firm are no longer available.

The helicopters had been re-offered to Pakistan by the time the DND was given permission to acquire them through negotiations.

“The helicopters were produced for Pakistan. However, Pakistan had some problems with procurement so the helicopters were opened to the market,” Galvez told The STAR.
Headlines ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1

“We had planned to acquire the helicopters and had to clarify some questions (by agencies overseeing the procurement). By the time we were allowed to acquire the helicopters, Pakistan had initiated some moves to rework the procurement,” he added.

These developments prompted French firm Eurocopter to offer the helicopters again to Pakistan.

Read the full story at The Philippine Star
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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 00:44



MOSCOU, 3 décembre - RIA Novosti


Les militaires russes intercepteront la fusée nord-coréenne si celle-ci s'écarte de sa trajectoire pour éviter que ses fragments ne tombent sur des sites d'importance en Russie, a annoncé lundi à RIA Novosti une source haut placé au sein du ministère russe de la Défense.


"En Extrême-Orient et sur d'autres territoires russes, tous les moyens de la DCA et les troupes radiotechniques, ainsi que les unités de missiles sol-air ont été mis en état d'alerte. Ces forces et moyens sont suffisants (…), mais ils seront renforcés, si nécessaire", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence.


Et d'ajouter que les militaires russes avaient calculé tous les trajectoires possibles de la fusée nord-coréenne.


Lundi matin, Pyongyang a annoncé à Tokyo que le tir d'une fusée avec un "satellite d'observation terrestre" à son bord serait effectué entre 07h00 et 12h00 heure locales (22h00 et 03h UTC) entre le 10 et le 22 décembre.


La communauté internationale soupçonne ce nouvel essai de dissimuler un test de missile et somme Pyongyang de revenir sur sa décision de lancer une fusée utilisant la technologie des missiles balistiques.

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3 décembre 2012 1 03 /12 /décembre /2012 21:00

îles Senkaku


PEKIN, 03 déc 2012 Marine & Océans (AFP)


La Chine a affirmé lundi son "opposition résolue" à un amendement voté par le Sénat américain qui reconnaît l'administration japonaise sur l'archipel des Diaoyu/Senkaku, revendiqué par Pékin mais contrôlé par Tokyo.


L'amendement, contenu dans un projet de loi relatif à la défense nationale des Etats-Unis, ne prend toutefois pas position sur la souveraineté de ces îles situées en mer de Chine orientale.


"La Chine exprime sa vive préoccupation et son opposition résolue à l'amendement du Sénat américain", a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères, Hong Lei, lors d'un point de presse régulier.


"Les îles Diaoyu et les îles adjacentes font partie intégrante de la Chine depuis les temps anciens. La Chine a sur elles une souveraineté incontestée", a souligné M. Hong.


Il a également indiqué que Pékin ne souhaitait pas que la question des îles disputées entre dans le cadre du traité de sécurité nippo-américain que Tokyo et Washington veulent moderniser face à la montée de la puissance militaire chinoise dans la région.


"Le traité de sécurité nippo-américain est un produit de la guerre froide et ne devrait pas outrepasser le cadre bilatéral ou saper les intérêts d'une tierce partie", selon le porte-parole chinois.


"Nous espérons que les Etats-Unis vont tenir compte des intérêts plus larges de la paix et de la stabilité dans la région, tenir leur parole et s'abstenir d'envoyer des signaux contradictoires et erronés", a encore dit M. Hong.


Plusieurs navires chinois croisent depuis plus d'un mois dans la zone de l'archipel revendiqué par Pékin et Tokyo. La tension est forte entre les deux géants asiatiques depuis le mois de septembre et la nationalisation par le Japon de ces îles, qui sont inhabitées mais dont les fonds marins environnants pourraient renfermer des hydrocarbures.

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