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29 juin 2014 7 29 /06 /juin /2014 11:50
NanoSD conference in Avila, Spain (September 23-26, 2014)


source nanosdconf.com

NanoSD 2014 will provide an opportunity to discuss general issues and important impacts of nanotechnology in the development of security and defense. A broad range of defense and security technologies and applications, such as nanostructures, nanosensors, nano energy sources, and nanoelectronics which are influencing these days will be discussed.

It is evident that nanotechnology can bring many innovations into the defense world such as new innovate products, materials and power sources. Therefore, NanoSD 2014 will present current developments, research findings and relevant information on nanotechnology that will impact the security and defense.



Paolo Bondavalli (THALES Research and Technology, France)

Jérôme Bourderionnet (Thales Research and Technology, France)

Fernando Briones (IMM-CSIC, Spain)

Elvira Fortunato (CENIMAT, Portugal)

Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal (IFN-ETSII, Spain)

Antonio Hernando (IMA-UCM, Spain)

Margaret E. Kosal (Georgia Tech, USA)

Meyya Meyyappan (NASA, USA)

Fabrice Pardo (LPN/CNRS, France)

María Pilar Pina Iritia (INA, Spain)

Jean-Pierre Simonato (CEA-Grenoble, France)

Denis Spitzer (ISL-CNRS-UdS, France)

Nava Swersky Sofer (International Commercialisation Alliance, Israel)

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