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29 septembre 2015 2 29 /09 /septembre /2015 16:55
Paris, 7 octobre, Espace Bernanos - Marc Fromager : "Guerre, pétrole et radicalisme : les chrétiens d'Orient pris en étau"

source libertepolitique.com

La réalité de l'histoire et des origines du conflit qui déchire la Syrie et l'Irak depuis de nombreuses années est peu connue. François Billot de Lochner reçoit Marc Fromager*, président de l'Aide à l'Eglise en détresse-France (AED), qui vient de faire paraître "Guerre, pétrole et radicalisme" (Salvator), un livre précis et poignant qui décrypte le drame des chrétiens d'Orient pris en étau entre les intérêts inavoués des puissances régionales et internationales.


Parmi les multiples causes du conflit, les tensions autour du gaz, qui selon toute vraisemblance, sont l'arrière-plan essentiel de la guerre contre la Syrie et plus particulièrement dans la région de Homs. Un éclairage qui permet de mieux comprendre l'attitude de la France et des Etats-Unis, mais aussi de la Turquie, de l'Iran, de l'Arabie saoudite ou de la Russie.


* Marc Fromager est le président de l'AED en France. Né en 1968 à Nouméa, père de 6 enfants, il a vécu vingt ans à l'étranger et travaille depuis plus de vingt ans pour l'Eglise. Rédacteur en Chef de la revue  L'Eglise dans le monde, il a fait récemment plusieurs séjours au Moyen Orient. Connu pour sa grande et courageuse liberté de parole, il donne accès à des informations peu utilisées par la plupart des médias.


Lieu : Espace Georges-Bernanos, Paris IXe

Date : 07/10/2015

Adresse :
3 rue du Havre
Paris IXe

Horaires : De 19:00 h à 21:00 h

Type d'entrée : Entrée libre

Participation conseillée 5 €

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31 mars 2014 1 31 /03 /mars /2014 20:50
A310 MRTT Luftwaffe – photo European Defence Agency

A310 MRTT Luftwaffe – photo European Defence Agency


31.03.2014 Helen Chachaty journal-aviation.com


L’Agence européenne de Défense (AED) ainsi que le commandement européen du transport aérien (EATC) ont lancé ce lundi le premier exercice de ravitaillement en vol à l’échelle européenne. Baptisé EART 14 (European Air-to-Air Refuelling Training), l’entraînement va se dérouler jusqu’au 11 avril prochain à partir de la base néerlandaise d’Eindhoven.


Pour l’édition 2014, trois pays ont envoyé des avions sur place : des KDC-10 néerlandais, A310 MRTT allemands et KC-767 italiens (la deuxième semaine uniquement).


L’exercice devrait gagner en complexité au fur et à mesure des missions, afin d’expérimenter au mieux les moyens déployés en mission interalliée. Seront notamment testés des vols en formation, les procédures tactiques (L16, Encom 3), missions SAR. EART 14 permettra également d’avancer dans la campagne de certification du KC-767 italien et de contribuer à faire de la base aérienne d’Eindhoven une FOB (Forward Operating Base) en matière de ravitaillement en vol.


Les ravitailleurs feront partie intégrante de l’exercice international Frisian Flag, qui se tient en même temps qu’EART. Y participent des F-16 néerlandais, belges, danois, norvégiens et portugais, ainsi que des Eurofighter allemands et italiens et des F-18 finlandais.


Selon l’AED, il existe une forte lacune capacitaire concernant la flotte de ravitailleurs européens, qui comprend 42 appareils de 10 types différents, alors qu’à titre de comparaison, les États-Unis possèdent près de 550 tankers de 3 types différents. Le manque d’homologations requises et le nombre relativement réduit d’avions avait par exemple amené à effectuer 75% des ravitaillements en vol par des États non-européens lors de la campagne libyenne de 2011.


La création d’un groupement basé sur l’exemple de l’EATC devrait permettre une meilleure interopérabilité et une efficacité accrue, afin de maximiser les moyens aériens en cas d’opération de grande envergure. Un projet qui est bien inscrit dans les agendas gouvernementaux, mais qui semble pour l’instant faire du sur place, en l’absence d’avancée véritablement concrète.

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29 mars 2014 6 29 /03 /mars /2014 13:50
European Defence Matters: Speech by Claude-France Arnould


Brussels - 28 March, 2014 European Defence Agency


Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency, emphasised in her opening speech at the Agency's annual conference "European Defence Matters"  that for Europe to be a "security provider" adequate capacities are needed. 


Priority must therefore be given to security and defence, to proper capabilities and to increased efficiency through cooperation and synergies with existing EU instruments. 


The full speech is available here


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25 mars 2014 2 25 /03 /mars /2014 12:11
EDA Annual Conference "European Defence Matters" - draft agenda now published

25.03.2014 European Defence Agency


The draft agenda of the EDA Annual Conference "European Defence Matters" is available here (2014-03-18 EDA Conference 2014 DRAFT AGENDA). (Brussels, 18/03/2014)

More than 550 attendees are expected to attend


EDA Annual Conference "European Defence Matters" - draft agenda now published

More information : HERE

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5 février 2014 3 05 /02 /février /2014 18:50
EDA Multinational Exercises in 2014


Brussels - 04 February, 2014 European Defence Agency


Multinational training exercises increase interoperability among participating Member States; they are an efficient way to prepare armed forces for CSDP operations. This year, the European Defence Agency is organising in close cooperation with the respective host nations, contributing Member States and Air Transport Organisations four training exercises in the areas of Air-to-Air Refuelling, transport aircraft and helicopters.


First European Air Refuelling Training

While the fighter community has trained to operate together for years, the same cannot be said for Air-to-Air Refuelling. From 31 March to 11 April 2014, EDA together with the European Air Transport Command and the Netherlands are organising the first multinational Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) training opportunity in support of the Dutch Frisian Flag exercise. To this date, the Netherlands (KDC-10), Germany (A310) and Italy (KC-767) have confirmed to send their tankers to the flying event which will be an excellent opportunity to train dedicated AAR scenarios embedded in a highly recognised fighter exercise. The Air-to-Air Refuelling  planning cell will be split between Eindhoven and Leeuwarden air base to foster overall air refuelling planning and tanker operations.


Third European Air Transport Training

Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Norway will participate in the third edition of EDA’s European Air Transport Training flying event with ten transport aircraft of four different types; Greece will  support the training with fighters and AWACS. Taking place from 16 to 27 June 2014 at the International Airport in Plovdiv in Bulgaria, the training offers participants a unique opportunity to plan and execute missions within a multinational framework and achieve flexible training objectives. The crews will be trained in a variety of airlift disciplines. The aim is to increase interoperability, to consolidate existing qualifications or to regain them in a short period of time and with dedicated assets.


European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course

The new European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course (EAATTC) aims at achieving a higher level of interoperability between airlift crews from different nations; at increasing harmonisation of advanced tactical training that will lead to higher effectiveness and survivability in operations; at sharing knowledge and providing cost efficient airlift training in Europe. Based on an agreed syllabus Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Norway will participate in the first course with eight aircraft of five different types. The flying event will be hosted by Spain at Zaragoza airbase from 22 September to 03 October 2014. This permanent training event is developed in close cooperation with the European Air Transport Command and EDA Member States; it is similar in set-up to the advanced airlift tactics training course that has been offered in the US since 1987.


Hot Blade 2014

Between 16 and 30 July, the Ovar Air Base in northern Portugal will host the third sequel of the successful series of Hot Blade exercises, powered by the Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP). Currently, some 30 helicopters, four fast jets, three transport aircraft and one Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance platform have been committed by Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and United Kingdom. Additional to Portuguese ground forces, 450 ground troops from the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom are scheduled to participate as well allowing for a more integrated mission planning and execution. So far, roughly 50% of participant to one of the previous helicopter exercises organised in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Belgium have later been deployed to operations. 


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18 décembre 2013 3 18 /12 /décembre /2013 16:50
The Time is Now


Brussels - 17 December, 2013 by Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive, European Defence Agency


In order to be a credible security provider and to protect its interests, the EU requires the full suite of tools: diplomatic, economic, development, and of course military. But as recent operations have demonstrated, Europeans are still faced with critical gaps in military capabilities. There is, moreover, fragmentation of demand and supply. Investment in the technologies that will be needed to field the systems of tomorrow is in decline. And because of the rising costs of major defence systems, coupled with the on-going squeeze on defence budgets, no single Member State is able alone to have the full inventory of capabilities. The choice is simple: cooperate to acquire and maintain capabilities, or risk losing them altogether.


The issues are political. What defence needs is a political boost. That’s why the discussion by EU Heads of States and Government at the European Council this December is so important. For it is they, and they alone, who can arbitrate in favour of defence. 

Cooperation in defence is not new and the European Defence Agency has been created to facilitate it more systematically. We launched many new joint projects in some vital capability areas such as air-to-air refuelling, counter improvised explosive devices, satellite communications or medical field hospitals. None of these could have been realised by one Member State alone; and all of them are absolutely vital for operations. 

Welcome though these projects are, a more systematic approach to cooperation or Pooling & Sharing is necessary, so that cooperation becomes second-nature; so that we avoid the mistakes of the past when, for example, over twenty variants of the same helicopter were produced; so that we extend cooperation beyond the acquisition phase into the whole life of the system; so that we improve interoperability; so that we get as much effect from our hard-pressed Euros. 

Three outcomes from the European Council in December would be really significant. First, a commitment to major projects: air-to-air refuelling, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS, or drones), satellite communications, and cyber defence. Not only are these capabilities a military necessity, our American partners have clearly expressed that they will not  go on providing most of the key enabling capabilities. Europeans must be able to act by themselves. 

Second, investment in innovation and technology, including dual-use. Europe needs to stay independent when it comes to critical technologies. Europeans have already missed the first generation of RPAS. EDA has made concrete proposals for the next generation of European medium altitude, long endurance RPAS. We have also made suggestions on governmental satellite communications and cyber defence. All have significant civil and military applications. It is important to harness synergies, maximise dual-use technologies, generate economies of scale and extend the comprehensive approach into the area of capabilities development. 

And third, support to industry, in particular Small and Medium Enterprises, so many of which are at the cutting edge of technological innovation. Defence is vital. But it is not just about the immediate ability to project force based on a healthy defence and security industry which is an essential component of the industrial fabric of Europe that generates growth, innovation and jobs.

It is probably unrealistic to expect defence budgets to increase in the near future. But we need EU Heads of State and Government to take defence to the next level. We have to move away from expensive fragmentation to cost-effective cooperation. 



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28 octobre 2013 1 28 /10 /octobre /2013 08:50
Claude-France Arnould prolongée à la tête de la Défense européenne

25/10/13 7sur7.be (Belga)


Le conseil d'administration de l'Agence européenne de Défense (AED) a décidé à l'unanimité de prolonger d'un an le mandat de sa directrice, la Française Claude-France Arnould, a-t-on appris vendredi auprès de l'agence.


Cette extension de mandat, jusqu'au 15 janvier 2015, avait été recommandée par la haute représentante pour la politique étrangère et de défense de l'Union européenne, Catherine Ashton.


L'AED a été créée en 2004 pour favoriser la coopération en matière de défense entre les pays de l'UE (les 27 moins le Danemark) et dispose d'un budget annuels d'environ trente millions d'euros. Si Mme Arnould en est la directrice exécutive, la véritable "patronne" est Mme Ashton.


Mme Arnould était en fonction depuis janvier 2011, pour un mandat initial de trois ans. Elle avait succédé au premier directeur de l'AED, le Britannique Nick Witney.

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19 avril 2013 5 19 /04 /avril /2013 07:50
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