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17 novembre 2016 4 17 /11 /novembre /2016 12:20
Brazilian Navy H225M Naval Combat Configuration

17 nov. 2016 Airbus Helicopters

Helibras and Airbus Helicopters have opened a new chapter in the history of the H225M multirole utility helicopter with the official presentation of the first aircraft in naval combat configuration.

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4 octobre 2015 7 04 /10 /octobre /2015 07:25
Le 3REI défile lors de la fête nationale du Brésil


15-09-2015 par 3e REI Réf : 250 | 571


A l'occasion de la fête de l'indépendance, obtenue sur le Portugal le 7 septembre 1822, le 3e régiment étranger d'infanterie (REI) a participé, les 6 et 7 septembre 2015, aux cérémonies militaires s'inscrivant dans le cadre de la fête nationale du Brésil.


Un élément du 3e REI a accompagné le général de division aérienne (GDA) DUPONT, commandant supérieur (COMSUP) des Forces Armées en Guyane (FAG) à Belém, siège du commandement - Nord en charge de toute la région amazonienne.


A cette occasion, la Légion étrangère a été mise à l'honneur lorsqu'un détachement de pionniers du 3e REI a ouvert le défilé militaire.


Simultanément, dans la ville de Macapa, capitale de l'Etat de l'Amapa, le colonel ALEXANDRE, commandant le 34e Batalhão de Infanteria de Selva (BIS) a reçu son homologue français, le colonel RANSAN.


Un détachement de la 3e compagnie du 3e REI a également eu l'honneur d'ouvrir, seul, le défilé militaire, au son d'un " boudin " parfaitement joué par la musique du 34e BIS.


Le 34e Batalhão de Infanteria de Selva, bataillon spécialisé pour opérer en milieu équatorial et unité binôme du 3e REI, est à l'origine de cette invitation.


La présence du 3e REI, représentant les forces armées françaises en Guyane, illustre la coopération Franco-Brésilienne dans l'action commune de lutte contre l'orpaillage illégal de l'opération " Harpie " notamment le long du fleuve Oyapock où des opérations conjointes seront très prochainement menées par le 3e REI et le 34e BIS


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15 septembre 2015 2 15 /09 /septembre /2015 16:25
S-BR1 Riachuel  photo Ricardo Pereira

S-BR1 Riachuel photo Ricardo Pereira


Sept 09, 2015 by Defense-Aerospace.com

(Source: Brazilian Navy; issued Sept 09, 2015)

(Issued in Portuguese; unofficial translation by Defense-Aerospace.com)


The Navy of Brazil passed a major milestone in the PROSUB Submarine Development Program when, on September 2, the Nuclebrás Heavy Equipment SA (NUCLEP) delivered to Itaguaí Construção Naval (ICN), the final section of the pressure hull of the first conventional submarine (S-BR1), the "Riachuelo."


The ceremony marking the delivery, presided by the Commander of the Navy, Admiral- Eduardo Bacellar Leal Ferreira, marked the completion of the first phase of construction of the submarine "Riachuelo".


This delivery will now allow all sections of the pressure hull to move to the next phase of equipment and systems installation. The pressure hull is composed of cylindrical sections structurally reinforced to withstand the maximum operating pressure of the submarine.


PROSUB is a partnership between Brazil and France and provides, among other things, the transfer of technology necessary to the construction of four conventional diesel-electric submarines and one submarine with nuclear propulsion.

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10 septembre 2015 4 10 /09 /septembre /2015 11:25
Gripen NG Contract With Brazil Becomes Effective



On 27 October 2014 Saab announced the conclusion of a contract with the Brazilian Federal Government for the development and production of 36 Gripen NG aircraft. The contract has now come into effect as all required conditions have been fulfilled. Today, the order value of approximately SEK39.3 billion is booked by Saab as order intake. Gripen NG deliveries to the Brazilian Air Force will be undertaken from 2019 to 2024

The associated industrial co-operation contract (including technology transfer to Brazilian industries), which was signed in October 2014, also comes into effect today.

“Through the Gripen NG programme, we continue to build on the industrial relations between Brazil and Sweden. I am confident that this important programme will serve as a platform for new business and contribute to the growth of both the Brazilian and Swedish industry,” says Marcus Wallenberg, Chairman of Saab’s Board of Directors.

“This important milestone marks the formal start to the Brazilian Gripen NG programme. We will now work full speed ahead to ensure timely deliveries of Gripen NG to Brazil. Our partnership with Brazilian industry strengthens Saab’s position in Latin America and supports our strategy for growth through industrial co-operation,” says Håkan Buskhe, President and CEO of Saab.

The technology transfer programme will further contribute to the development of an independent, advanced defence industrial base in Brazil. Brazilian engineers and technicians will come to Saab for education and on-the job-training in Sweden starting in October 2015.

“The acquisition of Gripen NG will provide benefits beyond the enlargement of the Brazilian Air Force’s operational capacity. In addition to equipping FAB with one of the world's most modern fighters, the participation in the development of Gripen NG means a technological breakthrough for Brazilian industry,” says Lieutenant-Brigadier Nivaldo Luiz Rossato, Commander of the Brazilian Air Force.

Saab’s Gripen is a multi-role combat aircraft capable of undertaking the full range of air-to-air and air-to-ground missions, including specialist roles such as intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) and electronic warfare. Gripen is equipped with the most modern sensors and mission systems, including an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and infra-red search and track (IRST) system. It can be armed with any air-launched weapon that a customer requires, and integration of new capabilities is speedy and affordable. Gripen is easily deployable, with a very low maintenance and support footprint coupled with high reliability.

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1 juin 2015 1 01 /06 /juin /2015 17:25
Manaus ou l’école des combattants de la jungle

19 avril 2015. Centre d’instruction de la guerre en jungle (CIGS), à Manaus, au Brésil. Après la fabrication des radeaux, les stagiaires, par groupe de 9, partent pour 2 kilomètres de nage, à tracter radeau et sacs dans les eaux sombres de la Rio Paraquequara. Objectif : atteindre la base n°4 du CIGS en moins de 2 heures. -  photo J.Salles - ECPAD

29/05/2015 F.Cantin  - DICoD


Mi-avril, nous avons suivi deux légionnaires stagiaires au Centre d’instruction de la guerre en jungle (CIGS), à Manaus, au Brésil. Depuis 1 mois, aux côtés de leurs camarades brésiliens, sénégalais, argentins, vénézuéliens et équatoriens, les deux militaires français apprennent à évoluer en jungle dans des conditions réelles du combat. Fatigue, efforts physiques intenses, nourriture restreinte, milieu naturellement hostile à l’homme et absence totale de confort sont des défis à relever à chaque instant. Une véritable école d’endurance et de souffrance qui forme les meilleurs combattants en jungle. Focus sur la semaine dédiée à l’entraînement aux opérations fluviales. Selva !


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12 mai 2015 2 12 /05 /mai /2015 22:25
Décollage sur alerte pour l'ET 68 - photo Armée de l'Air

Décollage sur alerte pour l'ET 68 - photo Armée de l'Air


12/05/2015 Armée de l'air


Les forces armées en Guyane (FAG) ont été sollicitées, jeudi 30 avril 2015, pour porter assistance à un marin blessé sur un navire de la marine brésilienne.


Immédiatement, l’équipage d’alerte de l’escadron de transport 68 « Antilles-Guyane » se mobilise pour préparer la mission. Pendant que les mécaniciens configurent l’hélicoptère Puma. La réactivité de l’ensemble des aviateurs permet un décollage dans délai très court. En moins de quarante minutes, l’hélicoptère rejoint l’arrière du bateau. Le bilan médical confirme l’urgence, la victime est rapidement hélitreuillée sur une civière et évacuée vers l’hôpital.


Après l’atterrissage, sur la base aérienne 367 de Matoury, les mécaniciens de l’escadron de transport ont reconfiguré l’appareil pour lui permettre de reprendre la posture d’alerte que l’unité tient 24 h sur 24 et 365 jours par an.

Les FAG porte assistance à un marin blessé - photo Armée de l'Air

Les FAG porte assistance à un marin blessé - photo Armée de l'Air

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12 mai 2015 2 12 /05 /mai /2015 11:25
Le ministère de la Défense brésilien chez DCNS - photo DCNS

Le ministère de la Défense brésilien chez DCNS - photo DCNS


11 mai 2015 - par C.C - tendanceouest.com


Après le ministre australien, c'était au tour du ministre brésilien de la Défense de visiter DCNS Cherbourg ce lundi 11 mai.


Il y a une quinzaine de jours, le site cherbourgeois de DCNS recevait le ministre australien de la Défense, venu prospecter en vue d'un possible contrat signé entre les deux pays.


Ce lundi 11 mai, DCNS Cherbourg recevait le ministre brésilien de la Défense, qui rencontrera Jean-Yves Le Drian mercredi à Paris. Accompagné d'Alain Morvan, directeur du site, et Hervé Guillou, PDG de DCNS, Jaques Wagner a pu découvrir les différents chantiers en cours.


DCNS collabore avec le Brésil pour la construction de quatre sous-marins Scorpène, via un transfert de technologies : des salariés français vont travailler au Brésil, des Brésiliens viennent travailler à Cherbourg. DCNS assiste aussi le pays dans la réalisation de la partie non-nucléaire du premier SNA brésilien, et la construction d'une base navale et d'un chantier construction navale.

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28 avril 2015 2 28 /04 /avril /2015 11:25
 KC-390 Protection Comes First (English)

22 Avr. 2015 by Embraer

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24 mars 2015 2 24 /03 /mars /2015 12:25
IAI's first B767 MMTT conversion was the 'Jupiter' currently operated by the Colombian Air Force (FACH).

IAI's first B767 MMTT conversion was the 'Jupiter' currently operated by the Colombian Air Force (FACH).


Mar 2015 By: Arie Egozi - FG


Tel Aviv - After long delays, the Brazilian government has allocated the required budget for the purchase of three converted Boeing 767-300s that will serve as aerial tankers. The conversions will be performed by Israel Aerospace Industries.


IAI was selected for the contract in 2013, but the elections in Brazil last October had frozen the process, which remained slow even after the formation of a new government.


According to sources in Brazil, the air force increased its pressure, by claiming that the capability to refuel aircraft in the air and to also transport forces and equipment is its top priority.


The service has already retired a previous fleet of four KC-137 tankers, which were adapted from the Boeing 707, and now has just two Lockheed Martin KC-130H/M aircraft operational in this role.


At least one of the 767s will be converted by IAI's Bedek division, with the others to be completed in Brazil by TAP subsidiary TAP Manutenção e Engenharia Brasil, under its supervision. The work will include equipping the aircraft with wing-mounted hose and drogue refuelling pods.


Brazilian sources say they already have the tail numbers of the three 767s that will be converted. After the contract is signed IAI will purchase the aircraft and begin the conversion process.


IAI declines to comment on the fact that the programme has received the green light from the Brazilian government.

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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 17:20
Photo US Air Force

Photo US Air Force


March 16, 2015 Dave Majumdar - nationalinterest.org


America has an opportunity to export its expertise.


Last month, the U.S. State Department unveiled new export guidelines for commercial and military unmanned aircraft—colloquially known as drones. While ostensibly holding firm to the U.S. government’s adherence to the voluntary Missile Control Technology Regime, the new policy would allow the export of drones with ranges greater than 300 kilometers and a payload of more than 500 kilograms on “rare occasions.”

The new policy formalizes the de facto arrangement that already existed, which allows the U.S. government to currently export machines like the General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper and the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk. But perhaps more significantly, it sets up a standard for the export of commercial drones—imposing restrictions on the sale of those machines.

With the door more or less open to a wide range of sales to foreign operators—here are five countries that might benefit from U.S. drone technology.


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12 mars 2015 4 12 /03 /mars /2015 08:25
KC-390 photo Ricardo Beccari - Embraer

KC-390 photo Ricardo Beccari - Embraer

11 mars 2015 Embraer

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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 14:25
Le porte-avions São Paulo (ex-Foch) a été mis en service en 1963 - photo Rob Schleiffert

Le porte-avions São Paulo (ex-Foch) a été mis en service en 1963 - photo Rob Schleiffert


09/03/2015 Michel Cabirol – Latribune.fr


DCNS pourrait moderniser le porte-avions brésilien, le São Paulo. Une opération estimée à au moins 250 millions d'euros.


Le Brésil va-t-il moderniser son vieux porte-avions le São Paulo, l'ex-Foch, acheté en 2000 à la France pour 12 millions de dollars ? C'est fort possible compte tenu de la contrainte budgétaire qui contraint Brasília à reporter ses rêves de grandeur à plus tard avec l'achat de deux nouveaux porte-avions. Selon des sources concordantes, cette opération pourrait coûter au minimum 250 millions d'euros à la marine brésilienne avec l'objectif de le faire voguer encore au moins une dizaine d'années supplémentaires.

Le groupe naval DCNS est bien sûr intéressé par ce projet. Et son PDG Hervé Guillou était au Brésil la semaine dernière pour faire avancer ce dossier entre autre, selon des sources concordantes. "Le dossier avance bien et les entretiens se sont bien passés", explique-t-on à "La Tribune". Une décision du Brésil est attendue à la fin de 2015 à l'issue des études préliminaires réalisées à l'automne en vue de déterminer les travaux à réaliser. C'est actuellement l'un des dossiers prioritaires de DCNS.


Quelle modernisation?

Mis en service en 1963, le São Paulo, un jeune "quinqua", a toutefois besoin d'une nouvelle modernisation urgente. Car le porte-avions brésilien a été victime ces dernières années de plusieurs avaries plus ou moins importantes, qui suscitent régulièrement l'inquiétude des marins et de la presse brésilienne. Que voudra faire la marine en fonction de la corrosion du bâtiment ? En dehors d'un grand carénage nécessaire, il pourrait être doté d'une nouvelle propulsion électrique, l'actuelle datant des années 60. Et la marine brésilienne devra aussi décider si elle modernise le système d'armes du São Paulo. Ce qui ferait logiquement monter la facture.

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5 mars 2015 4 05 /03 /mars /2015 08:35
 Indonesian Army Astros MLRS made in Brazil.

Indonesian Army Astros MLRS made in Brazil.


23.032.2015 by Maki Catama - aseanmildef.com


JAKARTA, -- Vice-President M Jusuf Kalla has said the government might postpone a plan to buy military weaponry from Brazil after it has postponed the presentation of credentials by Indonesias ambassador-designate to the country.

"We are reconsidering our plan to purchase weapons (from Brazil)," Kalla told the press here Monday.

The bilateral relations between Brazil and Indonesia have become tense following Brazilian President Dilma Rousseffs unwillingness to receive Indonesian Ambassador-designate to Brazil Toto Riyanto.

"On the same evening after the refusal, the President ordered the recall (of the ambassador-designate). I communicated with the Foreign Affairs Minister to recall (him) immediately," Kalla stated.

Indonesias Ministry of Foreign Affairs has strongly protested the decision of the Government of Brazil to abruptly postpone the presentation of credentials by its Ambassador-designate to Brazil, Toto Riyanto, after formally inviting him to present the credentials at a ceremony in the Presidential Palace of Brazil at 9.00 a.m. (Brazilian time) on February 20, 2015.

"The manner in which the foreign minister of Brazil suddenly decided to postpone the presentation of credentials by the Indonesian Ambassador-designate to Brazil, when the Ambassador-designate was already at the palace, is unacceptable to Indonesia," said a statement on the ministrys official website on Saturday.

The Brazilian government has postponed the credential letter presentation in protest against the recent execution of a Brazilian drug offender by the Indonesian government.

Indonesia will go ahead with the implementation of the death penalty on major drug offenders, despite protests from the governments of Australia and Brazil, Kalla stated.

"We have reiterated many times that we have the sovereignty and will carry out the executions. Remember that the death penalty is based on a court verdict and not a presidential instruction," Kalla noted here Monday.

He understands the right of a country to lodge its protest against the execution of its citizen. Indonesia has also protested whenever its citizens were about to be executed in other countries, he added.

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18 février 2015 3 18 /02 /février /2015 12:35
IAF To Induct 1st Indo-Brazilian AEW&C Jet In Sept

15.02.2015 by Livefist

The Indo-Brazilian EMB-145i AEW&C platform, that made its first public appearance at AeroIndia 2013, returns to the show this year. But unlike two years ago, when the jet was steeped in a busy and extended period of systems trials, including sorties in the Eastern sector and over the Arabian Sea, the Indian Air Force gets all set to receive its first aircraft in seven months.


The team is looking to wrap up development flight & systems trials by the end of March (a Centre for Airborne Systems, CABS, officer tells me the aircraft at AeroIndia will still be notching up test points at the show too). With two aircraft in flight test, the Defence R&D Organisation (DRDO) has enough to meet its March 2015 deadline to complete development tests. But choosing to deploy one of the two jets at the Bangalore show wasn't a difficult decision, given the remarkable level of interest in the platform. CABS sources say at least two countries could sign MoUs declaring their interest in getting more information about the platform to support potential acquisitions. A confidential list of nations that have asked for briefings on the platform includes Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Oman, and UAE. Embraer has taken it upon itself to (a) look at consolidating the EMB-145i into a standard marketable product that the two countries can jointly pitch in the global market, and (b) handle South American operations by itself.


Director of the Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS), lead integrator on the programme, Dr Christopher says, "Currently though the system is customised for the Indian Air force, the AEW&C India can fine tuned to any specific user‐oriented early warning product through appropriate programming/software which can be defined by the user. Many countries are evincing keen interest in the AEW&C system and discussions are in progress for export of this system."


But exports are in the future. The more immediate good news for the programme is what the Indian Air Force thinks of the EMB-145i. In the words of a senior officer associated with the programme, and one who will be part of 4-6 month user evaluation trials aimed for April, the IAF is 'impressed and satisfied'. Those are important words from a customer that hasn't had much faith in the past in long-gestation systems, especially critically needed platforms like early warning jets.


But September, the Indian Air Force hopes to be ready to induct the first of three EMB-145i. A third platform arrives from Brazil by the end of June or early July. The second EMB-145i will also likely enter service by the end of the year.


User trials with the IAF will include the deployment of the aircraft in a special live exercise to be jointly held by the Western and Central Commands, and involve operational situations for the AEW&C. A team from CABS will, of course, be embedded through this phase. Most importantly, there's a rare confidence in the systems and platform.


The IAF officer quoted above says, "These are impressive timelines. Our team has been satisfied with the performance. There are still some ends to tie up in the process of matching requirements with performance, but all major requirements have been demonstrated, including intercept control, battle management, Electronic Support Measure (ESM) and Communication Support Measure (CSM), data handling and the crucial SATCOM links. This could be one of the most trouble-free developments we have had so far."


The official literature on the platform, to be released at Aero India this year, says, "The AEW&C India has managed to pack in several sub-systems namely a highly versatile active array  Radar system, Identification friend or foe system, ELINT, COMINT systems, along with multiple combination of ‘C’-Band& SATCOM ‘Ku’-Band voice and Data Links, UHF/VHF/HF communications, & Self Protection Systems - in order to enhance mission capabilities, add redundancies to foolproof operations, and implant self‐protection against missile attacks from ground as compared with its contemporaries on same Embraer aircraft elsewhere in the world."


Speaking of the primary sensor, the heart of the platform, and India's contribution to the system, the Director of CABS Dr S. Christopher says, "While India has caught up with the rest of the world in adopting the Active Electronically Steering Array (AESA) Antenna for its radar; the two building-block components of the radar, the Transmit-Receive Multi-Module (TRMM) and the teflon-clad ultra light Antenna Panel are notable Indian innovations in the radar sub-system. These are developed by CABS and with a joint patent along with M/s Astra Microwave, Hyderabad for TRMM. The most important outcome of the efforts is the realisation of a system that is both operation-efficient and cost-effective."


The reloaded Indian AWACS programme, first revealed here on Livefist, is also gathering speed, with the DRDO expected to move forwarded in choosing an aircraft platform for the project this year.

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:25
L’Embraer KC-390 fait son premier vol (video)

L’avion de transport brésilien KC-390 a effectué son premier vol avec succès le 3 février à São José dos Campos (source : Embraer).


4 février 2015 par Edouard Maire – Info Aviation


L’avion a volé durant 1 heure et 25 minutes piloté par Mozart Louzada et Marcos de Oliveira Lima Salgado. L’équipage comprenait également les ingénieurs d’essais Raphaël Lima et Roberto Becker pour l’évaluation des qualités et performances de vol.


« Le KC-390 est le résultat d’une coopération étroite avec la Force aérienne brésilienne et nos partenaires internationaux. Il représente ce qui est probablement le plus grand défi technologique que la société n’ait jamais rencontré dans son histoire. Nous sommes profondément émus d’avoir atteint cette étape », a déclaré Frederico Fleury Curado, président d’Embraer.


« Le KC-390 sera l’épine dorsale de l’aviation de transport pour l’armée de l’air brésilienne. De l’Amazonie à l’Antarctique, la flotte de 28 avions jouera un rôle clé dans la diversité des projets de l’État brésilien, dans la recherche scientifique pour le maintien de la souveraineté « , a déclaré le général Nivaldo Luiz Rossato, commandant de la Force aérienne du Brésil.


Durant ce premier vol, l’équipage du KC-390 a effectué des manoeuvres pour évaluer ses caractéristiques de vol et a mené une série de tests des systèmes après plusieurs simulations au sol.


« Le KC-390 s’est comporté de façon réactive et prévisible », a déclaré le capitaine Louzada. « Le système de contrôle fly-by-wire et l’avionique de dernière génération facilite considérablement le vol. »

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:25
KC-390 photo Ricardo Beccari - Embraer

KC-390 photo Ricardo Beccari - Embraer


12.02.2015 Safran


L’avion de transport militaire brésilien KC-390 a effectué son vol inaugural le 3 février dernier, depuis le site de Gaviao Peixoto, près de Sao Paulo, où est réalisé son assemblage final. Cet appareil est équipé de nombreux systèmes développés par Safran.


Plus gros avion jamais produit par Embraer, le KC-390 a vocation à être utilisé pour des opérations militaires et pour des applications civiles. Il permettra notamment d’assurer des missions de transport de troupes, de secours, ou encore de ravitaillement en vol. A l’issue de son premier vol d’une heure et vingt-cinq minutes, les pilotes d’essai ont souligné le bon comportement de l’avion et sa facilité de pilotage.

Ce jalon représente un succès majeur pour Safran et toutes les équipes qui ont travaillé sur ce programme. En effet, le nouvel avion embarque six « packages » de systèmes et équipements conçus et développés par Safran, démontrant ainsi l’expertise de Labinal Power Systems dans le domaine des équipements électriques aéronautiques (voir encadré). La société a également piloté le banc d’essais électrique global de l’avion, qui a permis de tester au sol l’ensemble des équipements électriques de l’appareil, fournis ou non par le Groupe.

Messier-Bugatti-Dowty (Safran) a produit les roues et freins de l’appareil, le système de freinage, le module de direction des trains avant ainsi que les équipements d’extension / rétraction des trains d’atterrissage. Sagem (Safran) a fourni le stabilisateur horizontal (HSTS*), le plus gros jamais conçu par Safran.

Prochaines étapes du programme : la campagne d’essais en vol, puis la production en série et les premières livraisons, attendues dès la fin 2016.

*Le HSTS (Horizontal Stabilizer Trim System) permet au pilote de régler de manière optimale le calage du plan horizontal afin de maintenir une assiette de vol stable, tout en minimisant l’effort aérodynamique requis sur le manche pour manœuvrer l’avion. 


Les équipements électriques de Labinal Power Systems à bord du KC 390

  • La distribution électrique primaire et secondaire,

  • La génération électrique d’urgence, ou Ram Air Turbine (RAT). Ce système permet de convertir un flux d’air en puissance électrique afin d’assurer, en cas d’urgence, les charges électriques nécessaires à la sécurité du vol et de l’atterrissage.

  • Tous les systèmes de ventilation de l’avion, via sa filiale Technofan.

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9 février 2015 1 09 /02 /février /2015 08:25
photo Marine Nationale

photo Marine Nationale


4 février 2015 Portail des Sous-Marins


La Direction Générale du Matériel de la Marine (DGMM) brésilienne a reçu en janvier le rapport d’évaluation rédigé par son équipe concernant le transport de chalands de débarquement (TCD) Siroco de la marine nationale. Selon cette analyse, le navire est en bon état général et l’équipe recommande son achat.


Le Siroco sera envoyé d’ici peu dans le golfe de Guinée. Il devrait être désarmé en juin prochain.


Le prix demandé par la France est d’environ 80 millions €. Le navire devra subir une période d’entretien, qui pourrait durer de 30 à 90 jours, selon le niveau d’entretien.


Ce qui est actuellement en négociation est de savoir si le cout de cette période d’entretien est déjà compris dans le prix demandé, ou si DCNS facturera un montant supplémentaire pour effectuer cette période d’entretien.


Au cas où la vente serait conclue, un équipage brésilien serait choisi pour la réception du navire, accompagner la période d’entretien, afin de se familiariser avec le navire et ses systèmes.


Référence : Poder Naval (Brésil)

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8 février 2015 7 08 /02 /février /2015 08:25
photo Embraer

photo Embraer


3 Feb 2015 By: Dan Parsons - FG


The KC-390, Embraer’s clean-sheet aerial refueling tanker, flew for the first time on 3 February from an airfield in São José dos Campos, Brazil. The KC-390’s 1h 25min flight consisted of manoeuvres to assess flight characteristics and system tests, including the aircraft’s fly-by-wire controls, Embraer says. "The KC -390 behaved in a docile and predictable manner," test pilot Mazort Louzada says in a statement. "The advanced system of fly- by-wire flight controls and the latest generation avionics facilitate piloting and provide smooth and accurate flight." Embraer chief executive Frederico Fleury Curado says development of the KC-390 is “most likely the greatest technological challenge that the company has faced in its history”.


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4 février 2015 3 04 /02 /février /2015 08:50
Type 26 Global Combat Ship (GCS)

Type 26 Global Combat Ship (GCS)


January 30, 2015 by Think Defence


The Throughout the evolution of the Type 26 Frigate there has been a great deal of discussion and speculation about it’s export potential. Brazil, Australia, New Zealand and even the US have been linked with the Type 26 and yet not a great deal has been forthcoming.

The emergence of the Type 26 coincided with a new approach from the MoD that placed ‘exportability’ into the decision making process for investment in bespoke design and development. The general concept put forward by the MoD was if the nation is investing large chunks of cash in designs from scratch it had better have some export potential or else it wouldn’t be authorised.

This approach was included in the National Security Through Technology strategy published in 2012, click here to read.

In the past, the MOD has sometimes set its equipment requirements so high that the resulting systems exceeded any potential export customer’s needs or budget. As highlighted in the SDSR, we believe one way to increase the UK’s share of global defence exports is to consider export-related issues early in the MOD’s own acquisition cycle, while ensuring that our Armed Forces continue to receive the equipment capabilities and support they need. This approach was strongly supported in the Green Paper consultation responses.

There are some major equipment projects that will never be exported, Successor and Astute for example, or some crypto as another. For others, the discussion centred on how operational capabilities could be maintained whist still offering the same equipment for export in a competitive global market. It was recognised that exportability could not be tacked on at the end of the development cycle but had to be integral to the process from start to finish. Techniques such as modularity, open system exploitation and parallel development.

It also raised the prospect of compromising on specification in order to make equipment more exportable.

the MOD will adjust programmes, having considered the qualitative and quantitative benefits to be gained from exports, underpinned by robust market analysis of customer requirements in potential export markets.

A recent FOI release included a 2014 report from DSTL titled Embedding Exportability in the MoD which has a very interesting section on the Type 26, drawing a comparison between that and the Complex Weapons portfolio approach that has already seen some export success with the Common Anti Air Modular Missile (CAMM)

On Type 26 it said;

The Type 26 project team made an attempt at implementing exportability by identifying and consulting potential international partners/customers early in the projects lifecycle. This aspect was successful but did not occur early enough and there wasn’t a real appetite to compromise on UK requirements to accommodate export customers. The premise of achieving exports of the platform was also based on flawed market intelligence, leading to a poor export strategy.

Click here to read the full document, it is fascinating and complex subject with no easy soundbite solutions but at least on T26, the additional information is very interesting. It raises the same question the MoD has been grappling with for a very long time, should it compromise equipment specification (and thus, arguably operational effectiveness) for better exportability which offers the prospect of larger volume and lower overall programme cost. Or put another way, the balance between cost, specification and quantity.

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5 janvier 2015 1 05 /01 /janvier /2015 17:25
AS550 Fennec photo Felipe Christ - Helibras

AS550 Fennec photo Felipe Christ - Helibras


5 Jan 2015 By: Dominic Perry - FG


Helibras has delivered the first four of 36 Airbus Helicopters AS550 Fennec and AS350 Squirrel helicopters it is modernising for the Brazilian army.

Performed at the Airbus Helicopters subsidiary's Itajubá facility, upgrades for the light single-engined rotorcraft include a glass cockpit, new communication and navigation systems and additional ballistic protection.


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11 décembre 2014 4 11 /12 /décembre /2014 18:25
Interview with the first Brazilian Gripen instructors

11 déc. 2014 by Saab

The first Brazilian Gripen instructors talk about their first Gripen flight experience. The pilots participate in a six month long instructor course for Gripen at Swedish Air Force wing F7, Såtenäs.

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2 décembre 2014 2 02 /12 /décembre /2014 08:25
Brazil Picks MBDA’s Sea Ceptor for New Corvettes


December 2nd, 2014 defencetalk.com


The Brazilian Navy has selected MBDA’s Sea Ceptor to provide the local area air defence for its next generation Tamandaré class corvettes. After the UK’s Royal Navy (RN) and the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN), Brazil’s is now the third navy to have chosen Sea Ceptor. With discussions also well advanced with other leading navies around the world, Sea Ceptor is rapidly establishing a significant user community.


A production contract was awarded by the UK MoD in September 2013 for Sea Ceptor to provide the next generation Air Defence capability and so replace the Seawolf system on the Royal Navy’s Type 23 frigates from 2016 onwards. Sea Ceptor will subsequently be transferred to the Royal Navy’s new ships as they start entering service, when the Type 23s are replaced by the future Type 26s. This long term commitment to Sea Ceptor by the Royal Navy is a solid assurance to each new member of the weapon’s user community of the longevity of this new system over the years to come.


Sea Ceptor provides all-weather, night and day, 360° local area air defence coverage against multiple simultaneous targets including sea-skimming anti-ship missiles, helicopters and fast combat jets. In facing saturating attacks posed by a range of diverse threats, Sea Ceptor has a clear advantage thanks to its advanced technology, active radar seeker. The weapon is also capable of engaging surface targets.


A major feature lies in Sea Ceptor’s soft launch technology which does away with the need for a launcher efflux management system, thereby reducing overall mass and onboard footprint characteristics. This allows greater flexibility for the customer in choosing the weapon’s installation position, a particularly important feature for smaller vessels. It also allows for easy installation as a retrofit on older ships.


With a significant presence in five European countries and within the USA, in 2013 MBDA achieved a turnover of 2.8 billion euros with an order book of 10.8 billion euros. With more than 90 armed forces customers in the world, MBDA is a world leader in missiles and missile systems.


MBDA is jointly held by Airbus Group (37.5%), BAE Systems (37.5%), and Finmeccanica (25%).

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14 octobre 2014 2 14 /10 /octobre /2014 16:25
Gripen NG para o Brazil

13 oct. 2014 Saab


Gripen NG para o Brazil

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3 octobre 2014 5 03 /10 /octobre /2014 11:25
CSDP’s new partners: South America


At first glance, it may appear somewhat odd that a considerable number of Latin American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and the Dominican Republic) participate in EU missions and operations in regions far from their immediate geographic security sphere. Yet this is part of a broader trend whereby the number of third countries involved in CSDP activities has steadily risen over the last decade. Of the 19 non-EU states which have contributed to date, 7 have signed Framework Participation Agreements (FPAs) with the Union, thereby establishing a legal foundation for their involvement in its crisis management activities.

In 2014, Chile and Colombia became the first South American countries to sign FPAs, moving their respective partnerships with the EU beyond the traditional realms of trade, aid and political dialogue.


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11 septembre 2014 4 11 /09 /septembre /2014 16:45
Angolan Navy acquiring seven patrol vessels from Brazil


09 September 2014 by defenceWeb


The Angolan Navy will receive seven Macae-class patrol boats from Brazil, with four to be built in Brazil and three in Angola.


The Brazilian and Angolan defence ministers, Celso Amorim and João Manuel Lourenço, on September 5 signed a Technical Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) covering the production of the vessels as part of Angola’s Naval Power Development Programme (Pronaval).


The Brazilian Navy’s Empresa Gerencial de Projetos Navais (Emgepron) will produce four of the vessels in Rio de Janeiro while the other three will be manufactured in a new Angolan shipyard to be built 200 km south of the Angolan capital Luanda, with technical advice, materials and equipment supplied by Brazil. The Brazilian Navy will provide education and training of Angolan personnel both to build and to operate the vessels that will be built in the new shipyard, the Brazilian Ministry of Defence said.


The Macae class is based on the French CMN Vigilante 400 CL54 and has a displacement of around 500 tons, length of 54.2 metres, beam of 8 metres, an endurance of ten days and a complement of 35.


The vessels are powered by two MTU Friedrichshafen 16V 4000 M90 diesel engines coupled to controllable pitch propellers, giving a top speed of 21 knots and a range of 2 500 nautical miles at a cruising speed of 15 knots.


Brazilian vessels can carry rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIBs) at the stern and and are armed with an Allied Ordnance of Singapore L70 NADM 40 mm gun and two 20 mm Oerlikon GAM-B01 cannons. Equipment includes Ares Aerospacial e Defesa electro-optical sensors; IPqM TTI 2900 tactical control system; and Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine VisionMaster FT 250 integrated bridge system, which includes X-band and Y-band navigation radars, according to IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly. However, the technical configuration of the Angolan vessels is still being finalised.


Lourenço said that increasing the strength of Angola’s Navy will allow the country to fight threats such as maritime piracy and terrorism. "We will do everything so that implementation of this cooperation will not take long," he said.


Amorim during the MoU ceremony on Friday said that Brazil and Angola enjoy a strategic relationship as they both need to monitor the South Atlantic Ocean. The two countries, along with 23 other African and South American nations, are signatories of the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic (ZPCSA), a multilateral organization created by the United Nations (UN) in 1986, and which aims to prevent the introduction of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction in the region.


"Angola is a thriving nation and increasingly active in Africa. We have friendship and great mutual respect. Brazil doesn’t want a paternalistic attitude towards Angola, because Angolans rightly would not accept it," said Amorim.


Apart from the purchase of seven patrol vessels and advising on the construction of the shipyard, the MoU provides for cooperation in the academic field and the training of personnel to build and operate vessels, as well as to qualify sailors of the merchant marine.


The Angolan delegation attended the third IDB Brazil Show, organized by the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brazil) and the Brazilian Association of Defence and Security Equipment, supported by the Ministry of Defence, and which brought together nearly 100 industry peers in Ulysses Guimarães Convention Centre in Brasilia.


At the moment Angola’s Navy is relatively small, with around a thousand personnel, and its vessels includes four Mandume class fast attack craft, five ARESA PVC-170 and three Patrulheiro patrol boats. In order to protect Angola’s 1 600 km long coastline, the Angolan Navy is undergoing modernisation but is still lacking in many ways.

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