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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 16:40
Misiles balistiques intercontinentaux (archives)

Misiles balistiques intercontinentaux (archives)

MOSCOU, 31 mai - RIA Novosti


Les Troupes balistiques stratégiques russes (RVSN) effectueront 16 tirs de missiles balistiques intercontinentaux en 2013, a annoncé vendredi à Moscou leur porte-parole Igor Egorov.


"Au total, 16 tirs de missiles intercontinentaux de différents types sont programmés pour 2013", a indiqué le colonel Egorov devant les journalistes.


Le commandant des Troupes RVSN Sergueï Karakaïev avait antérieurement déclaré que 11 tirs étaient prévus pour 2013.


Selon le colonel Egorov, il s'agit de tirs d'essai et d'entraînement qui sont notamment destinés à prolonger la durée d'exploitation des missiles en service. Parmi ces tirs figurent également des lancements de satellites dans le cadre de programmes de démantèlement de fusées militaires. Huit tirs spatiaux seront notamment effectués depuis la base militaire de Yasny, dans la région d'Orenbourg, et depuis le cosmodrome russe de Baïkonour.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 16:20
Defence Department To Roll Out A New Streamlined System To Deal With Procurement Problems

May 30, 2013. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


Lee Berthiaume writes this article:


OTTAWA — National Defence is preparing to roll out a new “streamlined” system that it hopes will deal with many of the problems surrounding past efforts to purchase military equipment.


Whether the changes will make any difference, however, remains the question after the military procurement was largely taken out of National Defence’s hands because of the way it handled the F-35 stealth fighter project.


Industry representatives and military officials have long complained about what they say is the inordinate amount of time it takes for the government to buy new vehicles, weapons or other equipment for Canada’s men and women in uniform.


This has become particularly troublesome in the past few years, with some warning that the entire system has become paralyzed, resulting in increased costs to taxpayers and Canadian military personnel using equipment long past its expiry date.


This includes plans to buy new armoured vehicles for the army as well as to replace the navy’s resupply ships, the air force’s maritime helicopters and its search-and-rescue aircraft.


Associate Defence Minister Kerry-Lynne Findlay acknowledged those problems during a speech at a major arms-trade show in Ottawa on Wednesday.


“Going forward we do need to do a better job of ensuring the procurement system benefits Canadian taxpayers,” she said. “We need to ensure the impact of their hard-earned dollars isn’t eroded by inflation due to excessive delays.  We need to ensure our military capabilities remain robust and effective so we can continue to count on them when they are needed most.”


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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 16:20
FY15 Guidance Takes Sequester Into Account

May. 30, 2013 - By MARCUS WEISGERBER – Defense News


WASHINGTON — After years of not preparing for mandated sequestration spending cuts, the Pentagon is now incorporating different levels of budget reductions in its future planning.


US Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, in a May 29 memo to senior defense officials, told the services to prepare for three different scenarios for fiscal 2015: one that reflects President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2014 budget proposal, a second that is 5 percent less and a third that is 10 percent less.


“[W]e do need to develop options in the event that fiscal realities differ from the funding level in the President’s budget,” Carter said.


The 10 percent cut would reflect the impact of full sequestration, which is roughly a $500 billion reduction over a 10-year period beginning in 2013., while the 5 percent reduction reflects roughly half.


In April, the Pentagon sent Congress a budget proposal for fiscal 2014 that was $52 billion above the sequestration spending cap. At the time, Pentagon officials said the White House had not directed them to plan for sequestration.


Now the services are being asked “to develop options” for reductions to the 2014 budget proposal as well.


The first is a 10 percent across-the-board cut and the second is a 10 percent reduction to DoD’s $527 billion requested top line that allows flexibility to move money around accounts.


Carter also told officials that DoD might have to prepare for a 5 percent budget cut in 2014.


For the past two months, DoD has been conducting the Strategic Choices Management Review (SCMR), which was designed to factor in defensewide budget cuts at three levels — $100 billion, $300 billion and $500 billion — over the next decade. The review has been proceeding on schedule.


The SCMR project is designed to look at ways to modify DoD’s military strategy to accommodate various levels of budget cuts.


As DoD looks to make these types of budget cuts, four Washington think tanks — the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA), Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Center for New American Security (CNAS) and American Enterprise Institute (AEI) — have recommended areas to cut, while looking to maintain DoD’s existing military strategy.


Using a scoring tool developed by CSBA, teams from each think tank made trade-offs among different capabilities to meet spending targets.


To achieve similar budget cut levels described in Carter’s memo, each team called for large-scale personnel cuts to meet spending caps at the half and full sequestration levels.


Under full sequestration, each team made significant cuts to readiness; under half sequestration, all of the teams restored or significantly reduced those cuts.


Each team supported reductions in the military’s air capabilities, specifically calling for broad reductions of non-stealthy fighter and attack aircraft. Aside from AEI, the other three think tanks called for plus-ups of stealthy unmanned aircraft.


Under full sequestration, three of the four think tanks called for reductions to the Air Force’s bomber inventory. But three of four also said that could allow a plus-up for a new stealthy bomber.


All recommended cuts to the Navy’s fleet of carriers, cruisers and destroyers under full sequestration.


CNAS, CSIS and CSBA also called for increasing spending on space and cyber activities

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 15:50
High Level Seminar on Governmental Satellite Communication

EDA Defence Ministers have recently identified some particular areas where effective initiatives in the frame of Pooling & Sharing could lead Member States to optimise resources and enhance capabilities. One of these is Military Satellite Communication (MILSATCOM) which has been recognised as a very promising domain, where synergies can mitigate the huge financial impact generated by the growing demand for resilient space-based communication in operations.


The option to pool resources in the domain of MILSATCOM is particularly pertinent to the replacement of the current generation of space assets owned by France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, whose entire phase-out expected between 2018 and 2025 offers a unique opportunity to consider the establishment of a common initiative. In this perspective, the Agency has drafted a “Secure Telecom by Satellite” (SECTELSAT) concept presented to the Defence Ministers on 23 April and is being given a mandate to collect common requirements and explore how common fundings can be raised (ref. EDA SB Doc 2013-11).


High Level Seminar

A High Level Seminar on governmental Satellite Communication will take place on 19 June 2013 at the Paris Air Show "Le Bourget". This EDA event will be split between a seminar in the morning with keynote speakers and a workshop in the afternoon to draft an action plan. Please note that the afternoon session is open to government representatives only.


Agenda & Location

The draft agenda is available for download here. The seminar will take place at Paris Air Show, Le Bourget, Auditorium (VI Paris Conference Centre).



Registration is mandatary and can be done by email capabilities(a)eda.europa.eu by 14 June 2013.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 14:50
LAVOSAR Land Vehicle with Open System Architecture

LAVOSAR Land Vehicle with Open System Architecture

  • Date of the Event: 25 June 2013 European Defence Agency
  • Registration Starts: 02 May 2013
  • Registration Ends: 14 June 2013

The EDA in cooperation with the LAVOSAR study contractor is organising an industrial workshop to collect industrial views on the development of Open System Architecture for Land Vehicle Mission Systems on 25 June 2013.


The workshop targets defence land vehicle manufactures, defence land vehicle mission system integrators, defence land vehicle mission systems suppliers and component suppliers for defence land vehicle mission systems.


This workshop is planned in the frame of the EDA study Land Vehicle with Open System Architecture (LAVOSAR). The project details are available here (LAVOSAR Information Paper).


Agenda and Objective

The agenda and workshop objective are available here (Workshop agenda and objective).


The workshop is open to industry and without any fee. Registration is necessary and only confirmed registrations will entitle a participant to attend the workshop (you will receive a confirmation via e-mail). To register complete the form here below. The deadline for registration is 14 June 2012, 11:59 AM.



In case of questions, please write to RandT-Secretariat@eda.europa.eu.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:55
MQ-9 Reaper taxis Afghanistan photo Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson US Air Force

MQ-9 Reaper taxis Afghanistan photo Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson US Air Force

31/05 Jean-Yves Le Drian est ministre de la Défense. - Les Echos


Les drones défraient la chronique depuis plusieurs années. Malgré des préconisations répétées depuis 1999, leur poids dans les investissements du ministère de la Défense est resté limité. Aujourd’hui, les décisions prises par le président Hollande à l’occasion de la publication du Livre blanc permettent de préciser notre stratégie : sortir d’une impasse opérationnelle et industrielle pour enfin doter la France de drones, pièces maîtresses du renseignement et de la guerre de demain.


Depuis un an, sur tous les théâtres d’opération majeurs, les situations ­concrètes ont confirmé le sentiment que nous avions : la France doit disposer de drones de surveillance pour conduire ses opérations, protéger ses militaires, les aider à contrôler de vastes espaces et parer d’éventuelles attaques ennemies.


Le désengagement d’Afghanistan, que j’ai conduit à la demande du président de la République, a largement reposé sur des drones dits « tactiques ». Mis en œuvre par l’armée de terre l’an dernier, ils ont permis de sécuriser les convois tout au long de leur déplacement vers Kaboul. Mais ces équipements, provi­soires et insuffisants, doivent être ­remplacés par des systèmes plus modernes.


Même constat au Mali. Ce territoire, grand comme 2,5 fois la France, rend indispensable le déploiement de drones de moyenne altitude longue endurance (Male) qui, avec la discrétion qui s’impose, sont en mesure de parcourir de longues distances et d’observer de larges espaces pendant plus de vingt heures.


Or, nous constatons que l’ensemble de la communauté de défense, le ministère autant que l’industrie, a manqué le virage de ce type d’équipement. Et ce qui est vrai en France l’est aussi en Europe. Aujourd’hui, la France continue à utiliser deux systèmes que l’on disait intérimaires au moment de leur lancement, en 2003. Le provisoire est devenu permanent. Dix ans ont passé ; nous n’avons pas progressé. Nous en sommes à espérer que nos deux systèmes encore opérationnels ne subissent pas d’incident majeur et à compter sur la solidarité de nos alliés dans un domaine majeur pour notre souveraineté, celui du renseignement, sans lequel il n’est pas d’action libre ni sûre.


Le temps presse. Notre besoin en drones nous impose d’être pragmatiques, et c’est bien ma démarche. Ministre de la Défense, c’est ma responsabilité et j’entends l’assumer.


Dès le mois de juillet 2012, j’ai signé avec mon homologue britannique, ­Philip Hammond, un partenariat autour du drone Watchkeeper de Thales.


Pour les mêmes raisons, la situation immédiate au Sahel me conduit à ­lancer l’acquisition d’un équipement existant, parce que nous ne pouvons plus attendre. Devant nous, deux possibilités : le Héron-TP réalisé en Israël et le Reaper produit aux Etats-Unis. A très court terme, la piste américaine est la plus prometteuse, avec la perspective d’une première livraison de deux ­drones d’ici à la fin de cette année. Comment, après tant de tergiversations, ne pas ­saisir l’occasion qui se présente la ­première ?


Pour autant, l’urgence ne doit pas faire obstacle à l’avenir. C’est pourquoi j’ai proposé à nos partenaires européens, toujours dans le domaine des drones Male, de nous regrouper, pour partager nos expériences et nos capacités, et impliquer nos industries dans la mise au point de ces équipements pour nos propres besoins. Cette ambition est d’ores et déjà en chantier.

Le premier vol du demonstrateur neuron - Rafale photo Dassault Aviation 01.12.2012

Le premier vol du demonstrateur neuron - Rafale photo Dassault Aviation 01.12.2012

Enfin il y a le plus long terme, avec le champ des drones de combat qui, à l’horizon 2030, viendront compléter, voire remplacer nos flottes d’avions de chasse. Ce rendez-vous, nous ne le manquerons pas. L’industrie française et européenne est à la pointe de cette ­technologie, comme l’a démontré le premier vol du drone Neuron au début de cette année. Elle doit le demeurer et nous lui consacrerons à cette fin les moyens nécessaires.


Il y a un an, les drones étaient pour nos armées une question sans réponse. Aujourd’hui, nous avons une stratégie d’ensemble, une première réponse forte, et j’entends m’y tenir.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:55
Squale 2013 en Méditerranée : entraînement qualifiant à la lutte anti-sous-marine

30/05/2013 Actu Marine


L’exercice majeur annuel de lutte sous la mer Squalea eu lieu du 22 au 29 mai 2013 en Méditerranée. L’édition 2013 de cet entraînement avancé, précédée d’une phase de préparation opérationnelle à quai, a rassemblé une force aéronavale à la mer composée des frégates anti-sous-marines Jean de Vienne et Dupleix, de la frégate de défense aérienne Chevalier Paul et de l’aviso Enseigne de vaisseau Jacoubet  avec le concours de moyens de l’aéronautique navale: avions de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 et un hélicoptère anti-sous-marin Lynx. Le sous-marin d’attaque Améthyste a pris part à Squale en exerçant une opposition permanente aux actions de la force navale tandis que son alter ego britannique, le HMS Talent, a alterné les rôles de sous-marin ami ou hostile selon la nature des phases tactiques planifiées ainsi que des objectifs de qualification poursuivis. 


La frégate de défense aérienne (FDA) Forbin et le bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC) Dixmude se sont joints au dispositif lors d’une phase tactique mêlant menace et protection sous-marine pendant que se déroulaient des opérations amphibies. Le bâtiment de commandement et de ravitaillement (BCR) Marne a pris part  aux trois derniers jours de manœuvre tactique à la mer. 

Marqué par des conditions météorologiques très variées, Squale 2013  démontré la capacité d’adaptation des équipages et la très bonne maîtrise des savoir-faire. La contribution active du sous-marin britannique HMS Talent a permis d’élever le niveau de coopération interalliée.  Cet entraînement majeur a également permis de mener un certain nombre d’expérimentations pratiques pour les forces: cette année, des tirs ont été réalisés ainsi que des actions participant au renforcement des capacités de l’hélicoptère Caïman.         



Commandant la frégate Jean de Vienne et son équipage, le capitaine de vaisseau Pierre-Yves Grente occupait pour la durée de l’entraînement  les fonctions de commandant tactique à la mer (OTC: Officer in Tactical Command). Pour lui, «Squale permet d’expérimenter des tactiques nouvelles et de valider «en vrai grandeur» certains scénarios exploitables en opérations ou lors de périodes d’entraînement à la mer. Parmi les phases importantes deSquale, je retiens celle de la protection du Dixmude contre la menace sous-marine. Cela a constitué un véritable défi que nous avons relevé avec succès et qui confirme la prépondérance de la frégate anti-sous-marine Jean de Viennedans sa fonction de protection d’unité précieuse et de force amphibie déployée».


Pour le CC Anthony Jupin, entraîneur «lutte sous la mer» à l’état-major de la force d’action navale et planificateur de Squale: «ce rassemblement de moyens, une fois par an et par façade, permet d’atteindre des objectifs d’entraînement et de qualification supérieurs au gré d’un scénario tactique très réaliste. Squale est aussi l’occasion d’attribuer des qualifications spécifiques à chacune des trois composantes représentées: La force d’action navale (ALFAN) qualifie ses équipages de bateaux, la force océanique stratégique (ALFOST) entraîne ses SNA en même temps qu’il  procède en «live» à la sélection du COURCO (cours de commandement destiné aux futurs commandants de sous-marin nucléaire d’attaque)et la force de l’aéronautique navale ALAVIA aguerrit ses équipages d’hélicoptères et d’avions de patrouille maritime fraîchement qualifiés».


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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:55
CEMA : rencontre avec le secrétaire d’état à la Défense letton

31/05/2013 Sources : EMA


Le 28 mai 2013, l’amiral Edouard Guillaud, chef d’état-major des armées (CEMA) a reçu monsieur Jãnis Sãrts, secrétaire d’état à la Défense de la Lettonie, dans le cadre d’un déplacement à Paris au cours duquel il a rencontré plusieurs hautes personnalités politiques et militaires.


Cette rencontre a été l’occasion de s’entretenir sur la coopération militaire bilatérale franco-lettonienne et sur leur engagement conjoint au sein de l’OTAN. Dans la cadre de l’Alliance, le CEMA a salué l’excellente coopération et interopérabilité entre les deux armées. Ils ont évoqués deux missions de l’OTAN auxquelles les deux pays participent : la mission d’assistance et de police du ciel des pays Baltes Baltic et la participation à la campagne de déminage en mer Baltique Open Spirit. La France participera au mois de novembre, aux côtés de la Lettonie, à l’exercice de certification l’OTAN Steadfast Jazz qui aura lieu en Pologne.


Cette rencontre a permis au CEMA et au secrétaire d’état à la Défense d’aborder deux priorités du nouveau Livre blanc sur la défense et la sécurité nationale (LBDSN) : la politique de sécurité et de défense commune européenne (PSDC) et la cyber-défense.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:50
Les 300 participants sont partis pour un rallye de six jours - Crédits : GMP

Les 300 participants sont partis pour un rallye de six jours - Crédits : GMP

31/05/2013 International


Le mardi 28 mai 2013, le Général de corps d’armée Hervé Charpentier, Gouverneur militaire de Paris, a accueilli à l’Hôtel national des Invalides le départ du rallye de l’association anglaise « Help for Heroes », qui œuvre au profit des militaires anglo-saxons blessés. Une action qui met ainsi en exergue la fraternité d’armes entre les deux nations.


A cette occasion, son altesse royale la Duchesse de Cornouailles a tenu à apporter son soutien et à témoigner de sa solidarité envers les 300 participants, partis pour un périple de six jours, à destination de Londres.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:50
EDA Organises First War Game in European Framework
Brussels | May 31, 2013 European Defence Agency

Twenty-five military and civil experts from the Member States and EU bodies participate in the first war game on future capabilities in a European framework, organised by the European Defence Agency (EDA) from 4 to 6 June in The Hague. The aim is to derive conclusions for upcoming European military capability requirements. The war game will be based on four generic scenarios that will cover the full spectrum of possible futures.

EDA Organises First War Game in European Framework

“Given the often long timeframes between research, development, acquisition, training and final entry into service of new assets, we need to have a timely understanding of what future capability needs might look like. The war game is one element to support Member States in defining the military capabilities needed for Common Security and Defence Policy operations in the mid to long-term”, says Peter Round, Capabilities Director of the European Defence Agency.


European Capabilities Assessment Game

Based on the Agency’s work on future trends in the framework of the Capability Development Plan (CDP), the European Capability Assessment Game or war game will be based on four generic scenarios. These scenarios are not aimed at predicting the most probable future, nor to engage in a discussion about political developments but to test the impact on long-term capability requirements:

  • Classic Case: The global balance of today remains unchanged in a positive and stable way.
  • Aggressive Multi-Polarism: Several more or less equally strong powers compete for power, influence and resources – also by military means.
  • Failing States: An increased number of states are not able to cope with the challenges of globalisation, competition for resources, climate change and other factors.
  • Unconventional Conflicts: Open military clashes are rare. Power blocks (states) try to undermine each other’s security by supporting for example terrorist or radical opposition groups.



The 25 experts will during three days crosscheck existing and planned military capabilities against the threats and challenges described in the four scenarios. This will allow them to gain experiences in order to identify decisive points and possible measures to take. Most importantly in the framework of the CDP, they will be able to identify EU’s long-term capability trends in order to timely make the necessary decisions on capability development. The final results of the war game will be presented to Member States in autumn 2013.


More information:

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:50
Next stop for next generation armored combat vehicles: Poland

May 31, 2013 ASDNews Source : BAE Systems PLC


    BAE Systems & Polish Defence Holding Offer New Family of Armored Tracked Vehicles for Poland Military


BAE Systems Hägglunds and Polish national defense company, Polish Defence Holding (formerly the Bumar Group), have joined forces to offer new tracked armored combat vehicles for a top-priority Polish military program under an exclusive teaming agreement.


The “Modular Tracked Platform” (MTP) is part of Poland’s National Armor Program.


The MTP timescales are tight with a production contract likely to be let in 2015 and first vehicles delivered for service in 2018. To meet them the team is proposing a family of vehicles which draws heavily on CV90 technology and reaps the benefit of millions of man hours and dollars already invested in its design.


“Polish Defence Holding has extensive experience as an in-country prime contractor and will be critical in developing solutions for this new family of armored fighting vehicles that will meet the military’s requirements in Poland,” said Erwin Bieber, president of BAE Systems’ Land & Armaments sector.


The partnership brings the team one step closer to meeting the demanding technical and time challenges of this major Polish program and delivering critical operational capability to the Polish Land Forces. Polish Defence Holding will be instrumental in facilitating production of the vehicles if this team’s offering is selected.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:45
Réunion des chefs d’état-major des marines du 5+5, à Rabat les 28 et 29 mai 2013

Réunion des chefs d’état-major des marines du 5+5, à Rabat les 28 et 29 mai 2013

30/05/2013 Marine nationale


L’amiral Bernard Rogel a participé à la 7eréunion des chefs d’état-major des marines du 5+5, organisée à Rabat les 28 et 29 mai 2013, dans le cadre de la présidence marocaine de ce forum multilatéral.


Depuis 2004, l’« Initiative 5+5 » réunit dans son volet « Défense » les marines de cinq pays du Nord (Portugal, Espagne, France, Italie et Malte) et de cinq pays du Sud de la Méditerranée et du proche Atlantique (Libye, Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc et Mauritanie).


Tous les CEMM étaient présents lors de cette réunion, signe de l’importance accordée à l’ « Initiative 5+5 » qui a acquis depuis 10 ans une réputation d’efficacité, appuyée sur des réalisations concrètes. Outre les entraînements CANALE et SEABORDER, ce forum de dialogue Nord-Sud permet ainsi d’entretenir dans le domaine naval un réseau de points de contact entre des centres opérationnels capables, par exemple, de relayer d’une rive à l’autre l’alerte d’un incident en mer.


Les marines du 5+5 ont également accepté de partager l’information maritime compilée par leurs moyens nationaux, au sein d’un réseau administré par l’Italie (VRMT-C 5+5). Lors de cette réunion, la Marine Royale Marocaine a présenté un projet de coopération visant à permettre l’action coordonnée des marines du 5+5 en cas de pollution maritime accidentelle en Méditerranée ou dans les approches atlantique du détroit de Gibraltar. Ce projet devrait donner un nouvel élan aux activités des marines du 5+5 autour d’une action concrète centrée sur des intérêts communs.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:35
tejas source Livefist

tejas source Livefist

30/05/2013 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


The Indian Air Force's newly-inducted HAL Tejas combat aircraft should reach final operational status by late 2014, according to defence minister A.K. Antony's statement.


In early 2011, the HAL Tejas achieved IOC (initial operating clearance) status but, since then, ongoing issues have delayed its full introduction into service. "To achieve this [final operational status] objective, all stakeholders including the Defence Research and Development Organisation, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and IAF must put their energy together in a focused manner", Antony urged.


Referring to the Tejas' indigenous background and the need for India to start working on other home-grown military technologies, he added: "We continue to be the largest importer of defence equipment. The share of indigenous content in defence procurement is low. Our experience has been that foreign vendors are reluctant to part with critical technologies.


"There are delays in the supply of essential spares [and] there are exorbitant price increases. The services [need] to realise that we cannot be eternally-dependant on foreign equipment and platforms."


Indian HAL Tejas


The Indian HAL Tejas story dates back to the 1980s. At that point, India launched its LCA (Light Combat Aircraft) programme, which aimed to develop a new fighter type to take over from the Indian Air Force's elderly MiG-21s.


The resultant prototype Tejas design made its first flight in January 2001, followed some seven years later by the first production model. Since 2011's IOC award, the IAF Tejas fleet has carried out many sorties but, in August 2012, a three-month grounding was imposed, on account of issues involving the aircraft's ejection seat configuration. Ultimately, the Indian Air Force is set to be equipped with a maximum of 180 Tejas fighters, while the Indian Navy will get up to 50 examples.


Powered by a single F404-GE-IN20 turbofan, the Tejas has a top speed of Mach 1.8, an unrefuelled range of 850 kilometres and a service ceiling of 50,000 feet. Eight weapons hardpoints can carry up to 4,000 kilograms of ordnance, including air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, anti-ship missiles and bombs. These are supplemented by a 23mm twin-barrel GSh-23 cannon, complete with 220 ammunition rounds.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:30
La Russie pourrait ne pas livrer de S-300 à la Syrie cette année

31 mai 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


MOSCOU - La Russie n'a pas encore livré de missiles sol-air S-300 à la Syrie contrairement à ce qu'a laissé entendre le président Bachar al-Assad et elle pourrait ne pas le faire cette année, ont rapporté vendredi plusieurs médias.


Dans une interview à la chaîne Al-Manar du Hezbollah libanais diffusée jeudi, M. Assad, interrogé sur la livraison de ces missiles promis par Moscou, a répondu: tous les accords passés avec la Russie seront honorés et une partie l'a déjà été dernièrement.


Mais selon des sources au sein du complexe militaro-industriel russe, citées par les quotidiens Vedomosti et Kommersant, ces missiles n'ont pas encore été livrés.


Selon Vedomosti, il n'est pas certain que ces systèmes d'armes, objet d'un contrat signé en 2010 pour un milliard de dollars et portant sur quatre batteries de missiles d'après sa source, seront livrés cette année.


La livraison de six batteries S-300, prévue dans un contrat signé en 2010, n'aura lieu qu'au deuxième trimestre 2014, écrit pour sa part Kommersant.


Il n'était pas possible d'expliquer la différence des chiffres avancés par les deux journaux.


Kommersant souligne qu'en outre six mois seront nécessaires pour former le personnel syrien et tester les missiles avant qu'ils ne soient opérationnels.


Une source a confirmé vendredi matin à l'agence Interfax que les délais de livraison n'étaient pas encore fixés.


Nous avons avec nos partenaires syriens régulièrement des entretiens sur les contrats déjà signés. En ce qui concerne les livraisons de S-300, elles ne pourront pas commencer avant l'automne, a déclaré cette source au sein des structures chargées des exportations d'armes.


Techniquement c'est possible, mais cela dépendra beaucoup de la situation dans la région et de la position des pays européens sur la question du règlement du conflit syrien, a-t-elle poursuivi.


Cette source n'a par ailleurs pas exclu que les livraisons soient suspendues comme cela avait été le cas en 2005 avec des missiles tactiques Iskander, après qu'Israël avait fait pression sur Moscou.


La Syrie voulait vraiment recevoir ces systèmes, était prête à payer n'importe quel prix, mais la Russie avait décidé de renoncer à ces livraisons pour ne pas déstabiliser la situation dans la région, a dit cette source.


Moscou avait défendu mardi la livraison à Damas de S-300, des systèmes sol-air sophistiqués capables d'intercepter en vol des avions ou des missiles téléguidés, équivalents russes du Patriot américain, comme un facteur de dissuasion contre une intervention extérieure en Syrie.


La source citée par Vedomosti a toutefois indiqué que même si les autorités russes insistaient officiellement sur leur volonté d'honorer ce contrat, cela ne signifiait pas que les livraisons auraient forcément lieu.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:20
Warrior Web Project - photo US Army

Warrior Web Project - photo US Army

May 29, 2013 ASDNews Source : US Army


Army researchers are responding to a request from the U.S. Special Operations Command for technologies to help develop a revolutionary Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit.


The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, or TALOS, is an advanced infantry uniform that promises to provide superhuman strength with greater ballistic protection. Using wide-area networking and on-board computers, operators will have more situational awareness of the action around them and of their own bodies.


The U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, known as REDCOM, is submitting TALOS proposals in response to the May 15 request.


"There is no one industry that can build it," said SOCOM Senior Enlisted Advisor Command Sgt. Maj. Chris Faris during a panel discussion at a conference at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., recently, reported Defense Media Network.


The request, currently posted on Federal Business Opportunities, is looking for technology demonstration submissions from research and development organizations, private industry, individuals, government labs and academia to support the command-directed requirement issued by Adm. William McRaven, USSOCOM commander.


"[The] requirement is a comprehensive family of systems in a combat armor suit where we bring together an exoskeleton with innovative armor, displays for power monitoring, health monitoring, and integrating a weapon into that -- a whole bunch of stuff that RDECOM is playing heavily in," said. Lt. Col. Karl Borjes, an RDECOM science advisor assigned to SOCOM.


TALOS will have a physiological subsystem that lies against the skin that is embedded with sensors to monitor core body temperature, skin temperature, heart rate, body position and hydration levels.


Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are currently developing armor made from magnetorheological fluids -- liquid body armor -- that transforms from liquid to solid in milliseconds when a magnetic field or electrical current is applied. Though still in development, this technology will likely be submitted to support TALOS.


"RDECOM cuts across every aspect making up this combat armor suit," Borjes said "It's advanced armor. It's communications, antennas. It's cognitive performance. It's sensors, miniature-type circuits. That's all going to fit in here, too."


SOCOM demonstrations will take placeJuly 8-10, at or near MacDill Air Force Base.


The request asks participants to submit a white paper summary of their technology by May 31, describing how TALOS can be constructed using current and emerging technologies. A limited number of participant white papers will be selected and those selected will demonstrate their technologies.


The initial demonstration goal is to identify technologies that could be integrated into an initial capability within a year. A second goal is to determine if fielding the TALOS within three years is feasible.


U.S. Army science advisors, such as Borjes, are embedded with major units around the world to speed technology solutions to Soldiers' needs. The Field Assistance in Science and Technology program's 30 science advisors, both uniformed officers and Army civilians, provide a link between Soldiers and the RDECOM's thousands of subject matter experts.




The U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command has the mission to develop technology and engineering solutions for America's Soldiers.


RDECOM is a major subordinate command of the U.S. Army Materiel Command. AMC is the Army's premier provider of materiel readiness -- technology, acquisition support, materiel development, logistics power projection, and sustainment -- to the total force, across the spectrum of joint military operations. If a Soldier shoots it, drives it, flies it, wears it, eats it or communicates with it, AMC provides it.

Future force Soldiers - photo US Army

Future force Soldiers - photo US Army

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:20
ING Robotic Aviation announced as Canada's Reseller for Huginn X1 UAV

May 29, 2013 ASDNews Source : ING Robotic Aviation


ING Robotic Aviation is proud to announce that it has just entered into a partnership with Anthea Technologies to become the sole Canadian reseller of the Huginn X1 ‘quad rotor’ vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).  The X1 is an outstanding platform in terms of reliability, cost and flexibility, and is the best quad rotor on the market today.  In addition to sales of the platform, ING can also organize training and offer operational advice for the end user.


The X1 is an easy to carry and simple to use UAV that is ideal for defence and public safety applications.  Small teams can easily use the system to greatly enhance their situational awareness in a wide range of applications including tactical surveillance, forensic crime scene investigation, search for missing persons and much more. The platform provides its user the ability to receive useful data, while simultaneously focusing on the task at hand.


“We are platform agnostic” says Ian Glenn, CEO of ING Robotic Aviation.  “Simply put, our job is to make sure that the right information gets into the right hands at the right time.  So we source the optimal equipment for the job.  The X1 is the right equipment, and we are proud to be able to offer this system in Canada.”

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:20
Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW)

Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW)

Jun 1st 2013 Technology Quarterly – economist.com


Hypersonic weapons: Building vehicles that fly at five times the speed of sound is amazingly hard, but researchers are trying


ON AUGUST 20th 1998 Bill Clinton ordered American warships in the Arabian Sea to fire a volley of more than 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles at suspected terrorist training camps near the town of Khost in eastern Afghanistan. The missiles, flying north at about 880kph (550mph), took two hours to reach their target. Several people were killed, but the main target of the attack, Osama bin Laden, left the area shortly before the missiles struck. American spies located the al-Qaeda leader on two other occasions as he moved around Afghanistan in September 2000. But the United States had no weapons able to reach him fast enough.


After the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, American officials decided that they needed to obtain a “prompt global strike” capability, able to deliver conventional explosives anywhere on Earth within an hour or two. One way to do this would be to take existing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and replace the nuclear warheads with standard explosives. The hitch is that ballistic missiles are usually armed with nuclear warheads. A launch could therefore be misconstrued as the start of a nuclear strike, says Arun Prakash, a former Chief of the Naval Staff, the top job in India’s navy.


Moreover, ICBMs carrying conventional explosives towards targets in Asia or the Middle East would at first be indistinguishable from those aimed at China or Russia, according to a paper issued by the Congressional Research Service, an American government-research body. This uncertainty might provoke a full-scale nuclear counterattack. In the years after 2001 funding for non-nuclear ballistic missiles was repeatedly cut by Congress, until military planners eventually gave up on the idea. Instead, they have now pinned their hopes on an alternative approach: superfast or “hypersonic” unmanned vehicles that can strike quickly by flying through the atmosphere, and cannot be mistaken for a nuclear missile.


These hypersonic vehicles are not rockets, as ICBMs are, but work in a fundamentally different way. Rockets carry their own fuel, which includes the oxygen needed for combustion in airless space. This fuel is heavy, making rockets practical only for short, vertical flights into space. So engineers are trying to develop lightweight, “air breathing” hypersonic vehicles that can travel at rocket-like speeds while taking oxygen from the atmosphere, as a jet engine does, rather than having to carry it in the form of fuel oxidants.


The term hypersonic technically refers to speeds faster than five times the speed of sound, or Mach 5, equivalent to around 6,200kph at sea level and 5,300kph at high altitudes (where the colder, thinner air means the speed of sound is lower). Being able to sustain flight in the atmosphere at such speeds would have many benefits. Hypersonic vehicles would not be subject to existing treaties on ballistic-missile arsenals, for one thing. It is easier to manoeuvre in air than it is in space, making it more feasible to dodge interceptors or change trajectory if a target moves. And by cutting the cost of flying into the upper reaches of the atmosphere, the technology could also help reduce the expense of military and civilian access to space.


All this, however, requires a totally different design from the turbofan and turbojet engines that power airliners and fighter jets, few of which can operate beyond speeds of about Mach 2. At higher speeds the jet engines’ assemblies of spinning blades can no longer slow incoming air to the subsonic velocities needed for combustion. Faster propulsion relies instead on engines without moving parts. One type, called a ramjet, slows incoming air to subsonic speeds using a carefully shaped inlet to compress and thereby slow the airstream. Ramjets power France’s new, nuclear-tipped ASMPA missiles. Carried by Rafale and Mirage fighter jets, they are thought to be able to fly for about 500km at Mach 3, or around 3,700kph.


It’s not rocket science


But reaching hypersonic speeds of Mach 5 and above with an air-breathing engine means getting combustion to happen in a stream of supersonic air. Engines that do this are called supersonic-combustion ramjets, or scramjets. They also use a specially shaped inlet to slow the flow of incoming air, but it does not slow down enough to become subsonic. This leaves engineers with a big problem: injecting and igniting fuel in a supersonic airstream is like “lighting a match in a hurricane and keeping it lit,” says Russell Cummings, a hypersonic-propulsion expert at California Polytechnic State University.


One way to do it is to use fuel injectors that protrude, at an angle, into the supersonic airstream. They generate small shock waves that mix oxygen with fuel as soon as it is injected. This mixture can be ignited using the energy of bigger shock waves entering the combustion chamber. Another approach is being developed at the Australian Defence Force Academy. In a process known as “cascade ionisation”, laser blasts lasting just a few nanoseconds rip electrons off passing molecules, creating pockets of hot plasma in the combustion chamber that serve as sparks.


Scramjet fuel must also be kept away from the wall of the combustion chamber. Otherwise, it might “pre-ignite” before mixing properly, blowing up the vehicle, says Clinton Groth, an engineer at the University of Toronto who is currently doing research at Cambridge University in England (and who has consulted for Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce, two engine-makers). To complicate matters further, scramjets move too fast for their internal temperature and air pressure to be controlled mechanically by adjusting the air intake. Instead, as scramjets accelerate, they must ascend into thinner air at a precise rate to prevent rising heat and pressure from quickening the fuel burn and blowing up the combustion chamber.


In other words, igniting a scramjet is difficult, and keeping it going without exploding is harder still. Moreover scramjets, like ramjets, cannot begin flight on their own power. Because they need to be moving quickly to compress air for combustion, scramjets must first be accelerated by piggybacking on a jet plane or rocket. There are, in short, formidable obstacles to the construction of a scramjet vehicle. Even though the idea has been around since the 1950s, it was not until the 1990s that a scramjet was successfully flight-tested by Russian researchers, working in conjunction with French and American scientists—and some experts doubt that those tests achieved fully supersonic combustion.


HyShot goes supersonic down under - photo The University of Queensland

HyShot goes supersonic down under - photo The University of Queensland



The next step forward came in July 2002, when a British-designed scramjet vehicle was successfully flown in Australia by researchers at the University of Queensland. The HyShot scramjet flew at Mach 7.6 for six seconds. But this was not controlled flight of a scramjet vehicle: instead the HyShot was launched on a rocket into space, and its engine was then ignited as it fell, nose pointing downwards, at hypersonic speed back towards the ground.


More recently America’s space agency, NASA, has made progress with two experimental scramjet vehicles, both of which are dropped from a carrier plane and then accelerated using a rocket booster. The unmanned, hydrogen-fuelled X-43A scramjet accelerated to a record Mach 9.68 in November 2004. This was the first fully controlled flight of a scramjet-powered vehicle, though it lasted only ten seconds.


NASA is now concentrating on another test vehicle, the X-51A Waverider. In its first test, carried out in May 2010, the X-51A reached Mach 5, but not a hoped-for Mach 6, during a flight lasting roughly 200 seconds. Subsequent tests in June 2011 and August 2012 both failed. In a test flight on May 1st 2013, however, the X-51A maintained a speed of Mach 5.1 for four minutes, in the longest scramjet flight on record.


The unsheltering sky


In 2010 the head of America’s Pacific Command, Admiral Robert Willard, said that a Chinese programme to convert a nuclear ballistic missile into an aircraft-carrier killer, by packing it with conventional explosives, had reached “initial operational capability”. The DF-21D, as it is called, is designed to descend from space at hypersonic speed and strike ships in the Western Pacific. Even though the accuracy of the DF-21D’s guidance system is unknown, the missile is already altering the balance of power within its range, says Eric McVadon, a consultant on East Asian security and a former US Navy rear-admiral.


Having ruled out such systems due to the “nuclear ambiguity” a launch would cause, and with powered hypersonic vehicles descended from the X-51A still years away, America has begun testing yet another approach. As part of an effort called Project Falcon, the US Air Force and DARPA, the research arm of America’s armed forces, have developed hypersonic “boost-glide” vehicles that piggyback on a modified ICBM and achieve hypersonic speeds simply by falling from a high altitude, rather than using a scramjet.


The “hypersonic cruise vehicle” (pictured on previous page), is carried on an ICBM into the lower reaches of space where it separates, and, rather than following an arching ballistic trajectory, glides back to Earth at more than 20,000kph. The first vehicle, tested in April 2010, successfully separated from its ICBM, but about nine minutes later contact was lost. “They were getting good data and then the skin peeled off and it went boom,” says Brian Weeden, a former air-force captain and nuclear-missile launch officer stationed in Montana. A test in 2011 also failed.


In spite of such setbacks, research into hypersonic weapons will continue. Building a vehicle capable of gliding at Mach 16 is difficult, but not impossible. America’s space shuttle used to re-enter the atmosphere at Mach 25, so fast that friction heated air molecules into a layer of plasma around the craft that radio signals could not penetrate. New “ceramic matrix composites” show great heat-shielding promise, says Sankar Sambasivan, the boss of Applied Thin Films, a company in Illinois that makes parts for military aircraft.


Testing equipment is also improving. Heat and pressure sensors, and even video cameras, can be embedded in vehicles to gather data as they fly, providing “a level of detail and fidelity that we’ve never had before,” says Ken Anderson, head of hypersonic air vehicles at Australia’s Defence Science and Technology Organisation. Better wind tunnels help, too. The one at Belgium’s Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics can generate short blasts of air at Mach 14. This is done by cooling the test chamber, reducing the speed of sound and thereby increasing the Mach number of air forced in with a piston.


Last year a DARPA statement noted that America is gradually losing the “strategic advantage” that its stealth warplanes have long provided, as other countries’ stealth and counter-stealth capabilities continue to improve. Instead, DARPA suggested, America will need “the new stealth” of hypersonic vehicles. Similarly, Russia’s deputy prime minister, Dmitry Rogozin, remarked last year that the design of hypersonic missiles had become a priority for the country. Getting anything to work at all under hypersonic conditions is extraordinarily difficult—but the effort continues even so.


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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:20
New US Navy Littoral Combat Ships Cannot Fullfil Agreed Missions

16/05/2013 by Victoria Knowles - Armed Forces International Reporter


A Navy ship cannot meet its mission, according to an internal US report.


Last year, US Navy chiefs were cautioned that a program to assemble Littoral Combat Ships, costing $37 billion, cannot fulfill its agreed mission due to the vessels being too lightly armed and manned, a confidential report found.


"This review highlights the gap between ship capabilities and the missions the Navy will need LCS to execute", the 36-page report said, compiled by Rear Admiral Samuel Perez for the Navy last year.


The Littoral Combat Ship is a vessel that can adapt to carry out one of three assigned roles: anti-submarine, anti-mine, or ocean surface combat. To achieve this, it uses interchangeable modules, missiles, unmanned underwater vehicles and helicopters, dependent on the mission. In theory, these modules function like LEGOs, interchanging a sonar collection in the anti-submarine equipment for a 30mm gun from the surface warfare kit.


Littoral Combat Ships Do Not Function Effectively


But in practice, these modules don't function efficiently. The target was a 96-hour turnaround between the in place modules and other specific tools required. A vessel this flexible and adaptable could respond quickly in the event of a crisis. But the report, acquired by Bloomberg News, reveals that while a four day module exchange technically is possible, a nearby dock is required, with the next module's components already to hand. This means a lot of preparation beforehand is needed to set up, and necessitates acquiring spare modules from naval bases in advance. This is a process that, during a training exercise, took weeks.


Also, the Littoral Combat Ship is far from durable. A late report states that the vessel is not anticipated to remain competent following a strike from an opponent, which presents a major issue for a naval ship. Granted, it wouldn't be able to execute an entire naval battle on its own, but it takes less than an enemy warship to sink it: this vessel can be taken out by only a single hostile cruise missile.


The Navy currently has 20 vessels under contract from a proposed fleet of 52. Construction costs have increased two-fold, from an original target of $220 million per ship to $440 million.


It is still feasible for the Littoral Combat Ship to undergo drastic improvements; while the 12 month-old report highlights crucial flaws, they are not completely unconquerable. Addressing them will require further monetary invest and time, which is a period of sequestration, both these resources are progressively scare.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 12:20
photo Raytheon

photo Raytheon

May 31, 2013 ASDNews Source : Raytheon Corporation


    Engagements validate defensive weapon's upgrades


The U.S. Navy completed the first series of developmental and operational testing (DT/OT) of Raytheon Company's (NYSE: RTN) Rolling Airframe Missile Block 2.


In at-sea tests conducted from the U.S. Navy's Self-Defense Test Ship, RAM Block 2 missiles engaged two targets in tactical dual-salvo scenarios designed to demonstrate the advanced missile's defensive capabilities. The DT/OT tests successfully engaged high-speed, maneuvering and sub-sonic, maneuvering targets with all four RAM Block 2 missiles meeting test objectives.


"RAM Block 2's success in these developmental tests follows the completion of a series of guidance test vehicle flight tests," said Rick Nelson, vice president of Raytheon Missile Systems' Naval and Area Mission Defense product line. "RAM Block 2's increased kinematic capability and its advanced guidance system will continue to give the warfighter an unfair advantage in the fight."


Raytheon and its manufacturing partner RAMSYS of Germany were awarded the second U.S. Navy RAM Block 2 low-rate production contact for 61 missiles in December 2012. In addition, as previously reported, the company received a $155.6 million Block 2 production contract for the German navy earlier this year.


The RAM Block 2 upgrade includes a four-axis independent control actuator system and an increase in rocket motor capability, increasing the missile's effective range and delivering a significant increase in maneuverability. The improved missile also incorporates an upgraded passive radio frequency seeker, a digital autopilot and engineering changes in selected infrared seeker components.


RAM is a supersonic, lightweight, quick reaction, fire-and-forget missile providing defense against anti-ship cruise missiles, helicopter and airborne threats, and hostile surface craft. The missile's autonomous dual-mode, passive radio frequency and infrared guidance design provide a high-firepower capability for engaging multiple threats simultaneously. RAM is installed, or planned for installation, aboard more than 165 ships as an integral self-defense weapon for the navies of Egypt, Germany, Greece, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.


About RAM


    Extremely high reliability resulting from years of development, testing and design improvements.

    Four-axis independent control actuator system with increased rocket motor capability.

    Upgraded passive radio frequency seeker, a digital autopilot and improved infrared seeker.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 11:55
Premier A400M pour l'armée de l'air française (à gauche) à côté d'un appareil d'essais d'Airbus Military photo Pierre Bayle

Premier A400M pour l'armée de l'air française (à gauche) à côté d'un appareil d'essais d'Airbus Military photo Pierre Bayle


30 mai 2013 Par Elodie Vallerey - Usinenouvelle.com


Initialement prévue pour mai 2013, la livraison du premier exemplaire de l'avion de transport militaire A400M d'Airbus Military à l'armée de l'air française pourrait intervenir avant le 14 juillet.


"Nous sommes de retour sur le bon chemin et nous sommes très proches d'une entrée en service", a confié Cédric Gautier, le chef du programme A400M chez Airbus Military, lors d'un point presse le 30 mai.


"Nous avons réglé les problèmes (rencontrés sur les moteurs de l'A400M) pour l'entrée en service. Le calendrier reste le même, nous avons beaucoup avancé", a-t-il assuré.


Et de prévoir une première livraison de l'avion de transport militaire destiné à équiper sept pays dont la France, l'Allemagne et l'Espagne "dans les prochains jours ou semaines". "Nous sommes absolument convaincus de la capacité actuelle de l'avion, et prêts à l'exporter", analyse Cédric Gautier.


Avant la livraison du MSN7, le premier exemplaire pour l'armée de l'air française, avant le défilé du 14 juillet, l'échéance pour Airbus et sa filiale Airbus Military reste le Salon international de l'aéronautique et de l'espace de Paris-Le Bourget, du 17 au 23 juin.


Selon nos confrères d'Air&Cosmos, deux A400M seront présentés au Bourget, l'un sur l'exposition statique (le MSN 7 français), l'autre pour les démonstrations en vol (le MSN006).


Le site du magazine cite aussi Domingo Ureña-Raso, le patron d'Airbus Military, qui aurait annoncé la tenue d'une cérémonie sur la base militaire d'Orléans pour la livraison fin juin ou début juillet du MSN 7 à l'armée.


Sur son site de Séville, en Espagne, Airbus a récemment réalisé avec succès les tests moteur du MSN 8, le deuxième exemplaire pour la France devant être livré au cours de l'été. Avec en ligne de mire un premier vol dans les prochaines semaines.


Selon les informations délivrées par Airbus Military, six appareils (MSN 7 à 12) sont actuellement en phase d'assemblage final, et la production de quinze autres appareils (MSN 13 à 27) a commencé.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
Hawkei Vehicles Delivered on Schedule

29.05.2013 Thales Group - army-guide.com


Thales Australia has delivered a further two Hawkei vehicles to the Defence Materiel Organisation on schedule.


The handover of the two Reconnaissance variants under Stage 2 of the Manufactured and Supported in Australia option of Land 121 Phase 4 means that all six vehicles are now with the Department of Defence for testing. All vehicle delivery milestones have been met on schedule.


The six vehicles comprise two Command variants, two Utility variants and two Reconnaissance variants, plus a trailer.


The majority of the evaluation process is being undertaken by the Commonwealth at Monegeetta in Victoria, and includes survivability testing, communications system integration testing, electro-magnetic interference/compatibility testing, reliability growth trials and user assessments.


Vehicles already delivered have so far completed almost half of the planned 100,000km of testing scheduled for the evaluation period. Subject to successful testing of the vehicles, final approval of the project is expected circa 2015, as detailed in the 2012 Defence Capability Plan.


Thales Australia CEO Chris Jenkins said: “We are very pleased to deliver these final two vehicles to Defence on schedule. They are backed by the expertise of our protected mobility engineering teams, and we are working closely with Defence to support the testing and evaluation process.”


“We have invested $30 million in Hawkei, and Australian industry has also put significant effort into the development of these vehicles. I’d like to thank all the companies in the supply chain who have helped us meet this important milestone.”


The Hawkei is manufactured at Thales’s Bendigo facility in Victoria. Employing 200 people, Bendigo is also home of the Bushmaster vehicle that has proven very successful on Australian Defence Force operations overseas.


LAND 121 Phase 4 is a Department of Defence project that seeks to provide up to 1,300 protected light vehicles.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
Le salon de l’industrie de la défense CANSEC, à Ottawa (Photo: AICDS)

Le salon de l’industrie de la défense CANSEC, à Ottawa (Photo: AICDS)

30/05/2013 par Nicolas Laffont – 45eNord.ca


Jusqu’à présent, pour obtenir un contrat lors de l’achat d’équipement militaire au Canada, c’est le plus bas soumissionnaire qui l’emportait. Ce n’est désormais plus le cas!


Invitée par l’Association des industries canadiennes de défense et de sécurité (AICDS) au salon CANSEC à Ottawa, la ministre des Travaux Publics, Rona Ambrose, a annoncé mercredi que le gouvernement fédéral refont son système d’approvisionnement militaire pour mettre en avant ce qui «rapporte pour le Canada» et non plus simplement le meilleur prix.


Dans les faits, cela signifie que Travaux Publics mettra davantage l’accent sur les avantages économiques pour le Canada et les Canadiens à long terme dans les différentes acquisitions pour les Forces armées canadiennes qui doivent être réalisées dans les 20 prochaines années. Le marché est estimé à près de 490 milliards $.


«Nous veillerons à ce que notre définition de notre «politique d’achat favorisant le meilleur rapport qualité/prix» reconnaît explicitement ce qui rapporte à l’économie canadienne et à l’industrie canadienne», a déclaré la ministre Ambrose devant une salle pleine de représentants des entreprises de la défense.


Si la décision a été chaudement applaudie par les industriels présents, quelques craintes surgissent.


S’il est désormais évident que les entreprises canadiennes seront «priorisées», les coûts pourraient quant à eux continuer de monter. La ministre des Travaux Publics l’a d’ailleurs clairement laissé entendre. Elle a cependant précisé que lors de l’examen des différents fournisseurs possibles, des «compromis» devront être trouvés entre le meilleur prix et la priorisation des entreprises canadiennes.


Selon Mme Ambrose, il y a des «sceptiques qui pensent que cela pourrait coûter plus d’argent ou prendre plus de temps [...] Il incombe à l’industrie de travailler en étroite collaboration avec notre gouvernement pour nous assurer que ce n’est pas vrai».


Cette annonce de Mme Ambrose intervient quelques mois après que le conseiller spécial à la ministre des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux, Tom Jenkins, ait remis un rapport sur les capacités industrielles clés recommandant que «la seule façon pour le gouvernement de profiter pleinement des retombées des capacités industrielles clés est d’apporter des modifications à ses politiques et ses programmes d’approvisionnement militaire existants. Nous recommandons les changements suivants:

  • faire de l’innovation et de la contribution à l’économie canadienne des facteurs clés dans tous les projets d’approvisionnement militaire à l’avenir, en exigeant que les soumissionnaires précisent, à l’avance, sous la forme d’engagements qui seront cotés, la valeur qu’ils ajouteront à l’économie du Canada grâce à leur soumission; il faudrait que les offres incluent au minimum les éléments suivants : transfert de technologie et conservation des éléments de propriété intellectuelle, innovation sur place dans le pays, mandats d’envergure mondiale pour les produits et développement de compétences et de formations spécifiques;
  • réexaminer et réformer l’ensemble des politiques et des pratiques d’approvisionnement militaire abordées dans le présent rapport — par exemple, en ce qui a trait à l’exception au titre de la sécurité nationale et de la Politique sur le contenu canadien — pour encourager et favoriser de façon plus efficace l’innovation industrielle au Canada, en se concentrant sur les domaines des capacités industrielles clés;»
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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
Oshkosh Showcases Light Combat Tactical All Terrain Vehicle At CANSEC 2013

May 29, 2013. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


News release from Oshkosh:


OTTAWA, Ontario (May 29, 2013) — Oshkosh Defense, a division of Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK), is showcasing the Oshkosh Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle (L-ATV) – the future of light tactical vehicles – for the first time in Canada at the CANSEC 2013 defence exhibition in Ottawa, Ontario. The L-ATV aims to replace aging Light Utility Vehicle, Wheeled (LUVW) and special operations vehicle fleets and give troops greater off-road mobility, protection, speed and transportability capabilities.


“Military threats, tactics and environments are changing at unprecedented speeds,” said John Urias, Oshkosh Corporation executive vice president and president of Oshkosh Defense. “Our L-ATV platform leverages the latest automotive technologies and vast military experience to give troops next-generation levels of mobility, protection and operational flexibility for missions both at home and abroad. We believe this vehicle represents the future of light tactical vehicles and are excited to share this cutting edge solution in Canada.”


The Oshkosh L-ATV offers an advanced crew protection system proven to optimize crew survivability. The platform can accept multiple armour configurations, which allows the vehicle to adapt easily to changing operational requirements. The L-ATV also applies the Oshkosh TAK-4i™ intelligent independent-suspension system to provide significantly faster speeds when operating off-road, which can be critical to troops’ safety.


The U.S. Army and Marine Corps selected the Oshkosh L-ATV in August 2012 as one of three vehicles to be evaluated in the Engineering, Manufacturing and Development (EMD) phase of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) programme, which focuses on replacing the HMMWV fleet. As part of the JLTV programme, Oshkosh will deliver 22 L-ATVs in August 2013 for U.S. Government testing and evaluation.


Also at CANSEC, the company will be displaying the Oshkosh Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) A4 Light Equipment Transporter and the Oshkosh Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) 5-ton wrecker, as well as demonstrating a new module of the Oshkosh Virtual Trainer for the HEMTT Load Handling System (LHS).


Oshkosh Defense leadership will be available at CANSEC to discuss the company’s commitment to Canada, as well its full range of vehicle, technology and service offerings, at indoor booth #1001 in The Ernst & Young Centre (formerly the CE Centre) and outdoor booth #2029 today through May 30.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 07:50
Netherlands, Norway Sign New Defense MoU

May 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Norwegian Ministry of Defence; issued May 30, 2013)


New MoU Between the Netherlands and Norway


The Netherlands and Norway signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in The Hague on Wednesday 24 April 2013. It was signed by Director of the Defence Materiel Organization, Lex Hendrichs (the Netherlands) and National Armaments Director Morten Tiller (Norway).


The MoU has a broad scope of co-operation on research and development, exchange of personnel and information, cooperation on quality assurance and invites to co-operation in industrial defence areas of production, services, technology and trade.


The goal is that the Netherlands and Norway can strengthen defence effectiveness and output through common efforts. The objective is to facilitate joint efforts by review of equipment and logistics support requirements, technical evaluation, the exchange of personnel and know-how, and technological co-operation.


The MoU is currently valid for five years and will be automatically renewed unless modification or termination is desired by a party. The formal title of the agreement is: Memorandum of Understanding between the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Norway concerning Defence Materiel Co-operation.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 07:50
Gen Odierno said that British defence cuts are already jeopardising US-UK joint operations

Gen Odierno said that British defence cuts are already jeopardising US-UK joint operations

30 May 2013 James Kirkup and Ben Farmer - telegraph.co.uk


Defence cuts will leave the British Army “dependent” on its US counterparts, a senior American commander has warned.


General Ray Odierno revealed that he has repeatedly raised concerns with British defence chiefs that Britain’s shrinking forces will be unable to work alongside the Americans.


Gen Odierno’s comments come as ministers fight over a fresh round of spending reductions that could force another round of defence cuts.


The British Army is losing 20,000 regular posts, shrinking to 82,000 soldiers by 2015. Armoured units, including the Desert Rats, are losing their tanks.


Gen Odierno said that such cuts are already jeopardising US-UK joint operations, and leaving the British reliant on American forces.


“As the British Army continues to reduce in size we’ve had several conversations about keeping them integrated in what we’re trying to do,” he said.


“In a lot of ways they’re depending on us, especially in our ground capabilities into the future.”


Speaking at a Washington think-tank, the general warned that defence cuts by America’s European allies like Britain risk undermining Nato and Transatlantic relations.


“We gotta make sure we stay in sync, because we might become unbalanced,” he said.


Gen Odierno’s public comments reflect the private concerns of US commanders over British defence cut, expressed at several private meetings in recent months.


David Cameron has promised to maintain the Special Relationship with the US, which is built on defence co-operation.


The US commander’s comments may strengthen the hand of Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, in his battle to avert more cuts in the Spending Review next month.


Mr Hammond is already resisting more cuts as George Osborne, the Chancellor, tries to find another £11.5 billion of savings from Whitehall departments in 2015-16.


The Ministry expects its £34 billion budget to be “hit hard” by the Chancellor because several other high spending departments have their budgets protected from cuts.


The Ministry of Defence believes it can make some “efficiency savings” but those are likely to fall far short of what the Chancellor wants.


Mr Hammond warned Mr Osborne earlier this week that there needed to be an “adult conversation” about how any further cuts might affect Britain’s ability to defend itself.


He denied he was a “hold-back”, as he was trying to make savings by slashing administration, but believes that going any further would cut the capability of Britain’s forces.


He said he would not make cuts that affect front-line troops without forcing Mr Osborne to reconsider savings in other departments “across Government”.


Whitehall sources have previously warned further cuts may take British defence spending below 2 per cent of Gross Domestic Product, regarded by the US as the minimum level for a serious military power.

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