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13 mars 2014 4 13 /03 /mars /2014 11:50
MBDA, un modèle industriel pour l'Europe de la défense ?


13 mars 2014 Par Hassan Meddah - Usinenouvelle.com


A l'occasion du lancement du programme de missiles anti-navire léger (ANL), MDBA adopte une nouvelle organisation industrielle. Elle assoit une dépendance mutuelle stratégique et industrielle entre la France et le Royaume-Uni.


L'Europe de la défense se fera peut-être par l'industrie. En particulier, en s'inspirant du nouveau modèle industriel du fabricant de missiles MBDA, filiale commune à Airbus group, l'italien Finmeccanica, et l'anglais BAE Systems. Ce modèle est basé sur une dépendance mutuelle que sont prêts à organiser entre eux les Etats européens eux-mêmes, en tout cas la France et le Royaume-Uni. A l'occasion du lancement du programme du missile anti-navire léger ANL, les gouvernements français et britanniques ont décidé d'entrer dans une nouvelle logique de partage de souveraineté et de dépendance mutuelle au niveau industriel. 

La raison est simple : aucun des deux pays ne peut plus maintenir sur le long terme l'effort nécessaire pour financer et développer les nouvelles technologies de missiles afin de disposer, chacun de leur côté de la Manche, d'une gamme complète de produits. L'idée est donc de se partager les compétences pour éviter la coûteuse duplication des bureaux d'études et des chaînes industrielles. Pour le programme ANL, l’industriel va s’appuyer sur 12 centres de compétences répartis sur les deux pays. Ainsi les sites français de MBDA ont l'expertise des calculateurs embarqués développée au Plessis-Robinson (Hauts-de-Seine) et des bancs de tests installées à Bourges (Cher). Les sites anglais maîtrisent les technologies des actuateurs (les parties mobiles des missiles) et des systèmes de liaisons de données. Jusqu’ici, l’industriel prenait soin de dupliquer dans chaque pays l’ensemble des compétences pour assurer à chacun des deux pays de pouvoir assurer la production de missiles sur son territoire.


Partage des tâches

Ce partage des tâches s'appliquera non seulement aux programmes en coopération mais également aux programmes nationaux. Ainsi le futur missile moyenne portée (MMP) destiné à l'armée française embarquera des actuateurs anglais, et le programme britannique du Spear Capability s'appuiera sur un calculateur français. Avec cette nouvelle spécialisation industrielle et la mise en place d'une filière missile optimisée, les deux pays visent jusqu'à 30% d'économies sur les livraisons des futurs équipements. Il s'agit de faire face à la concurrence des groupes américains (Raytheon, Lockheed Martin) et israéliens (Rafael Advanced Defense System) mais également des acteurs émergents comme des industriels chinois qui ont récemment remporté l'appel d'offres turc pour un système de défense aérienne de longue portée.


Groupe intégré

Le nouveau modèle de spécialisation de MBDA est l'aboutissement d'une longue maturation industrielle, qui devrait avoir des impacts dans les deux pays. Le point de départ remonte au début des années 1990 avec lancement d'un premier programme entre français et britanniques - déjà ! - le Scalp Storm Shadow et la création de MBD (l’ancêtre de MBDA) avec la fusion des activités missilières de Bae Dynamics et de Matra Défense. Il y a encore 20 ans, l'Europe comptait encore six fabricants nationaux capables de concevoir et de produire des missiles et tous concurrents ! Ensuite la consolidation a opéré jusqu'en 2001, avec le rassemblement des activités de missiles des grands acteurs européens (Alenia Marconi Systems, Matra Bae Dynamics, EADS Aerospatiale Missile) créant MBDA. 


MBDA, un modèle industriel pour l'Europe de la défense ?

L'entreprise pèse aujourd’hui environ 3 milliards d'euros de chiffres pour un effectif de 10 000 salariés répartis entre l'Allemagne, la France, l'Italie, le Royaume-Uni et les Etats-Unis. Agissant comme un groupe intégré, il a abandonné l'organisation par pays. Ainsi les différents patrons des activités en charge des programmes ou des forces commerciales ont autorité sur l'ensemble des pays.

Mais l'histoire n'est pas finie... Pour amplifier cette organisation, il faudra encore convaincre l'Italie, l'Allemagne et l'Espagne de partager la vision industrielle du couple franco-britannique.

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13 mars 2014 4 13 /03 /mars /2014 08:40
ODK has presented its best designs to a British delegation

07.03.2014 Rostec


Hosted by representatives of the corporation ODK and held on the premises of SPC Gas Turbine Salute, an aerospace conference has taken place with the participation of British aviation companies.

The conference began with a tour of the Salute museum, which shows the entire history of the plant since its inception to the present day.

The British delegation was shown models of the best examples from the domestic motor industry, including PD-14, AL-31FN, AI-222-25, and others. The PD-14 engine is a civil turbofan engine project developed by several ODK enterprises. The Yak-130 aircraft uses the AI-222-25 engine series. To date, several engine modifications have been developed as well, including an engine with an afterburner and thrust vector control system. The AL-31FN engine is designed for the Su -27 airplane and related models.

Alexander Korshunov, director of marketing, sales and international industrial cooperation, discussed the enterprises and products of ODK. In his speech he also talked about future areas of cooperation with the UK aerospace industry.

Sergei Pavlinich, deputy general director of ODK, stressed the importance of partnerships between Russia and Britain in high-tech industries.
The British delegation was made up of representatives from companies specializing in high-tech manufacturing components, the design and development of advanced materials, equipment, and production technology. They also made a presentation about their products.

Among the British delegates visiting Salute were Barbara Habberjam, the Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs, Trade, and Investment at the British Embassy, as well as David Scotter, the head of ADS GROUP LTD. They expressed their hope and willingness for further cooperation between Great Britain and Russia in the field of aerospace manufacturing.

The United Engine Corporation (ODK) has a integrated structure that produces engines for military and civil aircraft and also installs various capacities for the production of electricity and thermal energy, gas-compressor and gas turbine units for ships. ODK is part of the state corporation Rostec.

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12 mars 2014 3 12 /03 /mars /2014 20:20
Espionnage : la NSA utilise des logiciels malveillants à une « échelle industrielle »


12.03.2014 Le Monde.fr (AFP)


Selon des documents transmis Edward Snowden, ancien consultant de l'Agence nationale de renseignement américaine (National Security Agency, NSA), l'agence a développé des logiciels malveillants qu'elle utilise massivement.

D'après ces documents, publiés mercredi sur le site du magazine en ligne Intercept par l'ancien journaliste du Guardian Glenn Greenwald, l'agence a implanté dans des millions d'ordinateurs des logiciels malveillants qui lui permettent d'extraire des données de réseaux téléphoniques et Internet à l'étranger.

L'utilisation de ces logiciels, qui concernait à l'origine quelques centaines de cibles dont les communications ne pouvaient pas être surveillées par des moyens traditionnels, a été étendue à une « échelle industrielle », selon les documents publiés par M. Greenwald – les premiers depuis qu'il travaille au sein du groupe de médias First Look Media, lancé par Pierre Omidyar, le fondateur d'eBay.


Lire aussi (édition abonnés) : Comment échapper à l'œil de la NSA ?



Cette collecte automatique de données – en passant par un système nommé Turbine – permet à la NSA de moins utiliser le renseignement humain. Elle est effectuée au siège de l'agence, dans le Maryland, mais aussi au Royaume-Uni et au Japon. Les services de surveillance britanniques (Government Communications Headquarters, GCHQ) semblent avoir joué un rôle important dans ces opérations.

Dans certains cas, la NSA utilise un leurre Facebook pour infecter l'ordinateur de la cible et exfiltrer les dossiers. Le logiciel, qui peut être installé en seulement huit secondes, peut aussi enregistrer des conversations depuis le micro de l'ordinateur ou prendre des photos avec la webcam de la machine. Ce logiciel existe depuis 2004, mais son utilisation à grande échelle semble avoir commencé en 2010.

Un responsable de la NSA interrogé par l'AFP a rappelé que ces opérations étaient conduites « exclusivement à des fins de contre-espionnage ou d'espionnage à l'étranger pour des missions nationales ou ministérielles, et rien d'autre ».


Lire également l'entretien avec Tim Berners-Lee, l'inventeur du World Wide Web :  « Le Web fait de plus en plus partie des droits de l'homme »

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12 mars 2014 3 12 /03 /mars /2014 19:50
£20 million contract for new Royal Navy ships

An Amazonas Class offshore patrol vessel built for the Brazilian Navy [Picture: Copyright BAE Systems]


12 March 2014 Ministry of Defence and Defence Equipment and Support


The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has signed a £20 million contract to buy parts for the Royal Navy's 3 new offshore patrol vessels (OPVs).


It was announced in November last year that MOD would purchase the ships which will be built, subject to approval, by BAE Systems.

Today, 12 March, during a visit to the company’s shipyards on the Clyde in Scotland, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology Philip Dunne announced that MOD has committed £20 million to the programme.

The contract will enable BAE Systems to begin work on parts such as the engines and gearboxes, which require a longer time to make and therefore have to be ordered in advance of the main shipbuilding programme.

The Royal Navy’s OPVs are set to be built later this year by BAE Systems at their Clyde shipyards, which employ approximately 3,000 people.

Computer-generated image of the Royal Navy’s new OPV
Mick Ord, Managing Director at BAE Systems Naval Ships, and Defence Minister Philip Dunne view a computer-generated image of the Royal Navy’s new OPV [Picture: Copyright BAE Systems]

Mr Dunne said:

This £20 million is a significant milestone, critical to the successful delivery of these 3 vessels for the Royal Navy.

The OPVs will not only provide an additional capability for the UK but also, at its peak, the OPV programme will safeguard more than 800 vital skilled roles in the shipbuilding industry.

OPVs can be used to support counter-terrorism, counter-piracy and anti-smuggling operations in the waters around the UK and other UK interests abroad.

Compared to the current River Class ships, the new OPVs will be larger, with more storage and accommodation facilities and a larger flight deck for Merlin helicopters.

The first OPV is expected to be delivered to the Royal Navy in 2017.

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11 mars 2014 2 11 /03 /mars /2014 17:50
MOD announces preferred private sector bidder to join DIO

A Challenger 2 main battle tank crosses Salisbury Plain during an exercise [Picture: UK MoD]


10 March 2014 Ministry of Defence and Defence Infrastructure Organisation


MOD is a step closer to bringing in a strategic business partner to help improve the running of the 230,000-hectare defence estate.



The Ministry of Defence has announced Capita, working in conjunction with URS and PA Consulting, as its preferred bidder in the competitive procurement of a strategic business partner for the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) – the organisation which manages and develops the defence estate.

The 10-year contract, worth around £400 million, will help transform the facilities and services that allow our armed forces to live, work, train and deploy on operations. It also has the potential to deliver substantial savings for the taxpayer, which could reach over £300 million a year during the period of the contract.

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said:

Working with a strategic business partner will bring in private sector expertise to enhance the Defence Infrastructure Organisation and deliver value-for-money and potentially hundreds of millions of pounds of savings for the taxpayer.

This is another step along the way in implementing Lord Levene’s reforms and will allow us to tap into the innovation and expertise of the private sector so that we can deliver the best possible infrastructure and services for our armed forces.

Runway resurfacing at Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose
Runway resurfacing at Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose [Picture: Crown copyright]

The key areas where a strategic business partner will provide the greatest benefit and additional capability include:

  • developing a strategic plan to help identify potential savings and commercial opportunities
  • improving access to market-competitive knowledge and skills
  • better access to private funding for key efficiency improvements
  • improving how change is managed across the Defence Infrastructure Organisation

Capita, URS and PA Consulting have been selected as the preferred bidder after a thorough and robust procurement process. The Defence Infrastructure Organisation will now consult further with trade unions and it is expected the contract will be awarded in spring 2014.

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11 mars 2014 2 11 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
UK and Australian Foreign and Defence Ministers meeting


11 March 2014 Foreign & Commonwealth Office and Ministry of Defence


Foreign and Defence ministers of the UK and Australia meet in London this week for the annual Australia-UK Ministerial (AUKMIN) meeting.


Foreign Secretary William Hague and Defence Secretary Philip Hammond will meet Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister David Johnston to discuss foreign, defence and security policy challenges and opportunities for further joint cooperation.

During the visit, the Foreign Ministers will sign a Joint Statement on Enhanced Diplomatic Network Cooperation, which will enable diplomatic networks to share best practice and develop new initiatives in areas such as consular crisis training, IT and property cooperation. This will provide for efficiencies and cost savings for both countries.

The Ministers will also discuss the UN Security Council agenda, challenges around conflict and crisis response and developments in the Asia Pacific region, with particular focus on areas where UK and Australia can work more closely together or share resources. They will review and reaffirm the importance of intelligence cooperation and will discuss the current situation in Ukraine.

Defence-related discussions will focus on developing interoperability between our respective Armed Forces, building on the close relationship most recently fostered in Afghanistan and Iraq. Another critical element of these talks will be opportunities for collaborating on defence engagement in the Asia Pacific region.

Australia and the UK will ramp up their development cooperation by signing a new Partnership Arrangement, committing to an annual Development Dialogue and intensifying collaboration in shared priority areas, including leveraging the private sector and aid for trade, gender equality and women’s empowerment, and humanitarian response.

Also at the talks, the ministers will formally launch a new dialogue on Asia, involving foreign policy experts from the UK and Australia. Based on a partnership between the British Ditchley Foundation and the Sydney-based think tank, the Lowy Institute for International Policy, the first meeting will take place at Ditchley Park in June. Its aim will be to promote our common interest in a stable and prosperous region.

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11 mars 2014 2 11 /03 /mars /2014 16:55
MBDA missile ‘turning point’ for European defence co-operation


March 11, 2014 By Carola Hoyos, Defence Correspondent – Ft.com


It took three years of negotiations, and a meeting between a president and a prime minister, for Antoine Bouvier finally to begin to run his company like a normal chief executive.


On January 31 at a Royal Air Force base in Oxfordshire, UK Prime Minister David Cameron and French President François Hollande agreed to fund jointly an attack helicopter missile made by MBDA, Europe’s biggest missile maker with a turnover of around €3bn.


Up until now Mr Bouvier has had to put up with the competing demands, secrecy and political U-turns of MBDA’s biggest customers, the governments of France, Britain, Italy and Germany. They have now accepted that, for missile technology, they have to “share it or, lose it”, Mr Bouvier says, detailing changes he will announce to investors on March 19.


Following the January summit, MBDA – owned by pan-European Airbus, BAE Systems of the UK and Italy’s Finmeccanica – can inch closer towards building the missile the way BMW builds a car, or Philips a razor.


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11 mars 2014 2 11 /03 /mars /2014 13:45
Le chef adjoint d’Africom chez le ministre libyen de la Défense



10 Mars 2014 webmanagercenter.com


Le commandant en chef adjoint d’Africom a dernièrement effectué une visite-éclair à Tripoli pour s’entretenir avec le ministre de la Défense, Abdullah al-Thini, en présence de l’ambassadrice Deborah K. Jones et de l’attaché militaire.


L’US Africa Command coordonne, depuis août 2013, les efforts de quatre pays occidentaux (Etats-Unis, Royaume Uni, Canada et Italie), de l’OTAN et des Nations unies en vue de renforcer la sécurité et la stabilité en Libye.

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10 mars 2014 1 10 /03 /mars /2014 16:50
Apprenticeship opportunities at leading defence firm

Armed Forces Minister Mark Francois meets MBDA apprentices [Picture: MBDA]


8 March 2014 Ministry of Defence


Armed Forces Minister Mark Francois has learned about the opportunities available to apprentices at defence equipment company MBDA.


The minister spoke to young trainees as part of a day spent at the missile systems developer and manufacturer’s site in Filton, south Gloucestershire, during a visit coinciding with the conclusion of National Apprenticeship Week.

Mr Francois met apprentices Daniella Di Stazio, Louie Penfold, Anna Schlautmann and Lucinda Jones, all aged between 19 and 21.

The group explained their roles within the firm, which has operations across Europe as well as in the UK, and provided the minister with their first-hand experience of the opportunities that apprenticeships had presented them with.

Mr Francois said:

It is difficult to overstate the importance of apprenticeship schemes and it was fantastic to meet young people who have seized their opportunity with both hands.

National Apprenticeship Week is a good time both to celebrate apprenticeships and highlight once again the positive impact they can have on people and businesses.

After meeting these apprentices I’m confident that the future of defence manufacturing in this company is in safe hands. I wish them every success for the future.

All 4 apprentices are employed either within business or engineering with MBDA.

Daniella Di Stazio, aged 21, is a fourth-year business apprentice based at MBDA’s Stevenage site in Hertfordshire where she works in a supply chain transformation team. She won National Higher Apprentice of the Year 2014 from Semta (the UK Skills Council for Engineering and Manufacturing) in February.

Louie Penfold, aged 19, is a third-year engineering apprentice who works at MBDA’s Henlow facility in Bedfordshire on the final missile assembly line where the integration of warheads and motors takes place prior to customer delivery.

Anna Schlautmann, aged 21, is a third-year logistics apprentice who works on MBDA’s manufacturing workload forecast process ensuring that the company has the necessary resources amongst the teams working on the shop floor on missile assembly. Anna won Apprentice of the Year at the 2013 Manufacturer Awards in December last year.

Lucinda Jones, aged 21, is a second-year engineering apprentice who works in operations at MBDA’s Lostock site in Greater Manchester where she is involved with manufacturing missile components and inert missile assembly.

Daniella said:

Taking part in this apprenticeship scheme has been fantastic for me because I can get paid while gaining experience in permanent employment. It has given my career a great head start in an industry which I find fascinating. I’ve really enjoyed my time at MBDA

It’s also really good to see the Ministry of Defence and the government taking the opportunities presented to young people by apprenticeships seriously.

I really value the opportunity to meet a minister today and talk to him about my career and I hope he found it useful to hear how we have benefited from the scheme.

For people who want to pursue a career in defence, there are no shortage of apprenticeship opportunities.

MBDA offers places each year and is just one of many defence companies offering apprenticeship opportunities for young people starting out on the career ladder.

In addition, the Ministry of Defence, Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force combined are the biggest providers of apprenticeships in the UK.

Army schemes alone have an annual value of £27 million and at any one time there are more than 15,000 soldiers enrolled on an apprenticeship.

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10 mars 2014 1 10 /03 /mars /2014 13:50
Entraînement royal

Un sapeur parachutiste fait une pause après une marche d'exfiltration épuisante d'une dizaine de kilomètres. Il est équipé de l'appareil normal de protection à vision panoramique (ANPVP) et de la tenue nucléaire biologique chimique. Crédits : CCH J.Bardenet/SIRPA Terre



10/03/2014 Armée de Terre


Eagles Build : zoom sur l'exercice franco-britannique. Des images axées sur l’appui génie au profit de la 16 air assault brigade et comportant d'importantes phases de combat de l'infanterie. Les sapeurs parachutistes ont pu travailler leurs fondamentaux dans une ambiance très réaliste et rustique.

Album facebook Entraînement royal

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10 mars 2014 1 10 /03 /mars /2014 07:50
La Norvège reçoit ses premiers CV90 modernisés



3 mars, 2014 Guillaume Belan (FOB)


Hagglunds (groupe BAE Systems) a livré le 25 février dernier les deux premiers véhicules de combat d’infanterie chenillés CV90 modernisés à l’armée norvégienne.


Ces véhicules de présérie vont débuter une campagne d’essais pour d’ultimes ajustements, avant que la production ne débute en janvier 2015.


Au total, la Norvège va moderniser 144 de ces véhicules, qui doivent être livré d’ici 2018.


Les améliorations concernent la protection, l’ajout d’une vétronique, des caméras pour une vision extérieure à 360° pour les quatre soldats d’équipage.


Les 144 véhicules modernisés sont répartis en différentes configurations : reconnaissance avec un mât optronique, version PC, version sapeurs, et deux véhicules d’instruction et d’entraînement.


Le chenillé CV90 est équipé d’une tourelle modernisé deux hommes avec un canon de  30 mm ATK et d’une 7.62 mm coaxial.


Cette nouvelle tourelle est montée d’une étonnante et imposante excroissance à l’avant qui n’est autre qu’un toureleau téléopéré Kongsberg RWS 0.50 Cal. M2 HB MG.


Fort de ce succès avec l’armée de terre norvégienne, BAE Hagglunds espère aussi moderniser les parcs de CV90 en service en Suède ou au Danemark.

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7 mars 2014 5 07 /03 /mars /2014 13:50
HMS Vanguard - photo Royal Navy

HMS Vanguard - photo Royal Navy



6 March 2014 Ministry of Defence and Defence Equipment and Support


The nuclear reactor in HMS Vanguard is to be refuelled, the Defence Secretary has announced.



In an oral statement to the House of Commons, the Defence Secretary, Philip Hammond, has announced his decision to refuel the nuclear reactor in HMS Vanguard during its planned deep maintenance period which begins in 2015.

The decision comes after low levels of radioactivity were detected in a prototype core that has been running at the Naval Reactor Test Establishment at Dounreay in Scotland since 2002.

The purpose of the prototype is to help assess how the reactor cores within submarines will perform over time. It has therefore been run for significantly longer periods and at a significantly higher intensity than those cores of the same type in submarines to allow MOD to identify early any age- or use-related issues that may arise later in the lives of the operational reactor cores.

Radiation exposure for workers and discharges from the site have remained well inside the strictly prescribed limits set by the regulators. Workers therefore remain safe and the local community is not at risk.

Indeed, against the International Atomic Energy Agency’s measurement scale for nuclear-related events this issue has been classed as ‘Level 0’, described as ‘below scale – no safety significance’. The Naval Reactor Test Establishment is, and remains, a very safe and low-risk site.

The refuelling of HMS Vanguard will enable her to operate successfully and safely in the future.

During his statement, Philip Hammond said:

The safety of the UK’s naval nuclear reactor at the test establishment at Dounreay and on our submarines is of critical importance to us, as is the maintenance of continuous at-sea deterrence. That is why I have taken the decision to apply the precautionary principle, even though there is no evidence at this stage that the problem detected with the test reactor is likely to present in the operational reactors.

The refuelling will increase our confidence that Vanguard will be able to operate effectively and safely until the planned fleet of Successor submarines begins to be delivered from 2028.

The refuelling will be conducted within the currently planned dry dock maintenance period for Vanguard, which starts in late 2015 and will last for around 3-and-a-half years, and is therefore expected to have no impact on deterrent operations. The additional cost of refuelling Vanguard is estimated to be around £120 million over the next 6 years.

These low levels of radioactivity are a normal product of a nuclear reaction that takes place within the fuel, but they would not normally enter the cooling water. This water is contained within the sealed reactor circuit, and there has been no detectable radiation leak from that sealed circuit.

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6 mars 2014 4 06 /03 /mars /2014 08:50
photo Richard Seymour

photo Richard Seymour


Wed, 05/03/2014 Thales


Watchkeeper, the unmanned aircraft system (UAS) developed by Thales for the British Army, has been given a Release To Service by the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD).


Watchkeeper is the first UAS to be awarded a full Release To Service (RTS), and is the only UAS of its type allowed to fly in UK airspace. The RTS follows rigorous safety and airworthiness reviews to ensure the system can be operated safely by the British Army.  It will support British Army operations by allowing training on the system in the UK.


Watchkeeper is a high-performance, multi-sensor, all-weather UAS that can remain airborne for more than 16 hours in a single mission. The tactical UAS will be deployed by the British Army for life-saving surveillance and intelligence capabilities in support of military operations and is unarmed.


Crucially, Watchkeeper is certified to the same safety standard as manned aircraft.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:50
Army cleared to fly next-generation eye-in-the-sky

Army personnel operating the Watchkeeper unmanned aerial system [Picture: Crown copyright]


5 March 2014 Ministry of Defence and Defence Equipment and Support


Watchkeeper, the Army's next-generation unmanned aerial system, has been cleared to begin military flight training with the Royal Artillery.


Approval has been given for the Army’s own pilots to begin live-flying the unarmed Watchkeeper from Boscombe Down in Wiltshire; up until now it has been only been trialled by industry.

Gathering crucial information from the battlefield, Watchkeeper will provide UK troops with life-saving surveillance, reconnaissance and intelligence. It will also give personnel on the ground much greater situational awareness, helping to reduce threats.

Over the coming weeks, highly skilled 1st Artillery Brigade pilots will be trained to fly Watchkeeper in a restricted airspace over the Salisbury Plain Training Area. The flights, which will take place between 8,000 and 16,000 feet, will be overseen by military air traffic controllers.

Watchkeeper unmanned aerial system
The British Army's Watchkeeper unmanned aerial system in flight over the UK during testing (library image) [Picture: Richard Seymour, Thales UK]

Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology Philip Dunne said:

Watchkeeper will provide real-time information for troops conducting operations on the ground, allowing them to understand better and thereby overcome threats they may face. The ‘release to service’ is a major milestone in this important programme.

Watchkeeper is the first unmanned aerial system developed and built in the UK to become operational. Watchkeeper will be a significant surveillance and reconnaissance capability for the Army for years to come and there is no doubt that it will prove to be a battle-winning technology.

Since its first UK flight in 2010 by Thales UK, Watchkeeper, which has a wingspan of 35 feet, has already completed over 600 flying hours from West Wales Airport.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 13:50
Thales Watchkeeper photo Richard Seymour

Thales Watchkeeper photo Richard Seymour



5 mars, 2014 Guillaume Belan (FOB)


Enfin! Attendu depuis longtemps, le ministère britannique de la Défense (MoD) et l’Autorité de l’aviation militaire (MAA) du Royaume-Uni viennent finalement d’autoriser la mise en service du Watchkeeper de Thales pour l’armée britannique.


« Premier drone à obtenir une autorisation de mise en service, Watchkeeper est également le seul de sa catégorie à avoir la permission de voler dans l’espace aérien britannique. Il remplit les critères de sécurité et de navigabilité très stricts du MoD requis pour l’exploitation du système par l’armée britannique. Il appuiera les opérations militaires du Royaume-Uni à l’étranger, en étant habilité à effectuer des vols d’entraînement dans l’espace aérien britannique, » indique le communiqué de Thales.

Avec une autonomie de 16 heures, multi-capteurs tout-temps mais non-armé, le drone tactique Watchkeeper pourra dorénavant être déployé par l’armée britannique. Le Watchkeeper achève donc sa phase d’essais et d’évaluation menée depuis le centre d’essais de Parc Aberporth, à l’ouest du Pays de Galles. Il va entamer sa phase d’entraînement au vol, destinée cette fois aux opérateurs de l’armée britannique à Boscombe Down (Wiltshire).


Rappelons enfin, que le Watchkeeper intéresse l’armée de terre, qui aurait lié une commande française à un contrat VBCI pour l’armée de terre anglaise.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 08:50
HMS Tireless steams past Type 23 frigate HMS Westminster during an exercise

Photo by UK MoD

Trafalgar Class nuclear submarine HMS Tireless steams past Type 23 frigate HMS Westminster during an exercise, as seen from Westminster's Lynx helicopter. [Picture: Leading Airman (Photographer) Dan Rosenbaum, Crown copyright]

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4 mars 2014 2 04 /03 /mars /2014 20:40
Ukraine: toutes les options restent sur la table pour sanctionner la Russie


04 mars 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


LONDRES - Londres a affirmé mardi que toutes les options restaient ouvertes pour répondre à l'intervention russe en Ukraine après la publication d'un extrait d'un document officiel laissant entendre que la diplomatie britannique ne soutiendrait pas des sanctions commerciales.


Le ministre des Affaires étrangères William Hague a déclaré mardi devant la chambre des Communes que toutes les options restaient sur la table aussi bien diplomatiques qu'économiques pour trouver une issue à la crise ukrainienne.


Cependant, le Royaume-Uni ne fera pas d'annonce avant la réunion jeudi des responsables européens, a-t-il ajouté.


Le chef de la diplomatie britannique a jugé absolument regrettable qu'un document tenu par un conseiller de David Cameron ait pu être photographié au téléobjectif. Cela n'aurait pas dû se produire, a-t-il dit devant la chambre basse du Parlement.


Cependant, il a précisé que ce qui est écrit dans un document entre les mains d'un responsable officiel ne constitue pas nécessairement un exposé des décisions que prendra le gouvernement de Sa Majesté.


Le Royaume-Uni ne devrait pas soutenir, pour l'instant, des sanctions commerciales (...) ou fermer aux Russes le centre financier de Londres, peut-on lire sur ce document publié par la BBC et plusieurs journaux.


De nombreuses sociétés russes ont choisi d'être cotées en bourse de Londres, alors que de nombreux oligarques russes possèdent de somptueuses demeures dans la capitale britannique.


Selon la presse, le document en question suggère que le Royaume-Uni n'appuierait pas de préparatifs militaires de l'Otan, et que l'ONU, et non pas l'Union européenne, devrait être en première ligne pour tenter de résoudre politiquement la crise en Ukraine.


A l'inverse, le gouvernement envisage une approche plus prudente incluant des restrictions de visas qui viseraient des personnalités russes, selon le Daily Telegraph.


Le chef de la diplomatie a noté que les réactions des marchés financiers montraient qu'il y a économiquement des risques importants pour la Russie, en pénétrant en Crimée.


Sur le gel d'avoirs individuels, il a mis en garde sur le fait qu'il fallait être bien sûrs de notre cas pour appliquer des sanctions à des personnes.


La veille, lors d'une visite à Kiev, William Hague avait mis en garde la Russie contre les conséquences et le coût d'une intervention en Ukraine, sans donner plus de détails.


Le Premier ministre britannique, David Cameron, avait, lui, souhaité une désescalade faute de quoi Moscou s'exposerait à des pressions diplomatiques, politiques, économiques et autres.

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3 mars 2014 1 03 /03 /mars /2014 18:45
Des soldats britanniques au Centre d’aguerrissement outre-mer et étranger (CAOME) de Libreville



27/02/2014 Armée de Terre


Le commando 40 des Royal Marines a suivi, en février 2014, un stage d’aguerrissement en milieu équatorial au Gabon. Après 3 semaines d’entraînement, les Britanniques ont pu mettre en pratique leurs acquis lors du raid final


Le jour n’est pas encore levé sur le camp des rebelles, dans la forêt d’un pays instable. Celui-ci a fait appel à l’aide internationale pour rétablir la sécurité et l’état de droit. Autour du feu, quelques hommes dorment encore. Un bruit de branche qui craque attire l’attention d’un garde. Les échanges de feux sont immédiats. Encerclés, les quelques personnes qui vivaient là ne font bientôt plus le poids face à leurs adversaires. Le 40e commando vient de s’emparer de la position et de neutraliser l’ennemi. La première phase de la mission est accomplie.


Évoluer sans se faire entendre, se repérer, vivre et combattre dans un milieu humide et hostile, élaborer un schéma tactique pour prendre une position : autant de savoir-faire que les soldats anglais ont pu perfectionner à cette occasion.


Pour le lieutenant Greenway, chef de section, le stage fut « brilliant *». Ses hommes ne le contredisent pas. Tous ont gardé le sourire aux lèvres durant le raid final.



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3 mars 2014 1 03 /03 /mars /2014 18:35
Rolls Royce-HAL Dealings Under Probe

India is investigating fraud allegations related to the acquisition of engines for the Hawk advanced jet trainer. (BAE Systems)


Mar. 3, 2014 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI – Defense News


NEW DELHI — India’s anti-fraud agency, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), has begun a probe into alleged corruption charges against UK-based Rolls Royce in the supply of engines to state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) to power the Hawk advanced jet trainer aircraft.


The overhaul and license production of Hawk trainers at HAL facilities is unlikely to be affected, said a HAL source.


India contracted the purchase of 66 Hawk trainers from BAE Systems in 2003 for US $1.2 billion and 57 Hawk trainers in 2010 for $780 million.


The probe was ordered by the Ministry of Defense March 2 on the recommendations of the Chief Vigilance Officer of HAL, who had received an anonymous letter in December indicating payment of bribes by Rolls Royce to unknown HAL personnel to win the order to supply Adour engines for the Hawk trainer aircraft, a HAL source said.


While no MoD official would publicly comment on the CBI probe, an MoD source said the investigations are only preliminary and that no decision against Rolls Royce nor HAL’s license production of Hawk is currently contemplated.


Rolls Royce executives in New Delhi were unavailable for comment; neither would an official of HAL comment on the matter.


An Indian Air Force official said they are satisfied with the Hawk trainer and would not comment on the CBI probe.


MoD has blacklisted seven foreign defense companies on charges of alleged corruption related to other procurements. Most recently, CBI has investigated the sale of 12 VVIP helicopters by Anglo-Italian company AgustaWestland.


Senior officers of the Indian Defense Services have expressed concerns that such blacklisting of overseas companies delays purchase of essential weapons.


“The ruling United Progressive Alliance [UPA] government has been calling in CBI detectives on even an anonymous complaint, the purpose of which is only to tell the public that the UPA government is against corruption,” said Nitin Mehta, defense analyst here.

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3 mars 2014 1 03 /03 /mars /2014 08:50
A400M Release to Service


March 2, 2014 by Think Defence


The A400M is approaching its release to service date for the RAF, a few years away but things are slotting into place.


The MoD have recently advertised a contract opportunity for the;

Provision of Release to Service (RTS) A400M- Delta Capability

All A400M’s start off at a common base standard and then nation specific modifications and additions are applied. The word Delta is significant in this context, the difference between the two.

Provision of Aircraft Test, Evaluation and Acceptance services for the A400M Atlas Project Team to develop certification, qualification and Release to Service of the UK capability requirement additional to the A400M common standard aircraft.

The requirement is for the production of the additional evidence to expand the contents of the A400M Release to Service (RTS) and update associated documentation to cover UK specific operation of the aircraft, cargo and loads.
Examples of Sub tasks potentially required as part of the service include but are not limited to:

Application of an appropriate Test and Evaluation Process;

Collation of theoretical, analytical and trials evidence in a format suitable for submission to the RTS Authority;

Definition of test packages that will best exploit limited aircraft availability;

Production of Ground and/or Flight Test Proposals;

Production of Ground and/or Flight Trials Instructions;

Analysis of associated risks and production of Safety Assessment Reports to support Ground and/or Flight Trials;

Conduct of Ground and/or Flight Trials;

Reporting of Ground and/or Flight Trials;

Provision of information in a suitable format to update the Aircrew Manual, Flight Reference Cards and Operational Data Manual;

Production of structured arguments based on review and analysis of existing information to justify submissions to the RTS, Safety Case and other documentation.

The estimated cost for this is £30m to £50m

Let me say that again, £30m to £50m

This is for a factory fresh aircraft, an aircraft in which the UK is a development partner and this activity will be repeated by the other customers no doubt.

I never cease to be amazed at the cost of this type of activity and in this case, the obvious fact that the MoD cannot perform the task itself.

There has been talk of harmonising military aircraft release to service procedures across Europe but nothing  seems to have much happened.

The UK seems to be pricing itself out of generating military capability.

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1 mars 2014 6 01 /03 /mars /2014 17:45
Corymbe : exercice NEMO dans le Golfe de Guinée


28/02/2014 Sources : EMA


Du 20 au 22 février 2014, l’aviso Commandant Birot, engagé dans la 123e mission Corymbe, a conduit l'exercice « NEMO 14.1 » (Navy’s exercise for maritime operations) dans le Golfe de Guinée. Cet entraînement multinational a réuni les forces navales de la France, de la Grande Bretagne, du Ghana, du Togo, du Bénin et du Nigeria.


En particulier, ont participé à cette édition la frégate britannique HMS Portland, le patrouilleur ghanéen Garinga, le centre de commandement des opérations de Lomé et les vedettes de la marine et de la gendarmerie du Togo, le centre de commandement des opérations de Cotonou au Bénin, ainsi que le patrouilleur nigérian Burutu.

Cet entrainement vise à stimuler les échanges et les procédures nécessaires à la sécurisation du Golfe de Guinée, en particulier en cas d’actes de brigandage.

En jouant le rôle d'un bâtiment suspect, le Commandant Birot a tenté de tromper la vigilance des moyens de surveillance maritime. Les centres de commandement ont ainsi été appelés à partager leur situation tactique, et à dépêcher des moyens d'action et d'interception.

Durant les trois jours, deux officiers nigérians ont intégré la direction de l'exercice à bord de l'aviso Commandant Birot.

L’exercice NEMO était adossé à l’initiative française du Fond de Solidarité Prioritaire d’Appui au renforcement du système de SECurité MARitime (« FSP ASECMAR »). Mise en œuvre au profit de six Etats de la zone (Togo, Bénin, Ghana, Nigéria, Côte d’Ivoire et Guinée Conakry), ASECMAR soutient principalement la formation et la préparation des marines riveraines du golfe de Guinée dans le domaine de l’action de l’Etat en mer (AEM).

Corymbe est une mission de présence quasi permanente des forces armées françaises dans le golfe de Guinée, en place depuis 1990. Le dispositif est armé par un bâtiment de la Marine nationale qui peut être renforcé par des moyens terrestres et aéromobiles embarqués. Dans le cadre de cette mission, les militaires français sont en mesure de soutenir les opérations en cours dans la région ; de contribuer à d’éventuelles missions d’aide aux populations, de sécurisation ou d’évacuation de ressortissants; de réaliser des missions de coopération bilatérale avec les pays de la région, visant en particulier à soutenir la montée en puissance des marines africaines de la zone.

Corymbe : exercice NEMO dans le Golfe de GuinéeCorymbe : exercice NEMO dans le Golfe de GuinéeCorymbe : exercice NEMO dans le Golfe de Guinée
Corymbe : exercice NEMO dans le Golfe de Guinée
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25 février 2014 2 25 /02 /février /2014 18:50
BAE Systems Applied Intelligence reveals that majority of UK companies now view cyber threat as a top 3 business risk



25 February 2014 baesystems.com


90% of British businesses surveyed expect the number of cyber attacks to increase. Majority of major companies surveyed are increasing cyber security spend after recent attacks. 67% of UK respondents said organised groups of fraudsters now presented greatest cyber threat


New research released by BAE Systems Applied Intelligence today reveals that the majority of UK businesses (57%) now regard the threat from cyber attacks as one of their top three business risks. The research mirrors the recent warning from the World Economic Forum, which included cyber attacks in its 5 biggest threats facing the world in 2014.(1) In the most recent research, conducted earlier this month, the majority of international respondents (58%) said that recent high profile cyber attacks on international businesses, including banks and retailers such as Target, have led to their organisation increasing its budget for cyber security.

The latest research comes as BAE Systems Applied Intelligence releases a new report, “Business and the Cyber Threat: The Rise of Digital Criminality”, based on a broader international survey (2) which details business concerns and opinion around the cyber threat. It comes in the wake of a series of high profile attacks, where criminals have used highly sophisticated cyber techniques to conduct financial crime on a massive scale. It was immediately striking that organised fraudsters capable of carrying out increasingly sophisticated attacks are viewed by 67% of respondents in the UK (and 55% overall) as being the chief threat. This suggests that predictions that cyber-enabled fraud will become the new frontline in the war against digital criminality are rapidly becoming a reality.

Faced with these challenges it was alarming to note that a significant proportion of respondents internationally (30%) have concerns about their Board’s grasp of the risk posed by targeted cyber attacks. In the UK, however, confidence in Boards’ grasp of the issue was much greater – with 65% of UK respondents believing their Board fully appreciates the business risk presented by cyber attack.

Interestingly, the research showed that businesses’ awareness of the scale and size of the cyber threat appears to be growing, and the majority of respondents are confident that their organisations are well equipped to prevent targeted attacks, with 70% of UK companies possessing crisis plans in the event of a cyber attack. However, the research also found that a large majority of businesses (90% in the UK and 84% overall) expect the number of cyber attacks to increase over the next two years.

Martin Sutherland, Managing Director, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence, said:

“What this research clearly demonstrates is that whilst businesses are increasingly aware of the threat presented by digital criminality, the ever-evolving threat landscape means that there is a real need for continued agility in dealing with these threats. Digital crime as a whole - a dangerous combination of organised groups of criminals using cyber techniques to carry out financial crime on an industrialised scale - is a major concern, particularly since the most recent wave of high-profile attacks.

“We’re starting to see genuine interest from British businesses who realise that the threat of digital criminality is something that affects their whole business and is not just an IT issue.  As the number of avenues open to criminals in a hyper-connected world increases, it is more essential than ever that organisations think carefully about the actions they need to take to protect themselves and their customers as effectively as possible.” 

Further key UK findings include:

  • Cost: In the UK, 40% of respondents estimated a successful cyber attack would cost their organisation more than £50 million, a further 10% of UK respondents said the cost would be more than £10 million.

  • Concern: when asked what they would be most concerned about in the event of a successful attack, the most common responses was loss of customer data (60% of respondents internationally), theft of intellectual property (43%) and reputational damage (35%).

  • Convergence: Organised groups of fraudsters were identified by respondents internationally as the most likely group to mount targeted cyber attacks. Of those respondents who had encountered cyber-enabled fraud, 77% of UK respondents expect cyber to play a greater role in financial fraud.

  • Crisis Plans: 30% of UK organisations surveyed did not have, or were unaware of, crisis plans in the event of a cyber attack on their company. Of those respondents who did have crisis plans, 60% of UK respondents thought their companies’ plans were well publicised.

  • Change: Majority of respondents internationally think that new business practices such as greater use of Mobile Technologies (71% of respondents) and Critical Operating Systems (69%) represent a significant cyber risk to their organisation.

The full report can be found at: http://www.baesystems.com/ai/cyberthreat

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23 février 2014 7 23 /02 /février /2014 12:50
Les paras ouvrent l’oeil


21/02/2014 ASP M. FOUQUET


Partage de savoir-faire sur le thème du renseignement : tel était l’objectif de l’exercice EAGLE EYES, qui s’est tenu du 3 au 16 février en Corse.


Les légionnaires du 2e régiment étranger de parachutistes (2eREP) ont accueilli leur homologues de la 16 air assault brigade britannique (16 AAB). Durant cet exercice, les paras anglais avaient pour mission de guider, jalonner et renseigner la 4e compagnie du 2e REP, pendant sa progression jusqu’à l’objectif qu’elle était chargée de détruire.

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20 février 2014 4 20 /02 /février /2014 11:50
 A400M Atlas – A 'Spotters' Guide

by Royal Air Force


The next generation of Tactical Air Transport capability for the RAF is the Airbus A400M 'Atlas'.


The A400M Atlas isn’t a C-17 and (although the visuals are closer) nor is it C-130 - but then it isn’t supposed to be! Atlas is designed and scheduled to replace the C-130J in the tactical air transport and special forces’ support roles and to complement Voyager and C-17 in providing air mobility to the Future Forces.


With the future forces likely to be reliant on bulky, heavy protected mobility vehicles and humanitarian operations looking to deliver relief more quickly to more remote or desolate regions, the Atlas requirement was: ‘to deliver what youcan’t get into a Hercules into landing zones that a C-17 can’t get into’.


Delving into a little technical detail, this article is a gallop through some of key design areas that are needed to meet the challenge


The Business End. As with all air mobility aircraft, one of the most important features of A400M Atlas is the cargo bay. The A400M is capable of carrying up to 37 tonnes of payload with the cargo hold dimensions optimised for carriage of heavy vehicles, helicopters or cargo pallets along the central cargo area and troops seated at either side. For combat operations, Atlas can carry protected vehicles with side armour and top-mounted guns fitted allowing a deploying force to arrive ready to fight. In the humanitarian role, it can deploy a mobile crane or an excavator and large dump truck for clearing earthquake sites.

A400M Atlas Cargo Bay



Treading Softly. Each Atlas main landing gear unit consists of three independent struts with twin wheel and brake assemblies and is designed to operate in rugged terrain and to evenly distribute ground loads into the fuselage structure. Braking is provided through 12 multi-disc carbon brakes units which are at the heart of the aircraft’s impressive short-field performance.

A400M Atlas Undercarriage


A Level Playing Field? Atlas will often find itself operating from austere or unprepared surfaces and with rudimentary loading vehicles. In these circumstances, the air loadmaster, can manipulate the landing gear to make the aircraft ‘kneel’ and ‘roll’ in order to make load transfers easier and faster. Symmetrical kneeling of the main landing gear legs is used to adjust the height and longitudinal inclination of the cargo hold floor. Asymmetrical rolling can be used to compensate for differences in shock absorber compression, or when the aircraftis parked on uneven ground.


On British Wings. The wings for all 174 Atlas aircraft will be made in Filton near Bristol and benefit from the UK’s position as a global leader in wing design and technology. Advanced 3D computational fluid dynamics has been used to optimise the wing shape, resulting in a low drag design which permits a high cruise speed of Mach 0.72, without compromising low speed performance and handling. But it is not just the shape of the wing which is ‘special’. The wing forms part of about 30% of the Atlas structure which is made of composite materials. This includes the wings’ 19m (62ft) skin panels which are the largest ever produced and, for the first time in history, a main spar which is made from composites. The extensive use of composite material enables Atlas to be much lighter and enhances the aircraft’s performance both in terms of range and payload.


The Driving Force. One of the key elements of the Atlas’s versatility is its all-new, specifically designed three-shaft turboprop engine with iconic scimitar-shaped, eight-bladed propellers. At 11,000 shp, the ‘TP400’ is the most powerful turboprop in production. It allows a wide range of speeds and flight levels and offers extremely efficient fuel consumption. Four of these turboprops allow Atlas to operate at altitudes as high as 37,000 ft at speeds up to Mach 0.72. At the other end of the ‘envelope’, the A400M can safely operate at 110 kt at low level to drop equipment and supplies.

A400M Atlas Powertrain


Down Between the Engines? One of the most notable differences between Atlas and other turboprop aircraft is that the two propellers on each wing turn in opposite directions (towards each other). This ‘Down Between the Engines’ counter-rotation produces a more symmetrical airflow over the wing, which improves lift, aircraft handling and stability. As well as allowing a reduction in the structural weight of the wing, the arrangement reduces the adverse yaw in case of an engine failure and gives a 4% increase in the lift at low speed and reduces the level of vibrations and therefore the noise inside the aircraft.

Down between the engines



A Fully-Loaded Flight Deck! The Atlas cockpit comes fully loaded with pilot’s ‘toys’. It features Head-up-Dispays(HUD) which provide the pilots with all primary flight information together with eight large interchangeable LCD head-down displays. There is also an Enhanced Vision System (EVS) based on Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) technology which, in low visibility conditions can project an image of the environment in front of the aircraft onto the HUD.

A400M Atlas Flight Deck


RP Defense note : thank you to Think Defence for the information !!

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19 février 2014 3 19 /02 /février /2014 12:50
Blindés contre drones : le donnant-donnant de Paris vis-à-vis de Londres


18/02 Par Alain Ruello - LesEchos.fr


La France achètera des Watchkeeper si le Royaume-Uni achète des VBCI


Le sujet est passé inaperçu, mais c'est un véritable donnant-donnant qui se joue sur un des volet importants du traité franco-britannique de défense de Lancaster House : celui des drones tactiques pour l’armée de terre. Fin 2010, quand le traité a été conclu, Paris a accepté de tester, en vue d’une possible acquisition de gré à gré, le système anglo-israélien Watchkeeper développé par Thales UK notamment. Le projet est toujours d’actualité, la loi de programmation prévoyant l’achat d’une quinzaine d’exemplaires. Mais s’il aboutit, ce ne sera pas sans contrepartie, à savoir l’achat par Londres du blindé d’infanterie VBCI fabriqué par le tandem Nexter-Renault Trucks Defense.

C’est que Jean-Yves Le Drian, le ministre français de la Défense, a visiblement estimé que la balance de Lancaster House n’était pas équilibrée. Du moins pour ce qui concerne les programmes d’armement. La France a accepté de mettre 400 millions dans un futur missile pour hélicoptère à la demande Britannique, bien que son besoin ne soit pas aussi flagrant. Pour le projet de drone de combat furtif destiné à préparer l’après Rafale et Eurofighter, il a fallu batailler ferme pour que Londres accepte d’aller un cran plus loin vers un démontrateur.

De façon très diplomatique, Jean-Yves Le Drian a donc mis le marché sur la table vis à vis de son homologue Philip Hammond, lors du dernier sommet franco-britannique. Ce mardi, lors d'un point de presse, Laurent Collet-Billon, le Délégué général pour l’armement, l’a confirmé en expliquant que c’était le ministre de la Défense qui avait décidé «  d’explorer une voie qui consiste à mettre en place tout ce qui permettrait l’acquisition du Watchkeeper et en regard de ça tout ce qui permettrait l’acquisition du VBCI par les Britanniques. »

L’armée Britannique va donc entamer les tests du blindé français . Et après, on verra, comme le dit le DGA. Car Outre Manche, l’appel d’offres ouvert constitue la norme en matière d’achat d’armement. Si Londres devait mettre le VBCI en compétition, Paris ne se privera pas de faire de même pour le Watchkeeper. Sagem qui ne désespère pas de placer son Patroller, peut garder espoir.


La DGA va perdre des effectifs

Comme toutes les entités du ministère de la Défense, la DGA va devoir payer son tribut aux 34.000 suppressions de postes prévues par la loi de programmation 2014-2019. La rumeur évoque le chiffre de 950 postes en moins, soit la moitié des départs en retraite ou encore 10 % des effectifs actuels , même si Laurent Collet-Billon assure que Jean-Yves Le Drian n’a pas tranché. « Tous les départs en retraite ne seront pas remplacés », a-t-il néanmoins convenu. La DGA étudie donc de près les compétences à garder absolument, sachant que de forts recrutement sont prévus en cyber-défense.

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