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5 septembre 2013 4 05 /09 /septembre /2013 17:35
When You Absolutely Need It Now

9/4/2013 Strategy Page


A U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter assigned to Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 149th Aviation Regiment, 36th Combat Aviation Brigade, Task Force Falcon transports a container via sling load over eastern Afghanistan Aug. 24, 2013. U.S. Army photo by Capt. Peter Smedberg

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5 septembre 2013 4 05 /09 /septembre /2013 16:35
When You Absolutely Need It Now

9/4/2013 Strategy Page


A U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter assigned to Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 149th Aviation Regiment, 36th Combat Aviation Brigade, Task Force Falcon transports a container via sling load over eastern Afghanistan Aug. 24, 2013. U.S. Army photo by Capt. Peter Smedberg

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5 septembre 2013 4 05 /09 /septembre /2013 11:55
Oiseau de nuit


05/09/2013 Flora Cantin - Actualités


Formateur à l’école de l’Alat depuis dix-huit ans, le lieutenant Marc Le Bris est le champion incontesté du vol opérationnel sous jumelles de vision nocturne. À son palmarès : plus de 3 300 heures dans cette spécialité.


Marco est au vol de nuit sous jumelles de vision nocturne (JVN) ce que Clint Eastwood est au cinéma américain : une star incontournable. Marco, comme l’appellent ses collègues, c’est le lieutenant Marc Le Bris, moniteur à l’École de l’aviation légère de l’armée de Terre (Ealat). À 48 ans, dont trente ans de service, il forme les pilotes au vol de nuit opérationnel (combat et sauvetage) sous JVN, savoir-faire propre à l’Alat. Marc découvre le plaisir du pilotage à 8 ans : « Mon oncle, qui m'installait à la place du pilote dans son petit avion, me faisait rêver en me parlant de l’Alat et j’ai passé les tests dès que j’ai pu. » Il intègre donc l’école nationale des sous-officiers de Saint-Maixent en 1983 et se spécialise dans le pilotage de l’hélicoptère Puma avant de rejoindre le 1er régiment d’hélicoptères de combat, à Phalsbourg.  « Avec ce régiment, j’ai participé à ma première opération extérieure, au Tchad, en 1986. Nous devions récupérer des soldats tchadiens blessés au combat. Cette expérience m’a marqué. Je me suis senti utile », se souvient Le Bris. Le pilote enchaîne sur des missions en Centrafrique, dans le golfe Persique – il participe notamment à la guerre du Golfe –, en Nouvelle-Calédonie et sur les porte-avions Foch et Clémenceau. En 1992, il vit sa première expérience d’instructeur JVN à l’Ealat, au Luc-en-Provence. Sept ans plus tard, il s’envole pour le détachement de l’Alat de Djibouti comme chef de bord Puma. En 2001, devenu moniteur, il retrouve la brigade JVN. Qualifié au pilotage des hélicoptères Gazelle, Fennec et Puma, le lieutenant Le Bris affiche  6 800 heures de vol à son actif quand la plupart des pilotes terminent leur carrière avec une moyenne de 4 000 heures.


Sa particularité ? Avec 3 500 heures de nuit dont 3 300 sous JVN, il détient le record mondial du vol opérationnel sous JVN depuis des années. « Ce vol est particulier : il est plus technique, plus précis. L’attention doit être plus soutenue. L’atmosphère est aussi plus calme que le jour. À travers les JVN, nous voyons le monde en vert, c’est magique  ! » explique-t-il. Pour se détendre, il délaisse parfois les airs pour la mer : « En plongée, je retrouve la technicité, l’attention, l’adrénaline. C’est un monde aussi calme et magique que celui de la nuit. Pour moi, la terre est un trait d’union entre ces deux univers. »


Dans une salle de cours de l’Ealat, qui fête ses 50 ans cette année, il décrit à trois pilotes stagiaires les particularités du vol sous JVN : « Avec 2,5 kilos sur la tête, le poids du casque et des jumelles, vous avez mal au dos. Le champ de vision est limité à 40 degrés. L’image n’a aucun relief, l’appréciation des distances est faussée, vos yeux n’arrêtent pas de balayer le paysage. Comme vous ne pouvez pas voir net à moins de 7 mètres, votre camarade à côté de vous est flou. C’est déstabilisant ! Il faut une grande concentration, cela demande beaucoup d’énergie. Pourtant, il faut maintenir une synergie dans l’équipage. C’est une question de sécurité. » Pour le lieutenant Toutain, chef de la brigade JVN, Marco est « très pédagogue et connaît toutes les subtilités des différents vols ». « Malgré sa stature, il reste accessible », commentent les lieutenants Megard et Rastouil, pilotes stagiaires.


Le soleil se couche. Il est 21 heures. Sur la piste, face au massif des Maures, trois Gazelle se mettent en route. Le bruit des rotors s’intensifie : des stagiaires vont décoller pour un exercice de vol de nuit en patrouille. Marc Le Bris est à leurs côtés. Alors que l’aéronef quitte le tarmac, le colonel Doutaud, chef de corps de la base école Général Lejay, témoigne : « Il a fallu plusieurs décennies pour que nos équipages sachent manœuvrer et combattre, en formation, de jour comme de nuit. Grâce à des hommes comme le lieutenant Le Bris, qui a formé des générations de pilotes, l’Alat maîtrise les savoir-faire particuliers du combat de nuit. Ce genre de vol est particulièrement éprouvant. En moyenne, les formateurs restent quatre ans dans la brigade JVN. Lui est là depuis dix-huit ans  ! » La majorité des pilotes engagés en Afghanistan, en Libye et au Mali est assurément passée entre les mains du lieutenant Le Bris.  

Oiseau de nuit
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3 septembre 2013 2 03 /09 /septembre /2013 11:50
Eurocopter and Poland: Meeting the country's multi-role military helicopter requirements

.... and supporting its industrial supply chain on a global scale


Sep 2, 2013 ASDNews Source : Eurocopter


Eurocopter’s participation at Poland’s MSPO defense industry exhibition underscores its long-term commitment to this country, which includes the company’s EC725 Caracal offer for the Ministry of National Defense’s multi-role helicopter acquisition, and its intention to build on well-established partnerships with the Polish industry.


As part of the presence at MSPO – being held September 2-5 in Kielce – Eurocopter has brought for a second time the EC725 Caracal helicopter. The machine operating recently in Afghanistan, Mali or Libya belongs to the French Air Forces. The Caracal is proposed for Poland’s acquisition of 70 multi-role helicopters, with Eurocopter and Turbomeca (Safran) signing industrial cooperation agreements that include the creation of full assembly lines in Poland for the Caracal and its Makila 2 turboshaft engines.


“Our Caracal is a proven and reliable choice for Poland’s multi-role helicopter tender, as demonstrated by its battle-proven experience and confirmed by a growing list of customers,” said Eurocopter CEO Guillaume Faury. “Eurocopter’s response to the tender is fully coherent with our long-standing strategy of working with Poland’s industry to further integrate its companies into the global supply chain. We are ready to build this partnership well beyond the Caracal tender, and to support the Polish defense industry’s development.”

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3 septembre 2013 2 03 /09 /septembre /2013 11:50
Danish AW101s to get MX-15 sensor fit

Sep. 2, 2013 –by Craig Hoyle – FG


London - Denmark is to perform an equipment upgrade on some of its air force AgustaWestland AW101 helicopters, with the aircraft to be fitted with L-3 Wescam's MX-15 electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensor.


Announced by the supplier on 2 September, Copenhagen's acquisition and sustainment contract will provide "a minimum of eight MX-15 imaging systems". Deliveries should conclude by 2014, it adds, with the new sensors to be installed by Denmark's Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation. Certification activities will be managed by AgustaWestland.


"The newly equipped AW101s will then be deployed to the Royal Danish Air Force's 722 Sqn in tactical troop transport operations, training exercises within Denmark and possible future use in mission theatres globally," L-3 Wescam says.


The Royal Danish Air Force operates 14 AW101s, which Flightglobal's Ascend Online Fleets database records as having been built between 2005 and 2009. Part of the service's fleet is tasked with providing search and rescue cover from its Karup air base, with these aircraft having been delivered with FLIR Systems Star Safire II EO/IR sensors.

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3 septembre 2013 2 03 /09 /septembre /2013 11:45
Russie-Afrique du Sud: vers une coproduction d'hélicoptères (Lavrov)

MOSCOU, 2 septembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie et l'Afrique du Sud envisagent de lancer une production conjointe d'hélicoptères, a annoncé lundi le chef de la diplomatie russe Sergueï Lavrov à l'issue de négociations avec son homologue sud-africaine Maite Nkoana-Mashabane.


Les deux pays ont conçu "des projets intéressants en matière de construction aéronautique", a indiqué M. Lavrov.


"Nous envisageons de produire un hélicoptère polyvalent léger conjointement avec nos amis sud-africains", a précisé le ministre.


Il a également fait savoir qu'en mars dernier, la Russie avait ouvert à Johannesburg un "centre d'entretien d'hélicoptères de fabrication russe". Selon M. Lavrov, ce centre "suscite déjà l'intérêt d'autres pays de la région".


Le chef de la diplomatie russe a en outre annoncé que Moscou et Pretoria avaient défini les conditions d'ouverture d'une représentation commerciale russe en République sud-africaine.


Mme Nkoana-Mashabane a pour sa part souligné que l'ouverture de cette représentation contribuerait à resserrer les liens économiques entre la Russie et l'Afrique du Sud. D'après la ministre des Relations internationales, il s'agit d'un nouveau témoignage du potentiel important qui caractérise la coopération entre les deux pays.

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2 septembre 2013 1 02 /09 /septembre /2013 16:50
système d’alerte MilOWS installé dans le cockpit du NH90  photo Cassidian

système d’alerte MilOWS installé dans le cockpit du NH90 photo Cassidian

02 septembre 2013 - trader-finance.fr/


Le système de détection d'obstacles "MilOWS", qui équipe certaines versions de l'hélicoptère militaire NH90, a reçu la certification nécessaire à son déploiement. Ce sésame pour le système développé par EADS Cassidian permet à Eurocopter de commencer la livraison de 150 systèmes aux armées allemande et finlandaise.


système d’alerte MilOWS installé dans le cockpit du NH90  photo Cassidian

système d’alerte MilOWS installé dans le cockpit du NH90 photo Cassidian

L'armée allemande sera la première à équiper ses hélicoptères d'un système de détection d'obstacles en temps réel à technologie laser, ce qui lui permettra d'effectuer en toute sécurité des missions difficiles dans des conditions de visibilité réduite, selon les promoteurs du MilOWS.

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2 septembre 2013 1 02 /09 /septembre /2013 07:50
Safran finalise le rachat de la participation de Rolls-Royce dans le programme commun de turbines d’hélicoptère RTM322

Paris, le 2 septembre 2013 - Safran


Safran (NYSE Euronext Paris : SAF) annonce avoir finalisé l’acquisition à Rolls-Royce de la participation de 50 % de cette dernière dans leur programme commun de turbines d’hélicoptère RTM322. Le montant en numéraire de la transaction s’élève à 293 millions d’euros.


Désormais, Turbomeca (filiale de Safran leader dans les turbines d’hélicoptère) assumera la totalité de la responsabilité de la conception, de la production, du support des produits et des services (pièces de rechange et maintenance, réparation et révision) pour le moteur RTM322. Ce modèle équipe les hélicoptères Apache, EH101 et NH90. Rolls-Royce s’engage à accompagner pleinement Turbomeca dans la phase de transition au cours de laquelle les activités de Rolls-Royce liées à ce programme feront l’objet d’un transfert progressif.


Le programme RTM322 est une priorité pour Turbomeca, qui a la volonté d’en poursuivre le développement technique et commercial et envisage notamment une amélioration de ses performances, ainsi que des investissements afin de répondre sur le long terme aux besoins du segment stratégique du marché des turbines d’hélicoptères les plus puissantes (3 000 shp et au-delà).


Les objectifs et aspects financiers de la transaction ont été communiqués lors de l’annonce de sa signature le 23 avril 2013.



Calendrier :


    Chiffre d’affaires T3 2013 : 24 octobre 2013

    Résultats annuels 2013 : 20 février 2014


Safran est un groupe international de haute technologie, équipementier de premier rang dans les domaines Aérospatial (propulsion, équipements), Défense et Sécurité. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie 62 500 personnes pour un chiffre d’affaires de 13,6 milliards d’euros en 2012. Composé de nombreuses sociétés, le groupe Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l’évolution des marchés, le Groupe s’engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2012 des dépenses de 1,6 milliard d’euros. Safran est une société cotée sur NYSE Euronext Paris et fait partie de l’indice CAC 40.

Pour plus d’informations, www.safran-group.com / Suivez @SAFRAN sur Twitter

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1 septembre 2013 7 01 /09 /septembre /2013 11:35
Australian MRH90 helicopter aboard HMAS Manoora.: Photo Descon7.

Australian MRH90 helicopter aboard HMAS Manoora.: Photo Descon7.

30 August 2013 army-technology.com


The Australian Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) has commissioned the first of two MRH90 full-flight and mission simulators (FFMSs) at the Army Aviation training centre in Oakey, Queensland, Australia.


Manufactured by CAE under a A$180m ($160.8m) contract awarded in December 2007, the simulator is designed to enable both Australian Army and Navy pilots to practice skills in all flight regimes, day or night, by precisely replicating the actual feel of the aircraft in flight.


Defence Materiel Organisation chief executive officer, Warren King, said the flight simulator will contribute to the Australian Defence Forces' (ADF) helicopter capability for many years to come.


''The MRH90 simulator has a cockpit that functions just like that of a real aircraft, and replicates the aircraft's unique instrument display which is projected onto the pilots' visors,'' King said.


Army Aviation training centre commander colonel, David Burke, said the simulator helps instructors to present pilots with a range of operational training scenarios, including flying into remote bush landing sites, flying in formation with other aircraft and being safely exposed to complex emergency situations.


''The majority of basic training will now be conducted in the simulator before pilots get to the real aircraft,'' Burke said.


''The aim of the training is to immerse the pilots in the simulation, so they feel as though they are flying the real aircraft, completing real missions and dealing with real emergencies.''


Manufactured in collaboration with Thales, MRH90 simulator is formally certified to Level D, which represents highest standards of fidelity in the aviation industry.


The second simulator is scheduled to be installed at the main MRH90 operational base in Townsville during 2014.


MRH 90 is a 10t-class medium-lift helicopter designed to conduct troop transport, search and rescue, special operations and counter-terrorism missions in adverse conditions.

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1 septembre 2013 7 01 /09 /septembre /2013 11:20
Boeing AH64E Apache attack helicopter

Boeing AH64E Apache attack helicopter

30 August 2013 army-technology.com


ViaSat has been selected for supply of Link 16 small tactical terminals for the US Army's AH-64E Apache attack helicopter fleet.


The company will supply its KOR-24A small tactical terminal (STT) to help address the army's requirement for an airborne and maritime/fixed station (AMF) Small Airborne Link 16 Terminal (SALT).


ViaSat Tactical Data Links general manager, Dr. Jay Kaufman, said: "The STT satisfies the latest requirements for Apache helicopters, providing a significant advance in battlefield communications such as Link 16 and SRW become essential capabilities in the future of army aviation."


Jointly manufactured by ViaSat and Harris, KOR-24 SST is a small, two-channel, very high frequency / ultra high frequency (VHF/UHF) radio terminal, designed to bring mobile network connectivity to dismounted soldiers and platforms such as ground vehicles, small boats, ships, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

"The STT satisfies the latest requirements for Apache helicopters, providing a significant advance in battlefield communications."


The terminal primarily enables soldiers to exchange secure situational awareness information and critical data communications with allied air, land, and sea platforms over Link 16 or UHF to maintain the tactical picture and also avoid Blue-on-Blue engagements.


Fully interoperable with global MIDS Link 16 terminals, joint tactical information distribution system (JTIDS), or UHF data radio systems, the terminal also supports all tactical digital information link (TADIL) J network messages, including network enabled weapon (NEW) messages.


Nicknamed Guardian, the Boeing AH-64E is a heavily armed helicopter featuring powerful, fuel-efficient T700-GE-701D engines, enhanced rotor blade technology and electronics, as well as improved aircraft handling, performance and agility at higher altitudes.


Designed to replace the existing AH-64D Longbow helicopters, the helicopter also features a joint tactical radio system, electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) sensors to improve pilots' situational awareness and an oversea capacity, enabling potential strikes on smaller ships.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 17:30
New Middle East Clients Lining Up To Buy CH-47 Chinooks

In June, Boeing began delivery of 13 new CH-147F model Chinooks to Canada. Here, the first helicopter off the line demonstrates its capabilities Aug. 28. (Boeing)


Aug. 29, 2013 - By PAUL McLEARY – Defense News


MIDDLETOWN, DEL. — Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar head the list of countries looking to begin flying variants of the CH-47 Chinook helicopter in coming years, Boeing officials said here Wednesday. .


If deals being negotiated between Boeing, the US government, and these three countries eventually come to fruition, projections are that at least 54 Chinooks would be shipped overseas, making up a good portion of the 168 Chinooks that foreign clients around the globe are considering buying in coming years.


Pentagon officials and defense industry brahmins have been talking for the better part of two years about how they’re planning to rely on foreign sales to make up for the reductions they’re seeing in the US defense market, but a chart shown to reporters Wednesday really drove that point home.


On top of the 830 Chinook H-47 variants that are currently flying around the world, the chart showed, Boeing executives are working with foreign clients and the US government to sell another 168 to new and existing clients if all goes as planned.


In addition to the six CH-47D models and 16 CH-47F models that Libyan officials are working on buying, Saudi Arabia has expressed interest in fielding one of the world’s largest CH-47F fleets, with at least 24 helicopters being considered for the oil-rich kingdom.


Mark Ballew, director of business development for Boeing’s Chinook program, said the company is preparing to do a flight demonstration in Saudi Arabia, and that Qatar is interested in buying eight of the “F” models similar to what the company produced for Canada, which feature larger external fuel tanks and an upgraded electrical system.


Morocco, which has already purchased three “D” models, also is talking about buying three more, and Egypt, which currently flies 18 “D”s, has enquired about buying six more from the US Army as it retires them in the switch to the upgraded “F” aircraft.


Boeing is also involved in the competition for India’s heavy lift requirement, which would mean 15 more “F” aircraft if it wins.


The deals with these countries are still very early on in the negotiation stage, Ballew and other executives stressed, adding that contracts for the birds aren’t expected soon.


Any deals several years down the road would be welcome news for Boeing, however, as the company’s $4 billion, five-year deal with the US Army for 214 more CH-47 “F” models will end in 2019.


That agreement would add to the 241 CH-47F helicopters that the Army already has in its fleet, eventually bringing the service close to its goal of 464 “F” models.


The foreign deals — especially with countries in the Middle East — aren’t just helicopter contracts, however. Countries in the region have generally neglected establishing their own maintenance and logistics programs, which would mean years of repair work for the contractor.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 16:20
Boeing looks abroad for CH-47 sales

29 August 2013 by Zach Rosenberg - FG


Washington DC - Boeing is looking to international customers to sell the CH-47F Chinook, including remanufacturing existing D models.


The company, speaking with reporters on 28 August, listed several nations as interested parties, mainly in the Middle East region. An important factor for many international customers is commonality with the US Army, which by far has the largest CH-47 fleet and is generally a major ally to existing customers. The USA currently operates more than 250 F-models and recently signed a contract for 155 more, in addition to options.


Boeing's Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based production line has production booked through 2019. The company also has enough sales campaigns that, if brought to fruition, would allow for production through 2023. As the USA is expected to operate the aircraft through 2050, it is likely that more work is pending for the future.


"My personal opinion is in 2060 we'll have a 100-year airplane. There will be an F-model out here today flying," says Mark Ballew, the programme's director of business development.


Nations listed as likely customers are Saudi Arabia - which Boeing is campaigning to buy 24 CH-47s - Morocco (3), Qatar (8) and Turkey (8). The company also hopes to sell remanufacturing services for older aircraft to the Netherlands (8), Singapore (10) and the US Special Operations Command (68). Although this has not been listed, interest has been received from Spain, the United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Thailand, Egypt and Libya.


Deliveries for existing orders are ongoing in Canada and the UK. So far, three have been delivered to both customers out of their 15-strong orders. Deliveries to Turkey are scheduled to begin in 2015.


An additional seven MH-47Gs are on "handshake" contract with the US Special Operations, with a formal contract signing expected at the end of September.


The F-models being delivered to Canada are the first with a substantial upgrade of the electrical and avionics systems. The electrical system has been wholly revamped, to include two 60kV generators and an upgraded auxiliary power unit. An L-3/Wescam electro-optical/infrared ball turret has been added, as has the digital advanced flight control system to allow precision control. The revamped system also includes the common avionics architecture system.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 11:45
MAKS 2013 : Le Cameroun commande des hélicoptères Mi-17

29.08.2013 Helen Chachaty - journal-aviation.com


Lors du salon aéronautique MAKS, Rosoboronexport, l’agence d’exportation d’armement russe, a conclu un contrat avec le Cameroun pour la fabrication et la livraison d’hélicoptères Mi-17. Le nombre exact d’appareils n’a pas été dévoilé, ni le montant total de l’accord.


L’armée de l’air possède actuellement quatre Bell 206 et un Bell 412, trois Mi-24, un SA319, deux SA330 et trois SA342 (données Flightglobal).

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 11:35
Crew flying virtual MRH-90 helicopter in the Air Operations Simulation Centre - DSTO

Crew flying virtual MRH-90 helicopter in the Air Operations Simulation Centre - DSTO

August 29, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued August 28, 2013)


World Class Helicopter Simulator for the ADF


Chief Executive Officer of the Defence Materiel Organisation, Warren King, today formally accepted the delivery of the first of two MRH90 helicopter simulators at the Army Aviation Training Centre in Oakey, Queensland.


The simulator allows Army and Navy pilots to practice their skills in all flight regimes, day or night, and accurately reproduces the feel of the aircraft in flight.


Mr King acknowledged the contribution made by DMO, Army, Navy and industry for their contribution in developing and supporting Australian Defence Force (ADF) MRH90 helicopter training.


“This world leading flight simulator will contribute to the ADF’s helicopter capability for many years to come,” Mr King said.


“The MRH90 simulator has a cockpit that functions just like that of a real aircraft, and replicates the aircraft’s unique instrument display that is projected onto the pilots’ visors,” he said.


Commandant of the Army’s Aviation Training Centre Colonel David Burke said the MRH90 simulator was the best he had flown.


“This simulator allows instructors to present pilots with a wide range of operational training scenarios such as flying in to remote bush landing sites, flying in formation with other aircraft, and being safely exposed to complex emergency situations,” Colonel Burke said.


“The majority of basic training will now be conducted in the simulator before pilots get to the real aircraft.


“The aim of the training is to immerse the pilots in the simulation, so they feel as though they are flying the real aircraft, completing real missions and dealing with real emergencies,” he said.


The MRH90 simulator is state of the art, and is fully accredited to meet the highest standards of fidelity, known in the aviation industry as ‘level D’, meaning that an hour in the simulator equates to an hour in the real helicopter.


A second simulator will be installed at the main MRH90 operational base in Townsville during 2014.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 07:50
Belgians Begin NH90 NFH Training

Belgian Defense photo by Jürgen Braekevelt


Aug 28, 2013 by Nicholas Fiorenza – Ares, A Defense Technology Blog


The first Belgian NH90 Nato Frigate Helicopter (NFH) has flown to Eurocopter France in Marignane, southern France, after being rolled out at Eurocopter Germany in Donauwörth at the beginning of August. The helicopter will be used to train Belgian pilots and technicians.


The NH90 NFH will replace Belgium's Sea King in the search and rescue role and be used to support its navy. After some delays, the first NH90 NFH90 will be delivered to Coxyde, where its Sea Kings are currently based, at the end of the year. It will become operational in 2014. Belgian NH90 NFH pilots will receive training in simulators in Germany and Italy.


Belgium has ordered four NH90 NFHs and four NH90 troop transport helicopters. It will jointly manage spare parts with other NH90 NFH nations under the EU's pooling and sharing initiative.

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 16:45


August 28, 2013. David Pugliese - Defence Watch (AP)


KINSHASA, Congo – United Nations helicopters fired on rebels fighting Congolese troops just outside a city of nearly 1 million people in eastern Congo on Wednesday, a military spokesman for the U.N. mission said.


The fighting began just before 8 a.m. Wednesday in the hills of the Kibati area, about 9 miles (15 kilometres) north of the provincial capital of Goma.


The M23 rebels briefly seized the city late last year and then retreated to the north. The new upsurge in fighting has prompted fears the rebels could again assault the city.


Lt. Col. Felix Basse, the military spokesman for the U.N. peacekeeping mission, known as MONUSCO, said that U.N. forces were taking part in the fighting alongside the Congolese army Wednesday.


“MONUSCO has enlisted all of its attack helicopters and its artillery … to push back the M23 offensive that is under way right now on the hills of Kibati,” he told journalists in the capital of Kinshasa.

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 16:40
Kamov Ka-52

Kamov Ka-52

Salon MAKS, aéroport de Joukovsky (Région de Moscou), le 28 août 2013. Safran


Kamov, société de la holding Hélicoptères de Russie et Sagem (Safran) vont mettre en synergie leurs complémentarités technologiques et industrielles en proposant une version améliorée du Ka-52 Alligator destinée à répondre aux besoins de plusieurs pays.


Lancée en 2011, cette coopération entre les deux sociétés porte sur la proposition et l’intégration sur les hélicoptères développés et produits par Kamov d’équipements optroniques de Sagem et de systèmes de navigation inertielle LINS 100 (*). Elles envisagent les travaux d’intégration d’un nouvel ensemble optronique début 2014 sur le Ka-52.


Cette coopération dans le domaine des hélicoptères contribue à la stratégie de Sagem consistant à établir des partenariats industriels durables avec les sociétés russes leaders sur leur secteur. Dans cette coopération, Sagem apportera son expérience acquise avec le viseur le Strix en production pour l’hélicoptère de combat Franco-allemand Tigre. Ce viseur a contribué, de jour comme de nuit, au succès des opérations militaires conduites par les armées françaises sur plusieurs théâtres, dont l’opération Serval au Mali en 2013.


(*) Système de navigation inertielle à gyrolaser, la centrale LINS-100 est produite en Russie dans le cadre de la joint venture RS Alliance créée à Ramenskoie par la société russe ZAO-ITT et Sagem.

* * * *


Sagem (Safran), société de haute technologie, est un leader mondial de solutions et de services en optronique, avionique, électronique et logiciels critiques, pour les marchés civils et de défense. N°1 européen et n°3 mondial des systèmes de navigation inertielle pour les applications aéronautiques, marines et terrestres, Sagem est également n°1 mondial des commandes de vol pour hélicoptères et n°1 européen des systèmes optroniques et des systèmes de drones tactiques. Présents sur tous les continents via le réseau international de Safran, Sagem et ses filiales emploient 7 500 personnes en Europe, en Asie-Pacifique, en Amérique du Nord et en Amérique du Sud. Sagem est le nom commercial de la société Sagem Défense Sécurité.

Pour plus d’informations : www.sagem-ds.com

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 16:40
Article Helirussia 2013 - by SITTA

28/08/2013 by SITTA


Essentiellement réservé aux hélicoptères et à leurs équipements, « HELIRUSSIA 2013 » est une opportunité pour les constructeurs russes de présenter les programmes de développement de leurs appareils en service dans de nombreux pays. Plusieurs hélicoptères russes étaient exposés en présentation statique (Mi-2MSB-2, ANSAT, Mi-24VM) ou en maquette (MI 171 A2, Ka-62, Mi-26).


Développement du Mi-171A2 :

Dernière évolution de la famille des Mi-8/Mi-17 élaboré par la société Ulan Ude, le premier prototype de Mi-171A2 (OP-1) est actuellement en phase finale de développement et devrait être présenté officiellement au salon aéronautique russe « Maks 2013 ».

Maquette de Mi-171A2

Réception par UTair de ses premiers AW139:

La société UTairest la première entreprise de transport aéronautique civile russe à s’équiper, après le département d’état de transport présidentiel russe en 2011, de deux premiers AW139dans sa version VIP (Very Important Person). Au nombre de dix, ces appareils sont produits par la firme anglo-italienne AgustaWesland.

Finalisation du programme Ka-62 :

Après la présentation de la maquette échelle 1/1 durant la dernière édition Helirussia 2012, le Ka-62, assemblé à l’usine d’Arsenyev Progress production plant, devrait être présenté en vol lors du prochain salon « Maks 2013 » en août, à Zukovski. Ce premier prototype est motorisé par des turbines Ardiden 3G de Turbomeca.


Production d’AW139 russes

Assemblé à Tomilino, à l’Ouest de Moscou, ces appareils proviennent de la fusion des sociétés anglo-italienne AgustaWestlandet russe Russian Helicopters. Finalisé en 2011 par la création de la société CJSC HeliVert jointventure, le premier appareil a effectué son premier vol d’essai au mois de décembre 2012 et a, depuis lors, obtenu sa certification aéronautique auprès des instances russes.


L’AW139 est un hélicoptère multi-mission pouvant transporter 15 passagers dans sa configuration standard et 6 à 8 passagers dans sa version VIP. Motorisé par deux Pratt & Withney PT6C-67C canadiens, il dispose d’une autonomie de cinq heures de vol pour une distance franchissable maximale d’un peu plus de 900 kilomètres.

La production, exclusivement réservé, dans un premier temps, au marché russe devrait être de 15 à 20 unités par an.

Plusieurs contrats sont d’ailleurs en cours d’achèvement et le premier appareil sera livré dès le mois de juin 2013.


Nouvelles motorisations Motor sich

A/ Mi-2MSB-2 :

Présentation d’une maquette de Mi-2équipée de moteurs AI-450M. Remplaçant l’ancienne motorisation GTD-350, ces turbines confèrent à cet appareil, dès lors baptisé Mi-2MSB-2, des performances accrues. En effet, équipé de réservoirs additionnels externes permettant une plus grande capacité d’emport interne, cet hélicoptère peut transporter jusqu’à huit passagers, à une vitesse de croisière de 200 km/h sur une distance de 750 km.

Mi-2MSB-2 & turbine AI-450M 


Mi-8MSB : Conjointement, le Mi-8MSB, modernisation de Mi-8T Hip-C et motorisé par de nouvelles turbines TV3-117VMA-SBM1V 4E, poursuit sa campagne de certification aéronautique.

D’une conception rustique mais robuste, le Mi-8MSB est apte à être employé dans des conditions extrêmes de températures (-30°C à +50°C) ou d’altitude (8200m). Sa masse maximale totale en charge passe également à 12 tonnes, lui confèrant quatre tonnes de charge utile.


Tableau de bord du Mi-171A2

Présentation, par la société Ulyanovsk Instrument Design Bureau, du tableau de bord du nouvel hélicoptère Mi-171A2.

Tableau de bord standard d’un Mi-171A2 

Bien que pouvant être assujetti à quelques modifications suivant les besoins spécifiques des différents acquéreurs, l’intégration pourrait comporter :

- Un système de navigation du Bureau d’étude d’automatique industriel ;

-des écrans multifonctions du Bureau d’étude de construction d’instruments d’Ulyanovsk ;

- un radar multifonctions Kontur-10M de Kontur-NIIRS ;

- une recopie « tête haute » des paramètres de vol.


Présentation d’un Mi-35M

Bien que de conception ancienne, cette dernière évolution de Mi-24 laisse présager un appareil d’attaque rustique, mais abouti et encore parfaitement adapté à de nombreux conflits actuels.

D’une masse totale au décollage de près de 11 tonnes, il dispose de deux turbines klimov VK-2500-02 développant 2 x 2200 hp au décollage. Il peut emporter un groupe de huit combattants et plus de 1500 kg de charges utiles fixés sous ses deux voilures latérales.


L’armement principal du Mi-35M se compose :

-d’une tourelle canon avant NPPU-23équipée d’un canon bitube de 23 mm ;

-de missiles 9M120 Ataka ;

-de nacelles roquettes B8V20-A armées de 20 roquettes de 80 mm.

Ses principales modernisations proviennent d’un nouveau dispositif optronique avant et d’une autoprotection combinant une détection radar avec un dispositif de brouillage infrarouge et des séquenceurs de leurres latérale.

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 11:20
Cobham wins US Army Contract Worth up to $7.1M

Aug 28, 2013 ASDNews Source : Cobham Plc


    To Overhaul, Upgrade AH-64 Apache Nitrogen Inerting Unit


Cobham has been awarded a contract by the US Army worth up to $7.1 million to overhaul and upgrade Nitrogen Inerting Units (NIUs) for the AH-64 Apache helicopter. The work will be performed by Cobham Life Support in Davenport, Iowa, beginning in 2013.


In September 2012, Cobham received a five year Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract valued at some $15 million to manufacture OBIGGS NIUs for US Army AH-64 Apache helicopters. The OBIGGS fulfils a critical aircraft safety system role by displacing fuel tank vapors with inert nitrogen gas, reducing the risk of explosion. More than 1,500 Apache helicopters with Cobham NIUs have been delivered worldwide.


Cobham Life Support president Kelly Coffield said: “This award reflects Cobham's unrivalled decades of experience in the design, development, delivery and support of fuel tank inerting systems, ranging from depot repair to equipping and training customers to fully maintaining products at their own facilities.”


Cobham remains the world-wide leader in military OBIGGS providing solutions since 1985 on more than 2,400 aircraft flying today, ranging from military helicopters, military transport aircraft like the C-17 Globe Master, to regional and commercial platforms such as Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Cobham OBIGGS systems have logged more than six million flight hours total experience including 12 international customers. Cobham can tailor the modular range of proven OBIGGS to fit a wide range of applications.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:40
Kamov Ka-226T photo Livefist

Kamov Ka-226T photo Livefist

Bordes - Moscow / 27 August 2013Safran


Turbomeca (Safran) and Russian Helicopters (a subsidiary of Oboronprom, part of State Corporation Rostec) today announced that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the opening of a new Maintenance Centre.


In the frame of this agreement, Russian Helicopters will provide maintenance Level 1 and 2 activities on Turbomeca engines operated by the Russian helicopter operators. The engines covered are the Arrius 2G1 and the Ardiden 3G, respectively powering the Ka-226T and the Ka-62 helicopters.


This Maintenance Center is part of a global common support strategy aimed at providing a highest level of support to all operators flying with Turbomeca engines in accordance with the best practices and standards.


The new Arrius 2G1 engine with performance in the 700 to 800 shp class, has been tailored to perfectly fit the Ka-226T. This new variant is a derivative engine from the existing Arrius 2, which has proven its durability and reliability worldwide with more than 3000 engines already delivered. To address the requirement of public transport, the Arrius 2G1, among other specific devices, is equipped with a FADEC controlling the power delivery to the helicopter. The engine has been certified in 2011.


Designed for 6 to 8 tonnes helicopters to achieve multiple missions, Ardiden 3 engines offer, under all weather conditions, the most increased performances in the range of the 1,750 to 2,000 shp power engines. The modular design and dual channel FADEC, make the Ardiden 3 highly reliable, with the benefit of low operating costs and an exceptional low fuel consumption (more than 10% less than the others engines in the same range). A contract for over 300 engines has already been signed. Ardiden 3G certification is expected in 2014.


The Ka-226T light multi-purpose helicopter may be operated in urban conditions for high-rise construction works, patrolling, as well as for police operations. Coaxial main rotor system ensures Ka-226T great load capacity and flight height advantages. The Ka-226T is capable of reaching higher altitudes than most other helicopters in its class. Thanks to its maximum climb rate of 10 m/s, low environmental impact and small sound signature, the Ka-226T can operate in various climactic conditions and landscapes, including urban conditions and built-up areas.


Built using new technologies and materials, the new Ka-62 is a single-rotor design, with an enclosed tail rotor and an airframe and propeller blades consisting of over 50% polymeric composite materials. The helicopter will also feature a glass cockpit, a five-blade rotor, secondary hydraulics circuit and energy-efficient wheeled landing gear. The Ka-62 is designed for cargo transportation, medevac and search-and rescue operations, and can also be used in the oil and gas sector and for corporate purposes.


Turbomeca (Safran) is a leading helicopter engine manufacturer, and has produced 70,000 turbines since the company was founded. Offering the widest range of engines in the world and dedicated to 2,500 customers in 155 countries, Turbomeca provides a proximity service thanks to its 17 sites, 28 Certified Maintenance Centers, 18 Repair & Overhaul Centers, and 90 Field representatives and Field technicians. Microturbo, the subsidiary of Turbomeca, is the European leader in turbojet engines for missiles, drones and auxiliary power units. For more information : www.turbomeca.com and www.safran-group.com.

Russian Helicopters, JSC is a subsidiary of UIC Oboronprom, which in turn is a part of State Corporation Rostec. It is one of the global leaders in helicopter production and the only helicopter design and production powerhouse in Russia. Russian Helicopters is headquartered in Moscow. The company comprises five helicopter production facilities, two design bureaus, a spare parts production and repair facility, as well as an aftersale service branch responsible for maintenance and repair in Russia and all over the world. Its helicopters are popular among Russian ministries and state authorities (Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Emergency Control Ministry), operators (Gazpromavia, UTair), major Russian corporations. Over 8000 helicopters of Soviet/Russian make are operated in 110 countries worldwide. Traditionally the demand is highest in the Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Russia, and CIS countries. Russian Helicopters was established in 2007. In 2012 its IFRS revenues increased 21% to RUB 125,7billion. Deliveries reached 290 helicopters.

UIC Oboronprom, JSC is a multi-profile industrial and investment group established in 2002. It is a part of Russian Technologies State Corporation. Its main tasks include : helicopter engineering (Russian Helicopters, JSC) and engine-building (United Engine Industry Corporation managing company).

Rostekhnologii State Corporation (Rostec) is a Russian corporation established in 2007 in order to facilitate the development, manufacturing and export of high-technology industrial products of military and civil purposes. Today it comprises over 663 companies, which form 8 military-industrial and 5 civil industry holdings. Rostec’s subsidiaries are located in 60 regions of Russia and supply their products to over 70 countries worldwide. In 2012 revenues of the Corporation amounted to RUB 931 billion, net profits were RUB 38.5 billion and total taxation exceeded RUB 109 billion.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:35
Chinese helo successfully launches air-to-air missiles

Aug 26, 2013 brahmand.com


BEIJING (PTI): The Chinese military on Monday said the first ingenuously developed military attack helicopter WZ-10 has launched its first air-to-air missile successfully, intercepting low-altitude targets.


The WZ-10, meaning "armed helicopter", carried out the launch during a live-fire drill involving army aviation troops of the People's Liberation Army in the eastern waters off south China's Guangdong Province last week, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.


The drill, which was also the largest-scale activity held to study combat methods since the building up of the aviation troops, conducted six operations, covering fire, close fire support, special assaults, air landing at the wing side, fire interception and move by leapfrogging.


The WZ-10 is designed primarily for anti-tank missions and was first seen in public at the 9th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in the southern city of Zhuhai at Guangdong in 2012.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:35
L'Indonésie achète huit hélicoptères américains Apache

26 août 2013 Par Julien Bonnet - Usinenouvelle.com


Dans le cadre de la stratégie engagée par Barack Obama de renforcement des liens avec l'Asie du sud-est, les Etats-Unis ont accepté de vendre huit hélicoptères de combat Apache à l'Indonésie, un contrat estimé à 500 millions de dollars.


Les États-Unis ont accepté, lundi 26 août, de vendre huit hélicoptères Apache à l'Indonésie, dans le cadre du renforcement des liens avec l'Asie du sud-est. Le contrat, d'une valeur de 500 millions de dollars et comprenant la formation des pilotes et les radars, a été annoncé par le secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel, lors de l'étape indonésienne de sa tournée en Asie. Ces hélicoptères seront assemblés par Boeing.


"Fournir à l'Indonésie ces hélicoptères de classe mondiale illustre notre engagement à aider à construire les capacités militaires de l'Indonésie", a déclaré Chuck Hagel, après une réunion avec son homologue indonésien, le ministre de la Défense Purnomo Yusgiantoro. "Une Indonésie forte est bonne pour la région", a-t-il ajouté.


L'intérêt américain dans le développement des liens militaires avec Jakarta, pays musulman le plus peuplé au monde, s'inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie adoptée en janvier 2012 par le président Barack Obama. Une stratégie dite de "pivot" vers l'Asie-Pacifique après une décennie de conflits armés en Irak et en Afghanistan.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:50
PZL-Świdnik SW-4 Solo

PZL-Świdnik SW-4 Solo

August 26, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: PZL-Świdnik; issued Aug. 23, 2013)


“Our presence at the Radom Air Show proves the unmatched capabilities of PZL-Świdnik as the only Polish manufacturer with the full ability to design, develop and produce state-of-the-art rotorcraft. What we will display, particularly the AW149 and the SW-4 Solo, shows the outstanding present and future capabilities of the Polish Armed Forces.”, said Mieczysław Majewski, President of the Management Board, PZL-Świdnik SA.


The latest achievement of PZL-Świdnik and AgustaWestland engineering teams, the AW149 has been designed and developed in the last few years. It is a modern military helicopter that meets the most stringent operational requirements in terms of flexibility, performance, security and cost-effectiveness.


The AW149, the most modern design offered within the tender, features open architecture and high growth potential. Having intellectual property of the so-called source codes, PZL-Świdnik and AgustaWestland, are able to guarantee Poland the broadest capability to modify and customize the helicopter to meet the needs of the Polish Armed Forces in the future.


“We are confident the AW149 helicopter is the only solution able to meet the Polish Armed Forces’ needs and bring measurable benefits to the Polish industry. What we are offering to Poland is not only the product itself. We are committed to delivering complete solutions, including logistic and training packages, which ensure the product’s broadest availability and helicopter’s safe operation throughout the next 40 years,” said Nicola Bianco, Managing Director, PZL-Świdnik SA.


The SW-4 Solo RUAS/OPH, the result of a close collaboration between PZL-Świdnik and AgustaWestland, will also be among the show’s highlights. The Solo demonstrates the companies’ involvement in the development of the UAV sector, which shows significant growth potential and provides market opportunities.


“The SW-4 Solo RUAS/OPH is one of the most advanced aviation technology achievements in recent years, which confirms PZL-Świdnik’s commitment to innovation. Its ability to perform both manned and unmanned flights considerably expands the capabilities of modern rotorcrafts.”, stressed Tomasz Bilski, Engineering Director, PZL-Świdnik SA.


PZL-Świdnik’s static display will also include the company’s flagship products, the light single engine SW-4 helicopter able to perform a wide range of military and civil missions and the W-3PL Głuszec helicopter, remaining in service with the Polish Armed Forces, which has proven to be a highly effective and reliable machine capable of operating in the most demanding conditions.


PZL-Świdnik is the strategic sponsor of the Air Show-2013 in Radom.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:35
US Army combat helicopter – AH-64E.

US Army combat helicopter – AH-64E.

26/08 LesEchos.fr (Reuters)


L'armée indonésienne va acquérir huit hélicoptères américains Apache dans le cadre d'un contrat de 500 millions de dollars (374 millions d'euros) comprenant aussi la fourniture de radars et de services de formation et de maintenance, a-t-on appris lundi de source militaire américaine.


La vente des huit appareils AH-64E, fabriqués par Boeing , a été annoncée lors d'une visite à Djakarta du secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel, actuellement en tournée dans le Sud-Est asiatique.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 09:35
An NH-90 helicopter belonging to the Italian army aviation command’s Task Force Fenice photographed during a long-range mission in Afghanistan. (IT MoD photo)

An NH-90 helicopter belonging to the Italian army aviation command’s Task Force Fenice photographed during a long-range mission in Afghanistan. (IT MoD photo)

August 27, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Italian Ministry of Defence; issued Aug. 23, 2013)

(Issued in Italian only; unofficial translation by defense-aerospace.com)


Afghanistan: One Year of Operational Deployment for the Army’s NH-90


Some days ago, coinciding with the completion of their first year of operational deployment in Afghanistan, two NH-90 helicopters of the Italian Army Aviation command (AVES), assigned to Task Force ‘Fenice’ (Phoenix) of Regional Command West (RC-W ), arrived at the headquarters of the ISAF Joint Command (IJC), after a three-hour flight and a quick stop at Forward Operating Base (FOB) of Chaghcharan, after flying over the Hindu Kush mountain range. IJC is the NATO command in Afghanistan which has the responsibility for military operations throughout the area of responsibility of ISAF.


Italian army NH-90s, which recently passed the 1,000 flight hour milestone, arrived in the Afghan theater of operations in August of last year and, for the first time ever among the program’s partner nations, have been engaged in combat and combat support missions.


This helicopter is equipped with latest generation avionics and fully integrated systems for day and night vision, allowing the crew a constant high state of situational awareness, ie the full and continuous perception of all the technical and operational aspects necessary for the safe completion of their missions. Together with the high professionalism and experience of the pilots in critical environmental situations typical of the Afghan theater of operations, the N-90 has proved to be an extremely flexible tool available to the commander of RC-W.


The organization put in place by Task Force 'Fenice' for the operation of these helicopters was also the subject of visit by a delegation from Australia who appreciated the effectiveness and the innovative solutions adopted for field maintenance.


Task Force 'Fenice', currently commanded by Colonel Luigi Adiletta, is the Italian Army Aviation unit deployed in the Afghan theater which is tasked with carrying out missions such as close air support to ground troops, transport and logistical support, as well as medical evacuation and the immediate stabilization of personnel wounded in combat with their 'Forward Medical Team' (FMT).

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