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30 octobre 2015 5 30 /10 /octobre /2015 19:50
photo European Union

photo European Union


30.10.2015 par EMA


Les 28 et 29 octobre 2015, le général d’armée Pierre de Villiers s’est rendu à Bruxelles pour participer à la réunion semestrielle des chefs d’état-major de l’Union européenne (CMUE).


Après avoir fait un point sur la situation sécuritaire internationale (menace terroriste au Levant et au Sahel, crise migratoire en Méditerranée, instabilités en Afrique), les chefs d’état-major d’armée se sont concentrés sur les actions spécifiques de l’UE en réponse à ces crises. Pour sa part, le général de Villiers a présenté les enseignements tirés de l’engagement opérationnel des forces françaises dans les opérations Sangaris en République centrafricaine, Barkhane dans la Bande sahélo-saharienne, mais aussi Corymbe dans le Golfe de Guinée.

Convaincu de la nécessité d’une approche globale du règlement des crises, il a souligné le rôle fondamental de la coopération avec les autres forces, qu’il s’agisse de forces internationales, comme celles de l’UE ou de l’ONU, mais aussi des forces africaines partenaires.

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29 octobre 2015 4 29 /10 /octobre /2015 20:50
 Credit 'The European Union'

Credit 'The European Union'

28-29/10/2015 Brussels - Council of the EU

Main results

The European Union Military Committee met on 28-29 October in chiefs of defence (CHODs) format. Chiefs of defence discussed the EU global strategy, naval operations, training and advisory missions, Ukraine and cooperation with NATO.


"We had an important two day meeting. EU chiefs of defence are committed, engaged, and aware of the challenging international situation"

General de Rousiers, Chairman of the European Union  Military Committee


EU global strategy

Chiefs of defence were briefed by the EEAS Secretary General, Alain Le Roy, on EU Security and Defence matters. He touched upon the EU global strategy on foreign and security policy, the EEAS review. During the discussion some of the CHODs highlighted their activities within the coalition against Da'esh.


CSDP naval operations

The chiefs of defence discussed CSDP military operations and missions with a specific view to their planning and conduct, including force generation, capabilities, support by EDA, crisis cell. CHODs had then an overview of EU actions in the field of migration and an update on ongoing EU naval operations, most importantly EUNAVFOR Med - Operation Sophia and EUNAVFOR Operation Atalanta. They had a discussion on the evolution of both missions. The issue of force generation was addressed as well, as a force generation conference for all of our operations including operation Sophia and Atalanta.


CSDP training and advisory missions

In a joint session with chiefs of defence from partner nations contributing to EU CSDP missions, namely Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, and Serbia, CHODs had an in depth discussion on the evolution of the EU training missions and EU military advisory missions in Mali, Central African Republic and Somalia. The Commission highlighted the progress achieved with regard to capacity building for security and development. The CHODs discussed the next steps for all of those missions.



The 28 EU CHODs had also an exchange of views with General Viktor Muzhenko, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the current situation in the country, with a specific eye on hybrid warfare. General Muzhenko notably highlighted the reorganisation of the Ukrainian armed forces, the needs, and provided his assessment of the situation on the ground.


Hybrid Warfare

Chiefs of defence had an in-depth discussion on hybrid warfare. The director of the intelligence centre (INTCEN) highlighted the board range of hybrid threats focusing mainly on Da'esh, Al-Shabab, Boko-Haram and other terrorist organisations. The CHODs recognised the need for collaboration, noting that intensive work is ongoing.


EU/NATO cooperation

The Chiefs of defence turned then to EU/NATO cooperation, including hybrid warfare, battlegroups certification, capabilities and the Single European Sky. In this context CHODs were briefed by US AFRICOM Commander, General David M. Rodriguez and Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR) General Sir Adrian Bradshaw. 

As General de Rousiers is due to leave office on 5 November 2015, he introduced and symbolically transferred authority as Chairman of the EUMC to the incoming Chairman General Michail Kostarakos.



Photos and videos of the event

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27 octobre 2015 2 27 /10 /octobre /2015 20:50
EU Military Committee: meeting of the EU Chiefs of Defence, 28-29/10/2015

27/10/2015 consilium.europa.eu

Agenda highlights

The EU Military Committee will meet at the level of chiefs of defence (CHODs).


EU global strategy

European External Action Service Secretary General, Alain Le Roy, will update chiefs of defence on the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy and the EEAS review.


Naval operations

They will discuss EU naval operations and look at EU actions in the field of migration. They will also be updated on the ongoing operations, such as EUNAVFOR Med - Operation Sophia and EUNAVFOR Operation Atalanta.

EUNAVFOR Med - Operation Sophia aims to fight against human smugglers while the Operation Atalanta's goal is to counter piracy off the coast of Somalia.    


Training and advisory missions

Chiefs of defence from partner countries, namely Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway and Serbia, who contribute to CSDP training and advisory missions, will join their EU counterparts for a discussion on the evolution of the EU CSDP missions.



EU CHODs will also have an exchange of views with General Viktor Muzhenko, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the current situation in the country. 


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