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12 janvier 2016 2 12 /01 /janvier /2016 12:25
RPA Falcão - photo Harpia Sistemas SA

RPA Falcão - photo Harpia Sistemas SA


11.01.2016 par Aerobuzz.fr


Embraer liquide la joint venture Harpia Sistemas SA qu’il avait créée en 2011 avec AEL Sistemas SA et Avibras Divisão Aérea e Naval SA, dans le but de développer un drone militaire destiné à l’armée brésilienne. Cette décision fait suite aux réductions budgétaires imposées par le Brésil confronté à une grave crise économique. Embraer s’engage à assurer une veille technologique de manière à pouvoir répondre aux besoins des forces armées brésiliennes le cas échéant.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 13:25
KC-390 photo Embraer

KC-390 photo Embraer


Nov 11, 2015 ASDNews Source : Rockwell Collins


Rockwell Collins has been selected by Embraer to provide the Cargo Handling and Aerial Delivery Control System (CHADCS) for the Brazilian Air Force’s KC-390 program. “The CHADCS selection is a significant increase to our KC-390 content and is an example of both continuing to leverage our advanced Pro Line Fusion capabilities in expanded ways and also of innovating to address new opportunities,” said Alan Prowse, vice president and managing director, Americas, for Rockwell Collins. “The win exemplifies the continued trust that Embraer has in Rockwell Collins based on our performance on the KC-390 to date.”

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 08:30
Lebanese AF Selects A-29 Super Tucano for Close Air Support Role


Nov 9, 2015 ASDNews  Source : Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A


The Republic of Lebanon today confirmed the acquisition of six A-29 Super Tucano turboprop aircraft from Embraer Defense & Security and Sierra Nevada Corporation. The contract includes logistics support for aircraft operation as well as a complete training system for Lebanese Air Force pilots and mechanics. The sale was approved in June by the U.S. State Department. The aircraft sale is part of a larger, more comprehensive package, including infrastructure improvements, that will be fulfilled by other parties not involved in the Embraer/SNC partnership. The planes, which are currently in operation with 10 Air Forces around the world, will be built in the Jacksonville, Florida.

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31 octobre 2015 6 31 /10 /octobre /2015 12:25
KC-390 resumes flight tests as defence unit rebaselines


27 October, 2015 By Stephen Trimble – FG


Washington DC - Embraer has flown the KC-390 again for the first time in eight months as the company’s Defence and Security business adapts to a devalued Brazilian currency and a slower development schedule for the new tanker-transport.


The flight on 26 October at Embraer’s test centre in Gaviao Pexioto, Brazil, ends an eight-month hiatus caused by a fiscal crisis in Brasilia. As the Real currency has devalued by 50% since the beginning of the year, the government had slowed payments to Embraer on a host of projects, but none bigger than the KC-390. Last July, Embraer announced signing an agreement with the Brazilian air force that extended the KC-390 development schedule by a year, with entry into service beginning in 2018. The agreement also included provisions to reimburse Embraer more than $370 million owed by the air force on the KC-390 so far. Meanwhile, company officials have also restructured the division to remain profitable despite sharply lower revenues as shown on the balance sheet, which is converted to suddenly much more valuable US dollars.

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19 juin 2015 5 19 /06 /juin /2015 09:45
photo Embraer

photo Embraer


18 juin 2015 source Aerobuzz.fr


Le constructeur brésilien Embraer a officialisé au salon du Bourget une commande de 6 A-29 Super Tucano émanant de la République du Mali. Le contrat inclut le support logistique pour les opérations ainsi que la formation des pilotes et des mécaniciens. Les Super Tucano seront déployés pour la formation avancée des pilotes des forces aériennes maliennes, la surveillance des frontières et des missions de sureté intérieure.

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28 avril 2015 2 28 /04 /avril /2015 11:25
 KC-390 Protection Comes First (English)

22 Avr. 2015 by Embraer

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12 mars 2015 4 12 /03 /mars /2015 08:25
KC-390 photo Ricardo Beccari - Embraer

KC-390 photo Ricardo Beccari - Embraer

11 mars 2015 Embraer

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18 février 2015 3 18 /02 /février /2015 12:35
IAF To Induct 1st Indo-Brazilian AEW&C Jet In Sept

15.02.2015 by Livefist

The Indo-Brazilian EMB-145i AEW&C platform, that made its first public appearance at AeroIndia 2013, returns to the show this year. But unlike two years ago, when the jet was steeped in a busy and extended period of systems trials, including sorties in the Eastern sector and over the Arabian Sea, the Indian Air Force gets all set to receive its first aircraft in seven months.


The team is looking to wrap up development flight & systems trials by the end of March (a Centre for Airborne Systems, CABS, officer tells me the aircraft at AeroIndia will still be notching up test points at the show too). With two aircraft in flight test, the Defence R&D Organisation (DRDO) has enough to meet its March 2015 deadline to complete development tests. But choosing to deploy one of the two jets at the Bangalore show wasn't a difficult decision, given the remarkable level of interest in the platform. CABS sources say at least two countries could sign MoUs declaring their interest in getting more information about the platform to support potential acquisitions. A confidential list of nations that have asked for briefings on the platform includes Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Oman, and UAE. Embraer has taken it upon itself to (a) look at consolidating the EMB-145i into a standard marketable product that the two countries can jointly pitch in the global market, and (b) handle South American operations by itself.


Director of the Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS), lead integrator on the programme, Dr Christopher says, "Currently though the system is customised for the Indian Air force, the AEW&C India can fine tuned to any specific user‐oriented early warning product through appropriate programming/software which can be defined by the user. Many countries are evincing keen interest in the AEW&C system and discussions are in progress for export of this system."


But exports are in the future. The more immediate good news for the programme is what the Indian Air Force thinks of the EMB-145i. In the words of a senior officer associated with the programme, and one who will be part of 4-6 month user evaluation trials aimed for April, the IAF is 'impressed and satisfied'. Those are important words from a customer that hasn't had much faith in the past in long-gestation systems, especially critically needed platforms like early warning jets.


But September, the Indian Air Force hopes to be ready to induct the first of three EMB-145i. A third platform arrives from Brazil by the end of June or early July. The second EMB-145i will also likely enter service by the end of the year.


User trials with the IAF will include the deployment of the aircraft in a special live exercise to be jointly held by the Western and Central Commands, and involve operational situations for the AEW&C. A team from CABS will, of course, be embedded through this phase. Most importantly, there's a rare confidence in the systems and platform.


The IAF officer quoted above says, "These are impressive timelines. Our team has been satisfied with the performance. There are still some ends to tie up in the process of matching requirements with performance, but all major requirements have been demonstrated, including intercept control, battle management, Electronic Support Measure (ESM) and Communication Support Measure (CSM), data handling and the crucial SATCOM links. This could be one of the most trouble-free developments we have had so far."


The official literature on the platform, to be released at Aero India this year, says, "The AEW&C India has managed to pack in several sub-systems namely a highly versatile active array  Radar system, Identification friend or foe system, ELINT, COMINT systems, along with multiple combination of ‘C’-Band& SATCOM ‘Ku’-Band voice and Data Links, UHF/VHF/HF communications, & Self Protection Systems - in order to enhance mission capabilities, add redundancies to foolproof operations, and implant self‐protection against missile attacks from ground as compared with its contemporaries on same Embraer aircraft elsewhere in the world."


Speaking of the primary sensor, the heart of the platform, and India's contribution to the system, the Director of CABS Dr S. Christopher says, "While India has caught up with the rest of the world in adopting the Active Electronically Steering Array (AESA) Antenna for its radar; the two building-block components of the radar, the Transmit-Receive Multi-Module (TRMM) and the teflon-clad ultra light Antenna Panel are notable Indian innovations in the radar sub-system. These are developed by CABS and with a joint patent along with M/s Astra Microwave, Hyderabad for TRMM. The most important outcome of the efforts is the realisation of a system that is both operation-efficient and cost-effective."


The reloaded Indian AWACS programme, first revealed here on Livefist, is also gathering speed, with the DRDO expected to move forwarded in choosing an aircraft platform for the project this year.

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:25
L’Embraer KC-390 fait son premier vol (video)

L’avion de transport brésilien KC-390 a effectué son premier vol avec succès le 3 février à São José dos Campos (source : Embraer).


4 février 2015 par Edouard Maire – Info Aviation


L’avion a volé durant 1 heure et 25 minutes piloté par Mozart Louzada et Marcos de Oliveira Lima Salgado. L’équipage comprenait également les ingénieurs d’essais Raphaël Lima et Roberto Becker pour l’évaluation des qualités et performances de vol.


« Le KC-390 est le résultat d’une coopération étroite avec la Force aérienne brésilienne et nos partenaires internationaux. Il représente ce qui est probablement le plus grand défi technologique que la société n’ait jamais rencontré dans son histoire. Nous sommes profondément émus d’avoir atteint cette étape », a déclaré Frederico Fleury Curado, président d’Embraer.


« Le KC-390 sera l’épine dorsale de l’aviation de transport pour l’armée de l’air brésilienne. De l’Amazonie à l’Antarctique, la flotte de 28 avions jouera un rôle clé dans la diversité des projets de l’État brésilien, dans la recherche scientifique pour le maintien de la souveraineté « , a déclaré le général Nivaldo Luiz Rossato, commandant de la Force aérienne du Brésil.


Durant ce premier vol, l’équipage du KC-390 a effectué des manoeuvres pour évaluer ses caractéristiques de vol et a mené une série de tests des systèmes après plusieurs simulations au sol.


« Le KC-390 s’est comporté de façon réactive et prévisible », a déclaré le capitaine Louzada. « Le système de contrôle fly-by-wire et l’avionique de dernière génération facilite considérablement le vol. »

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:25
KC-390 photo Ricardo Beccari - Embraer

KC-390 photo Ricardo Beccari - Embraer


12.02.2015 Safran


L’avion de transport militaire brésilien KC-390 a effectué son vol inaugural le 3 février dernier, depuis le site de Gaviao Peixoto, près de Sao Paulo, où est réalisé son assemblage final. Cet appareil est équipé de nombreux systèmes développés par Safran.


Plus gros avion jamais produit par Embraer, le KC-390 a vocation à être utilisé pour des opérations militaires et pour des applications civiles. Il permettra notamment d’assurer des missions de transport de troupes, de secours, ou encore de ravitaillement en vol. A l’issue de son premier vol d’une heure et vingt-cinq minutes, les pilotes d’essai ont souligné le bon comportement de l’avion et sa facilité de pilotage.

Ce jalon représente un succès majeur pour Safran et toutes les équipes qui ont travaillé sur ce programme. En effet, le nouvel avion embarque six « packages » de systèmes et équipements conçus et développés par Safran, démontrant ainsi l’expertise de Labinal Power Systems dans le domaine des équipements électriques aéronautiques (voir encadré). La société a également piloté le banc d’essais électrique global de l’avion, qui a permis de tester au sol l’ensemble des équipements électriques de l’appareil, fournis ou non par le Groupe.

Messier-Bugatti-Dowty (Safran) a produit les roues et freins de l’appareil, le système de freinage, le module de direction des trains avant ainsi que les équipements d’extension / rétraction des trains d’atterrissage. Sagem (Safran) a fourni le stabilisateur horizontal (HSTS*), le plus gros jamais conçu par Safran.

Prochaines étapes du programme : la campagne d’essais en vol, puis la production en série et les premières livraisons, attendues dès la fin 2016.

*Le HSTS (Horizontal Stabilizer Trim System) permet au pilote de régler de manière optimale le calage du plan horizontal afin de maintenir une assiette de vol stable, tout en minimisant l’effort aérodynamique requis sur le manche pour manœuvrer l’avion. 


Les équipements électriques de Labinal Power Systems à bord du KC 390

  • La distribution électrique primaire et secondaire,

  • La génération électrique d’urgence, ou Ram Air Turbine (RAT). Ce système permet de convertir un flux d’air en puissance électrique afin d’assurer, en cas d’urgence, les charges électriques nécessaires à la sécurité du vol et de l’atterrissage.

  • Tous les systèmes de ventilation de l’avion, via sa filiale Technofan.

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8 février 2015 7 08 /02 /février /2015 08:25
photo Embraer

photo Embraer


3 Feb 2015 By: Dan Parsons - FG


The KC-390, Embraer’s clean-sheet aerial refueling tanker, flew for the first time on 3 February from an airfield in São José dos Campos, Brazil. The KC-390’s 1h 25min flight consisted of manoeuvres to assess flight characteristics and system tests, including the aircraft’s fly-by-wire controls, Embraer says. "The KC -390 behaved in a docile and predictable manner," test pilot Mazort Louzada says in a statement. "The advanced system of fly- by-wire flight controls and the latest generation avionics facilitate piloting and provide smooth and accurate flight." Embraer chief executive Frederico Fleury Curado says development of the KC-390 is “most likely the greatest technological challenge that the company has faced in its history”.


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22 octobre 2014 3 22 /10 /octobre /2014 11:25
Embraer prépare le premier vol du KC-390


22 octobre 2014 par Gil Roy – Aerobuzz.fr


Le KC-390 a effectué son « roll out », le 21 octobre 2014, à Gaviao Peixoto (Brésil). Embraer confirme son intention de réaliser le premier vol du futur avion de transport et de ravitaillement des Forces aériennes brésiliennes avant fin 2014.


La sortie d’atelier d’un prototype est toujours une étape importante dans la réalisation d’un programme aéronautique. Le KC-390 d’Embraer a été officiellement présenté au public, le 21 octobre 2014. Ce « roll out » a eu lieu à Gaviao Peixoto (Brésil) où est assemblé l’avion de transport militaire multi rôle. Outre le ministre brésilien de la Défense et le chef d’Etat-Major de l’armée de l’air brésilienne, une trentaine de délégations étrangères ont pris part à la cérémonie. Cette forte participation démontre les ambitions commerciales d’Embraer.


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30 septembre 2014 2 30 /09 /septembre /2014 11:20
First A-29 Super Tucano delivered at Roll-Out Ceremony

First A-29 Super Tucano delivered at Roll-Out Ceremony


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Sept. 25, 2014) sncorp.com


Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) and Embraer Defense & Security today presented the first United States-built A-29 Super Tucano light air support aircraft in a roll-out ceremony with the U.S. Air Force and government officials, industry and community representatives, and news media. The aircraft, which also performs as an outstanding advanced trainer, is the first of 20 that are being delivered to the U.S. Air Force for its Light Air Support (LAS) program to support the stability of Afghanistan as it assumes increased responsibility for security with the redeployment of NATO forces.


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18 juillet 2014 5 18 /07 /juillet /2014 07:55
EMB-121 Xingu reaches milestone of 30 years of operations with the French AF


Jul 17, 2014 ASDNews Source : Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A


Embraer Defense & Security this month celebrates the historic milestone of 30 years‘ operations of the EMB-121A Xingu with the French Air Force (Armée de l’Air) and French Navy (Marine Nationale). The Xingu, operated by the French  Ecole de l’Aviation de Transport (EAT) from Airforce Base 702 in Avord, France, has, to date, been used to train more than 1,900 cadets from France but also pilots from Belgium, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gabon, Luxembourg, and Madagascar.


The EMB-121 Xingu first landed at Air Force Base 702 on March 29th, 1983 as a training aircraft replacement for the Dassault 312 Flamant. In 1984, the first batch of newly qualified pilots concluded their training. Since that time, over 330.000 flight hours have been flown by the 43 Xingus of EAT and today, a total of 33 aircraft remain in operation.


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11 juillet 2014 5 11 /07 /juillet /2014 16:25
Gripen-NG and Gripen-D

Gripen-NG and Gripen-D


11 July 2014 Saab Group


Embraer and Saab have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to partner in joint programme management for the F-X2 Project, pursuant to the selection of the Gripen NG as Brazil’s next generation fighter jet. Under this agreement, Embraer will perform a leading role in the overall programme performance as well as undertake an extensive share of work in the production and delivery of both the single and two-seat versions of the state-of-the-art Gripen NG aircraft for the Brazilian Air Force.


Embraer will coordinate all development and production activities in Brazil on behalf of Saab and, in addition to its own extensive work packages, will participate in systems development, integration, flight tests, final assembly and deliveries.


Furthermore, Embraer and Saab will be jointly responsible for the complete development of the two-seat version of the Gripen NG, at the same time that a strategic partnership for future global promotion and marketing of both single and two-seat versions is being discussed between the two companies.


“Embraer and Saab both have a long tradition in the defense market and will now work together to provide high-quality and affordable solutions for Gripen NG customers. This agreement will strengthen the ties between the defense industries of Brazil and Sweden,” says Jackson Schneider, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security.


“We are happy to announce this partnership with Embraer. Not only do we share experience in the defense and aeronautical markets, but both organisations have a clear dedication to customer satisfaction. Through this partnership we will secure an excellent result for the Brazilian Air Force and we will establish solid ground for success with future business opportunities and customers,” says Saab’s President and CEO Håkan Buskhe.


“In addition to re-equipping the Brazilian Air Force, the F-X2 project is meant to stimulate Brazil´s defense industrial base. This partnership between Embraer and Saab will be of great importance to Brazil, because, besides participating in the development, we will be able to autonomously maintain our fleet. Embraer, as a high tech manufacturer of commercial jets, and Saab, with its tradition in the development of fighter aircraft, are complementary businesses that certainly enjoy great gains with this agreement”, says Lieutenant-Brigadier Juniti-Saito, Commander of the Brazilian Air Force.


The Gripen NG is a true multi-role fighter aircraft, based on the proven Gripen C/D platform. It is built to adapt to all of the changing threats and operational requirements that modern air forces face. Gripen’s combination of very advanced operational capabilities with moderate through-life costs make the fighter absolutely unique on the world market.


The agreement will be implemented following a successful conclusion of the ongoing discussions between Saab and Brazil relating to the finalization of F-X2 contracts. These talks are proceeding as planned and it is hoped to reach a positive outcome by the end of 2014

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26 juin 2014 4 26 /06 /juin /2014 11:25
Honduras, Embraer Discuss Aircraft Upgrades


June 23, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Forecast International; issued June 23, 2014)


Honduras Seeks Technical Agreement with Embraer for Fleet Modernization


SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador --- Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández is hoping to sign a technical agreement with Brazilian manufacturer, Embraer. The agreement would cover the refurbishment and modernization of the Honduran Air Force's Super Tucano and F-5 aircraft.


The Honduran government will resume the repair project for the Air Force's EMB-312/A-27 Super Tucano and Cessna A-37B Dragonfly aircraft which was initiated by the previous administration of President Porfirio Lobo. President Hernández is also considering the possibility of acquiring new aircraft such as the Embraer EMB-314/A-29 Super Tucano.


The Air Force has been seeking to acquire a new batch of A-29s for quite some time. Unfortunately, funding was difficult to obtain and after much consideration, President Porfirio Lobo decided in February 2012 that priority would be given to repairing the Air Force's existing fleet of Embraer EMB-312 Tucanos rather than buying new Super Tucanos.


The Honduran MoD expected the upgrade to cost between $6 million and $10 million; only six aircraft would be involved in the program. Then in October 2013, the government determined that due to Honduras' poor financial situation, an upgrade could not be performed either.


The goal now is to modernize and repair 20 EMB-312s and acquire at least 4 new EMB-314s.


The technical agreement would involve the transfer of Honduras' F-5 to Brazil. The transfer would require U.S. approval, though. Honduras acquired 12 ex-USAF Northrop F-5E/Fs in 1987; only five of the remaining nine are operational. Taiwan, Brazil, and Israel are all interested in restoring the fleet.

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3 décembre 2013 2 03 /12 /décembre /2013 17:45
Nigeria interested in buying Super Tucanos

A Mauritanian Super Tucano


29 November 2013 by Guy Martin – defenceWeb


The Nigerian Air Force is considering buying Super Tucano trainer and light attack aircraft from Brazilian manufacturer Embraer.


Nigerian Vice President Namadi Sambo expressed interest in purchasing the Super Tucano during a meeting with his Brazilian counterpart Michel Temer earlier this week.


Sambo and Temer held talks on bilateral relations between Nigeria and Brazil, and announced the creation of working groups on security and defence, amongst other areas, reports Xinhua. An agreement on intelligence sharing, particularly regarding drug-related crimes, will be signed soon. The two parties also discussed the possibility of repatriating 377 Nigerian prisoners in Brazil.


Brazil and Nigeria also discussed other possibilities for cooperation in fields such as trade, agriculture, mining, culture and energy. Trade between Nigeria and Brazil has grown from $1.6 billion in 2002 to $9.1 billion last year, Temer said.


Brazil and Nigeria have enjoyed warm defence relations – for example, in September 2012 the Brazilian Navy offshore patrol vessel (OPV) Amazonas (P120) visited Nigeria and conducted training with Nigerian personnel and vessels. Earlier this year Brazil’s new OPV Araguari (P122) visited Nigeria on its way home from the United Kingdom. Apart from Nigeria, it also visited Cape Verde, Cameroon, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea.


Nigeria has a strong requirement for an aircraft like the Super Tucano as it battles the domestic Boko Haram insurgency and also deploys combat aircraft to foreign countries on peacekeeping operations. The country is expected to vastly increase its defence spending over the coming years, and according to a recent Strategic Defence Intelligence report, the Nigerian defence market will go from $2.3 billion this year to $4.4 billion by 2018.


Piracy and oil smuggling in the Gulf of Guinea and a contribution to peacekeeping operations are expected to drive the country's military expenditure to register a growth rate of 13.62% over the next five years. The domestic Boko Haram insurgency is also expected to drive Nigeria’s security needs. The country’s growth in military expenditure will be assisted by the country's stable economic growth over the forecast period, which will a see rise in defence expenditure as a percentage of GDP from 0.8% in 2013 to 1.1% in 2018, according to the report.


“The growing threat from Boko Haram and other extremist groups in northeastern states, and drug trafficking are expected to drive the Nigerian government's investments in homeland security over the forecast period. Police modernization and homeland security infrastructure developments are expected to be primary areas for investment by the government,” the report noted.


Nigeria can be expected to buy military hardware such as naval helicopters, fighters, patrol vessels, and armoured personnel carriers over the next five years, mainly from foreign suppliers.


African Super Tucanos


Embraer has recorded a number of orders for its Super Tucano from African countries, which see it as a low cost light attack aircraft that can also be used as a trainer. On the continent, the Super Tucano has been ordered by Angola, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Senegal. Embraer is highly optimistic about future orders for the type from Africa.


Angola officially received its first three of six Super Tucanos in July this year and is using them for border surveillance, attack and pilot training. Burkina Faso was the first African country to take delivery of a Super Tucano, receiving three aircraft in September 2011 for border patrol missions. In October last year Mauritania received their first aircraft, featuring sensor turrets for surveillance duties, although they will also be used for counter-insurgency missions.


In April Senegal bought three A-29 Super Tucanos as well as a training system for pilots and mechanics. It will use the aircraft for border surveillance and internal security duties.


Over a dozen global customers have purchased the A-29 Super Tucano. The fleet has surpassed 180 000 flight hours and 28 000 combat hours, according to Embraer.


The A-29 Super Tucano is capable of performing a broad range of missions that include light attack, aerial surveillance and interception, and counter-insurgency.


The Super Tucano is equipped with a variety of sensors and equipment, including an electo-optical/infrared system with laser designator, night vision goggles, secure communications and data-link package.


Armament comprises one .50-caliber machinegun in each wing. Five hardpoints can carry a maximum external load of 1 550 kilograms (3 420 lb). Weapons options include gun pods, bombs, rocket pods, and (on the two outboard stations) air-to-air missiles.

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21 novembre 2013 4 21 /11 /novembre /2013 08:25
Brazilian Air Force Receives More Than Just Flight Controls for KC-390


November 19, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: BAE Systems; issued November 19, 2013)


BAE Systems, as part of an agreement to provide the flight control system and active side sticks for Embraer’s KC-390 military transport aircraft, has finalized an industrial cooperation contract with the Brazilian Air Force. This is the first agreement of its type completed as part of the KC-390 program.


"This agreement is designed to create new opportunities for Brazil’s domestic aerospace industry," said Dr. Ehtisham Siddiqui, vice president and general manager of Commercial Aircraft Solutions at BAE Systems. "It will entail software development training and maintenance, repair, and overhaul services for the KC-390 flight control system that will be performed in Brazil. BAE Systems has also proposed performing some final assembly work for its KC-390 products in the country."


"The KC-390 Program is a great opportunity for the evolution of the Brazilian Aerospace Industry. We are happy to see that BAE Systems has made the strategic commitment to our efforts. It will be an important partner in providing technological solutions in Brazil to support the development and future operation of the KC-390 fleet," said Brigadier-General Crepaldi, president of COPAC, the Brazilian Air Force Commission in charge of the KC-390 program.


The KC-390 is a twin-turbofan powered, medium-weight transport jet that can be refuelled in flight and used for in-flight or on-ground refuelling of other aircraft. BAE Systems will provide the flight control electronics that provides full fly-by-wire control for the aircraft. In addition, the company will provide active side sticks for the KC-390, which represents the latest evolution in inceptor technology, enabling pilots to control aircraft by improving performance through tactile cues used to direct and manoeuvre the plane.


"We are committed to working closely with both the Brazilian customer and local industry," says Jim Reid, general manager of BAE Systems in Brazil. "This agreement is further evidence of this intent and comes on the back of our final OPV delivery to the Brazilian Navy and ongoing partnership with the Brazilian Army upgrading its M113 fleet."


BAE Systems has provided support to the Brazilian Armed Forces for naval guns, radars, and armored vehicles since 1998 from its office in Brasilia.

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20 novembre 2013 3 20 /11 /novembre /2013 18:25
TenCate selected by Embraer for supplying ballistic protection for A-29 Super Tucano


Nov 20, 2013 ASDNews Source : TenCate


TenCate Advanced Armour has been selected by aerospace manufacturer Embraer as the supplier of aerospace armour for the Embraer A-29 Super Tucano military aircraft. The aircraft will be supplied in partnership with Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) as the prime contractor for the aircraft. No financial details will be published.


The Embraer EMB 314 – also named A-29 Super Tucano – is a turboprop aircraft designed for light attack, counter-insurgency, close air support, aerial reconnaissance missions in low threat environments, as well as providing pilot training. It is currently in service with the air forces of Angola, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Indonesia, and Mauritania. The A-29 has been ordered by Senegal and the United States. February 27, 2013, the U.S. Air Force announced that it has selected the Embraer Defense and Security´s A-29 Super Tucano for its Light Air Support program.


Tier 1 aerospace armour company


Steen Tanderup, managing director of TenCate Advanced Armour EMEA states: “Embraer’s decision for supplier selection in this major high-end aerospace aircraft confirms that TenCate Advanced Armour has developed into a fully accepted tier 1 aerospace armour company. The EN9100 certified facility of TenCate in France is providing the design, development and production of dedicated high quality aerospace ballistic protection for a number of high-profile helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft projects. This production plant is at the required level and will further evolve in the near future. In this way TenCate will contribute to increase the protection of aircrews and aircraft platforms in hostile environments”.


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10 octobre 2013 4 10 /10 /octobre /2013 07:25
Embraer selects Thales IFF systems for military aircraft upgrades

Oct 9, 2013 ASDNews Source : Thales Group


Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer has awarded Thales a contract to supply IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) transponders for the upgrade of A1M fighters and E-99 AEW surveillance aircraft in service with the Brazilian Air Force. A total of 48 aircraft will be retrofitted with the new IFF transponders.


Thales will supply its TSC 2030 and TSC 2050 transponders, which are part of the company's BlueGate range of IFF products and provide a digital identification capability in line with NATO's MKXA standard. The aircraft equipped with the new IFF systems will be fully interoperable to overcome risks of friendly fire.


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1 octobre 2013 2 01 /10 /octobre /2013 07:25
Tencate Selected by Aerotron Brazil for Supplying Ballistic Protection for KC-390 Military Transport Aircraft

Sep 30, 2013 ASDNews Source : TenCate


Aerotron Brazil, the prime contractor for the Embraer KC-390 project, has chosen TenCate Advanced Armour as its technical and industrial partner and the supplier of the materials and special processes. Aerotron Brazil and TenCate Advanced Armour are working closely together to finalize the design and to build the prototypes of the ballistic protection according to the schedule, weight and performance requirements for the Embraer KC-390 program.


The KC-390 is the largest airplane ever conceived and built by the Brazilian aeronautics industry and will establish a new standard for medium-sized military transport aircraft, in terms of performance and payload, as well as advance mission and flight systems. It is to perform aerial refueling, transport cargo and troops, and to receive fuel in-flight. The KC-390 will be able to transport up to 23 metric tons of cargo, including wheeled armored vehicles.


The potential market for the KC-390 is according to Embraer approximately 700 aircraft, and so far letters of intent for 60 aircraft have been signed by 6 different countries. Financial details will not be published.


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17 septembre 2013 2 17 /09 /septembre /2013 07:25
Embraer on Schedule with Jacksonville A-29 Super Tucano Assembly Facility

Sep 17, 2013 ASDNews Source : Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A


Embraer Defense & Security Inc. announced, today, at the Air Force Association’s Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition that the company is on schedule with its Jacksonville, Florida, assembly facility to begin deliveries in mid-2014 of A-29 Super Tucano aircraft to the U.S. Air Force for the Light Air Support (LAS) program.


There have been several developments since the contract award was announced on February 27, 2013.


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6 septembre 2013 5 06 /09 /septembre /2013 07:25
A-1M subsonic attack aircraft - photo Brazilian air force

A-1M subsonic attack aircraft - photo Brazilian air force

Sept. 5, 2013 by  Dave Majumdar – FG


Washington DC - Embraer has delivered the first modernised A-1M subsonic attack aircraft to the Brazilian air force in Gavião Peixoto.


"The A-1 fighter jets are fundamental elements for the defence of Brazil, including its territorial coastal waters," says Gen Juniti Saito, the service's commander. "We have been very successful in using this aircraft on such highly complex operations as the Cruzex and Red Flag exercises. Its modernisation presents a big gain in capability," he adds.


The A-1M programme provides for the upgrade of 43 AMX jets, which were originally developed under a joint Italian-Brazilian venture. So far, 16 aircraft have been inducted into Embraer's facilities for refurbishment.


The modernisation package includes new navigation systems, weapons, oxygen generators, multimode radar and electronic countermeasures. The new hardware is coupled with structural refurbishment that will extend the type's life until 2025

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5 septembre 2013 4 05 /09 /septembre /2013 07:25
L’armée de l’air brésilienne reçoit son premier A-1 modernisé

04.09.2013 Helen Chachaty - journal-aviation.com


La Força Aérea Brasileira a réceptionné son premier chasseur A-1M modernisé hier, lors d’une cérémonie qui s’est tenue sur le site industriel d’Embraer à Gavião Peixoto, près de São Paulo. C’est le premier exemplaire du programme qui prévoit la rénovation et la modernisation des 43 chasseurs subsoniques AMX. Seize avions se trouvent actuellement à l’usine d’Embraer pour être modernisés.


Plusieurs nouveaux équipements sont intégrés aux A-1M : systèmes de navigation, armement, génération d’oxygène, radar multimodes, contremesures électroniques, similaires à ceux présents sur les F-5M et les A-29 Super Tucano. Le programme de modernisation devrait permettre aux avions d’être opérationnels jusqu’en 2025.

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26 juillet 2013 5 26 /07 /juillet /2013 11:35
Around 20 A-29 Super Tucano aircraft will be provided to Afghanistan Air Force in 2014. Photo Embraer SA.

Around 20 A-29 Super Tucano aircraft will be provided to Afghanistan Air Force in 2014. Photo Embraer SA.

26 July 2013 airforce-technology.com


Tactair Fluid Controls has been selected as hardware supplier for the US Air Force's (USAF) recently-awarded light air support (LAS) contract.


Awarded to the team of Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) and Embraer Defense and Security in February, the controversial $427.5m LAS contract covers the delivery of a total of 20 A-29 Super Tucano aircraft to help the Afghanistan Air Force (AAF) address its security requirements.


As LAS contract supplier, the company will be responsible for delivery of the emergency park brake valve and accumulators for use on the Embraer A-29 Super Tucano aircraft.


Fitted with single or dual gain braking curves, pressure sensing and an integrated parking function, the Tactair emergency park brake valves are specifically engineered to be manually actuated through a lever or cable quadrant.


The brakes are capable of providing an alternate method for brake pressure maintenance upon the main system failure, as well as constant parking brake pressure in park mode.

"Representing the US's support to Afghanistan following strategic withdrawal at the end of 2014, the LAS contract also includes delivery of associated maintenance and training support to the AAF."


Usually, the brake valve and hydraulic accumulator are paired together to provide emergency brake pressure and volume compensation in park mode.


The contract value and performance period remained undisclosed.


Representing the US's support to Afghanistan following strategic withdrawal at the end of 2014, the LAS contract also includes delivery of associated maintenance and training support to the AAF.


Expected to be delivered in the summer of 2014, the aircraft will be used by AAF for advanced flight training, surveillance, close air support or ground troops and air interdiction missions.


At least 88% of the aircraft is expected to be manufactured using parts delivered by more than 100 US companies from 20 states or countries that qualify under the Buy America Act.


Manufacturing work is scheduled to be carried out by US workers in Jacksonville, Florida, while training will be provided in Clovis, New Mexico, US.

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