15 septembre 2016
15.09.2016 source EU Defence Agency
Outcome of EDA studies

EDA has commissioned a study on “Support to the Implementation of the Supply Chain Action Plan” with the objectives:
- to reach a common understanding of the European Defence Supply Chain,
- to propose improvement of access to information & business opportunities,
- to develop & implement the Defence Supply Chain Networks (DSCN) to reinforce the link between EDA and Industry,
- to identify & analyse potential incentives & measures for suppliers to open their supply chains,
- and to provide recommendations based on identification of best practices for funding mechanisms along the supply chain.
The Executive Summary of the study is available on the EDA website.

INEA CALL 2015 results in € 53.5 million for military SESAR projects: With the July approval by EU Member States, 14 military projects on SESAR deployment will receive a total of € 53.5 million in EU funding under the 2015’s call for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) published by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA-call). In its role of military coordinator for SESAR deployment, EDA had supported Member States to identify and prepare bids for this call.
Tool of the Month

All companies belonging to the National Defence Industries Associations (NDIAs) in Europe and ASD can be found in the ASD/NDIA catalogue which was a deliverable of “Support to the Implementation of the Supply Chain Action Plan” EDA study. This ASD/NDIA catalogue is now available on EDA website and be downloaded.

Thinking of organising a B2B event? EDA has just published ToRs for B2B as another deliverable of the commissioned “Support to the Implementation of the Supply Chain Action Plan” study. Do not hesitate to upload it from the EDA website and use it. EDA welcome any feedback from your experience.
General Information

EDA Military Airworthiness Conference 2016: it is still time to register here to the MAWA conference which will be held on 5th and 6th October 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal.

If you want to know more about what EDA does in regards to Operation Support, do not hesitate to read the updated dedicated Operations Support factsheet and browse in the CSO Platform.
Hot Spot

RPAS have been earmarked as one of four capability development priorities by the December 2013 European Council. EDA, which has been working on the RPAS thematic for the past 6 years and has divided its work in the field of RPAS into five main areas which are described in the attached factsheet.

The DTEB Plenary Group will conduct the Test and Evaluation Community Days (TECD) Conference in Vienna from 25th to 27th April 2017. The Conference is hosted by the Austrian Armament and Defence Technology Agency (ARWT). Latest information and will be regularly updated on http://www.eda.europa.eu/what-we-do/portals/dteb
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If you want to subscribe to the News Review, or if you want to stop receiving the News review: News4Ind@eda.europa.eu
16 mars 2016
source EDA
News review for Industry Edition 3 - March 2016
Business Opportunities

Call for Tender for the EDA Study on the impact of REACH and CLP European Chemical Regulations on the defence sector (governmental and industrial stakeholders).
Places to be: workshops, events, exhibitions …

Test & Evaluation Community Days conference in Vienna: The European DTEB Community meets every three years at the European Test & Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD). Europe’s government Test Centres, T&E Directors, and European Defence Technology Industry Base (DTIB) representatives meet to exchange information, learn from each other and initiate new T&E Projects, and create strategic networks. The next TECD is envisaged to take place in 2017 in Vienna. More details will be released soon.
EDA R&T conference on 25 & 26 April 2016: During the Netherlands Presidency of the EU, the Netherlands Ministry of Defence, in cooperation with the European Defence Agency (EDA), will organise the seminar “Setting priorities for Research and Technology (R&T) in Europe to prepare the future together”. Keep posted on the EDA website for further information
Tools of the Month

Handbook for Defence Related SMEs: The objective of this handbook is to provide defence-related SMEs with simple, smart and short advice on how to get easier access to the defence market. The content covers four main areas: Access to Defence Procurement, Access to Defence Supply Chain, Access to Finance and Support to Innovation.
News about Innovation

Report of the Group of Personalities on the Preparatory Action for CSDP-related research: In 2015, the European Commission invited key personalities from European industry, government, the European Parliament and academia to advise it on establishing a Preparatory Action on Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)-related research ….

Enhanced RPAS Automation (ERA) project: The European Defence Agency (EDA) and an industrial consortium led by Airbus Defence and Space have launched a new project to contribute to the integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) into common airspace in Europe.
Hot spot on specific issues

Informal meeting with energy industry representatives and EDA Energy and Environment Working Group (EnE WG) on 31 March 2016: Industry representatives are invited to highlight their products of interest to Energy in Defence and to offer solutions to existing challenges facing the Defence Sector with a focus on Deployed Camps for this initial meeting. The main objective of is to examine the benefit that can be derived for the EnE WG from engaging in a structured way with industry and to create an industry group which would participate in future selected meetings.

16 décembre 2014
Rome - 16 December, 2014 European Defence Agency
The inaugural European Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference took place on 25-26 November 2014 in Rome. It gathered more than 100 participants from twelve Member States, and was also supported by Switzerland and Serbia.
The conference was held as part of the Defence Test and Evaluation Base (DTEB) framework, a European Defence Agency (EDA) initiative which aims to develop Pooling & Sharing opportunities in the field of experimentation, test and evaluation capabilities for EU Member States.
Bottom-up approach
“What we need is a large-scale European network of defence test and evaluation centres“, stressed Rini Goos, EDA Deputy Chief Executive. Giampaolo Lillo, EDA Cooperation Planning and Support Director and chairman of the event, added that “a bottom-up approach is the right way to achieve this objective”.
The event itself sought to discuss potential ways of working together in order to optimise the European Test & Evaluation Base network, thus improving defence acquisition outcomes in a time of budgetary pressure. Four main sessions were held, focussing on policy, project management, European test and evaluation capabilities and EDA support to test & evaluation (T&E) cooperation in Europe.
Based upon the success of the event, it was decided that further meetings of the same kind will be arranged in the future. More importantly, this first conference produced a number of recommendations to the DTEB Plenary Group to encourage greater collaboration within the EU T&E community. These include:
- Enabling tangible cooperation between European test and evaluation centres
- Inviting all Member States (including Switzerland and Serbia) to make the best use of the existing DTEB tool by populating its database
- Pursuing the identification of new T&E capabilities requiring further investigation and which could be included in the Agency’s Capability Development Plan
- Enhancing mutual recognition of test procedures, standardisation and qualification
- Promoting currently available tools within the European Defence Agency, such as the Codaba, the Defence Industry Directory or the CDP
More information
9 octobre 2014
8 oct. 2014 European Defence Agency
The DTEB Database is a web-based, access protected software tool for governmental Test and Evaluation centres.
19 juillet 2013
The Defence Test and Evaluation Base (DTEB) is a mechanism to increase the pooling and sharing of experimentation, test and evaluation capabilities for EU Member States. The DTEB is being progressed with the governance arrangements of the DTEB Development Plan agreed in 2010. An initial requirement set by pMS was the need for capability information sharing.
To meet this initial requirement, a web-based, access protected, DTEB Database is currently in preparation at EDA and scheduled to go online in 2014.
The overall objective of the DTEB Database project is to put in place, on a European scale, a Test & Evaluation (T&E) support tool to improve information sharing during the development or acquisition of defence equipment. The project will help answer the need of continuous optimization of T&E capabilities and adaptation to nationally and internationally defined requirements. Participating T&E Centres defined at national level, T&E experts as well as capability programme managers and other users will be entitled to access and contribute to the Database.
Participating T&E Centres will be able to:
• show and offer their own T&E capabilities to the European Defence Community
• be considered in European Capability, Research and Armament projects
• participate in European Pooling and Sharing initiatives
DTEB end-users will be able to:
• quickly identify potential cooperation partners for T&E activities
• implement European T&E capabilities in their projects
• quickly obtain details of Subject Matter Experts to seek advice
Transparency of information on T&E plans and activities, visibility of T&E capabilities, harmonisation of methods, cooperation between T&E facilities and competencies will be key elements to ensure the effectiveness of DTEB. This is why a bottom-up approach to this database application will guide the initiative. Test & Evaluation Centres recognized at national level and governmental Defence Project managers are invited to join and to express interest for participation.
Once launched, the DTEB Database will constitute a valuable tool for T&E experts, industrial consortium and programme managers, who will benefit from the Database as final users.
For further details please contact the EDA DTEB Project Officer via armaments@eda.europa.eu.