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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 16:45
Two RAF Puma HC1 helicopters flying low and fast during Exercise Askari Thunder in Kenya.

Two RAF Puma HC1 helicopters flying low and fast during Exercise Askari Thunder in Kenya.


27 June 2014 BBC Africa


A delay in an agreement between the UK and Kenya over British army training in the country has left 900 troops uncertain of when they can return home.


The British High Commission in Nairobi says talks over a new memorandum of understanding for the UK's use of the Nanyuki training area are continuing.

The MoD said it was making arrangements to fly the troops back to the UK using commercial carriers.

Six battalions train each year at Nanyuki, 125 miles north of Nairobi.


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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 16:40
Marine russe: quatre dragueurs de mines livrés d'ici 2018


MOSCOU, 26 juin - RIA Novosti


La Marine russe recevra d'ici 2018 quatre dragueurs de mines dernier cri (projet 12700), le premier navire devant entrer en service en 2015, a annoncé jeudi le ministère russe de la Défense dans un communiqué.


Le dragueur de mines de nouvelle génération Alexandre Oboukhov, construit par  les chantiers navals Sredné-Nevski de Saint-Pétersbourg, sera mis à l'eau vendredi, selon le communiqué.


"Le dragueur de mines Alexandre Oboukhov est le navire amiral de la série. En avril 2014, le ministère de la Défense a signé un contrat de construction de trois navires de ce projet qui devraient être livrés d'ici 2016-2018", indique le communiqué.


Le dragueur de mines Alexandre Oboukhov est destiné à la Flotte russe du Nord et pourrait entrer en dotation fin 2015.


Long de 61 mères et large de 10 mètres, le navire a un déplacement de 890 tonnes. Sa vitesse est de 16,5 nœuds et l'équipage se compose de 44 personnes.


Pour lutter contre les mines, le navire est doté de divers types de dragues ainsi que d'appareils sous-marins téléguidés.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 16:40
UEC facilities will be used to create engines for fifth-generation fighter jets


June 27, 2014 by Rostec


A steering committee has been established for the PAK FA Prospective Engine Program at the Ufa Engine Industrial Association (UEIA), which is a subsidiary of the United Engine Corporation. The new division will receive most of the authority to manage the project to build the engine for the fifth-generation fighter jet. 


According to UEIA Managing Director Alexander Artyukhov, the program to build the engine for the prospective cutting-edge aircraft is currently one of the most advanced in all of Russian industry. Work on the project will be undertaken using the phase-gate system. Experts will identify key milestones with clear goals and objectives for each period.

Evgeny Marchukov, Chief Designer of the A M. Lyulki Experimental Design Bureau (a branch of UEIA), has been appointed head of the steering committee.

UEIA is the parent company of the "Engines for Combat Aircraft" UEC Division. It was awarded the status of chief designer of the prospective engine for the PAK FA fighter jet in 2013. In November of last year the technical plan was defended before a committee of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is the project's customer. In 2014 UEIA was appointed chief manufacturer of prototypes for engine parts and assembly units.

Currently, the company and its subsidiary, the A M. Lyulki Experimental Design Bureau, are preparing to manufacture the first demonstration engine for the PAK FA.  

The main structural components of the T-50 fighter (the PAK FA project) are being produced by Rostec enterprises. The power plant is being developed by designers at the United Engine Corporation. The cockpit and fuselage exterior are being prepared by specialists at RT-Chemical Technologies and Composite Materials. Avionics satisfying the requirements for fifth generation aircraft are being created by the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 16:35
Mi-17 over the mountains of Afghanistan - photo ISAF

Mi-17 over the mountains of Afghanistan - photo ISAF


MOSCOU, 27 juin - RIA Novosti


La suspension de la coopération entre la Russie et l'Otan se répercutera sur l'aptitude au combat de l'armée afghane, a déclaré dans une interview l'ambassadeur de Russie en Afghanistan, Andreï Avetissian. 


"L'Otan a décidé de réduire la coopération avec la Russie. Malheureusement, ceci aura un effet direct sur l'aptitude au combat de l'armée afghane. Apparemment, il s'agit d'une approche à courte vue de la part de nos partenaires de l'Otan, dont ils feront les frais au bout du compte. L'armée afghane n'acquerra pas l'aptitude au combat requise", a expliqué le diplomate. 


Sur fond de crise politique en Ukraine, dont l'Occident rejette la responsabilité sur la Russie, l'Otan a suspendu début avril sa coopération civile et militaire avec la Russie.  


Dans le cadre de la coopération entre la Russie et l'Alliance, Washington achetait à Moscou des hélicoptères Mi-17 destinés à l'Afghanistan: en mai 2011, l'agence russe d'exportation d'armements Rosoboronexport et le département US de la Défense ont signé un contrat sur la livraison de 21 hélicoptères de combat et de transport Mi-17VB5 en Afghanistan. Ce contrat a été réalisé à la mi-2012. Le contrat de 2011 prévoyait en outre une option d'achat de 12 autres hélicoptères Mi-17V-5 pour l'armée afghane. 


Un nouveau contrat prévoyant la livraison de 30 hélicoptères russes Mi-17V-5 (version exportée de l'hélicoptère Mi-8) à l'Armée nationale afghane a été conclu à la mi-juin 2013.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 16:35
Le Vietnam et les Pays-Bas intensifient leur coopération dans la défense


27/06/2014 Vietnam +


Le vice-ministre vietnamien de la Défense, le général de corps d'armée Nguyen Chi Vinh et le nouvel attaché militaire néerlandais, le colonel Adrianus Maria Pals ont souligné la necessité de renforcer les échanges et la coopération entre les deux forces navales dans les temps à venir.


Lors de leur rencontre jeudi à Hanoi, Nguyen Chi Vinh a particulièrement estimé les résultats de la coopération dans la défense entre les deux pays de ces derniers temps.


Le Vietnam et les Pays-Bas ont signé des mémorandums de coopération dans la défense lors de la visite officielle au Vietnam du ministre néerlandais de la Défense en septembre 2011 et celle du ministre vietnamien de la Défense aux Pays-Bas en août 2013.


La coopération bilatérale dans l'industrie de la défense, la formation de cadres et les échanges de délégations ont connu des progrès positifs, ont ils estimé.


Les deux parties sont convenues d'améliorer la qualité de la formation des cadres, de renforcer le partage d'expériences en matière de secours, de règlement des conséquences de calamités naturelles, de déminage, et de participation aux forces de maintien de la paix de l'ONU.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 16:35
Philippine Air Force receives four new UH-1 Huey helicopters

UH-1 Huey of the Philippine Air Force on display at Camp Aguinaldo. Photo Maurotongco.


27 June 2014 airforce-technology.com


The Philippine Air Force (PAF) has taken delivery of four new UH-1 Huey multi-mission helicopters at Clark Air Base in Pampanga.


Philippines defence secretary Voltaire Gazmin told the Inquirer that the four new UH-1 Hueys are part of the 21 combat utility helicopters being acquired as part of the PAF's modernisation programme.


"The four helicopters are being assembled so they can be displayed during the Air Force anniversary," Gazmin said.


The PAF will celebrate its 67th anniversary on 1 July.


The helicopters would be used by the air force to transport troops and equipment during disaster response.


The air force ordered 21 UH-1 Hueys under a PHP1.26bn ($28m) contract with Rice Aircraft Services and Eagle Copters joint venture (JV) in December 2013.


The PAF is scheduled to take delivery of three more Huey choppers by the end of July.


The helicopters are expected to enhance the country's combat, security and utility, and transport capability.


The PAF is scheduled to take delivery of three more Huey choppers by the end of July.


"There were slight delays in the unloading of equipment in Port Area because of the traffic but hopefully, we will be able to complete all these projects within the year," Gazmin said.


Manufactured by Bell Helicopter, the UH-1 Huey is a multi-mission helicopter designed for airborne command and control, aeromedical evacuation, troop and equipment transport, and search-and-rescue missions.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 16:30
Les premiers bérets verts sont déjà arrivés en Irak.Photo US Army

Les premiers bérets verts sont déjà arrivés en Irak.Photo US Army


27 juin, 2014 Frédéric Lert (FOB)


C’est l’excellent site américain Duffel Blog qui l’annonce : face à la menace djihadiste, Washington s’apprête à envoyer 10.000 bérets verts en Irak dès le début de la semaine prochaine. Comme en témoigne la photo que nous publions, un premier lot serait d’ailleurs déjà arrivé à Bagdad ces dernières heures. Cet envoi ferait suite à une demande expresse de la Maison Blanche, qui aurait demandé à Chuck Hagel, secrétaire à la défense, « d’envoyer le plus grand nombre possibles de bérets verts en Irak ». « J’étais un peu étonné par cette demande a expliqué Chuck Hagel au cours d’une conférence de presse. On aurait pu croire plus utile d’envoyer des conseillers militaires ou des forces spéciales, mais les ordres sont les ordres ». Selon certaines sources, Barak Obama aurait été lui-même étonné par la tournure prise par les événements. On évoque à la Maison Blanche une « erreur linguistique » et une « mauvaise compréhension » de l’ordre donné.


Selon le site Duffel Blog, toujours très bien informé, les bérets seront quoi qu’il en soit parachutés aux unités irakiennes engagées dans les combats, avec l’espoir que l’aura et le renom de cette pièce d’équipement suffisent à redonner le moral aux troupes de Bagdad. Si cette manœuvre devait réussir, les Etats-Unis se disent prêts à parachuter plusieurs milliers de couvre-chefs d’autres couleurs. Une méthode qui pourrait donner des idées à d’autres : on songe notamment à l’envoi de bonnets rouges dans le Sahel pour redonner de l’allant à l’armée malienne. Armor Lux est sur les dents.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 12:55
Réseau cyberdéfense : première rencontre annuelle à l'Ecole militaire


27/06/2014 Sarah Jeuffé - Economie et technologie


Mercredi 25 juin 2014, les membres du réseau cyberdéfense de la réserve citoyenne (RCC) se sont retrouvés pour leur première rencontre annuelle à l’École militaire.


Ouverte par les hauts responsables de la communauté nationale de cyberdéfense, la première journée annuelle de la réserve citoyenne de cyberdéfense (RCC) rassemblait mercredi 25 juin les réservistes et membres du réseau cyberdéfense. Près de 70 personnes étaient présentes pour cette journée dont le but était de réunir les membres et de discuter des projets en cours et à initier.


La RCC, créé en juillet 2012, est un cercle de confiance regroupant des professionnels travaillant dans le domaine de la cybersécurité. Sa création résulte d’un double constat : la nécessité d’appuyer les acteurs de la communauté nationale de cyberdéfense dans leurs actions à travers un réseau transverse d’experts techniques et non techniques du domaine et de constituer des relais vers la société civile contribuant ainsi à la sensibilisation indispensable à une posture nationale de cyberdéfense robuste.


Elle associe ainsi plusieurs organismes étatiques tels que l’Etat-Major des armées (EMA), l’Agence nationale pour la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI), la Direction générale de la gendarmerie nationale (DGGN), la Direction générale de l’armement (DGA)… tous représentés durant cette journée. Composée de 150 membres, ses actions s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la loi de programmation militaire pour les années 2014 à 2019 et dans le pacte Défense Cyber.


Durant cette journée, les chargés de mission ont, dans un premier temps, présenté leurs actions en cours. La deuxième partie de la rencontre était tournée vers l’échange autour de plusieurs projets proposés et présentés par les réservistes citoyens (RC). Une intervention du commandant (RC) Thierry Rouquet, a notamment engagé le débat sur le thème de « Cyber Sécurité : hisser les acteurs français au niveau de la compétition mondiale ».  Cette journée aura été riche en débats et en rencontres, et nécessaire pour que la RCC puisse continuer à inscrire son action en totale adéquation avec les besoins de communauté nationale de cyberdéfense et en soutien de celle-ci.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 12:45
Re-mapping the Sahel: transnational security challenges and international responses


24 June 2014 by Cristina BarriosTobias Koepf - Report - No19 -


States – whether classified as strong or fragile – and nations still matter in the Sahel, but local and country dynamics are better understood in the broader regional context.

The report underscores the necessity for a concerted and comprehensive regional approach, whose importance is increasingly confirmed by security threats that do not stop where state borders are drawn. The pertinence of such an approach has been confirmed by the appearance of ‘Sahel Strategy’ documents drawn up by different institutions, including the EU, reflecting a flexibility and a pragmatism in adapting international responses that is much needed.


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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 12:35
Nato foreign ministers finalise plans for Operation Resolute Support


27 June 2014 army-technology.com


Nato foreign ministers have finalised operational plans for the launch of a new Nato-led mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).


Established in December 2001, the Nato-led international security assistance force (ISAF) combat mission in Afghanistan, also known as Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), is scheduled to stop at the end of this year, making Afghan troops and police fully responsible for security across the country. As such, a new mission has now been agreed.


During the meeting in Brussels, Belgium, Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen said: "Today, we endorsed the detailed operational plan for that new mission, called Resolute Support. But it is the Afghans who must take the next step. The necessary security agreements must be signed soon. Otherwise, we will not be able to keep any troops in Afghanistan from next year."


"This is not what we want, but unless we have the agreements in place, it will be the only option available."


In addition, the ministers reconfirmed their commitment to provide funding to the ANSF, while making clear that the Afghan Government should also fulfil their commitment to combat corruption and contribute an increasing amount to the funding of their own forces.


Expected to begin on 1 January 2015, the non-combat training and advisory effort will use between 8,000 to 12,000 soldiers to train, advise and assist Afghan forces.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 11:40
VSMPO-AVISMA is prepared for possible disruptions of supplies from Ukraine


June 20, 2014, by Rostec


Ilmenite reserves are enough to ensure eight months of uninterrupted operation of the company’s plants


The VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, the world's largest titanium producer, has prepared for possible disruptions of supplies of raw materials due to the crisis in Ukraine. Titanium reserves will last for eight months to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the company's plants


Today VSMPO-AVISMA relies on Ukrainian suppliers, the Volnogorsk and Irshansk Mining and Concentration Complexes, for supplies of almost 100% of its raw materials to produce titanium sponge (ilmenite).


Currently, both Ukrainian factories are supplying raw materials without interruption. However, in case of possible future supply disruptions due to the situation in Ukraine, VSMPO-AVISMA has already stockpiled raw materials by filling its warehouses with Ukrainian ilmenite as a precaution. RIA Novosti reports that "there are enough supplies to ensure the continuous operation of the corporation's factories for eight months," according to Company CEO Mikhail Voevodin.


Mikhail Voevodin emphasized that currently the market has been flooded with ilmenite from African, Vietnamese, and Australian companies. Russia also has a titanium ore deposit in the Altai Mountains, which can guarantee the full raw material independence of VSMPO-AVISMA from any foreign suppliers.


"We could possibly find alternative sources of raw materials from Vietnam or Africa, for example. Due to logistics, African raw materials are one-and-a-half times more expensive. However, this will not lead to a serious increase in the cost of titanium sponge, because within the corporation ilmenite accounts for only 2% of total costs," said CEO of AVISMA.


VSMPO-AVISM  is the world's largest manufacturer of titanium ingots, all kinds of semi-finished titanium alloys, as well as large extruded aluminum products, semi-finished products made of alloy steel and heat-resistant nickel-based alloys. It is a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 11:30
L'Irak achète plusieurs chasseurs Sukhoï (Maliki)


MOSCOU, 26 juin - RIA Novosti


Le premier ministre irakien Nouri Al-Maliki a confirmé que son pays avait récemment acheté à la Russie et à la Biélorussie plusieurs chasseurs d'occasion de type Sukhoï, rapporte jeudi la chaîne BBC. 


Dans sa première interview depuis le début de la récente crise, M.Maliki a déclaré que les appareils en question pourraient effectuer leurs premières missions "dans les jours à venir", ajoutant que les Etats-Unis retardaient la vente de chasseurs F-16 à Bagdad. 


Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a confirmé vendredi dernier lors d'une conversation téléphonique avec M.Maliki le soutien de Moscou aux efforts du gouvernement irakien visant à libérer le territoire de son pays du joug terroriste. 


Les autorités de l'Irak et de la Syrie essaient de stopper l'offensive de l'EIIL, déterminé à conquérir un vaste territoire riche en pétrole. Depuis les trois dernières semaines, les commandos de l'EIIL, soutenus par les tribus sunnites et d'anciens militaires irakiens ont envahi plusieurs villes de l'Irak et des territoires situés à la frontière avec la Syrie et la Jordanie.


L'armée et la police irakiennes ont tenté de reprendre les territoires occupés par les djihadistes, mais n'ont toujours pas réussi à inverser la situation. Bagdad a sollicité l'aide militaire d'autres pays, notamment des Etats-Unis.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 11:20
SDB II photo Raytheon

SDB II photo Raytheon


TUCSON, Ariz., June 26, 2014 /PRNewswire


Latest flight tests move program closer to production


Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) and the U.S. Air Force concluded a series of flight tests for the Small Diameter Bomb II culminating in direct hits on stationary land targets. The successful tests further position the SDB II program to move from engineering, manufacturing, development phase to low rate initial production.

Using upgraded hardware and electronics during extended periods of flight, SDB II successfully acquired and engaged several stationary targets.

"Detecting stationary targets amidst the clutter of battlefield environments without using latitude and longitude presents a difficult challenge for most weapons today, but not SDB II," said Dr. Taylor W. Lawrence, Raytheon Missile Systems president. "Acquiring stationary targets with the same seeker that can identify and track moving targets demonstrates the dynamic capability this new weapon brings to the warfighter."

SDB II can hit targets from a range of more than 40 nautical miles. Its powerful warhead can destroy armored targets, while keeping collateral damage to a minimum through a small explosive footprint. The highly accurate SDB II offers warfighters the flexibility to change targets through a datalink that passes inflight updates to the weapon.

"These latest tests showcase our tri-mode seeker's game-changing capability to acquire, track, engage and destroy both stationary and moving targets in adverse weather," said John O'Brien, Raytheon Small Diameter Bomb II program director. "Upcoming live fire tests will prove the end-to-end capability of SDB II and will demonstrate the program's readiness to progress to System Verification Review and Milestone C, clearing the way for low rate initial production."


About SDB II
SDB II employs Raytheon's uncooled tri-mode seeker. The new seeker operates in three modes: millimeter-wave radar, uncooled imaging infrared and semi-active laser. These three modes enable the weapon to seek and destroy targets, even in adverse weather conditions from standoff ranges. 

The DOD has validated SDB II as a weapon that meets a critical warfighter need and has invested more than $700 million in the SDB II program.


About Raytheon
Raytheon Company, with 2013 sales of $24 billion and 63,000 employees worldwide, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, security and civil markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning 92 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control, communications and intelligence systems, as well as cyber security and a broad range of mission support services. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Mass. For more about Raytheon, visit us at www.raytheon.com and follow us on Twitter @Raytheon.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 10:55
photo Dassault

photo Dassault


26/06 Les Echos


L’assemblée générale de Groupe industriel Marcel Dassault a décidé de créer un poste de président statutaire successif, confié à Charles Edelstenne, l’actuel directeur général.


La question de la succession de Serge Dassault à la tête de l’empire Dassault , célèbre pour ses avions, « Le Figaro », l’éditeur du logiciel Catia ou encore le château bordelais, est en passe d’être réglé. A l’unanimité, les actionnaires réunis en assemblée générale ont décidé de créer un poste de président statutaire successif, confié à Charles Edelstenne, actuel directeur général du groupe.


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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:50
Pictures: J. Fechter (Armee de l'air) / Thomas Paudeleux (Air Base Cazaux)

Pictures: J. Fechter (Armee de l'air) / Thomas Paudeleux (Air Base Cazaux)


26 June Norbert Thomas- News & Press updates / EATC


On 21 June 2014 EATC planned, tasked and controlled its first A400M operation (OPCON).

The asset, which is still under the authority of the French Air Force Military Experimentation and Trials Command (CEAM/ Centre d’Expériences Aériennes Militaires) and being run by the MEST (Multinational Entry into Service Team) picked up VIPs in Villacoublay and brought them to Cazaux Air Force Base – yet indeed a symbolic first mission aside the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the French Air Force. Only few hours later the aircraft took part at a rehearsal for the upcoming French National Holiday – again on EATC OPCON.


Only a testing phase - but a special one


Missions with the Atlas on EATC OPCON will be assigned on a case by case basis.

Both French Atlas aircraft are currently and still in their trial at the French MEST – a testing facility for the French forces near Orleans: As part of their testing procedures the MEST is in part depending on “normal” air transport operations. But since the mass of the French national air transport operations and assets are being conducted under EATC OPCON, it was quite consequent to ask EATC for adequate missions.

Also for the EATC this is not a routine, but a sort of trial period - definitely not a conventional military service yet: For both facilities a win-win situation arose, because the EATC in return can already plan well ahead of schedule with a new aircraft type, creating and carrying out corresponding missions to train its personell and improve its own system.


Find more about EATC in A400M matters.

First A400M mission under operational control
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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:50
Picture: Pascal Ballinger, Martin Gesenhoff

Picture: Pascal Ballinger, Martin Gesenhoff


26 June – European Defence Agency- News & Press updates / EATC


A Distinguished Visitors (DV) Day is being held today as part of the European Air Transport Training (EATT14) in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The two-week event, coordinated by the European Defence Agency (EDA) in close cooperation with hosts Bulgaria and the European Air Transport Command (EATC), aims to increase interoperability in the air transport area.


EATT14 takes place between 15 - 27 June and is the only European multinational air transport training of its kind. It brings together 460+ participants, 19 crews, and 10 transport aircraft from 10 different countries.


EATT14: results so far


As of 24 June, more than 80 missions have taken place with over 130 flying hours. 100 paratroopers have been dropped alongside more the 32,000 KGs of cargo. The training objectives have been tailored to the needs of the different participating countries, with the missions developing on an increasing complexity basis.  Training objectives include airdrops, low level flying, and night operations – with around 10 hours of night flights having already taken place. The overall objective of the training is to achieve a far reaching level of interoperability between tactical airlift users in the area of operations and training.


Challenging Conditions


The first week of training was disrupted by severe weather conditions, which made flying conditions difficult and which caused serious and even fatal flooding in other areas of Bulgaria. Laurent Donnet, the Deputy Director of the Exercise, commented: "The flying conditions in the first week presented significant challenges for training, I would like to thank the Bulgarian authorities for the flexibility and support they have provided under these circumstances. However, in operations we need to be able to react to challenging conditions and we need to be able to do so together, that is why training events like this are so important. It allows us to pool resources and share knowledge, meaning ultimately that we can work more effecitvely and more efficiently together.”


Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Spain, and Norway have all sent transport aircraft, with Bulgaria and Greece supporting the event with fighters and a Greek AEW&C aircraft. As well as the participating countries, observers from Austria, Finland, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden, UK, USA, and the Heavy Airlift Wing based in Hungary also followed the training, with some of them indicating their intention of joining the exercise next year.




The exercise takes places within the framework of the European Air Transport Fleet (EATF) partnership, which has been signed by 20 European countries in 2011. It aims to alleviate the existing airlift shortfall in the EU as well as to identify potential projects to optimise cooperation and coordination amongst air forces in the area of operations and training. EATT is just one event held within the EATF framework, it runs alongside an annual symposium - held in Athens this year - and the European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course (EAATTC), which will take place in Zaragoza for the first time in September 2014.


Find more views about EATT at our EATT 2014 picture gallery.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:45
New Malawi president sacks army chiefs


26 June 2014 defenceWeb (Reuters)


New Malawian President Peter Mutharika sacked his army chief on Wednesday without giving any reason for dismissing a commander instrumental in ensuring a smooth transfer of power after the death of Mutharika's brother in office in 2012.


A presidential statement said army chief General Henry Odillo and his deputy, Major-General John Msonthi, had been replaced with immediate effect. It gave no further details.


Odillo and Msonthi, both former diplomats, became embroiled in a constitutional crisis that blew up in April 2012 in the landlocked southern African nation after the sudden death of President Bingu wa Mutharika.


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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:45
Growing African armoured vehicles market worth $1.2 billion by 2024



26 June 2014 by defenceWeb


The demand for armoured and counter-IED vehicles in Africa is expected to reach $1.2 billion by 2024 as the market shifts to North Africa, the Middle East and Asia, according to a new report.


The Global Armoured and Counter IED Vehicles Market 2014-2024 report said that budget cuts in Europe and the United States and the withdrawal of the US and its allies from Iraq and Afghanistan have shifted the market to the Middle East and Asia. The report predicted that the global armoured and counter IED vehicles market is expected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.33% during 2014-2024.


The Asia Pacific followed by North America are expected to be the largest armoured and counter IED vehicle markets with cumulative market share of more than 55%. Demand for mine-resistant, ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles from the Middle East is expected to be robust due to security concerns in the region. Saudi Arabia and Israel are expected to lead the armoured and counter IED vehicles market in the Middle East.


The establishment of production facilities in the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Algeria will further boost the armoured vehicles market in the region, especially as these countries export to their neighbours.


In Africa, security threats are increasing the defence budgets of African countries, especially the growing threat of Islamist militants. Despite limited budgets, a number of modernisation programmes and procurement initiatives are valued continent-wide at up to $20 billion over the next decade for armoured and tactical vehicles alone, according to forecasts at the Armoured Vehicles Africa conference in July 2013.


The conference predicted that of the $20 billion to be spent in Africa by 2023, Algeria will account for most spending. The country is buying around 1 200 Fuchs APCs from Germany, which will assemble them in the North African nation. Algeria is also jointly producing the NIMR vehicle in conjunction with the United Arab Emirates and recently ordered more than 300 T-90 tanks from Russia.


Algeria’s neighbour Morocco is also upgrading its armour, having recently received 88 BearCat APCs. Libya, slowly rebuilding its armed forces, recently ordered 350 BRDM wheeled reconnaissance vehicles and BVP-1 infantry fighting vehicles.


Nigeria is a large market for armoured vehicles and is procuring many diverse types, from China and the West and has unveiled its own indigenously produced APC as well.


Some of the big spenders identified by the conference include Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa, although North Africa is the biggest market. An indication of the state of the market came earlier this month when Streit Group signed a deal for 480 armoured vehicles with a North African country.


Due to the Badger infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) programme in South Africa, which will see the delivery of 238 vehicles over ten years, the market for MRAPS is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.1% over the forecast period there. Projects Sapula and Vistula are also expected to contribute to market growth in South Africa (these projects will replace Pumas and Casspirs and acquire new trucks).


According to South African vehicle manufacturer BAE Systems Land Systems South Africa, the company is seeing new vehicle projects emerging with an uptick in business expected in 2016 in both police and military markets. Demand is expected to come mainly from Africa, the Middle East, South America and Eastern Europe.


“A lot of African and European countries will, within the next few years, need to start replacing old and now obsolete armoured vehicles that are now 30 to 40 years old,” Land Systems South Africa business development and communications director Natasha Pheiffer told Engineering News recently.


South Africa, long regarded as a leader in armoured vehicle development, sold 452 new and refurbished armoured vehicles to 20 different countries in 2013 alone, in deals worth R2.421 billion.


Certain African countries face notable threats, including Mali, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Sudan. Conflict in these countries has driven the armoured vehicles market and alkso resulted in international peacekeeping forces becoming involved and even supplying vehicles – for instance, the United States has arranged the supply of Puma vehicles to Mali.


Due to the growing demand in Africa, many foreign countries are offering their armoured vehicles to the continent, such as Russia, China, Italy, the UAE, Serbia and the Ukraine.


According to the Global Armoured and Counter IED Vehicles Market 2014-2024 report, infantry fighting vehicles are expected to dominate the wold armoured vehicles market with a share of 28.1% while the market for MRAPs will decline. The demand for Main Battle Tanks is projected to increase, with the market size of MBTs expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.18% during forecast period. Armoured Personnel Carriers are expected to record a marginal increase.


Peacekeeping missions, security threats, the rise in asymmetric warfare, international peacekeeping missions and modernization initiatives are expected to channel more funds towards the armoured vehicles market. However, challenges to the market include global budget cuts, the withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan by the United States and its allies and the high cost of high tech armour solutions. In addition, the increase in demand for refurbished vehicles poses a threat to new projects and unmanned systems are increasingly taking the place of manned armoured and counter-IED vehicles.


On the technology front, the report noted that hybrid engines are becoming increasingly popular while vehicle-mounted directed energy weapons, using laser beams, will be the new weapons for armoured vehicles, the report said. Other technological developments include E-Camouflage technology and active protection systems.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:45
Menace djihadiste : l'Union Africaine entre en conclave à Malabo

AQIM network - source criticalthreats-org March 2014


26/06/2014 Par Malick Diawara - LePoint.fr (AFP)


La réplique à la progression des groupes djihadistes en Afrique est au coeur du 23e sommet ordinaire de l'organisation panafricaine.


Dès les travaux préparatoires du sommet qui s'achève ce vendredi, la question de l'extrémisme religieux islamique a été abordée, marquant l'inquiétude réelle et grandissante des chefs d'État et des ministres face à ce phénomène qui puise souvent l'essentiel de son inspiration dans des visions proches de celles d'al-Qaida. Parmi les hauts responsables présents à Malabo, il y a le nouveau président égyptien, le maréchal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, et le secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, entre autres. Aux prises elle-même avec des groupes terroristes islamistes, l'Égypte marque ainsi son retour sur la scène continentale, après la suspension de l'Union africaine dont elle a été l'objet après le coup d'État ayant renversé Mohamed Morsi.


Désormais, le continent a pris conscience de la réalité de la métastase terroriste islamiste. Pas une région du continent qui ne soit concernée. Du Maghreb à l'Afrique centrale, en passant par l'Afrique de l'Ouest, la corne de l'Afrique et l'Afrique de l'Est, al-Qaida, Boko Haram, shebabs et autres groupuscules n'arrêtent pas de semer désolation et mort.


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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:40
Quatre observateurs de l'OSCE libérés par les rebelles pro-russes en Ukraine


27 juin 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Donetsk (Ukraine) - Quatre observateurs de l'OSCE qui avaient été enlevés le 26 mai par des rebelles pro-russes ont été libérés et sont arrivés dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi dans un hôtel de Donetsk, place forte des pro-russes dans l'est de l'Ukraine.


Ils ont été libérés sans condition. Il s'agit d'un Danois, d'un Turc, d'un Suisse et si je ne me trompe pas, d'un Estonien, a déclaré à la presse le Premier ministre de la République de Donetsk autoproclamé par les séparatistes, Alexandre Borodaï.


les quatre observateurs libérés sont apparus fatigués et tendus et ont refusé de parler aux journalistes.


Nous nous félicitons du retour des quatre membres de la mission après 31 jours d'absence, a commenté le numéro deux de la mission de l'OSCE en Ukraine Mark Etherington.


Nous sommes très préoccupés par le sort de nos quatre autres collègues, a-t-il poursuivi, en faisant allusion à une deuxième équipe de l'OSCE retenue depuis le 29 mai quelque part dans l'est de l'Ukraine par les rebelles prorusses.


M. Borodaï a précisé que les observateurs de l'OSCE avaient été détenus par un chef rebelle de la région voisine de Lougansk.


Les dirigeants séparatistes à Donetsk et à Lougansk affirment régulièrement ne pas contrôler dans leur région tous les groupes paramilitaires qui luttent contre les forces ukrainiennes.


M. Borodaï a par ailleurs annoncé que les combattants prorusses s'étaient emparés dans la soirée d'une base militaire ukrainienne située à Donetsk, après quelques heures d'affrontements armés.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:40
Another super quiet sub for Russia’s Black Sea fleet

Project 636.3 Varshavyanka class diesel-electric submarine (RIA Novosti / Vitaliy Ankov)


June 26, 2014 RT.com


St. Petersburg shipbuilders have launched an improved Kilo-class submarine for Russia’s Black Sea fleet. Armed with cruise missiles, this diesel-electric stealth sub is believed to be the quietest in the world, and so was dubbed ‘black hole’ by NATO.


The multipurpose, low-noise and highly maneuverable Varshavyanka-class (Project 636.3) submarine is named after the city of Rostov-on-Don. Construction began at the Admiralty Shipyard on November 21, 2011.


It is the second Varshavyanka submarine out of six planned for the Black Sea Fleet by the end of 2016. Unlike the fleet’s main forces stationed in Sevastopol in Crimea, these new submarines will use the port of Novorossiysk as their home base.


Armed with 18 torpedoes and eight surface-to-air Club missiles, Project 636.3 submarines are mainly intended for anti-shipping and anti-submarine missions in relatively shallow waters. They have an extended combat range and can strike surface, underwater and land targets.


The prototype Varshavyanka submarine ‘Novorossiysk’ is undergoing tests in the Baltic Sea, and in early 2015 is expected to make a two-month journey around Europe under its own power to its home base.


At present, there are two more Project 636.3 submarines under construction: work on the ‘Stary Oskol’ began in August 2012 and on the ‘Krasnodar’ in February of this year.


In the 1990s and 2000s, Russian shipwrights constructed a number of previous version Kilo-class submarines for export. According to open sources, China operates 10 Russian-built Kilo-class submarines (Project 636 and 636M). Vietnam possesses two Kilo submarines (project 636.1) and is expecting four more, which are at various stages of readiness. Two Project 636M submarines have also been delivered to Algeria.


On Friday, the Admiralty Shipyard will launch a state-of-the-art mine sweeper, the ‘Aleksandr Obukhov’ (Project ‘Aleksandrit’); its entire 62-meter hull is made of monolithic fiberglass. It took over a year to form the hull, which has no magnetic signature, in a specially designed matrix. The ‘Aleksandr Obukhov’ is the largest plastic-hulled ship ever made in Russia. The vessel is capable of detecting and destroying all kinds of modern sea mines, even if they are silt-covered.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:35
EX RIMPAC 14 - HMNZS CANTERBURY berths in Pearl Harbour


27.06.2014 NZDefenceForce


Personnel, ships and aircraft are concentrating in Hawaii for EX RIMPAC 14, the world's largest maritime military exercise involving 23 nations and more than 25,000 personnel.

HMNZS CANTERBURY berthed in Pearl Harbour on 26 June 2014 local time.

The NZDF is also contributing a light infantry platoon from 1RNZIR, a P-3K2 Orion aircraft with supporting personnel, and the Operational Dive Team and a Mine Countermeasures Team based out of San Diego.

There are more than 250 NZDF personnel participating in this six-week-long exercise, which covers a wide spectrum of military training activities ranging from Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief to complex warfighting.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:35
La Corée du Nord teste avec succès un missile tactique


27 juin 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Séoul - La Corée du Nord a annoncé vendredi une percée dans ses capacités de défense après le test d'un missile tactique de haute précision répondant à des tirs d'exercice effectués par la Corée du Sud le long de leur frontière.


Ce missile de pointe a été développé sous le contrôle personnel (du leader nord-coréen) Kim Jong-Un qui a assisté à l'essai, selon l'agence officielle KCNA.


La Corée du Nord n'est pas connue pour détenir un arsenal de missiles tactiques guidés mais l'analyse d'un film de propagande récent suggère qu'elle pourrait avoir fait l'acquisition d'une variante d'un missile de croisière anti-navires de fabrication russe, le KH-35.


KCNA n'a pas précisé la date de l'essai du nouveau missile mais l'annonce semble coïncider avec des tirs de trois projectiles à courte portée en mer du Japon (ou mer de l'Est selon les Corées), dont la Corée du Sud a fait état jeudi.


Le Rodong Sinmun, organe de presse officiel du parti unique nord-coréen, a publié vendredi des photos du test tactique en présence de Kim Jong-Un selon qui l'engin accroît la force de frappe préventive du pays.


Comme il le fait systématiquement dans des termes dramatiques, le régime nord-coréen a fustigé jeudi les exercices à tirs réels réalisés par la Corée du Sud près de leur frontière commune en mer Jaune.


Ces exercices constituent une provocation irresponsable, a estimé l'armée citée par KCNA, affirmant que les unités combattantes nord-coréennes se tenaient prêtes à lancer une frappe dévastatrice en représailles. Elles n'attendent que l'ordre du commandement suprême, a-t-elle ajouté.


Des experts avancent que le Nord cherche à attiser les tensions sur la péninsule avant la visite attendue du président chinois Xi Jinping en Corée du Sud la semaine prochaine.


Pour Yun Duk-Min, spécialiste des questions de sécurité nationale à Séoul, la mise au point d'un missile tactique par Pyongyang représenterait, si elle était avérée, une menace militaire manifeste pour la Corée du Sud et les bases américaines sur le sol sud-coréen.


Début mai, des images satellite analysées par l'institut américano-coréen de l'université Johns-Hopkins avaient révélé que Pyongyang avait testé la propulsion d'un ou plusieurs missiles intercontinentaux balistiques (ICBM).


La Corée du Nord a récemment multiplié les tirs d'essai de missiles en mer et semble très avancée dans les préparatifs d'un quatrième essai nucléaire sur son principal site d'expérimentation atomique de Punggye-ri.

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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:35
La Royal Australian Navy en formation sur MRH-90!


25/06/2014 avia news


La Royal Australian Navy (RAN) a débuté la formation de ses équipages d’hélicoptère MRH-90 en vue de l’utilisation sur navire amphibie (LHD). Ce début de formation en vue d’une utilisation du nouvel hélicoptère depuis des bâtiments de surface s’effectue depuis un simulateur de pont d’envol.


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27 juin 2014 5 27 /06 /juin /2014 07:30
Ready For Takeoff: Graduates of IAF Pilot Course 168 Receive Their Wings


26.06.2014 Noa Fenigstein – iaf.org.il


The graduates of IAF Pilot Course 168 officially became aircrew members. On the graduation stage at the Hatzerim airbase, in front of their loved ones, the graduates received their pilot wings, for which they worked hard over the past three years


With the sun beating down at Hatzerim airbase, wearing their blue commissioned officer uniforms for the first time, the graduates of IAF Pilot Course 168 stood on the graduation stage today and received their pilot wings one by one. After three years of uncompromising expectations, the cadets burst with pride in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Defense Moshe (Bogie) Yaalon, IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz, IAF Commander Major General Amir Eshel, as well as their family and friends and became new aircrew members of the IDF and the IAF.


Upon receiving their pilot wings, the graduates ceased to be cadets and officially became part of the Aerial Combat Division of the IDF. Each and every one of them will be sent to the IAF's operational squadrons and will execute complex, strategic missions for the security of the state. Graduates, starting tomorrow, you will part of a leading air force in the world: the IAF, a deterring, decisive and defensive arm of the State of Israel", said the IAF Commander during the ceremony. "At this very moment, soldiers from the IAF, both in the air and on the ground, are joining the effort to locate the kidnapped boys. The IAF's activities over the last week have made clear that the Middle East remains a dangerous place that the IAF plays a central role on all fronts and against all threats".


For the first time ever, the IAF Pilot Wings Presentation Ceremony did not include the traditional airshow, but rather a modest, symbolic flyover because of cutbacks in resources.


This year's ceremony marks a decade since the inception of the F-16I Division. In 2004, the first F-16I planes landed at the southern airbase in Ramon and began a new era in the IAF. Since their arrival, the jet-fughters have become the backbone of the Combat Division, with four operational squadrons. They have flown to countless areas in thousands of flights on a wide variety of missions in order to preserve the security of the State of Israel and to protect its citizens.


"From now on, you will spread your wings and take on your responsibilities. From the heart of the country to regions far beyond its borders, from the ground to the highest limits", said IAF Commander, Major General Amir Eshel. "We trust you and expect you to perform your missions and hope that you return safe and sound".

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