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18 décembre 2013 3 18 /12 /décembre /2013 13:55
L'envol des premiers équipages formés sur l'hélicoptère NH90 Caïman

18/12/2013 CNE Laetitia Périer


Jeudi 12 décembre, l’école de l’aviation légère de l’armée de terre (EALAT) a célébré la fin de la formation des tout premiers équipages opérationnels sur hélicoptères Caïman et Tigre (en version appui-destruction HAD). Focus sur le NH90 Caïman, dernier hélicoptère de manœuvre et d’assaut arrivé au sein des forces terrestres et sur la formation dispensée aux équipages.


La base école du Cannet-des-Maures (Var) a accueilli, le 12 décembre 2013, la cérémonie célébrant la fin de formation des premiers équipages opérationnels sur hélicoptères Caïman et Tigre-Had (version appui-destruction).  Présidé par le général de division Gourlet de la Motte, commandant l’aviation légère de l’armée de Terre (ALAT), cet événement avait également vocation à marquer l’arrivée de ces deux hélicoptères de nouvelle génération au sein de l’armée de Terre.

Le NH90, baptisé « Caïman », est le nouvel hélicoptère de manœuvre et d’assaut de l’armée de Terre. De conception internationale, il reprend les missions dévolues aux hélicoptères de même catégorie servant au sein de l’ALAT, avec une technologie permettant à la fois une plus grande liberté d’action pour son pilote et une meilleure permanence tout temps sur le terrain. Ses missions vont de l’héliportage de combattants et de matériel à l’évacuation sanitaire, en passant par l’infiltration/exfiltration de commandos ou encore la recherche et le sauvetage. Ses commandes de vol électriques, sa capacité de vol en atmosphère neigeuse et givrante, ses blindages, son détecteur d’obstacles et de menaces (radar, missile, laser) en font un hélicoptère aux performances supérieures aux appareils actuellement en service. Pour le lieutenant David, pilote venant d’achever sa formation au centre de formation interarmées (CFIA) NH90 du Cannet-des-Maures, le Caïman possède en plus « une pureté de pilotage inégalée. Très souple d’emploi, il permet dans un environnement de plus en plus complexe de faciliter les tâches qu’un pilote doit effectuer ».



L'envol des premiers équipages formés sur l'hélicoptère NH90 Caïman

La formation sur Caïman a débuté au CFIA NH90 au printemps 2013. En 9 mois, 3 équipages complets et 30 techniciens-logisticiens de l’armée de Terre ont suivi une formation en vol et surtout sur simulateur (près de 70%). La formation commune des équipages et des mécaniciens de l’armée de Terre et de la Marine permet également le mélange d’expériences et la mutualisation des moyens de formation.

A terme, l’objectif du CFIA NH90 est d’avoir un flux de près de 200 stagiaires pilotes et de 200 techniciens par an. Pour l’heure, les trois premiers équipages opérationnels sur Caïman ont commencé à rejoindre leur base d’affectation, le 1er régiment d’hélicoptères de combat (RHC) de Phalsbourg.


L'envol des premiers équipages formés sur l'hélicoptère NH90 Caïman

L'hélicoptère NH90 « CAIMAN » en bref

  • Vitesse de croisière de 245 km/h
  • Autonomie de plus de 3 heures de vol et jusqu’à 5h30 avec bidons de convoyage  supplémentaires
  • 6575 kg de masse à vide équipé, masse maximum de 11 tonnes

>>> Toutes les caractéristiques techniques

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18 décembre 2013 3 18 /12 /décembre /2013 13:35
Un Blackhawk de l'US Army en vol dans la province du Wardak

Un Blackhawk de l'US Army en vol dans la province du Wardak



18.12.2013 Frédéric Lert (FOB)


L’écrasement d’un hélicoptère survenu avant hier dans le sud de l’Afghanistan Afghanistan a fait six morts parmi le contingent américain de l’ISAF.  Malgré la revendication des insurgés, selon lesquels il s’agirait d’une perte au combat, des sources américaines évoquent quant à elle un accident, aucune activité ennemie n’ayant été détectée dans la zone au moment de la tragédie. Il s’agit en l’espèce du deuxième accident d’hélicoptère de l’année pour les forces américaines : le premier avait eu lieu en avril dernier dans la région de Kandahar et s’était soldé par la mort de quatre hommes.


Ce dernier accident porte à 125 le nombre de tués américains en Afghanistan pour la seule année 2013. C’est déjà beaucoup plus que l’ensemble des pertes françaises dans  le pays, mais cela reste une année « calme » selon les critères américains. Les Etats-Unis ont perdu en moyenne chaque année dans le pays un peu plus de 300 combattants entre 2009 et 2012. Depuis 2001, les pertes totales se montent pour eux à 2150 hommes et femmes, auxquels s’ajoutent plusieurs milliers de blessés graves.


Un peu plus de 50.000 soldats américains restent présents à ce jour en Afghanistan, mais les opérations de retrait en cours devraient réduire ce chiffre à environ 30.000 d’ici février 2014. Le retrait des troupes combattantes, exception faite de certaines forces spéciales, de conseillers et formateurs de l’armée afghane (plusieurs milliers d’hommes au total tout de même…), devrait être terminé à la fin 2014.

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17 décembre 2013 2 17 /12 /décembre /2013 17:20
Afghanistan: les six soldats tués dans leur hélicoptère sont américains



17 décembre 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


WASHINGTON - Les six militaires de l'Otan tués lorsque leur hélicoptère s'est écrasé au sol dans le sud de l'Afghanistan mardi sont américains, a affirmé à l'AFP un responsable américain.


Ce responsable n'a pas précisé s'il s'agissait d'un accident ou si l'appareil avait été abattu, comme l'affirment les talibans.


A Kaboul, la mission de l'Otan (Isaf) a affirmé qu'une enquête avait été ouverte sur les causes de l'incident.


Selon nos premières informations, il n'y avait pas d'activités rebelles dans le secteur au moment du crash, affirme l'Otan dans un communiqué.


Les talibans ont de leur côté affirmé avoir abattu un hélicoptère américain plus tôt dans la journée dans la province de Zaboul (sud).


Je peux confirmer un crash d'hélicoptère cet après-midi dans le village d'Ebrahimkhial du district de Shah Joy mais nous n'avons pas d'informations pour le moment sur les victimes et la cause de ce crash, a déclaré à l'AFP Mohammad Jan Rasolyar, vice-gouverneur de la province de Zaboul.


Les accidents d'hélicoptères sont relativement fréquents en Afghanistan où les soldats de l'Otan offrent un appui aérien clé à leurs alliés des forces nationales afghanes en lutte ouverte contre les talibans qui rêvent de reprendre le pouvoir à Kaboul.


Le 9 avril, deux Américains étaient tués dans l'accident de leur hélicoptère dans la province de Nangarhar, dans l'est du pays.


En mars, cinq soldats américains avaient également été tués dans l'accident de leur hélicoptère Black Hawk dans la province de Kandahar (sud). A chaque fois, l'insurrection talibane avait affirmé avoir abattu l'appareil.

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13 décembre 2013 5 13 /12 /décembre /2013 13:50
Thales EC635 helicopter simulator for Swiss Air Force achieves Level D certification

13/12/2013 thalesgroup.com

Thales is pleased to announce that the EC635 helicopter Full Flight Mission Simulator (FFMS) delivered to the Swiss Air Force has achieved JAR FSTD-H* Level D certification issued by Switzerland’s Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA).

The Thales simulator, which is in service at Emmen Air Base, Switzerland, has therefore achieved the highest possible level of FSTD certification. Used to train EC635 helicopter aircrews, this latest-generation simulator meets the Swiss Air Force's specific pilot instruction and training requirements, improves operational effectiveness, raises levels of crew and operator safety and reduces environmental impacts.

The Thales simulator offers an extended range of capabilities, from ab-initio to tactical training, and allows pilots to train for emergency situations and more than 280 different types of equipment failures. It can be used to train aircrews for a broad array of missions including cargo and personnel transport, search and rescue and forest firefighting. Pilots train under highly realistic flight conditions in varied natural settings, including mountain regions. The simulator can reproduce whiteout and brownout situations, terrain-induced turbulence, very low-level flight and complex landing approach profiles.

Night flying conditions with or without night vision goggles can be realistically simulated. The simulator software also incorporates Thales's computer-generated forces application to simulate a broad range of tactical environments.

The projection system offers a field of view of 240 degrees horizontally and 90 degrees vertically. The ThalesView image generation software and associated database enable pilots to train with realistic views of any area in Europe. The whole of Switzerland can be reproduced extremely realistically from a high-resolution aerial imagery database containing details of buildings, roads, power lines and other structures for the entire country.

The EC635 simulator can be coupled to the AS532 Super Puma/Cougar simulator in service with the Swiss Air Force, also developed by Thales, providing pilots with unlimited scope for training exercises involving formation flying and tactical operations.

"This latest-generation simulator, which is now certified to the highest possible level, supports the training of Swiss Air Force EC635 helicopter pilots, offering them an extended array of state-of-the-art and highly realistic training capabilities."
Jean-Jacques Guittard, Vice President for Thales's Training & Simulation business

Thales has delivered more than 110 helicopter simulators to customers in 25 countries around the world.

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12 décembre 2013 4 12 /12 /décembre /2013 08:56
Tigre HAD

Tigre HAD


12 décembre, 2013 Frédéric Lert (FOB)


Le 1er Régiment d’Hélicoptère de Combat de Phalsbourg prend officiellement possession aujourd’hui de deux hélicoptères nouveaux : le Tigre HAD et le NH90-TTH « Caïman ». Une journée à marquer d’une pierre blanche pour l’Aviation Légère de l’Armée de Terre (Alat), qui n’avait pas connu une telle arrivée de sang neuf dans ses unités opérationnelles depuis l’entrée en service du Tigre HAP en 2005. De quoi mettre un peu de baume au cœur d’une Alat également bien touchée par la réduction de cible et les étalements de commandes signifiés par la loi de programmation militaire. Rappelons en deux mots que le HAD (pour Hélicoptère d’Appui Destruction) apporte une capacité anti-char au Tigre grâce au missile américain Hellfire (guidage laser, portée de 8 kilomètres). Le Tigre HAD bénéficie également d’une puissance motrice accrue de 14% : idéal pour faire face à des scénarios d’emploi où les températures excessives et l’altitude pèsent sur l’efficacité de la motorisation… Avec la version HAD, le Tigre joue enfin dans la même catégorie que l’Apache américain, tout en conservant le formidable atout que représente son canon Nexter de 30mm, redoutablement précis.


Les deux premiers appareils du 1er RHC seront rejoints en mars par un troisième. La constitution d’une première escadrille de 8 appareils promet donc d’être très progressive. Quant à la suite, elle est encore incertaine : une deuxième escadrille du 1er RHC sera-t-elle formée en priorité, ou bien les Tigre HAD suivants seront-ils réservés au 5ème RHC de Pau ? A moins que le 4ème Régiment Hélicoptères des Forces Spéciales ne parvienne à mettre le grappin sur quelques exemplaires ? Les choses sont un peu plus claires pour le Caïman dans sa version TTH, aujourd’hui commandé à 68 exemplaires pour l’Alat (avec une cible totale qui reste à 80 appareils). Le 1er RHC sera le premier régiment équipé de trois escadrilles d’hélicoptères de manœuvre où le Caïman remplacera les vénérables Puma. Vingt-quatre hélicoptères à livrer donc, au rythme ébouriffant des livraisons actuelles : quatre appareils par an dans un premier temps, puis six par an à partir de 2016…




Synonyme d’une révolution pour le 1er RHC, la mise en service du Caïman dans les forces est également une satisfaction pour le CFIA (Centre de Formation Interarmées) du Cannet des Maures qui a géré depuis 2006 la formation du personnel navigant et technique et la montée en puissance pour l’armée de Terre et la Marine de cet appareil très novateur (création des cours pour les équipages et les mécaniciens, mise en place des outils didactiques, de l’enseignement assisté par ordinateur et des simulateurs). Les trois appareils du 1er RHC partiront d’ailleurs en milieu de journée du parking du CFIA pour rejoindre Phalsbourg.

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11 décembre 2013 3 11 /12 /décembre /2013 08:35
Australia accepts first MH-60R helicopters


Dec. 10, 2013 by Craig Hoyle – FG


London - Australia has accepted its first pair of Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin MH-60R shipborne helicopters, under a 24-unit Foreign Military Sales deal signed via the US government in mid-2011. The lead aircraft were received from the US Navy during a ceremony at Lockheed’s Owego modification site in New York on 10 December.


To replace the Royal Australian Navy’s existing Sikorsky S-70 Seahawks, the “Romeo” fleet is being acquired under a project worth more than A$3 billion ($2.7 billion).


“The entire fleet will be delivered incrementally by the end of 2016,” with roles to include anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, search and rescue and vertical replenishment, says Lockheed.


Describing the new model as “a potent maritime combat helicopter,” Rear Adm Tony Dalton, head of the Australian Defence Materiel Organisation’s helicopter systems division, says: “We look forward to sharing in the US Navy’s ongoing technology upgrades and continuing to build upon the proven capabilities” of the new type.


Australia’s first MH-60R made its debut flight at Sikorsky’s Stratford site in Connecticut in June 2013 (below), before being transferred to Owego for mission system integration work.


Canberra’s current maritime rotorcraft inventory includes 16 S-70Bs built between 1987 and 1989, as recorded by Flightglobal’s Ascend Online Fleets database.

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9 décembre 2013 1 09 /12 /décembre /2013 16:45


9 déc. 2013 Crédit : EMA / armée de Terre

8 décembre 2013, montée en puissance du détachement aéromobile de l'opération Sangaris :
- 2 hélicoptères d'attaque Gazelle de l'armée de Terre;
- 4 hélicoptères de manœuvre Puma de l'armée de Terre;
2 hélicoptères Fennec de l'armée de l'Air


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9 décembre 2013 1 09 /12 /décembre /2013 12:50
4th Helicopter Tactics Symposium Held In Luxembourg


Brussels - 09 December, 2013 European Defence Agency


The fourth Helicopter Tactics Symposium was held on 3 – 4 December 2013 in Kirchberg Conference Centre in Luxembourg. The event is a part of the Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP), a Category B Programme involving 13 countries.


44 helicopter tactics experts from 14 countries discussed in-depth the latest tactical experience gained in the operational deployments in Afghanistan or Mali. The HEP member states decided to extend the invitation to the countries and organisations outside HEP to have even wider range of expertise, therefore the representatives of Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC), AIRCOM Ramstein and NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ) also attended the meeting. 

The first day of the symposium, the EDA Helicopter Project Manager presented the update on EDA current helicopter projects, followed by the lessons learned brief from the HEP exercise Hot Blade 13 held in Portugal. The participating experts then shared their experience from operational deployment in Mali, mentoring Afghan pilots and maintenance personnel and lessons from recent deployments of NH-90 and Tiger helicopter platforms. 

The second day was dedicated to the discussions over the HEP Standard Operating Procedure, the framework tactical document of the programme. Specific topics were brainstormed among the experts, including mission planning cycle, air-to-ground firing, NVG (Night Vision Goggles) procedures, MEDEVAC/MERT (Medical Evacuation/Medical Emergency Response Team) and SAR (Search and Rescue). As a result the SOP was once again broadened and improved – a valuable and tangible result.  The experts also “brainstormed” how this collective best practice could be integrated in the national systems in order to foster true interoperability.  The consensus view was that there must be a direct link between the many institutions involved in the Tactics and Training environment.  

The lively discussions confirmed the need of further cooperation in helicopter domain across the European territory

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9 décembre 2013 1 09 /12 /décembre /2013 08:20
US Army Plans To Scrap Kiowa Helo Fleet

Time To Go: US Army OH-58D Kiowa helicopters are staged in South Korea before inspection in October. The Army has wanted to replace the helicopters with a new armed aerial scout, but now has plans to use Apaches to temporarily fill their role. (US Army)


Dec. 8, 2013 - By PAUL McLEARY and MICHELLE TAN – Defense NEWS


New Missions for Apaches, Black Hawks


WASHINGTON — US Army leaders are considering scrapping its entire fleet of Bell Helicopter OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopters, while pulling the National Guard’s Boeing AH-64 Apaches into the active-duty force to fill the scout helicopter role as the Army seeks to fulfill its longer-term requirement of a newly developed armed aerial scout, according to several Army and defense industry sources.


The plan also calls for giving active Black Hawk helicopters to the Guard, while taking half of the Guard’s Lakota fleet, using them as active-duty trainers and scrapping its Jet Rangers.


While a final decision has yet to be made, the industry sources had the impression that the deal was all but done.


The deal would be done in the interest of cutting costs and reducing the number of different helicopter types in the Army, but questions remain about the affordability of using the Apache to fill the scout role. Army leadership had already rejected the idea in the early 1990s in favor of the now-canceled Comanche, and expressed doubts about it in a 2011 analysis of alternatives (AoA) document.


The December 2011 AoA for the Armed Aerial Scout (AAS) program — which until last year was envisioned as the eventual replacement for the Kiowa — concluded that fielding the AH-64D Block III to the service’s armed reconnaissance squadrons to replace the Kiowa would be “at least 50 percent more expensive than the currently programmed [recon squadrons].”


The Army also concluded that the AH-64 requires “significantly more maintenance personnel than the other mixes analyzed.”


What’s more, a study conducted by the Logistics Management Institute recently estimated that in recent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, if the Army used an Apache in the Kiowa scout role, it would have cost an additional $4 billion in fuel, maintenance and operating costs.


Still, “the Army is in a difficult position,” one defense industry source said. The Armed Aerial Scout AoA “said that the most affordable and capable option was Kiowa linked with the Shadow UAV. But the AoA also said that the most capable immediate solution is an Apache, so there’s two sides of this argument. So the Army really is making decisions around cost.”


“This is a budget-driven plan,” said Col. Frank Tate, the Army’s chief of aviation force development. “We are in a fiscally constrained environment, which requires us to make hard choices, but we need to also make smart choices. In developing this plan, everything was on the table.”


Tate added that “if we go with the overall plan, it would save approximately $1 billion a year in direct operating and sustainment cost. However, that does not take into account the savings in the out-years by divesting the OH-58Ds, OH-58A/Cs and TH-67s [trainers] from the Army aviation fleet.”


Once the Army divests itself of its 338 active-duty and 30 National Guard Kiowas and pulls Apaches from the National Guard, the service will then provide the Guard with Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters in order to give the Guard more capability as it conducts its homeland defense and disaster response missions.


The Army has 570 Apaches, while the Guard has 192 and the Army Reserve has 48, according to information provided by the service.


The goal is to have a total of 690 AH-64E Apaches in the Army, officials said, while the Guard and reserve will have no Apaches of any model.


The Guard is also expected to gain 111 Black Hawks from the active duty, while the reserve will receive 48, and the end-state calls for 1,033 Black Hawk helicopters in the active Army, 960 in the Guard and 142 in the reserve.


But the plan isn’t sitting so well with everyone in the Guard.


Col. Tim Marsano, spokesman for the Idaho National Guard, wrote in an email that “losing the Apaches would entail a significant loss of manning, combat capability and a long tradition of combat aviation in the Idaho Army National Guard. We would like to keep this mission.”


Part of the plan also entails retiring the active-duty Bell TH-67 Jet Ranger training helicopters being used at Fort Rucker, Ala., and moving about 100 EADS UH-72 Lakotas from the active Army and 104 of the Guard’s 212 Lakotas to Alabama for this purpose.



The proposed plan gives the Army some flexibility in determining what it can cut and how it can maintain critical aviation capability, Tate said.


The plan “streamlines the fleet by divesting older model airframes,” he added. This will “result in substantial savings over time. Our other option is to just eliminate force structure, which would require us to divest some of our aircraft that we want to keep and result in reduced capability.”


Decades of Trying


The Army has been trying to build a new light reconnaissance helicopter since 1982, when it kicked off the Light Helicopter Experimental program to replace the Vietnam-era Kiowa.


Eventually christened the Comanche in the early 1990s, the program never really found its footing in the halls of the Pentagon, leading then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to finally kill it off in 2004 after it had burned through about $7 billion worth of investments.


Over the past several years it began to look hopeful that after 30 years of trying, the Army would be able to finally upgrade its aerial scout fleet. In 2010, the defense industry jumped at the chance to build a new bird, and AgustaWestland, Boeing, EADS and Bell Helicopter began readying designs for the new armed aerial scout.


During the spring and summer of 2012, the Army conducted a series of what it called “fly-offs,” where Army leaders visited all of the competitors interested in bidding on the work to check in on their progress and their designs.


Nothing much came from the meetings, and by May 2012, Lt. Gen. William Phillips, the top acquisition adviser to the Army secretary, claimed that the results of the industry visits were a disappointment.


“We didn’t find a single aircraft that was out there that could meet the Army’s requirements, so if we were to go forward with an armed aerial scout it would essentially be a development program,” he said.


Asked if the Army has communicated to industry its plans for future development of the AAS requirement, one industry source said that “to my knowledge, we’re nowhere close to that. Sequester hit and the budget drills hit, and there’s been no communication outside of the Army on what their plans for an armed aerial scout may be.”


After releasing its original request for information in 2010, the Army said it was looking at an average procurement unit cost of $13 million to $15 million for a new armed aerial scout. But developing a new helicopter with a fielding target of 2022 would cost about $12 million, contingent on requirements.


That investment spread out over several years “would at least get you to the point where you have actionable data” about what capabilities are viable, one industry source said.


“To move to the Apache in the absence of that information takes options away from the Army that they would ordinarily have,” the source added.


There remains the question of what the Army will do with the more than 300 Kiowa aircraft that it is divesting.


A priority will be put on any needs that the other services may have first, said Col. Jong Lee, of the service’s acquisition, logistics, and technology directorate, followed by the Civil Air Patrol, law enforcement, and then foreign military sales.


Although the Kiowa program kicked off in 1969, the Kiowa Warriors being used today were built from 1985 onward. The entire fleet has been completely reset and remachined over the past decade, with the upgrade program ending in 2011.

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5 décembre 2013 4 05 /12 /décembre /2013 08:35
DSCA Approves Sale of 14 Chinooks to S. Korea

The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency has approved the sale of 14 Chinook cargo helicopters to South Korea. (Boeing)


Dec. 4, 2013 By WENDELL MINNICK – Defense News


TAIPEI — A $151 million deal for 14 Boeing CH-47D Chinook cargo helicopters to South Korea has gotten the green light from the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA).


Released under the Foreign Military Sales program, the Dec. 3 DSCA notification said the aircraft will be sold and transferred to South Korea incrementally once the US Army begins taking receipt of new-production CH-47F model aircraft, a process estimated to begin in the January time frame.


The 14 CH-47Ds are currently operated by US Forces Korea in South Korea. The T55-GA-714A engines will be provided from US Army inventory located at Camp Humphrey, South Korea.


The US Army will not replace the CH-47D aircraft being sold and transferred to South Korea. This will allow the US Army to avoid transportation and demilitarization costs of approximately $13.4 million.


“The proposed sale will improve the ROK’s [Republic of Korea] capability to meet current and future requirements for troop movement, medical evacuation, aircraft recovery, parachute drop, search and rescue, disaster relief, fire-fighting and heavy construction support.”


In June, Boeing announced that it was in discussions with South Korea on “requirements for upgrades as well as newly manufactured Chinooks.” According to the Boeing announcement, the South Korean Army currently operates 23 CH-47D/DLR, and the Air Force operates five HH-47D for combat search-and-rescue missions.

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4 décembre 2013 3 04 /12 /décembre /2013 08:35
USA: Possible Foreign Military Sale to the Republic of Korea for CH-47D

Dec. 4, 2013 Pacific Sentinel


WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2013 – The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Republic of Korea for CH-47D Model Aircraft and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $151 million.


The Republic of Korea has requested a possible sale of:


14 CH-47D Model Aircraft to include T55-GA-714A Engines, 2 per aircraft

(14 ac x 2=28 engines)

5 T55-GA-714A Turbine to be used as spares.

16 AN/ARC-220 HF Radios

32 AN/ARC-186 VHF AM/FM Radios

16 AN/ARN 123 VOR ILS Marker Beacons

14 AN/ARN-154(V) Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) System

16 AN/ARC-201D or AN/ARC-201E VHF FM Homing Radios

16 AN/APN-209D Radar Altimeters

16 AN/ASN-43 Gyro-magnetic Compasses



Also included are mission equipment, communication and navigation equipment, ground support equipment, special tools and test equipment, spares, publications, Maintenance Work Orders/Engineering Change Proposals (MWO/ECP), technical support and training. The total estimated value for these articles and services is $151 million.


The CH-47Ds being considered for this sale are currently operated by U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) in the ROK. This proposed sale of CH-47D aircraft equipped with T55-GA-714A engines will be provided from U.S. Army inventory located at Camp Humphrey, South Korea. The T55-GA-714A Engines to be provided as spares will also be provided from U.S. Government inventory.


If this proposed sale is approved, the aircraft will be sold and transferred to the ROK incrementally once USFK begins taking receipt of new-production CH-47F model aircraft, a process currently estimated to begin in the January 2014 timeframe. The U.S. Army will not replace the CH-47D aircraft being proposed for sale and transfer to the ROK. This proposed sale will allow the U.S. Army to avoid transportation and/or demilitarization costs in the amount of approximately $13.4 million.


This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by meeting the legitimate security and defense needs of an ally and partner nation. The ROK continues to be an important force for peace, political stability and economic progress in North East Asia.


The proposed sale will improve the ROK’s capability to meet current and future requirements for troop movement, medical evacuation, aircraft recovery, parachute drop, search and rescue, disaster relief, fire-fighting and heavy construction support. The ROK will use this enhanced capability to strengthen its homeland defense, deter regional threats, and improve humanitarian and disaster mobilization and response. These efforts support both ROK and U.S. interests and objectives, and are consistent with strategic and regional goals. This sale is also consistent with the U.S. strategic interests for stability in the Pacific Command Area of Operations.


The ROK is capable of absorbing and maintaining this additional equipment in its inventory. The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.


The principal contractor will be The Boeing Company in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.


Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of 18 U.S. Government or contractor representatives to the ROK to provide support, program management, and training for a period of up to 2 years.


There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.


This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.



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4 décembre 2013 3 04 /12 /décembre /2013 08:28
Deux hélicoptères Caracal en phase d'appontage sur un bâtiment de la Marine nationale

Deux hélicoptères Caracal en phase d'appontage sur un bâtiment de la Marine nationale


04/12/2013 Armée de l'air


Deux hélicoptères Caracal de l’escadron d’hélicoptères 1/67 «Pyrénées» ont embarqué à bord du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle, jeudi 28 novembre 2013, afin de participer à l’entraînement organique du groupe aéronaval.


Le détachement «embarqué» de l’armée de l’air se compose d’une trentaine d’aviateurs de l’escadron (équipages et personnel mécanicien), ainsi que d’une dizaine de spécialistes de la Personnel Recovery (récupération de personnel isolé) du commando parachutiste de l’air n°30.


Les hélicoptères de l’armée de l’air participent régulièrement à ce type d’entraînement conjoint avec la Marine nationale, afin de se familiariser avec l’ensemble des procédures propres aux bâtiments navals et au survol de milieu maritime.



Le groupe aéronaval mène actuellement en Méditerranée occidentale une période de dix jours de certification, avant de mettre le cap à l’est pour rejoindre le nord de l’océan Indien et le golfe arabo-persique, dans le cadre de l’opération Bois Belleau.


Plus d’informations

Commandos embarqués à bord d'un Caracal

Commandos embarqués à bord d'un Caracal

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2 décembre 2013 1 02 /12 /décembre /2013 08:20
Snow Capped Mountains Of Afghanistan



12/1/2013 Strategy Page


A 10th Combat Aviation Brigade CH-47 Chinook helicopter crewed by members of the Texas and Oklahoma National Guard serving under 3rd Battalion (General Support), Task Force Phoenix, makes its way through the snow capped mountains of Paktya province, Afghanistan, while conducting an air assault, Nov. 27, 2013. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Peter Smedberg)

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1 décembre 2013 7 01 /12 /décembre /2013 17:45
AH-64D de la force aérienne hollandaise engagé dans l’exercice CJPRSC à Cazaux, le mois dernier photo F. Lert FOB

AH-64D de la force aérienne hollandaise engagé dans l’exercice CJPRSC à Cazaux, le mois dernier photo F. Lert FOB


1 decembre 2013 news.abamako.com (ouest-France)


A Gao, Chinois et Néerlandais vont déployer des blindés, des drones et des hélicoptères Apache. Le contingent chinois de la Minusma (395 hommes), dont l’arrivée à Bamako ne devrait pus tarder, gagnera Gao (est) où il assurera, entre autres missions, la protection des troupes (370 militaires), des drones (Raven ou/et ScanEagle) et des hélicoptères Apache que les Pays-Bas vont déployer en début d’année. C’est en tout cas ce qu’ont annoncé plusieurs élus hollandais (dont le ministre des Affaires étrangères. Cliquer ici pour écouter son interview) au cours des derniers jours. Le déploiement hollandais doit commencer en tout début d’année prochaine (cliquer sur l’image ci-dessous pour l’agrandir).


Selon le ministère de la Défense des Pays-Bas, 90 soldats des forces spéciales seront déployés, ainsi que 30 policiers, 60 militaires chargés de la mise en œuvres des 4 Apache, 128 soldats pour le soutien et 70 spécialistes du renseignement et de la guerre électronique.

Ces derniers soldats seront équipés de drones de type ScanEagle ou Raven (une demande de l’Onu) et assureront une veille aéroportée, comme l’a confirmé la ministre de la Défense Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert.


Ce déploiement confirme l’évolution de la posture onusienne, évolution déjà notée au Kivu où la capacité offensive de la force locale est désormais évidente (artillerie, hélicoptères de combat, drones). Au Mali, les petits contingents chinois ou néerlandais affichent des moyens égaux à ceux de leurs camarades sud-africains ou tanzaniens de RDC. Il ne faudrait pas, cependant, que ces moyens ne servent qu’à assurer la "force protection" des casques bleus, une protection robuste mais qui ne peut pas être sans effet positif sur la sécurisation de l’environnement civil.

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28 novembre 2013 4 28 /11 /novembre /2013 21:45
Coopération militaire : Les Pays-Bas au chevet du Mali


28 nov 2013 Mali-Actu


Le Président de la République, SEM Ibrahim Boubacar KEITA, a reçu cet après-midi à Koulouba une délégation ministérielle de haut niveau du Royaume des Pays-Bas. La délégation comprenait le ministre des Affaires Etrangères et son collègue de la Défense, respectivement SEM Frans TIMMERMANS et M. Jeanine HENNIS-PLASCHAERT.


D’autres personnalités néerlandaises étaient aussi du déplacement à Koulouba dont Maarten BROUWER, Ambassadeur du Royaume des Pays-Bas au Mali, et le Général Tom MIDDENDORP, Chef de la défense néerlandais.


Les compatriotes de Bert Koenders, le patron de la Mission intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (Minusma), s’engagent à déployer environ 400 hommes au Mali pour appuyer les forces internationales.


Le Royaume des Pays-Bas a aussi décidé de mettre à la disposition de la MINUSMA 4 hélicoptères dédiés à la recherche du renseignement.


Ces annonces ont été saluées par le Chef de l’Etat qui a exprimé sa profonde gratitude au gouvernement et au peuple néerlandais.

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28 novembre 2013 4 28 /11 /novembre /2013 12:20
L’AH-64E Apache obtient son IOC

La cérémonie de délivrance de l'IOC de l'AH-64E sur la base Lewis-McChord. Photo US Army


27.11.2013 Helen Chachaty journal-aviation.com


L’US Army annonce ce mercredi que la dernière version des hélicoptères d’attaque Apache de Boeing, l’AH-64E, avait obtenu son IOC (Initial Operating Capability), première certification au standard militaire, lors d’une cérémonie qui s’est tenue le 21 novembre dernier sur la base Lewis-McChord, dans l’Etat de Washington.


Le bataillon d’attaque et de reconnaissance 1-229, « Tigersharks » avait reçu le premier exemplaire de l’AH-64E en janvier 2013. Les premiers déploiements à l’étranger sont prévus pour 2014.


L’AH-64 Apache a été mis en service en 1984 dans l’US Army, la flotte a accumulé depuis plus de 3,7 millions d’heures de vol, dont 6 000 pour la dernière version en date, l’AH-64E.

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27 novembre 2013 3 27 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
12 China-made helicopters delivered to Cambodia


2013-11-25 (Xinhua)


Twelve Chinese-built Zhi-9 (Z-9) utility helicopters, which Cambodia had purchased from China, were delivered to the Royal Cambodian Air Force on Monday.


The handover ceremony was held at the capital's Military Airbase between Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Tea Banh and Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Bu Jianguo.


Tea Banh said the helicopter delivery was a new historic achievement in addition to numerous supports the Chinese government has given to Cambodia.


"The helicopters will be used to serve training in order to strengthen capacity for the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces in defending territorial integrity and in cracking down on offenses in remote areas," he said. "They will also be used for humanitarian activities such as disasters."


Tea Banh also highly spoke of excellent relations and cooperation between Cambodia and China under the leadership of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and Chinese leadership.


"The friendship relations between Cambodia and China have moved closer, reaching the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Cooperation in 2010," he said. "The bilateral excellent ties will bring mutual benefits to the two countries and peoples."


Bu Jianguo said that the Z-9 choppers are capable of carrying people and materials in case of any emergency rescues.


"China believes that the helicopters will enhance capacity for the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces in emergency operations in case of any disasters," she said.


Soeung Samnang, commander of the Royal Cambodian Air Force, said the Z-9 helicopters were purchased from the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC).


"They are medium-sized carriers," he said. "They will help increase efficiency and capacity for the air forces in their national defense duties," he added.


China lent Cambodia $195 million in August, 2011 to buy those choppers.

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27 novembre 2013 3 27 /11 /novembre /2013 08:25
EC725 photo Helibras Felipe Christ

EC725 photo Helibras Felipe Christ


26.11.2013 Romain Guillot journal-aviation.com


Le premier exemplaire de l’EC725 Cougar intégralement produit au Brésil par Helibras (Helicópteros do Brasil S.A.), filiale d'Eurocopter, a effectué son vol inaugural le 21 novembre dernier depuis les installations de l’industriel à Itajubá (État du Minas Gerais). L’hélicoptère porte l’identifiant BRA 17.


Helibras précise que ce premier vol intervient deux mois avant la date limite du calendrier prévisionnel fixé pour ce programme. Cet appareil est destiné à la marine brésilienne avec une livraison prévue pour le second semestre de l’année prochaine. L’hélicoptériste brésilien ajoute que sept autres exemplaires sont actuellement sur la ligne d’assemblage.


Le Brésil avait signé un contrat avec Helibras pour l’acquisition d’une cinquantaine d’EC725 destinés à la marine, à l’armée de terre et à la FAB (Força Aérea Brasileira) en 2009. Si les huit premiers exemplaires de ce contrat ont été assemblés à Marignane, tous les autres appareils seront intégralement produits sous licence à Itajubá jusqu’en 2017. Ce contrat de 1,8 milliard d’euros comprend un certain nombre de transferts technologiques avec 50% des éléments des hélicoptères produits au Brésil.


Helibras a également rappelé que l’usine Itajubá avait nécessité un investissement de l’ordre de 136 millions d’euros pour la construction d’un hangar abritant la ligne d’assemblage, un nouveau banc d’essai, un atelier peinture ainsi que la formation des employés brésiliens en France. Elle produira également la version civile EC225 (Super Puma) destinée à des clients brésiliens et sud-américains, notamment pour des opérations offshore liées aux industries pétrolière et gazière.


Rappelons que les EC725/EC225 brésiliens sont équipés des turbines Makila 2 ainsi que des groupes auxiliaires de puissance Saphir 20 produits par la nouvelle usine de Turbomeca do Brasil à Xerèm, dans l’État de Rio de Janeiro.

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26 novembre 2013 2 26 /11 /novembre /2013 20:55
Au cœur de la mission Corymbe - Episode 1



Survol et mouvements d'hélicoptères sur le pont d'envol du BPC Dixmude

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26 novembre 2013 2 26 /11 /novembre /2013 17:50
Upgraded RAF Puma takes to the skies

Puma Mk2 helicopters at RAF Benson in Oxfordshire [Picture: Senior Aircraftman James Goff, Crown copyright]


26 November 2013 Ministry of Defence and Defence Equipment and Support


The RAF has begun training on the Puma Mk2 helicopter following a multi-million pound upgrade programme.

Crews from the RAF’s 33 and 230 Squadrons are carrying out training flights on the upgraded aircraft from their base at RAF Benson in Oxfordshire.

The £260 million upgrade means that the helicopters benefit from new engines which give them 35% more power and improved fuel efficiency to allow them to fly faster and twice as far as the Puma Mk1. They also have highly advanced digitised glass cockpits and upgraded liquid-crystal display instruments.

The Puma Mk2 can fit into a C-17 Globemaster transport aircraft, which means that it can be transported anywhere in the world and, crucially, can be ready to deploy in support of both combat and humanitarian missions in just 4 hours.

The aircraft, with improved ballistic protection, is capable of carrying up to 16 fully-equipped troops. Twin cargo doors and low rotor downwash make it ideal for transporting personnel and equipment in and out of confined urban environments.

Puma helicopter deploys personnel
Assets and personnel are deployed from RAF Benson to the Stanford Training Area in a newly-upgraded Puma helicopter [Picture: Senior Aircraftman Tommy Axford, Crown copyright]

The Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, Philip Dunne, said:

With its greater range, endurance and payload the Puma Mk2 helicopter will give the Royal Air Force significantly enhanced, agile capability in support of combat and humanitarian operations in even the most austere conditions.

In 2012 we committed to spending £12.1 billion to ensure our helicopter capability remains up to date. The delivery of the Puma Mk2 will further strengthen our world class helicopter fleet, which recently saw the introduction of the upgraded Merlin Mk2 and upgraded Chinook Mk4s.

Outperforming expectations

Puma Force Commander, Group Captain Nigel Colman, said:

The Puma is a remarkable aircraft and its ability to operate in urban and harsh conditions will see it play a key role in any future deployments. Needless to say the Puma Force are really enjoying getting to grips with the aircraft and are reporting that it is outperforming expectations.

Seven of the RAF’s fleet of 24 Puma Mk2s have so far been delivered to RAF Benson and the remainder will be handed over during the next 2 years ahead of the helicopters entering service in 2015.

A Puma Mk2 helicopter takes off
A Puma Mk2 helicopter takes off from RAF Benson [Picture: Corporal Phil Major RAF, Crown copyright]

Almost a third of the upgrade carried out by Eurocopter UK has taken place in the UK, with companies in Oxford, Oldham, Redditch, Gloucester, Boscombe Down, Basildon, Surrey, Marlow, Cheltenham and Reading contributing to the work. The remainder has taken place in Eurocopter UK’s plants in France and Romania.

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26 novembre 2013 2 26 /11 /novembre /2013 12:55
French Army's NH90 TTH helicopter conducts initial naval trials

the French Army's NH90 TTH helicopter during its flight. Photo NH Industries.


26 November 2013 army-technology.com


The French Army Aviation's (ALAT) NH90 tactical transport helicopter (TTH) has successfully conducted its initial naval trials onboard the second Mistral Class amphibious warfare ship, BPC Tonnerre.


Carried out at an undisclosed location, the trials enabled the helicopter's maximum take-off weight to be uprated to 10.6t, while additional trials, which are planned for March 2014, will lead to the helicopter's clearance for shipboard missions.


The helicopter's initial operational capability (IOC) is planned for mid-2014, when four NH90s will be available for operations.


The French Army has to date taken delivery of three of the total 34 NH90 helicopters ordered by the French defence procurement agency from NH Industries in December 2008, along with an option for an additional 34 aircraft, to help replace the army's ageing SA 330 Puma helicopters fleet.


The helicopters are scheduled to be transferred along with their operational crews from the training and induction centre at Cannet des Maures to their new unit, the 1st Combat Helicopter Regiment based in Phalsbourg in eastern France, in December 2013.


Powered by two Rolls-Royce-Turbomeca RTM322 engines, the NH90 TTH is an advanced helicopter designed primarily to perform logistics and utility transport, combat search and rescue (RESCO), as well as heliborne operations.


Also known as Caiman, the next-generation helicopter can also be used to perform casualty and medical evacuation, electronic warfare, special operations and counter-terrorism missions, airborne command post and VIP transportation.


Around 27 NH90 Nato frigate helicopters (NFH) were also ordered by the French Navy to replace its Lynx and Super Frelon helicopters, which perform anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare missions.


The helicopters have been ordered by other NH90 members, including Australia, Belgium, Greece, Norway, Oman, Sweden, Spain, Finland and Italy.

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26 novembre 2013 2 26 /11 /novembre /2013 12:35
Chinese made Z-9 helicopter. (photo K.L. Yim)

Chinese made Z-9 helicopter. (photo K.L. Yim)


Nov. 25, 2013 by Greg Waldron – FG


Singapore - The Cambodian air force has taken delivery of 12 Harbin Z-9 utility helicopters.


Aside from serving in a general utility role, the aircraft will also be used to provide relief during natural disasters, according to a report the China Daily, Beijing’s official newspaper.


The 12 helicopters were financed with a $195 million intergovernmental loan Beijing made to Phnom Penh in 2011, says the report. The deal was brokered by the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC).


The Z-9 is based on Eurocopter’s AS365 Dauphin.

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26 novembre 2013 2 26 /11 /novembre /2013 12:30
The "Defenders of the West" Squadron Meets the French Navy


25.11.2013 Noa Fenigstein - iaf.org.il


The IAF Maritime Patrol Squadron –The "Defenders of the West" – and its French equivalent met last week for a brainstorming aimed to enrich each other's instructional knowledge. "Being a unique squadron, it is very important for us to learn from other air forces around the world"


The AS-565 "Panther" (AKA "Bat" in the IAF) maritime patrol Helicopters Squadron, located in Ramat-David Airbase had a special meeting last week: teams from the equivalent French Maritime Patrol Squadron joined them at Haifa port for an enriching instructional gathering.


"The French "Panther" helicopters squadron is a sister-squadron to the Israeli "Defenders of the West" and we've met with it before", says Captain M., the squadron's second-in- command, in charge of the squadron's instructional field. "The purpose of the meeting is creating a mutual learning process and to form a base of optional cooperation between the forces".


This time, unlike previous cooperation sessions, soldiers from the squadron's technical division also took part in the project. "The "Panther" helicopter's technicians have many unique and complex missions", says Captain M. "The technical maintenance regulations are an integral part of the squadron's development, and it's important to learn from the aerial and marine capabilities of the French Navy".


AS-565 Panther photo IAF

AS-565 Panther photo IAF

The "Defenders of the West" Squadron is one-of-a-kind in the IAF and has many designated missions combining air and sea and often working with foreign air forces and navies. "We see great importance in learning from different forces, practicing with them and comparing work methods for the joint missions", adds Captain M. "The main objective is to expand and improve the squadron and simultaneously tighten the IAF's relations with air forces and navies all around the globe".

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25 novembre 2013 1 25 /11 /novembre /2013 17:50
Italian Navy Receives First NH90 NFH in FOC



Nov. 22, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: AgustaWestland; issued Nov. 22, 2013)


AgustaWestland is pleased to announce that the Italian Navy has taken delivery of its first NH90 NFH helicopter in Full Operational Capability (or Step B) configuration. The helicopter will be assigned to the 5th Helicopter Squadron of the Italian Navy based at the Sarzana-Luni base.


The Italian Navy has ordered 56 NH90s, 46 of which in the NFH variant, part of its modernization plan in order to bring its capabilities to the latest technological standards.


The Step B configuration features a range of significant advancements in mission capability including weapon systems integration for both air-to-surface missiles and torpedoes, advanced satellite and encrypted communications, a further expanded envelop for ship-based operations and in demanding weather conditions, radar and avionics capability enhancements. Starting next year, the five previously delivered Step A (MOC, Meaningful Operation Capability) helicopters will begin to be retrofitted to bring them to the final configuration.


The NH90 NFH variant is primarily designed for autonomous and joint Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Anti Surface Warfare (ASuW) missions. The comprehensive mission equipment packages allow a wide range of additional missions to be performed including Search and Rescue (SAR), maritime patrol, vertical replenishment, troop transport, medical evacuation and amphibious support roles.


The helicopter is designed for day and night operations in adverse weather conditions from the decks of ships. Because of its optimal weight and dimensions, the deck-lock system, the deck traversing system and the automatic blade and tail folding system, it can operate from small frigates even in high sea states.


The Italian Navy will benefit from a Mission Planning & Analysis System (MPAS) for its fleet of NH90 NFH helicopters. The MPAS is a multi-mission and multi-platform mission planning based on the state of the art AgustaWestland-designed Skyflight™, a multi-helicopter flight and mission planning solution that all related AgustaWestland stations currently utilize.


The NH90 is the most successful European helicopter programme ever. The total number of NH90 on order is 529 – of which over 160 delivered – by 19 armed forces in 14 countries. Of these, the NH90 NFH variant has been ordered in 111 units by Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Norway.


The NH90 programme is managed by NAHEMA (NATO Helicopter Management Agency) representing France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal and Belgium, and by the NH Industries industrial consortium comprising AgustaWestland (32%), Eurocopter (62.5%) and Fokker Aerostructures (5.5%). In the framework of the NH90 programme,


AgustaWestland is responsible for the production of the main transmission, tail drive shafts, hydraulic system, automatic flight control system, rear ramp, rear fuselage, the T700/T6E1 or CT7-8F5 engines solution installation and on-board computers. Furthermore, AgustaWestland is also responsible for the overall integration of the NH90 naval mission system for all NFH variants.


AgustaWestland's Venice Tessera plant is the new final assembly line for the NH90s ordered by Italy (Army and Navy, 60 and 56 helicopters respectively), the Netherlands (20), Norway (14) and Portugal (10) giving a total of 160 helicopters so far.

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24 novembre 2013 7 24 /11 /novembre /2013 12:55
3 lynxs anglais de la Royal Navy arrivent sur la base de l'aéronautique Navale de Lanvéoc

3 lynxs anglais de la Royal Navy arrivent sur la base de l'aéronautique Navale de Lanvéoc

22/11/2013 Marine nationale


Du lundi 18 novembre au vendredi 22 novembre 2013, un détachement d’hélicoptères Britanniques du 702 squadron de la RNAS YEOVILTON a opéré sur la base de l’aéronautique navale de Lanvéoc-Poulmic. Composé de trois Lynx MK 8, de quatre équipages et d’un échelon de soutien technique, le détachement de la Royal Navy a effectué des vols de navigation, sur terre et sur mer, ainsi que des missions d’entraînement élémentaire de lutte anti-surface. Avant son départ en patrouille avec l’un des Lynx, un AW 159 WILDCAT de l’escadron d’expérimentation 700W squadron a atterri sur la plateforme de la base de l’aéronautique navale de Lanvéoc-Poulmic le vendredi 22 novembre. Il y a effectué un ravitaillement rotor tournant. Cette manipulation est très technique, puisque l’aéronef reste avec ses moteurs et équipements allumés pendant toute l’opération.


Ce «landaway», déploiement extérieur de la force,  concourt à la formation initiale de 3 équipages avant l’obtention de leur qualification opérationnelle pour de potentiels déploiements.

L'unité était composée de trois Lynx MK 8, de quatre équipages et d’un échelon de soutien technique

L'unité était composée de trois Lynx MK 8, de quatre équipages et d’un échelon de soutien technique

Cet entrainement opérationnel permet de former les jeunes pilotes de la Navy

Cet entrainement opérationnel permet de former les jeunes pilotes de la Navy

Un détachement britannique sur la BAN de Lanvéoc-Poulmic

Un détachement britannique sur la BAN de Lanvéoc-Poulmic

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