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1 juillet 2014 2 01 /07 /juillet /2014 06:50
Le MGA s’entretient avec la ministre de la défense suédois


30/06/2014 Sources : EMA


Le 26 juin 2014, le Général d’armée aérienne Gratien Maire, major-général des armées (MGA), a reçu la ministre suédoise de la défense, madame Karin Enström.


Le général Maire a conduit cet entretien au nom du CEMA qui effectuait un déplacement en Afrique. A cette occasion, le MGA et madame Enström ont plus particulièrement évoqué la coopération militaire franco-suédoise dans le cadre d’engagements conjoints au sein de l’OTAN et de l’UE. En outre, les deux autorités sont revenues sur la montée en puissance du prochain Groupement Tactique de l’Union Européenne (GTUE), dont la Suède sera nation-cadre au premier semestre 2015. En cas de déploiement, ce GTUE opérerait depuis le Mont-Valérien.


Le général Maire et madame Enström ont ensuite fait le point sur les grands enjeux sécuritaires actuels, notamment la crise ukrainienne et la situation centrafricaine, avant d’évoquer la région du Sahel, qui constitue un sujet d’intérêt partagé. A l’occasion de cette rencontre et dans un contexte budgétaire communément contraints, les deux autorités ont pu échanger sur les réformes engagées dans le cadre du projet « cap 2020 ».


Enfin, le MGA et madame Enström ont salué les récentes coopérations opérationnelles franco-suédoises. Ils ont ainsi souligné l’engagement des forces suédoises qui, avec leur C17, ont soutenu les militaires français lors du déclenchement de l’opération Serval. Les deux autorités ont également évoqué le déploiement, début 2015, de 250 militaires suédois en RCA dans le cadre de la future MINUSMA.

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7 avril 2014 1 07 /04 /avril /2014 11:25
Joint Statement by the Defence Ministers of Sweden and Brazil



April 7th, 2014 By Swedish Radio - defencetalk.com


The Defence Minister of Sweden, Karin Enström, Sweden, and the Defence Minister of Brazil, Celso Amorim, held an official meeting in Stockholm, upon the kind invitation of the Swedish side, on April 3rd, 2014.


The Ministers recalled the 2009 Plan of Action of the Sweden-Brazil Strategic Partnership, which early identified the potential of bilateral cooperation in the defense area, including joint projects, industrial partnerships, technology transfer, education and training, particularly in the aeronautical field.


The Defence Ministers of Brazil and Sweden welcomed the decision by the Brazilian government – taken on December 18, 2013, and based on technical criteria, in particular the ones related to technological and industrial offsets – to select the proposal presented by Swedish company SAAB in the bidding process called FX-2, related to the provision of fighters to equip the Brazilian Air Force.


The Ministers announced the opportunities for a fruitful long term association between Brazil and Sweden in the field of military aircraft, its technologies and its market.


The Ministers expressed that this association is not only limited to the equipping of the Brazilian Air Force but rather a long-term, strategic cooperation.


The Ministers of Defense of Brazil and Sweden thus decided to launch the Brazilian-Swedish Strategic Partnership in Military Aeronautics.


In that regard, the Defence Ministers of Sweden and Brazil took note of the agreements that are already in force and that offer solid base to the conformation of the Strategic Partnership in Military Aeronautics:

    the Memorandum of Understanding Brazil – Sweden on Cooperation in Defence Matters, signed in São Paulo in July 7, 2000;

    its Amendment, signed in Rio de Janeiro on 24 April 2001;

    Agreement between the Administration for Swedish Defence Material – Forsvarets Materielverk – and the Brazilian Air Force on the Protection of Military Classified Information on the JAS 39 Gripen program, adopted in September 1997 and its Supplement No. 1, adopted in 1998.


With a view to providing continuous strength to the Strategic Partnership, the Defence Ministers agreed to sign today a new Framework Agreement for Defense Cooperation between Brazil and Sweden, which shall replace, when it enters into force, the 2000 Memorandum of Understanding on Defense Cooperation.


The Ministers also saluted the signature, on the same date, of the Agreement on the Exchange and Protection of Classified Information by the Chief Minister of the Cabinet of Institutional Security of the Presidency of the Republic and the Head of Military Intelligence and Security Service of the Armed Forces of Sweden.


The Defence Ministers agreed that the next steps include:

    a deepened political dialogue on defence issues, as well as global topics of mutual interest;

    adoption of a Protocol on Cooperation in Military Aeronautics, which shall define specific terms for, among others, the bilateral cooperation between Air Forces;

    a process forward on export control to third countries; and

    creation of the Office of the Brazilian Defense and Air Force Attaché in Stockholm, in reciprocity to the creation of the Office of the Swedish Defence Attaché in Brasilia.


In reiterating their high expectations regarding the Strategic Partnership between Brazil and Sweden in Military Aeronautics, the Ministers saluted the broader bilateral cooperation in defense and military issues.


The ministers reaffirmed the intentions of their Governments to jointly explore synergies regarding the testing, training, logistics, operations and future upgrades of the Gripen system. They looked forward to the inaugural meeting of a Joint Working Group on Military Cooperation within the Framework Agreement, scheduled to meet in Brasilia in August, 2014.


With a view to following up on the bilateral cooperation agenda, the Minister of Defense of Brazil invited the Minister of Defence of Sweden to undertake a visit to Brazil in 2014.

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7 avril 2014 1 07 /04 /avril /2014 07:50
Swedish Minister Wants More Gripens

Sweden should buy 10 additional Gripen E fighters, and budget more training to improve its defenses, Swedish defense minister Karin Enstrom said in the wake of the Crimea crisis. Swiss MoD photo)


April 04, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Radio Sweden; published April 4, 2014)


Defense Minister Calls for More JAS Gripen to Counter Russian Threat


Sweden's Defense Mininster Karin Enstrom says the military should get a total of 70 new JAS Gripen combat aircraft, ten more than Parliament had earlier decided.


Enstrom’s comments came in the wake of the crisis in Ukraine and also of widely publicized Russian military flight incidents last year, when Moscow attack aircraft flew practice missions over Sweden.


Those flights and the ongoing insecurity in Ukraine has alarmed Swedish officials.


"Russia's actions in and around Ukraine has led to uncertainty in Europe. What happened in the past has made it really necessary to strengthen Sweden's defense," Enstrom told the Swedish daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter.


Parliament had already agreed to purchase 60 Jas Gripen's, which are made and designed by Saab AB, but Enstrom believes that 10 more should be bought.


Any purchase would be preceded by proper procurement and pricing protocols to ensure fairness and transparency, she said.

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2 avril 2014 3 02 /04 /avril /2014 16:50
Swedish Auditor Criticizes Low Defense Spending

April 2, 2014 defense-aerospace.com/

(Source: Radio Sweden; published April 1, 2014)


Sweden's New Defence Poorly Planned


The National Audit Office criticised the government and the armed forces on Tuesday for not doing enough to ensure the long-term funding of the nation's defence.


In 2009, Sweden's armed forces went from a conscript system to become a professional force, but according to the National Audit Office, the budget for the big change has been too tight. The government is now told it needs to "improve the economic conditions to reach the goals long-term".


The equipment budget for the next ten years alone needs another SEK 30-50 billion, according to the report.


The switch-over to professional armed forces also means recruiting new staff with different competencies, something that has not happened fast enough.


In a statement, the auditor Jan Landahl said "extensive rationalisations" are necessary. But whether that is enough, or more money is needed, he did not want to say. "It is pretty tough. You are supposed to lower the staffing costs at the same time as you have to add new staff for the new organisation," Landahl told the news agency TT.


In a comment, Defence Minister Karin Enström said the Ministry of Defence and the armed forces have been working hard for the past year and a half to review the budget. She says the government has already decided on a gradual increase in the defence budget. "I can also see that further increases will be necessary," she told TT.


She adds that the crisis in Crimea has changed the security situation in Europe. "We are prepared to strengthen our capability, and then you also have to pay what it costs," she said.

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18 septembre 2013 3 18 /09 /septembre /2013 07:45
Des Casques bleus au compte-goutte pour la MINUSMA

17.09.2013 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense


La contribution de la Suède à la mission des Nations unies au Mali va être réduite à cinq soldats contre 70 initialement prévus.


Selon la ministre de la Défense Karin Enström, "il est apparu après coup que les pistes d’atterrissage et de décollage dans plusieurs endroits du Nord-Mali sont en trop mauvais état".


Le contingent suédois devait comprendre un avion C-130 Hercules, son équipage, une unité chargée de la sécurité de l'avion et une unité de soutien. Ce contingent pouvait être temporairement renforcé de sorte que la contribution suédoise aurait pu atteindre le nombre de 160 personnes.


Voilà que n'arrangera pas la comptabilité (humaine) de la MINUSMA dont les effectifs sont loin d'atteindre les 12 640 militaires et policiers prévus.


La MINUSMA sur son site reste d'ailleurs très discrète sur ses effectifs; elle se contente, depuis plusieurs mois d'un laconique "la liste des pays contributeurs en effectifs militaires et personnel de police sera postée ici prochainement."

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10 mai 2013 5 10 /05 /mai /2013 11:45
La ministre suédoise de la défense à Koulikoro

3 mai 2013 EUTM Mali


La ministre de la défense suédoise, Madame Karin ENSTRÖM, est venue rencontrer le détachement suédois à Koulikoro le jeudi 02 Mai 2013. Elle a tout d’abord été accueillie par le général Dembélé, Chef d’Etat Major Général des Armées des Forces Armées Maliennes, à l’entrée du camp de Koulikoro, puis le Colonel Paczka, commandant le camp d’entraînement d’EUTM Mali, lui a présenté du matériel sur lequel le bataillon Waraba est instruit. Enfin, elle s’est déplacée sur le terrain où elle a rencontré les cadres suédois en charge de la formation d’une compagnie d’infanterie du bataillon malien.

La ministre suédoise de la défense à Koulikoro

Rentrée à Bamako, la ministre de la défense a eu un échange de vues sur la formation européenne et sur la participation suédoise à la mission EUTM Mali avec le général Lecointre au cours d’un repas de travail.

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