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17 mai 2017 3 17 /05 /mai /2017 07:50
Union Européenne : Conseil des Affaires Etrangères (Défense) le 18 mai 2017


16.05.2017 Conseil de l'Union européenne


Le Conseil, présidé par Mme Federica Mogherini, haute représentante de l'Union pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité, débutera à 10 heures. Les ministres de la défense feront d'abord le point sur la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie globale de l'UE dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la défense et devraient adopter des conclusions.


Ils examineront les progrès réalisés dans la mise en oeuvre des décisions en matière de sécurité et de défense arrêtées au sein du Conseil des affaires étrangères en mars. Celles-ci comprennent la future mise en place d'une capacité militaire de planification et de conduite (MPCC) établie à Bruxelles, pour appuyer les missions militaires PSDC à mandat non exécutif, la possibilité d'instituer une coopération structurée permanente (PESCO) et d'introduire un examen annuel coordonné en matière de défense (CARD) piloté par les États membres, le renforcement des outils de réaction rapide de l'UE, y compris les groupements tactiques de l'UE et l'adoption d'une approche plus stratégique à l'égard des partenariats en matière de PSDC. Les ministres devraient également se pencher sur la mise en oeuvre du plan d'action européen de la défense, à la suite d'une présentation faite par Mme Bienkowska, membre de la Commission.


Le Conseil abordera également la question de la coopération entre l'UE et l'OTAN. Le Secrétaire général de l'OTAN, M. Jens Stoltenberg, participera à ce débat.


Au cours du déjeuner, les ministres débattront de la lutte contre le terrorisme avec les ministres de l'intérieur. Le déjeuner sera co-présidé par la Haute Représentante et Carmelo Abela, Ministre des affaires intérieures et de la sécurité nationale.


La session du Conseil sera précédée par une réunion du comité directeur de l'Agence européenne de défense (AED).

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15 avril 2016 5 15 /04 /avril /2016 11:50
Towards an EU global strategy – Consulting the experts


14 April 2016 source EUISS


The EUISS – in close cooperation with the Strategic Planning Division of the European External Action Service (EEAS) – has carried out a wide-ranging outreach and consultation process involving the broader expert community represented by think tankers and academics from across Europe (and beyond). 

As part of this process, the EUISS asked 50 well-known analysts and commentators – roughly half from inside and half from outside the Union – to give their opinion in less than 1,000 words on the priorities that the forthcoming EU Global Strategy should address and how. The resulting contributions, published daily between 15 January and 31 March are collectively reproduced in this volume and offer a rich selection of independent views intended to nurture the drafting of the strategy.


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25 janvier 2016 1 25 /01 /janvier /2016 11:50
Le Parlement européen va revoir la clause de défense mutuelle


22/01/2016 L'Orient-Le Jour


Le Parlement européen veut améliorer la mise en œuvre de la clause de défense mutuelle, sollicitée pour la première fois dans l'histoire de l'UE par la France après les attentats de Paris, selon une résolution adoptée hier à Strasbourg. Le Parlement demande ainsi au Conseil et aux États membres « d'élaborer et d'adopter au plus vite un cadre politique » pour la mise en œuvre de l'article 42-7 des traités européens, qui prévoit une clause de solidarité en cas d'agression contre un pays de l'UE.

Les eurodéputés regrettent l'absence de modalités pratiques et de lignes directrices qui permettraient « d'assurer une réponse efficace lorsqu'un État membre invoque la clause de défense mutuelle », ce qui a provoqué une gestion « ad hoc » de la situation lorsque la procédure a été utilisée par la France. Le Parlement « est profondément convaincu que toutes les actions nationales, bilatérales et multilatérales entreprises à la suite de l'activation de l'article (...) devraient être notifiées au Conseil et simultanément rendues publiques ».

Selon les eurodéputés, la décision de la France doit « servir de catalyseur » à un débat plus approfondi sur la politique de sécurité et de défense de l'UE. L'Union « a besoin d'un quartier général civil et militaire permanent aux niveaux stratégique et opérationnel », estiment les parlementaires qui se prononcent pour doter l'UE de moyens autonomes de défense.

Au cours d'un débat sur le sujet, qui s'est tenu mercredi soir à Strasbourg, entre les députés et la chef de la diplomatie européenne Federica Mogherini, cette dernière a écarté toute intervention de l'entité européenne en Syrie. La France n'a pas demandé d'assistance militaire, mais une aide – logistique ou autre – sur ses théâtres d'intervention à l'étranger.

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20 janvier 2016 3 20 /01 /janvier /2016 17:50
Réunion de la sous-commission "sécurité et défense" - 25 jan


source SEDE(2016)0125_1




1.  Adoption de l'ordre du jour

2.  Approbation des procès-verbaux des réunions des:

·12 novembre 2015  PV – PE571.697v01-00

·30 novembre-1 er  décembre 2015  PV – PE572.875v01-00

·3 décembre 2015  PV – PE573.077v01-00

3.  Communications de la présidente

4.  La dimension militaire de l'approche globale: état d'avancement et voie à suivre
- Échange de vues avec le général Mikhail Kostarakos, président du comité militaire de l'Union européenne

En association avec la délégation à la commission parlementaire d'association UE-Ukraine

5.  Situation générale en matière de sécurité en Ukraine -EUAM - quel rôle pour l'Union?
Échange de vues avec:
- Kenneth Deane, directeur de la capacité civile de planification et de conduite de l'UE, SEAE
- Liubov Nepop, chef f.f. de la mission de l'Ukraine auprès de l'Union

Conjointement avec la sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

6.  Les enfants dans les conflits armés: les défis de l'action internationale
- Échange de vues avec Leila Zerrougui, représentante spéciale du secrétaire général des Nations unies pour le sort des enfants en temps de conflit armé

7.  Questions diverses

8.  Prochaines réunions

·4 février 2016, de 9 heures à 10 h 30 (Strasbourg)

·17 février 2016, de 9 heures à 12 h 30 et de 15 heures à 18 h 30 (Bruxelles)

·18 février 2016, de 9 heures à 12 h 30 (Bruxelles)

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9 décembre 2015 3 09 /12 /décembre /2015 08:45
EU appoints new European Union Special Representative for the Sahel


07/12/2015 Press release 900/15 - Foreign affairs & international relations


The Council appointed Angel Losada Fernandez as the EU Special Representative (EUSR) for the Sahel until 28 February 2017.

Mr Losada replaces Mr Michel Dominique Reveyrand - De Menthon, who was appointed on 18 March 2013.

EUSRs promote the EU's policies and interests in troubled regions and countries and support the work the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini. Mr Losada will lead the EU's contribution to regional and international efforts for lasting peace, security and development in the Sahel. He will also coordinate the EU's comprehensive approach to the regional crisis, on the basis of the EU Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel.

Mr Losada is a senior Spanish diplomat with more than 30 years' experience. He recently served as ambassador of Spain to Nigeria and Kuwait.


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16 novembre 2015 1 16 /11 /novembre /2015 13:50
Les Européens réunis à Bruxelles appellent à l'unité contre le terrorisme


16 novembre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Bruxelles - Les pays européens et des responsables de l'UE ont lancé lundi des appels à l'unité pour combattre le terrorisme après les attentats meurtriers de Paris, lors d'une réunion des 28 ministres des Affaires étrangères réunis à Bruxelles.


Ils veulent nous diviser, nous sommes encore plus unis, a lancé la chef de la diplomatie européenne, Federica Mogherini, à son arrivée lundi à un conseil des Affaires étrangères, réunissant des ministres des Etats membres.


Mme Mogherini a notamment appelé les Européens à unir leurs forces, à partager de l'information, un agenda politique, et à faire converger leurs efforts diplomatiques, économiques, et parfois militaires, face à la menace terroriste.


Ce n'est pas une attaque contre un seul pays, ce n'est pas une attaque seulement contre l'Europe, c'est une attaque contre la civilisation, a-t-elle souligné avant la réunion européenne largement consacrée au dossier syrien.


De son côté, le secrétaire d'Etat français aux Affaires européennes, Harlem Désir, a également souligné que si c'est la France qui a été attaquée, c'est toute l'Europe qui a été touchée.


Nous avons été frappés ensemble, nous répondrons ensemble et nous vaincrons ensemble le terrorisme et l'armée terroriste de Daech (acronyme de l'Etat islamique), a-t-il insisté, appelant à prendre des décisions dans le domaine notamment de la coopération judiciaire et policière contre le terrorisme.


Il a notamment cité la nécessité d'établir un fichier européen des passagers aériens (PNR) et de discuter de la possibilité de renforcer les contrôles aux frontières.


Le ministre belge des Affaires étrangères, Didier Reynders, a estimé qu'il fallait partager de plus en plus de renseignements entre pays. Nous avons une très bonne coopération avec les autorités françaises, s'est-il félicité.


L'Europe doit être solidaire en ce moment, a estimé le commissaire européen Johannes Hahn. Nous ne devons pas faire actuellement l'amalgame entre notre problème migratoire et ces attaques terroristes violentes, a-t-il ajouté.


Il faut se garder en Europe de faire l'amalgame entre terrorisme et migration, a également insisté le ministre luxembourgeois des Affaires étrangères, Jean Asselborn, dont le pays préside le Conseil de l'UE.


Il y a un ennemi commun, c'est Daech, a-t-il ajouté, assurant qu'il n'y aurait aucune dissonnance en ce qui concerne l'apport de l'UE dans cette lutte.


Le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères, Frank-Walter Steinmeier a estimé qu'il était du devoir des Européens d'être aux côtés de la France.


Il faut chercher des solutions pour résoudre enfin le conflit clé, la guerre civile en Syrie qui entre dans sa cinquième année, a-t-il dit, espérant qu'une dynamique de négociation ait été enclenchée au niveau international sur ce dossier.


Il faut être plus efficaces et en finir avec cette barbarie qui est probablement la barbarie la plus grave que l'humanité ait connue depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, a déclaré le ministre espagnol José Manuel Garcia Margallo.

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13 novembre 2015 5 13 /11 /novembre /2015 13:45
L'UE évacue les familles et personnels non essentiels de sa délégation au Burundi


13 novembre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Bruxelles - L'Union européenne a décidé d'évacuer les familles et des personnels non essentiels de sa délégation au Burundi, secoué par des violences, sur la base d'une nouvelle évaluation des risques, ont indiqué à l'AFP deux responsables européens.


Nous avons décidé d'évacuer temporairement les familles et une partie du personnel non essentiel, mais la délégation continuera de fonctionner normalement, a précisé une source européenne.


La décision a été prise sur la base d'une nouvelle évaluation des risques liés à la situation au Burundi, a souligné la même source.


On a réduit le volume de nos personnels de façon à le réduire au staff essentiel. On voit bien que la situation est dangereuse à Bujumbura, nous prenons donc des mesures pour notre personnel et les familles qui devraient quitter le pays dans les jours qui viennent, a expliqué un autre responsable européen.


La candidature du président Nkurunziza à un troisième mandat, contraire selon ses adversaires à la Constitution et à l'accord d'Arusha ayant mis fin à la guerre civile (1993-2006), a plongé le Burundi dans une grave crise ayant fait au moins 240 morts et 200.000 réfugiés depuis fin avril. Les violences quasi quotidiennes entre groupes armés laissent craindre un retour de violences à grande échelle.


L'UE a invité le Burundi à des consultations sur les atteintes aux droits de l'homme et aux principes démocratiques, un processus prévu dans les accords de Cotonou qui, s'il échoue, peut conduire les Européens à suspendre l'aide au développement versée aux autorités.


Celles-ci doivent répondre d'ici la fin novembre à la lettre d'invitation adressée au président Pierre Nkurunziza, mais l'Union n'avait pas encore reçu vendredi de réponse formelle, selon plusieurs sources diplomatiques à Bruxelles.


La Belgique, ancienne puissance coloniale, a de son côté conseillé vendredi à ses ressortissants de quitter le pays, en raison notamment des propos hostiles à la Belgique et des menaces à l'encontre des ressortissants belges (qui) ont (..) été diffusés.


Les 28 ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'UE, qui se retrouvent lundi à Bruxelles, doivent notamment faire le point sur la situation au Burundi et appeler dans un texte commun à la fin des violences.

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1 octobre 2015 4 01 /10 /octobre /2015 07:50
Exploring hybrid threats


Brussels - 25 September, 2015 European Defence Agency


The European External Action Service (EEAS), in the framework of the Luxembourg Presidency and in cooperation with the European Military Staff and Crisis Management and Planning Directorate, organised a conference on Countering Hybrid Threats, held on 24 September 2015. Jorge Domecq, the European Defence Agency (EDA) Chief Executive was among the keynote speakers to present the EDA work and priorities regarding tackling hybrid threats. 


The opening remarks were delivered by HE Ambassador Stephan Müller, the Luxembourg Representative to the Political and Security Committee (PSC), whereas the keynote speeches were presented by Mr Maciej Popowski, the EEAS Deputy Secretary General, Jorge Domecq, the EDA Chief Executive, and a representative of the Space, Policy, Copernicus and Defence Diractorate of the European Commission.

“One thing is certain, hybrid warfare poses a significant challenge to the EU, its citizens and its interests, and time is of the essence to develop a joint approach to effectively tackle hybrid threats,” said Jorge Domecq and presented three main areas the EDA activities are currently focused on. In particular, Jorge Domecq indicated capability development, civil-military synergies and EU-NATO relations. The EDA Chief Executive announced the upcoming EDA-led war-gaming exercise in February 2016 that shall stress-test available defence capabilities against hybrid threats. “The aim is not to re-invent and come up with a set of new capabilities, instead, the exercise will allow us to see where extra attention is needed and how the capability that exists should be used,” he explained. Moreover, Jorge Domecq underlined the necessity of dual use within Research & Technology domain to avoid “spending twice”, thus to enhance civil-military synergy. Additionally, he emphasised the EU-NATO complementary approach in both directions regarding countering hybrid threats, claiming that this is “not an option, but an absolute need”.

Jorge Domecq’s speech, along with the two other keynote presentations, provided solid grounds for fruitful discussions continued in three panels, which were devoted to various aspects of facing hybrid threats. Among a number of topics raised, the conference participants dwelled upon identifying vulnerabilities hybrid warfare makes use of, shaping awareness of hybrid threats, resilience and deterrence against possible threats, aspects of information sharing  or EU-NATO cooperation. As a matter of fact, Roland van Reybroeck, the EDA Director Cooperation Planning and Support was a speaker of the third panel discussion and talked about building resilience.

Beyond achieving better understanding on hybrid threats, the discussions held at the conference will contribute to the ongoing works on the Joint Framework on Hybrid Warfare that shall be prepared by EEAS by the end of December, together with the Commission and EDA. “If Europe succeeds in offering a credible answer to hybrid treats, it will certainly enable us to make a very meaningful contribution to the security view, becoming a relevant partner and a security provider rather than a security consumer,” said Jorge Domecq, the EDA Chief Executive.


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14 septembre 2015 1 14 /09 /septembre /2015 16:50
The EU role at the 2015 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference


14-09-2015 - by SEDE


On 21 September the Subcommittee will exchange views on the EU role of the 2015 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference with Jacek Bylica, Principal Adviser and Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, EEAS.

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25 août 2015 2 25 /08 /août /2015 16:50
The First Conference of States parties to the Arms Trade Treaty, Cancun-Mexico, 24-27 August 2015


24/08/2015 source EEAS


Illicit arms flows fuel conflicts and instability, support criminal activities and result in a terrible human toll. According to the UN, 750 000 people die every year of armed violence, much of it caused by illicit arms trafficking.


The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), adopted in 2013 by the UN and entered into force in December 2014, aims at further regulating international arms trade based on the principles of greater responsibility and transparency. So far, 130 UN States have signed it and 72 ratified. The ATT therefore now needs to be fully implemented and to gain universal applicability in order to be truly effective and prevent arms being diverted to the illicit market and falling into the wrong hands. In this respect, the EU has launched a substantial assistance programme supporting States that wish to receive assistance in strengthening their controls over arms transfers, in compliance with the ATT. The EU also continues to encourage States not yet party to the Treaty to accede to it.


The EU has actively supported the adoption and entry into force of the Treaty. All EU Member States have signed the Treaty and 26 have so far ratified it. The EU is now looking forward to the first Conference of ATT States Parties which is taking place in Cancun on 24-27 August 2015 under Mexican chairmanship. It is the opportunity to lay solid foundations for the ATT regime, by notably adopting its rules of procedure and financial rules, agreeing common reporting arrangements and establishing the ATT Secretariat. The EU and its Member States are committed to contributing to a substantive outcome for the Cancun Conference.

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24 juillet 2015 5 24 /07 /juillet /2015 10:50
photo EDA

photo EDA

Brussels 23 July, 2015 - by EU Defence Agency

High Representative and Head of the European Defence Agency Federica Mogherini paid her first visit to the EDA yesterday. She met with the Agency’s Management Board before giving an address to the staff.


During her visit to EDA, the High Representative was briefed on EDA activities including maritime surveillance, prioritisation and funding of research & technology, and support to CSDP operations.

Today I was able to see first-hand some of the really important work you do. I am happy and proud to see how you are tackling the many challenges of European defence. In the current security environment, I want defence cooperation to be the rule, not the exception”, Federica Mogherini stressed in front of the European Defence Agency’s staff. “The EDA is providing the necessary impetus and means to make this a reality. Your collective role is vital. We are here for results and concrete achievements – and I know you deliver”, she added.


More information

  • European External Action Service website
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2 juillet 2015 4 02 /07 /juillet /2015 19:45
Déclaration du Porte-Parole SEAE suite à l'attaque contre la MINUSMA au Mali


02/07/2015 SEAE - EEAS 150702_03_en


L'attaque terroriste ciblant la MINUSMA au Nord Mali aujourd'hui a emporté cinq casques bleus originaires du Burkina Faso et blessé neuf autres qui agissaient dans le cadre de leur mandat pour maintenir la stabilité et sécurité de la région.


L'UE exprime ses sincères condoléances aux familles des victimes et au gouvernement du Burkina Faso.


Cette opération de maintien de la paix, dont le mandat vient d'être renouvelé, est l'une des plus coûteuse en vies humaines. L'UE réitère son plein soutien aux efforts des casques bleus opérant courageusement dans des conditions difficiles au nom de la communauté internationale.


Nous rappellons également que, dans sa résolution 2227, le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies a confirmé que des sanctions seront prises contre tous ceux qui s'opposent à la paix au Mali et rompent le cessez le feu.


L'UE reste déterminée à mobiliser tous les moyens possibles pour le succès de la mise en œuvre de l'accord de paix signé par toutes les parties à Bamako le 20 juin dernier.

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26 juin 2015 5 26 /06 /juin /2015 13:45
photo EMA / Armée de Terre

photo EMA / Armée de Terre


26/06/2015 Sources : Etat-major des armées


Le 13 juin 2015, sur le camp de M’Poko, une délégation de l’ambassade de France et de l’Union européenne en Centrafrique a assisté à une démonstration capacitaire des moyens terrestres et aériens de la force française, déployés dans le cadre de l’opération Sangaris.


En présence de monsieur Malinas, ambassadeur de France, et du général Gillet, commandant de la force Sangaris, les soldats ont exposé leurs savoir-faire. Au programme, trois ateliers organisés autour des composantes majeures déployées en Centrafrique : l’infanterie avec le véhicule blindé de combat d’infanterie (VBCI) et un groupe de combattants équipés du système FELIN ; la cavalerie avec les engins roues canon (ERC90) Sagaie et le véhicule blindé léger (VBL) ; ainsi que la composante aéromobile avec l’hélicoptère de combat Tigre. « J’ai vu arriver ces engins sur Bangui en 2013, au début de la crise. Je suis très impressionné de les voir de prêt aujourd’hui. Grâce à l’expertise des soldats de Sangaris et ces engins, qui allient technicité et puissance, on a retrouvé une sérénité, ici en Centrafrique. Je me sens en sécurité dans les rues de Bangui », témoigne un personnel de l’ambassade de France.


Tout en réduisant le format de la force, Sangaris conserve une puissance et un potentiel technique, matériel et humain important, constituant une force de réaction mobile en mesure d’appuyer la MINUSCA. « Sangaris constitue une force de réaction rapide et puissante, à l’image des matériels présentés ici sur le camp de M’Poko. La réduction de notre format n’impacte en rien nos missions de sécurisation et d’appui aux forces onusiennes »,explique le colonel Cluzel, chef d’état-major interarmées de la Force.


Au 1erjuillet 2015, environ 900 militaires seront déployés dans l’opération Sangaris, aux côtés des 10 800 hommes de la MINUSCA. Lancée le 5 décembre 2013 par le Président de la République, l’opération Sangaris vise dorénavant à appuyer la MINUSCA, chargée de maintenir le niveau de sécurité atteint dans le pays.

photo EMA / Armée de Terrephoto EMA / Armée de Terre
photo EMA / Armée de Terre
photo EMA / Armée de Terrephoto EMA / Armée de Terrephoto EMA / Armée de Terre

photo EMA / Armée de Terre

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4 juin 2015 4 04 /06 /juin /2015 16:50
The EU's Train and Equip initiative


20-05-2015 - by SEDE


On 28 May the Subcommittee exchanged views on the EU's Train and Equip initiative with by Maciej Popowski, Deputy Secretary General, EEAS and Marcus Cornaro, Deputy Director-General for Geographic Coordination, DG DEVCO, European Commission.


Further information

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27 mai 2015 3 27 /05 /mai /2015 16:50
Outcome of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference


27/05/2015 by EEAS


Despite weeks of strenuous efforts it was not possible to reach a substantive consensus at the 2015 Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).


The European Union continues to regard the NPT as the cornerstone of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime and as essential to the pursuit of nuclear disarmament. It is also important for the further development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The EU is committed to upholding and preserving the NPT as a priority multilateral instrument for maintaining and reinforcing international peace, security and stability. The EU reaffirms its support for all three pillars of the Treaty and for the respect and implementation of all related international commitments.

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30 avril 2015 4 30 /04 /avril /2015 16:50
The European Union's External Action CFSP basics


27 April 2015 EUISS


Produced for the occasion of the EUISS conference with HR/VP Mogherini in April 2015, the leaflet goes back to basics on the EU’s external action.

Infographics and illustrations, as well as a glossary of terms and relevant actors, present facts and figures about the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), as well as its broader external action activities – in an easily accessible manner.


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30 avril 2015 4 30 /04 /avril /2015 16:50
Opening speech by HRVP Mogherini at the 4th EU Symposium on security and defence cooperation between the EU and the US

29/4/2015 EU source: European Union Ref: EU15-191EN

Summary: 29 April 2015, Washington, DC - Opening speech by High Representative and Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the 4th EU Symposium on security and defence cooperation between the European Union and the United States


- Check against delivery -


  • (…)The global security environment is changing dramatically. We are talking about big pictures, but it's about people's life(…).
  • (…)Now finally as Europeans we are increasing our efforts to tackle the humanitarian crisis we are facing. As we do that, though, we must also tackle the causes of migrations. Including the conflicts in Europe’s neighbourhood.



  • Since assuming my functions, 6 months ago, I have stressed the need to work on a stronger Europe when it comes to security and defence matters. Getting at least some integrated defence capacities is something we cannot do without. (…)
  • It is to draw a clearer picture of this more connected, contested and complex world, that I have launched in the EU a Strategic Review, a process of reflection on the implications of the evolving international security environment and the role that EU can and must play in it. (…)
  • (…)This is intended to be a first step in the process that might culminate in a new EU external strategy. This first step will be completed by the end of June, and will provide the basis for further decisions by the EU on how better to prepare for and act upon the challenges to peace and prosperity that we face on both sides of the Atlantic. (…)



  • (…) Over the years the EU has gained significant experience and can deploy its missions on many different scenarios. (…) Ultimately, we believe that the best approach is to enable our partners in Africa to handle crisis management with minimal outside intervention. Yesterday the Commission adopted a Communication based on my proposal to enable the EU to "train and equip" forces of local partners. Since they will bear the brunt of crisis management, they deserve our strongest support. (…)
  • (…)As we expand our ambitions, we also need to fill our defence capability gaps. At a time of reduced public spending, states seek ways to engage in pooling and sharing of capacities and resources, especially at the high-end capabilities. This can end up providing Europe with a good opportunity to reshape its defence spending. (…)
  • The European Parliament reminds us that the cost of "non-Europe" in defence amounts to some €26bn per year, an enormous amount of money. And even more: 70% of European citizens support more integration in defence. For us, that is a call to action, and we want to fill this gap. (…)



  • (…)The United States and the EU are reliable partners on security and defence. Our commitment as Europeans is to move further in this direction.
  • (…)One of the promising strands of our cooperation has been increased military-to-military interaction. We must further step up information-sharing and collaboration between US and EU's military and civilian planners at all levels. We cannot afford to be duplicating efforts. (…)
  • (…)The same applies to transatlantic cooperation on intelligence. Countering violent extremism and stopping foreign fighters has become an all-hands-on-deck job. We can only succeed if we join forces. (…)



  • (…)Our work to strengthen our capabilities through CSDP goes hand in hand with deepening ties with NATO. Hybrid, non-linear risks have put a premium on enhanced cooperation and contingency planning. And indeed the EU is strengthening its cooperation with the Alliance; we have developed an excellent working relationship. (…)

Read the full speech [75 KB]

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5 avril 2015 7 05 /04 /avril /2015 11:50
The EU position in the 2015 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference


01-04-2015 - by SEDE


The Subcommittee will exchange views on the EU position in the 2015 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference with Jacek Bylica, Principal Adviser and Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, EEAS.

When: 16 April 2015


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26 mars 2015 4 26 /03 /mars /2015 13:50
Statement of the HR/VP Federica Mogherini on the situation in Yemen


Brussels, 26/03/2015 source EEAS ref 150326_02_en


The latest events in Yemen have dramatically worsened the already fragile situation in the country and risk having serious regional consequences.


The advance of Houthi forces and of military units loyal to ex-President Saleh towards Aden yesterday, as well as the aerial targeting of President Hadi's compound, were unacceptable steps towards escalating an already polarized situation, and triggered today's Saudi-led airstrikes.


I'm convinced that military action is not a solution.


Only a broad political consensus through negotiations can provide a sustainable solution, restore peace, and preserve the unity and territorial integrity of Yemen. Otherwise, the ability of extremist and terrorist groups to take advantage of the situation is likely to increase dramatically.


The Yemeni civilian population, already affected by dire living conditions, are the first victims of the current military escalation.


At this critical juncture all regional actors should act responsibly and constructively, to create as a matter of urgency the conditions for a return to negotiations. The EU reiterates its support to all efforts currently undertaken to this effect, in particular those of the UN and of regional actors.

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22 mars 2015 7 22 /03 /mars /2015 07:30
Joint statement after today's discussion on nuclear negotiations with Iran


London, 21/03/2015 EEAS ref 150321_02_en


We, the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with the EU High Representative, met this afternoon to review progress in the nuclear negotiations with Iran.


We agreed that substantial progress had been made in key areas although there are still important issues on which no agreement has yet been possible. Now is the time for Iran, in particular, to take difficult decisions. Our negotiators, together with those from China and Russia, will resume meetings with Iran next week in Lausanne.


We reaffirmed that we are all equally committed to finding a solution that ensures that Iran’s nuclear programme remains exclusively peaceful in line with its stated commitment. Any solution must be comprehensive, durable and verifiable. None of our countries can subscribe to a deal that does not meet these terms.


These negotiations are a shared effort among the E3+3 coordinated by the EU. Experts in different disciplines from every member of the group are contributing in depth to our coordinated negotiating positions and this coordination, as well as multiple bilateral talks with Iran, will continue to be a vital part of achieving success.


We are at an important moment in the negotiations. If we are able to resolve all the main issues, technical work will follow to convert a framework into a detailed text.


We will all continue to work together with unity of purpose to secure a successful outcome.

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20 mars 2015 5 20 /03 /mars /2015 12:50
Cours pilote du CESD : Les enjeux de l’espace pour la PSDC


18.03.2015 IHEDN


Dans le cadre de ses activités au sein du Collège européen de sécurité et de défense (CESD), l’IHEDN a organisé un cours spécialisé consacré aux enjeux de l’espace pour la Politique de sécurité et de défense commune (PSDC), qui s’est tenu à Bruxelles du 10 au 12 mars 2015.


Durant ces trois journées, 25 auditeurs ont été formés aux enjeux de l’espace, en matière de défense et de sécurité.


Les interventions, rythmant ce cours, ont été conçues de sorte à donner la parole à 15 conférenciers, représentant l’ensemble des acteurs institutionnels en charge d’activités dans le domaine spatial.


Les interventions du Commandement interarmées de l'espace (CIE), de l’état-major des armées et du Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES) ont permis de présenter la position française en matière de doctrine spatiale et de développement capacitaire. Un créneau fut également retenu pour l’intervention de groupes industriels leaders dans le domaine spatial. 


La direction des programmes de navigation par satellite européen de la Commission européenne (DG Marché intérieur), l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) et le Centre satellitaire de l’Union européenne (EU SATCEN) se sont également exprimés.. 


Madame Claude-France ARNOULD, envoyée spéciale pour l’espace au sein du Service européen pour l’Action extérieure (SEAE) a clôturé ce cours.

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20 mars 2015 5 20 /03 /mars /2015 11:50
source IISS

source IISS


20 mars 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Bruxelles - Les dirigeants allemand Angela Merkel, français François Hollande, britannique David Cameron et la chef de la diplomatie européenne Federica Mogherini se sont brièvement concertés sur les négociations avec l'Iran sur son programme nucléaire controversé, vendredi matin en marge d'un sommet à Bruxelles.


Cette réunion d'environ quarante minutes a permis de faire un point pour avoir une position européenne coordonnée parce que les jours avancent jusqu'au 31 mars, date-butoir fixée pour trouver un accord dit politique avant un accord final complet attendu pour le 30 juin/1er juillet, a-t-on indiqué dans l'entourage de la Haute représentante de l'UE.


C'était important d'avoir les trois (dirigeants) dans la même salle pour avoir une position ferme, coordonnée, a-t-on ajouté.


Le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry et son homologue iranien Mohammad Javad Zarif ont vanté jeudi les avancées de leurs tractations à Lausanne (Suisse), mais un négociateur européen s'est montré réticent, estimant qu'on est loin d'un accord politique historique à l'approche de la date-butoir fin mars.


Les grandes puissances du groupe 5+1 (Etats-Unis, Russie, Chine, France, Royaume-Uni et Allemagne) et Téhéran mènent depuis lundi à Lausanne une course contre la montre pour sceller un accord dit politique avant le 31 mars, voire d'ici au Nouvel an iranien du 21 mars. Un tel document, très général, garantirait que l'Iran ne fabrique jamais la bombe atomique, en échange d'une levée des sanctions internationales.


L'Elysée a décrit, sans plus de précisions, une réunion efficace de concertation et de consultation informelle entre Européens à Bruxelles, alors que les pourparlers entre MM. Kerry et Zarif doivent reprendre vendredi à Lausanne.


Le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius n'avait pas hésité à souligner il y a deux semaines les divergences dans les négociations. Lundi, il a insisté sur l'indépendance de la France par rapport aux Etats-Unis.


Nous souhaitons un accord, mais simplement si l'accord est vraiment solide. Il y a eu des avancées mais il reste des points importants qui ne sont pas réglés et on va voir si on peut avancer, avait-il commenté lundi juste avant une réunion au niveau des ministres des Affaires étrangères conviée par Mme Mogherini à Bruxelles.


A Washington, le président Barack Obama a appelé jeudi Téhéran à saisir l'opportunité historique de sceller un accord sur son programme nucléaire controversé qui bénéficierait à l'ensemble de la communauté internationale pendant de nombreuses années.


Les jours et les semaines à venir seront cruciaux. Les négociations ont progressé mais des différences demeurent, a souligné M. Obama dans un message vidéo, sous-titré en farsi, diffusé à l'occasion de la fête du Norouz, le nouvel iranien.

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20 mars 2015 5 20 /03 /mars /2015 08:45
Brigadier General Dominique Laugel - EUMAM RCA Commander (photo CRR-FR)

Brigadier General Dominique Laugel - EUMAM RCA Commander (photo CRR-FR)


19 March 2015 by defenceWeb


The European Union on 16 March launched a military advisory mission in the Central African Republic (EUMAM RCA), after its establishment on 19 January. The mission supports the Central African authorities in preparing the reform of the security sector with respect to the armed forces of the Central African Republic.


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, said: "The EU continues its comprehensive support for stability and security in the Central African Republic. EU experts will now support preparations for security sector reform. This will help the Central Africa Republic turn the corner after this security crisis."


In close cooperation with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), this mission will play a critical role in strengthening the security sector. Concurrently, EUMAM RCA will advise the military authorities of the Central African Republic (CAR) on the reforms necessary to transform the CAR armed forces into a professional, democratically controlled and ethnically representative army, the EU said. EUMAM RCA will also support the MINUSCA in achieving its mandate in the area of security sector reform and the vetting process.


EUMAM RCA is located in the country's capital Bangui. Brigadier General Dominique Laugel from France has been appointed EU Mission Commander for a team of up to 60 staff. The common costs of the operation are estimated at €7.9 million for 12 months.


EUMAM RCA takes over from EUFOR RCA, which completed its mission in Bangui on March 15 after 11 months of operations. Initially agreed for a period of 6 months after achieving full operational capability of the force, the mandate of EUFOR RCA actually lasted 9 months, after the Central African authorities and the United Nations requested an extension, deploying on the ground about 750 soldiers from 14 European Countries.


The EU said that during the last 11 months, the level of security in Bangui has significantly improved with internally displaced persons going back to their homes while the first refugees are beginning to return to Central African Republic.

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20 mars 2015 5 20 /03 /mars /2015 07:50
Picture European Parliament, 2015

Picture European Parliament, 2015


Brussels - 18 March, 2015 European Defence Agency

The European Parliament Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) held an exchange of views on cybersecurity and defence with ENISA, EEAS and EDA representatives on 16 March 2015. Peter Round, EDA Director Capability, Armament & Technology was invited to brief member of the subcommittee on EDA activities in the area of cyber defence.


Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), emphasised in his presentation on cyber security the increasing number of security incidents. Rudolf Roy, Head of Security Policy Division, Conflict Prevention and Security Policy Directorate (EEAS) highlighted among other topics the importance of secure cyberspace for CSDP missions and operations equally important to other domains of warfare (land, sea, air and space).

In his presentation, Peter Round concentrated first on successful EDA projects in the area of cyber defence, on the EU cyber defence policy framework, EDA support to operations and preparations for the European Council discussion on defence in June. 

In the last three years, the Agency has completed ten cyber defence related projects with a financial volume of about 2 million euros. This equals to approximately 10% of EDA’s operational budget. Among these ten projects are a stocktaking study of cyber defence capabilities among all EDA Member States and EU institutions, the establishment of a cyber defence research agenda and cyber defence training courses for senior military decision makers as well as the assessment of the feasibility of a EU Cyber Defence Centre for CSDP. 

The Agency continues to give high priority to providing cyber domain support to ongoing operations and missions”, Peter Round highlighted. So far, the Agency has delivered three cyber awareness seminars for the staff in charge of the EUFOR RCA operation. The finalisation of the feasibility assessment for an EU Cyber Defence Centre provides several options on the set-up for such a centre for CSDP operations and missions. EDA’s project team cyber defence with experts from 24 EDA Member States and EU institutions is currently evaluating these proposals. A consolidated report will be introduced to the political decision-making process by the end of the semester. 

Finally, Peter Round emphasised the limited resources dedicated to cyber defence within the EU institutions. He underlined the need for increased civil-military cooperation in the field to maximise synergies. 

Members of the European Parliament congratulated the speakers on the progress made in the domain of cybersecurity and defence following the taskings of the European Council in December 2013. Questions related mostly to cyber defence capabilities available to Member States, critical infrastructures for cyber defence and EU-NATO cooperation in the field. 


More information:

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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 13:50
CSDP newsletter nr. 2


source EEAS

Towards the European Council on defence and security


In view of the European Council in June, the EU is preparing its response to the deteriorating security situation in our neighbourhood. Ukraine and Libya at the top of the agenda

The EU Defence Ministers gathering on 18 February and the Foreign Ministers meeting (Gymnich) on 6-7 March in Riga prepared the ground for formal decisions in the next Foreign Affairs Council on 16 March and in the European Council in June. "The meeting we are having," – stated the HR/VP on 18 February in her remarks – "is particularly important as it comes in times where our security is threatened, both at our Eastern borders and at our Southern borders".

During the discussion, Defence Ministers underlined that it is important that in June the Heads of State and Governments discuss the EU response to the security challenges with the objective of reviewing the European Security Strategy.

Concerning Ukraine, on 6 – 7 March the 28 Ministers for Foreign Affairs stressed the necessity for immediate implementation of the Minsk Agreement, which calls for a ceasefire and withdrawal of illegal weapons. They also agreed that, in order to monitor the implementation of the Agreement, OSCE capacity must be strengthened. “We insisted on the fact," - said Federica Mogherini in her remarks – "that we need to have more effective humanitarian support and access to the West and also to the East of Ukraine”. The EU is already financially supporting Ukraine and cooperation is getting closer also on security sector reform. The EU recently launched EUAM Ukraine, a CSDP Advisory Mission which is supporting the government to implement the reform of the Civilian Security Sector.

The Ministers also addressed developments in Libya. “The very fact that the talks are taking place and are moving forward is definitely a very positive sign” – said Federica Mogherini. The EU is investing a lot in this process. On 9 March the EU hosted in Brussels a meeting of Libyan businessmen from all across the country. After the event, Federica Mogherini congratulated “the large number of business people who were present for showing their commitment to dialogue.” Without a secure and stable environment, there can be no economic development in Libya. “The EU" – continued the HR/VP – "stands ready to support other initiatives that can accompany the political dialogue with the involvement of Libyan civil society.” “A meeting of Libyan municipalities will also be hosted by the EU in Brussels" – she said -. "All possible support, all possible forms of support, including also missions or operations could be explored in the coming days.”

The new Head of EUPOL Afghanistan: "we can have impressive results"


Pia Stjernvall, the new Head of EU Police Mission in Afghanistan is an experienced Finnish diplomat. She will lead the Mission in a challenging environment and ensure that it will fulfil its promises to the Afghans. Below some extracts from her interview.

What are your thoughts today on 16 February as you start your tour as Head of Mission?

“[…] we have a great team of dedicated experts at EUPOL and I’m very much looking forward to working with them as well as our colleagues in Brussels and international partners here in Afghanistan.”


The security situation in Afghanistan is volatile and there are still open positions in the cabinet. How do you see the possibilities of EUPOL to work efficiently in this situation?

“[…] I’m happy to tell that we are fully operational: our advisers have begun their work with their Afghan counterparts. However, the key issue is the interests of the Afghans. We should never forget that we are here to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable and effective civilian police working together with the justice system and ultimately improving the safety of the population. Whatever the plan, whatever the action, we must always ask ourselves and also our Afghan counterparts: does it serve this goal, does it benefit the Afghans? If the answer is “yes”, we will have impressive results.

What will change now that you are in charge of the mission?

“[…] As a leader I believe that any efficient organisation needs not only strategies but also a sound organizational culture which gives all the staff members chance to enjoy their work and be creative without fear. If you don’t enjoy your work you will not deliver results either.”

Read the full text of the interview

Three months of the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine


The new EU crisis management Mission started its activities three months ago. Its mandate is to provide support to the Ukrainian government on the Civilian Security Sector reform. The Mission operates in the context of tightening EU-Ukraine relations and in a politically challenging environment.

EUAM Ukraine, was launched on 1 December 2014 under the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The Mission will provide advice to the Ukrainian authorities on the Civilian Security Sector Reform.

During its first meeting on 15 January 2015, the EU-Ukraine Association Council acknowledged the importance of intensifying EU support to the political and economic reform process in Ukraine.

“The advisors are at the heart of the Mission” – said the Head of Mission Kálmán Mizsei. “We will work in Kyiv and in the oblasts”. The Mission currently counts 55 members, but will step up to 174 in the coming months. In the first three months EUAM Ukraine got more and higher level recognition as an actor in the civilian security sector reform.

The reform process currently wraps itself in a difficult environment subscribed by the critical situation in the East and the overall precarious economic situation. Nevertheless the political will to move forward is there. The assistance requests that Kiev sent to the Brussels indicates that Ukrainian authorities are committed to the Civilian Security Sector reform. On the other side, with EUAM the EU is showing its readiness to support and be actively involved.

The overall European effort to Ukraine is to be seen in the context of the Association Agreement. There is no other Eastern Partnership country, with which the EU has such close ties as with Ukraine. The agreement is unprecedented in terms of number of areas covered and level of commitments. The common ground of such close political relations is common values and principles: democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law.

New Head of Mission for EUPOL COPPS

The EU Police Mission in the Palestinian Territories (EUPOL COPPS) has a new Head of Mission: Rodolf Mauget. Under his command, the EU Mission will support the Palestinian State building.

On 17th February the Political and Security Committee appointed Rodolf Mauget as Head of EU crisis management Mission, EUPOL COPPS. “I am honoured," - explained Rodolf Mauget – "to have been appointed by the Political and Security Committee as the next Head of the EUPOL COPPS CSDP Mission in the Palestinian territories.

I have had the good fortune to serve this region for the past 10 years and trust that my experience and understanding of the challenges and issues likely to be faced, will ensure that the excellent support to and relations with our Palestinian counterparts in the Ministry of Interior, the Police and the wider Criminal Justice institutions continues at pace. Having served here as Deputy Head of Mission, supported by an outstanding EUPOL COPPS team, I already enjoy the full cooperation of the EU family, plus Canada, Norway and Turkey, together with our other international community partners, and I look forward to continuing and developing these relationships, which will be key as we embrace the opportunities and challenges that a new mandate would provide, beyond June of this year.” 

EUPOL COPPS is a European Union Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) civilian mission, based in the West Bank. Established in 2006, it forms part of the wider EU efforts to support Palestinian state building, in the context of peace and based on a two-State solution. The EU Mission assists the Palestinian Authority in building its institutions, for a future Palestinian State, focused on security and justice sector reform.

Federica Mogherini visits EUFOR ALTHEA

Federica Mogherini visited EUFOR Althea headquarters at Camp Butmir, as part of her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On 25 February, the HR/VP Federica Mogherini visited EUFOR Althea headquarters at Camp Butmir, as part of her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The HR/VP was welcomed by a guard of honour and then attended a brief on EUFOR’s Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina given by the Head of Mission, Major General Johann Luif. 

 The Senior National Representatives of all 22 Troop -Contributing Nations were also in attendance.

Read more: http://eeas.europa.eu/csdp/missions-and-operations/althea-bih/news/20150226_en.htm

EU supports Afghan women

On the International Women's Day, Federica Mogherini announces new opportunities for Afghan women in the EU institutions as well as a new programme for civil society.

On 8 March, the International Women Day, the HR/VP Federica Mogherini announced a number of new initiatives to promote Afghan women in leadership positions and gender equality in Afghanistan.

"The last thirteen years have been a time of change for Afghanistan. Positive change." – said Federica Mogherini -.

"Girls go to school. Women go to vote and are elected. […] We have to continue improving Afghan lives and in particular Afghani women lives. […] Afghanistan needs women leaders: judges, politicians, economists, opinion leaders. Women to look up to. Women leaders are needed to address the legacy of discrimination against Afghan women; to ensure that their constitutional rights are respected; that their value in society is recognised; that horrific violence for outdated notions of honour is brought to an end. These new programmes will help prepare a new generation of Afghan women to take up leadership positions in the Afghanistan of tomorrow."

The EU will offer several training programmes to young Afghan women. This offer will include internships in various EU institutions, training on public administration at the dedicated European institutes and longer term intakes, as part of a new exchange programme. In the next five years, in response to specific requests, dozens of Afghan women will be able to benefit from these programmes.

Read more: http://www.eupol-afg.eu/node/550

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