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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 11:30
Israël: le système de défense anti-mortier prêt d'ici 2 ans


11.08.2014 i24news.tv


"Faisceau de fer", développé pour intercepter les projectiles de faible portée, est en cours de finalisation


Le système de défense anti-mortier d'Israël sera prêt "d’ici un an ou deux", a indiqué lundi le directeur de l’entreprise israélienne qui a développé "Dôme de fer", ajoutant que les développeurs ont besoin de plus de sponsors pour terminer le projet coûteux.


Baptisé "Faisceau de fer", le système antimissile utilise des rayons laser pour intercepter les projectiles ennemis dont dont l’impact est immédiat et que le Dôme de fer ne parvient pas à éliminer.


Tout comme "Dôme de fer", le nouveau système est développé par l’entreprise israélienne Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd avec un soutien financier important du gouvernement américain.


Interrogé par le Jerusalem Post, Yedidia Yaari, à la tête de l’entreprise a indiqué: "Il existe une réponse aux mortiers et il s’agit du laser".


"Nous travaillons déjà sur un modèle qui frappe les missiles en vol avec un taux très élevé de réussite, mais nous avons besoin d'argent pour le développement", a-t-il ajouté.


Selon les estimations de l'armée israélienne, "Dôme de Fer" a intercepté 86% des roquettes tirées depuis Gaza durant l’Opération Bordure protectrice.


Par ailleurs, le ministère de la Défense a remis lundi au Trésor le bilan des dépenses engagées pour l’Opération, dont le coût s’élève à 18 milliards de shekels, soit 5,2 milliards de dollars.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:50
Série 2600F Camloc sur drone hélicoptère Airbus

Série 2600F Camloc sur drone hélicoptère Airbus

August 11, 2014 by Anemo

Ayant des clients dans le domaine militaire/défense dans le monde entier, Anemo a visité le salon Eurosatory 2014 à Paris-Villepinte.


Au milieu des exposants, nous avons pu rencontrer nos clients présent au salon comme NSE , RENK , FN HERSTAL, JANKEL , NSPA et AIRBUS DEFENCE & SPACE.

Au stand Airbus nous avons eu la chance de voir nos fixations quarts de tour Camloc fournient cette année sur leur prototype drône hélicopter “TANAN”. Il s’agit de la série 2600 tête fendue en inox. Voir photo ci-dessous.

Série 2600F Camloc sur drône Hélicopter Airbus

Série 2600F Camloc sur drone hélicoptère Airbus


Le secteur militaire défense utilise plus que l’on ne le croit les fixation rapide que vous retroouver chez Anemo. Veuillez retrouver ci-dessous quelques exemples :

Broche de verrouillage tenant les sièges d'helicoptères militaires

Broche de verrouillage tenant les sièges d’helicoptères militaires

Rondelle ressort 2700-ES montée sur hélicoptère militaire

Rondelle ressort 2700-ES montée sur hélicoptère militaire

Saving Time Latches - Fermeture caisse de camion militaire

Saving Time Latches – Fermeture caisse de camion militaire


Grenouillère Spécial Trucks - V174L

Grenouillère Spécial Trucks – V174L


Vous pouvez constater qu’Anemo est présent dans le secteur militaire. Si vous êtes un utilisateurs de ce genre d’engin ou si un fabricant du secteur militaire défense, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter via info@anemo.eu pour avoir plus d’information.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:50
La C.A du 1 REG à l'assaut de l'Espagne


24-07-2014 source 1e REG - Réf : 386 | 444


Pendant une semaine, du 7 au 14 juin 2014 la Compagnie d'appui du 1 REG est partie en Espagne pour réaliser une exercice de grande ampleur en contre déminage.


« Interdict » un exercice OTAN de grande ampleur.


L’Exercice « Interdict », n’est pas seulement un exercice de contre-IED bilatéral Franco-Espagnol. Sur le camp étaient présent un multitude de nationalités. Espagnols, Français, mais aussi, Américains, Polonais, Emirats Arabes Unis, etc.

Qu’ils soient organisateurs, acteurs ou simplement observateurs, chacun est venu dans l’espoir de pouvoir échanger sur les différentes techniques de déminage, d’ouvertures d’itinéraires et de gestion des incidents etc. L’exercice devait être le plus réaliste possible, c’est ainsi que sur la base d’un Retex[1] les organisateurs Espagnols avaient calqué la carte du Mali sur celle de leurs pays.


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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:45
Des Alpins du 13 au DLEM


10-08-2014 DLEM - Réf : 110 | 84


En cette fin juillet, la 1° compagnie du 13ème Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins (BCA) est devenue la 1° compagnie du Détachement de Légion Etrangère de Mayotte. Surnommés Les Loups, ces Chasseurs vont s’approprier les missions du DLEM et découvrir les spécificités de Mayotte pendant 4 mois.


Dès leur arrivée sur l’île, l’exercice LANDRA leur a permis de montrer leurs capacités et leurs savoir-faire. Evaluées dans plusieurs domaines notamment le tir, le secourisme au combat et la protection contre la foule, les sections ont reçu pour mission la défense d’un point d’intérêt vital de l’île.


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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:40
Following Sanctions, Russia Turns to China for Defense and Aerospace Equipment


August 12, 2014 By Ankit Panda – The Diplomat


Given increasing Western sanctions, Moscow turns to Beijing for its defense and aerospace needs.


Facing sanctions from the West for its actions in Ukraine earlier this year, including the annexation of Crimea and supporting Ukrainian separatists, Russia will increasingly turn to China for its military and aerospace components. According to RIA Novosti report citing a Russian-language report by Izvestia, “Russian aerospace and military-industrial enterprises will purchase electronic components worth several billion dollars from China.” The information is based on a source “close to Roscosmos, Russia’s Federal Space Agency.”

According to the Roscomos source: “[Russia does] work with the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) … Its institutions have already offered us a few dozen items, representing a direct alternative to, or slight modifications of the elements [Russia] will no longer be able to acquire because of the sanctions introduced by the United States.” Currently, Russia’s extensive military and aerospace industries do not source their components in China. “Over the next two, two-and-a-half years, until Russian manufacturers put the necessary space and military electronic components into production, plans call for the purchase of such items from China amounting to several billion dollars,” the source adds.

Additionally, according to Andrei Ionin, chief analyst at GLONASS Union, “establishing large-scale cooperation with Chinese manufacturers could become the first step toward forming a technology alliance involving BRICS member states.”

If Russia is indeed looking to China for military and aerospace components, it further signals that the Beijing-Moscow relationship continues to tilt in the former’s favor. The recent $400 billion natural gas deal between the two sides also showed another aspect of the changing dynamics in bilateral relations. Reports suggest that Moscow acquiesced to Beijing’s price demands in order to seal a 30-year deal.

Moreover, while Western sanctions will drive Russia and China closer together, they are not the only reason for the strategic convergence between these two countries. Both Russia and China have increased their cooperation in recent years and work together at international forums, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Under the latest round of E.U. and U.S. sanctions over the ongoing Ukraine conflict, Russian financial institutions, defense firms, and energy companies are increasingly isolated on a global scale.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:40
Russie: les premiers missiles sol-air S-500 livrés à l'armée dès 2016


MOSCOU, 11 août - RIA Novosti


Les missiles sol-air S-500 seront livrés à l'armée russe à partir de 2016, a annoncé samedi le commandant de l'Armée de l'air russe Viktor Bondarev.


"La création de ce système est en cours, nous recevrons les premiers missiles à partir de 2016", a indiqué le commandant Bondarev sur les ondes de la radio russe RSN.


Le directeur général adjoint du bureau d'études Almaz-Anteï, Iouri Soloviev, a antérieurement annoncé que le missile S-500 serait mis en dotation d'ici 2016.


Les missiles sol-air de nouvelle génération à longue portée S-500 seront en mesure de détruire 10 cibles aérodynamiques à la fois (avions, hélicoptères, autres cibles aériennes) volant à une vitesse de 7 km/sec à 200 km d'altitude, ainsi que les missiles de croisière hypersoniques.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:40
Plastun Robotic Complex

Plastun Robotic Complex


MOSCOU, 11 août - RIA Novosti


La première faculté de robotique militaire sera mise en place en Russie par l'Académie militaire des Troupes balistiques stratégiques russes (RVSN), a annoncé lundi à Moscou le porte-parole des troupes, Dmitri Andreïev.


"Les Troupes balistiques stratégiques accordent une grande attention à l'études du potentiel des robots militaires. Une filiale de l'Académie militaire des RVSN située à Serpoukhov, dans la région de Moscou, commencera à former des spécialistes dans ce domaine à partir de 2015. Une faculté de robotique militaire et d'armes intellectuelles sera prochainement mise en place. Nous sommes en train d'élaborer un programme d'études pour ces spécialistes", a indiqué M.Andreïev.


Selon lui, la faculté de robotique militaire sera dotée d'un laboratoire scientifique puissant.


L'Académie militaire Pierre le Grand est un centre scientifique et établissement d'enseignement supérieur relevant des Troupes balistiques stratégiques russes.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:35
The Secret Taiwan UAV Program


August 7, 2014: Strategy Page


Taiwan has been developing its own UAVs since the 1990s. With some help from the United States Taiwan began delivering modern models to the armed forces in 2011 (after a major boost in UAV funding in 2007). Taiwan has kept details secret although some information gets out when civilian versions of the military models are offered for export.


Taiwan is known to have several smaller UAVs, weighing under 20 kg (44 pounds). These are battery powered, have endurance of 60-90 minutes and an operator range of about ten kilometers. These are similar to the U.S. Raven and somewhat larger models that complement Raven (like Puma). There are also known to be larger UAVs, weighing up to several hundred kilograms (up to 500 pounds), with endurance of up to ten hours and payload of 50 kg (110 pounds). These are regularly use to patrol the Taiwan Strait and would be useful in wartime for spotting Chinese naval targets for Taiwanese anti-ship missiles. There is also at least one helicopter UAV (similar to the U.S. Navy Fire Scout) and a new one, still in development, that is similar to the U.S. Navy X-47B and able to carry over 500 kg (1,100 pounds) of weapons.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:35
DND to Spend P15 B for Two Ships, P2.5 B for Ammunition

Navantia ship model during ADAS 2014 exhibition (photo : Roy Kabanlit)


11 Aug 2014 Defense Studies

MANILA, Philippines - The defense department will spend P2.5 billion for the ammunition of the two frigates it will acquire for the Philippine Navy.

Defense Assistant Secretary Patrick Velez said security officials have decided to separate the purchase of ammunition from the frigate acquisition project, citing international arms restrictions.

“There will be two (projects). The acquisition of armaments will be treated as a separate project,” Velez told The STAR in a recent interview.

“You cannot combine the offensive portion and the actual building of the ship. The ammunition will require about P2.5 billion,” he added.

Velez said they could not award the project to shipyards that do not manufacture missiles.

Before it was divided into two, the frigate acquisition project had an approved budget of P18 billion. About P2.5 billion of the outlay was allotted for the ships’ armaments.

Now that the project has been divided into two lots, the budget for the two ships stands at P15.5 billion.

Sources told The STAR defense department might consider negotiated procurement for the ammunition to ensure that the armaments are compatible with the ships to be acquired.

Defense officials are about to finish the technical discussions for the project and will hold the bidding for the project within the year.

A total of six companies are qualified to submit bids for the project. They are Navantia Sepi (RTR Ventures) of Spain, South Korean firms STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. and Hyundai Heavy Industries, Inc.; Indian firm Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd. and French company STX France SA.

The frigate acquisition project is among the big-ticket items in the Armed Forces Modernization Program.

The ships can be used to boost the Philippines’ security presence in the West Philippine Sea, repatriate migrant workers and respond to calamities.

The two ships to be acquired for the Navy are expected to complement the BRP Gregorio del Pilar and the BRP Ramon Alcaraz, the two vessels purchased from the United States.


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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:35
IAF to receive BrahMos air-launched missiles by 2016

The BrahMos missile will be integrated with Indian Air Force's Su-30MKI fighter aircraft. -  photo g4sp


7 August 2014 airforce-technology.com


The Indian Air Force (IAF) will receive an air-launched version of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile by 2016.


BrahMos Aerospace president Sudhir Kumar Mishra was quoted by Itar-Tass News Agency as saying: "The missile development is going on schedule.


"Its launch from the Su-30MKI fighter will be carried out by the year end, and the deliveries will start in 2016."


Mishra told Russia and India Report that state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL) and Russia's Sukhoi Design Bureau are working with IAF to ensure that the missile flight test is undertaken as per schedule.


Called BrahMos-A, the new air-launched variant will use air breathing scramjet propulsion technology aboard IAF Su-30MKI fighters to help enhance their conventional offensive capabilities.


In October 2012, the Indian Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) cleared a Rs60bn ($1.1bn) proposal for the acquisition of 200 BrahMos air-launched variants by IAF.


The air force has to date earmarked nearly 42 Su-30MKI jets for structural and software modifications to carry the air-launched missiles.


Developed by Brahmos Aerospace, a joint venture between India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Russia's NPO Mashinostroyenia, BrahMos is a stealth supersonic cruise missile designed for launch from land, ship, submarines and air platforms.


The solid propellant rocket-powered missile travels at a speed of Mach 2.8 and can intercept surface targets by flying as low as 10m above the ground, even in mountainous terrain and hillocks.


Three BrahMos Block-II missile regiments have been inducted by the Indian Army, while the Navy has so far installed the missiles on six warships, including the latest stealth frigates.


Mishra said that there are plans to sign an agreement with Russia for development of a smaller version of the BrahMos, called BrahMos-M, before the end of this year.


The missile is expected to be developed over the next three years, and would be used by all the three services of the Indian military.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:35
MRF-D Marines beat the heat at KFTA - photo USMC

MRF-D Marines beat the heat at KFTA - photo USMC


Aug. 11, 2014 – Defense News


SYDNEY — Australia and the United States will sign a 25-year deal allowing 2,500 US Marines and air force personnel to train Down Under, Defence Minister David Johnston said Monday, describing it as a “win-win situation.”


The agreement will be inked Tuesday when US Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel meet with their Australian counterparts Julie Bishop and Johnston in Sydney.


Trouble spots abroad including Iraq and Ukraine will also be on the agenda for the Australia-US Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN), which focus on regional security and military cooperation.


But the centerpiece will be the agreement allowing the Marine rotational deployment in the northern city of Darwin, which was first announced by US President Barack Obama in 2011 as part of his “pivot” towards Asia.


“Approximately 2,500 US defense force personnel will come to primarily the Northern Territory to exercise on the vast, open Commonwealth (government) military exercise grounds that we have,” Johnston told a joint press conference with Hagel.


“They will interoperate with Australia. They will do things that they want to, exercise activities that are important to them. We’ll assist them.”


Johnston said as many as 1,200 US Marines and air force personnel were already rotating into Darwin during the current dry season in Australia’s tropical north.


“These are the things that are benefiting Australia and the flipside of that coin is that we have just a lot of space that’s open for practice, exercises ... so it’s a win-win situation for both of us,” he said.


Hagel said the deal emphasized Washington’s “rebalance” towards the Asia-Pacific, saying the United States was a Pacific power holding about 200 ships and more than 360,000 personnel in the region.


“We are not going anywhere,” Hagel said. “Our partnerships are here, our treaty obligations are here and are important to us.


“It’s pretty clear that the US is committed to this part of the world but also this does not mean a retreat from any other part of the world. We have interests all over the world,” he added.


More Ways to Cooperate


Hagel said the talks on Tuesday, which analysts had said would likely pave the way for enhanced military cooperation between the allies, would give officials an opportunity to explore “better ways we can cooperate.”


“We will address a number of issues tomorrow. They will focus on maritime security, special forces, missile defense and Afghanistan,” he said.


He said the situation in Ukraine would also be on the agenda, as well as the threat from jihadist fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq, where Australia has offered to assist the US in humanitarian airdrops to those trapped by the violence.


Bates Gill, chief executive of the US Studies Center at the University of Sydney, said the talks would be an important next step in what appeared to be “a growing degree of access and presence for American assets both human and materiel on Australian territory”.


Gill said progress had been slow but careful since the announcement that Marines would rotate through Darwin, an agreement which rankled China.


It also caused concern for some Asian neighbors who saw it as a statement by Washington that it intends to stand up for its interests in the region amid concern about Beijing’s growing assertiveness.


The United States currently has only a limited deployment in longstanding ally Australia, including the Pine Gap Joint Defence Facility spy station near Alice Springs.


Regional security issues in Southeast Asia and the Pacific will be discussed in the AUSMIN talks, along with Myanmar, where Kerry and Bishop have just attended the Association of Southeast Asian Nations forum.


The ministers will also talk about Northeast Asia, comparing notes about their respective relations with China, and the challenges posed by North Korea.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:30
Micro Tactical Ground Robot photo Roboteam

Micro Tactical Ground Robot photo Roboteam


August 7, 2014: Strategy Page


About a week after the current war with Hamas began Israeli staff officers realized that the large number of Hamas tunnels discovered were more complex and dangerous than any previously encountered and a new robot was needed to deal with the situation. Within days a specification was provided to Israeli robot manufacturers and by the end of July a new robot design had been accepted, in production, delivered and in action. The new MTGR (Micro Tactical Ground Robot) was not a major breakthrough, it was simply a better application of design elements that had been developed since the 1990s and suited current Israeli needs. The Israelis have ordered over a hundred MTGRs for delivery ASAP. Based on its success in Gaza MTGR is being offered to other armed forces and police departments around the world.


MTGR is a 7.3 kg (16 pound) tracked (or wheeled version weighing 9 kg) robot. Tracks are preferred for getting up stairs and over obstacles. MTGR can carry up to 9 kg of accessories. The basic MTGR comes with five cameras, a microphone, and can carry additional sensors. The cameras have day/night capability, 360 degree views and x10 zoom. One of the more useful accessories is a robotic arm for clearing debris or searching. Another useful item are bright LED lights when you need illumination. MTGR uses GPS and can carry a laser rangefinder to measure dimensions of where it is. The battery lasts 2-4 hours depending how onboard equipment is used. Top speed is 50 meters a minute and max range for the operator is 500 meters.


MTGR is designed to be carried in a backpack and an operator can use the handheld control unit to operate several MTGRs at once. The MTGR has been a lifesaver for exploring Hamas tunnels, which are often filled with booby traps and other nasty surprises for advancing Israeli troops. Often MTGR will simply go down, take a lot of measurements and pictures and then withdraw after which explosives will be lowered down and the tunnel collapsed. If MTGR detects documents or electronic devices like laptops, tablets or cell phones, MTGR will carefully survey the area and troops will go down to recover the valuable intel often found on such devices. If MTGR can reach cell phones or small tablets it can pick them up and carry them away.


The U.S. Army has been using robots like the MTGR since the 1990s. American designs went through rapid refinement after September 11, 2001 because thousands of these robots were bought and used by American troops in combat. The culmination of all that was expressed in the XM1216 SUGV (Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle). SUGV was designed to be the definitive next generation infantry droid, replacing existing droids like the similar but larger PackBot. Not surprisingly MTGR is based on the same experience but more refined and using some newer technology.  This design was not ready for action until most of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan was over. Thus by 2012 only about 200 of these combat robots were in service or on order. It was only in 2011, after more than six years of development, that the army bought its first production model SUGV.


Before September 11, 2001, the army didn't expect to have robots like PackBot or SUGV until 2013. But the technology was already there, and the war created a major demand. The robots expected in 2013 were to be part of a new generation of gear called FCS (Future Combat Systems). SUGV is still waiting for some of the high tech FCS communications and sensor equipment (which MTGR used), and appeared in 2011 using off-the-shelf stuff in the meantime. The troops don't care, as long as it worked. These small robots have been quite rugged, having a 90 percent availability rate.


The overly ambitious, expensive and much delayed FCS program was cancelled in 2009 but successful bits, like SUGV, were allowed to keep moving. This was a big deal for SUGV, because demand for these small droids collapsed when the Islamic terror offensive in Iraq did in 2008. There were plenty of droids left over for service in Afghanistan, where the Taliban provided a much lower workload for the little bots than did Iraq.


SUGV is a 13 kg (29 pound) robot, similar to the slightly older and larger Packbot. SUGV can carry 3 kg (6.6 pounds) of gear, and seven different "mission packages" are available. These include various types of sensors and double jointed arms (for grabbing things.) SUGV is waterproof and shock resistant. It fits into the standard army backpack, and is meant to operate in a harsh environment. The battery powered SUGV is operated wirelessly, or via a fiber optic cable, using a controller that looks like a video game controller with a video screen built in. SUGV can also use an XBox 360 controller, with the right drivers. Like the earlier PackBot and later MTGR, SUGV can climb stairs, maneuver over rubble and other nasty terrain.


The SUGV design is based largely on feedback from combat troops. For example, it is rugged enough to be quickly thrown into a room, tunnel or cave, activated and begin sending video, as well as audio, of what is in there. This feature makes it very popular with the troops, who want droids with the ability to see, hear and smell were more acutely. No one likes being the first one going into dark, potentially dangerous, places. Throwing a grenade in first doesn't always work, because sometimes frightened civilians are in there. Despite all these fine qualities, the current generation of robots is not fast enough, agile enough or sensitive enough to compete with human troops doing this kind of work. Sometimes, however, the robots are an adequate, and life-saving, substitute. SUGV is supposed to be better at this sort of thing.


SUGV can also perform outpost and listening post work. These are two dangerous jobs the infantry are glad to hand off to a robot. Outposts are, as the name implies, one or two troops dug in a hundred meters or so in front of the main position, to give early warning of an enemy attack. A listening post is similar, but the friendly troops are often much deeper into enemy territory. The SUGV battery enables it to just sit in one place, listening and watching, for eight hours or more. After that, you send out another SUGV with a fresh battery, and have the other one come back for a recharge. No risk of troops getting shot at while doing the same things, and the troops really appreciate that. Again, the problem with this is that the robot sensors are just not there yet. The sensors are getting close, but not close enough for troops to trust their lives to this thing.


Other dangerous jobs for the SUGV are placing explosives by a door (to blow it open for the troops), or placing a smoke grenade where it will prevent the enemy from seeing the troops move. Since 2006 users of the older PackBot UGVs filled military message boards with interesting uses they have found for these robots, and new features they could make use of. SUGV and MTGR are the products of all that chatter.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:30


11 août 2014 AFBlueTube


Video from the U.S. military airdrop of food and water on Aug. 9 for thousands of Iraqi citizens threatened by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) near Sinjar, Iraq.

This airdrop was conducted from multiple airbases within the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility and included one C-17 and two C-130 cargo aircraft that together dropped a total of 72 bundles of supplies.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:30
Neutralization of Syrian chemical weapons surpasses 70 percent


Aug. 11, 2014 By Richard Tomkins (UPI)


The U.S. Defense Department says neutralization of Syria's chemical weapons stockpile is more than 70 percent complete.


More than 70 percent of Syria's surrendered chemical weapons have reportedly been neutralized by specialists aboard a U.S. container ship in the Mediterranean.


The U.S. Department of Defense said a field-deployable hydrolysis system is being used in the neutralization effort to neutralize Syrian chemicals by essentially mixing the chemicals with water and sodium hypochlorite bleach.


A total of 74.2 percent of Syria's chemical weapons stockpile has now been rendered harmless under international agreements -- including a U.N. Security Council resolution -- following reports that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had used such weapons in 2013 in an effort to quell insurrection in the country.


The destruction process began in early July. The original chemical cargo from Syria was about 600 tons of methylphosphonyl difluoride, the main precursor of sarin and other nerve agents, and 20 tons of mustard gas.


The neutralized chemical agents are not dumped at sea. They are transported in containers to commercial waste-treatment facilities.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:30
Sailors prepare weapons to upload onto an aircraft on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77)

Sailors prepare weapons to upload onto an aircraft on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77)


August 08, 2014 by Frederic C. Hof * - atlanticcouncil.org


On August 7, President Barack Obama authorized both airstrikes and humanitarian relief in response to attacks launched by the ersatz caliphate of the criminal enterprise calling itself the Islamic State (IS). The proximate cause of US military intervention is a looming humanitarian catastrophe centering on a vulnerable Iraqi minority (the Yazidis) seeking safety from IS on the slopes of a mountain. But legal cover for the action was provided by the president’s assertion that IS forces “have neared the city of Erbil [the capital of the Kurdish Regional Government], where American diplomats and civilians serve at our consulate and American military personnel advise Iraqi forces.” This decision to intervene in the face of IS terror and mass murder is appropriate and welcome. Inevitably, however, those who have called for a similar humanitarian intervention in Syria—where the depredations of the Assad regime and IS alike dwarf what is happening in Iraq—will wonder why Iraq and why not Syria.


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* Frederic C. Hof is a senior fellow with the Atlantic Council's Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:30
Op Protective Edge: IAI's Green Rock System Became Operational


28/7/2014 IsraelDefense


The mobile autonomous tactical counter Rocket, Artillery & Mortar (C-RAM) system supports and assists troops in Gaza to return fire at the source of mortar fire, which have become a significant threat


The mortar threat has become a significant during the ground operation in Gaza. Many troops are within the range of Hamas' mortars and supper injuries as a result. The Green Rock system by IAI entered operational use in Gaza in record time, following the threats directed against the fighting forces.


So far the system performance proved itself and succeeded in detecting and pinpointing the source of fire, and thus the system helps protect the lives of soldiers in the field.


The system, revealed just a month ago, is a mobile autonomous tactical counter Rocket, Artillery & Mortar (C-RAM) system. The system is designed to support a variety of ground force protection missions, including fire source location, friendly forces fire correction, and detection of low-flying airborne targets such as UAVs, gliders and hovering platforms.


The system provides a complete low/high trajectory target, real-time intelligence and rapid response solution for tactical forces. Green Rock's mission is to locate fire squad positions, distribute selective warning alarms and enable an effective fire response.


The system, developed by ELTA systems, an IAI group and subsidiary, can be installed on a variety of mobile or stationary platforms such as armored personnel carriers, high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles, and all-terrain vehicles. Green Rock includes a Phased-Array Pulse Doppler Radar which acquires and tracks the trajectories of ballistic munitions such as rockets, artillery and mortars, calculates the point from which they were launched, and predicts the location of the expected impact. This information is reported, via a communications system, to friendly forces to indicate and provide warning of relevant threats. Data can be also sent to precision weapons systems to allow a rapid and accurate response to source of the threat.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:20
DRS to overhaul, provide logistics services for USAF cargo loaders

Halvorsen 25K loader at work. (USAF photo)


Aug. 7, 2014 By Richard Tomkins (UPI)


Cargo loading systems used by the U.S. Air Force are to receive overhaul and logistics services from DRS Technologies over a 10-year period.


Halvorsen 25K aircraft cargo loaders used by the U.S. Air Force are to receive depot-level overhaul and logistics support from DRS Technologies Inc.


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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:20
Electronic Weapons: Caesar Turns Into Nero


August 4, 2014: Strategy Page


In mid-2014 the U.S. Army successfully tested a UAV operating as an electronic warfare (EW) aircraft. Specifically an army MQ-1C Gray Eagle UAV carried two pods containing jamming equipment previously only used in manned aircraft. The MQ-1C was able to safely carry and operate the jammers without screwing up its own electronics and communications. The pods were repackaged versions of the electronic jamming equipment normally used on manned MC-12 aircraft. This gear fit into two pods designed to be carried and operated from the MQ-1C. The two pods are called NERO (Networked Electronic Warfare, Remotely Operated).


The original system had been installed in Beechcraft King Air twin engine commercial aircraft. That system was designed for electronic warfare and reconnaissance against irregular forces (terrorists, specifically those found in Afghanistan and Iraq). The Beechcraft King Airs performed like a heavy (Gray Eagle, Predator, or Reaper) UAV. The MC-12 was crammed with vidcams, electronic sensors, jammers, and radios. This ensemble of gear was called CEASAR (Communications Electronic Attack with Surveillance And Reconnaissance). The MC-12 could spend hours circling an Afghan or Iraqi battleground, keeping troops on the ground aware of enemy walkie-talkie and cell phone use, including the location of these devices and translations of what is being discussed. The MQ-1C has vidcams as standard equipment so its two-pod version of CAESAR has everything but the vidcams.


Moving most of the Caesar electronics to a UAV is part of a trend. As effective as the King Air is, UAVs are cheaper to operate and can stay up longer. Military use of the King Air in the United States (where Beechcraft is located) began in the early 1970s, when the U.S. Army adopted the King Air as the RC-12 and then used it for a wide variety of intelligence missions ever since. Israel then developed its own versions (the Tzufit). But the Israelis had different needs and they eventually developed a King Air equipped to deal with Palestinian terrorists who had declared war on Israel in 2000. In the last decade Israel developed an intelligence collection version of the King Air that the U.S. eventually adopted in 2010 as the MC-12 CEASAR. Now the MC-12, like many other manned recon aircraft, are being replaced by UAVs.


The recent test of NERO involved the pods being carried for 32 hours and for twenty of those hours the jammers were at full power. That jamming shuts down most radios and cell phones and was used in Iraq and Afghanistan on the MC-12s to deny the enemy use of their wireless communications and using cell phones to remotely detonate bombs. There are no plans to install the pods on smaller (than the 1.4 ton MQ-1C) UAVs because of the weight and power requirements of the pods.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:20
Talon rocket is fired from a naval platform. (Photo by Raytheon)

Talon rocket is fired from a naval platform. (Photo by Raytheon)


TUCSON, Ariz., July 31, 2014 /PRNewswire


Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) and MD Helicopters, Inc. successfully fired four TALON laser guided rockets from the MD 530G armed aerial scout (AAS) helicopter during a series of tests at Yuma Proving Ground, Ariz.

"This test further demonstrates the maturity of the TALON Laser Guided Rocket weapon system as a complement to MD's AAS platform," said Darryl Kreitman, Raytheon TALON program director. "These test shots included four firings showcasing TALON's versatility over the entire firing envelope with direct hits for all events."

TALON LGR is a low-cost, digital semi-active laser guidance and control kit co-developed with the United Arab Emirates. TALON's guidance section integrates directly to the front of the legacy 2.75-inch Hydra-70 unguided rockets while its unique tail kit replaces the legacy Hydra-70 wraparound tail kit.

"In just a few months, Raytheon worked closely with MD to integrate TALON onto the MD 530G, subjecting the helicopter and rocket to number of realistic mission profiles," said Kreitman.  "The successful testing once again demonstrated TALON's precision guidance capabilities."  

This latest successful firing and subsequent original equipment manufacturer certification of TALON follows the recent certification in April for air worthiness release of the weapon on the Apache AH-64D/E attack helicopter.

During TALON's development program and test program, Raytheon completed more than 35 TALON firings from the AH-64D Apache, which has resulted in a solution that is ready for the international direct commercial sales customers today.


Raytheon's TALON requires no hardware or software modifications to the launcher or aircraft platform for any aircraft that fires 2.75-inch Hydra-70 unguided rockets using the standard M260/261 launchers.  TALON's architecture and ease of employment make it a low-cost, highly-precise weapon for missions in urban environments, as well as counter insurgency and swarming boat defense missions.  TALON is fully compatible with existing airborne and ground laser designators.


About MD Helicopters
MD Helicopters, Inc. (MDHI), a Lynn Tilton company, is a leading manufacturer of commercial, military, law enforcement and air-rescue helicopters. The MDHI family of rotorcraft is world renowned for its value, versatility and performance. The MD Helicopters family includes the twin-engine MD Explorer, and single engine versions of the MD 500E, MD 520N, MD 530A, MD 530F, MD 530G, MD 540A and MD 600N. The innovative NOTAR system for anti-torque control with no tail rotor is used exclusively by MD Helicopters to provide safer, quieter, smoother, and confined-area access capability. The company is based in Mesa, Arizona. For more information about MDHI, visit www.mdhelicopters.com.  


About Raytheon
Raytheon Company, with 2013 sales of $24 billion and 63,000 employees worldwide, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, security and civil markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning 92 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control, communications and intelligence systems, as well as cyber security and a broad range of mission support services. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Mass. For more about Raytheon, visit us at www.raytheon.com and follow us on Twitter @Raytheon.

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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 07:20
7th Boeing GPS IIF Delivered to Orbit and Operational




Third launch this year in Boeing-Air Force GPS modernization effort


A Boeing [NYSE: BA] Global Positioning System (GPS) IIF satellite, launched late yesterday, has sent the signals to controllers that confirm it is currently operating properly within the constellation that millions of people rely on for timing and navigation information.


GPS IIF-7 was launched aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas-5 rocket from Cape Canaveral. It is the seventh of 12 such satellites Boeing has built for the U.S. Air Force, and the third on-orbit delivery this year.


“We are providing our Air Force partner and GPS users with a steady supply of advanced GPS IIFs,” said Craig Cooning, president of Boeing Network & Space Systems. “Our robust launch tempo requires vigilance and attention to detail, and mission success is our top priority. We continue to partner with the Air Force and ULA to effectively execute the launch schedule.”


Boeing and the Air Force will complete the full on-orbit checkout of the satellite next month. The GPS IIFs offer improved signal accuracy, better anti-jamming capability, longer design life and the new civilian L5 signal.


GPS IIF-8, slated for launch during the fourth quarter, arrived at Cape Canaveral on July 16 to undergo final launch preparations.


A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is one of the world's largest defense, space and security businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world’s largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is a $33 billion business with 56,000 employees worldwide. Follow us on Twitter: @BoeingDefense.

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11 août 2014 1 11 /08 /août /2014 23:30
Syrie : Les forces gouvernementales et pro-gouvernementales 2011-2014


26 juillet 2014 CONOPS


Annoncée à plusieurs reprises dans de précédents billets, fruit de trois ans de travail, voici enfin l'étude consacrée aux forces gouvernementales et pro-gouvernementales qui se battent en Syrie de 2011 à aujourd'hui : troupes d'élite et régulières de Damas, milices, mais aussi services de renseignements, volontaires étrangers... L'ensemble représente 413 pages d'analyses, d'ordres de bataille, d'inventaires, de tableaux sur les batailles livrées, les doctrines, les tactiques et l'emploi des matériels...

Le document est accessible ici

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11 août 2014 1 11 /08 /août /2014 22:40
The National Guard of Ukraine will receive 21 KrAZ Spartan LAVs



Ukrainian KrAZ company started the production of KrAZ Spartan 4×4 Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) in collaboration with Canadian Streit Group. New LAVs will be produced in Kremenchuk (Ukraine) for the Armed Forces and the National Guard of Ukraine. According the the press-service of the National Guard, 21 such vehicles were ordered and will be delivered by the end of 2014.

Minister of Interior Affairs of Ukraine added, that a new contract for 40 vehicles worth of ₴95 mln (approx. €6 mln) is being prepared. However, there is no details yet concerning the type of those vehicles.

“For us, KrAZ is a main and strategic supplier for the future, as long as it keeps the competitive price & quality parity as it is the case now.” – he underlined.

KrAZ Spartan is a Light Armored Vehicle armed with powerful weapon. It is known, that “Sarmat” system with “Korsar” anti-tank module is installed on top of the vehicle. In addition, this vehicle is equipped with the infrared camera and night vision devices.

Source: Ukraine Industrial

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11 août 2014 1 11 /08 /août /2014 22:30
Sailors make final inspections on an F/A-18C Hornet that participated in airstrikes on militants in Iraq. (MC2 Joshua Horton Navy)

Sailors make final inspections on an F/A-18C Hornet that participated in airstrikes on militants in Iraq. (MC2 Joshua Horton Navy)


Aug. 11, 2014 – Defense News (AFP)


SYDNEY — Air strikes aimed at halting the advance of Sunni Islamic State militants in Iraq have been effective and the US is open to further requests for help, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said Monday.


The United States has conducted three days of attacks by jets and drones on jihadists in northern Iraq whose onslaught has displaced 200,000 people since August 3, including all the residents of Iraq’s largest Christian town, Qaraqosh.


Hagel said Washington was constantly assessing the situation after President Barack Obama authorized the action to help break the siege of Mount Sinjar, where thousands of civilian refugees from the Yazidi religious minority had been trapped.


“They have been very effective from all the reports we have received on the ground,” he said of the air strikes when asked in Sydney, where he is attending annual Australia-US defense talks.


“We are constantly assessing where we can continue to assist Iraqi security forces and where, as we build partnerships, we will work with the Iraqi government.


“The Iraqi government requested our help and assistance and we will continue to consider further requests from the Iraqi government,” he added.


US military planes have also been dropping food and water for civilians besieged by jihadists, with France and Britain on Sunday joining the desperate race to save them from starvation.


“Many of you know that President Obama spoke yesterday with French President Hollande and British Prime Minister Cameron and they too offered assistance,” said Hagel.


“We are coordinating a group of partners to assist in this effort.


“This is a humanitarian issue of great consequence for all over the world and I think great powers understand they have great responsibilities in this.”


Australian Defence Minister David Johnston said Australia’s help was currently focused on humanitarian relief and refused to speculate on the possibility of providing combat assistance.


“At this stage, we think that that is a considerable contribution,” he told a joint press conference with Hagel, with Australia likely to join airdrops of supplies later this week.


“We don’t telegraph our punches in any way shape or form and there has been no request for us to participate in combat.


“The situation for us at the moment is we are committed to helping the Americans and our friends who will join the Americans in providing humanitarian and disaster relief.


“Now what the future holds in what is clearly a very troubled, confused and difficult situation in Iraq, anybody can guess.”

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11 août 2014 1 11 /08 /août /2014 22:30
Le Pentagone ne compte pas étendre ses frappes à d'autres régions de l'Irak


11 août 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Washington - Le Pentagone a assuré lundi qu'il ne comptait pas étendre ses frappes aériennes hors de la région du nord de l'Irak où ses forces aériennes visent les combattants de l'Etat islamique.


Depuis que le président Barack Obama les y a autorisés jeudi, les chasseurs et drones américains ont effectué 15 frappes aériennes contre les insurgés de l'Etat islamique, a déclaré le général William Mayville, un haut responsable du département américain de la Défense, lors d'une conférence de presse, sans toutefois préciser les dommages occasionnés aux combattants.


Nous n'avons pas pour projet d'étendre la campagne au-delà des opérations de défense actuelles, a-t-il dit.


Il a estimé entre 50 et 60 le nombre de missions effectuées chaque jour par les appareils américains au-dessus du nord de l'Irak, en additionnant les missions humanitaires et les frappes aériennes.


Les frappes ont contribué à freiner l'avance des forces de l'Etat islamique autour de Sinjar et dans l'ouest d'Erbil, la capitale du Kurdistan irakien, a expliqué le général Mayville, soulignant qu'il s'agissait en premier lieu de défendre le personnel diplomatique américain en poste à Erbil.


Les frappes aériennes sont accompagnées de largages humanitaires destinés aux dizaines de milliers de chrétiens et Yazidis pourchassés par les insurgés sunnites. Le Pentagone et les forces britanniques ont ainsi parachuté environ 60.000 litres d'eau et 75.000 repas aux réfugiés, selon le haut gradé américain.


Pour l'instant, notre objectif est de fournir une aide immédiate à ceux qui souffrent, a expliqué le général Mayville.

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11 août 2014 1 11 /08 /août /2014 21:30
Etat islamique: combattre les djihadistes en Irak, mais aussi en Syrie (Lavrov)


SOTCHI, 11 août - RIA Novosti


La lutte contre les djihadistes de l'Etat islamique (EI) doit être menée non seulement en Irak, mais aussi sur l'ensemble de la région, y compris en Syrie, a indiqué lundi le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov.


"La Russie soutient les efforts déployés par le gouvernement irakien dans la lutte contre les djihadistes de l'Etat islamique et appelle l'Occident à les combattre non seulement en Irak, mais aussi dans d'autre pays, notamment en Syrie", a déclaré M.Lavrov devant les journalistes.


Appuyé par des sunnites irakiens et par d'anciens militaires de l'armée de Saddam Hussein, ce groupe terroriste a envahi une vaste région irakienne englobant les provinces de Ninawa, de Salah ad-Din et d'Al-Anbar. Le 29 juin dernier, l'EI a annoncé la création d'un "Califat islamique", le titre de calife étant attribué au chef de file de ce groupe djihadiste, Abdullah Ibrahim al-Samarrai, connu également sous le nom d'Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi.


Depuis la proclamation par l'EI d'un "califat" dans les zones qu'il contrôle en Syrie et en Irak, des affrontements opposent ce groupe extrémiste aux troupes du régime de Damas, notamment dans le nord du pays.


La guerre qui fait rage en Syrie depuis mars 2011 a emporté, selon les Nations unies, plus de 170.000 vies.

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