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11 août 2014 1 11 /08 /août /2014 07:20
Les nouvelles frégates légères de l’US Navy, les Littoral Combat Ships, seraient trop lourdes

Quatre des 6 navires faisant parti d’une nouvelle classe de bâtiments en cours de développement pour l’US Navy, sont trop lourds. Cela affecte certaines de leurs performances, selon un audit publié récemment.

Un rapport rédigé par le Government Accountability Office indique que l’USS Freedom ne peut atteindre sa vitesse maximale de 40 nœuds ; et il n’est pas parvenu à respecter son autonomie spécifiée de 3.500 nautiques à 14 nœuds, selon le rapport, qui attribue ce problème à une « augmentation excessive du poids ».

Le navire tête de série n’atteint que la vitesse de 39,5 nœuds — contre les 40 exigés — et qu’il déplace un poids qui « dans certaines conditions météo ou après avoir subi certains dégâts, pourrait entraîner des défaillances, » selon le rapport.

Les LCS étaient supposés être des navires rapides pouvant accomplir un certain nombre de missions. Mais le poids a affecté ses performances dans certains domaines. Cela pourrait aussi être un facteur limitant pour de futures évolutions des navires ou des équipements, explique le rapport.

L’USS Freedom est trop lourd de 24 tonnes.

Selon le rapport, l’US Navy envisage déjà de réaliser des modifications qui pourraient encore augmenter le poids des LCS : augmenter la taille des équipages et changer de système de missiles.

Pour l’US Navy, les éventuels changements présentent peu de risques et ne devraient pas modifier les performances des LCS.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 17:50
Entrée en service de l’Arriel 2E sur le premier EC145 pour la DRF Luftrettung


Bordes, le 1er aout 2014 Turboméca


La Garde aérienne allemande, DRF Luftrettung, a réceptionné à Donauwoerth le premier de 20 hélicoptères EC145 T2 livrés par Airbus Helicopters. Cette nouvelle version de l’EC145, certifiée en avril 2014, est motorisée par le dernier membre de la famille Arriel, l’Arriel 2E.


Certifié en janvier 2013 par l’Agence Européenne de la Sécurité Aérienne (AESA), l’Arriel 2E développe une puissance de 894 shp, 20% de plus que celle de l’Arriel 1E2 qui motorise l’EC145. Le 2E bénéficie d’un nouveau compresseur axial et de nouvelles pales qui offrent à ce moteur éprouvé des performances accrues et une consommation de carburant réduite.

Sécurité renforcée. Un FADEC double canal de nouvelle génération permet de réduire la charge de travail du pilote et inclut un nouveau régime d’urgence de 30 minutes. En outre, grâce à un nouvel enregistreur de données du moteur, la maintenance anticipée prend désormais le pas sur la maintenance traditionnelle. Ces innovations, s’accompagnant de meilleurs outils de dépannage et de surveillance, permettent de réduire de façon drastique le nombre de déposes non programmées et d’améliorer considérablement la disponibilité de l’hélicoptère.

Fiabilité. La puissance thermique accrue du 2E, associée à la nouvelle conception de plusieurs composants, confirme la place prépondérante de l’Arriel en tant que moteur le plus fiable de sa catégorie. Depuis 1977, Turbomeca a fabriqué plus de 11 000 moteurs Arriel déclinés en 28 versions. Ces moteurs enregistrent un total de 40 millions d’heures de vol en service pour 1 300 clients dans 110 pays.

Réduction des coûts. Sa conception modulaire, combinée à une augmentation de son TBO (temps entre deux révisions), fixé à 4 000 heures dès l’entrée en service pour un objectif de 6 000 heures à maturité, permet de simplifier les opérations de maintenance et de réduire les coûts de maintenance directe d’environ 10 %.

Turbomeca Germany GmbH, dont le siège est situé à Hambourg, assurera les opérations d’assistance et de maintenance sur les moteurs de la DRF Luftrettung. Fondée en 1991, Turbomeca Germany emploie 46 personnes et fournit une assistance 24/7 à 250 clients répartis dans 29 pays situés en Europe du nord, Europe centrale et Europe de l’est ainsi qu’en Asie centrale et en Russie.


Turbomeca (SAFRAN) est le motoriste leader pour hélicoptères, avec plus de 70 000 turbines de sa conception produites depuis l’origine de la société. Offrant la plus large gamme de moteurs au monde pour 2 500 clients répartis dans 155 pays, Turbomeca assure un service de proximité grâce à 16 établissements, 30 centres de maintenance de proximité, 18 centres de réparation & révision, et 90 représentants commerciaux et techniques. Microturbo, filiale de Turbomeca, est leader européen des turboréacteurs pour missiles, engins-cibles et groupes auxiliaires de puissance. Plus d’informations sur www.turbomeca.com et www.safran-group.com.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:50
BAE Systems Receives Award for 2P Ammunition

57Mk3 Naval BAE Systems’ new 2P ammunition was developed based on its proven 3P ammunition, pictured here.


7 August 2014 BAE Systems


BAE Systems has received an order from the Swedish FMV to produce and deliver 9,000 rounds of 2P ammunition for the Swedish Armed Forces.


The programmable 2P ammunition is based on the proven and effective programmable 3P ammunition. It was developed to meet customer requirements identified during international missions to allow for operation at shorter distances with minimum collateral damage. The 2P ammunition can be programmed in different function modes providing optimized effect against a wide range of targets.


“This order further demonstrates that BAE Systems is trusted to develop and provide new, high-tech products to meet customer requirements,” says Lena Gillström, managing director of Weapon Systems, Sweden at BAE Systems. “With the 2P ammunition, we have a new member in our product portfolio.”


Development of the 2P ammunition began in January 2013, and was done in cooperation between BAE Systems, FMV and the Swedish Armed Forces.


Deliveries will begin in June 2015 and continue through February 2016. Production and final assembly will take place in Karlskoga, Sweden.


BAE Systems’ new 2P ammunition was developed based on its proven 3P ammunition, pictured above.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:50
BAE chairman quietly gets to grips before sorting succession


09 Aug 2014 By James Quinn, Executive Business Editor


Sir Roger Carr is progressing his plans at the British defence giant.


When Sir Roger Carr took over as chairman of BAE Systems, few in the City were surprised. Having served his dues as chairman of Cadbury and Centrica among others, the City grandee was more than ready to take on the challenge at one of the great companies of state.

In the aftermath of the British defence giant’s failed merger talks with European rival EADS, and after predecessor Sir Dick Olver’s steady 10-year reign, it was perceived by some that the arrival of Sir Roger in February heralded a series of significant changes at the FTSE 100 company.

But, despite those perceptions, the external changes have been few.


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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:20
E-11A - Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN)

E-11A - Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN)


8 August 2014 airforce-technology.com


Northrop Grumman has been awarded a contract to continue the operation and support of the US Air Force's (USAF) battlefield airborne communications node (BACN) system.


Under the $89.7m contract's terms, the company will extend operational support of the BACN payloads in support of overseas contingency missions until June 2015.


Equipped with an airborne executive processor (AEP), BACN is a forward-deployed network-centric enterprise information server, developed to enable data sharing between different battlefield communications systems using a suite of computers and radio systems.


The high-altitude BACN payloads are integrated onto four E-11A Bombardier Global Express BD-700 aircraft and three EQ-4B Block 20 Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.


Northrop Grumman Information Systems communications division vice-president and general manager Jeannie Hilger said: "BACN is making such a tremendous difference for our warfighters that it is regarded as indispensable for mission success.


"The amount of positive feedback BACN receives from our warfighters is a testament to the critical support BACN currently provides and an inspiration to continuously enhance the system's capabilities."


The BACN also provides an advanced airborne communications capability to commanders and troops, as well as enhancing situational awareness and extending voice communications.


Northrop expects BACN to serves as a persistent high-altitude gateway in the joint aerial layer network (JALN) to offer secure communications to disadvantaged soldiers and network connectivity across the theatre.


The JALN would be designed to expand on existing communications networks and capabilities and links ground, space and airborne military assets.


Northrop serves as prime contractor for the EQ-4B Global Hawk UAV and the development, fielding and maintenance of the BACN system, and received the first BACN contract from the US Air Force Electronic Systems Center in April 2005.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:40
KRET Photo Marina Lystseva

KRET Photo Marina Lystseva

August 07, 2014 by Rostec

KRET has for the first time entered the international ranking, companied by the authoritative American weekly Defense News. The company took 52nd place among the top 100 defense companies in the world.

In compiling the rankings, international experts took into account not only brand awareness, quality, reliability, and popularity of the companies, but also a detailed investigation into their financial performance and growth dynamics over the past few years in regard to weapons production.

Between 2011 and 2013, KRET increased its total revenue by almost one and a half, from RUB 45 billion ($1.3 billion) to RUB 77.3 billion ($2.4 billion). During this time, the value of state defense orders fulfilled by KRET increased six-fold, from RUB 6.4 billion ($179 million) to RUB 40 billion ($1.1 billion). KRET was simultaneously able to optimize fully financial flows, improving transparency and the effectiveness of enterprise expenditures. By the end of 2013, KRET had earned RUB 64.2 billion ($1.8 billion) in revenue from sales of military products, a 12.3% increase from 2012. Military products made up 76% of the concern’s total revenue for 2013.

“Today, KRET is Russia’s largest developer and supplier of integrated systems of modern electronic equipment, electronic warfare systems and equipment, and civil and military avionics. Joining the group of the top 100 defense companies in the world affirms the competitiveness of Russian electronics and demonstrates the effectiveness of the model used by Rostec Corporation to integrate leading companies of the industry under the single brand of KRET,” said KRET CEO Nikolay Kolesov.

According to Kolesov, the concern is not going to rest easy and has already started updating its development strategy. New business models will fully meet the modern requirements and changes happening in the international market. The concern is placing primary emphasis on the diversification of production, strengthening the production of civil goods, integrating scientific and technical potential and attracting world-class, qualified personnel to the concern’s businesses.

KRET has operated as a single brand  and an independent member of the international aerospace and defense markets since 2014. KRET’s products can be found in more than 30 countries around the world. Innovative developments in radar stations (RLS) developed by KRET have already been installed in 70% of all Russian fighter jets and will also be used in next-generation helicopter and airplane technologies.

At the international airshow Farnborough 2014, held last July, KRET products were praised by the world’s leading experts. The Russian manufacturer introduced some of its most advanced products in avionics systems, electronic warfare systems, and friend-or-foe identification systems. KRET demonstrated that it is competent and prepared for long-term cooperation in creating new, integrated solutions for the radio-electronics industry.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 07:30
Gel des Contrats entre la Russie et Israël pour la Fourniture de Drones.


07.08.2014 Eyal Kaddosh (Tel Aviv) – Israel Valley


Poutine ne va pas être bien content. Poussé par les américains, Israël n’a pas le choix. Un arrêt temporaire des ventes de drones a été mis en place par les autorités israéliennes.


Selon des sources Russes : "Le ministère israélien de la Défense a demandé à toutes les sociétés israéliennes qui participent à la fabrication des drones de ne pas commencer ou continuer les pourparlers sur d’éventuels contrats avec la Russie dans ce domaine, rapporte l’hebdomadaire britannique Flight International.


Selon le ministère, un rôle important dans cette décision a été joué par Washington suite à la situation en Ukraine. Deux sociétés israéliennes travaillaient avec les contrats russes. Moscou a déjà reçu une partie des drones commandés.


La nouvelle directive concerne uniquement la conclusion des nouveaux contrats. La poursuite de la coopération sur les contrats qui sont en cours n’est pas interdite, notamment en ce qui concerne la livraison des pièces de rechange et la modernisation du matériel fourni précédemment".

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 07:20
US Army M2 Bradley IFV Upgrades


01/08/2014 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


The US Army's long-serving M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles are being upgraded to be made more mobile.


To be carried out by Loc Performance Products - previously in competition with three other bidding parties - the Bradley IFV upgrades will see the vehicles gain track kits, shock absorbers, new suspension support systems and other revisions.


The work is as per the US Army's instruction and has a contract value of $161m. According to Loc Performance Products' President, Lou Burr, the contract is a real "game-changer...it's going to nearly double the size of our company."


Bradley IFV Upgrades


Burr adds, in the company's Bradley IFV upgrades press release: "This award represents a watershed moment in procurement history for the US Army. This type of contract is normally sole-sourced to the original Prime Contractor, which typically does not result in Best Value for the Army.


"Because this was a full and open competition, the Army saves taxpayers millions of dollars, and demonstrates a new model for cost-effective procurement. We look forward to restoring lost mobility to the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and providing this superior equipment to our warfighters."


US Army M2 Bradley


The US Army's M2 Bradley fighting vehicle entered service in 1981. Armed primarily with a 25mm M242 Chain Gun, the type can be fitted with TOW anti-tank missiles and also boasts a 7.62mm M240C machine gun. Crewed by three service personnel, the Bradley IFV can accommodate six more troops, has a top speed of 41 miles per hour and a maximum range of 300 miles.


Since the M2's introduction, a host of enhanced models have followed it into service, including the current generation M2A3 whose operational history includes deployments in Iraq.


Besides the United States, Saudi Arabia is the only other Bradley IFV user but Iraq may soon take delivery of 200 M2A2 variants if discussions now in progress become a firm order.


Ultimately, the Bradley IFV will be replaced in US Army service by the Ground Combat Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Initial GCV designs have already emerged but a definitive layout is due out from DARPA - the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - sometime next year.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 07:20
Lockheed Wins $117M for C-130J Production


August 08, 2014 defense-aerospace.com/

(Source: U.S Department of Defense; issued August 06, 2014)


Lockheed Martin Corp., Marietta, Georgia, has been awarded a $116,717,704 firm-fixed-price modification (P00001) to FA8625-14-C-6450 for advance procurement funding for long lead parts for production aircraft associated with 14 fiscal 2015 C-130J aircraft.


Work will be performed at Marietta, Georgia, and is expected to be completed by June 30, 2015. Fiscal 2014 advance procurement funds in the amount of $116,717,704 are being obligated at time of award.


Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center/WLNNC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity.

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 16:40
Rostec Corporation holding companies recognized as leaders of the defense industry


August 08, 2014 by Rostec


The list of top 100 defense manufacturers as compiled by the American periodical Defense News included Russian Helicopters, United Engine Corporation, and KRET


Several subsidiaries of Rostec Corporation were included in the prestigious rating of the world’s top defense companies published by the American weekly Defense News.

The holding company Russian Helicopters took 25th place, the United Engine Corporation came in 34th place, and KRET ranked in the list for the first time in the list in 52nd place.

The rankings depend not only on brand awareness, quality, reliability, and popularity of the company, but also a detailed investigation into financial performance and growth dynamics over the past few years in regard to weapons production.

For example, in 2013, the United Engine Corporation made $4.8 billion in revenue. KRET made $2.4 billion, while Russian Helicopters made $4.2 billion.

A total of eight Russian companies were included in the rankings, including Concern Almaz-Antei (12th place), Sukhoi (46th place), Irkut (56th place), MiG (71st place), and RTI (78th place). Defense News has compiled the ranking of top 100 companies since 1991.

Rostec Corporation was founded in Russia in 2007 to promote the development, production, and export of high-tech industrial products for civilian and military purposes. Rostec has 663 subsidiaries organized into 9 defense industry holding companies and 5 civil industry holding companies. Rostec Corporation enterprises are located in 60 regions of the Russian Federation and deliver products to markets in more than 70 countries. In 2013, Rostec revenue amounted to RUB 1.04 trillion, with a net profit of RUB 40 billion.

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 16:40
Robot scout from Shvabe seeks out and absorbs radiation


August 06, 2014 by Rostec

The  Shvabe holding, which is a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation, has developed and released a mobile robotic radiation survey unit. The robot is designed to seek out local sources of gamma radiation and absorb them.

The mobile robotic radiation survey unit works both in indoor environments as well as in open areas.  Due to its rotation and movement sensor, the robot is able to move freely even in the most impassable places.

In addition, the robot is equipped with heat flow sensors, a set of sample collecting devices, special gripping mechanisms, as well as convenient innovative containers for the absorption and disposal of gamma radiation. The unit moves at a speed of 1 meter per second. It can be controlled either via radio waves or cable line.

The robot is able to lift up to 50 kilograms, and it can operate continuously without needing to be charged for several hours. 

The Shvabe Holding consists of major enterprises in the electrooptical industry.  The holding develops and manufactures high-tech optoelectronic systems as well as special-purpose and civilian systems, optical materials, medical equipment, energy-saving lighting equipment and other products. It is a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation.

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 13:00
PH Jeanne d'Arc - photo LeTelegramme

PH Jeanne d'Arc - photo LeTelegramme


08.08.2014 source TED Europa


Le marché a été attribué le 29 Juillet dernier au Groupement Bartin Recycling (mandataire) - Petrofer Société nouvelle (co-traitant)


Le marché a pour objet le démantèlement complet de deux navires condamnés (ex porte-hélicoptère Jeanne d'Arc et ex croiseur Colbert) depuis leur prise en charge sur leurs lieux de stationnement actuels - région brestoise (port militaire et Landévennec), jusqu'à l'élimination et la valorisation du dernier déchet ou matériau.
Il comprend notamment :
- les prestations de maîtrise d'oeuvre,
- le transport vers le(s) site(s) de démantèlement,
- les opérations de dépollution, de déconstruction, de ségrégation des déchets, d'élimination des déchets dangereux ou non recyclables et de recyclage des matériaux valorisables,
- la vente des matériaux valorisables.
Le tonnage global lège de ces deux coques est de l'ordre de 19 000 tonnes.


Valeur totale finale du marché: 11 552 200 EUR (hors TVA)


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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 12:40
UIC will present a sixth-generation radio complex in Alabino


August 04, 2014 by Rostec

The sixth generation media system Shans created according to software defined radio technology will be presented at the international Days of Innovation of the Russian Defense Ministry exhibition. The Shans is a part of the automated control system of tactical level for the Army, which development is now being finalized by the United Instrument Corporation specialists.


“The design covers all current needs of the Russian Army, as well as its further needs,” said the CEO of UIC Alexander Yakunin. “The Shans is one of the first sixth generation systems. The software defined radio technology provides the possibility of a continuous updating of the system, and its configuration for different tasks and uses for multiple purposes. The Shans system radio stations in themselves are able to prevent the interferences thanks to the adaptation by frequency mode.”

The system includes three types of radio stations: those that can be moved with military vehicles, handhelds and portables. The basic station (transported on vehicles) can be installed in military and tracked vehicles and it is the basis for a network creation. The radio station provides compatibility both with old and modern equipment.

The design covers all current needs of the Russian Army, as well as its further needs


Open hardware and software architecture allows including of an additional equipment, such as remote controls and exterior units: antenna filters and amplifiers. Therefore, the functionality and efficiency of the system can be increased several times.

The communication system allows the transmission of voice, text and video messages, as well as digital data. Each subscriber has access to the Internet and the built-in GPS/GLONASS navigation systems. The Shans may also interact with the Air Force and the Navy through a wide range of radio stations. The products range can be used offline as independent radio stations.

The Shans provides protection against interferences and espionage in difficult working conditions. It can withstand temperatures between – 40o C and + 55o C. The design includes high-performance electromagnetic compatibility, which excludes the interferences caused by neighboring devices. This is especially important because the Shans belongs to a large and complex automated control system.

The Days of Innovation of the Russian Defense Ministry exhibition is a special event to present ideas and promising designs of UIC and the Russian industry in general. It will take place from 4 to 5 August 2014 at the site of Alabino village in the Moscow Region. In addition to the UIC,other Rostec enterprises and holdings will present their designs.

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 12:40
Russie: des chasseurs Su-30M2 livrés à l'Armée de l'air


MOSCOU, 5 août - RIA Novosti


L'avionneur Sukhoï a remis aux Forces aériennes russes un nouveau lot de chasseurs polyvalents de type Su-30M2, a annoncé le service de presse du groupe.


"Dans le cadre de l'exécution de la commande militaire d'Etat pour l'année 2014, la compagnie Sukhoï  a remis aux troupes un lot de chasseurs polyvalents", a informé la source sans toutefois préciser le nombre exact d'appareils.


Testés par des pilotes militaires, "les avions ont mis le cap sur leur lieu de déploiement. Cette année, plusieurs autres appareils de ce type seront livrés aux Forces aériennes russes", indique en outre l'avionneur dans un communiqué de presse.


Conçu sur la base du chasseur Su-30, le Su-30M2 est un avion de combat à longue portée.


Il a été antérieurement annoncé que plus de 30 appareils de combat seraient livrés au district militaire de l'est.

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 12:35
India Puts Finmeccanica Deals On Hold

India canceled the purchase of 12 AgustaWestland VVIP helicopters and has put other deals with parent company Finmeccanica on hold. (AgustaWestland)


Aug. 6, 2014 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI – Defense news


NEW DELHI — India’s new government has halted defense deals with Finmeccanica while the federal anti-fraud agency looks into alleged corruption in the Navy’s 2010 purchase of 12 VVIP AgustaWestland helicopters.


Sources in the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said an internal circular issued by the Department of Defence Production had instructions to put a hold on purchases from the Italian company and its subsidiaries.


Among the subsidiaries that may be affected are Selex, which is supplying the Air Surveillance Radar for India’s under-development aircraft carrier, and Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquel (WASS), which is supplying the Navy with 98 Black Shark heavyweight torpedoes and upgrading A244 lightweight torpedoes.


Neither Finmeccanica nor the MoD would comment on the circular.


The move is somewhat unexpected. When the new government of Prime Minister Narendera Modi came to power in May, it signaled that such holds would be rare.


“A new government has come with a fresh mind and as a fresh chapter for India’s policy,” Minister of State for Defence Rao Inderjit Singh said earlier this year. “If a person or a company has been found guilty, they should be punished as strongly as possible. But before guilt is established, if a contract is canceled, it is unfair. A review is needed.”


And in early June, when the three chiefs of the Indian defense forces had their first meeting with Modi and Defence Minister Arun Jaitley, they said such holds had harmed India’s defense readiness.


“The putting-on-hold of defense projects of Finmeccanica and its subsidiaries is a complete change of face of the new government, which had promised before the elections to push India’s defense preparedness,” Indian defense analyst Nitin Mehta said. “So far, the new government has not announced any substantive measures which will hasten stalled defense projects. In fact, the defense budget for 2014-15 proposed by the new government is too meager to meet the long-term defense needs of the defense forces,” Mehta said.


The Black Shark torpedoes are to arm the six French-designed Scorpene submarines being built at India’s Mazagon Docks in Mumbai.


“They were hoping that the new government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi would clear the purchase of Black Shark heavyweight torpedoes for the Scorpene submarines,” an Indian Navy official said.


The subs are due for delivery in 2016, nearly four years behind schedule. The subs will operate without torpedoes if the project is put on hold, the official said.


The upgrades to the A244 torpedoes are part of a series that include getting a new, longer-range fire control system, increasing their speed, and improving their target detection and acoustic counter-countermeasures.


Between 2005 and 2009, the United Progressive Alliance government barred Singapore Technologies Kinetics, Israel Military Industries, Zurich-based Rheinmetall Air Defense, Russia-based Corporation Defense, and Denel of South Africa from doing business in India for ten years.


This caused shortages of ammunition and slowed the purchase of howitzers. The blacklist halted a $300 million contract, signed with IMI in 2009, to build ordnance factories in the state of Bihar to manufacture ammunition for Bofors 155mm guns.


The tender for wheeled 155mm/52-caliber artillery was canceled by the blacklisting of Rheinmetall, which was vying with Konstrukta of Slovakia for the job.


The 2005 blacklisting of Denel for alleged bribery and kickbacks led to the cancellation of the tender for the purchase of 155mm/52-caliber towed guns, which Denel was expected to win

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 12:20
Carabine Saïga-12 - Photo Serguei S. Dukachev

Carabine Saïga-12 - Photo Serguei S. Dukachev


WASHINGTON, 8 août - RIA Novosti


Le groupe américain Russian Weapon Company (RWC), distributeur exclusif des fusils du groupe russe Kalachnikov, déplore les sanctions contre la Russie qui feront baisser les ventes d'armes aux Etats-Unis.


"Nous déplorons profondément la situation actuelle, mais nous devons respecter les lois américaines", a déclaré le directeur général du groupe RWC, Thomas McCrossin.


"Les produits du consortium Kalachnikov actuellement en stock appartiennent au groupe RWC. Nous pouvons les vendre librement sans être touchés par les restrictions imposées par le département du ministère des Finances pour le contrôle des actifs étrangers. Mais il n'y aura plus de livraisons supplémentaires russes d'ici un certain temps", a-t-il ajouté.


Selon le ministère américain des Finances, seuls les produits de Kalachnikov qui appartenaient au distributeur au moment de l'adoption des sanctions en juillet peuvent être vendus aux Etats-Unis.


Le nombre de précommandes de carabines et de fusils de chasse Saïga du groupe Kalachnikov aux Etats-Unis est trois fois supérieur au volume annuel des livraisons.


Le consortium Kalachnikov, plus grand producteur russe d'armes d'infanterie, a récemment reconnu que les Etats-Unis constituaient un marché important pour ses armes civiles et que les sanctions porteraient préjudice aux clients américains.

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 11:50
Important Bundeswehr order


Aug 8, 2014 ASDNews Source : Rheinmetall AG


Rheinmetall Defence to operate the German Army Combat Training Centre for a further four years


Rheinmetall AG of Düsseldorf has won a major service contract from the German Bundeswehr worth around €70 million. Through to 2018, the Group will be responsible for providing contractor support for the complete exercise and training operations of one of the world’s most advanced military training facilities, the German Army Training Centre (GÜZ) in the Altmark region of Saxony-Anhalt.


As the current service contract with Rheinmetall expires on 31 August 2014, the request for tenders for contractor support covered the four-year period starting 1 September 2014. Building on the Group’s successful track record in providing contractor support for the GÜZ, Rheinmetall’s proposal convinced the Bundeswehr to renew the contract, which has now been signed with Germany’s Federal Agency for Procurement, Information Technology and In-Service Support of the Bundeswehr.


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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 11:45
Nigerian Air Force receives King Airs


08 August 2014 by defenceWeb


The Nigerian Air Force has taken delivery of three King Air light transport aircraft and has reportedly ordered 40 new helicopters as it continues its expansion.


The three King Air 350is were seen transiting the Canary Islands during their delivery flight on July 30. The aircraft were acquired “in line with the transformation agenda of the Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C) of the Armed Forces [of the] Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan,” the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) said in a statement.


The aircraft were handed over to the Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Adesola Amosu, by Scott Plumb, the Vice President Sales, Middle East, Textron Aviation Austria, at the 209 Executive Airlift Group’s Hangar at Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport in Abuja.


Amosu stated that the acquisition of the King Airs will go a long way in boosting the airlift capacity of the NAF. “It will also go down memory lane that the entire aircraft in the NAF inventory were all reactivated under the present administration.” Amosu said that additional platforms were expected in the future.


“We are happy with the operations branch of the Service, our training is going on well and it will continue so. We need to be ready for training and retraining with a desire to appropriately sustain the system,” he added.


Regarding training, the Nigerian Air Force Institute of Technology (NAFIT) has apparently developed a light trainer aircraft called Farawa 2. NAFIT chief Air Vice Marshal Toni Adokwu this week made the revelation during a graduation ceremony at the institute, reports the Daily Trust.


“Currently, the NAF is faced with the challenge of high unserviceablility status of its primary trainer aircraft, the Air Beetle aircraft, which is equally a light trainer aircraft. Some of the problems associated with the aircraft include the high engine temperature and uncomfortable seats for instructors and student pilots. We believe the design and construction of this new trainer aircraft would address some of the challenges and ultimately address the issue of aircraft unserviceability,” Adokwu said.


Meanwhile, the Nigerian government has apparently ordered 40 helicopters for attack and transport duties from the United States and Russia. This Day said the helicopters could start arriving as early as this month and the remainder could arrive by the end of the year.


"The arrival of the weaponry before the end of the year will be a game changer as it will help to ensure successful execution of the counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations, especially against the Boko Haram terrorists,” This Day quoted a source in the Presidency as saying.


It was earlier reported that Nigeria is receiving two helicopter gunships, most likely Mi-35s. The Nigerian Budget Office this year allocated funds for six Mi-35M helicopters.

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 11:20
Submarine North Dakota Completes 1st Voyage


Aug 7, 2014 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics Corporation


The nation's newest and most advanced nuclear-powered attack submarine, North Dakota (SSN-784), returned to the General Dynamics Electric Boat shipyard Tuesday following the successful completion of its first voyage in open seas, called alpha sea trials. North Dakota is the 11th ship of the Virginia Class, the most capable class of attack submarines ever built. Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).


North Dakota's alpha sea trials included a range of submarine and propulsion-plant operations, submerging for the first time, and high-speed runs on and below the surface to demonstrate that the ship's propulsion plant is fully mission-capable.


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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 11:20
Austal Launches Montgomery - LCS 8 Second of Austal's Ten-Ship Littoral Combat Ship contract


Aug 7, 2014 ASDNews Source : Austal Ltd.


On August 6, 2014, Austal USA successfully completed the launch of the future USS Montgomery (LCS 8). The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is a fast, agile, focused-mission platform designed for operation in near-shore environments yet capable of open-ocean operation. This vessel is the second of ten 127-meter Independence-variant LCS class ships Austal has been contracted to build for the U.S. Navy as prime contractor subsequent to a $3.5 billion block buy in 2010.


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8 août 2014 5 08 /08 /août /2014 18:40
Armement: le russe Kalachnikov élargit sa production


NIJNI NOVGOROD, 7 août - RIA Novosti


Le groupe Kalachnikov, le plus grand producteur russe d'armes d'infanterie, a renoncé à licencier 222 salariés et a créé 330 nouveaux postes, rapporte le service de presse du consortium.


"Kalachnikov a revu à la hausse ses projets de production et a réduit le nombre des salariés à licencier de 285 à 63. Tous les travailleurs concernés, principalement des gestionnaires administratifs, se verront offrir d'autres postes au sein du groupe", a indiqué le consortium dans un communiqué.


Le groupe Kalachnikov revient ainsi sur sa décision annoncée en mai dernier de licencier 285 personnes avant le 30 septembre.


Le consortium Kalachnikov, qui réunit le groupe de recherche et de production Izhmash et l'usine des constructions mécaniques d'Ijevsk (République russe d'Oudmourtie), est un important producteur russe de fusils automatiques et de précision, d'obus téléguidés, de fusils de chasse et de sport. Fondée en 1807, l'entreprise a reçu son nom actuel en 2013.


Les armes fabriquées par le consortium sont exportées vers 27 pays du monde, dont les Etats-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne, l'Allemagne, la Norvège, l'Italie, le Canada, le Kazakhstan et la Thaïlande.

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8 août 2014 5 08 /08 /août /2014 16:50
Armed Forces of Malta receives first AgustaWestland AW139 helicopter

A Maltese AW139 twin-engine helicopter in flight. Photo AgustaWestland - A Finmeccanica Company.


8 August 2014 army-technology.com


AgustaWestland has handed over the first AW139 medium-sized twin-engine helicopter to the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM).


The helicopter was delivered under a contract secured by the company in July 2013, and is scheduled to be primarily used in support of maritime border control missions.


A part of Malta's plan to strengthen the AFM's operational capabilities, the contract also included an option for two more aircraft, an integrated logistic support (ILS) package and training of ten pilots, including four students and 20 technicians.


The helicopter is equipped with an advanced maritime patrol and search and rescue (SAR) mission equipment package, including a high-definition forward-looking infrared (FLIR) system, search / weather radar, cabin mission console and a searchlight and satellite communication system.


Additional equipment includes a four-axis autopilot with SAR modes, naval transponder and external rescue hoist, as well as a four-bag floatation system.


Powered by two Pratt & Whitney PT6C turboshaft engines, the AW139 is a 15-seat medium-sized twin-engine helicopter, designed to conduct law enforcement / emergency medical service, executive transport, and maritime and offshore oil operations in hot and high conditions.


The helicopter can fly at a speed of 165k, and features a low acoustic signature, integrated mission avionics and a full-ice protection system to complete missions in demanding environments.


In addition to Malta, the helicopter is also operated in Italy, Spain, Estonia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the UK and the US, among others.


The AFM placed an order for the second helicopter in April, with the delivery scheduled to take place in December.

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8 août 2014 5 08 /08 /août /2014 16:35
 photo Airbus Helicopters Philippe Lesonneur

photo Airbus Helicopters Philippe Lesonneur


07/31/2014 by Courtney Woo - airbushelicopters.com


Members of the NH90 team in New Zealand have a lot to celebrate: They have just completed the retrofit of four NH90 TTH helicopters at the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s (RNZAF) operational base in Ohakea.


The purpose of the retrofit was to upgrade the first four NH90s from initial to final configuration. The RNZAF operates a fleet of eight NH90 TTH, four of which were delivered already in the final form. With the retrofit, RNZAF’s current NH90 fleet has reached its final configuration.


The retrofit was performed between September 2013 and July 2014 at the customer’s premises and following a preparatory phase in France.


The team involved took advantage of the retrofit lay-up period to perform calendar maintenance and to retrofit some spare  parts and an attrition frame.


More than 30 employees from Airbus Helicopters and partner companies, stationed at the Ohakea base, worked hand-in-hand with a network of logistical experts from Airbus Helicopters and its suppliers. The close collaboration of these teams among each other and with the customer was instrumental in completing the retrofit on time.


Similar retrofit programs are underway in other countries, with a total of 10 aircraft having already been completed. Seventeen more NH90s are currently undergoing retrofit at five different locations in France, Italy, Finland, Germany and Australia.


The NH90 retrofit program brings together specialists from different areas, such as configuration, production, engineering, procurement and support, whose transversal collaboration plays a key role in ensuring the success of the upgrades.

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8 août 2014 5 08 /08 /août /2014 12:40
photo Rostec

photo Rostec


02.07.2014 by Rostec


Les militaires recevront des senseurs individuels d’identification


En 2017 les militaires russes doivent recevoir des senseurs individuels «ami-ennemi». L’échange de signaux spéciaux permettra de distinguer les représentants de son camp sur le champ de bataille indépendamment de l’équipement, des moyens de camouflage, etc. Les experts notent que la propagation de ces systèmes au niveau de l’échelon tactique aidera à diminuer les pertes militaires.


La fabrication de systèmes d’identification pour le personnel est entrée dans le projet de création d’un cluster de recherche et de production à Kazan sous l’égide du consortium «Technologies radio-électroniques» (KRET) (КРЭТ). Le projet, après avoir reçu l’accord du vice premier ministre Dimitri Rogozine et du ministre de l’industrie et du commerce Denis Mantourov, suppose la coopération de six entreprises dont deux d’entre elles sont situées dans la capitale du Tatarstan. C’est justement là qu’il sera fabriqué l’équipement, l’étude sera réalisée dans d’autres villes.


Le consortium dépensera 10,6 milliards de roubles pour la coopération de six de ses entreprises et pour leur rééquipement jusqu’en 2017. Outre les senseurs pour l’infanterie et la nouvelle génération de systèmes «ami-ennemi» pour l’aviation et la flotte, le cluster fabriquera également des complexes de lutte radio-électronique et des systèmes de navigation de proximité pour les avions et les hélicoptères.


L’adjoint du directeur général du KRET pour la planification stratégique et la réalisation des commandes d’Etat de la défense Andreï Tiouline a parlé des plans de fabrication de nouveaux systèmes pour l’armée russe.  Selon lui, le système «ami-ennemi» pour les soldats sera réalisé sous la forme d’une application – senseur installé sur le vêtement du militaire. Il sera programmé en fonction des tâches fixées. Le Ministère de la Défense est déjà très intéressé par cette élaboration.


Le système antérieur « ami-ennemi » a été créé pour les pays du Pacte de Varsovie et il a été prévu pour l’identification des chars, des avions, des bateaux mais pas des personnes. «Maintenant les conflits ont souvent un caractère local et l’armement utilisé par les différentes parties est souvent produit dans un même pays. Les systèmes d’identification ne fonctionnent pas dans cette situation. Les militaires sont arrivés à la conclusion qu’il faut les compléter rapidement avec une application modifiée. Nous passons de la défense de l’objet à la défense de l’homme», – a dit Andreï Tiouline.


Les nouveaux senseurs peuvent entrer dans la composition de l’équipement «Ratnik» ou «Barmitsa».


On pourra distinguer un soldat «ami» d’un soldat «ennemi» avec le même équipement en regardant l'écran du dispositif spécial semblable à un téléphone mobile. Il affiche l’emplacement actuel du soldat sur une carte électronique et l’emplacement des forces amies.


Les exportateurs russes n’ont pas d’information sur la présence d’un tel système dans les troupes de l’OTAN. Les experts militaires pensent que le nombre de cas de «feu ami» dans le cadre d’opération de maintien de la paix permet de parler de son absence.

Il est prévu dans le cadre du cluster de réunir des entreprises de Kazan : le groupe de recherche et de production «Radioélectronika» V.I. Chimko et l’usine «Radiopribor». En plus, encore quatre entreprises du KRET participeront à la corporation : Institut radiotechnique de recherche scientifique de Kalouga, usine de Samara « Ecran », usine de radio Jigoulevski et groupe de production de construction d’appareils d’Oufa. Le cluster est créé comme une production d’usage mixte (civil et militaire).


«La recette totale attendue du cluster avant 2020 est de 18 milliards de roubles, un cinquième de cette somme provient de la part de l'identification. Ces systèmes apportent un how-Know pour le développement de la production civile – systèmes d’identification et de limitation d’accès pour le transport, le secteur de l’énergie. Six entreprises participent actuellement au projet mais nous voulons ouvrir au business privé un accès à l'équipement pour qu'il travaille en trois – huit et baisser le coût de revient de la production», - a noté Andreï Tiouline.


Selon le premier adjoint du président du comité pour l’industrie de la Douma d’Etat Vladimir Goutenev, il faut un strict contrôle des fuites d’information dans une entreprise où il cohabite une production militaire secrète et civile high-tech.

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8 août 2014 5 08 /08 /août /2014 12:40
Ratnik - source Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Ratnik - source Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation


8 August 2014 army-technology.com


The Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) is planning to acquire Ratnik, a locally manufactured future high-tech soldier system, in October.


Russian Ground Forces military and scientific department head Aleksander Romanyuta was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying: "Ratnik is currently undergoing its final tests and we hope that ... all the components will be purchased in series and supplied to the troops.


"If any deficiencies are found, they will be eliminated during the first year of exploitation."


Tochmash head Dmitry Semizorov told the news agency that the MoD plans to acquire up to 50,000 Ratnik sets every year, enabling the industry to provide the army with 70% of the new equipment.


Tochmash has also started production a new combat gear, which is scheduled to replace Ratnik in the future, Semizorov added.


Developed as part of the soldier military equipment (BES) programme, the Ratnik infantry soldier kit comprises more than 40 components, including firearms, body armour and optic, communication and navigation devices, life support and power supply systems, as well as knee and elbow pads.


Available in summer and winter variants, the lightweight gear can be used by regular infantry, rocket launcher operators, machine gunners and drivers and scouts, and is claimed to provide protection against environmental threats from weapons of mass destruction and non-lethal weapons.


The system has been successfully tested by the Russian Army, but its induction has been postponed due to problems in the fine-tuning of its light weapons, likely to be the new Kalashnikov AK-12 assault rifle, RIA Novosti reported.


Multiple soldier equipment programmes are currently underway in several countries worldwide, including the US' Land Warrior, Germany's Infanterist der Zukunft (IdZ), and the UK's future infantry soldier technology (FIST).


Other countries developing such systems include Spain with Combatiente Futuro (ComFut), Sweden's IMESS and France's Fantassin à Équipement et Liaisons Intégré (FELIN).

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